My heart goes out to you. The fact that you are standing tall and speaking the truth so eloquently annoys them, but you shall win.

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With some intelligence, a little "liquid luck," and a whole lot of "Are You F'ing Insane?!" and "Over My Dead Body!" tempered with "do you care to read the latest mask study, adverse events information, Ivermectin study?" and a little, "do you know how much Pfizer made on the Covid vaccines?" or "bio-weapon research should NOT happen any more, don't you think?" or, "maybe getting every single Ukrainian killed is not helping their nation, much?"

Or any other shred of reason they might possibly be able to comprehend?!

I think it's going to take a lot of "Good cop, Bad cop," plus really intelligent targeted resistance.


Natural & Herbal Medicine

Zero Energy Homes

Victory Gardens

More Free Press

Resistance to Indoctrination

Dropping Major Corporations & Pharma Controlled Medicine,

Finding Independent Doctors.

Tax Resistance

I don't wish to see another civil war in America, or "WW lll" played out even stronger than it is right now.

But at some point with the issues building up, people will finally have had enough. I hope we are there; if they bring up mandates Nationwide perhaps we will find out.

Finally, exposing and prosecuting the perps.

Our true end goal.

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🗨 keep in mind, each one of those points of control adds another potential point of failure to the machine. It’s a lot to monitor, maintain, and enforce. It’s the sort of thing that builds a lot of resentment, a petty, daily irritation that keeps people in a constant state of anger, searching for an outlet. Sooner or later, the pressure will come, then the cracks, then the failure.

(h/t @Librarian of Celaeno here on stacks)

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Is spam and malicious link. I reported user because of same thing on another Stack.

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Calling this a Kafkaesque trial is by no means an exaggeration and is precisely why I interwove these excerpts from “The Trial” into my article about Sucharit Bhakdi’s own experience with the German injustice system (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-prof-dr-sucharit):

“Someone must have slandered Josef K., for one morning, without having done anything truly wrong, he was arrested.”

“‘When you are acquitted in this sense, it means the charge against you is dropped for the moment but continues to hover over you, and can be reinstated the moment an order comes from above.’”

—The priest

“‘There can be no doubt that behind all the pronouncements of this court, and in my case, behind the arrest and today’s inquiry, there exists an extensive organization. An organization that not only engages corrupt guards, inane inspectors, and examining magistrates who are at best mediocre, but that supports as well a system of judges of all ranks, including the highest, with their inevitable innumerable entourage of assistants, scribes, gendarmes, and other aides, perhaps even hangmen, I won’t shy away from the word. And the purpose of this extensive organization, gentlemen? It consists of arresting innocent people and introducing senseless proceedings against them, which for the most part, as in my case, go nowhere. Given the senselessness of the whole affair, how could the bureaucracy avoid becoming entirely corrupt?’”

—Josef K.

“‘… your guilt is assumed proved.’ ‘But I’m not guilty,’ said K. ‘It’s a mistake. How can any person in general be guilty? We’re all human after all, each and every one of us.’ ‘That’s right,’ said the priest, ‘but that’s how guilty people always talk.’”

—The priest and Josef K.

“‘The judgment isn’t simply delivered at some point; the proceedings gradually merge into the judgment.’”

—The priest

“What has happened to me is merely a single case and as such of no particular consequence, since I don’t take it very seriously, but it is typical of the proceedings being brought against many people. I speak for them, not for myself.”

—Josef K.

* * *

While Sucharit received a triumphant “Not Guilty” verdict, the prosecutor immediately appealed the decision, so the Kafkaesque trial drags on. (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/i/133003377/candles-for-sucharit)

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The man knew what was what.

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Isn't it odd to see what seemed like normal people suddenly go buzz, click, zap, a puff of steam from out of the ears and wham, they are fascists! I had a friend who did just that. He now just wants anyone who has a different option to be locked up. He relishes the idea of climate lockdowns. He believes only msm with a religious fervor. It has become near impossible to remain friends because his ideology is so evil and anti-human. How... How did this happen? He seemed so normal. He never tortured puppies or laughed at suffering before? Why didn't I see the signs? I'm confused and treat everyone with suspicion now. Will they snap and just shoot me one day when I least expect it? How have I been so blind?

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I sympathise (I see exactly what you describe , here in UK but it’s the same set of characteristics we’re seeing all over the world )

The Bible describes the ‘last days’ of this wicked system like this :

“ But know this, that IN THE LAST DAYS , CRITICAL TIMES HARD TO DEAL WITH WILL BE HERE. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection , not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, WITHOUT LOVE OF GOODNESS, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power ; and from these TURN AWAY” - 2 Timothy 3:1-5

Do you , personally see that in your part of the world ?

Whether anyone believes God’s Word or not, I, myself , have lived a long time (I’m in my 80s) and have seen with my own eyes how people have become worse and worse in their thinking processes and consequently their behaviour , so I am not puzzled ...it was foretold to happen, along with many other signs to watch out for so we would know we are definitely in these ‘last days’

So, You certainly should not castigate yourself for being ‘blind ‘ dear friend Why? “....the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one” - 1 John 5:19

Maybe you’d like to investigate and examine the ‘GOOD news’ though of what will happen soon....(go on jw.org )...

I’m sure we are all so sick of bad news all the time!

I send love & prayers to all who are searching for satisfying answers

Thank you for reading this contribution

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I am not especially religious, but I have noticed a lot of people awake to the scam seem to be. It's making me reconsider.

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I was an atheist when young , no hope for the future, had no answers to all the “big” questions (why are we here etc) so I did what you just said…reconsidered In my particular case , by examining the Bible with the help of people well acquainted with the original languages it was written in , but at the same time they practised what they preached! (For eg The lady who first asked me to look at a particular verse on a question I asked, never retaliated or raised her voice when I angrily grabbed her Bible and said “this is just toilet paper dear , not the Word of God…there IS no God etc etc and why has your God made my son have cerebral palsy …what have I done to deserve that ?” And a whole lot more angry accusations to this poor soul standing there looking at me with such empathy Well, I was about to arrogantly tear her book to pieces to prove my point (I was so poor at that time period I could not afford toilet roll!) She carefully retrieved her book asking me not to tear it as it was her only copy and she too was poor, and she would bring me some loo roll if I had none! And she did! Well, Most religions I’d ever seen were hypocritical and would have retaliated without the dignity she showed (for example : I went through WW2 here in Uk and when I asked the local priest why so-called Christians in Uk were killing other Christians in Germany when I’d thought Christ had said you are all brothers and to love one another etc …he just said “there is no answer…get out of church and go support the War or you’ll go to hell!” So, all that sort of hypocrisy finally drove me to atheistic communism at the time, hoping therein lay the answer! Lol As time went on , learning more & more of the true results of Marxism, I soon came to the conclusion that NONE of the political or religious systems had any answers, because , (like myself) , they are ALL imperfect and all seemed to be corrupt at the top. So, looking back I was astounded to see in my first Bible study the following words “from the prophet to the priest each one is practising fraud and they try to heal the breakdown…saying “There is peace!” when there is no peace” …(I went on to find out why) So , I continued my studies with an open mind and got satisfying answers as time went on . 60 years later I’m still learning, everything that has been foretold to happen I have seen with my own eyes over all these years so I have peace of mind amidst it all and am not fearful of the future I thank God for the truths found on jw.org and I sincerely hope you find answers to your questions dear friend wherever you may search Thankyou for your thoughts

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I knew you were a brother since the very first sentences. Greetings to you!

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Greetings dear Kostas! People like CJ here are revealing important truths about this wicked system that adds to the evidence that we already know? But that was foretold to happen too wasn’t it! Luke 8:17 comes to mind! Agape love from (sister ) Jaqui

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Thanks for the reply! I completely agree with you. We are witnessing the unfolding of the biggest of all the prophesies, that of the last days. Sometimes, I struggle to maintain my neutrality, but surely I can't help but keep being informed about the tactics of the wicked. I try to remember all times Jesus' words in Mathew 22:21. Reading your personal story I assumed you were a male! I didn't expect some much aggression by a woman! Anyway, all that was left behind you the moment you decided to renovate yourself and wear your new personality. Take care sister and may Jehova keep blessing you!

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I never thought to live through Revelations.

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there is abook published by pierre jovanovic called 777. I have not read it yet, but it is about the Wall Street crash of 2008 ( minus 777,7) and the St John apocalypse.

It seems to have been translated in many languages ( amazon) and to be a " bestseller".

I saw recently a video of the author ( very interesting man) and he says that we are in what was predicted in the st john apocalypse Just a thaught sharing.

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Yes Msr Jovanovic has written many books on a variety of topics hasn’t he? The Apostle John did have the future revealed to him , and so far every word has come true . Jesus told his followers “you received free, give free” so Maybe you’d like a FREE version of the interpretation of the whole book of Revelation? It’s here on https://www.jw.org>en>library >books>Revelation As a student of God’s Word, I’ve studied every word over many years and can’t fault this explanation so far . See what you think? (I think the book you mentioned by Monsieur Jovanovic’s costs around $15 or so? However, he doesn’t cover the whole 22 chapters of Revelation, but the site above does …everything is free on there, a bit like Substack, people can donate if they wish etc ) So maybe have an interesting read and you can make up your own mind if it’s true? Hope you are well and happy Moon Much love from Jaqui thanks for sharing

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thank you jacqui. What a lovely message. I did not grow up with the bible not beeing raised in the protestant church.

But i am surely interested in what is said about it and will look at what is said.

And yes i am happy. I am not wealthy, but always had enough. And for many this should be contentment if not happiness. And again thank you for your lovely message.

Much love to you too

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Well I don't think it's about "mass formation" or mass hypnosis or psychosis but what Detrick Bonhoeffer called "collective stupidity", the human defect that prevents openness to reason or facts;..."the inner liberation of man begins by living responsibly before God. Only then may stupidity be overcome."

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Dietrich Bonhoeffer‘s Theory of Stupidity --> youtu.be/ww47bR86wSc 🔥👌

Exclusively beautifully drawn and narrated ~5 min 😊

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Thank you and excellent video on Bonhoeffer who has a lot to offer in addressing today's human problems and failings; he knew then that society's problem was a MORAL one regardless of what form of tyrannical regime took power; it starts with the loss or relinquishing of individual identity or sense of self or soul; such a loss leads to human weakness and weak or little moral character and dependence on mob mentality and leaders of even less moral stature; our vulnerability, laziness and cowardice contribute to a "reactive stupidity" even among those considered most independent and intelligent; the powers that be understand this (as they always have) and use this knowledge to take full advantage in the pursuit of their own nefarious goals.

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If there was no OSS which became CIA i might agree. However , as a hypnotherapist i can see mass brainwashing by State Propaganda ( msm). This is absolutely Manufactured Consent and Group Think

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hello jane,

here in europe ( not UK) it was every day, every hours on every tv channel or the mainstream press " counting the dead" of covid with the lugubre shots of the italian army lorries at night. So bad that i made really morbid jokes about it with some friends. The worst the things, the more i laugh ( at it). Perhaps to give me courrage.

Covid was presented as an ailment worst than the black plague. As i am old, it was not that bad for me, not really scared of dying. My kids though were scared i would die. But i stayed at home as i don t have to work.

For people with young kids or even with a job, the goverments pressure were terrible. Everywhere in europe

Nobody expect our own government to be evil.

But i think, as the banking system is broke and on the point of collapse soon, they want to get rid as much as possible of invalid and pensionners. So much money to save. From the first vaxed already many are dead or very ill.

I think all western governments are in cahoot and no politician is to be trusted. As for the legal system, rotten to the core.

Resist. I am not vaxed

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ty for your comment. Here in the USA, it was on every MSM ( main stream media which frankly people REALLY need to start using the phrase, " State sponsored propaganda posing as news" ) channel. On every bus, train, AD, highway sign, literally EVERYWHERE> I agree with you that it is Global AND it was implemented to do many things including eliminating all the pensioners. This is why the elderly and the disabled were targeted first. Its literally the Nazi T4 program.https://www.britannica.com/summary/T4-Program) As a Jew AND a parent of vaxx injured adult kids ( one vaccine each in 1988 and 1999) I saw the absolute sheer evil of ALL of it almost immediately. Ive lost my entire family whether through injury and death via the death shots or estrangement due to them taking the shots and ostracizing and harming me personally. This is beyond human evil. And yes, we must all now resist. Those that stayed quiet and complied ( not me) MUST stand up.

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Yes it is very difficult for many to believe that western states and doctors have become malevolent. We all thought it was " others" who did it and not those among ourselves.

Or at least the ones among ourselves ( hitler) were the exception.

It is not " the exception" and it is all about money.

I read recently " the tower of Basel" by adam lebor.

It is about the BIS ( bank for international settlement). A bank established first to settle the war debt of germany to france after the WO 1.

Behind the scene this " central bank of central bankers" have financed through UK and US high finance the second WO.

And at the moment they are taking all measures to implement digital currency.

Adam Lebor has done a remarkable job with research.

Plenty of notes and references

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The "mass brainwashing" only works in those most vulnerable in the first place; that may be the majority of the masses but there have been exceptions with resistance coming from those who maintained their independent thought and critical thinking; quite right about "manufactured consent" and "group think" but those also are part the propaganda strategies of lies and deception which are mostly directed at the most gullible and non-critical among us.

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are you familiar with the book Propaganda by Bernays? He literally proved he could get almost all American women to smoke in the late 1920s onward. Its not just people who are weak. As a trained Hypnotherapist I can assure you that ideas can be planted in ALL peoples minds even if they arent aware. I do think those that are anti authority are the least susceptible.

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That's true as well.

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The DNA altering jab has certainly changed their mindset, l've seen it with my own friends and family, their empathy and compassion has been diminished.

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Personally I have watched vaccines do this to people, toddlers especially, for decades.

They are changed by them, and not in a good way. And the "highest frequency" individuals, those with strong empathy, intuition, and intelligence appear to be injured the most by them.

Covid Injections are the worst, certainly, but the Injections called vaccines have been plugging out kids into "Arhiman" or "Mamon" for generations now. And disconnecting them from their higher selves and the Holy Spirit as well.

That's my observation and personal opinion. Cannot prove it, but I feel I've watched it happen. This is to blame for a certain amount of the immorality and lack of compassion and common human decency we are witnessing play out around us. It proves to me that Rudolph Steiner was right.

However, with God all things are possible, so pray without ceasing that all those injured are Healed, and that the plans of the Evil Ones are exposed for all to see.

God is Great. And with God, all things are possible!


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The banality of evil.

It's almost becoming a curse to not be an NPC.

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"How did this happen?" Please allow me to take a crack here, as I have experienced many of the same things.

I think the question here (and perhaps the answer) revolves around the process of how ideas become sacralized, or how ideas shift from the realm of the political, social or scientific into the realm of the sacred.

I'd say prior to 2015/6 most of my politically engaged friends could be passionate (even strident) about things like the environment, gay rights, civil rights etc, but as long as you weren't spewing hatred or blatant idiocy at them, they could sensibly reasonably discuss and debate these things (for the most part); but now these ideas have somehow become sacred, meaning not just up for debate but things to be defended to the death, with dissenters marked as evil blaspheming enemies.

(I just read this description of the sacred in Jacques Ellul: "There is the untouchable, or that which cannot be called into question. This defines the boundary of the sacred. One can argue or joke about a given idea, a given behavior, or criticize a given reality or person. Then, suddenly, one is brought to a halt by an icy coldness or a flush of anger. One has just attacked what the other holds sacred. No argument, no friendship, no understanding or good faith can survive such an offense. In this matter one may not laugh. Criticism is not acceptable. The very being of the person seems under attack.")

My feeling is that the intense eruption of tribalism, mostly caused or at least energized by our modern systems of communication (smartphones + social media + constant internet access have created the greatest brainwashing tools ever invented), have put such constant tribal pressure on people, mostly because living inside the digital panopticon means that the safest bet is to adopt the most extreme beliefs of your chosen tribe and to be seen as a fierce warrior for them, that they have somehow backed themselves into joining a fundamentalist political religion.

And I think the only way out of this would be some kind of cult deprogramming, but on a mass scale. Hopefully this will pass with time, but definitely not anytime soon, and definitely not as long as the Orange Beast still roams the land.

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Very well said. I was guilty of said tribalism to a certain extent. But when people started celebrating people losing their jobs - that’s when I started to wake up and take a step back. Then I listened to Malone on Joe Rogan, started watching Jimmy Dore and Russell Brand and was red pilled…

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in times of intense tribalism like ours it is very difficult to maintain your own sanity and the integrity of your own mind—assuming you even know or care about these things!

we are tribal/herd/group animals and most of the time this just means interdependence and community, but when shit gets crazy your tribe is like a mafia that wants to make you an accessory to all their crimes and power schemes.

especially in this unprecedented media/information environment where we're bombarded with more events and opionions in one day than 90% of our ancestors were in a lifetime, it is a daily challenge to maintain any kind of serene independent mind. Good luck!

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Sanity is a collective project ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

🗨 Our politics, our culture, and our public discourse swing to new extremes of derangement. Getting swept up in mass hysteria is just one type of insanity. Resisting it takes a psychic toll. Those who try often succumb instead to despair, depression, addiction, extremism, and conspiracy theories. I speak here from experience – I too went a little crazy during the Covid years. The experience confirmed that I cannot stay sane alone. At key moments, friends and allies said the right thing to me at the right time and brought me back to sanity.


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Sadly many of the things we explore down rabbit holes turn out to be true. Yes we must have fellow patriots to connect with. Unless were lucky enough to have family.

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"mostly because living inside the digital panopticon means that the safest bet is to adopt the most extreme beliefs of your chosen tribe and to be seen as a fierce warrior for them"

Reminds me of this talk by Edward Dutton on mid-wits. Around 11 minutes in - adopt the mainstream ideology, but take it to the extreme.


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Yeah, it really is somewhat unexplainable is it not? How so many otherwise sensible and reasonable people could turn like this.

Is some kind of interference with their brain too far fetched proposition?

Maybe it is just us humans in our glorious diversity. Maybe something very sinister at play here. After all we all have been exposed to the vicious msm propaganda yet reacted to it differently. Even "lighter" example: of dancing medical drs and nurses which, for starter's, was just ridiculous given the circumstances, yet most people saw it in the prescribed by SMS light of support and solidarity. And we looked and thought "wtf" (?). Maybe some are only able to think what they're told to think, and don't possess "dot connecting" ability (?).

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Yes. The tic tok dancing nurses and drs were a dead giveway. I couldnt believe people couldn't see right through it. Had older people like my dad seen these tic tok videos they might not have fallen for it all. Sadly most elderly werent watching tic tok. The shots killed my mother jan 28 2023

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There is a spanking good article on "Stupid People," and the 5 laws governing them I read recently. (Sorry, I don't remember which Substack thread it was in.)

But the points it made resonated tremendously. Fact- there are way more of them than the rest of us realize, and they are very, very dangerous, as they can "believe" and promote literally insane stuff and never ever grasp exactly what an end-of-the -world type of scenario they are actually creating.

About 2/3rds or 3/4ths of the population fall into this category, the "ignorant" as the Buddhists more appropriately call them, and frankly they are the ones who are at fault for most of the huge and horrible human catastrophes in history, as the handful of Sociopaths and Psychopaths would be fairly powerless if they couldn't command an army of easily mind-controlled minions to carry out their insanities.

So beware, very very ware!

We have left our lives in their hands for decades and decades now, inside the United States, and they are busily killing us and denying it as they jab us with their murder weapon, or sexually assault our children, or bankrupt us with unpayable debt, destroy the currency, start wars, and, and, and, and!

We must revolt, stand up independently, jump out of their systems, and watch them "crash the car," it appears to me, as

nothing good can come of the course our "leaders" have chosen, whether their choices have been governed by ignorance or malevolence.

Since they lead to the same destination it can be impossible to determine which one is running the show. But is up to us to NOT go alone with either one!

And if 1/3 or 1/4 of Americans said "Hell No!" I do believe this Disutopian Nightmare would end, NOW.

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You just described my sister. She destroyed me.

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Consuming large quantities of fluoride increases impulsivity. The groundwork for large scale personality modification was laid down well in advance of the plandemic.

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Aug 24, 2023
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Of course. Thrice.

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I’m still angry and hate the idea of handing money over at my small town bar to people who smile because they like me but don’t know I’m unvaccinated. We both know they are fascists but I know more.

It’s ruined. The fantasy of community. They showed themselves

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It's wild isn't it? Knowing these same people turned on you, their families, communities, their country, and will do so again at the behest of the Man On TV.

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They signalled the virtue they didn’t have

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The irony of fascists using anti fascist laws to attack an anti fascist because he called out their fascism...

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Quite right! But that's the strategy that has always been used; disseminating the propaganda of lies and deception to cover their true motivations and goal to achieve total dominance and control; like so many others the German legal system has been compromised and have become complicit in promoting and maintaining the totalitarian designs of the world's puppet-masters.

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Exactly. The intention is to demoralize. Once demoralized control is much easier.

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The same happening in the US, the UK, most parts of Europe, most parts of the English speaking world but also in South America.

I've experienced EXACTLY what you are talking about - I'm involved with a large organisation, they indulged in a classic example of 'pro-black-anti-racism' but really it was thinly veiled 'anti-white-racism'. I called out the organisation involved and their little Stalins turned on me for breaking their 'designed-to-demoralise' diversity rules. So I went through the whole kangaroo court process, proved them wrong, their lefty lawyers backed down. Now they're trying to get me on some microscopic 'offence', we'll demolish their student politics on that one also.

WE MUST FIGHT this crap but it is expensive and annoying. 'DEMORALISING' your enemy is a classic Marxist tactic. China is behind more of this than most realise, via their poodle the UN.

We are at war, the worst kind of war; mind bending, subversion, blackmail, treachery, bullying, cheating, lying, soul destroying...THE CANCER OF RESURGENT WORLDWIDE COMMUNISM...IN 2023.

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It is growing increasingly difficult and frustrating to try and have rational discussions with irrational people. Some of the people that I have the most difficulty communicating with are the very souls who encouraged me to push back against and question the world, to make my own decisions. One thing is for sure, I have a newfound appreciation for the power of psychological warfare and it has created a pretty intense self examination of the things I think I know.

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ReachingPeople.net has good resources, videos to try to help us get better at getting our message to land as we hope. It's a bit dry, classroom-ish. But has a lot to teach. And it takes practice, repetition.

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Happy birthday, CJ. I'd love to say I know how you feel but I've never had a phalanx of Nazis try to take me down. However, I do know that not long after 9/11--I was then living in New York--that I declared we were living in a police state and people would roll their eyes. What I didn't say but wanted to was, you fucking imbeciles, you have no idea what you're talking about, no idea what's coming down the pike.

A parable comes to mind, Chicken Little and his falling sky--you trying to warn the townspeople of impending disaster only to be rudely and unceremoniously blown off. Only in this version not only do they want to discredit you, they insinuate that you're not even a chicken, that you're a fox, or a maybe hyena who plans to prey on the most vulnerable of society. They want to make an example of you and run you out of town, but not before making you a humiliating spectacle. The way all dictators operate is to scapegoat anyone who calls out their tyranny and demonize them; they whip up hatred in the indoctrinated masses who are then set upon the target, if not to literally tear him to shreds, then to wreck him emotionally and psychologically.

I read something today that struck me, a quote about the importance of words-- that if you put an "s" in front of "word," it becomes "sword." Words cut, they stab, they can even kill, which is why they are so dangerous to despots, and why they are going after you with such a vengeance. It must be frustrating as hell to know you're innocent and to be treated like a criminal, but stay straight, rider, and do not let them sheathe your sword. We need your words now more than ever.

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And then when the sky falls as predicted, the same people don't notice it, or blindly go along with it, or *celebrate it*.

How many mea culpas have you received? I'm sitting at zero.

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I actually don't need the apology as much as I need people to wake up. I like that CJ exhorted his readers to talk with those who are in denial. After 3 years of trying to win her to my side, my sister told me the other night that she would not get any more jabs. I was relieved to hear that. She said it with such sadness and resignation that I have to believe she's deeply disturbed that she was conned--that after two vaxes and a booster she got covid anyway. I said nothing. Before this, I'm pretty sure I would have said I told you so.

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That's a mea culpa in my book, good on her finally getting there.

I do want to see apologies from a good number of people after how they treated me, their own children, their community. And full accountability placed on the psychopaths who imposed it all.

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My Mum said she wouldn't have any more shots after the 4th one. She got covid anyway, then long covid - fluid on the lungs still there 6 months later. She knew I didn't get it and was stood down from my job for 9 months. She thought I was mad but my peaceful example finally came home to roost.

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I'm sorry about your mum and sorry you were barred from working for 9 months. Never in the history of the world has such unconstitutional tyranny been meted out for a phony health emergency. It's unconscionable and the people responsible should be tried for murder.

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It's all about control over the message. Freud's descendant, Edward Bernays, created the public relations industry and famously won over the feminists of that day and age who were all about voting rights for women, to engage in a NYC parade, while demonstrably smoking cigarettes...a social no-no during that post-Victorian era. That demonstration exemplifies Mind-Control writ large.

Fast forward to advertising agencies and public relations firms and to the total control over mass media...specifically and currently so-called "social media" institutions whom are totally in bed with the Agency. Generation by generation a deliberate dumbing down of the general public, whether by that media mesmerization meme or via a public educational system which is cleverly calculated to eviscerate critical thinking capabilities...and you then have focus on the general principles of systemic mind-control.

Central to the battleground is the concept of semantics: Prime example is the cleverly staged "Patriot Act" which was the concomitant of the 9-11 Inside Job. Properly, their semantic trick can be turned upon itself by referring to it as the Patriot Suppression Act. Now doesn't that make a whole lot of common sense as applied to the war on We The People? Another one is Eisenhower's "Military Industrial Complex". That's a bit complex for the average Murrikkkan to comprehend. My preference is the "WarDefenseIndustry". It's all about defending profits for those like the Rottenchild Crime Clan and the Rottenfeller Crime Clan's holdings in Lockheed-Martin, Raytheon, ad nauseam.

Emphatically, we must NEVER use their terminology...their semantic tricks...brought to us by those nice folks like General Electric Theatre, which featured Ronnie Raygunz as their spokesman who dulcetly intoned: "Remember, at General Electric, PROGRESS is our most important product".

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This has been mentioned repeatedly in Facebook discussions, that we must not employ the language that those who would oppress us use. It's shocking how many Americans don't know anything about Edward Bernays and his mass indoctrination, nor do they know that the US school system was set up not to educate, but to groom future workers to be compliant and obedient. They did a pretty bang-up job, didn't they?

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Ol' Man Rottenfeller, the archetype of the Robber Barons, went for the throat on his "competition is a sin" agenda by means of weaponized "philanthropy". Not only did he fund Columbia University's first college of edjumacasion anywhere across the fruited plain; he also chose a pair of "intellectual giants", John Dewey and James Bryant Conant ,to administer the program. Dewey famously remarked (slight paraphrasing here) that "we do not need these people to learn serious history, geography, the Classics or calculus; we merely require them to work in our factories, shops and offices as well as provide us with nourishing food". This agenda was established shortly after the end of WWI. Columbia's college of education served as the original template for such institutions right across the country. Initially, many of these establishments were called "Normal Schools". Know something? I pretty much hate the term "normal" and it's dancing partner "well adjusted". Some years back I encountered a test developed by the state of Kansas which was given to 8th graders who needed to pass it for graduation and possible admittance int high school. My calculation while reading it was that I could barely pass. My thoughts at the time was that because of hyper-specialization in grad schools, that the average PHD in whichever field would have extreme difficulty with said exam for 1906 8th graders. Why? The test was quite comprehensive and though overly focused on agricultural matters for this day and age; the exam was all about general knowledge. A significant proportion of folks who sport a series of letters at the tail of their surnames are quite ignorant in fields outside their areas of specialization.

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Here it is, the Eighth-Grade Final Exam from 1895 😊 --> www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/p_test/1895_Eightgr_test.htm

Sections for Grammar, Arithmetic, U.S. History, Orthography, and Geography. An endeavour for some six hours.

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Thank you so much, Daiva. Hoping that many of the posters check it out and archive it. I just did so before this response. Even a cursory scan of the test should convince anyone that educational standards in the U$$A have deteriorated massively since John D. Rottenfeller massively financed that college of ed-ju-ma-casion at Columbia University. Bob Dylan tells it well: "Money doesn't talk, it swears".

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🗨 Verbum Vincet = words conquer

Whose motto is that? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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@daiva, thanks for the link. Geez. Did you see their IG page? The comments are bizarre.


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Two things.

One, your books, FWIW, are available in clown shit show Canada.

Two, this post is timely. Tell you what happened to me yesterday. I got into a spirited conversation with a stranger on social media. I only recently joined because of certain circumstances and had no intentions of engaging with anyone. But I responded to someone in a thread asking them if they know about the Coutts Four (here in Canada).

The Coutts Four are four guys who were arrested by the highly corrupt RCMP for allegedly being in possession of assault weapons and planning an 'insurrection'. No charges have been formally laid and they've been sitting in jail for over 520 days without being allowed to post bail. Due process. Poof. Rule of law. Poof. Just like that.

But the signs were all there under Justin Trudeau. The CF happened during the trucker's convoy. Remember, how Justin responded? Justin had been practicing and sharpening his totalitarian skills and impulses during the SNC-Lavalin scandal where he overtly breached the rule of law along with his pal Gerald Butts. A pair of Westmount white trash graduates and authoritarians. Westmount is a wealthy enclave in Montreal and one of the wealthiest in Canada.

The person, getting back to the discussion I triggered, said those people deserved it because 'inshirreckshun'. Of course, it was NEVER established there was ANY kind of insurrection planned in Canada. No one stormed Parliament. All they did was demand Justin resign (which he should) and end the absurd mandates that Justin was cynically using as a political wedge. Did some protestors get a little excited? Sure. Like all protests. Was the honking excessive? Perhaps. But it ended after a couple of days. It was all revealed during POEC where the government's position was basically "Fuck you this is how we saw it and we ain't telling because 'Cabinet Privilege. Trust us. Truckers were using babies as human shields." This last part? Yes, Justin Trudeau did say, under oath. exactly this. A bald-face and arrogant lie. Indeed, every Minister who got up there lied through their asses. Chrystia Freeland was just out of her mind. So what was evident to all and any of sound mind - that is, the government didn't prove their case about the Emergencies Act - wasn't for the lackey activist Liberal judge Paul Rouleau. His ruling was essentially 'yeh well, I'm not sure about any of this but I will trust the government here and say they met the threshold'. Which was a TERRIBLE conclusion for the country. Then Justin got up there and grinned. He repeated the same routine when he appointed another Liberal lackey 'rappateur' to investigate Chinese interference in our political elections. And lo and behold - ta -da! - he found no funky business going on. Wink.

So that's Canada under Justin Trudeau. And that's just scratching the surface. Many Canadians don't see it. I mean, like, at all. That's how sound asleep they apathetically are. We're the best and most decent country in the world is their assumption. None of that could possibly happen in Canada!

The media portrayed the truckers as, well, you know, right-wing criminals. They managed to not report on the protests with any accuracy or fairness. The truckers were the enemies. One journalist for CTV news even doxxed some protestors and truckers. MacGregor was his name I believe.

Normie Canadians were now firmly propagandized and the road was open for the government to crush civil liberties as the normies cheered on.

Like this person, I engaged. But there was a breakthrough. After my explaining to him in three different ways WHY what was happening to the Coutts Four was unconscionable and a direct assault on our Bill of Rights, natural law and centuries of Western legal principles, it finally sank in.

I personalized - as opposed to dehumanizing - what was happening. I explained to him how would YOU like it if he were arrested and then denied bail and held without charges for over two years losing his business and family in the process. How is this remotely justifiable in an ostensibly free and open democracy? It's not.

IF they're guilty, then let DUE PROCESS work its thing and the system will determine the appropriate punishment. But the fact we're denying their basic rights is the issue here. We don't even deny bail to far more dangerous people who pose an obvious threat.

No one is talking about this outrageous situation in Canada. Not the mooching CBC, not the bootlicking bums at CTV, not lazy propagandists at Global, not the fake leftists at the Toronto Star, or even conservative or right-leaning outlets like the National Post or Ottawa Citizen. It's all coming from alt-media.

And they claim we have a 'free press' in Canada. GTFOH.

This is a story that should be leading ALL publications. I finally made the person understand this is something that affects ALL OF US regardless of political tribe. He admitted he found this strange and would like an explanation. Breakthrough! But there are still many totalitarians who cheer it all on. A recent example is what's happening to Jordan Peterson. Go read the comments and observe how many people say 'Good' not because Peterson is 'dangerous' but because they DISAGREE with him.

The West is in a very bad place. Including the U.S. With murmurs swirling that our governments are going to try and reboot COVID Fear 2.0, I expect things to get far worse. Why not? We consented before. That's enough for psychopaths to move forward. I don't know how many of these so-called normies have woken up. Hopefully enough so that they bolster our ranks to make a loud enough 'NO!'

We'll see.

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Very insightfully and accurately analyzed! Sadly the person you describe learned nothing from your exchange and is a classic example of much of the brain-dead masses found world-wide; ideologies, totalitarians, psychopaths, etc. are not born overnight but start with the individual; when personal identity and sovereignty are weakened and lost, then humanity becomes vulnerable and easily manipulated to be formed into just another slave class; modern technology made this nefarious process a means to dumb down the masses in more ways than ever before; Marshall McLuhan warned us that this was coming and why it was necessary to maintain a critical and analytic mind to be able to understand what was happening to us; unfortunately for humankind there are far too many who are "woke" as opposed to being AWAKE!

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> We consented before. That's enough for psychopaths to move forward.

I tried, god did I try my best to warn friends, family, acquaintances about the precedent being set from the beginning in Feb/March 2020. Deaf ears and vitriol in response.

"It's the New Normal, dummy."

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Fellow awake Canadian here and you summed it up perfectly. Child molesters and murderers are let out on bail -- with community "warnings" upon their release -- while the C4 languish in remand centres. This country is disgraceful and I have no doubt the vast majority will comply again with whatever idiotic measures and mandates are imposed.

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There is a quite disturbing inability among the Anointed Ones and the modern NPC masses to spot a trajectory, *even as they're experiencing that trajectory*.

I put it down to cowardice. A refusal to push back when walked back a mile, a hundred metres, or even a single step. An abandoning of lines in the sand.

I've tried for 10+ years to shine a light on the road we're on, and it's *still* "you're overreacting!", "that's not happening!", "conspiracy theorist!" as we're twenty miles back from where we started. The normalisation process is terrifyingly powerful.

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They spot the trajectory just fine, but as long as they still have the whip hand, they're fine with that.

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There's absolutely a brand of them who are Messiah Complex psychopaths who would stop at no evil or atrocity in order to reign supreme, to try to realise their Utopia.

But I think most of the Anointed Ones in the Expert Class and Activist Class are largely useful idiots and halfwits.

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Your crime is reminding Germany of a history it would much rather see forgotten. For that sir, you are guilty, and I congratulate you.

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Excellent advice: keep talking to others. Many intuit that something is off, but are thrown by the fact that government an media are carrying on as if all was normal.

We are now in the "show me the man, I'll show you the crime" stage of the revolution. We need to hunker down and make it to the "revolution eats its own" phase. And pray that that phase is not 40 years down the line.

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Would it not be helpful to ask readers who are able to reach some of their previously unreachable friends, neighbors, family members to share their success stories with us, if they can? Could we learn from these about what worked, what helped break through the fog and expose the truth?

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Excellent idea. To avoid getting that blank shutdown stare, I find if you manage to insert a small dollop, a small personal experience as part of the convo, hopefully they will ask a question about it, most likely not. Don’t belabour it let it percolate through. Keep on the normal conversational theme.

I actually have two wins this way, no more shots (injured) and the couple feel the govt is trying to keep us in a perpetual state of fear. Quite a reversal.

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This is precisely the kind of information we will need to help us work with others who might be susceptible to learning the truth. More important, sharing the numbers of successful "conversions" is most helpful. Thanks.

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"Would it not be helpful to ask readers who are able to reach some of their previously unreachable friends, neighbors, family members to share their success stories with us, if they can? Could we learn from these about what worked, what helped break through the fog and expose the truth"

It is a long ongoing process of scattering seeds and bombs. You have to be in live performance mode.... you're being watched, not likely or NEEDING to befriend or be liked. Ain't gonna happen.

I get stage fright whenever I leave the apt but when I'm out, I'm fine. Like on stage. I never know what will happen or what I'll do now. Everytime i go out it's improv.

But I was raised Quaker as a kid and even though they'd lose it on me and I'd have to take long marathon beatings that might go on for days with breaks to recharge, my complicated folks taught me like how the freedom bus riders had to practice not hitting back. I got that down and only defend myself when I've been physically attacked, which I have been, up to a few years ago. But my mouth still gets me in trouble but ...so be it. It feels too good and I know my words tend to haunt folks for the rest of their lives. For better and for worse that's my gift, my triumph.

My revenge.

Because when someone loses it on you, their neuroses are naked to you.

And my words keep me free and full of energy so it's rarely worth it to shut up and behave. But I'm a girl and satire/comedy is different for us rare women. We really piss off people ...that's why folks snap and lose it on me and try to make me pay and suffer.

You've gotta be a little bent and sadomasochistic to court and play with this.

That's why I hope CJH Fucks that little ichabod crane with the right acid words so he stays fucked and haunted forever.

I'm catching hell but also befriending the right co-conspirators, like just an hr ago when it took me two hours to make it 2 blocks.

So that's what I can share.but even when being sadistic, you've gotta not hate em. Teach a lesson for fun but in a way you could come back from later. As in you're trapped with your nemesis in an elevator... be cool, shrug and tell they had it coming and you'd do it again.

Have fun stay cool don't count on an outcome and NEVER take it personally.

You'll lose your cool.

Thing is that'll make em crazier but that's also how I court allies who dig and get what I'm doing.

Followers and sheep are swayed by seeing others act certain ways in public. That's why CJH right as a thespian about us all telling OTHERS.

That's essentially what live theatre like little black box would help to do in the old days. "OH! That's what such a conversation could go like!"

Now we're cast out, theatre is live in real life where and whenever we are. Never waste a moment.

As a colored girl I give open time for folks to talk to me because it messes with the white supremacy crap because no one would EVER confuse me for a house nigger or uncle Tom or sambo.

When I first gave in and voted trump after i did sanders first, i warned folks up front at my gym so wed not waste pleasantries only to have them turn on me when it'll hurt, the white folks here in san fran babbled incoherntly and backed away, BUT all these young brothers surrounded me to tell me they secretly were conservatives but they caught hell for it and for a few days it took me a few hours of talking to them.

I hadn't any idea my little admission would open up secret worlds and deep conversations.

So pull the zip ties and see what happens. Don't take anything bad personally. Be cool and ma y will return, maybe years later, as happens with me.

It's all gonna take the time it takes.

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A really excellent post C.J. - thanks. It is sometimes disorienting to experience the level of crazy out there among my friends and family - after years of "Russiagate" - years of "Trump Derangement Syndrome," years of the "Covid" nonsense, and now on to the "Ukraine war" propaganda. Since all of it has been shown to be complete nonsense - at least for those of us reading credible alternative media sources - I somehow I think unconsciously expect that others have reached similar conclusions regarding how we've all been gaslighted non-stop year, after year, after year.

In a recent phone call with my best friend of over 40 years I was carefully treading the minefield of rational discussion about the actual "real world" when out of the blue he immediately melted down into "can you imagine what will happen if that Trump is elected again?" "It will be the end of democracy in this country!" I seriously didn't know whether to laugh out loud or to weep. The truth of it is my friend is a well educated very kind and humane human being - but like many other people here in there U.S. - he is completely and totally detached from "reality" - in that way that characterizes the avid NPR listener & PBS watcher. My friend's "default position" of immediately accessing his DNC approved - Trump Derangement Syndrome anxiety - as soon as the conversation approached the actual "real world" so took me my surprise that I was basically speechless. I did manage to stifle my instinctive - "WTF!?" - knee jerk response and remain calm, but I guess my point is that we are facing a very difficult task indeed in attempting to reach people and in some way alter their thinking in the course of our intermittent relatively brief human interactions and exchanges - when they will immediately counter that exchange soon after with hours of MSM propaganda. I think C.J.'s recommendation that will focus on "where this is going" is certainly our best bet - because getting people to review and reassess all the lies they've credulously swallowed over the last few years isn't going to get us anywhere. : /

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A standout feature of Covid hysteria is the lack of correlation between intelligence, education level, age, .... and how likely a person was to fall for any of it.

Mad Kev and his wife Big Helen from down the pub saw right through it from the start, but corporate C-suite Harvard grads fell for it hook, line and sinker.

Working class comedians raised the alarm years ago, while esteemed authors on propaganda like Noel Chomsky were all in on the tyranny.

Maybe it's a conformity and cowardice thing. We live in times of very strange bedmates being the norm.

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The intelligentsia, academics, churches, etc. did not just fall for it but were complicit both openly and silently; there were rare exceptions and many of them paid a heavy price as they still do today, Jordan Peterson and Karen Kingston being two well known examples.

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Crisis of capital = Fascism. It's all in the historical record, plain for all to see (who care to look). We've been down this road before; 'first they came for CJ Hopkins then they'll come for you', to paraphrase. If we don't stand up for CJ it won't be long before they come knocking for us and don't forget, Kafka wrote 'The Trial' at precisely that pivotal point in the 20th century, it's why he wrote it in the first place! CJ, as much as I hate Paypal, I'll send you some dosh anyway.

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What is the road out of Totalitarianism?

It is making new systems that we the people control, plugging them into the current systems through representatives willing to decentralize their leadership into citizens assemblies or swarms, then using new and improved and decentralized and transparent versions of Human Swarm Intelligence to govern.

If you never heard of swarming we implore everyone to read this and consider the implications for all of humanity:


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Citizens Assemblies are in practice just another quasi-institution that become infested with Wokies, activists and special interests. A legitimized vehicle for on-narrative totalitarianism.

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They are corruptible if they are not transparent and decentralized. Just like any system. You cannot classify them unless you classify how they are run. Every centralized system is a vehicle for totilitarianism. And every decentralized and transparent system is a system for freedom. You can have groupthink Citizen's Assemblies. Or you can SWARMS. But if you do not understand the difference, then we cannot even have the conversation. If you truly want to understand it more, may we suggets reading the book The Starfish and The Spider? Or start here: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/embrace-decentralized-systems-fear

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I have experience in the real world not just theory, they either immediately or gradually turn into a vehicle for The Correct Narrative. Those who have the time or inclination for these things are largely activists, busybody wokies and paid actors.

Haven't read about swarms, will have a look.

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Wow, this is exciting! Thank you from me, too!

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Thank you!

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