Heartfelt thanks to everyone buying the new book and spreading the word ... thanks to you, one day after its official release, it's a Barnes & Noble bestseller, and #1 bestseller in various political categories on US and Canadian Amazon, and is selling well all around the world! We might be a minority, we "Science-denying, anti-vax, conspiracy-theorizing, domestic extremists," but we're a large minority.

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I’ve got your book in the cart along with my preorder of Mattias Desmet’s “Psychology of Totalitarianism”! Now I’m glad I’ve gotten waylaid on your interview questions as I want to read this first and then can do a book pitch for you with the interview.

Are you aware of the greatest threat to freedom, democracy, and humanity on the uncomfortably near horizon, CJ? Namely, the WHO’s attempted leap to One World Tyranny via the proposed international pandemic treaty and, more urgently, the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) to be voted on at the upcoming (historic as they hardly ever meet) May 22–28 meeting?

I recently had a Zoom meeting with Dr. Tess Lawrie, World Council for Health Steering Committee member Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, and their tech guru Devyn. They are already working with James Roguski, who has been covering this extensively in his pandemic treaty series (https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/pandemic-treaty).

We are all joining forces to stop the WHO, and I will be writing a series of articles on this over the coming months. Our ultimate goal is to spur all 194 member states to withdraw from the WHO, which would simultaneously deprive them of their funding (except for the Gates Foundation and similar philanthroparasites) *and* authority since they wouldn’t have anyone left to boss around.

For more details and a list of vital resources, see the section on #StopTheAmendments, #StopTheTreaty, and #StopTheWho at the end of my last post:

• “Dialogue with a Curious Injectee” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dialogue-with-a-curious-injectee)

My response during the WHO’s public comment period last month provides additional information:

• “Letter to the WHO” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-who)

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I am glad that Desmet's book will be out in English soon! (I saw that there's a Dutch version already.) Somehow I doubt that, for example, the Harvard Bookstore -- one of the oldest independent bookstores in Cambridge, Maskachusetts -- will carry Desmet's book, just as they have refused to carry _The Real Anthony Fauci_ even as it's a #1 bestseller.

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Maskachusetts 😆

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I cannot claim credit for this coinage, sadly. Even more sadly, it was on the official road signs on the interstate highways as you crossed into MA: "Welcome to Maskachusetts". The Cambridge health department even made their own version:


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😳 They have elevated meta–self-parody to the level of Duchamp (“Fountain”-flavored).

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I have to correct myself: The Harvard Bookstore does have Desmet's book available on its online system for pre-order. But RFK Jr's book is still AWOL, except now as a $300 two-book boxed set!

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Wow ! - I have it as a .pdf. $19 ? I think. So glad I got it b4 I went broke by making a Loan to Cryptorecovery.biz!!

Got to page 30-odd so far. An amazing work. "Priceless" !

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RFKs book is easy to buy at a reasonable price, just not from the Harvard Bookstore! The book is an amazing work.

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So long as it ensures the sooner demise of millions they will be happy. Only when the "security" forces start dropping dead will anything change.

World Population trebled since I have been around. Educate or kill. They take the Kill route bcoz education - unlike killing- is not a money spinner for them.

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Aliens coming across the border don't need deadly vac sine so they could become the new obedient security

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"I’m not exactly a hothouse flower, but I have to admit that watching my liberal friends and colleagues go goo-goo for actual swastika-tattooed, Sieg-heiling Nazis has rattled my nerves a little bit."

If this scenario were written into a Hollywood script prior to this year it would have been rejected as too implausible reminding us once again truth is stranger than fiction.

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This is what liberals do though, isn't it, in their useful idiot role? They get all the toys, all the time, and then get to do all the whitewashing afterwards.

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For me the use of obsolete labels like liberal and conservative only serve to muddy the issue of the real problem. Most Americans agree about so many issues like universal health care and taxing the rich but dividing our uni-party into two theoretically opposing groups prevents uniting to oppose that.

Once upon a time, before Trump derangement syndrome infected the media, traditional liberals were anti-war and pro-bodily autonomy; many still are but the media now calls anyone who objects to mandated jabs a right wing, Qanon conspiracy theory racist.

Only the dividing forces benefit from labels as opposed to individuals and actions it's not a liberal or conservative problem it's a corrupt oligarachy and lapdog propaganda media.

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Universal health care is a bridge to Medical Tyranny so, no, most Americans don't agree.

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Made me laugh as if corporate run medical system didn't put us right here.

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Corporate run medical care is a product of government intervention into the health care field.

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You are right, of course. I just see our corporate-run medical system as the precursor to universal health care: inescapable protocols which take away the rights of patients.

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While more people die of medical neglect in the USA, the cobbled-together system of healthcares will make it difficult to control the populace in one fell swoop - which is too easy in socialised medicine countries.

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We already have medical tyranny. It's called private "health" insurance and Big Fucking Pharma. And as a matter of fact, most Americans DO want a single payer, Medicare for All system.

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I do not agree that most Americans want the government as a shareholder in our health care decisions although it already is. The "corporate-run medical system" is a misnomer. We are already caught up in a universal health care system funded in large part by the US taxpayer where protocols are rigid and patient choice is limited.

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That makes literally no sense. Are you saying private health insurance and privately paid for medications are government funded? If I pay for my own health insurance and prescriptions, it's actually the government paying for them?

In any case, it is a fact that a majority of Americans would favor a single-payer health care system, if they had any actual say in the matter, but since this is anything but a democracy, they don't. Both wings of the permanent duopoly fight like hell to prevent a single-payer system. It sounds like you support both of those nearly identical parties.

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You know Medicare is broke, right? Health insurance and Big Pharma are products of government intrusion into the health care profession.

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Medicare is not broke, but we do live in a time where everyone can believe whatever makes them feel good about themselves.


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I didn't see this until COVID.

Moved to Australia, my medical bills were negligible (I couldn't afford medical care in the US, and couldn't afford to get sick). Was thrilled I could see a doc anytime, and was covered for hospital care. Had a layer of private cover too, to help with acupuncture, physio, podiatrist, etc.

THEN came COVID, and scales fell off my eyes. The government pays, the government knows all, the government mandates, and the government punishes those who do not comply.

My friends who complied have NO IDEA what it was like for those of us outside compliance. I can no longer hide in the crowd.

All the infrastructure is now in place for total globalist totalitarianism - just throw a switch, and it's on.

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No it is not. We already HAVE medical tyranny!

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Most Americans DO NOT agree in universal health care, taxing the rich or any of the myriad socialist gimmicks that have captured so many to become dependents of the state.

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Your own opinion is fine your own facts really won't work. You're wrong.

Sep 29, 2020 — 63% of U.S. adults say the government has the responsibility to provide health care coverage for all, up slightly from 59% last year.


Mar 24, 2021 — Overall, 55 percent of voters said they support Medicare for All, according to the Morning Consult/Politico survey, a level that is unchanged https://morningconsult.com/2021/03/24/medicare-for-all-public-option-polling/

Apr 12, 2021 — Biden wants to increase taxes on big corporations and the wealthy. Pollsters keep finding broad public support for the plan.


Around two-thirds of Americans say they support a “wealth tax” on billionaires in an effort to close the wealth gap in the country, ...


Most Americans, including nearly half of Republicans, support raising taxes on people making at least $400000 while keeping the current tax


Sep 22, 2021 — 68% support raising taxes on wealthy Americans and 62% say the same for raising the corporate tax rate.


Oct 16, 2021 — It's not always clear what the public wants. But a new poll shows strong support for taxing the rich


In this presidential election season, poll after poll has found that most Americans support making the ultra-wealthy pay more in taxes.


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Well, since we are expressing opinions, and cutting and pasting collectivized biased opinions (which is what polls are), and my polling of family, friends and business associates contradicts your very left of center polling sources, I guess we will have to disagree.

No one I know (have polled) wants government healthcare.

Everyone I know (have polled) thinks the ACA is the biggest marxist takeover of the American economy since the New Deal.

No one I know believes the socialist trope about "paying their fair share" when they know that over half of this country's citizens, and the vast majority of its illegal residents, pay nothing in income or property taxes and pay next to nothing in sales taxes.

No one I know (have polled) will accept a socialist takeover of any more of this country and are at the brink of how much they can withstand.

My opinion polls disagree with your (left leaning) opinion polls. We shall see.

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You sound like a new normal reich cheerleader, pardon me for saying so.

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Polls are like rear ends. Everbody has one and they all stink. Polls are the propagandist's tool. Truth needs no poll. Love your work CJ. Satire, wit, humor, and truth, doesn't get much better.

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Geez, where's the fun in that? 😄

Seriously though, you're right, absolutely. I do agree with you that the generated divide, especially in your country, must be resisted and a broader perspective taken. I do wish I'd let go of the old labels. None of them mean anything much anymore, they got washed down the river with everything else. But in lieu of anything else, I return to them.

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They are still valid in retrospect. ...and the like button has died. pity.

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Bought a couple copies. May buy more. There are A LOT of people who need to read it. Whether they will or not is something we cannot control, seeing as how there are far too many still stuck in the mud of mass formation. Thanks, CJ, for trying to wake us up- you’re the tops.

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Endlessly grateful for you, CJ. The relief when I came across your work in 2020. I don't know how to express my gratitude; your words were a liferaft. Thank you, thank you, thank you 🌻🍍

I wish I had the money to buy your book but I haven't got any money because dumbass fucking stupid society + self but I hope everyone buys the crap out of it. You deserve it.

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Request your local library buy it.

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As Victoria suggested, just ask your local library to stock it.

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Look forward to reading it, but I hope there will be a Kindle edition.

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The Kindle version is in the pipeline.

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It has appeared on Amazon with kindle option. Thank you Sir!

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Any chance it will go to Kobo too?

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I have bought the hard copy - it sounds like it will be worth the wait (takes a while for these things to get to NZ). I can't wait to read it.

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Stop buying from Amazon. It’s a central GloboCap player in the New Normal. Why the hell people keep throwing their dollars to that monopoly I’ll never understand.

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Not to mention they'll probably delete it from your kindle when the time is right...

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Great point! Unless there's a way to download it, everyone get the hard copy!

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That's a good point. I for one would be happy to buy a pdf (or something like it ) but untill someone enterprising can arrange that, I'm afraid I'm going to stick with the convenience of an e-reader.And since I need to junk my 2010 Kindle soon, what about some non-Amazon suggestions.

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Request it from your library. That way others may see it as well?

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Keep yer powder dry and save it for a winnable fight.

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It is there on Kindle now.

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This certainly isn't going anywhere, that's for sure. In fact, the soil is being prepared for another round of hatred against the unvaxxed; probably even worse.

Dr. Byram Bridle wrote a great article about a model (no evidence required or used) showing that the vaccinated need to avoid contact with the unvaccinated: https://viralimmunologist.substack.com/p/fiction-disguised-as-science-to-promote?utm_source=%2Fprofile%2F60901543-dr-byram-w-bridle&utm_medium=reader2&s=r

Canadian news sources exploded with warnings to the good citizens who rolled up their sleeves.

On another substack, a commenter linked to a story (I regret not bookmarking it) that explored the personality of the "anti-vaxxers." It turns out they have Dark Triad personality traits: Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and narcissism. Who knew?

Prepare yourselves for what is coming.

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Kindle versions can be retracted. And I doubt any of our descendants will be browsing ours as artifacts. How? By finding great Granny's ancient Kindle and plugging it in?

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Ok. I ordered it. I’m afraid to read it though. Sigh.

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This book offers a concise and ruthlessly honest analysis of the degeneration of our global civilization into varying degrees of a new kind of totalitarianism (varying degrees relative to geography) which have taken place over the past 2 years. Some of the more important points covered in the book include explorations into the parallels between the emergence of totalitarian empires of the 20th century (such as the rise of fascism in Germany) and what has taken place globally recently, as well as insights into the relevance of the Milgram Experiments in illuminating the psychological dynamics behind what we have witnessed in the masses of late and also offering vivid comparisons between cult dynamics and the behavior we have observed in a great many in the past 2 years.

The series of essays contained within its pages forces to reader to take an honest look in the mirror and rigorously assess whether or not one's choices during the scamdemic have amounted to the choices of someone in Germany in the late 30-s that bought the propaganda, turned on their neighbors, family and humanity and chose to tow the line of a fascist ideology being promoted by a small group of mentally unstable criminals.

This book begs us to ask the question: When the crushing hammer of a new form of fascism (a type of bio-security police state, which is in essence a technocratic version of fascism pushed forward by plutocrats) was rolled out with a blitzkrieg of state sponsored propaganda.. did I fold under the pressure and align myself with the herd mentality the above described criminals sought to propagate? Or did I remain true to what was in my heart?

Put in other words, this book invites us to ponder the following: "Did I choose obedience in the face of edicts being passed down by the puppets of hardened repeat felon criminal offenders and career profiteers under the threat of coercion, systemic abuse and institutionalized bullying? Or, did I dig deep to find the grace to honor my intuition, my integrity and my love for all that is innately free and beautiful within me despite the prevalent onslaught of propaganda, those close to me turning on me having been brainwashed and the weapons of a economic war being waged upon myself and all those that refused to conform to this new kind of fascism?

The chronicles in this book's pages beg that we ask the question: When the chips were down, the bullies were emboldened and the temptations were great, did we chose fear, or Love?

The mirror this book offers to both the individual (and our society as a whole) is a powerful kind of medicine which is desperately needed at this critical fork in the road for our family of Humanity.

I will be keeping an extra copy for Posterity. I think this book is worth preserving for I am observing how the dominant institutions currently steering our industrial civilization are attempting to distort and re-write history in a very 1984-esk manner. There are those that have been working to change definitions, censor pivotal events online and silence the victims of this slow motion genocide. These interests seek to obscure the criminality and immoral nature of the actions perpetrated by those that actively sought (and are seeking to) permanently establish what CJ Hopkins calls the "New Normal Reich".

All that being said, this book does however (in my opinion) leave much to be desired in the realm of solutions to the challenges posed to us by the emergence of this "New Normal Reich". It does offer some elucidation on the relevance of engaging in forms of peaceful disobedience (in the form of what some call the way of Satyagraha) but in my opinion, this form of resistance to tyranny (by itself) is not enough.

Despite this lack of actionable/practical solutions, I would still suggest getting a copy and reading it for yourself. Knowing one is has a serious life threatening (but elusive) medical condition (without being offered a cure up front) is still valuable and helpful information for it invokes one to seek out pathways to healing. Refusing to receive a diagnosis because one is afraid of the potentially challenging path to healing is a choice that does not respect the gift of life we have been given by Creator.

There is honor in being courageous enough to take a long hard look at the worst our family of Humanity has to offer (so we can be in a position to instead choose a different path). Cj Hopkins has a real knack for this. Only through clearly assessing the wounds we have allowed to be inflicted on our human family, our civilization and our collective consciousness can we effectively formulate a remedy and begin a path to healing.

May the scars on the soul of Humanity that are illuminated in the pages of this book serve as a map so that we may trial blaze a path ahead with a new found sense of compassion, love, courage, humility, integrity, determination and the clarity of perception to know where we never want to venture again. May our willingness to take on honest look in the mirror empower us to become our best selves in the days, months and years ahead.

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Thank you for your thoughtful review!

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You are most welcome. Thank you for your unrelenting honesty, astute observations of historical parallels to current events and the often humorous spin you put on things. Humor can often be like the 'spoon of sugar' that helps the 'medicine' (that comes in the form of a shocking wake up call) go down easier.

Keep up the great work!

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Gliding fast through this amazing book. I LOVE CJ's writing style (we both have articles on Off Guardian so "meet" there often, although I do not have the honour of having REALLY "met" him.) I have read a lot of "Covid" books and this one is quite different. Of course the focus is on the "world event" that is taking place and Covid is only a part of that. This book not only offers factual information, but also Hopkins' very informed speculation on how and why this is all playing out. If I wasn't "in" it myself, and will more than likely perish in it (I am already an "unvaccinated" prisoner in Canada) it is quite fascinating! This is why I find reading and writing about all this so fulfilling...you must read this book NOW...it is essential!

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Many thanks ... I'm still virtually a prisoner here in Germany, as well, as I refuse to wear the New Normal loyalty symbol on my face.

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It is interesting how they keep some rules, take some away, leaving everyone in a state of confusion. There are no "mask mandates" left in Canada yet there are many places that still require them...and quite a few people still wear them everywhere...crowds of high-school kids going to lunch, walking down the sidewalk, 90% masked. Its bad enough that all of them are crazy, it is those of us that are sane wondering if we are crazy! Thank you again for this book. It helps me get through the day knowing there are pockets of complete sanity still walking the earth...somewhere. Be safe, please...no way to know what's next...

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Included you here CJ x x :: People To Follow On Substack https://rachelwild.substack.com/p/people-to-follow-on-substack?s=w

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I agree that it will likely get worse for the unjabbed. This is so wrong, so maddening. Already I cannot work in my profession because of Supreme Court decision regarding healthcare mandate. The upcoming issue with future variants is discussed in an interview I recently listened to with Del Bigtree and Geert Vanden Bossche on Highwire ( episode 266). It starts around the 0:50:00 mark at https://thehighwire.com/watch/

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I'm ashamed to admit I've never heard of him. He's great!

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The Vatican Rag ?

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I just watched it on Youtube. Honestly, I don't know how I never heard of him. Of course, I was born in 1956 which may explain why I missed him at his performing zenith.

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Nothing to be ashamed of, TBIMB: like me, Tom Lehrer is a relic from the 1960s. I thank you and Stephenie for your comments.

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Shared to SM. No reaction 🙄

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What a hilarious little gem! Thanks

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Great to see this book coming out C.J. My wife recently ordered your Vol.I (2016-2017) essays, which I had already read in real time at the time they came out, but I have to say in rereading them now that in retrospect you were spot on the money in your analysis of the unfolding crazy and in understanding the "big picture" underlying that crazy.

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Just ordered it. Thanks for all you do, CJ!

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