Congratulations on joining a long line of dissidents whose books have been banned, CJ. Let’s hope this triggers the Streisand effect and causes your sales to skyrocket as people scramble to discover what is so dangerous it had to be banned.

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A clear sign you are doing something right!! (Oh and the things are a mess but then, it is the kind of mess that has existed for centuries, it's just that now we are the lucky recipients of authoritarian treats....)


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You are making the correct decision by not moving. I moved to different countries twice in my life and ended up in Canada of all places. You cannot know what the future holds. In my case tyranny has caught up with me twice after each move. So what is there to do then? In my case it is to trust in the Lord and commit to the Truth.

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It's a bit old-fashioned of me but I feel maybe the sane world needs to go back to a physical world where people pay money to receive newsletters from people of interest or buy books made out of paper and board or write letters full of interesting snippets or even phone people on clunky landlines. It might all take longer and not provide the international element (which I would miss as I like reading articles and comments from people around the world) in quite the same way. But I feel it would be safer and harder for your GlobalCap folk to control.

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One of the first times Amazon moved into censorship mode was when they banned all films they were selling or streaming on Prime that question vaccine safety and the role of government agencies like the CDC to promote the vaccine agenda. This included Vaxxed. I remember watching The Greater Good on Prime, another film that presented the story with my wife who immediately realized that all these jabs were not so safe after all. And the US Government led by Rep Adam Schiff were behind it all the way. We should all be alarmed.

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A Damn Schitt has been behind a lot of things that need to go down the toilet.

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One thing I always wonder when I watch the masses of military aged men fleeing their oppressive countries of origin into other countries is, why aren't they staying and fighting for what's theirs? That's what you're doing and I applaud your determination!

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Thank you, but, actually, I'm guilty of fleeing my country of origin, i.e., the USA, back in 2004 ... and here I've ended up staying and fighting in someone else's country. The gods have a weird sense of humor.

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You obviously have been chosen to fight. I stand by my statement in applauding you!

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Yup. The explanation I got from from Vimeo for taking down my FICTIONAL animated story “UNJABBED” is that the video has “serious potential to cause public harm”. https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/unjabbed-a-fictional-dystopian-future

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Yes, nothing quite as potentially public-harm causing as an animated film!

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Vimeo didn't even give me an explanation. I appealed, they said 'nup'. So I gave them a serve. Pretty sure it was an Indian contact centre I was engaging with as well.

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I wish I had 250k euro to send you. Take care

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I'm not encouraging you to do anything dangerous and illegal, but ... you know, if you did, and got away with it, and sent me the €250K afterward, you could come visit on the island anytime you wanted!

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Aww, that's very sweet of you, but I would want nothing in return but the knowledge you are safer and happier in a different place.

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Congrats the book doing so well, which is fully deserved. I imagine this will pump sales more, as these fascistic a-holes are good at creating inadvertent consequences that will eventually spell their end.

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As you state: this appears to be against Germany's own laws, so would it be possible to sue or is that simply Not Done in Deutschland?

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Lawyers are expensive. They alone win regardless of the judicial outcome. That's old, eh? hahaha

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It's still available on Amazon in the US and I just purchased your book! Honestly, I may add it to my library of other "dissenting" books that I may never have time to read, but wanted to support your work. I'll upgrade my subscription as well.

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I kind of expected Amazon doing this. They are not freedom company they have used to be when they started.

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They have most of online retail. And with online retail only being about 12% even with all the help it's had, from viruses, over the last 3 years then everyone else is competing for like 12% of 12% (that's 1.44% for those who don't want to do the maths).

Online retail is a joke.

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Crypto currencies are also a joke. This is what happens when you let beta types dominate the IT industry and the billionaires. Their little SF fantasies, which includes annihilating their better looking and more intelligent opposition, play out.

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It's a little as if the Spartan story (which is complete fiction from the likes of Plato) is playing out in real life. They're imagining themselves as some sort of Leonidas character off to fight at the pass with naked boys and naked girls running around in fields when they're just a complete figment of Plato's homoerotic imagination.

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"Any book worth banning is a book worth reading." --Issac Asimov

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Part 1 of the Fitts interviews was terrific. Looking forward to the next 3 parts.

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Thank you.

Big Tech itself, including Amazon, is totalitarian, even before we consider its vast corporatist nexus with its masters in the deep-state and its unsavoury ties with China's totalitarian government. For those who have not read it, Shoshana Zuboff provides masterful insights into this in 'The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power'.

Zuboff identifies many commonalities with conventional totalitarianism in Big Tech, but then coins her own new term called 'Instrumentarianism' to highlight the distinctions and put Big Tech in a different category. However, in my opinion, at the end of the day, she is simply describing a variation or evolution of 20th century totalitarianism, and one which Arendt herself somehow foresaw even in her day.

Anyway, I have your book sitting on my desk right now. It is next on my list, so Amazon will not be able to prevent me from reading it. Happy to have found you here on Substack.

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So, the book is getting removed from a single online retailer in a single European country? And it was/is a "#1 bestseller in various categories in countries all around the world" according to the exact same retailer?

Sounds like echoes of that special type of "censorship" that keeps Alex Jones' and RFK Jr.'s bank accounts nice and fat...

Guessing Vol. III doesn't include a conversion experience. I already own copies of Zone 23 and Vol. II. May pass on this one...

If you deny that the devil exists, you are his controlled opposition by default.

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So, we should say nothing if it’s “only some censorship”??? How much censorship before it’s acceptable to say something?

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I'd suggest starting with a different question. Why is CJ getting censored in a way that minimally damages him, but also seems to give him free publicity (a la RFK Jr. and Alex Jones)?

CJ seems to be getting a lot more tv appearances and book sales than when I first "found" his work a couple of years ago...

What is it about his content that could be appealing to those who desire our enslavement?

It's pretty straightforward: if you deny (or hide) the devil's existence, you are his controlled opposition (wittingly or not).

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Sure, it’s part of CJ’s “Plan” to get censored just to sell more books……

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You don't know the half of it. I'm drinking adrenochrome martinis with Klaus Schwab and Bezos on Bill Gates' yacht right now as I write this reply.

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Busted! The last 30 years were just a front. The essays, the plays, the novels, all of it. With all that deep state Davos money you probably own an island…or two!

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I'm not accusing CJ of scoundrelry or malintent.

I'm pointing out the obvious--he's being censored like RFK Jr. and Alex Jones. Not like, say, Zachary King or the late Nancy Fowler.

Many do so willingly for personal gain (or incorrectly assume they're working for someone else), but you absolutely can be working as the devil's controlled opposition unwittingly.

Your content /career can be boosted by others because of your blindspots.

CJ seems like a pretty bright guy. His writing speaks for itself.

Deny the devil's existence and you're his controlled opposition by default.

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i do hope you spike their drinks with something stronger and more permanent ;-)

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