I seem to be attracting more trolls than usual these days, so, fair warning ... from now on I will summarily ban all trolls, liars, and other species of annoying Internet asshole, and delete their comments. Criticizing my columns and views is fine, and welcome, but I am done with trolls.

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Probably not much consolation now, but you WILL end up in the history books as a notable example of the madness of this era.

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Along with Assange. Not much of a victory.

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It is reassuring to know there are still a few bookstore owners gutsy enough to host a treacherous thoughtcriminal like you, CJ.

Thank you for taking on this Sisyphean legal battle. You may find yourself pleasantly surprised by a victory like Sucharit experienced (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-prof-dr-sucharit and https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/i/133003377/candles-for-sucharit), but it’s probably wise to prepare for the worst given the degree to which the German courts are corrupted.

What I’m trying to figure out—and I would welcome your attorney’s guidance if he has any—is how to torpedo these hateful hate laws so we don’t have to keep plugging all these spouting holes and can repair the hull before the entire ship sinks. What legal avenue is there for getting these laws off the books? A referendum, perhaps? Of course, that assumes the votes will be counted properly. This feels like trying to climb up a greasy slide while the tyrants keep pouring more petroleum down the chute.

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Laidak is a pub, actually ... a pub with a lot of books.

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The best kind! 🍻📚

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Ein prosit!

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Take comfort in the fact that should you end up forking over a big fine, those proceeds will likely go to support the Nazis in Ukraine

Surely as a satirist, the rewards don’t get richer than this!

(Inappropriate humour I know. I wish I were in Berlin. My son is though so I will share)

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As long as the establishment feels itself under threat, the establishment will applaud any suppression of dissent.

Europeans like being slaves.

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Though the ruling elite in Europe certainly have sufficient privileges, they realize that those bits of assuagement are coming at a cost...not a financial one. There are millions of Germans, similar to French and British who have been demonstrating against the genocidal policies against the Palestinian people. That may be their way of showing that they are NOT happy being slaves to an oppressive system.

Meanwhile in southeastern Europe, the Slovaks and Hungarians are by no means "on message". The Slovakian voters gave the boot to THEIR lickspittle prostiticians. The Serbians are still burning over the near genocidal NATO aerial attacks on them some years back. Even the Austrians are not wholly in line. As a NATO member, but shadow banned from being in the EU, Turkey is charting its own course under Erdogan. As fellow Muslims the Turkish people are furious at the goings on in Gaza.

Popular revolt remains peaceful. If the winter is not so forgiving as the last one and as food supplies get tighter, the number of dissident Europeans will mushroom. The ruling elite is scratching their heads over the portents.

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As long as the police and army will shoot when ordered, the elites have nothing to fear. Nothing indicates that the security services are anywhere near the breaking point.

That said, I am surprised that you didn't mention Holland. Never mind, the mainstream parties will not allow Wilders to form a government. In Germany, the AfD will be given a choice: kowtow to American hegemony and go all in on America's wars, or be banned. The Greens (and Italians under Meloni) already made that choice and are thoroughly housebroken.

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Taken as stated in your response. Pitchforks, pruning hooks and torches are not part of my vision of European popular uprisings. The term cancel-culture, rather, gets turned on its head as various forms of economic withdrawals, particularly those of abjuring mass-media and consumerist culture, gradually and then rapidly snowballs into a virtual deplatforming of the control mechanisms imposed by that ruling elite. Though economically powerful, they would be shocked by an accelerating kick in the nutz.

Wilders, as one poster postulated on another site I happen to frequent, may well be some form of controlled opposition. In the Netherlands, it is the denigration of the farmers as part and parcel of the WEF "starve them out and reduce the herd" strategies.

Open-minded folks may have crossed their fingers and voted for Wilders, primarily as a demonstration of disgust with the trajectory of an out of popular control...over and even the power to inform... the political apparatus. They will rapidly become disenchanted as the new dictatorship replaces the old one and once again they are confronted by the same old= new old apparatus of social control by the ruling elite.

Germany, where C.J. Hopkins currently is obliged to deal with an injustice system which more closely resemble the black-robed ones in the Third Reich than any prior form of at least somewhat enlightened jurisprudence. We must ever bear in mind that ever since Admiral Karl Doenitz surrendered German armed forces to the Allied powers on 5-8-45; the Whipped Puppy masquerading as the German national polity has yet to be offered a peace treaty by the nuclear-armed occupation forces and more critically by their masters in the Di$trict of Corruption, Whitehall and City of London.

As for Italy, where as you point out, Madame Melonhead has quickly fallen into line, ever mindful of that gaggle of U$$A bases upon their own still occupied soil...and of the masters of highest finance in City of London and Wall $treet.

My overall take is that the head-bowing political establishments throughout most of Europe are becoming more than a wee bit nervous and even anxious regarding their careers and other future prospects.

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I don't have any money, but I do support you 100%. I too will NOT take a side.

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I take a side, and it is the side of the people, not the side of the corrupted by greed envy and moneypower governments.

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This is what happens in countries like Holland (pre-election), Germany, Canada and other authoritarian regimes working for the WEF's New World Order and their scary Great Reset.

One has to pretend to be stupid, and ignore suggestions that there is a Conspiracy to remove our freedoms in the name of false 'Scamdemics' and 'Global Warming'.

We must pretend that the injections, they prepared alongside the man-modified bat virus, are Safe & Effective. we must ignore Big Pharma's insane avoidance of responsibility for INJURIES and DEATHS that frequently follow the depopulation jab they call a vaccine.

We must pretend that pre-existing anti-viral medicines like Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, etc., don't exist and if they do - they must never be taken to cure Covid.

I think we all now realise we were hoodwinked back in early 2020 when the NWO released their bat virus which was modified by Fauci's Gain of Function experiments (GoF means = modifying a dangerous organism for maximum impact upon humans)!

Some still believe the hype and, believe it or not, some still take the DEADLY injections they conned us into believing had something to do with our health! Silly and gullible cretins!

Because so many of us realise what's been going on Pfizer is pretending to have "financial difficulties" in order to justify 'Bankruptcy', thereby removing themselves from culpability be disappearing from view. Only to re-invent the profitable farce under a new name and identity. No doubt Moderna will consider this route out of culpability for the pre-meditated murder, shortened life expectancy, and destruction of natural immunity, that their injections cause.

No LIABILITY was blindly accepted by every government that believed the 'Emperor's New clothes' blag, but time has run out and people within Big Pharma know the game is up. Capital Punishment must be the minimum consequence for all involved in the manufacture of the disease and the DEADLY 'cure' they all promoted.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I joined the dots back in 2020.

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I didn't pretend. I spoke out at every opportunity. Didn't win me friends but I believe standing up caused me to influence many... not the least my four children.


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Mick: I'm confident that many of our fellow posters wished they were economically and familially capable of demonstrating the courage you have displayed.

All the best from the Northwoods of Minnesota, where in the midst of the Plandemic, the country folk of the area, not emburdened by fear, refusing the Jab, as unfortunately are the majority of Joe and Jane paychecks in America's suburbs...even the more posh ones where even physicians are dominated by their HMO hospitals and clinics, who inevitably kowtow to the biggest and most successful criminal drug dealers on the planets. Ditto the majority of dentists, attorneys and Certified Public Accountants.

The days of the true middle class are over the our ruptured republic, as the financial elite's centralization agenda is running full speed ahead. In Marxist terminology, not my favorite, but he did get some things spot-on...most American "professionals" no longer own their own means of productions. Effectually, they are economic castrati.

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Things always get the darkest before they go black...

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I like... darkest before Dawn :)

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Sadly this is happening in all Western Nations. When we deviate from what is right and what is wrong, we lose moral value. The more we deviate , the worse the situation gets. Truth and the reality of what is right and wrong in our society has lost its strength completely, and we are left with a complete moral failure and the destruction of truth and reality. They are one. One reaps what they sow. We are the masters of our own decline.

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Marylou: Perhaps you have heard of the Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon. In short, once a single monkey learned and applied a new way of doing things, it did not take long before all the monkeys on that island took on the new ways.

Truth, honor and justice, along with quintessential honesty, are the individual foundations of a happy cultural reality. Each and every individual who stands up to the centralization power grab by the tiny proportion of our societies who comprise the Gulfstream and 300 foot yacht set...will give courage to at least one more individual. Awakening on a mass scale can begin with a lone resister. It only takes courage to help create that snowball effect.

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Like with the Freedom Convoy in Canada. Like the farmers in the Netherlands, and the move of citizens toward right leaning, populous, governments to bring Democracy back to the people. We all need Governments that are elected on behalf of the people to stand and work for the people and not to appease unelected bureaucrats, ideologies, and demigods of the millionaire class.

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"In the meantime, I have been doing what I can to get the German press interested in covering the criminalization of dissent in Germany, without success, so far." Naturally, since the dark entity playing the Grand Wurlitzer does not take requests.

How anyone with any sense could take IDF-embedded Douglas Murray seriously with regards to anything Israel related is an absolute mystery.

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Cannot understand why you still live there...

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Well, see, I have this little criminal prosecution I kind of need to deal with, you know, in person, in court, and then there's my wife's business, and the fact that I'm not rich enough to pull up stakes and move to another country from one day to the next ... but feel free to post snarky comments about my situation if that makes you feel good somehow.

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Whoah - touchy! It was really a question, not a snarky comment. I would not stay in a place as fascist as you say it is. Can't be that fascist then (that was snarky).

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Did it really seem like I was in the mood for this kind of crap?

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now you getting cranky as well :P Hug and make up

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In case anyone else is confused about the answer to my question ... no, I am not in the mood for this kind of crap.

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So you can speak out if you pay 3600 Euros? As with the granting of indulgences?

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What date have they pencilled in for Islamophobia-Krystalnacht ?

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I may not agree with what you say but I'll defend to your imprisonment or death your right to say it. Sadly that's the highest level of most folks reach in supporting dissent, or any individual rights, these days.

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How is it possible that you can sell the book but not advertise the title?

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