Just when I thought things could not possibly get more shockingly totalitarian in New Normal Germany, where I’m being prosecuted in criminal court (for the second time) for tweeting, the German authorities have gone and surprised me again.
A request to all the nice folks emailing me and asking "WHY THE HELL DON'T YOU LEAVE GERMANY? WHAT ARE YOU STILL DOING IN GERMANY?" and instructing me to "GET THE HELL OUT OF GERMANY ALREADY!" and so on. Please stop doing that, i.e., emailing me, and, instead, just wire me about €500K, which I promise I will use to uproot my wife and myself and flee Germany in the middle of this criminal prosecution and buy a home (and a residency permit) on a remote island in a location I'm not going to disclose online ... or at least just put your replies in my BTL Comments, and knock it off with the emails.
I've done it CJ. 17 years ago. Not on the lam or anything like that, but a confluence of circumstances made me decide to leave the US. Sold everything acquired up though my middle 50s, packed a backpack and day pack, boarded a plane at LAX and left. Just like that. I worried about reestablishing a life as I went along simply enjoying the new freedom. You don't need $500K unless you are enamored with Western first-world nations, or first-world nations anywhere for that matter - and that should be close to have been beaten out of you by now - or not. "It's the principle." Of course it is. And the German Neo-Fascists will hammer your head against that brick wall at the back of the stage, and when they are finished with you I doubt you'll enjoy the fame of a Solzhenitsyn for your efforts. "But you don't understand." Yeah, actually I do. There is a time to cash in what chips you have left, accept your losses as part of the game, push yourself away from the table, and to get the hell out of Vegas and seek some other place on Earth which hasn't yet devolved into abject totalitarianism. There are places out here, generally in the third-world and developing nations. Life can still be good, you just have to push yourself out of your comfort zone that you've acclimatized to in the West: that totalitarian, Fascistic West which has your ticket in their "fair and democratic" judicial hands and are about to "punch" it - to "do" you, just like they have done to Compact Magazin GmbH.
In Germany the war is now on the freedom of speech and assembly and it's just gotten started. Go while there is still a window of opportunity.
Absolutely correct, count your blessings while you still can. In Germany they're now planning to criminalize every voice against greenliberal, which means getting rid of AfD and BSW. It's all going back to the 30s, the NSDAP telling people what "a real German" has to do
It's like putting lipstick on a pig; you still have a pig. Dress up totalitarianism in a rainbow, liberal flag and call it "democracy," but you still have totalitarianism.
The ironies of the cyclical nature of history should not be lost on the astute observers and students of history. The real question those in Germany, like CJ, should ask is, "And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches towards 'Berlin' to be 'reborn'?"
And like many in Germany had to ask themselves in the 1930s, when do you "cut and run for your personal survival" before the gaping maw of that beast closes around you and cuts off your escape for good? Personally - I think we are there.
BSW is not a voice against the green Khmer, they are as deeply red as the rest of them. Its sole purpose is to keep the eastern AfD from reaching majority. People from the former GDR notice much (but not all) of the new Germany.
I'm always amused by those sorts of things as well. My response is always "where exactly do you think you will go to escape these fiends? They will come find you, wherever you are, as long as you have something of value for them to steal."
I don't understand ppl. U R obviously an intelligent man. Don't they get it that you have tossed and turned and discussed with relevant loved ones the issues around leaving Germany? Probably many times. Probably for hours!
My situation is not anywhere near what u have going on but I can relate in a small way. A few years ago, tenants in 3 apts changed within mos. All ppl in those apts now are related in various ways.
They have harassed me in so many ways, for years. (Yes, I have complained to all relevant agencies.)
My point here is that I had to quit mentioning the harassment becuz ppl always say, “Just move.” On some level, I think they want to “fix it” so they don’t have to hear abt what’s happening to me. They feel helpless. So I don’t mention it much anymore.
Example: Today I forgot to turn off my Bluetooth speaker and 15 mins after I ran into Mr. R on porch, there was loud dark metal coming out of my speaker.
Your response to those who have emailed you abt moving was much kinder than I would be under the circumstances.
NewYawk freedom fighter Bobbie Anne Cox sez she gits the exact-same kinda emails (i.e. leave blue/blew! NYState an' resettle in a red state) She feels her fight is "here"--my sense is you too. Rootin' for you and fer Bobbie Anne both (for tho' we left the Rotten Apple thanks ta forced swallerin' of a dose of unemploy-mint-- we're still in NY under HoHoHock-cull) And of course "runnin'" ain't always the solution (what the heck IS the solution?) Anywayz, Bobbie Anne believes in fightin' not runnin' in case that's a help ta know...
This is the most frightening post, in my opinion, you've ever written. And your note at the end: "It’s something to behold, that brick wall is, especially up close and personal. You’ll see when you get here. I’ll save you a seat" is... beyond frightening.
I recently began reading sections of Mein Kampf (it's available on archive.org). I was surprised by what I read. I didn't know what to expect other than that it was banned and "dangerous." What I've found is a "how to" for what was done that might as well be describing what *is* being done today.
The sections on propaganda and controlling information with one singular voice especially poignant. The description of psychological manipulations. The use of words like "freedom" and "equality" that fit how they are being used by authorities today.
A description of how language was weaponized under the Third Reich is immortalized in LTI, Language of the Third Reich by Victor Klemperer (also available on archive.org.)
From what I've read so far I don't believe that Mein Kampf was long-banned because it was dangerous for the public to read and get inspired by. I believe it was long-banned because it reads as a playbook, a guide for what the totalitarians are doing to us today. And have been doing for longer than we realize. They didn't want us to see them until it was too late. By banning it most of us did NotSee what was being done.
I encourage others to read it. Hitler was a murderous mad man. Who the smartest, most educated, the lawyers and doctors, jurists and industrialists all supported, not finding him to be a mad man at the time. They were in alignment with what he wrote. Hitler was defeated. But totalitarianism, fascism was not. It makes sense to know thy enemy in order to defeat them. Knowing Mein Kampf will allow us to defeat them, not join them. Those who ban Mein Kampf (and political parties, and swastikas under masks) are the actual NotSee's they claim others are. And should be treated accordingly.
This is very interesting. Thanks for sharing. Mein Kampf isn’t banned in the USA. But I’ll bet you anything that ordering or downloading it puts you on a watchlist of some sort.
Probably. CJ is in Germany. They're pretty skittish about it. It was banned for decades, I think a few years ago they lifted the ban. There's still the big taboo of seeking to read it, notwithstanding legality. I posted a direct link to it on archive.org on a prior comment on eugyppius's Stack a few months ago, he's in Germany. The comment was deleted and it wasn't until a month later I realized I wasn't getting his page notifications anymore; I had been unsubscribed. I was able to resubscribe, I wasn't permanently banned, but I wouldn't be surprised if there's a lot of censorship of anything Third Reich-ish there, either by algorithm or fear. For the reasons I offer in my first comment, so we do NotSee them, the direct comparisons and patterns we see emerging, are connecting the dots to. It's why CJ is in the grips of their system he's in.
I felt hollow and cold when I read this. Then I cried. Not just for my own six decades of life but for those much younger that will never know freedom.
“If you are not careful the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing” MalcomX
Good luck CJ. You are right about the new Totaitarianism, much of it using the religion of Scientism as Zappa's curtain. Let's pray sanity prevails and you are acquited yet again. Yourself, Fuellmich plus many others are victims of the real fascists. Like you said, many of us are going to end up where you are now.
these people are absolute shitheads and they can go fuck themselves, is how i feel about this. i’m tremendously sorry, mr hopkins, that my country is doing this to you.
At least they haven't dispatched a squad of balaclava-wearing commandos to conduct a dawn raid of my house and confiscate my living-room furniture ... yet. Got to look on the bright side!
If half of this were happening in a country that the United States does not like, every MSM jackhole would be lining up to denounce this kangaroo court.
But when an American puppet does it, then that makes it okay.
The way you describe the “justice system” in Germany is akin to the “US Justice system”. It’s crooked in many jurisdictions it seems. The “Judicial Industrial Complex” as a lawyer friend told me once.
Glenn Greenwald has a suggestion box for subscribers, and I just asked him to cover your case. Hang in there! And let us know when/if you need more legal funds: I'm far from rich but don't want to let the bad guys win this!
CJ you know you’re over the target when you’re taking flack. I know I am not alone when I say
I appreciate your efforts of using your gifts of writing, communication and insight to expose the totalitarianism threatening all of us and our children. Thank you 🙏
Agree totally, but expected much more from my former compatriots. For chrissake, I had assumed that the experience of the Third Reich and its aftermath would have entered the German DNA and inoculated Germans against the rise of fascism and a Fourth. However, Germans still are used to deference (if not obeisance) to authority, and the reigning elites and politicians love this, keep up the pressure, and carefully protect residents from any interfering truth.
Let's remember that very few Germans turned against the Nazi regime out of ideological conviction - it took the hard knocks of experience to do that. They're already getting a taste of hard knocks, and will get the full lesson with more abuse and another unnecessary round against Russia. History at least rhymes, if it doesn't repeat.
There are issues in the Nazi period and WW I and II that might be resolved in 50 years. They are still too sensitive, with damaging primary sources still inaccessible to try to pursue now.
The German economy over that period is a good example. Yes, Hitler brought full employment - building infrastructure (e.g., highways), equipping the new Armed Forces, as well as civilian social and 'make work' programs. Who financed all this considering reparation payments, inflation etc.? Remember what happened to Austrian politician Jörg Heiderwhen he mentione
I did not hit "post" on the the above, and was unable to complete this draft, nor correct or delete the last sentence. Do I have a 'reader' as I type, or is CJ's luck rubbing off on me? The completion of the sentence should be "... Haider when he mentioned Hitler's "rational" labour policy at a public assembly?" [He was denounced as a Nazi and haunted internationally. He also died in a mysterious car accident in 2008 that was investigated spuriously and evidence quickly 'buried'.]
The father of the two Bush Presidents in the USA funded Hitler! Baby Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld caused 911; no terrorists were involved! Rumsfeld flew the planes by remote control (he had and advanced degree to do that), one proof is seen when the real pilots tried to regain control of their planes by moving the steering wheels up and down.
That's an interesting take on things for 911 - remote control of the planes. As an engineer who's fired explosives I saw a professional demolition job, plane (or no plane as in the case of building-7)
You are 100% correct about the building across the street (building 7?). Twenty eight of the 30 guys that laced the explosives there "mysteriously" diasappeared within 2 weeks.
The Pentagon was hit because Rumsfeld's staff was onto him in that wing. He murdered them and destroyed their meeting paperwork. Bush sent the proof to China, committing Treason for hiding murder scene rubble, but was never charged.
I smell a US State Department rat behind the German Judiciary. The State Dept. failed to come to the aid of American citizen Gonzalo Lira in Ukraine, who was quite critical of Project Ukraine, and basically died in jail through neglect (Ukrainian authorities tasked one of Lira's fellow prisoners to beat him up the first time he was jailed for criticizing Kiev's authoritarian regime). I would at least give the US Embassy in Berlin a try, pay them a visit and see what they say--and maybe bring a screen shot of the two German publications prominently displaying swastikas on their covers.
State ignored Gonzalo since he spoke out against their “Zelensky Agenda.” Nevertheless, good to get them and their negligence on record if you can. Can’t prove it from here, but my intuition tells me that the State Dept. is behind the prosecution of CJ for his “thoughtcrimes.” All part of the Censorship Industrial Complex in the West.
But why, Goddamnit? Why so selective, especially when contrasted with other German citizens who’ve been much more outspoken about COVID and masking? I just watched a two hour interview by Doc Malik with anti-Vaxxer Dr Michael Nehls MD PhD, (link below) and he’s not being prosecuted. Why?
Michael graduated from medicine in 1986 in Germany but never practised clinical medicine. Instead, he went into research and now has published several books mainly in German. Michael’s article titled "Unified Theory of Alzheimer's Disease (UTAD): implications for prevention and curative therapy" was internationally published in the Journal of Molecular Psychiatry. For his breakthrough discovery regarding the development, prevention and therapy of Alzheimer's disease, he received the 2015 Hanse Award for Psychiatry from the University of Rostock, Germany.
“The Indoctrinated Brain - How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom” is his latest and arguably greatest work. In it, Michael talks about the effects of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines on human cognition and autonomy. Nehls suggests that these vaccines, among other modern pressures, and propaganda methods are part of a global assault manipulating the human mind, aiming to facilitate increased governmental control over individuals, A global war on the human mind.
It's easier to go after a lone wolf, than someone with the establishment backing them. But, beware, they know about these other contradicting people. Lone victims are easy, and probably the most loud and rebellious (if CJ and Lira are indicators). Take them out first, then who's left to defend the guy in research?
Thank you for posting this. The Nehls book is essential reading. There are some free PDFs on the Internet I think. Dr. Nehls' work deserves every prize under the sun. In the book you site, Nehls states repeatedly that he considers menticide one of the main goals of the injections that he calls "Spikes" rather than the mendacious 'jabs' lingo that dribbled out of British English to contaminate the world.
Apparently it's all too easy to 'go full on fascist'. My grandfather, a highly respected district judge in Kassel, had to take on Freisler, the very fine man who started the whole Volksgericht, as an assistant. Fortunately, Freisler was killed during a bomb attack in the justice building in Berlin. May the vermin hounding you find an equally poetic end...
A request to all the nice folks emailing me and asking "WHY THE HELL DON'T YOU LEAVE GERMANY? WHAT ARE YOU STILL DOING IN GERMANY?" and instructing me to "GET THE HELL OUT OF GERMANY ALREADY!" and so on. Please stop doing that, i.e., emailing me, and, instead, just wire me about €500K, which I promise I will use to uproot my wife and myself and flee Germany in the middle of this criminal prosecution and buy a home (and a residency permit) on a remote island in a location I'm not going to disclose online ... or at least just put your replies in my BTL Comments, and knock it off with the emails.
I've done it CJ. 17 years ago. Not on the lam or anything like that, but a confluence of circumstances made me decide to leave the US. Sold everything acquired up though my middle 50s, packed a backpack and day pack, boarded a plane at LAX and left. Just like that. I worried about reestablishing a life as I went along simply enjoying the new freedom. You don't need $500K unless you are enamored with Western first-world nations, or first-world nations anywhere for that matter - and that should be close to have been beaten out of you by now - or not. "It's the principle." Of course it is. And the German Neo-Fascists will hammer your head against that brick wall at the back of the stage, and when they are finished with you I doubt you'll enjoy the fame of a Solzhenitsyn for your efforts. "But you don't understand." Yeah, actually I do. There is a time to cash in what chips you have left, accept your losses as part of the game, push yourself away from the table, and to get the hell out of Vegas and seek some other place on Earth which hasn't yet devolved into abject totalitarianism. There are places out here, generally in the third-world and developing nations. Life can still be good, you just have to push yourself out of your comfort zone that you've acclimatized to in the West: that totalitarian, Fascistic West which has your ticket in their "fair and democratic" judicial hands and are about to "punch" it - to "do" you, just like they have done to Compact Magazin GmbH.
In Germany the war is now on the freedom of speech and assembly and it's just gotten started. Go while there is still a window of opportunity.
Absolutely correct, count your blessings while you still can. In Germany they're now planning to criminalize every voice against greenliberal, which means getting rid of AfD and BSW. It's all going back to the 30s, the NSDAP telling people what "a real German" has to do
It's like putting lipstick on a pig; you still have a pig. Dress up totalitarianism in a rainbow, liberal flag and call it "democracy," but you still have totalitarianism.
The ironies of the cyclical nature of history should not be lost on the astute observers and students of history. The real question those in Germany, like CJ, should ask is, "And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches towards 'Berlin' to be 'reborn'?"
And like many in Germany had to ask themselves in the 1930s, when do you "cut and run for your personal survival" before the gaping maw of that beast closes around you and cuts off your escape for good? Personally - I think we are there.
BSW is not a voice against the green Khmer, they are as deeply red as the rest of them. Its sole purpose is to keep the eastern AfD from reaching majority. People from the former GDR notice much (but not all) of the new Germany.
The point of the exercise is to break the individual into submission. 2+2=5 Good Winston but I don't think to believe it.
None - my only daughter was killed at 18. As I said, "a confluence of circumstances made me decide to leave the US."
I've seen single mums go on the hippy backpacker trail with young kids..
Thx for the posting and a special thx for grinding through this.
Lots for all of us to learn through your experiences.
Like Mike Tyson said,
"Everyone has a plan..........................until they get punched in the mouth"
Chippy times.
I'm always amused by those sorts of things as well. My response is always "where exactly do you think you will go to escape these fiends? They will come find you, wherever you are, as long as you have something of value for them to steal."
Dearest HOP,
I don't understand ppl. U R obviously an intelligent man. Don't they get it that you have tossed and turned and discussed with relevant loved ones the issues around leaving Germany? Probably many times. Probably for hours!
My situation is not anywhere near what u have going on but I can relate in a small way. A few years ago, tenants in 3 apts changed within mos. All ppl in those apts now are related in various ways.
They have harassed me in so many ways, for years. (Yes, I have complained to all relevant agencies.)
My point here is that I had to quit mentioning the harassment becuz ppl always say, “Just move.” On some level, I think they want to “fix it” so they don’t have to hear abt what’s happening to me. They feel helpless. So I don’t mention it much anymore.
Example: Today I forgot to turn off my Bluetooth speaker and 15 mins after I ran into Mr. R on porch, there was loud dark metal coming out of my speaker.
Your response to those who have emailed you abt moving was much kinder than I would be under the circumstances.
“Should I stay, or should I go now?
Should I stay, or should I go now?
If I go, there will be trouble
And if I stay, it will be double
So ya gotta let me know
Should I stay, or should I go?” - The Clash
Talk is cheap. We can crowdfund.
Hopefully you can get asylum somewhere.
Talk is becoming very expensive for CJ these days.
Well played
NewYawk freedom fighter Bobbie Anne Cox sez she gits the exact-same kinda emails (i.e. leave blue/blew! NYState an' resettle in a red state) She feels her fight is "here"--my sense is you too. Rootin' for you and fer Bobbie Anne both (for tho' we left the Rotten Apple thanks ta forced swallerin' of a dose of unemploy-mint-- we're still in NY under HoHoHock-cull) And of course "runnin'" ain't always the solution (what the heck IS the solution?) Anywayz, Bobbie Anne believes in fightin' not runnin' in case that's a help ta know...
The reason they are treating you differently than the Spiegel (although Spiegel used similar journalistic means) is that you are more insignificant than the Hamburg magazine. They only attack the small ones, like lousy cowardly scavenger hyenas. This fact also applied to Wirecard, where authorities said it's too big to criticise. I reported this in my article "Failed State Germany: Die Wirecard-Connection deutscher Behörden" under https://analogo.de/2021/05/21/failed-state-germany-die-wirecard-connection-deutscher-behoerden/ or in English in Whistleblower Network News https://whistleblowersblog.org/opinion/failed-state-germany-the-german-authorities-wirecard-connection/
This is the most frightening post, in my opinion, you've ever written. And your note at the end: "It’s something to behold, that brick wall is, especially up close and personal. You’ll see when you get here. I’ll save you a seat" is... beyond frightening.
We Deserve What We Tolerate.
Stop Tolerating bad systems!
I recently began reading sections of Mein Kampf (it's available on archive.org). I was surprised by what I read. I didn't know what to expect other than that it was banned and "dangerous." What I've found is a "how to" for what was done that might as well be describing what *is* being done today.
The sections on propaganda and controlling information with one singular voice especially poignant. The description of psychological manipulations. The use of words like "freedom" and "equality" that fit how they are being used by authorities today.
A description of how language was weaponized under the Third Reich is immortalized in LTI, Language of the Third Reich by Victor Klemperer (also available on archive.org.)
From what I've read so far I don't believe that Mein Kampf was long-banned because it was dangerous for the public to read and get inspired by. I believe it was long-banned because it reads as a playbook, a guide for what the totalitarians are doing to us today. And have been doing for longer than we realize. They didn't want us to see them until it was too late. By banning it most of us did NotSee what was being done.
I encourage others to read it. Hitler was a murderous mad man. Who the smartest, most educated, the lawyers and doctors, jurists and industrialists all supported, not finding him to be a mad man at the time. They were in alignment with what he wrote. Hitler was defeated. But totalitarianism, fascism was not. It makes sense to know thy enemy in order to defeat them. Knowing Mein Kampf will allow us to defeat them, not join them. Those who ban Mein Kampf (and political parties, and swastikas under masks) are the actual NotSee's they claim others are. And should be treated accordingly.
This is very interesting. Thanks for sharing. Mein Kampf isn’t banned in the USA. But I’ll bet you anything that ordering or downloading it puts you on a watchlist of some sort.
Probably. CJ is in Germany. They're pretty skittish about it. It was banned for decades, I think a few years ago they lifted the ban. There's still the big taboo of seeking to read it, notwithstanding legality. I posted a direct link to it on archive.org on a prior comment on eugyppius's Stack a few months ago, he's in Germany. The comment was deleted and it wasn't until a month later I realized I wasn't getting his page notifications anymore; I had been unsubscribed. I was able to resubscribe, I wasn't permanently banned, but I wouldn't be surprised if there's a lot of censorship of anything Third Reich-ish there, either by algorithm or fear. For the reasons I offer in my first comment, so we do NotSee them, the direct comparisons and patterns we see emerging, are connecting the dots to. It's why CJ is in the grips of their system he's in.
I felt hollow and cold when I read this. Then I cried. Not just for my own six decades of life but for those much younger that will never know freedom.
Holy Crapp.
It is reminiscent of Winston’s newly found love at the end of 1984.
“If you are not careful the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing” MalcomX
Well stated and sadly very real and true!
I thought I was replying to you but my post disapeared to down below so here I'll try again
thanks Cherie, here's another that's pretty relevant too -
The sociologist Eric Hoffer once said, “Propaganda doesn’t deceive people. It merely helps them to deceive themselves."
Good luck CJ. You are right about the new Totaitarianism, much of it using the religion of Scientism as Zappa's curtain. Let's pray sanity prevails and you are acquited yet again. Yourself, Fuellmich plus many others are victims of the real fascists. Like you said, many of us are going to end up where you are now.
Yes FREE Reiner Fuellmich is real and he is a PATRIOT for a good reason! You don't have to be Einstein to the see the writing on the BRICK wall!
these people are absolute shitheads and they can go fuck themselves, is how i feel about this. i’m tremendously sorry, mr hopkins, that my country is doing this to you.
At least they haven't dispatched a squad of balaclava-wearing commandos to conduct a dawn raid of my house and confiscate my living-room furniture ... yet. Got to look on the bright side!
Run if you hear the sound of helicopters
Maintaining your great sense of ironic humor during this travesty is inspiring!
That's why my living room is fully decorated in '70's garage sale motif'.
They want it that bad, they can have it.
It is good to know you scare the cowards.
Why does this surprise you?
If half of this were happening in a country that the United States does not like, every MSM jackhole would be lining up to denounce this kangaroo court.
But when an American puppet does it, then that makes it okay.
American puppet? AMERICA does this!
Watch any major 1st Amendment auditor YT channel and you will see that Americans are also being attacked as well (for some time). It's a slow burn.
The way you describe the “justice system” in Germany is akin to the “US Justice system”. It’s crooked in many jurisdictions it seems. The “Judicial Industrial Complex” as a lawyer friend told me once.
Canada is the same or worse!
well, a small difference, is the American Justice system, at the least, prevents double jeopardy.
Cynic here. If they want your ass they'll make up another crime for further prosecution.
Plus, we can demand a trial by jury.
Not a lawyer here. And what ensues whilst awaiting trial? I don't think it's anything great.
Follow the $$$$ the scumbags worship Satan too!
Agree with that, my lawyer buddy says it’s the “Just Us” system.
Glenn Greenwald has a suggestion box for subscribers, and I just asked him to cover your case. Hang in there! And let us know when/if you need more legal funds: I'm far from rich but don't want to let the bad guys win this!
CJ you know you’re over the target when you’re taking flack. I know I am not alone when I say
I appreciate your efforts of using your gifts of writing, communication and insight to expose the totalitarianism threatening all of us and our children. Thank you 🙏
Agree totally, but expected much more from my former compatriots. For chrissake, I had assumed that the experience of the Third Reich and its aftermath would have entered the German DNA and inoculated Germans against the rise of fascism and a Fourth. However, Germans still are used to deference (if not obeisance) to authority, and the reigning elites and politicians love this, keep up the pressure, and carefully protect residents from any interfering truth.
Let's remember that very few Germans turned against the Nazi regime out of ideological conviction - it took the hard knocks of experience to do that. They're already getting a taste of hard knocks, and will get the full lesson with more abuse and another unnecessary round against Russia. History at least rhymes, if it doesn't repeat.
They must be freaking out about this because the book cover is characterizing a truth they are desperate to deny, in a shadow shoving kind of way.
There are issues in the Nazi period and WW I and II that might be resolved in 50 years. They are still too sensitive, with damaging primary sources still inaccessible to try to pursue now.
The German economy over that period is a good example. Yes, Hitler brought full employment - building infrastructure (e.g., highways), equipping the new Armed Forces, as well as civilian social and 'make work' programs. Who financed all this considering reparation payments, inflation etc.? Remember what happened to Austrian politician Jörg Heiderwhen he mentione
I did not hit "post" on the the above, and was unable to complete this draft, nor correct or delete the last sentence. Do I have a 'reader' as I type, or is CJ's luck rubbing off on me? The completion of the sentence should be "... Haider when he mentioned Hitler's "rational" labour policy at a public assembly?" [He was denounced as a Nazi and haunted internationally. He also died in a mysterious car accident in 2008 that was investigated spuriously and evidence quickly 'buried'.]
Yes indeed, who financed Hitler? History is rarely black and white until you "follow the money" and really get to the nub of it all.
The father of the two Bush Presidents in the USA funded Hitler! Baby Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld caused 911; no terrorists were involved! Rumsfeld flew the planes by remote control (he had and advanced degree to do that), one proof is seen when the real pilots tried to regain control of their planes by moving the steering wheels up and down.
That's an interesting take on things for 911 - remote control of the planes. As an engineer who's fired explosives I saw a professional demolition job, plane (or no plane as in the case of building-7)
You are 100% correct about the building across the street (building 7?). Twenty eight of the 30 guys that laced the explosives there "mysteriously" diasappeared within 2 weeks.
The Pentagon was hit because Rumsfeld's staff was onto him in that wing. He murdered them and destroyed their meeting paperwork. Bush sent the proof to China, committing Treason for hiding murder scene rubble, but was never charged.
Re German reparation payments to Israel, see https://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/en/aussenpolitik/laenderinformationen/israel-node/israel/228212#:~:text=German%20reparation%20payments%20total%20some,in%20Israel%20(2022%20figures). Lionel Rothschild and debt-free currency I sadly know nothing about.
The way they shoot us today is by
depleting our dopamine
in front of screens,
of mass media terror
that claims it's our error
to live free
may it be our destiny
to liberate our slavery
with Excalibur's sword
of a mightier pen
and put those politicians in prison.
God & The People are behind you CJ.
Thank you for going first.
That's beautiful, thank you for posting. God Bless and AMEN!
I smell a US State Department rat behind the German Judiciary. The State Dept. failed to come to the aid of American citizen Gonzalo Lira in Ukraine, who was quite critical of Project Ukraine, and basically died in jail through neglect (Ukrainian authorities tasked one of Lira's fellow prisoners to beat him up the first time he was jailed for criticizing Kiev's authoritarian regime). I would at least give the US Embassy in Berlin a try, pay them a visit and see what they say--and maybe bring a screen shot of the two German publications prominently displaying swastikas on their covers.
As if that helped Lira.
State ignored Gonzalo since he spoke out against their “Zelensky Agenda.” Nevertheless, good to get them and their negligence on record if you can. Can’t prove it from here, but my intuition tells me that the State Dept. is behind the prosecution of CJ for his “thoughtcrimes.” All part of the Censorship Industrial Complex in the West.
But why, Goddamnit? Why so selective, especially when contrasted with other German citizens who’ve been much more outspoken about COVID and masking? I just watched a two hour interview by Doc Malik with anti-Vaxxer Dr Michael Nehls MD PhD, (link below) and he’s not being prosecuted. Why?
Michael graduated from medicine in 1986 in Germany but never practised clinical medicine. Instead, he went into research and now has published several books mainly in German. Michael’s article titled "Unified Theory of Alzheimer's Disease (UTAD): implications for prevention and curative therapy" was internationally published in the Journal of Molecular Psychiatry. For his breakthrough discovery regarding the development, prevention and therapy of Alzheimer's disease, he received the 2015 Hanse Award for Psychiatry from the University of Rostock, Germany.
“The Indoctrinated Brain - How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom” is his latest and arguably greatest work. In it, Michael talks about the effects of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines on human cognition and autonomy. Nehls suggests that these vaccines, among other modern pressures, and propaganda methods are part of a global assault manipulating the human mind, aiming to facilitate increased governmental control over individuals, A global war on the human mind.
It's easier to go after a lone wolf, than someone with the establishment backing them. But, beware, they know about these other contradicting people. Lone victims are easy, and probably the most loud and rebellious (if CJ and Lira are indicators). Take them out first, then who's left to defend the guy in research?
Thank you for posting this. The Nehls book is essential reading. There are some free PDFs on the Internet I think. Dr. Nehls' work deserves every prize under the sun. In the book you site, Nehls states repeatedly that he considers menticide one of the main goals of the injections that he calls "Spikes" rather than the mendacious 'jabs' lingo that dribbled out of British English to contaminate the world.
"The only way to deal with and unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion." Albert Camus
Know your enemy . It's not New Normal Germany persecuting you CJ, it's The New, 1984, brave New animal World farm normal Order.
It ain't local anymore, all politics is global, our duly appointed rulers know no nationality.
Free men, rats in the cracks or gnats in the limelight, need be rebels without a pause. Some to be overrun some overlooked. All to be heard.
I do believe Camus was on to something with his philosophy of the absurd.
Apparently it's all too easy to 'go full on fascist'. My grandfather, a highly respected district judge in Kassel, had to take on Freisler, the very fine man who started the whole Volksgericht, as an assistant. Fortunately, Freisler was killed during a bomb attack in the justice building in Berlin. May the vermin hounding you find an equally poetic end...