As somebody born in Germany, but never really felt that I belonged there, I feel disgusted and ashamed by the acting of the "so-called" best democracy in Europe. Hate Police, Gestapo, self-called Blockwarts and denouncers, what's the difference?

My family and I have left the country a few years ago when it became clear that they are heading towards fascism and media, justice system, the left parties and the students and especially the people failed to speak up during the pandemic mayhem. I always said: "Nobody is going to stop the next fascism." And I was right. It repeated itself over the war in Ukraine and now again with the open genocide in Israel.

So I get why you, CJ, go ballistic on that topic (and I, too, get easily upset remembering what they tried to be forced upon us, and I will not forget or forgive) and it surely can only could come as a surprise for people who have slept past the last four years. When the Bundestag extended their definition of antisemitism with criticism on Israel, when they banned and cancelled (pro-)BSD activities, it was all a preparation to kill free speech step by step. The contents of the Grundgesetz are still the same, but are a now being interpreted differently.

I've written it before and I'll write it again: F*ck you, Germany! Such a shame!

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CJ, I know from your riveting conversations with Catherine Austin Fitts that you, like me, are striving to gain a firmer handle on the financial underpinnings of our present tyranny. I recently read “The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve,” and I think you and your readers would find it as enthralling as I did.

Of particular relevance to this article are G. Edward Griffin’s hauntingly prescient predictions (from 1994!) regarding the use of “hate crimes” to muzzle dissidents.

Toward the end of the book, he presents a fictional dystopian scenario in which he describes violent faux-revolutionaries of the socialist flavor who sound very much like Antifa:

“People are frightened by these violent events and demand the restoration of law and order. They are relieved when martial law is declared. They are happy to see the International Guard patrolling their neighborhoods. They are not resentful of being confined in their homes or arbitrarily detained by soldiers. They are actually grateful for the omni-presence of the police state.

“It is curious that the revolutionary groups behind this violence have not been inhibited by the government. To the contrary, they have been given grants from CFR organizations, and their leaders have been treated courteously by CFR politicians. The CFR media have given them extended coverage in the news and has presented their cause with sympathy. A few dissidents have begun to wonder if the revolutionaries are but the unknowing pawns of those in power and that their primary function is to frighten the population into accepting the constraints of a police state.

“Such voices, however, are quickly silenced. Those who question the government or the media are branded as extremists at the lunatic fringe. Authorities say that they are the cause of our present woes. They are remnants of the old system based on profit-seeking and race-hating. They are guilty of politically-incorrect attitudes and hate crimes. They are sentenced to attitude-correction centers for psychological treatment and rehabilitation. Those who do not immediately recant are never seen again.”

Sound familiar? 🤔

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Apr 14Liked by CJ Hopkins

I was waiting for a comment like this… since I do not have the talent to write it myself, nor the audience to read (even if I had that talent). Thanks CJ! You never disappoint in calling out hypocrisy. Which earned you another year of my payed subscription and a Jäger in any Berlin bar whenever…😅

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Amazing yet not surprising. After all the American left now embraces the FBI, CIA, et al. Entities that illegally surveilled MLK and numerous other civil rights leaders.

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You nail it again, CJ. And let's also acknowledge the "other side of the coin." The group of "rightists" that was spot on regarding covid and injections, suspicion of the intelligence/"law enforcement"/medical alphabet agencies, Russiagate, Hunter Biden, even Ukraine (some)... but mention "Israel," and you see worship that makes Joan Baez testimonials to Fauci look quaint.

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Nothing like having everybody and their dog call you crazy for holding consistent political views over the decades, not to mention actually having a moral compass.

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Apr 14·edited Apr 14

I protested and protest both. Both the covid-inspired fascism and the zionist-inspired fascism. There are quite a few other leftists like me who did and do that, though, i agree, not nearly enough..

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Yanis just like Chris Hedges, Jill Stein, Cornel West, and so on who all thought big pharma was crooked went along with the fascism because they're all cowards and emotionally disabled.

Same now with the right wing that stood up to censorship only to be pro censorship today.

Johnny indeed said it perfectly 🖕

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I seldom buy the whole cloth you sell CJ, which is one reason why I greatly appreciate the reads. Can't question your take w/o querying my own as well.

& yes, of course I do buy a few inches here, a foot there maybe even half a yard in the middle somewhere.


Keep on weavin', Steven, keep that bolt (canvas bolt is 39 yards, a cotton is 100 yards long, a silk bolt is 40 yards) on display, CJ.

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Thank you C.J. The mask has been pulled back and now any of us who possess the stomach for it can clearly see the grinning death skull of our gangrenous Western "democracies" staring blankly into a collective future of AI delivered boot and truncheon. "You will know nothing - and be happy - or else."

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It's about war, war and more war and they want you watching genocide of any population they decide needs to used to traumatise the world and don't you even think about speaking against it. Madness is being normalised. Death of people, ideas, morals and culture is their business and all done in the name of spreading peace, democracy and equity.

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Error Or Terror ?

These Marxist Are A Violent Terror.

They Tell You That Speech Is Violence:

While They Kill You;

While They Inject You; While They Cut Off Your Genitalia; While They Pull Your Babies From The Womb.

All While Chanting That Your Speech Is Violent.

If You’re Not Willing To Fight To Their Death - You Are Going To Die. Violently.

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CJ - you were made for these times! Much like Eugyppius, who analyses and dismantles the covidian insanity in his bemused and dispassionate way. You are cutting through it with your powerful combination of incandescent rage and searing satire. These are your superpowers. This is what you are meant to be doing. Do not underestimate your importance in continuing to unmask and challenge these risible buffoons. They must be thwarted at every possible turn, and ridiculed mercilessly until they stop.

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Interesting you referenced Niemöller’s poem…they really don’t get it or care to get it until it’s happening to them, and then and only then are the rest of us supposed to celebrate in the birth of their consciousness. Infuriating indeed!

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Exactly as you said Yanis Varoufakis is a fucking hypocrite he was the first politician in Greece who proposed the fine for the unvaccinated.

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Truly - the zero-COVID/endemic-COVID conflict and the Arab/Israel conflict are such a bizarre juxtaposition - but really do boil down to many of the same basic philosophical principles. It is particularly bizarre to see how many of the outspoken voices swapped philosophical sides on a dime between these two issues.

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