As somebody born in Germany, but never really felt that I belonged there, I feel disgusted and ashamed by the acting of the "so-called" best democracy in Europe. Hate Police, Gestapo, self-called Blockwarts and denouncers, what's the difference?

My family and I have left the country a few years ago when it became clear that they are heading towards fascism and media, justice system, the left parties and the students and especially the people failed to speak up during the pandemic mayhem. I always said: "Nobody is going to stop the next fascism." And I was right. It repeated itself over the war in Ukraine and now again with the open genocide in Israel.

So I get why you, CJ, go ballistic on that topic (and I, too, get easily upset remembering what they tried to be forced upon us, and I will not forget or forgive) and it surely can only could come as a surprise for people who have slept past the last four years. When the Bundestag extended their definition of antisemitism with criticism on Israel, when they banned and cancelled (pro-)BSD activities, it was all a preparation to kill free speech step by step. The contents of the Grundgesetz are still the same, but are a now being interpreted differently.

I've written it before and I'll write it again: F*ck you, Germany! Such a shame!

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I've said it before, and I'll say it again ... this isn't really about Germany. It's about everywhere. The Germans are just doing it in a particularly, well, German fashion.

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You got a point there, looking at NZ, Australia, Canada, Austria and Spain in particular who didn't do much better. My list blacklisted countries grew A LOT during the pandemic. But Germany still manages to amaze me every time by the sheer kafkaesque quality of their actions.

Also, I do have a special beef again Germany for "taking away" many good friends, educated, intelligent, who I thought would have known better, but still fell for all the angst propaganda and turned away. Just recently a former friend accused me of me calling him a Mitläufer ("blind follower") during the years. Yes, because that's exactly what he WAS and still IS. He doesn't see it. He did nothing wrong.

So for Germany, this is still particularly true: "Der Schoß ist fruchtbar noch, aus dem das kroch!"

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I totally get why CJ is so incensed. I feel the same. I've always identified as left-wing, but lost a couple of left-wing friends during the pandemic, one German became of his support for vaccine mandates, and one American because he couldn't care less about the ongoing censorship, 'ignorance-is-strength' pandemic viewpoints, and despicable treatment of the unvaccinated. I thought all this would eventually blow over, but to my surprise, I find myself less and less tolerant of the head-in-the-sand, slavery-is-freedom perspective on the pandemic of the vast majority of people and press in the mainstream, and the left in particular. The Guardian is the worst case in point. They indeed, still do not see it. They did nothing wrong. And now with the WHO trying to obtain absolute power over pandemic responses worldwide, alarm bells are still not ringing. I wonder, how how do others deal with this? Has anyone found a way of getting through the group think?

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Attack them with indifference and mockery. Every time a hysterical press report comes out over Disease X, my friends and I respond with laughing emojis. When people ask if I have had a booster I cackle "Not likely!" and greet their paranoia with mirth. It is very liberating, and I recommend you all try it. Here in New Zealand a leading mainstream news outlet is closing and making staff redundant, and we are all enjoying mocking their pathetic requests for sympathy.

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So were thery really on the left? Or fairly comfortable with neoliberalism and not too concerned with "class issues". I reckon most of the so-called Left who support this madness were faux Left. No way was the Guardian ever on the left. These people think the Clinton monsters are "OK" and echo the deplorables comment, about men and women thrown on the scrapheap by NAFTA.

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Do you not realise this entire psyop is designed to sow discord between the 'left' (socialism - which is the thing the establishment are really scared of) and the 'anti-establishment movement' (presented as 'conspiracy theorists' - which they completely control and are not scared of).

This entire Hopkins thing, along with his fake trial, is about preventing socialists from wanting to be associated with right wing bigots, anti-establishment ideas (conspiracy theories) and most importantly preventing 'anti-establishment' types from embracing socialism.

Note how easily Hopkins reinforces this discord? You do understand the concept of controlled opposition, yes?

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Another version of Trudeau's response to the Freedom Convoy. It's getting uglier out there by the day. F*ck all these leaders, governments, mindless servants of the elites.

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The crux is, that the "German Fashion" has made my native country the easiest prey for the totalitarian bullshit the stringpullers hoisted upon the entire global population. It is this certain eagerness among large parts of the German population to obey. Obedience is the prerequisite for any totalitarian regime to take over society. Having grown up in post war Germany, it became obvious during adolescence that Fascism never let go of the German society. Few are those who recall all the carry-overs of the NSDAP fellowship. Germany was made this way by perusing parts of the German condition to strictly enforce obedience and "denounceism" that are deeply ingrained in Fritz's offspring.

The real tragedy is, that in a country in which the population is oppressed by totalitarian dictators, the people are united against such dictatorship. In Germany, half of the population will bend over and eagerly do the bidding of the dictator. The correct German proverb for this behavior is: "Nach oben buckeln und nach unten treten". (To ingratiate oneself to the top and to kick to the bottom.)

And yes, like the first commenter wrote, there is no words for the disgust about what happens in Germany right now.

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Europeans in general have less self-respect than whipped dogs.

At least the American hillbilly can say that it's his dollar and his empire. The United States commits an act of war on germany and the only response of the german political class is some mumbling about how bad slaves deserve their beatings.

"The correct German proverb for this behavior is: "Nach oben buckeln und nach unten treten". (To ingratiate oneself to the top and to kick to the bottom.)"

We'd say "Kiss up and kick down."

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Yes, indeed. Upkissers and downkickers.

Regarding Germany, there is another aspect to be considered. The Germans are suffering from the mother of the Stockholm Syndrome. And some Oslo Syndrome on top of that one. Not only are they demanding to get abused and exploited, they are also deeply in love with their tormentors. Speaking about that rather large part of the population. There are also differences between the obviously better educated Eastern part of the people and their Western peers that enjoyed a much longer programmation about the benefits of mindless consumption and entertainment.

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I worked for a German firm for several years. I know the mentality well.

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You can for that reason easily imagine how it felt to grow up surrounded with that mentality and realizing from adolescence all the way up to my departure at 36, that things never really improved. Economic success is one thing, the mentality behind it was questionable. You could say that "I saw that coming" in regards to the present circumstances and policies. Having lived at the other end of the world from the mid 90's, this great distance allowed me to see things even more clearly. Like having enough distance to see the whole forest, versus being in the middle of it and only seeing trees. As a certified black sheep, I have no longer (especially since Klo-vid) strong ties to Germany. It still hurts though, to see how everything goes down the drain my ancestors up to me had worked for. May there be another Nuremberg trials to prosecute the responsible parties for treason on the German people, criminally corrupt tax waste, war crimes, crimes against humanity, abetting of genocide, support of Neo-Nazism, and endless deception.

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You mean stiff but gullible!

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I assure you that not all of us hillbilly's roll TF over, during covidsmovid. I been watching the dumbing down of society for 35 yrs. Only one reason why you dumb people down.

UK is lost, US is lost.

It's US against them. Good vs EVIL

I assure YOU, that this old female hillbilly HAS PLENTY OF FIGHT, And I can SWIM. I will not say the same for those born after GenX, new thinking feminists, men that think they are women, NO NEED to knock at my camp.

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Too many Americans, as well.

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The sad truth is: too many in most countries. Which has created this idea that it appears humanity's "do - or die" moment has arrived. Either humanity can rid itself of the psychopathic, hyper-capitalist billionaire class - or it will go extinct. Terrence McKenna had voiced something interesting in this regard. He said that humanity has to go through the fire of redemption to be allowed to enter space, as depicted in Star Trek. Thus far, most science fiction is based on the rampant militarism, that is still part of the human condition. The title "Star Wars" says it all. Without diving into this rabbit hole too deep: how many people truly believe "evolution" is over?

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I am one (USA American, sadly) and agree... as expected, when they see this empire's ship going down, they don't stay and help or go down swinging. No. They bail on the rest of us and bring themselves and their first world problems somewhere else. Maybe I just have 'poverty envy' but I wouldn't bail. Why bail? this is a GLOBALIST war on all of us! I still love my country - the land, the First Nations who knew how to treat this place. I'm heartbroken and disgusted at the cowardice, mental laziness, and all the rest. But this is the hill I'll die on.

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Agreed, same shit different country…🇺🇸

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You can add Canada to the list. The irony is its all the so called first world democratic countries that seem hell bound to destroy these very same democracies.

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Yes. The only way to “save democracy” is to remove personal freedom and censor not only speech but thought you have, had or “might” have. And the masses blindly nod their heads up and down.

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It's an oxymoron for sure. And it usually only requires 5% of any given population to lead the remaining 95% down the garden path. Like Lemmings going off a cliff.

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Most humans are herd animals that put sheep or lemmings to shame.

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I disagree. It's about 5-10% of the population that retains it's damn mind.


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Because they are all WEFFED UP.

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I left Germany aged 30 - 32 years ago - and lived in NZ and now Australia, so I can compare. I think NZ and Australia where more radical during Covid than Germany. However, Germany has a certain painful history that should have made them wise to the threat. Even in the 70ties I learned in school the slogan: "Wehret den Anfanegen." (Resist the Beginning (of Totalitarism). While Germany had less totalitarian meassures than NZ and Australia during Covid, it was still worse in Germany considering their history. I could forgive an easy-going Kiwi or Aussie for not realizing what was going on, because they never really suffered the consequnces - but found it utterly shocking that the Germans marched willingly and blindly into the same abyss once more.

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Well said. German immigrant to Canada. Of course, don't forget that we still have US troops in Germany and a particular hold over German politics. Plus, we are not known to be light hearted or elegant in using the iron fist.

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Everywhere except Africa where people haven't been brainwashed with Zionist propaganda of CONVID, haven't taken the vaccine and haven't bought it either! We not dying sudden death and we not dying of Myocarditis. Remember though we were experimented on since the 70's especially in the African villages where they injected millions of women with Tetanus jab laced with HCG sterilization then experimented on with HIV when they injected many and said that Africans have AIDS then with Ebola and made a new vaccine against it which killed many! However, South Africa did buy the CONVID jab but still few took it in comparison with the so called Western democracies. On another topic, Gaza has exposed these fake Western democracies who never stopped looting Africa and pretended to help and develop while thieving African resources. Gaza exposed the fake UN and the fake Human rights watch and the fake Freedom fighters everywhere when they stayed silence about Israel genocide. The biggest terrorists of this world are USA, UK and IS, their record speaks louder....of wars, invasions, kidnappings, bombings, creating and funding terrorist groups, creating fake viruses and deadly injections. Evil can never win!

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Actually, in the Upanishads it is explained that the eternal conflict between good and evil happens at a ratio of 2 to 1. Two times good wins, followed by one win of evil. It appears as if this is the third conflict. However, as everything is temporary, the next match will again won by good. My hope is to be reincarnated into the next "good wins" installment.

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Well said, and all true. Africans - hold steady and resist! The so called 'helpers' want your land, resources, and to sterilize you all. Sadly, I just learned that Ivermectin, which was given for River Blindness by that scum Bill Gates, sterilized people - which is why they wanted Africans to take the pill every year. Of course, all this was done without CONSENT. Stay wise, Africans - don't let anyone take your lands, culture, plant healings, ETC. Don't take the jabs and stay wise to how they might trick you to take them in some other form - sugar cubes (like they did here with the polio vaccine for kids), even hidden in foods or airborne. these genocidal maniacs at the top are psychopaths. Stay sane and whole.

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Well said indeed! Bravo.

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Well, the rest of the world used a very narrow window created in post- World War II Germany to prevent “holocaust denials” (and likely something similar in Japan, like emperor worship) and blew it right open to allow all sorts of content- based restrictions – – beginning with the EU and the weird expression “hate speech “ or even “hate crime.“

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Jeremy Clarkson told a German friend he was going to drive without a valid license. German replied 'you can't do that'. Clarkson said 'Yes I can, no one will know'. ' but you can't do that' came back and so on..

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Weil nicht sein kann was nicht sein darf!

My english is not good enough to translate that in an elegant way ...

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Have You ever heard the expression "Wo kein Kläger - da ist kein Richter"? Meaning that as long as You are not caught, You can do anything.

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if you're rich and powerful enough, you can even be caught numerous times and nothing will happen - no justice will be done. There are countless examples of this throughout history; Netanyahu and Rios Montt being 2 of the most heinous examples besides the other obvious ones.

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Indeed. Traditionally, it was interpreted in my family as "not to sweat the small stuff". Like standing around midnight at a pedestrian light - waiting to turn green - while nobody and nothing else is around.

However, it has been converted into a free pass for the psychopaths to do as they please, without ever being held accountable for their crimes. Including, but not limited to the fact, that if You murder a few people, You will end in an electrical chair - murdering thousands through proxies will lead to prices and book signings. The perversion among certain parts of humanity is infinite.

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Thanks. I actually wrote that from memory. The original is funnier and not even Clarkson but his pal.


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Apr 16Edited

Hilarious! And so apropos.

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...in shiny, shiny boots of leather.

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Right, you are! America, which prides itself for its role in WW II, has resurrected fascism big time: in COVID-, Trans-, Queer-, and Woke-manias.

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YES, ☝️☝️☝️☝️ UK, Ireland, Australia, US, CN

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Clearly it is about Germans and Germany from your point of view. So stop lying.

Normal people don't insult their hosts when in their houses.

I'm sure that part of the motivation for all this was that you are a typical arrogant American in Germany. The Morgenthau plan murdered 1.5 million German POWs, 5.7 million German civilians, and 2.1 million in the largest act of ethnic cleansing ever perpetrated - and it was 'your country' (America) responsible. At the same time you blamed the entire German people with 'collective guilt'.

So I accuse you personally of dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and murdering 250,000 innocent people in Dresden. Because you are American and therefore you are an evil racist genocidal fucking fascist.

So you come to Germany and insult them, call them Nazis, and expect to be allowed to continue spouting your hate? Given how blatantly obvious you are as controlled opposition I'm seriously hoping those responsible will decide you've served your purpose and then make an example of you.

That would be my vote, anyhow. And I know they are reading this... (want any assistance as (no need to be controlled) opposition - let me know - I shall be utterly delighted to see this bigot go down).

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Germany is the "best" democracy in Europe like the IDF is the "most moral" army in the world. We're all living in a Fellini film.

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I would have to add Fellini on acid - bad acid.

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I share your sentiments 100 percent.

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And where exactly did you go after you left Germany if I may inquire?

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We went to Sweden. We decided in mid of Nov‘21 and left Germany six weeks later, in a small car, only with two suitcases.

I will never forget the first day of my son at his new first grade school class on Feb 2nd where he was surrounded by his schoolmates and hugged and welcomed. I had tears in my eyes after the cruelties at schools in Germany.

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I m glad the kids and you found their place. May this continue be a good place for your family.

I left Silicon Valley where my kids went to German school (don’t ask 🤭). It’s been eight months we are in southern Italy.

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You were pro or against the swirl of covidsmovid?

And you have hadvl no problems in Italy

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CJ, I know from your riveting conversations with Catherine Austin Fitts that you, like me, are striving to gain a firmer handle on the financial underpinnings of our present tyranny. I recently read “The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve,” and I think you and your readers would find it as enthralling as I did.

Of particular relevance to this article are G. Edward Griffin’s hauntingly prescient predictions (from 1994!) regarding the use of “hate crimes” to muzzle dissidents.

Toward the end of the book, he presents a fictional dystopian scenario in which he describes violent faux-revolutionaries of the socialist flavor who sound very much like Antifa:

“People are frightened by these violent events and demand the restoration of law and order. They are relieved when martial law is declared. They are happy to see the International Guard patrolling their neighborhoods. They are not resentful of being confined in their homes or arbitrarily detained by soldiers. They are actually grateful for the omni-presence of the police state.

“It is curious that the revolutionary groups behind this violence have not been inhibited by the government. To the contrary, they have been given grants from CFR organizations, and their leaders have been treated courteously by CFR politicians. The CFR media have given them extended coverage in the news and has presented their cause with sympathy. A few dissidents have begun to wonder if the revolutionaries are but the unknowing pawns of those in power and that their primary function is to frighten the population into accepting the constraints of a police state.

“Such voices, however, are quickly silenced. Those who question the government or the media are branded as extremists at the lunatic fringe. Authorities say that they are the cause of our present woes. They are remnants of the old system based on profit-seeking and race-hating. They are guilty of politically-incorrect attitudes and hate crimes. They are sentenced to attitude-correction centers for psychological treatment and rehabilitation. Those who do not immediately recant are never seen again.”

Sound familiar? 🤔

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Important to teach our children about this too: I recommend Tuttle Twins series by Connor Boyack, which has a book for ages 8-12 about the Creature from Jekyll Island (and much more)

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Is there a link to the interview with Catherine Austin Fitts? And I lost the connection to a G Edward Griffin

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Sorry, interview linked on X.

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Thanks. Will check them out. Not enough hours in the day,

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LOL, join the club :-))

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Tell me about it!!!

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Those were fantastic conversations and would be one of my "go to" resources for getting someone up to speed.

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Content for Oval members only.

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I think you can access it for free if you log in. I used to have an account but can't log in; they must have purged it because it's been so long since I logged in. That said, here are the parts on Rumble (I'm not sure if Part 4 has been released yet as I've only seen the trailer):





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Thank you very much indeed!

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It's times like these where those who didn't have the ability before , now see whar people are made of.


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It’s the same playbook used everywhere. The awake are labeled MAGATS here in the USSA. All are being used to expand government control.

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I was waiting for a comment like this… since I do not have the talent to write it myself, nor the audience to read (even if I had that talent). Thanks CJ! You never disappoint in calling out hypocrisy. Which earned you another year of my payed subscription and a Jäger in any Berlin bar whenever…😅

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Thanks. I'll be giving a short speech at an art exhibition opening in the Musikbrauerei on the 26th, if you want to come and buy me a whiskey there.

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Be sure to take a mask! You never know when the next pandemic might hit.

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Amazing yet not surprising. After all the American left now embraces the FBI, CIA, et al. Entities that illegally surveilled MLK and numerous other civil rights leaders.

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And they are in favor of censorship. That threw me for a loop I tell you. They think that Biden had every right to center right leaning people, but just imagine if Trump had censored the left.

I wonder if they read this essay if they would understand the message? It’s like when they cheered Alex Jones getting kicked off twitter, but then bitched when someone on the left did. Now imagine if Trump gets lots of dem politicians kicked off it. Yeah I can imagine the uproar from them.

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Illegally surveiled? You're letting them off pretty lightly. How about "murdered"?

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MLK was an avowed Communist, as well as a self-righteous, womanizing, hypocritical POS.

Did you know he was such a chauvinist general turd that he never even visited Rosa Parks, much less give her credit for her bravery?

The whole “civil rights” movement was a sham, instigated by the CIA, no doubt, just like the hippie movement, to divide the country and steal the progress black people were making by steering them away from the achievement and self-development track onto the welfare state dependency track. But because most people (especially the young and inexperienced) never look under the hood, they miss the carefully disguised paths designed to carry travelers on the roads of “good ideas”, to Hell, instead.

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You see this as a battle between the left and right? Following your logic then, the CIA and FBI were right to assassinate MLK, JFK, RFK, Malcolm, Fred Hampton etc. Communists and fellow travelers the lot!

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Oh, lighten up, Francis!

First, I was commenting one one specific person. You’re the one extrapolating my comment inappropriately to other people. Sorry if I hit a nerve pointing out that the saint the globalists and media created for us was just a flawed and scummy ordinary person whose main objective in life was to obtain fame and followers, damn the consequences to everybody else. MLK had the qualities of the parasite for the times, and that’s why he was chosen. You don’t seriously believe his rise to fame was completely because of his own hard work and virtue, do you? 😂😂😂 He was taken out when doing so was optimal to promote the message. A user and the one being used at the same time.

Second, a battle between left and right? 😅 Oh, please, there IS no “left” or “right” at the top, only various rival political mafias all vying for ultimate control. We see nothing but the distorted shadows of their fights. Thus it’s easy to make the mistake of thinking there are fundamentally opposing camps. There aren’t. There is only one camp, split into warring factions all with the same goal: total parasitism of the rest of us. Sometimes there ARE actually independent good guys in government, they slip through (law of statistics), but they’re rare and usually don’t last that long. When things seem confusing or counterintuitive, it’s almost always the result of one political crime institution doing something to screw another political crime institution, not anybody doing anything actually good for society.

I maintain that the whole “civil rights” BS was just a step in the path to tearing down civil society and keeping black people on the plantation. The plantation had to be rebranded “The Great Society” and theater like that provided by King had to mask its true intent. King was a known and avowed Communist, willing to sell his own people out, and a useful tool for those who saw his potential to get to the rest of us. He was like the Covid virus used to get the true threat -the jab - into public consciousness (as opposed to arms). If we had simply allowed social change, which never comes easily, to take its course, like we should have allowed natural immunity to do, things would have worked out much better for all. But King and his simplistic message of salvation thru the politics of greed, jealousy, and self-righteousness, was a fantastic way to advance the true agenda under the cover of government meddling in the name of “good works”. He helped break society in ways that are now probably irreparable, like a wound created for the purpose of allowing social infection to invade the body politic. The same government agencies that created him ultimately destroyed him; that was their plan all along, IMO.

You should definitely read the 23-part essay on the Laurel Canyon pop music scene and the creation of the hippie movement that was poster on Substack some months ago. Sorry, I don’t have the link right now so you’ll have to look it up for yourself. I think it will open your eyes as to how the CIA and other branches of government use and abuse people (in this case, musicians), in order to advance goals like crushing dissent against war, and to destroy society generally. If you think they don’t play every angle simultaneously to hide their agendas from everyone involved (especially the public), you really are naive.

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"I maintain that the whole 'civil rights' BS was just a step in the path to tearing down civil society and keeping black people on the plantation."

I've been recognizing a truth kernel in this also. I'm certainly not as harsh on the participants as you are, but I am also willing to look deeper. I used to think of the first wave (50s-60s) as wholly righteous, then I came to recognize that the process for tackling the low-hanging fruit (e.g. Jim Crow laws) had to have been completely hijacked.

It seems as if the minds and powers behind the New Left were engaged in switching the gears of Marxism completely, throwing all their weight from class to race etc., rather than adding them to the Leftist mix, I think a big flaw in the cover-up. So it never was about improving society as a whole, just as with class conflict jump-started by Marx 100 years earlier, it was about creating armies for intra-national wars everywhere. Class differences was simply an inferior boundary to manage (especially by 1950), than immutable Race/Sex/etc. differences. Divide and conquer, indeed.

There was a pro-capitalist black group in Chicago in the mid-late 60s that was ruthlessly suppressed (before 1970?) for its unexpected successes in bringing true self-empowerment to those communities. I saw a documentary, but now can't recall the name. Do you?

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B-I-N-G-O! The politics of hatred, jealousy and “gimme something for nothing”, for the purpose of tearing down successful, independent white society and making sure blacks therefore had nothing uplifting to integrate into, lest they get uppity and realize they’ve got potential of their own. Sowing division by recruiting useful idiots to the bandwagon of good ideas, and pushing change instead of allowing it to unfold naturally. If things had simply taken their course, we would have had a stable, integrated society based on achievement by now. But a prosperous, united people are tough to control and, as you point out, more difficult to push into wars.

Sorry, don’t know the documentary you speak of, but I’ll bet the plantation bosses of both colors probably don’t want it to be seen or remembered. Mustn’t get the workers all riled up with questions and ideas.

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Sorry for the delay. Thanks.

"If things had simply taken their course, we would have had a stable, integrated society based on achievement by now."

I disagree that any society is ever stable. It is a constant churning tug-of-war, where, at some point after a violent revolution or other kind of major reordering, eventually sociopathic elites rise to the top, concentrate themselves, and impose control by (at least) their natural abilities, which can't be taken away from them. Makes no difference what the nominal political order is, whether it is prioritized on freedom (e.g. w/capitalism) or on equality* (socialism), _both_ of which are necessary for healthy society.

[*I think better stated as "fairness", however their details can be democratically agreed to.]

Here's something from Orwell I saw posted just yesterday that points to the elites' use of war to maintain tight control over the masses - https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/purpose-war-according-george-orwell-1984

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A consequence of this is that Marx is *not* a Leftist. Instead, he was its original hijacker, and a totalitarian -- the polar opposite of a (small-d) democrat. So there were always authoritarian ringleaders (Lenin's term was 'vanguard'), and they always operated in stealth, pumping the illusion of democracy. How could there not be, when the armies are, by definition, composed of the powerless, but led by the carrot of "hope"?

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Maybe it was "Cointelpro"? https://thoughtmaybe.com/cointelpro-the-fbis-war-on-black-america/

If not, You will certanly find it on "ThoughtMaybe" - IMO the best compendium of documentaries in existence. One of my favorites is "The Century of the Self" - explaining how people were brainwashed.

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Thanks - I'll look in there

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So what's your big hard on with communism? I would be surprised if MLK didn't remark on that the communists didn't have Jim Crow laws. But whether he was or wasn't seems beside the point. It is not communists that are pushing the Great Reset Agenda. Why are you not focusing on the real culprits - the financial oligarchy?

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Because that wasn’t the specific issue I was going after, sheesh! Read some of my other posts on other threads. Who is the ultimate enemy? The central banks and the families who run them. The agencies that are aiding and abetting in the destruction of America and the world help out with complex, multi-pronged attacks that provide pieces of the puzzle of implementation. It’s a team sport. The “civil rights” movement was one of the pieces.

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First you didn't answer my question

RE: Read some of my other posts on other threads.

Second, your posts seem internally inconsistent and you are not bringing anything to table that either I am unfamiliar with or that matters. (It doesn't matter if MLK was or was not a communist to what is happening today.) It feel very much like you are trying to dovetail with right wing talking points. (I am neither on the left or the right; I see them both as part of the same control grid.) To sum up, I am not yet inclined to check out your other posts.

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Yes, worshiping those who offed their president.

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You nail it again, CJ. And let's also acknowledge the "other side of the coin." The group of "rightists" that was spot on regarding covid and injections, suspicion of the intelligence/"law enforcement"/medical alphabet agencies, Russiagate, Hunter Biden, even Ukraine (some)... but mention "Israel," and you see worship that makes Joan Baez testimonials to Fauci look quaint.

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Yes, I pointed that out to some of my more right-leaning readers shortly after October 7th ... it made me very popular, as you can imagine.

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I am one of your more right-leaning readers who is amazed of the hypocrisy of both the left and the right on the issue of free speech. Keep fighting the good fight for freedom.

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Nothing like having everybody and their dog call you crazy for holding consistent political views over the decades, not to mention actually having a moral compass.

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I protested and protest both. Both the covid-inspired fascism and the zionist-inspired fascism. There are quite a few other leftists like me who did and do that, though, i agree, not nearly enough..

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Good on you, I did the same.

The COVID/"Lockdown Left"should never be able to forget what they assented to and encouraged.

And most are still hiding from the consequences of the mandated kill shots which they almost universally cheered on.

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Yanis just like Chris Hedges, Jill Stein, Cornel West, and so on who all thought big pharma was crooked went along with the fascism because they're all cowards and emotionally disabled.

Same now with the right wing that stood up to censorship only to be pro censorship today.

Johnny indeed said it perfectly 🖕

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Indeed! There we were, flailing around, hoping to find those who shared our heretofore values…and there they were, all giving us the middle finger as they jumped on the fascist bandwagon.

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I seldom buy the whole cloth you sell CJ, which is one reason why I greatly appreciate the reads. Can't question your take w/o querying my own as well.

& yes, of course I do buy a few inches here, a foot there maybe even half a yard in the middle somewhere.


Keep on weavin', Steven, keep that bolt (canvas bolt is 39 yards, a cotton is 100 yards long, a silk bolt is 40 yards) on display, CJ.

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Thanks, Jim ... "can't question your take w/o querying my own as well" is kind of what I've been going for all these years, so I'm happy to hear that.

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I will second that.

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Thank you C.J. The mask has been pulled back and now any of us who possess the stomach for it can clearly see the grinning death skull of our gangrenous Western "democracies" staring blankly into a collective future of AI delivered boot and truncheon. "You will know nothing - and be happy - or else."

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It's about war, war and more war and they want you watching genocide of any population they decide needs to used to traumatise the world and don't you even think about speaking against it. Madness is being normalised. Death of people, ideas, morals and culture is their business and all done in the name of spreading peace, democracy and equity.

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Error Or Terror ?

These Marxist Are A Violent Terror.

They Tell You That Speech Is Violence:

While They Kill You;

While They Inject You; While They Cut Off Your Genitalia; While They Pull Your Babies From The Womb.

All While Chanting That Your Speech Is Violent.

If You’re Not Willing To Fight To Their Death - You Are Going To Die. Violently.

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CJ - you were made for these times! Much like Eugyppius, who analyses and dismantles the covidian insanity in his bemused and dispassionate way. You are cutting through it with your powerful combination of incandescent rage and searing satire. These are your superpowers. This is what you are meant to be doing. Do not underestimate your importance in continuing to unmask and challenge these risible buffoons. They must be thwarted at every possible turn, and ridiculed mercilessly until they stop.

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Truly - the zero-COVID/endemic-COVID conflict and the Arab/Israel conflict are such a bizarre juxtaposition - but really do boil down to many of the same basic philosophical principles. It is particularly bizarre to see how many of the outspoken voices swapped philosophical sides on a dime between these two issues.

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Interesting you referenced Niemöller’s poem…they really don’t get it or care to get it until it’s happening to them, and then and only then are the rest of us supposed to celebrate in the birth of their consciousness. Infuriating indeed!

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Exactly as you said Yanis Varoufakis is a fucking hypocrite he was the first politician in Greece who proposed the fine for the unvaccinated.

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No, he didn't propose it. He actually predicted that the government would do something so stupid and advised against it. You can find plenty of articles in a simple search.

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Yes you have right he used it just for a theatre opposition when he supported 100%the vaccination ,lockdowns, masks .

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