I am sending you wishes of well-being. I hope you recover the plague the soonest, and we shall prevail!!!!

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Thanks, Tessa ... I'm almost fully recovered from the Alien Death Plague now, just a bit weak and fog-headed still.

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Go to FLCCC.net and look at their protocols for long COVID. They have lots of information and things you can do and take to help with your recovery. I watched a Zoom on this and was very impressed. Even managed to take some screen shots of the three tiered approach.

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I didn't know you had it. It's kind of a bitch. I had it three months ago and it was tough but I'm older.....I did have a touch of long COVID and a brain fog situation that still torments but I'm nearly better. People were so nice. Glad you are recovering from ADP.

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I'm no spring chicken, myself. I'll be fine, though. Bouncing back, finally.

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Yes it does take a bit to ‘bounce back’. After evaluating my ‘illness’ experience’ it was not at all like any previous ‘flu like illness’ I have had in my adult life. And though I am a bit older than you I’m a fairly healthy person of my age, rarely am ‘sick’, take only 1 prescription drug for a thyroid condition, and rarely ‘go to the doctor’. Whatever this s**t was, it was different. To say it is a ‘bio-weaponized virus’ is not an understatement.

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Yes, this is awful!! Body aches and kidney pain that's scary. And that's with lots of supplements and the medicines the covid docs recommend, most starting even before I had symptoms - person I live with was feeling sick so I treated ASAP.

I do understand why people fear this thing. Of course that doesn't justify how the fear was manipulated for psychopathic authoritarian goals and the best possible solutions were sabotaged to unleash a horrific injection on the world ... but this is not a cold .. at least not for some people.

I was doing good avoiding it so far in NYC ... started wearing a ridiculous alien insect looking P100 mask in the subways. Just in the subways, when the ratio of density / dimensions / and coughing people, some coughing thru completely useless masks, some not, is high enough to feel like that's a wise choice. If both of us had worn them (on the subway), we probably wouldn't be sick now. (I'm not in favor of mask mandates, it should be choice, and I chose to look like an industrial dystopian alien rather than get this disease).

Still grateful for the advice of the FLCCC and all the covid docs, and compounding pharmacies who understand. Guess I sound like the vax rationalizers when I say "it probably would be worse if I didn't" (use early treatment).

Hoping I feel better ... but this kidney pain sucks!

Wishing healing to all!

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I know you probably already are, Brother, but I sincerely hope you are taking all levels of precautions against these "Neo-Nazis"; because, since you tell it so much like IT IS about this global(ist) corporate-fascist coup against the entire world, they are likely to try and find you and assassinate you (made to look like other than what it really is, murder). So I hope you are moving around, staying in different places, and with different people, constantly. No one is safe at the hands of these mobsters and monsters, but especially True Journalists like yourself. All of nothing but the True Best to you and yours!

[Can you imagine what Hermann Hesse would say about all this? The "Steppenwolves" are rising (the anti-"New-'Normal'-True-Global-Patriots", the True Anti-Fascists, not the fake ones in the U.S. {and elsewhere?}), thus the corporate-fascist global(ist) powers-that-be are going to more and more pull out all of the stops in order to come after all those who speak out against all of this madness. But, because Hermann Hesse was so "old" (85) when he left this "veil of tears", I'm sincerely happy for him that he's not going through this mass-insanity, but resting in peace. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

Yet, if Hermann were here, he'd be "Cry(ing) aloud, spar(ing) not..." (Isaiah 58:1), aka yelling from the rooftops, about this man-made "new-holocaust" on steroids, as you and others are (where is Glenn Greenwald on this, cowardly preserving his and his family's life at the expense of humanity?). Truly, God help us ALL!]

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Check this out, people [most people, or all of the people who have taken the "vaccines", are being turned into antennas---and I didn't realize that cellular transmission antennas (we're the receivers, who will soon be transmitting data back to the cellular antennas, if we aren't already) are radar technology (the "vaccines" make them much more efficiently visible to the operators or monitors of the technology, making it much easier to track them]:

Fifth Generation (5G) Directed Energy Radiation Emissions In the Context of Contaminated Nanometal Covid-19 Vaccines with Graphite Ferrous Oxide Antennas

Expert Report

By Mark Steele

Global Research, July 20, 2022


So, what's going on now is MUCH (orders of magnitude) bigger than "only" the "scam/plan-demic" and the nanoparticle "vaccines", and it's all interconnected (with 5G, etc.).

Quote from the above-referenced article:

"...The telecommunications narrative for 5G is only a cover for its actual future capability and purpose, as confirmed by the total absence of environmental risk research and insurance liability cover for harm. The future domain for the battle space and the ongoing deployment of 5G technological advance include 5G weapons for warfare across cities, towns and countryside. The domain includes psychological warfare technologies, including control and dissemination of information through social media to obscure the real purpose of 5G as a warfare system..."

The whole thing, with all of its constituent parts, including the plan(ned)/scam-demic", is a WAR against all of humankind and the entire planet!

And they are already "frying", or "cooking", us with 4G and 5G high frequency microwave radiation! No wonder most peoples' higher-reasoning skills and independence are disappearing!

[If your cellphones have the ability to do so---not that I know if it truly does any good or not, or whether they can override the setting remotely (probably)---set them to 3G or less, or 4G or less, as I have (mine's now set to 3G or less).]


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A little more of the mind-blowing facts from the aforementioned article, which I hadn't fully read before I referenced it here [the article just gets better and better; and how much you wanna bet that I'll get banned by Twitter and/or Facebook for posting it when I do? The truth hurts the "Big Brothers", the censors, the "Covidians", the real disinformationists, the so-called "fact checkers", the free speech and other rights violators, the globalists, the military-eugenics-government-pharmaceutical-industrial complex, the "philanthropaths", and all life on the planet who they're supposedly "saving" ("saving" from life itself, that is, by mass-murdering them)]:

Radiation-induced coronavirus COVID-19 symptoms

"...The vast majority of the populations across the West, in particular those of the Five Eyes community, the Anglosphere intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States, have been injected without their knowledge with nano metamaterial antennas and are unfortunately going to suffer increased mortality rates due to localized reflecting radiation emissions from the 5G urban radar. All of the known coronavirus symptoms can be attributed to ionizing and non-ionizing radiation pollution. IV.1, IV.2 (referring to footnotes--see the article)

"5G has been identified in a number of published papers as the actual cause of the pandemic, the start of which coincided with the switching on of the 5G network in Wuhan province, whose population had just been vaccinated with a mandated flu vaccination. 5G has the potential to deliver ionizing energy levels that would cause immune system suppression, leaving the body at risk of disease. IV.3 (referring to a footnote--see the article)..."


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You are so wonderful Tessa❤️

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Amen, CJ. People need to realize there is no such thing as the left/right, liberal/conservative, or Democrat/Republican divide anymore—those are merely distractions to prevent us from uniting. Right now, the only division that matters is whether you are pro-tyranny or pro-freedom. Period.

I have been calling for people to rise above their partisan divides since my first essay (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-primer-for-the-propagandized), in which I describe the recipe for achieving mass control as follows:

“Whip up a witches’ brew of anger, envy, and, most importantly, fear, escalating emotions to a boil so as to short-circuit our faculties of reason and logic.

“Isolate us from one another, supplant real-world interactions with virtual feuds, label nonconformists as a threat to the group, and pump the public with a disinformation campaign designed to confuse and atomize. In essence, foster a cultlike mentality that shuts down thought to guarantee assent.

“Cultivate and wield our cognitive biases—especially ingroup bias, conformity bias, and authority bias—against us in a comprehensive divide-and-conquer policy that keeps us too busy squabbling amongst ourselves to recognize and unite against those corralling us into a Matrix-like collective delusion that enables the powerful to extract our resources for their own gain.

“This is not a partisan issue. Those who wish to control us have made it such because disunited lemmings are easier to steer than independent, critical thinkers.

“This is a human issue. This is about crushing the middle class—the backbone of a democratic republic—and transferring trillions from the middle and lower classes to the ruling plutocracy. This is about demolishing the foundations of a free society and building it back—not better, but better-controlled.”

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“There are no sides.”

“There’s no Sunnis and Shiites.”

“There’s no Democrats and Republicans.”

“Just haves and have nots.”

—Six Term Senator Charles Meachum

It is all a “Big Show” and there is no ‘Deep State’ but just “THE STATE.“


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Sadly your observations are spot on C.J., per usual. LA county next door is about to re-institute "indoor mask mandates," even while local doctors publicly dismiss that there is any crisis in hospitalizations whatsoever. While the San Diego school district where my two young grandsons 5 & 7 attend will be doing the same for the fall school year. The head of the school district explaining that if a child doesn't feel comfortable wearing a mask that they should simply not attend school in person. No "science" needed, just more totalitarian dictates. I would like to think people have had enough - but the knee jerk reaction by most to the latest official orders to "jump" - is simply to say - "how high?"

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I am in San Diego as well. Beginning last Monday all the local Navy bases instituted mask mandates indoors. No particular reason that I can tell but some bogus threat level is up.

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Amazing isn't it? And now "Monkeypox!" As someone put it quite nicely: "I can't believe it's Monkeypox season already - and I've just barely got my "support Ukraine" decorations up!

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I really hate to say this, but it is becoming more and more clear that the only path out of this new normal cluster will have to involve the people reminding the leaders that no, they do not have a "monopoly on violence."

Perhaps a "demonstration" with no damage or bloodshed would be sufficient, but it never actually is.

God help us!

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You haven't considered sternly-worded emails and letters to elected officials, or beat poetry, or 10-page blog posts your opponent aren't required to read.

Why be so quick to the sword?

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Oh I think I have clearly indicated my concerns for their incompetence and corruption over the last 46 years.

Senator Strom Thurmond (SC Senator from 1954 to 2003) just waived off my concerns about the skyrocketing cost of health care back in the mid 70s. "It is just a few percent, young man," he said "no need to express concern."

"You still going to feel that way when it hits 15+% of GDP?" I asked him.

He chuckled, waved me away, and then headed down the state capitol steps.

"Senator" I shouted, "don't you want to see these cost projections?"

"Send them to my Washington office." he yelled back.

So I did, but never heard a thing back.

I imagine somebody up there has a file on me, probably several files!

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I think you are on to something, especially the poetry. Surely, that will get them to back down. Personally, I think we just need more memes. If that doesn’t topple the regimes, what will!

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“… score cheap points on Twitter, or Gettr, or Telegram…”

That’s why I’m off social media. People get along just fine in meat space. That being said, my dear compatriots do drive me to distraction, that’s why I left. No idea how you do it.

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I left Twitter today after hearing they censored TESS LAWRIE and the WORLD COUNCIL FOR HEALTH and a better way. That was it for me. Buh-bye Twittosphere.

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Here’s my tip: the fastest way to get permabanned and have all your tweets deleted for you is to tell a male he will never ever ever be a woman.

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Very efficient.

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Your life will be better.

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I got suspended from Twitter for saying that Mario Cuomo deserved a spanking for his misdeeds.

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Is spanking an euphemism for lamppost ornament? If so, right on.

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It really can bring out the worst in people, plus its owners design it to do exactly that, to drive traffic. It’s all about driving traffic. Where there are ads, access to you is what is being sold. Blogging is better but you get a lot of spillover rage from social media, too.

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I for one understand what you are saying about people being at each others throats. There are a whole lot of people in my life everyday that I just don't engage with. What I mean is I have a cursory required conversation with, for example coworkers. But they have no Idea what is happening around them or in the rest of the world. They choose to look away and pretend. These are simply not serious people. I do not have the time to catch them up, nor do I wish to risk the repercussions of doing so. This too is gloomy. The unexpected magical thing is that a couple times a week I have an amazing conversation with people I hardly know or indeed just met. They know what is happening and I talk to them them like we are long lost old friends. A man came to cut down a wind damaged tree in my yard and we an amazing random, completely honest conversation about the time we are in. This gives me hope.

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I had a more real conversation with the plumber who came over to fix something than my lifelong friends. I can’t talk to them anymore. They are not in this world anymore

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I am also just glad that other people on this thread are having the same experience. It is very easy to feel isolated.

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What you said, exactly.

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Aug 2, 2022
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That made me chuckle Terry.

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Aug 2, 2022Edited
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Wow, I got goosebumps reading this Terri, about the museum, statue of Zelenko, etc. He and people like him are true heros.

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Forgive me but I have a hard time thinking that far ahead.

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the french had the best solution and im afraid their revolution was not peaceful, this is the only way i see it happening or we are doooooomed!

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We need to get over our mindless, happy-zombie mantra disclaiming just violence pretty damn soon, or the people who have not been so fucking stupid as to disarm themselves will be very happy to take all we have, imprison, torture, and kill us in that order.

And many of us will go on mooning to slave-gods that tell us to smile when we are raped because invisible revenge will happen when we're not looking and can't tell anyone.

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Agreed. Ghandi's peaceful revolution worked only because he wasn't opposing cruel fascists. We are, and it's long past time those in power on the right realize we're in a war and violence is already being done ... by the left

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So happy you are on Substack, friend.

It really is becoming the AWAKE version of what New Yorker was when New Yorker was something special...like 15 years ago. I used to look forward to it but now I look forward to my special Substacks and New Yorker makes me barf.

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Thanks, Trish, back at you ... yes, I can't believe I used to read the New Yorker, and the NY Times, somewhat religiously. Seems another lifetime ago.

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Same with The Atlantic and Guardian

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Substack does appear to be making all the right people angry. That was part of what attracted me. And based out of San Francisco. Wonders never cease.

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We gotta get you out of there, CJ.

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I'm about ready to bug out. Now I just need 250K or so to buy a place and permanent residency on a Greek island. Greece went New Normal too, but no one enforces anything on the islands, at least not in the villages and countryside.

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Best I can offer is a Chicago west suburban home, as we're about to give up and foreclose while my husband struggles to recover from vax injury /Avascular Necrosis.

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So sorry to hear that. I wish your husband a full recovery and you and yours all the best, CJ

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So sorry to hear this and I pray you can find a way through it. I left the western suburbs for the NC mountains six years ago. My daughter, with a new job after losing one due to the COVID insanity, is still there. I wish she could have left but certainly not in manner you're enduring.

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I'm hearing good things about Albania. Turkey just upped its buy in to about 400k but its still a great and inexpensive place to visit. Would be thrilled to treat you to dinner next time you're in Istanbul.

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Croatia's a much better Greece now. More social cohesion and stability. They were taking Greek pensioners' monthly income for not getting the clot shots. Diabolical. Been considering a departure from Poland and what the important considerations are for relocation today in our brewing globalist dystopia.


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Are you Polish? Or just living in Poland? The 2 gentlemen my husband drives truck for (till he became vax injured and had to have his hip replaced last week) are Polish. One lives here in Chicago and owns a small trucking company. The other Polish gentleman, the one who actually owns my husband's truck, is living in Scotland. They're always looking for drivers. My husband is their only non Polish speaking driver, so they let me dispatch for him. Really good people. The one that lives here, where there aren't really any restrictions to speak of that I'm aware of, is not getting the vaccine. His wife told him she would divorce him if he did. Lol. The one who lives in Scotland is vaccinated. His sister is a doctor so he thinks he knows what's going on. But 2 really great guys.

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Poles are great people. I'm an American with a French passport bouncing around Europe for a couple decades. Poland has been one of the best places to live. The Russo-hysteria and invitation for permanent U.S. military build up has made things untenable now, so it's time to move on but I'll miss the people most.

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CJ, Here is a hopeful chuckle for you, as you plan your Mediterranean escape….


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It’s very depressing. Even those on the same side as me cannot abide the possibility that I am now willing to explore the idea that there wasn’t even a new virus in the first place.

OMG. The reaction is almost as if I’ve committed a capital crime instead of being transparent & saying “I’m not satisfied by what we’ve been told here & I would like to see further, empirical exploration with a view to obtaining more powerful evidence”.

We’re alogned, it seems, on many things, including that NONE of the “measures” imposed did any good nor ever could have; and that the alleged “vaccines” are ineffective & dangerous.

Therefore, everything should go back to normal.

Nope. Not enough alignment.

I’m very glad I belong to no club, association or profession. I plan always to remain independently minded.

Push back against that which is crushing the life out of a once-free people.

Waste no time on anything else.

That’s my recommendation anyway!

If you disagree, that’s absolutely fine

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It's funny, in the old days, i.e., three years ago, if I had just had what I have just had, I would have said, gosh, I had some kind of nasty bug, and other people would have probably said, gosh, I had that nasty bug too, and we all would have just gone on with our lives, operating on the belief that (a) bugs exist, (b) people catch them and spread them around to other people, and (c) these facts are not cause for panic, or for radically restructuring human society. Which is a long way of saying I don't really care whether this particular coronavirus exists. Neither it (assuming it does exist) nor any other actual or imaginary virus is what is "crushing the life out of a once-free people," as you put it. It seems like you have your priorities straight to me.

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The only area of my life that “Covid” did not affect was my health, ironically. Wiped out my job and many relationships, but never even noticed a bad sickness in myself or my loved ones that rivaled the flu

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I'm sorry Jane. Many are in this boat. It sucks.

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At least 3 times in my life I had the flu, it was very very bad for 1-2 weeks (had to stay in bed), and i had somewhat fully recovered after 2-3 weeks. Was your deadly plague worse than that?

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Nope, it was pretty much exactly as you described, except ... you know, apocalyptic.

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They lied about everything else and then the FBI raided the lab of 20 virologists who claimed they couldn't isolate the virus and for whom the CDC refused to furnish any samples of the virus, who couldn't get their findings published anywhere, so it's entirely plausible they lied about the virus too. At least one has to keep their mind open to the possibility given the evidence out there.

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Here's the thing, as I always tell people, you cannot possibly much less effectively combat an enemy unless you know who that enemy is and what its tactics are. How did I know, literally on day 1, that this was all a ruse? Am I a virologist/epidemiologist/etc.? Hardly, far from it in fact. But I know A, who the enemy is, and B, how they've managed to all but corner the world over the past hundred-and-fifty years anyway. ALL major wars, OKC, 9-11, London, now this, and much more including propaganda that would make Goebels blush with jealousy, truly. Hell, after the fall of the East Germany, the STASI (STAats SIcherheitsdienst, translated Homeland Security Service) came over here and expressed jealousy at our then advanced public surveillance network. We can't get flag-waving Americans to believe that they were conned on 9-11. So the flag-waving goes on and brings the people doing the waving to their knees.

There's nothing left to salvage in this country. As the saying goes, the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of patriots from time to time. We're wiser than those stating that however and believe that we can water that tree with "sustainable water."

Whatever anymore. I feel like characters Dr. Mindy, Kate Dibiasky, and Dr. Ogelthorpe in the movie Don't Look Up.

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Interesting. I was only vaguely aware of this. Is there an account published on this?

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I recently edited down a 90-minute interview to ten minutes with one of the researchers/whistleblowers from that team...


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Thank you, GC!

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That was a great video BTW!

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And BTW, when people have a difficult time envisioning that their enemy, which they seem to believe is their friend, would lie to them, repeatedly and as a rule, I'm not sure how a war is won like that.

And as far as the comparison to 9-11 goes, if they can't see the "visible," then HTH are they going to see the invisible.

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People don’t even know what a lie is. They’ve been marinated in them.

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That is correct. As Yuri Bezmenov said, they're now fully demoralized, and that INCLUDES many of the people that realize what's going on. They realize it, but think that it was some oversight, mistake, et al.

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There’s that. But I was thinking of something a little different. People live and think and speak nearly constant lies. Their engagement is primarily with the voices in their heads.

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Expound on that.

I'm not sure how that offers hope. The average person will all but literally, and perhaps even literally, run off the edge of the "cliff" when told to do so by authority figure(s).

It's astounding, the lack of independent thinking. Even more astounding is the notion that most people simply shove anything not presently contained in their world view into the file-folder of "ridiculous."

It's anything BUT hopeful if you ask me.

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If they are really on the right side of this there is no reason for despair, they have nowhere to go. In someways we were maneuvered into this black age one compromise, one half-truth, one mannerly lie at a time. I think the strife must go in all directions. Fighters are gonna fight. If there are those in the ranks who can’t handle the search for the truth, let alone what that search might uncover, that’s too bad. The truth will set you free. I still believe that. What else do we have?

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Here in some parts of the US, it does feel like it is over. And then you learn that DC schools will require kids 12 + to be covid-vaxxed for school, and you realize it's not over by a long shot. And it won't be over until our politicians start acknowledging vax injury and the media starts covering it. Which I can't see as anything other than inevitable...At least I hope so.

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I am writing to you from Italy, a country that has probably had one of the worst scenarios and the longest restrictions, now we still have a transport mask, green pass for the hospital, nursing homes, but many people do not wear it, especially in trains. . The dragon left the temple a couple of days ago, but that doesn't mean it's time to feel relieved, we think it's a strategy, despite resigning he still has the power to carry out the plans it's absolutely a time of concern to prepare for what can happen in the fall. in italy there are many communities that are being born, especially one in the north, we are 10,000 people now, mostly families, we are trying to be independent from food, agriculture, culture, health care, wood heating, home schooling and so on , even with the method of exchange and barter, it seems impossible, but it is possible. It is important to be in communities and to support each other, being alone is very difficult. Now several new court rulings are getting suspended doctors and non-vaccinated doctors reinstated. Right now many people are sick, most, many, trivaccinated. The mainstream says that many people are dying from the heat as in 2003, the issue of monkeypox has not attacked the public nor even the African mosquito. Let's get ready, these are crazy to bind !!!! Love will win!

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Thank you ... I'm saving your reply in a special folder with others like it, in case I need to get out of here and wander (like Caine) from rural community to rural community in Europe during the Autumn and Winter. I can probably still chop wood, and teach kids English or Greek tragedy, or something.

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I, too, think the resignation is part of a plan. As is likely to happen in the, your new boss will likely be like the old, and all in with the WEF though possibly couching the same schemes in new language.

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Some of the culpable in facilitating the madness are those in the arts, in film, & game & software development. They should know better from history. They have zero intellectual honesty & courage. But the most culpable are the media & the order following law enforcement. The latter are doing it for a pension they’ll never get. The media themselves appear to be heavily indoctrinated & mired in groupthink. But it is they with their lack of critical thinking & intellectual honesty that are worthy of the most condemnation. With every broadcast & social engineering articles they condemn themselves & humanity to a perpetual hell of a permanent biosecurity state.

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Greed and cynicism crowd out intellectual integrity quite efficiently.

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When i go to @consent_factory twitter, I get this warning: "Caution: This profile may include potentially sensitive content

You’re seeing this warning because they Tweet potentially sensitive images or language. Do you still want to view it?"


And then I get all sorts of warnings "Age-restricted adult content. This content might not be appropriate for people under 18 years old. To view this media, you’ll need to log in to Twitter. Learn more".

This is how absolutely absurd the world has become. Such a pity Elon does not want to destroy this big-brother-dystopia anymore. And no, I will definitely not log-in anymore, because they kicked me out 3 times already.

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Yes, the Twitter Corporation has been waging a rather intense defamation campaign against the Consent Factory for some time now, blocking content, and misleading people into thinking that I'm some kind of pornographer or something. If I could afford to pay a lawyer, I would sue them.

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I too live (on an island of occasional sanity) in one of the New Normal enclaves, and your sentence, "The masses are like actors being forced to emotionally invest in the “reality” of an absurdist stage play" is so true.

I know that not everyone has the ability or opportunity, but by not being in a metro or even suburban area helps immensely. Even within the New Reich a bit of space can be what keeps the insanity at bay.

When I leave my "island", the described clowns are running to and fro, but when I return, normalcy and personal sanity and calm, returns.

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Not living in the New Normal Germany, who (and where) is that man in the lead photograph! New Normal, Old Normal—right in your face. I empathize.

Although I do not live in A New Normal stronghold U.S. state, there are still residual participants out there in my state to be seen in public places— people wearing masks in stores or walking outdoors or at farmers markets and even worse people masking their children down to age of toddlers. So, the hysteria and illogic are waiting to be reignited, whether attacks by “foreign” microbes or countries or ideologies. Note the Ukraine mythology. Mainstream propaganda, whether through media, corporate advertising or politicians, local to national, still flourishes, still captivates the Normal captive audience. Daily, on every conceivable front. The age old, usual US garbage.

Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.

Because, the movers and shakers know we know it is all smoke and mirrors. To quote Neil Oliver, “ our seeing and knowing and shouting about it isn’t deemed to matter.”


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The man in the photo is the Minister of Health of Germany, Karl Lauterbach. The photo was taken at an outdoor event, during which Karl started fanatically shrieking hatred at "the Unvaccinated."

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