I made this offer to a reader below. It is open to anyone who objects to my use of the term "global capitalism" and demands that I use a different term (e.g., "corporatism," "cronyism," etc). If you can provide A Brief History of [Your Term] that explains the emergence of [Your Term], its evolution into a globally-hegemonic system in the 19th to 20th Centuries (including WWII and the Cold War), and its continued evolution in the 21st Century, and outline the dynamics currently at play (i.e., why it's going totalitarian now, and the forces arrayed against it, and their relationship to it), based on [Your Term]'s essential features and historical trajectory, as I have done with global capitalism, I will start using your term.
Nah - I like GloboCap CJ. It's a fitting term unlike the junk-yard of history where the hulks of various -isms are tossed to rust into amorphous masses of nothingness consigned to oblivion lest the masses remember the lessons of the past and actually dare to voice? Dissent!
Hey CJ, I'll make this offer to you. If you want to rid yourself of the worldwide totalitarian mindset that wants to imprison you for your thoughts in Germany as they have done in UK and with grandmothers praying in the USA, show me a better USA presidential candidate to lead the world against these global totalitarians other than your ass-clown brother from another mother, Trump, and I'll vote for them. And for you and your lefty intellectuals who hate DJT, this article is for you:
And by the way: the pet eating is REALLY happening, as well as a little boy and a grandmother killed by illegal Haitians driving in Springfield OH - see police and eyewitness reports in this article:
You can't possibly imagine how fucking tired I am of hysterical nitwits lying about my views. Go ahead, attempt to cite one example of how I "hate" Donald Trump.
I’ve seen Musk also blocking those who strike his exposed nerve, and have myself been blocked by more “Leftists” than I can estimate in numbers. Anyway, as I’ve articulated in a previous post regarding capitalism.. since it is the basis for all of life on earth, and likely all of life anywhere in the galaxy, universe, multiverse, and infinite-verse or wherever.. maybe a better scapegoat would be the Native American term, Wetiko.
He personified your point eh? Good summation of the game board. Dismal, as I watch the assets and labors of everyone getting Globo Gobbled.
I get it, see it, from off planet in a dispassionate way. Meanwhile, I would just like to live my life and make beautiful to share with those who give a shit, that's where the fun is.
All outcomes are NOT equal!
I can pretend to remove my self from their game board, for now...until-
Have you even heard of Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai? The only 2024 US Presidential Candidate that doesn't Zuck Zionists Cock (his words) and attempts to look beyond left/right politics to show people how they can save themselves. Coincidentally, he (Shiva) is the most shadow banned candidate. And the other "approved" candidates will often copy his talking points, but will redirect you back to the establishment....including Trump.
Neo-feudalism seems to be better accepted by the pro-capitalist crowd. Sad this is always an issue. I believe the emotional reaction stems from equating capitalism with freedom. Saying anything negative about capitalism threatens their perceived freedom.
New to your content, so please forgive the late reply. Pro-capitalism here. I like your terminology and wasn't about to "change the channel" when reading, but I was doing so through the paradigm and belief that *true* capitalism is not happening and hasn't been for a while. Too much corruption, government subsidies, and GloboCap.
Now capitalism is an ideal, but it will never happen.
Tell you what ... if you, or anyone, can provide A Brief History of "Corporatism" that explains the emergence of Corporatism, its evolution into a globally-hegemonic system in the 19th to 20th Centuries (including WWII and the Cold War), and its continuing evolution in the 21st Century, and outline the dynamics currently at play (i.e., why it is going totalitarian now, and the forces arrayed against it, and their relationship to it), based on "Corporatism's" essential features and historical trajectory, as I have done with global capitalism, I will start using your term.
Fair challenge. I would note this quote by a guy trying to explain fascism...
“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power.” - Benito Mussolini
Overall, I think your assessment of GloboCorp is spot on, I think what we're seeing is a melding of sht ideas, from the feudalism you mention to swirls of Marxism, Maoism and Fascism that make up the sht stew that were being served. I think people like myself are trying to piece together a way to explain it... And if I'm interpreting your position from this piece correctly, the behavior and intent of what's facing us normies is what matters, not getting fixated on its roots or definitions to distract.
If you don't understand your adversary, what it is, what it is trying to do, and why it is trying to do that ... yes, you are at a serious disadvantage.
I think coming to the realization of their intent is an understanding of your adversaries. As for “what it is”, they don’t even know what they are. Are we Transhumanists? Are we Masonic Satanists? Are we Global Corporatists? Are we China apologists? Are we intent on becoming a One World Government? Are we richer than God? Yes, who the hell are they?
Maybe they are just people infected by what native Americans call a mind virus, Wetiko. But it’s not hard to understand that everyone enters this world with said infection, as evidenced by infancy through “terrible twos”.
The problem is you don't define the term capitalism.
If someone when seeing the term rockclimbing thinks of a massshooting there will be a bad dialog a high likelyhood offending people who likes climbing rocks.
Similarily when someone utters the word capitalism I think of property rights, contract laws and voluntary exchange of goods.
Its not clear what you think about you point to society which is nothing of the kind. But essensielle state - private "partnership" ( ref WEF )
I have no problem you blaming capitalism for all evils in the world if you state you mean state-private partnership.
But as long as you don't it is not ok.
Then I assume you mean property rights, contract law and voluntary exchange is the source of the evils in the world which is just 100% not so.
My prediction, made thirty years ago, is that we will either go to a totalitarian system where media (entertainment and “news”), “security”, industry, social media, finance, will all be part of the government as they are beginning to be now–that is the Democratic Party’s agenda. The other direction is a form of neo-feudalism with Dukes and Duchesses ruling over their domains and only loosely allied to the central authorities. They’ll have their own armies and policies within their realms. I see this as a more robust system and may be represented as the ultimate Republican agenda. Democracy is, from a systems point of view, impossible given current cultural trends.
The hard truth is that democracy got us in this mess to begin with. The framers understood that democracy was dangerous, and a sure path to despotism if it was not properly restrained under a republic.
The goal is liberty, and democracy is only valuable insofar as it is a means to that end. We have forgotten this.
The United States is neither a democracy nor a democratic republic, but an oligarchy featuring unlimited legal political bribery for those who can afford pricey lawyers.
Corporatism may have begun with the "maximize shareholder value" imperative developed in the 1980s and 90s, along with LLCs (known generally as private limited companies). Changes to a socioeconomic system are often the result of regulatory and legal changes. There's your brief history - 30 to 40 years to usurp the previous apple cart.
Apart from a more palatable terminology, what difference does this make? Could virtuous capitalism be restored by forcing corporations back to their previous charter, which did include a nod to improving the well-being of communities they operated in.
Almost no economist would argue that the global system we live under today is anything other than Neoliberal Capitalism. Of course it is not precisely the most pure theoretical form of capitalism (which never existed in practice anywhere on the planet at any time), but even when it comes to capitalism in its most pure theoretical form (which never existed in practice anywhere), even then the claim is that had it been implamented in its pure form it would have to inevitably and quite quickly grow into corporate capitalism because of its own internal logic. This is explained for example in this brilliant essay about so-called mom and pop capitalism https://www.pdrboston.org/mom-pop-capitalism and in this fascinating description of what happens to a society which starts out as being based on the pure theoretical capitalist libertarian principles and where it must inevitably end up https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/libertaria-a-libertarian-paradise?
As for the current form of capitalism we have, here's how one of the most brilliant economists alive today describes the fundamental principles of how this system functions: https://www.pdrboston.org/capitalism
As for what can be done, here's a sane rational very practical solution to what can be done to take down the domination of the few ultra-rich over the many. Linked are a couple of examples (first why and then how, so be sure to see the last ones as well)
and why funneling people to trump/harris is not the solution
I totally hear you and understand what you are saying, but did you read the essays in the links that I shared above? They showed that even in ideal conditions, in a society that started out in the most pure form of capitalism and where the citizenry were very informed and enthusiastic (about the principles of capitalism) even in such a society, it would INEVITABLY develop into something quite horrific and stratified (a few haves and many have-nots) with the violent domination of the few over the many. And it would happen NOT because the citizens were not informed or not vigilant and it would happen NOT because of corruption of the logic of capitalism but it would happen precisely becasue the citizenry were very vigilant and sure to follow the logic of capitalism to the letter, it would happen because the internal logic of capitalism guarantees that it must happen. Here are again the two fascinating essays that show what would happen to such a society: https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/libertaria-a-libertarian-paradise? And https://www.pdrboston.org/mom-pop-capitalism
Now compare that to the last few links that I shared, that show what can ACTUALLY be done to remove the abusive oligarchs from power and have a decentralised, anarchist and egalitarian society of real freedom and real prosperity that would ensure (through its own internal logic) that it would be impossible for anyone to dominate another. Here are those links again (first why and then how to make it happen, so be sure to see the last ones as well, they're actiually the most important)
And https://www.pdrboston.org/mr-billionaire See what a debate with Mr. Billionaire looks like (Mr. Billionaire who is strongly hierarchical and anti-egalitarian and believes in the capitalist domination and elevation of the few over the many)
Capitalism needs laws enforced to keep it in check. The corruption is at the root of this and at the root of these laws not being enforced. I agree funneling support to Trump/Harris is not the answer. Getting behind the only momentum strong enough to push back on this totalitarian beast is. Leave the earbud wearing 5’2” possibly woman, possibly black, possibly a former McDonald’s employee, best buds with her matchmaking ABC CEO CCP apologist friend behind.
Its fascism with globalism instead of nationalism. And the racism and scapegoating is also there: against white hetero men above all but not exclusively.
CJ is probably right about the New Right being the useful idiots the rulers need, but what is the alternative- just caving in?
The two huge elephants missing from this discussion are managerialism in the public and private sector (see Zman&co) and the growth of the in truth in capitalist terms just parasitic public sector (incl. gov contracts and handouts to businesses) over the true, hosting private sector, with the concurrent and fatal shift in attitude and behaviour of the former from servant to master.
No. You’re actually wrong. “Corporatism” is little different than any other hyphenated appendage to the granddaddy of all hegemonies ever invented for (literally) public consumption: capitalism.
The purpose of capital is to increase commodity production. So businesses will reinvest in their business operations. But there is also the specter of unproductive capital.
I find myself thinking a lot about a passage from David Remnick's book "Lenin's Tomb," which chronicled the final days of the Soviet Union. Remnick rode rampant over that bloated country's sickly corpse, and like a good agent of Empire, he now rides at the vanguard of the GloboCap force facing up against the manufactured opposition C.J. so eloquently describes, again, in this piece.
“To win a post at the institute, Dina had to take an entrance exam. Around that time he had read in samizdat Solzhenitsyn’s essay Live Not By the Lie. The essay recognized the difficulty, even the impossibility, of outright rebellion in a totalitarian state; instead, it implored the reader at least to refuse cooperation in the lies of the state. Better not to be a journalist than to write the lies of Pravda. Better not to teach history at all than to read The Short Cause to young minds. Preserve yourself even if you cannot save the world.”
I don't know what to do at this point. The forces arrayed against us are so powerful, and pervasive, that I can't honestly see a way through other than going down for the long nap. Fight where you can, obviously, and yet...
Here's a sane rational very practical solution to what can be done to take down the billionaire empire's oligarchy (the domination of the few ultra-rich over the many). Linked are a couple of examples (first why and then how, so be sure to see the last ones as well)
Such good points, thanks schnides. The long nap will come soon enough for us all, but in the meantime there are a couple things we can do that may actually make a difference in the future of the grandkids.
Nullification and Secession are natural rights that cannot be settled or decided by any despotic entity, even the one that started The States down this totalitarian path in the 1860's, thereby paving the way for increasingly criminal governments ever since.
Obviously the miscreants-in-charge will not take kindly to us leaving, but once enough of us realize that the cost of staying is higher than the cost of leaving, we may have a shot.
Great thanks to CJ for bringing this poignant piece and shining light on the source of the troubles.
No, it is like The Wizard of Oz. The illusions are such that it *appears* powerful, with smoke, lights and booming voices, but its really just a weak old man behind a curtain.
I became an “independent voter” after the reelection of Obama, for reasons I don’t need to explain to anyone at this late point in time. I am not a “new normal rightist,” though. I still hold classically liberal values as I am anti war, pro free speech, pro every other constitutionally guaranteed civil right, etc. My neighbor in this red state, who listens to Glenn Beck nonstop and goes to church to pray every Sunday, told me back in late October that she hoped Israel “kills every single man, woman, teen, child, and baby” in Gaza. “Make it a parking lot!,” she screeched at me. “GLASS them!!!"she continued as I asked, "Even the tiny children?" I couldn’t even finish my Mexican dinner we were trying to enjoy. Now, it seems I am being trashed with the moniker “antisemite” by some people. But I have no deep seated hatred against anyone. Oh, there are people I dislike a lot, like Dick Cheney, for instance… but I am a Thomas Massie-type good-natured, lover of people and have always been anti war, no matter who is warring. Sigh. I think folks like me are going to be perpetually misunderstood by all the entities involved that you listed, C.J. It's just the way it is now. Well, back to my garden.
They sling the term "antisemite" at anyone who criticizes Israel. It's all they have. They know that Israel's actions are appalling and unjustifiable. They are trying to defend the indefensible. Of course they deflect.
I just got back from an eye-opening trip to the Bible Belt. It revealed to me the extent that conservative Christians support Israel because of the idea of "protecting the Holy Land." I knew this already but didn't know the extent, which solves (some of) the mystery of why so many that want to stop the war in Ukraine aren't interested in stopping the war on Gaza. . .
I cannot understand this form of mental illness from so called Christians. Glen Beck thought Trump was a “brown shirt Nazi” back in 2016. He came to regret his own fanaticism.
I had the same reaction to Obama after he bailed out the banks and left the people hanging high and dry. Not the sort of "hope and change" I thought he represented. I also relate to everything else you said in your comment. "Perpetually misunderstood" indeed! The story of my life for the past 15 years or so.
Let me elaborate…we were very new in this red state. They are neighbors who invited us to go to dinner with them. The shocker was the discussion I described above. Since that time, I can’t see her without thinking of just how crazy she really is. Hope that clears up your judgement. We are not close, in other words…
Thanks for the clarification, Mel. The New World Order has a way of causing serious culture clash, doesn’t it? Kudos to you for not dumping your enchiladas in her lap and walking out. I doubt I could have controlled myself so well!
I’m grand with calling a big part of the problem global capitalism or neoliberalism or whatever. We maybe need some fine tuning of concepts though. Probably when someone is trying to run their family business or farm or create a little start-up to get some autonomy for themselves, they think of it as ‘capitalism’ that is providing that opportunity and hence they are for it. They don’t want or need more government making that harder. So maybe we need finer concepts to denote what we mean in specific contexts.
My real concern lies elsewhere. With the idea that the left or the right are just playing into the hands of Globocap: well, any resistance to anything will provoke a reaction from the thing that is being resisted that can leave that thing stronger in the end. If resistance isn’t to just be seen as futile, what is the proper basis and strategy for a nonfutile resistance or insurgency? (A genuine question, not a criticism hiding as a question).
I think the Agorists are onto something, and those who live off-grid or in intentional communities. All counter-economics including trading in crypto and metals. Free speech warriors and companies like Substack and Rumble who won't compromise those principles. Targeted acts of rebellion when possible, and refusal, when not. Non-compliance. The power of No. I'm open to other ideas. We will need them.
It’s astonishing to me how many bright people cannot cope with the naming of beast (capitalism)
So drunk on the water they swim in, so identified with bullshit narrative of Capetian as liberator that they cannot see it is just what you describe:
The evolutionary endpoint of a millennia old program of separation from nature and the subsequent fear driven dash to dominate and control and commodify everything.
I mean, Herr Klaus Schwab calls it Stakeholder Capitalism. They're perverting the branding to suit their needs and baffle with bullshit. That intentional obfuscation in itself might be a sign of nefarious intent...
It isn’t socialism that “sucks” anymore than guns kill. For all his spot on brilliance, what Marx failed to take into account - and the capitalist has long understood - is the human’s capacity for stupidity.
Branding is essential. Truth is the first casualty in war.
Free market capitalism is a fair concept that has lifted millions out of poverty.
What you're describing is greed-laden, exploitative, multinational CORPORATISM.
My guess is that the bad terminology is turning off your readers, or turning them on their heads. Words matter and the communists/fascists get that. And communism isn't dead, nor is fascism. They're alive and (un)well, just like the NeoCons that support parasitical CORPORATISM.
CJ, I am having trouble understanding your critique of Elon Musk and his allies. Is nationalism - pride in your country and dedication to improving the lot of its citizens before saving the world, seems totally reasonable to me. It's true there are some bigot assholes but I don't see a lot of them and certainly Musk et al have nothing to do with them. What should the Resistance do, not resist? What does that get us?
Musk became a victim of his own making, realized his mistake and has moved on. His tragedy is real. It’s taken time to get rid of all the bots and anti free speech algorithms. I think he’s done a fair job. No one is perfect. We have to get behind the momentum strong enough to push back. Otherwise, not even our pets are free.
Elon Musk is a Billionaire and is 100% aligned with the "new normal" / WEF agenda. Why would you give Musk any type of free pass on censorship of views that disagree with his / his lackeys?
You talk total bullshit. This is how the elite attack Elon Musk, by convincing the more sheeplike of the resistance that he isn't cool enough and it works because those people can't think for themselves. In your case, you just accuse without proof or example. The fact that Musk pisses off people like you is just further proof he is on the right track. "I don't agree 100% with everything Musk says, so he must be total sh*t, because a nobody like me clearly deserves to stand in judgement of the Da Vinci of our time".
I remember the 1990s, listening to the market reports on the radio on the way to work, thinking to myself how we cannot have this unfettered slew of growth continue. I mean, were we going to colonize Mars and sell high performance sports shoes there? It was just a wondering at that time. In the last few years, watching what happened during covid, the de-platforming of previously respected doctors trying to offer an alternative view (none suggested drinking bleach, ha) that's when I woke up and realized there was something running underneath ALL of it, something I couldn't name, but that was beyond ideology of either/all parties. I've tried to articulate this to friends on both sides of the political spectrum, to no avail. But now CJ is naming the thing, and I am sending this along with hopes that people will notice that the political machines of governments will not save us. We have to save ourselves. Whether or not CJ is using the exactly correct terms, we are on our way to being able to grapple in some way with it. I say in "some way" because who the hell knows what that will be, how it will look. I also agree with CJ that each person will need to do this in their own way.
I'm confused. I get called a White supremacist, a right-wing extremist, and a racist on a regular basis. Yet I am none of the things CJ describes me as in this post.
Certainly the 'New Normal' of shutting down entire economies with the excuse of 'flattening the curve' is something I vehemently opposed. The ever encroaching totalitarian state that would, say, arrest a man for having a Nazi emblem on his book, is something I've been fighting for decades.
So, what I'm going to need to have someone explain to me is, why am I the bad guy?
You're not. The demand for racism exceeds the supply, so they are trying to whip some up. They have plenty of brain-dead apparatchiks who will bleat on command like those sheep from Animal Farm, but normal people need more than that, which is why the Feds invented Patriot Front. With regard to Elon, CJ seems to at least partially believe that criticizing Israel is anti-semitic. I don't agree.
Good question. I get called those three things because I support Trump. The MSM have drilled into their minions heads that Trump is a racist, and therefore his supporters are all of those things. I'm sure SOME of his supporters are some or all of those three things, but then again, the same could be said of the democratic party, if not more so.
Trump isn't even almost a racist. Biden is verifiably a racist bigot. He knows enough to sugar coat it, but he's a racist. If that seems confusing, remember that it is the democratic party that has been controlling black culture, all the way back to slavery. Not republicans, democrats. And they control black culture still today, but not in a good way.
There are 144 Bio terrorism, that is level 4 labs, in the world today. What are the chances that a conveniently empowered new virus escapes? You don't even need to believe in oligarchic power to see where this is going. How come Kamala and Trump never mentioned these terrifying labs in their so called 'debate'?
What "they" need is the declared state of emergency, not the actual "viruses". It is quite likely that they need people to believe in the "terrifying labs" in order for them to acquiesce to the "emergency". If you look at who was first promulgating the "lab leak" story (after the initial 'suppression') it was Jeffery Sachs. I'll leave you to figure out whether that altNarrative wasn't just the one they wanted all the dissidents to believe so they'd be good and scared. So long as they can trigger the "emergency" mentality in their useful idiot bureaucrats, it really doesn't matter if it's real or not.
Yes, certainly that is true. Otherwise, the Truth seems more elusive than ever. I no longer know what to make of Sachs at all...since we live in halls of false mirrors. Thanks for the comment.
What if what is called for is not so much "resistance" and more like "tenkan," i.e., the redirecting of the opponent's aggression that one learns practicing aikido? Does that sound like more fun?
"Emboldened in large part by Elon Musk and other prominent “influencers,” they’re letting it rip with the blatant bigotry, and anti-Semitism, and neo-nationalism, and strutting around like racist bull roosters."
People on the right are pissed off. Legitimately so. Some of them are very rude about it -- incl. against women. That does not make them Hitler, or "Hitler". Your passage makes me wonder if you are turning against free speech?
Yes, I'm turning against free speech. Everything I've written for the past eight (or 30) years has been a ruse. I'm controlled communist opposition. I love censorship. My prosecution is being staged to trick people into believing I'm on their side. (Or maybe reflect on what I wrote a bit more, instead of trying to goad me, and you might get the point.)
So basically, CJ is a Trump brother from another mother. Except one brother is putting his life and fortune on the line to save the USA and world, and the other brother is trying to keep himself out of a German prison by righteously speaking out against totalitarian censorship while also embarrassingly tearing down anyone else (like Musk and DJT) who are also in that fight.
Hm. You have a point. Trump is coming from a former conventional Democrat background, and CJ is coming from a socialist leftie background (?), but they are both in the same fight, same side now. Authoritarians and control freaks against the rest of us.
Your hatred of Trump, Musk and anyone else getting behind this momentum has clouded your ability to think past your own intellectual bigotry and arrogance. I happen to agree with most of your sentiment, but flailing around in the cronosonclasticinfindibulum of complete rejection is not helping push back against this Totalitarian Beast.
I would venture that CJ doesn't trust or "hates" oligarchs regardless if they market themselves as conservative or liberal. Oligarchs have more in common with each other than they do with regular people regardless of what political banner they appear to march under.
What about this makes it seem like CJ is against free speech? He's just explaining how the right is being led to slaughter. Yes, they're pissed off, so much so that they're going to blindly follow their false savior Elon. This is no different than when people marched on Washington with their pink pussy hats on around the time of Trump's election. Or when Trump invited people to march on the Capitol on January 6.
They'll go there, get fired up, and reach no resolution. It'll merely ignite a fire that will blaze across this country (and eventually the world) for the next presidential term. And the one after that. And so on. This whole sideshow is pitting us against our fellow citizen as opposed to the true monsters that seek to enslave us.
There is an enemy out there and it's not the far right or the far left. It's GloboCap.
If people want to go vent their frustrations in Washington, then so be it. To each their own. Free speech still sort of exists in this country. Just don't be deluded into thinking that Musk, Trump, Harris, or any of our sp called leaders really wants to give us a platform to speak the truth. There's malicious intent behind all of these big movements.
"False savior Musk?! WTF? People are grateful he has opened up Twitter back up, as much as he has. Is there malicious intent behind it? Maybe. But the malicious intent has not been hidden by the other side who has cancelled, banned, shadow banned and censored all these years, in full view!
Yes, we do have a common enemy. But I am still waiting for someone to show me the alternative to GloboCap.
If you study geopolitics, especially US foreign policy since WWII, you will find that the differences between the R's and D's evaporates. It amounts to different marketing. e.g. look at how the Gulf War (George HW Bush) was sold versus the destruction of Yugoslavia (Bill Clinton): stopping the next Hitler vs Responsibility to Protect respectively. Both accomplished the same goal of "clear and hold" to use CJ's useful term. When you see this basic alignment between the two Parties it begins to be obvious that the culture war antagonism between Dems and the GOP is for domestic consumption, that is, it's theater. As Whitney Webb put it recently, the 2024 election can be seen as an election between Peter Theil (supporting/funding Trump/Vance) and Jeff Schmidt (supporting/funding Harris/Walz). Both tech oligarchs are heavily involved with the deep state. Same with Musk. Both the left and the right have their oligarch knights-in shining-armor but all oligarchs are globalist capitalists.
Interesting point. I remember seeing a photo of a guy holding a sign that read "We want better propaganda!" In other words, contemporary propaganda is so easy to see thru (for someone who's studied propaganda) that one yearns for the old days when you had to work to see thru it. But with the continued dumbing down of the population, the propagandists don't need to craft better propaganda. Same is true with the "increasingly bad actors."
Has CJ become your intellectual leader? Better be careful. If anything is controlled opposition it would be his brand of intellectual bigotry and arrogance. Throwing Musk and Trump into your cauldron is not smart.
Suzanne, I never paid attention to history in school (actually hated it). But, since 2020 and waking up to the understanding that everything I knew was a lie, I realized that sooner or later we--The People--would have to do something. So, my curiosity led me to reading books on the American Revolution, what actually happened, how it started, what the patriots wrote and thought.
Our fight for freedom from England started out as grumblings in meetings in houses, back rooms, taverns. Strategy, planning, discussion, talk talk and more talk. And when fighting did break out, it was small skirmishes here and there across the colonies.
Let us not disregard the will to gather, if only to talk talk talk. It is how our forefathers did it, and they saw it through. Just my 2 cents.
When you engage with a narrative shaped for public consumption, be it Left, Right or anything in-between, then you are only playing into their hands. There's a reason only certain narratives are allowed in MSM.
At this stage I'm on the verge of agreeing with the Amish. Non-political, completely unplugged from the propaganda apparatus and wholly concerned with what is actually important in life.
I agree. It's a good model. I actually considered joining a very trad Mennonite group. Alas, their approach to women was a big turn off. And not because women and men have different jobs as it were. It was that women were expected to be demure and not think about theology and other deep topics, and spirited discussions with men are right out. :-)
I wonder if anyone used them as a model... with some slight changes?
After slogging through the mixtures of political rhetoric you use to continue to justify your position of the “New Normal Reich”, I happen to agree with your sentiment. Your explanation is convoluted and spotted with rabbit holes that don’t really go anywhere. This is the way I would sum it up. We have a small group of psychopaths who think they know what’s best for the planet. They look at the planet for their survival. Since they have more wealth than brains, the planet and other planets have become the next thing to own and control. As a class, they are pathetic, satan following morons, who look like they haven’t eaten anything colorful in decades, perhaps they’re whole life, could they really think blood taken from terrorized children is their fountain of youth! They are bizarre and frightening and their money buys them their ticket straight to hell. But these are the people in control at the moment. They own governments along with the military might that goes with them. Covid was their GlobalCorp jihad, when I think of capitalism I think of all the mom and pop businesses trying to survive in an atmosphere of over taxation, over regulation, over all war against independent thinking and entrepreneurial endeavors by well meaning hardworking people. It’s the Corporatists who would sell their own children to the Wokism Cult. And there are all these dumbass minions and bureaucrats that mindlessly carry out a jihad they apparently are clueless about. Communism and Hitlerism are effective tactics and tools that work, creating chaos and fear, destroy, destruct, depopulate and deconstruct their aim, Totalitarianism their goal, effectively becoming Feudal Overlords. Their plan achieved, they will own Earth. That’s when God will come in, St. Michael, the Prince of War will destroy all but about a hundred thousand, and since the big Progressive Depop Eugenic plan, that’s about all that will remain who may still believe in God and have a heart for truth. This may be a bit of a New Testament fever dream, and since God was the Original Eugenist and Progressive who sent a rainbow, made a covenant with the people promising he would never wipe out humanity for a progressive outcome ever again, and because we all know at the root of Progressivism is Eugenics, keeping His promise, God has allowed the people to destroy themselves. Will a remnant be saved? Will paradise finally be achieved, I’ll leave that to God to sort out. In the meantime, here in the US we have a momentum strong enough to push back against these creepy, lying. Inverted, satanic forces. After November, it will no longer be up to one man, one leader, but the people. Without a leader, we need look no further than Iran. For nearly 70 years the people of Iran have been terrorized, any leader that emerges is eliminated within months, and helpless to counteract a rigid totalitarian theocratic government that literally took over the country with about 600 militants proving terrorism is an effective tool for control. At least we have a chance, if for nothing else, at least do it for your pets.
The “new normal” term didn’t originate from covid, nor from the 2016 election of Trump. It’s been around since at least 2010 or before. I remember California governor Jerry Brown using the term to describe the frequent wildfires here, citing that because of climate change these fires have now become the “new normal”. It’s all a form of social engineering from these globalist leaders, where they all will use these coined terms simultaneously to get us used to the totalitarian agenda they have planned for us. A good example is how all these leaders from around the world started using the term “build back better” right after Covid started, which really was cover for the WEF’s Great Reset agenda. It’s all so obvious once you learn to see through it all, and we need to recognize the propaganda that’s being thrown at us.
yep....2010...I saw a big sign inside a casino in Las Vegas welcoming a conference/expo for "American Production and Inventory Control Society" or APICS. "Excellence in the New Normal" .....we knew what this meant.
I understand the concept that you are espousing but global capitolism is a misleading definition. The old concept of a market based capitolistic system has been displaced by Oligarchs who now operate on a globally cooperative scale. I think maybe on that we basically agree with some semantic nuances. Islam lives in its own dogmatic religious totalitarian world similar to the christian version rejected during the Enlightenment. The rest of us are either in the resistance, or are unaware sheeple. Discounting the extrêmes which are vocal and easy to caricature, the resistance, which is sometimes called populism or nationalism is the only real threat to what you define as global capitolism. I agree wholeheartedly that globalcap is reacting to that threat with increasing unliberal regimes of censorship made possible by the dominate new digital forms of speech. They are rapidly morphing into totalitarianism, but not one controlled by a single dictator. I describe this as a blend of Oligarcy and totalitarianism....or Oligarchianism (not in the dictionary). You call it the new normal right. Essentially I think we agree, and essays like yours are beneficial in getting people to focus and acknowledging the global nature of the danger, while still working nationally to resist the local subsideries of globalcap thought and agency capture.
I made this offer to a reader below. It is open to anyone who objects to my use of the term "global capitalism" and demands that I use a different term (e.g., "corporatism," "cronyism," etc). If you can provide A Brief History of [Your Term] that explains the emergence of [Your Term], its evolution into a globally-hegemonic system in the 19th to 20th Centuries (including WWII and the Cold War), and its continued evolution in the 21st Century, and outline the dynamics currently at play (i.e., why it's going totalitarian now, and the forces arrayed against it, and their relationship to it), based on [Your Term]'s essential features and historical trajectory, as I have done with global capitalism, I will start using your term.
Nah - I like GloboCap CJ. It's a fitting term unlike the junk-yard of history where the hulks of various -isms are tossed to rust into amorphous masses of nothingness consigned to oblivion lest the masses remember the lessons of the past and actually dare to voice? Dissent!
Hey CJ, I'll make this offer to you. If you want to rid yourself of the worldwide totalitarian mindset that wants to imprison you for your thoughts in Germany as they have done in UK and with grandmothers praying in the USA, show me a better USA presidential candidate to lead the world against these global totalitarians other than your ass-clown brother from another mother, Trump, and I'll vote for them. And for you and your lefty intellectuals who hate DJT, this article is for you:
And by the way: the pet eating is REALLY happening, as well as a little boy and a grandmother killed by illegal Haitians driving in Springfield OH - see police and eyewitness reports in this article:
You can't possibly imagine how fucking tired I am of hysterical nitwits lying about my views. Go ahead, attempt to cite one example of how I "hate" Donald Trump.
Blocked ... thanks for making it easy. I have zero patience for this kind of crap at the moment.
Seems Gary totally misunderstood the whole point of your post! All he did was valididate it!
I’ve seen Musk also blocking those who strike his exposed nerve, and have myself been blocked by more “Leftists” than I can estimate in numbers. Anyway, as I’ve articulated in a previous post regarding capitalism.. since it is the basis for all of life on earth, and likely all of life anywhere in the galaxy, universe, multiverse, and infinite-verse or wherever.. maybe a better scapegoat would be the Native American term, Wetiko.
He personified your point eh? Good summation of the game board. Dismal, as I watch the assets and labors of everyone getting Globo Gobbled.
I get it, see it, from off planet in a dispassionate way. Meanwhile, I would just like to live my life and make beautiful to share with those who give a shit, that's where the fun is.
All outcomes are NOT equal!
I can pretend to remove my self from their game board, for now...until-
...send in the clowns, 'er drones.
Have you even heard of Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai? The only 2024 US Presidential Candidate that doesn't Zuck Zionists Cock (his words) and attempts to look beyond left/right politics to show people how they can save themselves. Coincidentally, he (Shiva) is the most shadow banned candidate. And the other "approved" candidates will often copy his talking points, but will redirect you back to the establishment....including Trump.
I like your global capitalism .
You are a breath of fresh air to read .
Neo-feudalism seems to be better accepted by the pro-capitalist crowd. Sad this is always an issue. I believe the emotional reaction stems from equating capitalism with freedom. Saying anything negative about capitalism threatens their perceived freedom.
OK, invented word, but it seemingly applies to our current state of this current run-away dump truck of an economy we're experiencing:
How does the economic word: Neoconism sound for describing our current economic system.??
PS: Thx for posting and putting yourself out there.
Chippy times.
New to your content, so please forgive the late reply. Pro-capitalism here. I like your terminology and wasn't about to "change the channel" when reading, but I was doing so through the paradigm and belief that *true* capitalism is not happening and hasn't been for a while. Too much corruption, government subsidies, and GloboCap.
Now capitalism is an ideal, but it will never happen.
Just change it to Corporatism, which is more accurate anyway. Now excuse me while I go back to reading the rest.
Tell you what ... if you, or anyone, can provide A Brief History of "Corporatism" that explains the emergence of Corporatism, its evolution into a globally-hegemonic system in the 19th to 20th Centuries (including WWII and the Cold War), and its continuing evolution in the 21st Century, and outline the dynamics currently at play (i.e., why it is going totalitarian now, and the forces arrayed against it, and their relationship to it), based on "Corporatism's" essential features and historical trajectory, as I have done with global capitalism, I will start using your term.
Fair challenge. I would note this quote by a guy trying to explain fascism...
“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power.” - Benito Mussolini
Overall, I think your assessment of GloboCorp is spot on, I think what we're seeing is a melding of sht ideas, from the feudalism you mention to swirls of Marxism, Maoism and Fascism that make up the sht stew that were being served. I think people like myself are trying to piece together a way to explain it... And if I'm interpreting your position from this piece correctly, the behavior and intent of what's facing us normies is what matters, not getting fixated on its roots or definitions to distract.
If you don't understand your adversary, what it is, what it is trying to do, and why it is trying to do that ... yes, you are at a serious disadvantage.
I think coming to the realization of their intent is an understanding of your adversaries. As for “what it is”, they don’t even know what they are. Are we Transhumanists? Are we Masonic Satanists? Are we Global Corporatists? Are we China apologists? Are we intent on becoming a One World Government? Are we richer than God? Yes, who the hell are they?
Maybe they are just people infected by what native Americans call a mind virus, Wetiko. But it’s not hard to understand that everyone enters this world with said infection, as evidenced by infancy through “terrible twos”.
Hooboy! MissLadyK is wiping the floor with CJ Hopkins and Hopkins fans here!
Survey of likes says: Win for MissLadyK; loss for CJ and his lefty fans.
The problem is you don't define the term capitalism.
If someone when seeing the term rockclimbing thinks of a massshooting there will be a bad dialog a high likelyhood offending people who likes climbing rocks.
Similarily when someone utters the word capitalism I think of property rights, contract laws and voluntary exchange of goods.
Its not clear what you think about you point to society which is nothing of the kind. But essensielle state - private "partnership" ( ref WEF )
I have no problem you blaming capitalism for all evils in the world if you state you mean state-private partnership.
But as long as you don't it is not ok.
Then I assume you mean property rights, contract law and voluntary exchange is the source of the evils in the world which is just 100% not so.
Yep you see it CJ, but, in my opinion, through a glass darkly.
New normal ain't left or right, totalitarianism is still totalitarianism no matter what you call it.
I do agree with MissL'Ks Corporatism, don't know why you want a brief hist. of such.
Description/definition maybe; as M'k noted Capitalism is simply supply and demand, I'd suggest Corporatism is supply delimiting and defining demand.
Found on internet:
Chris Cosmos
September 11, 2024 at 9:15 am
My prediction, made thirty years ago, is that we will either go to a totalitarian system where media (entertainment and “news”), “security”, industry, social media, finance, will all be part of the government as they are beginning to be now–that is the Democratic Party’s agenda. The other direction is a form of neo-feudalism with Dukes and Duchesses ruling over their domains and only loosely allied to the central authorities. They’ll have their own armies and policies within their realms. I see this as a more robust system and may be represented as the ultimate Republican agenda. Democracy is, from a systems point of view, impossible given current cultural trends.
The hard truth is that democracy got us in this mess to begin with. The framers understood that democracy was dangerous, and a sure path to despotism if it was not properly restrained under a republic.
The goal is liberty, and democracy is only valuable insofar as it is a means to that end. We have forgotten this.
The United States is neither a democracy nor a democratic republic, but an oligarchy featuring unlimited legal political bribery for those who can afford pricey lawyers.
It is first one than the other, and we can see this repeated in history over and over.
The DNC totalitarianism has been done to death and it is useful in maintaining an empire with limited resources, for a while.
When the empire collapses you get feudalism - which is what RNC wants except the central authority will wither away.
Corporatism may have begun with the "maximize shareholder value" imperative developed in the 1980s and 90s, along with LLCs (known generally as private limited companies). Changes to a socioeconomic system are often the result of regulatory and legal changes. There's your brief history - 30 to 40 years to usurp the previous apple cart.
Apart from a more palatable terminology, what difference does this make? Could virtuous capitalism be restored by forcing corporations back to their previous charter, which did include a nod to improving the well-being of communities they operated in.
I can but wont do it because I dont want to give ammunition to capitalists. :)
Almost no economist would argue that the global system we live under today is anything other than Neoliberal Capitalism. Of course it is not precisely the most pure theoretical form of capitalism (which never existed in practice anywhere on the planet at any time), but even when it comes to capitalism in its most pure theoretical form (which never existed in practice anywhere), even then the claim is that had it been implamented in its pure form it would have to inevitably and quite quickly grow into corporate capitalism because of its own internal logic. This is explained for example in this brilliant essay about so-called mom and pop capitalism https://www.pdrboston.org/mom-pop-capitalism and in this fascinating description of what happens to a society which starts out as being based on the pure theoretical capitalist libertarian principles and where it must inevitably end up https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/libertaria-a-libertarian-paradise?
As for the current form of capitalism we have, here's how one of the most brilliant economists alive today describes the fundamental principles of how this system functions: https://www.pdrboston.org/capitalism
As for what can be done, here's a sane rational very practical solution to what can be done to take down the domination of the few ultra-rich over the many. Linked are a couple of examples (first why and then how, so be sure to see the last ones as well)
and why funneling people to trump/harris is not the solution
And https://www.pdrboston.org/let-s-get-organized
And https://www.pdrboston.org/egalitarianism
And https://www.pdrboston.org/mr-billionaire See what a debate with Mr. Billionaire looks like
Without an informed and virtuous citizenry any ideology is doomed to despotism. More of this than we'd like to admit comes down to the common man.
I totally hear you and understand what you are saying, but did you read the essays in the links that I shared above? They showed that even in ideal conditions, in a society that started out in the most pure form of capitalism and where the citizenry were very informed and enthusiastic (about the principles of capitalism) even in such a society, it would INEVITABLY develop into something quite horrific and stratified (a few haves and many have-nots) with the violent domination of the few over the many. And it would happen NOT because the citizens were not informed or not vigilant and it would happen NOT because of corruption of the logic of capitalism but it would happen precisely becasue the citizenry were very vigilant and sure to follow the logic of capitalism to the letter, it would happen because the internal logic of capitalism guarantees that it must happen. Here are again the two fascinating essays that show what would happen to such a society: https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/libertaria-a-libertarian-paradise? And https://www.pdrboston.org/mom-pop-capitalism
And to understand what is it about the internal logic of capitalism that must lead to this, see here https://www.pdrboston.org/capitalism
Now compare that to the last few links that I shared, that show what can ACTUALLY be done to remove the abusive oligarchs from power and have a decentralised, anarchist and egalitarian society of real freedom and real prosperity that would ensure (through its own internal logic) that it would be impossible for anyone to dominate another. Here are those links again (first why and then how to make it happen, so be sure to see the last ones as well, they're actiually the most important)
And https://www.pdrboston.org/let-s-get-organized
And https://www.pdrboston.org/egalitarianism
And https://www.pdrboston.org/mr-billionaire See what a debate with Mr. Billionaire looks like (Mr. Billionaire who is strongly hierarchical and anti-egalitarian and believes in the capitalist domination and elevation of the few over the many)
Capitalism needs laws enforced to keep it in check. The corruption is at the root of this and at the root of these laws not being enforced. I agree funneling support to Trump/Harris is not the answer. Getting behind the only momentum strong enough to push back on this totalitarian beast is. Leave the earbud wearing 5’2” possibly woman, possibly black, possibly a former McDonald’s employee, best buds with her matchmaking ABC CEO CCP apologist friend behind.
Agree with you This is not 'real' capitalism.
Its fascism with globalism instead of nationalism. And the racism and scapegoating is also there: against white hetero men above all but not exclusively.
CJ is probably right about the New Right being the useful idiots the rulers need, but what is the alternative- just caving in?
The two huge elephants missing from this discussion are managerialism in the public and private sector (see Zman&co) and the growth of the in truth in capitalist terms just parasitic public sector (incl. gov contracts and handouts to businesses) over the true, hosting private sector, with the concurrent and fatal shift in attitude and behaviour of the former from servant to master.
No. You’re actually wrong. “Corporatism” is little different than any other hyphenated appendage to the granddaddy of all hegemonies ever invented for (literally) public consumption: capitalism.
Capitalism simply put is supply and demand. Trying to create a gross ideology out of a simple concept is utter ignorance.
Market mechanisms are based on supply and demand. Capitalism is the accumulation of capital through commodity production.
All the way down to the doggie biscuit at your local pet food bakery.
The purpose of capital is to increase commodity production. So businesses will reinvest in their business operations. But there is also the specter of unproductive capital.
Or we could fix the corruption:
I find myself thinking a lot about a passage from David Remnick's book "Lenin's Tomb," which chronicled the final days of the Soviet Union. Remnick rode rampant over that bloated country's sickly corpse, and like a good agent of Empire, he now rides at the vanguard of the GloboCap force facing up against the manufactured opposition C.J. so eloquently describes, again, in this piece.
“To win a post at the institute, Dina had to take an entrance exam. Around that time he had read in samizdat Solzhenitsyn’s essay Live Not By the Lie. The essay recognized the difficulty, even the impossibility, of outright rebellion in a totalitarian state; instead, it implored the reader at least to refuse cooperation in the lies of the state. Better not to be a journalist than to write the lies of Pravda. Better not to teach history at all than to read The Short Cause to young minds. Preserve yourself even if you cannot save the world.”
I don't know what to do at this point. The forces arrayed against us are so powerful, and pervasive, that I can't honestly see a way through other than going down for the long nap. Fight where you can, obviously, and yet...
Here's a sane rational very practical solution to what can be done to take down the billionaire empire's oligarchy (the domination of the few ultra-rich over the many). Linked are a couple of examples (first why and then how, so be sure to see the last ones as well)
And https://www.pdrboston.org/let-s-get-organized
And https://www.pdrboston.org/egalitarianism
And https://www.pdrboston.org/mr-billionaire See what a debate with Mr. Billionaire looks like
Such good points, thanks schnides. The long nap will come soon enough for us all, but in the meantime there are a couple things we can do that may actually make a difference in the future of the grandkids.
Nullification and Secession are natural rights that cannot be settled or decided by any despotic entity, even the one that started The States down this totalitarian path in the 1860's, thereby paving the way for increasingly criminal governments ever since.
Obviously the miscreants-in-charge will not take kindly to us leaving, but once enough of us realize that the cost of staying is higher than the cost of leaving, we may have a shot.
Great thanks to CJ for bringing this poignant piece and shining light on the source of the troubles.
Best of luck to all, ~~ j ~~
If you live in America, I propose getting behind the only momentum that they cannot seem to destroy yet. After that, protect your pets and nap.
which is??
No, it is like The Wizard of Oz. The illusions are such that it *appears* powerful, with smoke, lights and booming voices, but its really just a weak old man behind a curtain.
I became an “independent voter” after the reelection of Obama, for reasons I don’t need to explain to anyone at this late point in time. I am not a “new normal rightist,” though. I still hold classically liberal values as I am anti war, pro free speech, pro every other constitutionally guaranteed civil right, etc. My neighbor in this red state, who listens to Glenn Beck nonstop and goes to church to pray every Sunday, told me back in late October that she hoped Israel “kills every single man, woman, teen, child, and baby” in Gaza. “Make it a parking lot!,” she screeched at me. “GLASS them!!!"she continued as I asked, "Even the tiny children?" I couldn’t even finish my Mexican dinner we were trying to enjoy. Now, it seems I am being trashed with the moniker “antisemite” by some people. But I have no deep seated hatred against anyone. Oh, there are people I dislike a lot, like Dick Cheney, for instance… but I am a Thomas Massie-type good-natured, lover of people and have always been anti war, no matter who is warring. Sigh. I think folks like me are going to be perpetually misunderstood by all the entities involved that you listed, C.J. It's just the way it is now. Well, back to my garden.
They sling the term "antisemite" at anyone who criticizes Israel. It's all they have. They know that Israel's actions are appalling and unjustifiable. They are trying to defend the indefensible. Of course they deflect.
I just got back from an eye-opening trip to the Bible Belt. It revealed to me the extent that conservative Christians support Israel because of the idea of "protecting the Holy Land." I knew this already but didn't know the extent, which solves (some of) the mystery of why so many that want to stop the war in Ukraine aren't interested in stopping the war on Gaza. . .
100%, Erin. I’ve found the same. Makes me want to go live in a cave.
I cannot understand this form of mental illness from so called Christians. Glen Beck thought Trump was a “brown shirt Nazi” back in 2016. He came to regret his own fanaticism.
I had the same reaction to Obama after he bailed out the banks and left the people hanging high and dry. Not the sort of "hope and change" I thought he represented. I also relate to everything else you said in your comment. "Perpetually misunderstood" indeed! The story of my life for the past 15 years or so.
I wish you were my neighbor, Annette. I hear you so clearly.
I so get it...and ditto!
Strange friends you keep, Mel. I can’t imagine inviting anybody into my home who might act like that.
Let me elaborate…we were very new in this red state. They are neighbors who invited us to go to dinner with them. The shocker was the discussion I described above. Since that time, I can’t see her without thinking of just how crazy she really is. Hope that clears up your judgement. We are not close, in other words…
Thanks for the clarification, Mel. The New World Order has a way of causing serious culture clash, doesn’t it? Kudos to you for not dumping your enchiladas in her lap and walking out. I doubt I could have controlled myself so well!
I’m grand with calling a big part of the problem global capitalism or neoliberalism or whatever. We maybe need some fine tuning of concepts though. Probably when someone is trying to run their family business or farm or create a little start-up to get some autonomy for themselves, they think of it as ‘capitalism’ that is providing that opportunity and hence they are for it. They don’t want or need more government making that harder. So maybe we need finer concepts to denote what we mean in specific contexts.
My real concern lies elsewhere. With the idea that the left or the right are just playing into the hands of Globocap: well, any resistance to anything will provoke a reaction from the thing that is being resisted that can leave that thing stronger in the end. If resistance isn’t to just be seen as futile, what is the proper basis and strategy for a nonfutile resistance or insurgency? (A genuine question, not a criticism hiding as a question).
Chaos is a feature to mentally exhaust and confuse the billions into compliance and despair.
Fight on
I think the Agorists are onto something, and those who live off-grid or in intentional communities. All counter-economics including trading in crypto and metals. Free speech warriors and companies like Substack and Rumble who won't compromise those principles. Targeted acts of rebellion when possible, and refusal, when not. Non-compliance. The power of No. I'm open to other ideas. We will need them.
Damn right. Start with the man in the middle. Starve the white market.
Again if you live in America get behind the only momentum they cannot seem to destroy yet.
which is???!!!???
She means Trump, of course. Just too “mysterious” to state it boldly.
Amazing essay CJ thanks.
It’s astonishing to me how many bright people cannot cope with the naming of beast (capitalism)
So drunk on the water they swim in, so identified with bullshit narrative of Capetian as liberator that they cannot see it is just what you describe:
The evolutionary endpoint of a millennia old program of separation from nature and the subsequent fear driven dash to dominate and control and commodify everything.
It’s anti life.
I mean, Herr Klaus Schwab calls it Stakeholder Capitalism. They're perverting the branding to suit their needs and baffle with bullshit. That intentional obfuscation in itself might be a sign of nefarious intent...
I think most people really do know, but cannot imagine an alternative. Can CJ?
P.S. Socialism sucks too.
It isn’t socialism that “sucks” anymore than guns kill. For all his spot on brilliance, what Marx failed to take into account - and the capitalist has long understood - is the human’s capacity for stupidity.
When the utopians fail, it's the fault of the stupid humans on the receiving end. Always. Never theirs.
Regardless of your personal ideology, the dominant human motivation of self interest is unlikely to change. Both a blessing and a curse.
Branding is essential. Truth is the first casualty in war.
Free market capitalism is a fair concept that has lifted millions out of poverty.
What you're describing is greed-laden, exploitative, multinational CORPORATISM.
My guess is that the bad terminology is turning off your readers, or turning them on their heads. Words matter and the communists/fascists get that. And communism isn't dead, nor is fascism. They're alive and (un)well, just like the NeoCons that support parasitical CORPORATISM.
God bless.
Just slowly change the definitions and pretend nothing ever changed!
CJ, I am having trouble understanding your critique of Elon Musk and his allies. Is nationalism - pride in your country and dedication to improving the lot of its citizens before saving the world, seems totally reasonable to me. It's true there are some bigot assholes but I don't see a lot of them and certainly Musk et al have nothing to do with them. What should the Resistance do, not resist? What does that get us?
Musk became a victim of his own making, realized his mistake and has moved on. His tragedy is real. It’s taken time to get rid of all the bots and anti free speech algorithms. I think he’s done a fair job. No one is perfect. We have to get behind the momentum strong enough to push back. Otherwise, not even our pets are free.
"not even our pets are free"
that's hella funny. pets by definition are..... pets.
Humans wonder why I am feral.
i wish humans were more feral.
If humans were combined with cats, it would elevate the human, but degrade the cat.
indeed, you are correct, sir.
Oh my, you don't see a problem with Musk's shut down of free speech when it doesn't agree with his views?
Elon Musk is a Billionaire and is 100% aligned with the "new normal" / WEF agenda. Why would you give Musk any type of free pass on censorship of views that disagree with his / his lackeys?
You talk total bullshit. This is how the elite attack Elon Musk, by convincing the more sheeplike of the resistance that he isn't cool enough and it works because those people can't think for themselves. In your case, you just accuse without proof or example. The fact that Musk pisses off people like you is just further proof he is on the right track. "I don't agree 100% with everything Musk says, so he must be total sh*t, because a nobody like me clearly deserves to stand in judgement of the Da Vinci of our time".
I remember the 1990s, listening to the market reports on the radio on the way to work, thinking to myself how we cannot have this unfettered slew of growth continue. I mean, were we going to colonize Mars and sell high performance sports shoes there? It was just a wondering at that time. In the last few years, watching what happened during covid, the de-platforming of previously respected doctors trying to offer an alternative view (none suggested drinking bleach, ha) that's when I woke up and realized there was something running underneath ALL of it, something I couldn't name, but that was beyond ideology of either/all parties. I've tried to articulate this to friends on both sides of the political spectrum, to no avail. But now CJ is naming the thing, and I am sending this along with hopes that people will notice that the political machines of governments will not save us. We have to save ourselves. Whether or not CJ is using the exactly correct terms, we are on our way to being able to grapple in some way with it. I say in "some way" because who the hell knows what that will be, how it will look. I also agree with CJ that each person will need to do this in their own way.
I'm confused. I get called a White supremacist, a right-wing extremist, and a racist on a regular basis. Yet I am none of the things CJ describes me as in this post.
Certainly the 'New Normal' of shutting down entire economies with the excuse of 'flattening the curve' is something I vehemently opposed. The ever encroaching totalitarian state that would, say, arrest a man for having a Nazi emblem on his book, is something I've been fighting for decades.
So, what I'm going to need to have someone explain to me is, why am I the bad guy?
You're not. The demand for racism exceeds the supply, so they are trying to whip some up. They have plenty of brain-dead apparatchiks who will bleat on command like those sheep from Animal Farm, but normal people need more than that, which is why the Feds invented Patriot Front. With regard to Elon, CJ seems to at least partially believe that criticizing Israel is anti-semitic. I don't agree.
Stop doubting yourself. Exactly how they want you to feel. One foot in front of the other. Keep doing what you’re doing.
Good question. I get called those three things because I support Trump. The MSM have drilled into their minions heads that Trump is a racist, and therefore his supporters are all of those things. I'm sure SOME of his supporters are some or all of those three things, but then again, the same could be said of the democratic party, if not more so.
Trump isn't even almost a racist. Biden is verifiably a racist bigot. He knows enough to sugar coat it, but he's a racist. If that seems confusing, remember that it is the democratic party that has been controlling black culture, all the way back to slavery. Not republicans, democrats. And they control black culture still today, but not in a good way.
Huh? That's it? You say it, therefore it is so?
Give me one direct quote, anything, that shows he is a racist.
Perhaps you are the bigot...
There are 144 Bio terrorism, that is level 4 labs, in the world today. What are the chances that a conveniently empowered new virus escapes? You don't even need to believe in oligarchic power to see where this is going. How come Kamala and Trump never mentioned these terrifying labs in their so called 'debate'?
What "they" need is the declared state of emergency, not the actual "viruses". It is quite likely that they need people to believe in the "terrifying labs" in order for them to acquiesce to the "emergency". If you look at who was first promulgating the "lab leak" story (after the initial 'suppression') it was Jeffery Sachs. I'll leave you to figure out whether that altNarrative wasn't just the one they wanted all the dissidents to believe so they'd be good and scared. So long as they can trigger the "emergency" mentality in their useful idiot bureaucrats, it really doesn't matter if it's real or not.
Yes, certainly that is true. Otherwise, the Truth seems more elusive than ever. I no longer know what to make of Sachs at all...since we live in halls of false mirrors. Thanks for the comment.
So in other words, resistance is futile. That sounds like fun.
What if what is called for is not so much "resistance" and more like "tenkan," i.e., the redirecting of the opponent's aggression that one learns practicing aikido? Does that sound like more fun?
We’re all practicing Aikido. They will end up eventually destroying themselves.
Also watching them to see if they get too close and at the same time ignoring them. You got a bit too close but I like your style.
and there it is: The Playwright has returned!
Indeed it does. I had to look up "tenkan" to appreciate the concept. Now for some lessons in strategy...
Well written, as usual, but you lost me here:
"Emboldened in large part by Elon Musk and other prominent “influencers,” they’re letting it rip with the blatant bigotry, and anti-Semitism, and neo-nationalism, and strutting around like racist bull roosters."
People on the right are pissed off. Legitimately so. Some of them are very rude about it -- incl. against women. That does not make them Hitler, or "Hitler". Your passage makes me wonder if you are turning against free speech?
Yes, I'm turning against free speech. Everything I've written for the past eight (or 30) years has been a ruse. I'm controlled communist opposition. I love censorship. My prosecution is being staged to trick people into believing I'm on their side. (Or maybe reflect on what I wrote a bit more, instead of trying to goad me, and you might get the point.)
That is your weak spot, CJ. You have to rush out and bite the head off anyone who is critical, with your sarcasm.
I asked a legit question, prompted by your stomp on Musk and "influencers" who "embolden" the bigots.
Bingo erin!
So basically, CJ is a Trump brother from another mother. Except one brother is putting his life and fortune on the line to save the USA and world, and the other brother is trying to keep himself out of a German prison by righteously speaking out against totalitarian censorship while also embarrassingly tearing down anyone else (like Musk and DJT) who are also in that fight.
Hm. You have a point. Trump is coming from a former conventional Democrat background, and CJ is coming from a socialist leftie background (?), but they are both in the same fight, same side now. Authoritarians and control freaks against the rest of us.
Your hatred of Trump, Musk and anyone else getting behind this momentum has clouded your ability to think past your own intellectual bigotry and arrogance. I happen to agree with most of your sentiment, but flailing around in the cronosonclasticinfindibulum of complete rejection is not helping push back against this Totalitarian Beast.
I would venture that CJ doesn't trust or "hates" oligarchs regardless if they market themselves as conservative or liberal. Oligarchs have more in common with each other than they do with regular people regardless of what political banner they appear to march under.
I wish you a good and sturdy helmet for your head, Mr. Hopkins.
What about this makes it seem like CJ is against free speech? He's just explaining how the right is being led to slaughter. Yes, they're pissed off, so much so that they're going to blindly follow their false savior Elon. This is no different than when people marched on Washington with their pink pussy hats on around the time of Trump's election. Or when Trump invited people to march on the Capitol on January 6.
They'll go there, get fired up, and reach no resolution. It'll merely ignite a fire that will blaze across this country (and eventually the world) for the next presidential term. And the one after that. And so on. This whole sideshow is pitting us against our fellow citizen as opposed to the true monsters that seek to enslave us.
There is an enemy out there and it's not the far right or the far left. It's GloboCap.
If people want to go vent their frustrations in Washington, then so be it. To each their own. Free speech still sort of exists in this country. Just don't be deluded into thinking that Musk, Trump, Harris, or any of our sp called leaders really wants to give us a platform to speak the truth. There's malicious intent behind all of these big movements.
"False savior Musk?! WTF? People are grateful he has opened up Twitter back up, as much as he has. Is there malicious intent behind it? Maybe. But the malicious intent has not been hidden by the other side who has cancelled, banned, shadow banned and censored all these years, in full view!
Yes, we do have a common enemy. But I am still waiting for someone to show me the alternative to GloboCap.
If you study geopolitics, especially US foreign policy since WWII, you will find that the differences between the R's and D's evaporates. It amounts to different marketing. e.g. look at how the Gulf War (George HW Bush) was sold versus the destruction of Yugoslavia (Bill Clinton): stopping the next Hitler vs Responsibility to Protect respectively. Both accomplished the same goal of "clear and hold" to use CJ's useful term. When you see this basic alignment between the two Parties it begins to be obvious that the culture war antagonism between Dems and the GOP is for domestic consumption, that is, it's theater. As Whitney Webb put it recently, the 2024 election can be seen as an election between Peter Theil (supporting/funding Trump/Vance) and Jeff Schmidt (supporting/funding Harris/Walz). Both tech oligarchs are heavily involved with the deep state. Same with Musk. Both the left and the right have their oligarch knights-in shining-armor but all oligarchs are globalist capitalists.
A theater performance with increasingly bad actors is all it is. And the shadows hide the real power holders.
Interesting point. I remember seeing a photo of a guy holding a sign that read "We want better propaganda!" In other words, contemporary propaganda is so easy to see thru (for someone who's studied propaganda) that one yearns for the old days when you had to work to see thru it. But with the continued dumbing down of the population, the propagandists don't need to craft better propaganda. Same is true with the "increasingly bad actors."
Has CJ become your intellectual leader? Better be careful. If anything is controlled opposition it would be his brand of intellectual bigotry and arrogance. Throwing Musk and Trump into your cauldron is not smart.
Suzanne, I never paid attention to history in school (actually hated it). But, since 2020 and waking up to the understanding that everything I knew was a lie, I realized that sooner or later we--The People--would have to do something. So, my curiosity led me to reading books on the American Revolution, what actually happened, how it started, what the patriots wrote and thought.
Our fight for freedom from England started out as grumblings in meetings in houses, back rooms, taverns. Strategy, planning, discussion, talk talk and more talk. And when fighting did break out, it was small skirmishes here and there across the colonies.
Let us not disregard the will to gather, if only to talk talk talk. It is how our forefathers did it, and they saw it through. Just my 2 cents.
When you engage with a narrative shaped for public consumption, be it Left, Right or anything in-between, then you are only playing into their hands. There's a reason only certain narratives are allowed in MSM.
At this stage I'm on the verge of agreeing with the Amish. Non-political, completely unplugged from the propaganda apparatus and wholly concerned with what is actually important in life.
I agree. It's a good model. I actually considered joining a very trad Mennonite group. Alas, their approach to women was a big turn off. And not because women and men have different jobs as it were. It was that women were expected to be demure and not think about theology and other deep topics, and spirited discussions with men are right out. :-)
I wonder if anyone used them as a model... with some slight changes?
After slogging through the mixtures of political rhetoric you use to continue to justify your position of the “New Normal Reich”, I happen to agree with your sentiment. Your explanation is convoluted and spotted with rabbit holes that don’t really go anywhere. This is the way I would sum it up. We have a small group of psychopaths who think they know what’s best for the planet. They look at the planet for their survival. Since they have more wealth than brains, the planet and other planets have become the next thing to own and control. As a class, they are pathetic, satan following morons, who look like they haven’t eaten anything colorful in decades, perhaps they’re whole life, could they really think blood taken from terrorized children is their fountain of youth! They are bizarre and frightening and their money buys them their ticket straight to hell. But these are the people in control at the moment. They own governments along with the military might that goes with them. Covid was their GlobalCorp jihad, when I think of capitalism I think of all the mom and pop businesses trying to survive in an atmosphere of over taxation, over regulation, over all war against independent thinking and entrepreneurial endeavors by well meaning hardworking people. It’s the Corporatists who would sell their own children to the Wokism Cult. And there are all these dumbass minions and bureaucrats that mindlessly carry out a jihad they apparently are clueless about. Communism and Hitlerism are effective tactics and tools that work, creating chaos and fear, destroy, destruct, depopulate and deconstruct their aim, Totalitarianism their goal, effectively becoming Feudal Overlords. Their plan achieved, they will own Earth. That’s when God will come in, St. Michael, the Prince of War will destroy all but about a hundred thousand, and since the big Progressive Depop Eugenic plan, that’s about all that will remain who may still believe in God and have a heart for truth. This may be a bit of a New Testament fever dream, and since God was the Original Eugenist and Progressive who sent a rainbow, made a covenant with the people promising he would never wipe out humanity for a progressive outcome ever again, and because we all know at the root of Progressivism is Eugenics, keeping His promise, God has allowed the people to destroy themselves. Will a remnant be saved? Will paradise finally be achieved, I’ll leave that to God to sort out. In the meantime, here in the US we have a momentum strong enough to push back against these creepy, lying. Inverted, satanic forces. After November, it will no longer be up to one man, one leader, but the people. Without a leader, we need look no further than Iran. For nearly 70 years the people of Iran have been terrorized, any leader that emerges is eliminated within months, and helpless to counteract a rigid totalitarian theocratic government that literally took over the country with about 600 militants proving terrorism is an effective tool for control. At least we have a chance, if for nothing else, at least do it for your pets.
The reason MissLadyK wipes the floor debating CJ is because she believes in a higher power and CJ thinks that he is the higher power.
The “new normal” term didn’t originate from covid, nor from the 2016 election of Trump. It’s been around since at least 2010 or before. I remember California governor Jerry Brown using the term to describe the frequent wildfires here, citing that because of climate change these fires have now become the “new normal”. It’s all a form of social engineering from these globalist leaders, where they all will use these coined terms simultaneously to get us used to the totalitarian agenda they have planned for us. A good example is how all these leaders from around the world started using the term “build back better” right after Covid started, which really was cover for the WEF’s Great Reset agenda. It’s all so obvious once you learn to see through it all, and we need to recognize the propaganda that’s being thrown at us.
yep....2010...I saw a big sign inside a casino in Las Vegas welcoming a conference/expo for "American Production and Inventory Control Society" or APICS. "Excellence in the New Normal" .....we knew what this meant.
I understand the concept that you are espousing but global capitolism is a misleading definition. The old concept of a market based capitolistic system has been displaced by Oligarchs who now operate on a globally cooperative scale. I think maybe on that we basically agree with some semantic nuances. Islam lives in its own dogmatic religious totalitarian world similar to the christian version rejected during the Enlightenment. The rest of us are either in the resistance, or are unaware sheeple. Discounting the extrêmes which are vocal and easy to caricature, the resistance, which is sometimes called populism or nationalism is the only real threat to what you define as global capitolism. I agree wholeheartedly that globalcap is reacting to that threat with increasing unliberal regimes of censorship made possible by the dominate new digital forms of speech. They are rapidly morphing into totalitarianism, but not one controlled by a single dictator. I describe this as a blend of Oligarcy and totalitarianism....or Oligarchianism (not in the dictionary). You call it the new normal right. Essentially I think we agree, and essays like yours are beneficial in getting people to focus and acknowledging the global nature of the danger, while still working nationally to resist the local subsideries of globalcap thought and agency capture.
Dick Minnis
Oligarchy is the natural development of capitalism (like in monopol game). Oligarchy is capitalism.