Great piece, as so often. People are out on the street; the criminals can't hide behind the narrative anymore. Over 10k marched here in Düsseldorf again yesterday.

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Yes, I'm so happy to see the protests in Germany growing and spreading.

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Non-violent protest will not work against what's coming. This is an evil on-par with Stalin's USSR, but worldwide. MLK or Gandhi would've ended up as stains on the floor and walls of Lubjanka.

In the West, generations have been taught to hate their country and their fellow citizens. Do you think any of the BLM rioters will be moved by the sight of an old white woman being trampled by a horse?

What's going on is demonic, plain and simple. Naomi Wolf wrote a brilliant substack article about liberals needing to talk about God. Look around. A different Naomi--Naomi Klein--who wrote a book against globalization was positively ecstatic watching Trudeau's thugs run roughshod through the crowd. People like Klein have lost all sense of decency; it is the inevitable outcome of Nietzsche's death of God.

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I think for people like Klein, it is just a case of long-term brainwashing. I have managed to maintain a few relationships with "progressive" friends, and most have simply bought into the "we are the good guys/gals" narrative hook, line, and sinker.

The media's work during the Trump years convinced them that they are fighting Russo-Nazi redneck conspiracy theorists. And these bizarre word-salad-like designations are the same everywhere -- here in Germany we are Russische Nazi Verschwörungsschwürbler und Reichsbürger. That I am a former Green party member makes no difference, as there are no thoughts of any real substance going through the brains of those on the other "side."

I still find it incredible that the so-called antifascists proudly promote big pharma and demand the WEF SSI pass, because corporations now set their logos in front of rainbow-flag graphics.

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It's maddening. So-called liberals and progressives are the biggest shills for the corporate state.

To go back to Nietzsche, we are living through another inversion of values.

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Yes, in all of their messaging, inversion seems to be the one area in which they are consistent.

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To your point, excerpt from 'Manifeste Conspirationniste', Seuil ed., 2022 ( my translation, though it's a hard one ), p.39:

"The left [ during the Covid crisis ] revealed itself for what it is: irrational by dint of excessive rationalism, obscurantist due to excessive scientism, insensitive due to excessive sensitivity, morbid via hygienism, hateful via an excess of philanthropy [ in the general, ethymological sense, I believe, as in 'caring for others' ], counter-revolutionary due to progressivism, stupid for having believed itself better educated, and malevolent for excessively desiring to position itself on the side of the Good."

Summarizing, the liberal 'left' fell through hubris ( along with material incentives, shall we say ). Note: Among left-wing public intellectuals, in the US, besides the flaming — and increasingly irrelevant — horror-shows that became Chomsky and M. Moore, I am perhaps most disappointed with Chris Hedges, who couldn't stop himself from villifying working-class Trump supporters as so much rabble — 'Christian neo-fascists', or some such, among other labels — in the lead-up to the stolen election. Although, lately, he's changed his tune a bit, and is now claiming that Democrats are not the greater evil, but the 'most effective' evil ( see his latest piece ). ...That means the greater evil, Mr. Hedges, in my book!

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I used to read Truthdig regularly and Hedges was unfair to Trump voters. They were, it turns out, more intuned to how utterly corrupt our institutions were than many of the soft-headed writers on the website.

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RIP Truthdig, RIP Counterpunch, etc. ...What an effing disappointment!

"The State was the superstructural authority of capitalist repression. This is why Marx denounces it. But today, with globalisation, the inversion is total. Whereas the state-nation could be the means of oppression of a class by another, it becomes the means of resisting globalisation. It is a dialectical process." — Michel Clouscard

The field has changed. Neo-fascism, in our times, is coming from the liberal, globalist ( bourgeois! ) 'left', not from working-class, flag-waving conservative patriots, wanting to regain a sense of autonomy — control over their lives, polity, ...and bodies ( 'freedom', in the face of Global Capital's totalitarian heteronomy ).

Note: Clouscard was extraordinarily prescient in forecasting this shift. Here is another quote:

"Neofascism will be the ultimate expression of libertarian social liberalism [ lib-lib ], of the kind started in May 68 [ the Boomers' student-led insurrection, in France ]. Its specificity is subsumed in the slogan: 'Everything is allowed, but nothing is possible [ financially, for the masses ]'. The permissiveness of abundance, growth, and of new models of consumption, ushers in, paradoxically, crisis denial, shortage, and absolute impoverishment. These two historical components amalgamate in the mind, in the spirit, thus creating the subjective conditions for this neofascism [ dubbed, here: the 'New Normal' ]."

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I've thought a lot about Gandhi and MLK recently, and have reached the same conclusion. The actions that used to work, won't work now. Technology has disabled those actions thru mass surveillance, cashless transaction, etc. But the non-violent ideal must prevail, or the die of open war will be cast and then our odds are not good. There must be a way for technology to serve the cause, one less obvious than YouTube, etc. Much to think on, thanks.

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I agree, non-violence, paradoxically, must be the first arrow removed from the quiver in this war.

MLK and Gandhi also had the benefit of confronting flawed but fundamentally decent societies. We do not have that luxury. We have been purposely divided and taught to hate one another for 20 years. Some of the most jaw-droppingly racist things I've ever heard were uttered by white grads of so-called elite universities against white people--the bad white people; those without college diplomas.

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The old woman who got trampled was an indigenous elder of the Mohawk tribe--known as the fiercest of all warriors. But I'm sure she was still, somehow, a white supremacist. Otherwise why would she have been out there risking her life for free-dumb?

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Wow, the Red Face of White Supremacy...

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I believe he was writing with sarcasm. Doesn’t come across well in this digital media.

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Honestly, in this crazy world, nothing surprises me anymore...

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She's also immune from the Emergencies Act - as are other non-citizens.

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She’s also misogynist, let’s not forget that.

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She is a Mohawk Elder, actually, however…

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The strongest weapon is peaceful. I watched replays of a livestream from the Parliament building in Ottawa, and at one point the majority of the protestors knelt right in front of the police line. You could see the resolve to move forward against the protestors dissolve, the police literally did not know what to do. As CJ said, they made them show the ugly, naked power of the totalitarian state. Anyone that looks can see this is no longer about disease, rather power and compliance or complicity with power. Apparently, there are two convoys forming in the US to launch this week. We will see if American truckers have learned important lessons from their Canadian brothers. If not, things are going to get downright bloody.

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The protesters’ kneeling and praying before their tormentors was a brilliant move, IMHO.

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I don't identify as christian.

The Solidarity movement in Poland was based on cells in Roman Catholic communities.

East Germany followed with Protestant Christian cells.

Ottawa crowds seemed to spontaneously break into prayer at the drop of a hat.

(They also broke out into "O Canada", and seemed to embody the basis of the Canadian constitution - Peace, Order, and Good Government, but that could be another fascinating thread. "The Loyal Opposition")

The Acts of the apostles describes how early believers hid in upper rooms for fear of the authorities, and then "got the spirit" - grew courage, and went public.

So.. form cells. Develop small group solidarity, and become a counterculture. Grow and blossom where you are. And hey, why not religious? Why not step into an existing religious framework? (Part of me shudders at those words.) It looks likes a long term project. Jesus said that only a wee bit of yeast is required for the whole dough to rise up (dough that has been slapped around and pounded by the baker).

How did the Titanic sink? For a long time very slowly, and then suddenly very fast.

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I need to see that image - haven't come across it yet...

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CJ you hit it out of the park. Thank you.

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This is exactly how it played out at Standing Rock, while Obama stood by saying, "we'll just see how this plays out." The playbook has been transparent for years.

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CJ will we get a Consent Factory Essays Vol 3 soon? 2020-2022, I really want a physical copy, signed ideally, I'm even prepared to pay (money) for it, name your price! Your writing has been one of the very few things that has kept me grounded and sane and not feeling so isolated these last 2 years.

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My imaginary staff is typesetting it now ... it will be published in April, probably.

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Canada appears to have fallen. It belongs to the masters and its faithful cultists. Looking for recommendations for a kinder, more tolerant country to move to. Any recommendations? I’m kind, smart and fit so I won’t be a burden. I’ve had a job since i was 12 years old. Even younger if you count hauling wood in winter ;)

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Quite the contrary, Canadians are rising. Finally. At the demo in my small town yesterday as I arrived an elderly lady asked “Can I join you? I don’t have a sign or a flag but I just couldn’t stay home getting angry anymore.” Protect freedom where you live.

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Stand and fight where you are. There is nowhere to flee from GloboCap.

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Better yet, sit and fight where you are. Easier to punch tjem in the balls that wa... Plus, easier on the legs! 👍😉😛

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Canada hasn't fallen. There have been protests in Toronto, Quebec City, Winnipeg, Calgary, and Victoria as well as many other cities and towns. Get out onto the streets!

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Welcome to Norway, it’s not perfect, but freedom of choice is a high priority to society for now

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How much would you be willing to sacrifice for freedom? And in what way, preferably? How far would you be willing to go? And what if I told you that you don’t need to put your life at substantial risk to achieve that?


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Superbly written. Placing thoughts within simple boundaries: easy to compare, simple to feel. The quotes were expertly used. Thanks. May one spread your piece on social media?

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But what concrete things as everyday people can we do?????? Get involved in local politics - yes. USE CASH. YES. But what else?

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Organized, publicized, non-violent civil disobedience.

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Media censorship and othering has pretty much eliminated the "publicized" part of your trinity. Most Canadians had a very distorted view of the Truckers, thanks to their establishment media. Anyone going to the internet could see the exceptional warm-heartedness of the protesters, making the massive police presence completely incongruous and overreaching. I see the media stranglehold on their mass viewers to be a huge obstacle to public revulsion to totalitarianism.

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Everybody stop what you’re doing and read MLK’s last speech.

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Certainly most people aren't brave enough to stand in front of a tank. Nonetheless, there are quite a few things even a coward can do. Here are some I just jotted down in a few minutes. The list is probably incomplete:

1. Grow as much of your own food as possible, even if it’s just spinach on your apartment balcony. (1st step to freedom is feeding yourself)

2. Do good unto others

3. Support local food growers. Make a real effort here, not just a couple days per year at the Farmer’s market.

4. Buy local meat unless you’re a vegetarian

5. Get a 1-year supply of food stored if possible.

6. Learn how to cook from scratch

7. Don’t ever eat at chain restaurants, only mom & pop

8. Eat healthier, don’t support the GMO food industry. Boycott fast food. Period.

9. Get in better shape

10. Avoid medical industrial complex if possible. Get to know some alternative medicine people.

11. Vote with your wallet: stop buying from corporations when possible.

12. Think about pulling some funds out of the stock market to invest in yourself (dig a well, get firewood, insulate the house).

13. Keep cash out of the bank. It’s not like they pay any interest for your savings account anymore.

14. Use cash for everything you can. Cash makes it harder for the central banks to implement their Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) plan, which will lead to digital slavery.

15. Diversify your portfolio. Ammo, silver, firewood, food, tools etc… are forms of currency.

16. Buy precious metals, hold real money outside of the system

17. Educate yourself on what the Federal Reserve is. (Hint: It’s not Federal and it has no Reserves)

18. Be very aware that stocks, bonds and real estate are in a massive bubble that could pop any minute

19. Boycott Hollywood and the mainstream media

20. Get rid of Cable TV

21. Quit worshiping football and basketball players

22. Quit buying crap you don’t need with money you don’t have

23. Quit subscribing to Netflix, Hulu etc….

24. Consider canceling Facebook, Twitter etc… I know this is hard for some, but they’d cancel you

25. Be aware of who your local sheriff is and what he stands for.

26. Get out of the big banks like JP Morgan, Wells Fargo etc… and get into credit unions

27. If someone in your household is jobless, think about a home economy, like canning, food or raising chickens or whatever. Learn some new skills.

28. Invest in a friend or neighbor instead of corporate stock if possible. Think outside the box on this.

29. Regarding politicians: don’t fear them, don’t trust them, don’t ask them for anything

30. Rethink charity. Help someone directly person to person rather than supporting the Red Cross bureaucracy or the Salvation army’s anti-white racism program (https://www.salvationarmy.org/isjc/think

31. Do not take any inoculations, not even the flu shot. We don’t know what’s in them.

32. Exercise the 1st amendment.

33. Support the 2nd amendment. Without it, we’d already have quarantine camps like Australia

34. Get yourself right spiritually.

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Great list!

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Maybe #34 should be #1. Good list.

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Wonderful and wise list. I have already done MOST of these.

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For the most part, non-compliance. Since the criminals own most of the current system, that is about the most powerful thing one can do. Parallel systems will develop. We have a long road ahead, but I truly do not believe that what is being attempted by the DAVOS crowd can be successful in the long term. There are simply too many people for them to deal with.

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I hope beyond hope that you are correct, but are there too many to deal with when the vast majority are wilfully ignorant and/or compliant? Tragically, the masses are cheering on the fascists/totalitarianists…

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I don't believe that the vast majority are. I think many are scared, and many are uninformed. The true fanatics are probably about 20 percent of any given population, about 60 are on the fence, and the rest are quite intuitive and saw through this shortly after the first Wuhan B-grade horror film was broadcast.

Also, remember that most of the stats that you read about and hear are from controlled sources of information. We know for a fact that they lied about uptake several times already. And they lie about everything else anyways.

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Agreed. Perhaps a bit of hyperbole with the “cheering on”. Unfortunately, the 60-70% of the “fence sitters” are very real. At this point, whether they are uninformed or ill informed makes no difference. They have had two years, yet they have not lifted a finger to make any bit effort to become any less uninformed/ill-informed. None of this fascist nonsense would of been possible without the implicit “permission” of the masses in the middle….

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I agree, Steve.

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The Filipinos got rid of the Marcos by doing nothing more than simply sitting down and refusing to work.

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The Marcos family hasn't gone away yet, you have to unplug the power behind the throne https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/philippine-poll-shows-marcos-jrs-lead-widening-presidential-race-2022-02-13/

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Evil never goes away, it bides its time. That’s why the price of liberty is eternal vigilance. If the government behaves as it did in the 1980s, the Filipinos know how to get rid of it. Just sit down.

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In the US Constitution we have the power to convene a Convention of the States to amend the constitution. Term Limits for elected AND unelected bureaucrats. Limits on Federal Spending. The have lied to us. They have killed us by denying life saving treatments. The have censured us. They have divided us. And we have let them do it.

Not anymore. In Virginia, we manned and secured 24/7 video of each and every ballot drop box. They called the race by midnight.

This is the beginning. We no longer trust them. They have to go. Americans are not racist. They are. They have gone too far.

America will lead. The mid terms will sweep the fascists on both sides of the aisle from the US Congress. But we need to deliver power to the States by a red wave in both chambers of State Legislatures. When 34 states call for a Convention, and 38 States ratify, new Amendments to the Constitution will strip the Permanent Political Class (Schweizer) of power, and they can do nothing about it.

Parents, truckers, nurses, teachers and everyday people will take back the country that we carelessly gave away. I am calling on story talent to create dramatize, in 60 second bites, a serial advertising campaign that will leave viewers spellbound, and committed to the cause of individual freedom. It will unite free people the world over. We need Story, and Truth with a capital T, as McKee would say. CJ, story talent is rare. “Story talent is a monster, and the monster eats pages.


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Hmmm...and then there's this from Mark Crispin Miller:

"We don't need no Constitutional Convention. Let's enforce the Constitution that we have."

"From Catherine Austin Fitts, in response to several pieces (scroll down) calling for a Constitutional Convention, and/or crypto, as The Answer:

"So now as we run into the control grid, other parallel teams are building toward a Constitutional Convention. It is all designed to dovetail with the Super Bowl ads and the activist message that 'the old system is hopeless, let’s start fresh!' Yes, we will do a new and innovative thing. Just like Harry Potter’s Wizards, and the Gummie Bears with their magic travel potions!

"Translation: 'Tear up the Constitution, we keep the $21 trillion, you let us create an all-digital financial system and we will then have complete control.'

"Suckers bet. Now that all the money has been stolen and liabilities are left on you and me (Note 100% of the financial liabilities remain, giving the existing powers the right to seize all of our assets to satisfy them ), switching to digital systems that are inherently deflating will continue to consolidate wealth into the hands of the people who stole the money, and who can still print money, which gives them near-total physical and digital control.

"Better platform: Enforce the existing Constitution."

Read the rest at:


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Article V, Clause 2 IS part of the existing Constitution. Unlimited terms allow incumbents to stay in office, gain more power, and drive partisan division, financial malfeasance and political corruption. If Washington is too broken to fix itself then we can do it through the power of the states. It has been done before and we can do it again. Especially now. By limiting the size of the federal government, pls ring limits on spending and terms, we could stop the current disaster in its tracks. That’s the Constitution. We can blame the left all we want, but it was we, the uninformed and apathetic that gave the universities and our schools the the Left.

Now, we can take it back. With it without the Federal branch of government. That’s how smart our founders were. This is not another fools errand, trust me. This is how we do it. And, from where I see it, it’s the idea whose time has come. It’s not everyday that you see people from all political sides, every race, creed and color demanding change at the local school board, with a red wave coming in November.

The left focused on the states from 2016-2020–but on the judiciary, and gamed the elections, lied through their teeth and scared the living daylights outta everybody. The smart money emulates the left. We use a FRACTION of the money spent on federal races to flip statehouses and rhinos, and invite all free peoples under the diverse tent of individual rights and equal justice under the law.

Washington is powerless to do anything about it. That’s just how brilliant our constitution is, fearing as they ought, a centralized federal power run amok.

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"That’s just how brilliant our constitution is"

Exactly. And I'm not willing to gamble one jot or tittle away on slick players like Mark Meckler, who apparently has a new, improved constitution waiting in the wings:

"[V]arious groups, such as Mark Meckler’s Convention of “States” (COS) organizations, have been lobbying State Legislators to pass applications asking Congress to call an Article V Convention.

"Whether or not State Legislatures should ask Congress to call an Article V Convention is one of the most important – and contentious – issues of our time. The Delegates to such a convention, as Sovereign Representatives of the People, have the power to throw off the Constitution we have and propose a new Constitution, with a new and easier mode of ratification, which would create a new government.

"On November 8, 2021, several Pennsylvania Senators conducted a roundtable discussion about whether they should pass Mark Meckler’s “COS” application (SR 152) for Congress to call an Article V convention. Mark Meckler and his allies were present in support of SR 152. Firearms Owners Against Crime was present in opposition to SR 152. Gun Owners of America was there also. Much of what Meckler said at the roundtable is not true. But this paper focuses on his comments ridiculing his opponents’ concerns that, if there is an Article V convention, we could lose our existing Right to keep and bear arms.

"Meckler showed up at the roundtable decked out in gun garb; and, after dropping names to show his connections with gun rights organizations, proceeded throughout the discussion to preen his commitment to “the Second Amendment”. He ridiculed the warnings that if there is an Article V Convention, Delegates would have the power to impose a new Constitution which, among other horrors, strips us of our Right to keep and bear arms without infringement."

In light of your enthusiasm, Craig, I consider this article essential reading:


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Keep our present and only Constitution. NO convention of States!

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Thank you Pearl, for sharing this information with me. The Phyllis Schaffly video was particularly illuminating. It appears that many conservatives are making the same mistake by assuming that the rules of order will be observed equally on the right and the left. But what I have learned digging further, is that such a convention, if convened, would be likely hijacked by the left. The additional point, well taken, is, why would the Washington elite follow the Constitution and new amendments any more than they do now? However, I do think as a country we should support candidates willing to campaign for term limits. There is no doubt that the Permanent Political Class coupled with the permanent deep state bureaucrats have learned how to game the system, embezzle billions of taxpayer funds and obstruct the will of the American people. With popular support of term limits on both sides of the partisan divide, it seems like a good place to start to limit the power of elites and their GloboCap enablers.

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Deploying mounted police against a peaceful crowd is an evil look for a purported "democracy". Reminded me of the scene in Doctor Zhivago where mounted cossacks are sent against peaceful demonstrators.


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About the fall of Canada and the rest of the western world. Here is the truth All Canadians need to wake up to. Canada is not a sovereign nation. Politicians are puppets reading Globalist script. Elections are selections. The covert takeover happened a long time ago. Now we are witnessing an open NWO take over. Same goes for the USA

Public Health Agency Of Canada Created As Branch Of WHO; Bill C-12 PHAC Act https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/public-health-agency-of-canada-created?r=3mvl2

Health Canada Initially Created For Population Control Measures https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/health-canada-initially-created-for?r=3mvl2

Only MASS non compliance can may be slow it down. The entire system is corrupt and run by the satanic elites . The political scene is a theatre of controlled and corrupt puppets:

A Cesspool Of Corruption In Ottawa: AstraZeneca Maker, Emergent BioSolutions, Lobbying All Federal Parties https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/a-cesspool-of-corruption-in-ottawa?r=3mvl2

"While most eyes are focused on Ottawa truckers and a Parliamentary announcement expected to soon ratify the imposition of the Canadian equivalent of "marshal law," Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberal minority government is quietly fast-tracking labour code regulations requiring COVID-19 vaccination for all federal employees and federally regulated industries. " :


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I call the two sides "safe and cyber" vs "free and real."

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What is possibly the most sickening and grotesque thing is the comment thread on Twitter under your first link about protestor beatings: they are running ninety-nine percent in FAVOR of the cops beating up the protestors (!?!?)(since the protests were 'claimed' illegal [I guess that's the legal version of 'dibs'?], maybe they 'should have just complied', some sneering about "uh-oh, the consequences of my own actions" [which these slobbering proto-Nazis seem to forget was ***non-violent civil disobedience***, something they might feel a bit better keeping in their back pocket for a rainy day than trashing in an orgy of ain't-the-massa-swell], and "no suprise [sic], the cops just taken ['sic semper sic' I guess lol] care of business".

It's living fucking history.

I'm literally watching the idiot masses go along with a Goebbels-level Big Lie in real time: not just that...but watching the forces steering the Lie propagation TURN IT ON A FKN DIME, and the masses wheel along in perfect tandem lock-step like Zigfield (or Sieg Heil) Follies, like it's the most natural thing in the world, and we didn't have copious bone-chilling horror stories in recent historical precedent that anyone over the age of eight with no mental incapacities is *capable* of grasping... but we're seeing proof that the allure of belonging to the mob -- virtually to the extent of the way the pod-people pointed and shrieked at non-pod people in the Donald Sutherland version of "Body Snatchers" -- is baked DEEP in a very hefty chunk of the human race.

That shit needs to be rooted out. If it can't be educated away, it's time to start drowning batches of that ilk in burlap sacks in the crick, folks. Sure it's distasteful ethically: but it's literally what they'd do if they got the chance first.


I'm disgusted to share chromosomes with, it now seems, seventy percent of the planet's humans.

Make that "alleged" humans.

Seriously: those comments read like bad fuckin parody.

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People need to wake up. Non-violent protest only works in a free world with free press. I wonder how George Washington would have fared if he'd ordered troops to kneel down at Yorktown. We're in a war, an invisible war maybe, but the stakes are still the same. No-one will see it until it's too late. You know you're fucked when the best possible outcome is the apocalypse and true reset back to pre-industrial times.

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U.N. voted 130–2 (US and Ukraine) to outlaw Nazism.

On 16 December, 2021, the United Nations tabled a resolution that called for “combating glorification of Nazism, neo–Nazism and other practices that contribute to fueling contemporary forms of racism.” The only nations to vote against it were the United States and Ukraine.

Every Russian knows that it was across the plains of Ukraine’s “borderland” that Hitler’s divisions swept from the west in 1941, bolstered by Ukraine’s Nazi cultists and collaborators. The result was more than 20 million Russian dead. This is the driving force behind Russia’s respect-seeking, self-protective security proposals, which were published in Moscow in the week the U.N. voted 130–2 to outlaw Nazism. They are:

- NATO guarantees that it will not deploy missiles in nations bordering Russia. (They are already in place from Slovenia to Romania, with Poland to follow.)

- NATO to stop military and naval exercises in nations and seas bordering Russia.

- Ukraine will not become a member of NATO.

- The West and Russia to sign a binding East–West security pact.

- The landmark treaty between the US and Russia covering intermediate-range nuclear weapons to be restored. (The U.S. abandoned it in 2019.)

These amount to a comprehensive draft of a peace plan for all of postwar Europe and ought to be welcomed in the West. But who understands their significance? We are told that Putin is a pariah, “killer” and a threat to Christendom. Russian-speaking Ukrainians, under economic blockade by Kyiv for seven years, are fighting for their survival. The “massing” army we seldom hear about is the 13 Ukrainian brigades laying siege to Donbas: an estimated 150,000 troops.

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200 mill. in US took the DNA altering shots, some are hard core covidian cult members, the rest believe everything politicians say and trust tv news and many read the NYtimes and Wash. post as infallible. They want to fit in their social circles. Thinking people w/ head on straight, communicate w/ likeminded and have no time for the rest. If a robocop police state ever happens nationwide, some will go down fighting since patriots are way out numbered. Sent this article out to email group. So many dimwit Americans who don't give a hoot what type gov. we have or if their families are split up enslaved/ executed (nihilists) mainline churches condone globalism, not Biblical teachings. Hitler and Stalin used the churches same way. Home church or small study groups safe and private.

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I really enjoy your posts; they project your anger and frustration well, and definitely resonate with me. I have several questions:

1)how would passive resistance have played out in Nazi Germany. We were all aware of the kind of brutal regime that was installed. 2)Same question for China and Russia.3) What is your take on why the worst crackdowns seem to be in the English speaking world (tied to the UK and minus the USA)4) Is the open border down south and distribution of illegals throughout the country a way of building a para-military unvaccinated force (I understand the RCMP is NOT vaxxed)?

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