Your essays are evolving into the advanced class, Global Hegemony 501, you’re going to lose followers, but those of us left appreciate you even more.

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I second that emotion.

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Yes. I wonder; does he think so well because he writes so well or does he write so well because his thinking is so clear? Or are the two interlinked and one is not the cause of the other? Still, it's very strange that one of my best sources isn't a theoretical physicist or at least from the hard sciences or the philosophy of knowledge but from the arts.

I'm writing this almost 2 months after your comment. In the meantime, almost the entire antinarrative crowd permanently lost their shit over the Project Veritas Jordon Walker videos and the Seymour Hersh Nord Stream story (both obviously outrageous nonsense. even to someone a gullible as me). Then we experienced the long awaited alien invasion but the bastards did it with interstellar weather balloons (intergalactic?).

I might have a half dozen sources left and at least half of them may not be trustworthy (Conspiracy Distillery and Brendon O'Connell). The only apparent upside is how obvious the good reasoners are now.

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Ironically, you also perpetuate a misleading history.

You write:

"In March and April of 2020, ... global “shock-and-awe” campaign was conducted. Constitutional rights were suspended. The masses were locked down inside their homes, where they were subjected to the most massive official propaganda blitzkrieg in human history. Goon squads roamed the streets of Europe, the USA, the UK, Canada, Australia, Asia, the Americas, and elsewhere, beating and arresting people for being outdoors without permission and not wearing medical-looking masks."

That certainly happened in many places. But not all. Here in the free states, many of us did not miss a beat of normal life.

Never once put on a mask.

Never once stayed home under an unconstitutional mandate.

Continued business; no loss of business traffic.

Plenty of cars, although fewer, on the roads all throughout that period.

Walking, running nearly everyday. Never locked in the home for even a day.

Tell that history too, please. Or likely others will. And it's essential that this history be told as well, because it civil disobedience and refusal to comply with tyranny did not only happen, but it was successful and completed its revolution against the tyrants without bloodshed.

Tell that history too, please.

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How about I keep focusing on the big global picture, and the country and city I live in, and leave it to people like you tell the story of how things have been going in suburban Arizona and wherever else they happen to live? No offense meant ... I'm glad to hear you've "completed your revolution against the New Normal tyrants" there in Arizona. We've still got some revolting to do out here in the rest of the world.

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The big global picture includes the fact that the people of the world stopped complying with the mandates. And they did that because Team Reality modeled civil disobedience for them. And then people around the world saw that we survived both covid and covidmania, without masks or vaccines, and defeated the mandates in the US at least. And then people around the world figured out that they could achieve the same.

This is now history, although untold history. It is a success story of non-compliance and civil disobedience. History has taught us several times that it is the only non-violent path to victory over tyranny. Sure, there is a long way to go in much of the world and pockets in the US, but this is how you get there. Yes, enormous problems remain, but those recent victories are now undeniable. Not speaking of them does not erase the victories, or how we got to this place.

By the way, I am in the 4th largest urban area in the US, the Phoenix/Tempe area, not far from the Phoenix airport, but sure, you could call it suburban if you like.

Look, you have exposed covidmania well, and I probably should have posted a separate Substack article on this topic, but spontaneously started off with a comment to yours instead. I sincerely wish all of you living in more difficult places success in your own non-compliance dismantling of local tyranny.

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You talk about the New Normal (mandates, etc.) as if it were over. You might want to travel a bit, or at least read a bit about what is happening in the world outside of suburban Arizona. I am trying to be polite to you, but your myopic view of things is rather offensive to those of us who are still living under the "restrictions," which are enforced by armed police, not to mention those who have been injured, or their loved ones injured or killed, by "vaccines" they were coerced into taking in order to keep their jobs and feed their families. Please take a breath and do some research about the rest of the world. If you keep ranting in my replies, I am going to become significantly less polite with you.

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Got it. Have a great day, and again, as above, I sincerely wish all of you success in the challenges discussed. I actually wrote the first comprehensive warnings against the COVID vaccines, to try to help turn back the mandates, and to help people argue successfully against receiving them:

https://www.primarydoctor.org/covidvaccine My book Neither Safe Nor Effective is also used in court testimony for this purpose.

But sure, I'll not bother you with these topics anymore.

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Thank you for not forcing me to go ballistic, which I've been doing too much in my replies recently! Please keep telling your story, and advocating for non-violent civil disobedience, which I've also been recommending for some time now. All best from New Normal Berlin ...

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I’m glad she took the time to reply, because it did instal a sense of perspective that we need to keep in order to persist in sticking it to the kunts orchestrating all this. You’re both right and offering a lot of value.

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It still looks like all the perpetuators of these crimes roam free and many of the honest are being persecuted like Drs. Peter McCullough & Marik. Until some of the bad guys actually are punished I have trouble believing we have made progress against the coup d’etat!

I just noticed noticed on My Macy’s account that although I have excellent credit never missing payments and a high credit rating, my interest rate is an unbelievable 30.99% were I to miss a payment! Yikes to those missing a payment. I don’t understand such an exorbitant interest rate! I’m going back to cash. Screw them!!!!

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Can you write on every single item you post anywhere

" Do Not Comply" to help remind everyone, including the sheeple, of the only universal solution to this incredible problem?

Of all places, the people of Berlin and the rest of Germany should understand if you all don't get in line for the train, it will not be leaving for the camps, empty.

I know most people in Germany are rule followers unfortunately. Even more reason to reintroduce them to " Do Not Comply " with every post. The first dozen times or so it may not make a difference but then a lightbulb may go off. You may start a trend. They like American trends, especially the teens and 20 something's.

I have always preferred Bavaria myself where there seems to be more fun loving and indépendance of thought, relatively speaking that is. Perhaps it was the counterbalance to what went on in that area historically.

Do Not Comply

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WWII movies aren't about BAU in rural Arizona. WWII movies are about the Normandy beaches, stacks of skeletal bodies, and how that all came to be. One could argue it should have been otherwise. Some have. But storytelling, whether fictional or journalistic, just does not work that way. It looks for explanations and shines a spotlight on change agents, their motivations, their alliances, and their ultimate goals.

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I also live in a "free" state (TX) in a very rural, really small, very conservative, town and didn't have much life disruption during the mask mandates (which despite Gov Abbott's promised "no mandates" he did mandate masks for public places.) I walked out of stores that required masks, no big deal. There was one rather large EXCEPTION, tho. And that was attempting to obtain healthcare. Sure, don't comply, but in that, you also were DENIED healthcare. At all. Period, no exceptions. My personal experience was that I started unintentionally losing weight, 5-8+ lbs per mo. Thousands of dollars of tests were ran, each more complicated and costly than the last, but all required that I be "masked" to even enter the building. (I got a fancy, glittery "beaded" mask which was strictly for show because you could breathe fine through it. 😊). The final diagnostic would require an outpatient hospital procedure. But I refused to have my brain swabbed to see if I "had covid" despite being completely "asymptomatic" (which, BTW, simply means that YOU'RE NOT SICK!). The specialist/hospital didn't care one bit that I was rapidly wasting away. After losing 65+ lbs (up to losing 4 lbs PER WEEK), the hospital (temporarily) lifted their testing mandate, so I scheduled an appointment. At that point, there was a 2 mo wait for an appointment. By the time my appointment rolled around, the testing mandate was reenacted. I could've cancelled but by then I barely weighed 105lb (I'm 5'6"). At the hospital, "the test" was a simple nasal swab (thank God!). Not only did I get my outpatient procedure done (and a diagnosis that could've been done in my GPs office 🙄), I also came home with "covid" despite being "negative" upon arrival. I'd love to hear how @Colleen Huber NMD would've just "not complied" in that situation.

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Please keep in mind, in many parts of the modern world… standing up for your civil rights can often be replied to with a police baton cracked across your skull.

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That does include the USA. It just depends on where you are, or if the cop is in a good mood.

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Thank you for your contribution!

Good to know some areas got away with the worst of it, unlike the rest of us.

I think our saving grace and the cause of the failure of their ultimate plan (for now) is that the shots failed and the narrative fell apart.

But they will be back. Once they have all the technology in place with 5G, CBDC, digital passports, social credit scores and 24/7 surveillance.

It was never really about the so called pandemic, that was just a means to an end.

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They can try but we cannot let them.

Just rip the towers down like "we" did the Georgia Guide Stones. Yes, it was on camera.

Do Not Comply.

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Great exchange with CJ. Wonderful example how dissent from the "One Size Fits All" sales malarkey of the Covid Regime does not fit with "Reality." Or: Covid Narrative dissidents are not reducible to a one Hive-Mind Tribe; we can engage in Dialogue and hash out the particulars, unlike Covid True Believers who ceded their Reason (Minds) to the manufactured belief system that the Covid Regime was selling, and, more than selling, mandating...

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You’re right in that someone needs to be talking about the states which survived without fascist policies.

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For me, knowing what was happening in South Dakota and later elsewhere was a lifesaver. It certainly very much *is* part of the story.

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Talk about being aggressive. You’ve got a blind spot for others reality who don’t live in AZ. How about you take his advice and travel. Start in NYC and CA. Stay there 6 months each. Then get back to us. My 24 year old actor son was forced to flee nyc in aug 2020 due to impossibility of working or having ANY ability to access services in nyc. You’ve really got done re learning to do.

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How about you see the > 900 news reports and medical studies I cited from all over the world in my last two books on COVID and the vaccines. How about you consider where I've been? We were part of the earlier post-1986 US medical freedom diaspora, much slower and ignored, but arguably as large as the current one leaving California. To now see Arizona fall to fascists reminds me of the Polish minister dragged through the streets in Canada by Trudeau's thugs. For what had he left tyranny in Poland? Now he must move again.

Non-compliance is not by any means a way to commit aggression against those still under tyranny; rather, we are now where you will soon be, if you also stop complying. Better yet, check out this Substack, because he writes about this constantly: 2nd Smartest Guy in the World. https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/ And his urgent motto is, at the end of every article, Do NOT comply.

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To be sure, the battle isn't over yet even in Arizona. A big part of the battle is fraudulent elections around the world, Arizona included. Yes, they are fighting it, but elements of limited hangout are also appearing there. And it won't be over even after election integrity is restored. Every victory is followed by mopping up ops and rebuilding followed by diligence to keep the other side from rising again. That takes time, which I'm sure CJ and Colleen both will give due support to.

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Oh come off it. Colleen Huber has been nothing but polite and considered in her comments. You reveal yourself in your aggressive and patronizing response.

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Patronizing? Why don't you tell her that when she responded that she was "fighting for liberty" until people like myself found the strength to do so when she knows absolutely nothing about me or what I have done or the sacrifices I made to fight the new normal.


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You are a Liberal Whiner looking for a participation ribbon.

Those stopped in Middle School. Sorry.

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She was talking about her own experience, and that of many others who steadfastly refused to comply, as did I and many others I know who also live in a city that imposed "proof of vaccination" to enter private establishments. How does that diminish YOUR experience? Stop whining and grow up.

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People who have really felt, experienced firsthand the brute force of the new police state... They are traumatized by that new knowledge and therefore react sensitive when confronted with testimony from people who have not yet personally been shocked and awed to the core. Those who have not yet had that experience, tend to think it is easy to resist and why don't others do it. First, others may have done so. Second, done so at more tragic costs than the easy ones can imagine. But: Opposition (our side) NEEDS it that some have not yet been crushed and don't yet know what can happen!

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In European countries, elderly individuals died under police violence at peaceful protests.

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You should scroll down and see a response by this poster to I think myself but it's irrelevant. She stated something to the effect that it was people like her who stood up for liberty until others had the strength to do so finally managed.

She has no clue what others have done to resist the new normal nor the sacrifices they have made. Apparently, all one had to do to roll back the "new normal" was to pop into stores without a mask and/or keep one's doors open all in a 'free" state where there aren't any penalties in doing the above. Note that this "free" state still had school closures spring 2020, school mask mandates until April 2021, university mask mandates until March 2022 and vaccine mandates for medical workers even while this poster was "standing up for liberty" there but yet somehow Sweden managed to avoid all of the above without people "standing up for liberty" until the rest of the plebs could manage to find the courage to do so. Oh and the federal government of this "free state" still disallows foreign citizens without vaccine passports - one of the only places in all of the free world with this requirement so this poster can't even bring someone from another country into her "free" state unless that person is a US citizen or vaccinated. Guess that's how freedom has now been classified in the "new normal". Winning!

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I didn't have to do anything to restore the 'old normal' where I live. And I won't have to do anything when the powers-that-be decide to impose New Normal, Part Deux.

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Yep, they're just getting started. The Great Reset tyrants think things are going rather swimmingly, and are doubling down where needed. " Now is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning"


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Beschleunight Synchroitat

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Mandates are most certainly not completely gone in your country. Only fully vaccinated travelers may enter your country which is keeping families and friends apart (of course those migrants at your southern borders-including the one in Arizona, are not subject to these). Just look at California and you will see your country is not as free as you may like to believe. That said, my country of Canada is completely bat shit crazy with many private companies actually making up their own mandates to instill the need to take part in experimental medical injections to be employed and our govt is perfectly happy with this. Also mandates have been “suspended” not completely dropped for existing federal workers and it is explicitly stated they may be re-instated at any time “for everyone’s safety”. This whole new normal is not over and people need to keep their eyes open as the little lull is definitely preplanned to distract the masses from seeing what those planning this global reset have up their sleeves next.

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The WHO medical treaties, that are secret, for the most part, will play a big part of the next steps, IMO.

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well spotted, they are meeting in relative secrecy this very week ending 13th jan to revise the international health agreements, the revisions can then come into effect this May 2023, thus negating any thing so troublesome as a "vote"

w.e.f also happen to be meeting this week, + a small army of 5000 to keep them "safe"

So... we can deduce that the threats identified by the covid "dry run" will now be ironed out and 2023 will develop like gangrene in a nasty wound

If there is dissention then a well placed nuke somewhere in EU will re-focus the masses as to whats really "important"

some of the posts above still validly talk of non-compliance, using cash, so on, but few yet grasp that this is likely to get real nasty, the "beast" system isnt something easily kicked out like the cat at night and worse it will feed from our aggression or our passivity in equal measure

faith in a positive outcome, removing oneself from urban environments and a steady nerve/strong heart are required

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Jan 12, 2023
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Absolutely. U.S. Senate ratification of the WHO power grab must be stopped. Another big one is the elimination of cash.

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Yeah, get those a$$hat$ to vote on our side. Cashless--- also not a good idea!

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Jan 12, 2023
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They're going to be more than a dog to deal with, more like a pissed off lion.

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No kidding. I've been writing about the mandates for the last three years. I write medical exemptions against mandates. I have written about court cases against mandates and religious exemptions.

However, very important victories have happened. Demand for the COVID vaccines is near zero. To insinuate that we have failed in our pushback, civil disobedience and non-compliance is false and misrepresents very important history. No, not very important, but rather crucially important history.

Humanity has no choice but to get this right this time.

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I think the lull is to do with smooth adoption by nation-states of the revised international health rules- of the Who. Those where in the draft, they deleted the part about human dignity. Those that since Tuesday are being worked on in closed meeting in Geneva to potentially ratify them this spring. (And it seems, active ratification is not even needed.) When that happens, we have no more sovereign nation states. Pandemics of all kind, of anything with even the alleged potential to harm people's wellbeing, can then be declared unilaterally topdown and countries must comply with instructions and tolerate personnel being deployed into their countries. I am not exaggerating, just relating. In my view, this is a power grabbing, very sly transition from, the traditional "rules based order" model of the US, which was successfully enforced against some willing allies or satellites but could not be forced unto many wary unwilling recipients, the "gap" was large; to a similar but near all encompassing rules based order that is now covertly introduced as it is based on seemingly innocuous or helpful new international "health" rules. Rules which, coming not from the US but from a different actor, will be embraced and will subjugate a much much larger portion of the globe than the overt US aspirations could ever have achieved. It seems that in "realism", only state actors are seen to be political actors and private orgs, companies, NGOs etc are not considered such. Above or between the nation state level there is supposedly anarchy. I think that after that power grab, that theory of realism will have to be revised. Btw, No offence is meant against US citizens. I find plausible Matt Ehret's take on the Crown, the British Empire, and the US deep state factions that work in a perennial putsch against the Constitutionally minded part of the US.

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Thank-you for knowing in your heart that not everyone in the USA is an evil nut job.

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So sorry, that comment posted itself before I had finished writing it..... Cutting off there it must have seemed stupid and rude. But have you heard of this issue about the Empire-oriented deep staters vs the Constitution oriented republican freedom loving faction? Have you ever read anything by Matthew Ehret? I recently came across his stuff here on Substack and things really seem to make sense when seen that way. It's a recommendation!

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Uh... We just had a stolen election in AZ. The Governor, Atty. General, and Sec. of State installed by the corrupt political machine that controls the administration of elections didn’t win their elections. They were selected and the ejection was rigged. So it’s not over here, not by a long shot. Before you take a victory lap and try to dunk on CJ, let me remind you, the bad guys are winning in AZ. We may not wear masks right now, but the new illegitimate governor is a Commie drone who will be lockstep with the alphabet soup totalitarians.

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She is unpopular as hell. She has no popular support. If you think she will forcibly march Arizonans into force-jabbed, force-masked concentration camps, then you don't know people in this state.

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They did not care enough to vote against her. When the numerous supposed Republicans were effectively denied the right to vote, what did they do? They re-elected Mark Kelly, who discovered the chaos of your border A month before the November election. If Arizona's were content to accept this election without protesting, I fear what they will accept next.

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"The big global picture includes the fact that the people of the world stopped complying with the mandates."

Umm no, no it doesn't.

Team Reality modeled civil disobedience? Really? Who in the real world who isn't on Twitter even knows Team Reality? Many never bought the narrative but that's on them not Team Reality. I doubt Team Reality swayed even one person only confirmed their own view or confirmed that there were "conspiracy theorists" labeling themselves Team Reality.

Give me one location with at least 10k people where there is not one mask in sight. No Amish community please.

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Jan 11, 2023
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What an assumption you make? "We stood up for your liberties until you were strong enough to do it for yourself?"

Who exactly are you talking to? If it's to me, you don't know me or what I was "strong enough to do". Nor do you know whether I did or did not put on a mask.

You can pat yourself on the back until the cows come home but your "standing up for liberties" cost you nothing. Were you an elementary school student who went to school with a mask mandate? Nope.

Did you go to a hospital where a mask mandate was in place and refuse? Nope or you would have been arrested.

Did you try to get on a plane with an airline that would throw infants off if their mask fell over their nose? Nope.

Please though continue to crow about not wearing a mask when you never encountered much if any resistance to your "standing up for liberties".

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You really need to take your resentment elsewhere. As a professional hypnotherapist much less someone who stood up when nobody ejse did in my area, I suggest you might need to re evaluate your belief system and assumptions.

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I feel no resentment. Non-compliance does not cease to exist because you take umbrage. Your taking umbrage against non-compliance is the anomalous resentment, not that people would choose non-compliance.

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Colleen, I personally respect your optimism whether it is warranted or not. What goes unspoken is that a huge number of articles these days, including this one, leave you feeling that the global cabal of warlocks have achieved full spectrum dominance and that you might as well crawl under a rock and die. I have no illusions that we're entering a war/disease/famine cycle as we have throughout history and that when the carnage is complete, those who are facilitating it will wind up in history's compost bin just like the rest of us. If you want to celebrate that many of us still have some kind of quality of life, then have at it and fully enjoy the last of the easy food that we're eating.

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What I am talking about does not begin with celebration, but rather ends with it. The lessons offered by Solzhenitsyn, Kafka, Orwell are way too painful and costly to learn again the hard way. " . . . If we had only loved freedom enough . . ." The non-compliance is much, much easier now than in spring 2020, and much easier to do now than when the next wave of tyranny crashes down. Non-compliance is absolutely imperative and urgent and historically validated as the only non-violent path away from tyranny ever accomplished, and, amazingly, it is unappreciated and in some cases even disliked by over half of the people posting on this thread. But that is likely okay, because Mead observed that even a sizable minority is adequate.

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Totally agree with everything you've stated. There almost seems to be an undercurrent of defeatism being spread around this thread with so many whining about their difficulties in non-complying. But the bottom line is always that those who comply are by definition complicit, so maybe it's guilty consciences motivating their tears.

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It's also a defeatist - centric position, as if only their defeatism is valid, or that is the only position that exists.

Yet nearly the entire continent of Africa rejected covidmania. Same with Uttar Pradesh, much of eastern Europe, much of the US.

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I’m glad of your ‘little victories’… good for you! And all power to you and yours! Keep it up! But, in a global sense, this thing is still marching full force ahead! And they’re still making ground. The clowned masses are still a million miles from even noticing what’s going on.

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I don't disagree with the your premise, except that everything somebody says before the word "But" is bullshit. But what's the harm in celebrating the "little victories", not just mine. Some of us did call BS on this scam early on, rejected the mask, practice the 1st amendment etc... I red-pilled a guy with 4 shots in him the other day for what good that did I don't know! In my case rejecting the mandate cost me a cushy job. So raise a fucking toast, what's the harm? To your point, perhaps the masses are clueless in part because they're still doing OK. As bad as things are, Mr Global hasn't stripped them of their property (yet) and the mainstream are mostly well-fed. I live over here in semi-rural Merica, but interestingly I have an extended family in Germany. I've tried to engage them about energy issues, current events etc... and they are as utterly insouciant as their American counterparts. They really don't like Trump! I agree that this is frustrating but maybe waking up has to involve getting hit by reality and having to respond.

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Colleen Huber is right here. There is one way out of everything totalitarian that you write about.

"Do Not Comply"

If everyone does not comply, they have nothing.

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I live in AZ. Have for longer than you’ve been alive. I know a lot of people. I know a lot of politicians. Your comment is kind of a weird straw man argument. All I said is that we have big problems in AZ and nothing is solved. You are missing the man’s point. CJ is telling you what is happening. His take is accurate. It’s happening in AZ. It’s global in scope. The turds on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and their coconspirators like Doug Ducey and Rusty Bowers are RINO trash lackeys for the WEF and their subsidiary affiliates. Bowers just went to the White House with Bill Gates and another cretin to get medals. Look it up. Why is Biden giving medals to AZ Republicans? Because they did their duty for the corporate- Commie axis. Chill out and think about it.

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I have written about corruption countless times over the last three years myself. If you want to learn the very painful lessons from Solzhenitsyn, Orwell, Huxley, etc. all over again, then go right ahead. If you want to hate those who refuse to comply, then go right ahead. But the world is moving past your viewpoint very quickly. People are in ever greater numbers refusing to comply.

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I live in Sydney Australia. I flat out refuse to insult my intelligence and humiliate myself by playing along with the insane covid theatre of wearing the “still government mandated face mask” when seeing a doctor. The only option I have in getting around it, is to simply NOT see a doctor face to face. If you try to stay true to yourself and refrain from donning the mask… you are removed from the premises by security or police. All the noncompliance in the world won’t stop you being escorted from the premises. This is a large reason why people comply. They have no alternative option!

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Again, I understand that, and have been writing exemptions for those who are coerced to comply for the last three years, at huge risk to my medical license. On the other hand, where non-compliance can be practiced it must be, or again, we risk the hugely painful historical lessons that Solzhenitsyn illustrated. And Kafka, Huxley and of course Orwell.

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Well said and agree!

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I, too lived much as you described. But if it's a "success story", it's a brief and localized one which changed virtually nothing in the big picture, The Machine of Totalitarianism moving over us all as long planned and executed. No hopelessness here, but we can never lose sight of the reality and insidiousness of the Machine and do our absolute best to live in defiance of it.

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Jan 11, 2023
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She's also kidding herself about how "free" her state is.

I posted links that show Arizona State University, which is located in Tempe the town Colleen posted is close to her location had mask mandates until March 2022. Schools had mask mandates until April 2021. Here's another regarding vaccine mandates for hospital workers:


This definition of "freedom" seems to embrace the new normal.

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I specifically wrote that Arizona was not one of the free states in spring of 2020. Lack of compliance is exactly what made the tyranny fail earlier here than elsewhere. Both compliance and non-compliance have happened here obviously. I have spent the last three years advocating for non-compliers, and writing medical exemptions for non-compliers. So yes, I have been familiar with these mandates, and have been writing about them for three years. That does not mean that non-compliance was a bad strategy; to the contrary, it is the world's best way out of the mess.

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The reality is, some states CHOSE not to implement anti-Constitutional directives, but the COULD have. And our corrupt U.S. Supreme Court (corrupt? ignorant? afraid?) would have, and DID, let stand every one of those unconstitutional directives/policies/laws.

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They could but they realized there would be pushback. My guess is that they already knew how far they could push people in certain locales. This is why certain places were more "free". I think they knew if they had the same strict measures everywhere there would be way too many protests. This way it is more like boiling the frog slowly. Put in measures where protests bubble up but do not froth over. Notice that America never had the kind of protests that other countries had because the people in the "red" states were deluded into thinking they were "free" just because wherever they went they could go around mask free and they somehow thought this was Team Reality modeling behavior when in fact it was their government not instituting the same strict policies other places had. I am sure they were constantly monitoring the pulse of the people in all locales.

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SCOTUS did, until Biden's OSHA mandate failed. And the military mandate just failed. And there is no mojo left in the US vax mandates. I know this not just from what is reported around the US, but also because I write medical exemptions, demanded fast and furious through the last two years, not so much the last six or so months.

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We are blessed to have you in our camp. It’s horrific and unconstitutional that medical and religious exemptions were even required to get a pass on an unconstitutional mandate. And yet, that’s where we we in this dystopian society, where our U. S. Constitution was used as toilet paper by the power mongers.

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On this I would agree. I actually think she's done a great job standing up for medical freedom. I really enjoyed her exemption letter for a student in the UC system.

Unfortunately I unsubscribed because of her condescension towards myself and a few other posters on this thread.

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You only imagined her comments to be "condescending". I found them quite civil and cogent, compared to yours.

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For covid for now. Tyranny doesn't come in one big push. There is a push then a back track and so on. Right now none of the people are all that scared of covid as they either got it or know many who have. However another virus or scary variant and we could be back to where we were or worse because now all the infrastructure, built up during covid, is now in place.

You should watch this:


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In other words, you were in a small pocket that was never under any real pressure.

We (my family) never did any of that stuff here in Germany, either, but we were harassed by cops at protests, locked out of entering nearly every place of business through Nazi-like 2G laws, and nearly had our livlihoods taken away.

You are quite the hero.

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She is, actually. Dr. Huber has done a tremendous amount for people who HAVE suffered under COVID biofascism, not the least of which is contributing to a dissenting body of research besides her activism.

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If there is no harassment it's not hard to not follow the "rules".

There are very different reactions for not wearing masks in places. Do that in the spring of 2020 in NY vs. some rural town in Arizona and let's see what the reaction is. Ridiculous to talk about modeling non-compliance as it only works if the cops are not so keen to crack people's heads.

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In Germany and Switzerland, at least 2 people speaking out against the first lockdown were forcefully interned in psychiatric institutions. One a doctor, the other a renowned medical lawyer who had a track record of winning cases at German supreme court. And that was before 'they' started the push for framing vaccine hesitancy as a mental illness.

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That is the gist of my response. I may have been a bit harsh, however.

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Yes I agree with you.

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Non compliance is harder in some places than others. In the extreme it requires willingness to sacrifice one's life. I don't think anyone is suggesting that this is not the case.

Nevertheless, Colleen is correct that it is the only way forward.

As for me - I "mostly" non-complied in a fairly easy place. I did wear a mask once when I had to take my child to see a doctor, and I wore one on the plane when I needed to see my elderly mother.

I managed to stare down some staff in shops who tried to make me wear a mask, and walked out of a dental appointment when they started asking me silly questions about whether I'd been vaccinated. And I found all the stares and disapproval and conflict quite hard to endure.

I've given up my job too - not because of any mandate but just because I refuse to be part of making things worse. So my income is about 1/5 of what it was. It's amazing how little that seems to matter,although I do wish I had a more reliable car :-)

How would I have done in a place where it was more difficult? I don't know. Perhaps I would have complied to a much greater extent, or perhaps I would have skulked around the edge of society non complying only by allowing myself to be excluded from everything. I certainly cannot say that I would not.

But I don't think that's what Colleen's doing or saying either. She's not trying to shame anyone or say that she is better than they are (except a little bit when she gets challenged and becomes slightly defensive). And whether she or I would be brave enough to non-comply elsewhere is irrelevant. It's not about her personal bravery or cowardice - or yours. She is simply stating what she believes (and I agree) to be fact - that non-compliance is the only path to success and that the longer you wait the worse it will get. And she is pointing out that that is also the advice of people like Solzhenitsyn and Vaclav Havel. And while it is certainly true that Colleen may have had it easier than some of you, the same cannot really be said of those gentlemen.

So, for those of you in the tougher locales, yes - you face a much greater price for non compliance. Neither Colleeen nor you can change that - but that doesn't make her advice bad. If a hurricane comes and blows a tile off my roof and knocks your house flat - we still must both go outside in the morning and start rebuilding. You're just starting in a worse place. You have my sympathy.

Should Colleen tell you that the best thing to do is to comply?

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And people with schoolchildren in a state like yours where homeschooling is forbidden were/are under a different kind of pressure.

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I’d like to keep in touch. I live in CO. I visited Germany for 6 weeks in the Mid 80s. Loved the people. Please email me at hs 4265 at proton mail. Dot com. I appreciate hearing from friends across the Globe.

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BIngo. And this is why CJ is controlled ops too. He also tells the truth but does so in a doomsday fashion whereby we are all supposed to become so demoralized that we give up and submit to the totalitarians . To your point MANY MANY of us all around the globe have never and will never do so. Our “normal’ baseline has never changed.

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Important to understand that what CJ's saying is unpleasant, but needs to be said because it's true; however, not the whole picture... yet. Those places not immediately targeted will in time feel the noose tighten, for eg. BC, Canada... Premier just announced doctors (& other medical professionals) giving advice that counters official story, may be incarcerated and have their property confiscated.

It'll take self-discipline & courage to resist succumbing to fear and negativity, but we have to understand that we are many , they are few.

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Yes, we ALL need to rise up en masse. But will we? No, the vast majority won't. They're already completely brainwashed to blindly trust the government(s) and MSM, and blindly trust global(ist) "government" organizations as well. How can I not say that we are frakked? Most Americans and others all over the world, particularly in the West, have been indoctrinated, conditioned, programmed and prepared to accept all of this, for decades! With all of the poisoning of our bodies and minds in the air, food and water, it's amazing that ANY of us, or only very few, are awake to what's really going on.

Do you think I don't want to believe that we're not frakked? Of course I do! But I can't live in false optimism. You think CJ doesn't think we're already frakked, seeing what he's observed in Germany, Europe and elsewhere for the past three (or more) years, and considering what's continuing to go on there and in many places? This whole thing is totalitarians' best friend, all over the world. The corporate-fascists have been drooling for being able to eradicate most of us for a very long time, and they have been working in concert, behind the scenes, and extensively to make it happen; and now it is all coming to fruition for them. They're gleeful that they're seeing their dreams become reality, and that nobody's stopping them. And they know that nobody will stop them.

They have fooled most people into believing that they're "heroes", and many people have actually been brainwashed into believing that the extermination of most of humanity is "necessary" to stop "overpopulation" and the destruction of the planet (nevermind that it is the corporate-fascists who are primarily responsible for the destruction of the planet, NOT most human beings).

So, forgive me for saying that we're frakked. But it definitely looks that way. I sincerely hope that most people wake the frak up, rise up en mass, and stop this madness. But, look at history, it's not likely to be stopped. Most people aren't going to wake up before it's too late. Shit, it appears to already be too late. That majority of people would have had to completely wake up a long time ago, but they didn't. If anything, they have been much too successfully dumbed-down and brainwashed to believe everything, including that the "New Normal", is "normal". Have a great deal of, though not nearly enough, people woken up? Yes, they have. But it is evidently too little too late. Just like with the "'good' Germans", they refuse to face what's really happening; and, as long as, due to their compliance, it doesn't cause them and their family and friends to be exterminated, they don't care about any of those who end up being "disappeared", for they feel that everyone that it happens to "deserves it" for not complying. "If they had just complied, they would have been 'alright', so whatever happened to them is their own damn fault."

I don't apologize. We're frakked!

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Excellent comment. Anyone who was faithfully still believing msm was lost. Forever. Including all my family except my kids and husband.

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8 billion people aspiring to western lifestyles and consumption will destroy the ability of the biosphere to support us, but why quibble about narratives?

The outlook is just as bleak.

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Finally responding to your "overpopulation" drivel, so what does what you're saying mean? That the majority of the Earth's population should be terrorized and mass-murdered to "save the planet", that women should be sterilized, that men should be sterilized, that the air, food and water should be poisoned (as is already being done, and has been perpetrated for decades), and/or that so-called "vaccines", full of poisons, including graphene oxide and lipid nano particles in the mRNA "vaccines", and probably the flu "vaccines" now as well, should be foisted on people to get them to commit suicide without their even realizing that's what they're doing, and that they should have to suffer horrific disabilities and deaths so the psychopaths who are in charge can survive at the expense of everyone else because, even though they are extremely evil and vile, they are supposedly "superior" or the "fittest" compared to the rest of us? You call them what they're not,"elite(s)", I call them what they are, vile, evil monsters one and all.

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Just leave it to Mother Nature. Continue with business as usual (pre 2000). The narrative will be that ecological overshoot reduced the human population. Which is what happens to a species when it overruns its habitat. Boom and bust.

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Jan 12, 2023
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Who said anything about being "down"? I'm not depressed about all this, and I'm not demoralized either; I'm just stating the apparent "conspiracy FACTS". I will continue to stand up against their madness until they come for me , or as long as I'm able to do so. And, for someone like myself who is elderly-disabled and "living" on below poverty line S.S., you're suggestions are largely much easier said than done.

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You have a link for that Premier announcement?

"Premier just announced doctors (& other medical professionals) giving advice that counters official story, may be incarcerated and have their property confiscated."

I am aware of the earlier announcement by the CPSO about physicians spreading misinformation against covid "countermeasures" "...Physicians hold a unique position of trust with the public and have a professional responsibility to not communicate anti-vaccine, anti-masking, anti-distancing and anti-lockdown statements and/or promoting unsupported, unproven treatments for COVID-19. Physicians must not make comments or provide advice that encourages the public to act contrary to public health orders and recommendations. Physicians who put the public at risk may face an investigation by the CPSO and disciplinary action, when warranted......"


and the suggestion from CPSO to doctors that those who are unvaccinated may have some mental illness and should be given psychiatrics meds https://rumble.com/v1vbzju-dr.-william-makis-93-dead-doctors-after-vaccine-rollout.html start at 06:59

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informed consent is not misinformation... doctors are obliged by their Hippocratic Oath to "do no harm".to tell the truth and they are being prevented from doing that by the state. "Misinformation" is weaponized language being used against any medical professionals warning people about the neurological risks and the cardiac risks. ... Doctors are the ones who treat patients.. not pharma and not the government.

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THERE IS NO CLINICAL INVESTIGATION once a pandemic is declared and EUA products are used. No accountability and complete immunity from liability when using "covered countermeasures". This coverage applies to just about any and all persons along the countermeasures chain (manufacturers, warehousing/storage, administrators, distributors, et al).

See: https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/exposing-trickery for a breakdown of what this means in plain english. And there is a newer summary here from a few days ago: https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/reviewing-the-dod-contracts-for-covid

What you think should be and what actual cover they are using are 2 different things. And unfortunately many people chose PERCEIVED convenience vs actual autonomy over their livelihood.

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Thanks for links . I'll have a look - they're both good sources . ..re: the issue of an emergency...I know they keep extending the EUA so they can keep jabbing people with the poison, (legally they can't push a vax (preventive measure). if there 's a drug that can be used to treat the problem, which is why the doctors are being silenced. There IS no other treatment, right. )

But it's clear now, that in BC where these mandates are in full swing in the medical arena, that a.) there is NO emergency (NO PANDEMIC) and b.) the risks of this treatment outweigh the benefits; it's actually dangerous c.) it's never been proven that a Sars Cov 2 virus even exists. d.) A legal cases was recently thrown out of court in Canada because the Freedom of Information Act had not been able to produce evidence that a virus called Sars Cov 2 even existed. Gov't didn't like that so they're making changes to the F.O. I. Act, so we can't get information as easily.

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CK is not controlled OPs. I’m doomsday. Am I controlled OPs ?!

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I don't see it as too negative. He points out patterns and mechanisms. It is better imo to recognize those, to learn how the enemy ticks. One can still resist, just in a better informed way even though being better informed lowers the mood. What I find more harmful, on that matter, are predictive programming movies that picture the pervasiveness of control and the futile attempts of heroes to hide from themnf the futility of opposition in general. Those are harmful. But learning about mechanisms is helpful to not let guard down but persist in seeming flukes.

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Yes, patterns and tactics totalitarians use to gain control are necessary to understand but the ideas themselves are not noble ideas, Control is gained by creating fear, insecurity instability, etc And I agree with what you're saying about the predictive garbage coming out of Hollywood; it's part of their strategy. Two former stunt men in Hollywood (Spiderman -can't remember the other superhero-maybe Batman ) produced/directed a documentary about the CIA "takeover"of Hollywood about 18 or more years ago, something that disturbed them. People ( mostly younger) feeding themselves a steady diet of that dystopian stuff, absorb it often subconsciously, .. .. ideas have energy and we are bodies of energy....what we think is what we become. Kids who've grown up with a cell phone in their hand are hte ones that say they can't live without it... and some of the first to think that "chipping" is cool. First the hand, then the brain.. it's not a big leap.. they're been groomed. Interesting to note that the people watching that stuff were /are some of the last to wake up

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"First the hand, then the brain"

Not sure whether your juxtaposition was deliberate.

Someone else predicted that "All people were forced to put a mark on the right hand or the forehead".

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While your normal baseline hasn't changed, which is likely true for many who read this substack, do you really think this is true for the majority? How many in NYC would protest if a "deadly new variant" arises and they have to bring back vaccine passports?

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I honestly think more at this point. Even my own father is admitting " Well, you seem to be right all this time. I hope youre happy".

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I hope so. From what I see, many are still getting boosters even after coming down with covid. One just got covid and it was severe enough for him to go to the hospital. They gave him Paxlovid and he was grateful and said we need vaccines but it's not enough. Also said words to the effect that even 5 vaccines didn't stop covid. I don't know if anything will pierce their mindset.

Others are just burying their heads in the sand. They don't acknowledge anything may be wrong with the narrative even though they stopped taking boosters. They just pretend that everything is normal. They have no interest in talking about covid at all as if it's over.

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Nobody who protested the first time will fail to protest the second. And there are many who did not protest and took the jab who now regret it. There is a process of osmosis going on here - people move in one direction but not the other.

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The difficult thing is that you can never rule out that they are actually spreading something dangerous.

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I don't agree that's the difficult thing.

Firstly I'm not sure they actually can make anything especially dangerous. And secondly it doesn't change anything if they do. Our response must be the same, even if we must summon more courage.

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They can. Have you not followed j. J. Couey, Gigaohm Biological, and Housatonic live; and j j has been discussing infectious clones aka virus like particles with Mathew Crawford on Rounding the Earth; Sage Hana has at least one article a few months back that explains it well and has some links to audio discussions.

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Could you link to one of those articles/discussions? Thanks

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Depending on where you lived, the impact varied, but one thing was clear. The pandemic was a fraud, globalist politicians carried through with the plan, and media, also complicit, fell in line, parroting simultaneously, scripted responses. And for those of us who were paying attention to Klaus Schwaab before 2020, we heard repeatedly that the "vaccine hesitant" were the "greatest threat to global security". We were not beaten by police for resisting the mandates, we were simply shunned, unfriended, and ridiculed by most. Some of us lost our source of income, had our movement restricted, our children brainwashed, and lived with the awareness that any day, we, the "dirty ones" could be rounded up and our fate determined by fascist criminals. Don't think for a minute this is over.

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The free states? “Free states” to me implies representative democracy - and Under Citizens United - I really don’t think that exists in any state. Some people may live in states the Hegemon found it convenient to allow less “shock & awe,” but that doesn’t mean that those states have leaders who represent anything other than the interests of a handful of Billionaires. It was a lucky accident for residents and doesn’t correspond to freedom from my pov

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Here's what happened in the free states. https://pdmj.org/papers/lockdowns_failed_to_reduce_deaths_in_the_us

I wasn't even in such a free state, and most of us ignored the 'you will stay home' mandate garbage. It is essential that this history be recorded also, because that is how tyranny was defeated bloodlessly. It is the only path away from tyranny that is non-violent, civil disobedience. Every 2nd or 3rd generation must learn this lesson over again.

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I appreciate your work - my objection is a minor linguistic point. I still don’t see those states as free - it’s like the parable of the blindfolded people trying to describe an elephant and each only describes a sliver - the tail, the leg, the trunk - etc. I endorse the point I think you’re making in comparing lockdown states to the states that weren’t locked down - yet I still don’t see them as “free,” only lucky or perhaps temporarily ‘free from lockdown mandates’

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Agreed and not even that as they likely weren't free at all.

Many supposed "free states" still had mask mandates in schools. Sure they were "more free" because they didn't close schools down but this poster seems to be kidding herself on what constitutes freedom. She probably was free but here's an example from the supposed "free state" of Arizona.

Only in April 2021 were school masks rescinded:


This poster may have been able to get away without masks the entire time but likely would not have been able to had she been an elementary school student. So much for the "free states".

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I am from Ontario Canada, went on peaceful protests, refused to wear a mask, and was locked out of restaurant for 6 months. There were a few local restaurants that silently and sometimes vocally welcomed the unvaccinated in. But very few. My friends and I practiced your civil disobedience, but families and others of the Covidian Cult were in our face angry. I had the police show up on the doorstep of a local meeting involving many people. The police were silently slinking around outside the door, but I saw them. As my Floridian sister proudly, or unknowingly snubbed my nose in her unmasked social events. Complaining about how Canadians were no longer polite in airports. So, Dr Huber, you have not walked in MY shoes, and no, I am no longer the polite Canadian you are used to. And I fully understand where CJ is coming from, and I know it was a whole lot worse in Germany than in Canada. This show is not over, so better stock up on food. Your innocence is being relied on by these Parasites.

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I have not snubbed anyone, and I never said I walked in your shoes. What I've been saying again and again in this thread is that non-compliance is the *only* path out of the COVID tyranny mess that does not shed blood. We are seeing its victories all over the world: Africa led the way. Also Uttar Pradesh. Even heavily vaccinated Japan and Australia are beginning to investigate the vaccines. Yes, a lot of the world is under tyranny, but is improving, even China. Your resentment of those who urge non-compliance is misplaced.

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If you do not know anything about details of other countries in the rest of the world, better you stop with your illusions and start to read, research and become informed and see what is "improving" in those countries. All the people are trying to tell you what you will never understand, as the spoiled americans do, those who doesn't really care about the others or about the big picture of the events. You are not even able to see the communism old roots and tyrrany from your own door or that you are not free at all. Nobody is saying that non compliance is bad or it doesn't exist all over, everyone is saying that this wasn't a succes, but a crush of all the human rights and dignity and a huge suffering of the people facing the machinery and nothing is improving, but going on. "Beginning to investigate the vaccines"...you really belive that, when more mrna vaccines factories are being built in the world and WHO is just waiting to enforce a new health card and new rules? Geee....it must be nice living in a comfy cloud.

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Ty. And I’m glad you’re no longer a polite nice Canadian. I always felt they were very naive about their govt. Trudeau hopefully fixed that issue. I’d love to visit Canada again amd maybe meet you. Email me at hs4265 at proton mail dot com. Like I told the German commenter , it’s good to have friends outside the USA. I’m in CO USA btw.

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Attacking Mr Hopkins article using the "exceptions" strategy makes you part of the problem , not a possible solution . Many of us ignored the fake plague panic , but we are exceptions and of no importance . Exceptions are simply anomalies and misleading devices of rhetoric they have had no effect on the newly imposed global reality the article describes.

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"Many of us ignored the fake plague panic , but we are exceptions and of no importance."

No, we are of paramount importance, because when everyone else saw what we were doing and followed our lead, resisting peacefully, then tyranny (mask mandates, vaccine passports, school closures) predictably retreated. We won, and that is how we won, and we did it without spilling a drop of blood. Ignore that history if you choose to, but we would all be wise to never forget it.

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Your optimism is misplaced and the looming reality of the hive existence is now being imposed . Claiming "we won" is delusional and will cause many to retreat further into that illusion as time passes . A 3rd world war is in progress [ biologics , chemicals , and , propaganda ] are its weapons and the vast majority of us are losing badly at the moment.

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Optimism is not misplaced when the principle reason for the retreat of school closures, mask mandates, vaccine mandates, etc. is brought into the necessary examination of how these victories happened. They happened because the majority now see that:

COVID was scammed to manic proportions, while heart dz, diabetes and other deaths were blamed on it.

Masks do not work, and masks cause new health problems.

The COVID vaccines are hazardous and do not work.

Lockdowns accomplish nothing but political and economic tyranny.

And then, when that was understood, the people of the world stopped complying.

And then when that happened, we won major victories. You choose to deny them. That does not erase the victories, or how we got to this place.

Yes, biological weapons and propaganda still exist. Many huge problems still exist, but that fact also does not erase hugely important victories.

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You won what? The war is still going on. I would like to see what you would win when you would have in front of you ten military cars and guys armed till their teeth who ask you not to go out on the streets or put your mask on or get out of the store if you are not injected.

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Exactly. Resist my ass. Residence didn't work at all. The Trucker protest crackdown, that was a government practice for next time. Digital currency is coming, and it won't be resisted.

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Where I live protestors were shot by police with rubber bullets and the riot squads were on the streets enforcing lockdowns. My livelihood was taken away and I still can't work in many jobs or join many community organisations. And yes I have been screaming warnings for almost three years now and have never warn a mask. But this is a long way from over. We are seeing a temporary lull and the masses are happy to remain oblivious

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Ceejay, what country do you live in? I absolutely agree, this is a temporary lull, and the totally unaffected will be getting an adult wake up call soon if your warning and others are not heeded.

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Indeed. It was great to see some states have a bit more freedom (but note this is a fallacy because if someone in this small town in Arizona (I expect that parts of Phoenix were nowhere near as free) wanted to bring a relative from oversees who is not a foreign national for a visit, well good luck. Suddenly this town isn't so free, after all.

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What part of the US were you in? Wherever it was it is likely your state or county was in the Minority.

Both coasts of the US were not free. Life in Commifornia in March 2020 and on through the first half of 2020, was just as Mr. Hopkins described. Beaches, parks, all public recreating spaces were closed in the major city in SoCA where I live. Masks and serious social distancing was ‘enforced’ and the amount of people in a store was seriously controlled.

Even as recent as 1 year ago, in January of 2022, myself and 4 other close friends had the police called on us, and threatened with arrest, by the owner of a local independent bookstore, Warwicks, in La Jolla, CA, because we were shopping in the store without a mask, we would not put one on, and then were asked to leave. (We DID NOT COMPLY and waited for the police, to inform them that this ‘mandate’ was illegal and non-enforceable.)

(Our Illustrious Governor Newscum had reinstated a ‘mask mandate’, that was totally illegal, as well non enforceable, but that didn’t stop business owners from keeping people out of their businesses if they did not wear a mask.)

So I have to say your experience was likely more of the ‘exception’ than the ‘rule’, around the US, in those early 6-9 months of the SCAMDEMIC!

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I’ve done the same in CO. I fought back against Masks. Most of the time it worked. Sometimes it didn’t. What was the police response ajd the end result in your case ? I’m genuinely curious

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But I think the point is, your state COULD have implemented every single anti-Constitutional directive and every institution would have supported it, all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court. You luckily (or be design!!!!) reside in a state that chose not to exercise its immense power.

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I detested authorities for doing this and I was even more appalled at the fear and mass compliance I observed among most of my fellow citizens. I've never been more disgusted. Santa barbara, California.

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Arizona did implement quite a few draconian rules such as school closures for all of spring 2020 (school didn't resume until the fall), mask mandates for K-12 until April 2021, vaccine passports for medical workers, likely testing to enter nursing facilities and probably a whole host of other things like masks in hospitals etc. To claim that Arizona was some bastion of liberty is quite like saying that US never implemented real lockdowns. I think South Dakota was the only state that never had school closures.

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it is so important that you and the rest of the world keep telling that story because, as you mentioned, it testifies to the power of mass noncompliance.

even so, when someone like cj in germany or myself in nyc hears any suggestion that "it's all over," that's a trigger for us. we see red. look at amy sukwan who is stuck in las vegas because she can't get back into thailand to be with her husband and he can't be with her and the rest of the family here https://sukwan.substack.com/p/thailand-to-reintroduce-vax-passport

those of us who lost our jobs and our homes and were alienated from friends and family are still seething (and we are jealous of you arizonans too). all my friends who were wise to what was happening and could afford to leave got out by june of 2020 and went to places across the country where normal human decency prevailed.

i'm happy for you and for all of them. but i think that people who escaped the first lockdowns (there will be more if the global plandemic treaty goes through) may have a false sense of security. those who didn't have to deal with being locked out of basically everything indoors, who could actually travel, who escaped being screamed at and assaulted on a daily basis because they didn't comply, may not be aware of how the plandemic has not abated in many parts of the world. i don't mean this as disrespect at all. your work is inspiring.

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Thank you. We were also screamed at, kicked out of stores, found other non-compliers, drove nearly an hour out of the way to get groceries from other non-compliers. It was not easy, but with a critical mass of us here, it became do-able.

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Where do you live ??? In CO I was having a huge issue of being harassed when going into food stores including natural grocers and sprouts and pet stores. They were vicious. It was almost impossible. I ended up being harassed CONTINOUOSLY while trying to go to reader Joe’s unmasked. They wanted me to use a” special cart” with a flag indicating I was “ special and protected under ADA “. I told them I’d NEVER identify differently. As aJew who lost half my family in the camps with 3 survivors I informed them I’d never wear a yellow star. I had customers scream at me. Swear at me. I couldn’t get medical care. My poor husband submitted medical exemptions ( denied ) and Lockheed Martin made him wait from sept 21-jan 22 for a response to his religious exemption until finally accepting it. He’s the only employee who got permission to work remotely due to religious exemption His colleagues now have cancer and one colleague spent years trying to get pregnant. She felt forced to take the shots. She had miscairraiges and spent half of last pregnancy in bed to to heart pain. ( coincidence ?). Had c section amd bad birth. So far baby is ok. For now…….those 4 months were the worst thing we have ever experienced. And thats saying ALOT due to the amount of trauma we have experienced even before the lockdowns... He had 20 years in and a pension at stake. This was in Colorado. So tell me, what state do you live in with zero issues? We’re you working full time and if so what’s your job. I’d like to know.

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Apparently, she lives in Arizona which had measures for all but some of the privileged so really she speaks from a place of privilege.

Sure if you don't have to go to the DMV or a hospital or visit someone in a nursing home or are a student in the public K-12 or even universities, you can go around and think you're showing the plebs how to "stand up for liberty". It costs basically nothing.

That's this poster and her position. She had the audacity to say she was standing up for others (I think it was a response to one of my posts as if she knows what I have done and sacrificed in order to resist the new normal) until they had the strength to do so for themselves. If she wanted to be truly effective in "standing up until others could", she would have been so much more effective in a blue state than a red one where mask enforcement to pop into a local store was basically nil. But hey, it's easy to pat oneself on one's back thinking that one's circumstances is the same as everybody else's. Pfft.

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I don't think she's "privileged" any more than any one else fighting this war.. The truly privileged have so much wealth they're insulated thoroughly. they have no idea really. Yachts and private jets tend to do that. The lady is a Naturopathic doctor and has definitely been fighting for her patients. They and chiropractors have been harassed continually and now in BC any medical professional giving advice that goes against the narrative, is being threatened with prison and confiscation of their property.

This Naturopath has refused to wear a mask and no one does anything to her for that. It's the same where I live in BC Canada. I just refuse the mask or when I had no choice (a few times), I only put it over my mouth, never my nose... I breathe with my nose and keep my lips closed and then pull it off when I'm out of sight ... I told people I couldn't breathe with it on and that it's laced with synthetic parasites.(morgellons). and kept walking like I owned the place. No one came after me. ever. Maybe busy looking up morgellons.

So some places are okay. and I think a lot of Canadian police refused to enforce lockdowns. Even in the capital. https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/canadian-police-refuse-provincial-order-make-random-stops-amid-covid-19-surge-2021-04-17/

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Besides other meanings, a favorable circumstance for someone = privilege. "Some places are ok", that means you have a privilege living there.

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Bravo, I admire your courage. Colorado is a horrible liberal state. Especially Boulder which is a lot like Santa Barbara. I'm half Danish. The Story Goes the Danish King Wore a Yellow star to f*** with the Germans. Danes ran a serious Underground to help Jews Escape Nazi Germany. You can't generalize about nationalities, but if you could you say the Germans rank high in math, engineering, discipline and Order, but rank near the bottom when it comes to defiance of Authority. Too many I was just following orders types.

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I love the Danes. Im aware of the history. THankyou from the bottom of my People's hearts. sadly My family hailed from : Ukraine, Germany, Poland. They were doomed.

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My family can't take credit as my Grandfather immigrated here around 1905, though we unanimously opposed Nazi Germany. I remember we had a bean bag board with Hitler's face on it. You'd toss the bags into his gaping mouth. A good friend of mine's dad, Erik Jensen actually risked his life as part of the Danish underground. I am proud of my heritage in that regard. There were good and bad people over there in most every country, though some actually went to the Axis dark side. Hitler occupied Denmark in about a day. Resistance was futile in combat, but there was the underground resistance of which I am proud. I know a Dane here in Santa Barbara who actually met Hitler when he was a little boy. He recalled the smell of tobacco and the vision of perspiration. Hitler patted him on the head. He was an Ayrian model boy, with blond hair and blue eyes, but he and his family had detested Hitler and the German occupation and worked for the resistance.

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Sounds like you've been through hell; they're obviously using specific states as testing grounds, just like they distributed the death shots to specific areas. Some lots harmed , some didn't (at least not yet) .I'm shocked though, that Colorado is going full fascist! Thought it was different there (I'm in BC Canada) I just read the other comments and noticed how many awake people had relatives that have been through this before.. they are lucky in that they recognize what's happening. Most don't .

Just keep talking to people, sharing websites, newsletters - go to www.druthers.ca Canadian free newspaper can be read online. People are waking up but we have to keep talking about If anyone threatens you for not getting a shot tell them they will be liable for assault. threaten to sue them. Make sure you read your Constitution and can quote the sections that protect your right to informed consent and bodily autonomy. It's a criminal offence for anyone to assault you with an unwanted chemical injection. or to do anything to your body without your permission and full disclosure of risks..that goes for your husband's employer too. He cannot prescribe/mandate that injection. He's not a doctor and your husband has the right to say no. .. Keep saying NO.. Gandhi did and India won independence from the British.. Know your rights.

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Sorry but very very few places didn't require some conformity to the "new normal".

I doubt that even where you were, there weren't some people wearing masks.

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Well same here. I live rurally in Northern California. But if I had to go to the doctor's office (god forbid) or the DMV (uhhhh!) the new totalitarian rules were in full effect. Even our local post office, where we must pick up our mail from PO boxes, made entrants stand on X's made of tape size feet apart from each other. If I needed to conduct government or state business I was forced to wear a medical looking mask and some liberal establishments like the natural food stores required masks (or the proprietor would lose her insurance...and believe me around here snitches were quite vocal). If you are referring to "red/republican" states as free, I suspect you might be in for a surprise. I see the red/blue, right/left divisions as another limited hangout of sorts so that people focus once more on changing the system from within and not accepting that the capitalist system that allowed a semblance of liberty is done...this is, as CJ points out, the New Normal Reich. As for your particular story of successful civil disobedience against the tyrants, please tell your story

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Agree totally. The red states having "more freedom" was in itself a distraction so that people in red states were so grateful that they weren't in the dystopian nightmare blue state residents found themselves in.

When they were told to wear a mask to attend school or to go to the DMV they were grateful that at least their schools were open or they didn't have to take a vaccine just to go to college.

I expect that the rules they could impose, they did impose. Ergo blue cities were easily the worst but red cities didn't seem that far behind. Now though they have normalized people to the rules that each place implemented ie. masks at the DMV and thus could reimpose those rules and even increase them slowly over time.

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Many of you, yes, being kind of lucky is not history, is a privilage. I remember that in one of those free states, a hospital fired lots of people who failed to comply with mandatory "vaccination". Lots of doctors lost their licences etc, maybe that is not important if it didn't happen to others in the same free states. At a global scale, few people in few US states do not make the main history especially when the most of american battles, forces, wars and intrigues are going on on other foreign teritories. The fact that I am from a country where the rate of vaccination was 30%, is not history, is just a stage of a process which affected and is continuing to affect all of us in more many ways.

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Excellent points, Colleen. Here in California my likeminded roadbiking buddy and I never missed a day and it was great having the streets to ourselves, even if the implication was awful.

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That's not a very globally enlightened take, but it is a reality to keep ahold of too. 90% of the world went along with it, they can clean up outlier the scraps later. It's not like the narrative is being set in Eastern Tennessee or Iowa though either. But me too, just give me normal, and that's where I live. Screw living in East Berlin during the 60s.

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I disobeyed as well but there were instances where I had to put on a mask to gain entrance. I went to extremes to make sure of a poor fit to annoy mask Nazis.

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While these stories do exist, and I am glad they do exist, can you provide some additional context please?

How far are you from a major city?

How many local businesses can make similar claim: No loss of business traffic/revenue? What kind of business did you have?

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My business is 11 miles away from the Phoenix airport, in Tempe Arizona, home to one of the largest universities in the US. So fairly urban. The mayor said to wear a mask at all times and to stay indoors. That was unconstitutional and of course idiotic. Many of us did not.

I am a naturopathic physician. I have treated COVID patients for the last three years and cancer patients for 16 years. Many businesses cannot make a similar claim, due to having covidian clients. But also the non-covidians managed to find each other and patronize each other's businesses.

It is not only the covidian history that must be told, although that is frequently repeated. Those of us who rebelled do not cease to exist, because only the tyranny is narrated. Malcolm X was correct: The revolution will not be televised. Sometimes the revolution is contained within that which does not happen, ie lack of compliance.

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Gil Scott Heron said the revolution will not be televised , Malcolm X was long dead by then , assassinated in 1965?

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Thank you for the correction. Malcolm X is often credited with that. I see you're correct.

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Your welcome , being elderly , but having an intact memory is a curse more than it is a blessing these days . Scepticism became my initial reaction to the government and its tool the MSM in the 1960s

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You mean Gil Scott Heron in his song of the same name....

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Tempe Arizona is where Arizona State is located.

Mask mandates only rescinded there March 2022. A real "free state" you got there. Not:


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I’m within Oklahoma County in Oklahoma but outside of Oklahoma City. Major businesses in OKC, were effected by their corporate masters, local companies stayed open. Children in the Cleveland County but in the Moore district, went back to school in August of 2020. Children in Oklahoma City didn’t return to school until April of 2021. I’m in a small town, our school district is small compared to Moore, they did an alternate schedule until Jan 2021. Every business in our small area stayed open.

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Happy to see you call out Alex Berenson, CJ.

He's just there to redirect.

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He also did the best out of everyone in the resistance. Whilst many of us lost everything, he was making bank. He spammed his paying Substack subscribers mercilessly with his book, and for months.

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Every time I see that goofy Twitter profile pic of him with a mask hanging from his chin, I want to sock him.

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Here's a limited hangout example:


Notice how the guest author has China as the only malicious actor and all the poor, naive Americans got wrapped up in their schemes through elite capture through no fault of their own! Notice how Shi Zhengli's mentor Ralph Baric becomes a mere research partner, unknowingly involved in bioweapons research and he certainly never would be aware of the possibility of such a thing! I mean, there couldn't be emails out there where he was asked to help write 'dual use' statements...

Notice how they don't mention the much larger amounts of money channeled through EcoHealth by the DoD's Defense Threat Reduction Agency, which was also highly active in Ukrainian biolabs. They don't mention the DoD involvement at all, which tells you who likely directed the article to be written.

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Exactly my reaction to that post glad to see it flagged as PR spin job.

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Alex Berenson, the mediocre midwit of impression management for midwits identifying as curious and enlightened skeptics. The hitchhiker midwits guide to the galaxy of crumbs that might lead to something approximating a New York Times version of events as told through the lens of the NYT circa 1994. Now also serving as Pfizer's chief sales operator to the midwit skeptic community for Paxlovid and against Ivermectin. Live now, on a Substack station near you, The Alex Berenson Show! Ladies and midwits, please welcome, your guide, Alex Berenson!

(applause light on)


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If he plays his cards right, he could become a public intellectual.

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The most obvious proof that this is just another psychological operation is the silence on Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai's federal lawsuit that exposed the secret government Twitter portal that was used to silence Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai while he was campaigning for office and still continues to be used today to censor users on all sorts of issues, especially the dangers of the jab.

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For those who don't know about Dr. Shiva's lawsuit, here is the timeline: https://winbackfreedom.com/

And here is a recent video on Dr Shiva telling Elon Musk (Twitter) to put up or shut up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Crx_0RaOzkk

This is one of the better videos that quickly summarizes in about 1 hour the whole story and will bring you up to date: From the Shiva Senate vote ballot images being deleted [yes, gov't officials outright delete ballot images] up until Twitter Files being a distraction.

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I still haven't been offered a credible explanation of how someone could just walk in, purchase and take away Twitter, the most lethal threat to regime narratives, from the intelligence agencies without any kind of struggle whatsoever.

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Unless of course that someone (musk) isn't at all a threat to the intelligence agencies, but their asset..

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That's where his fortune comes from. Certainly not from selling Teslas.

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Only because there is none!

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At the heart of all of this might be the problems of the monetary system of the West. Since President Nixon severed the final ties of the US dollar to gold and the Bretton woods agreement took affect the United States dollar and in fact all currencies around the world have been fiat only currencies. There has never been in history a fiat currency that has survived. They all end in inflation or hyper inflationary meltdowns.

The global power elite and banking interests have overplayed their hand and have created so much inflation that the US dollar still has the reserve currency of the world is going to collapse and will no longer function as the reserve currency. This will plunge the United States in the west into a period of economic turmoil that will be far worse than the great depression. It’s possible that this is what we are being prepared for

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That's a common analysis. Does anyone remember the under-reported almost-crash at the end of 2019?

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You mean when covid saved their day, before Going Direct was implemented and trillions were printed? I think covid was a bandaid and will not stop the lethal infection and GloboCap knows it, which is why they are trial running and preparing for a much bigger clampdown and control methods to quell the inevitable uprisings. I think all digital currencies will be on blockchain that will be the invisible prison we will be locked in unless we can somehow create new local economies and ways to barter and feed ourselves and each other.

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Local economies are exactly where the tectonic plates are shifting. Globalism utterly depends upon the cost of transport being negligible in order to take advantage of slave labor. We no longer have easy to pull oil and therefore globalism is toast. We will create new local economies and start figuring out how to grow food outside of big Ag.

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COVID-19: A Global Financial Operation:


"In the Fall of 2019 the crisis began to rapidly unravel again."

"US treasury bonds became illiquid due to exponential growth of public, but mostly private, dollar debt..."

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Which will be increasingly clamped-down on and done away with. They're already arresting people. and have been for years now since 9/11, for growing gardens in their yards, on their own property. They've even gone so far in some locales to arrest people, pre-Covid, for holding Bible study gatherings in private homes. It's only going to get worse and worse. Pretty soon, they'll somehow find out (surveillance devices in their homes and apartments?) that people are carrying out adult, consensual "perversions" (nobody under 18 involved whatsoever) such as masterbating, and arrest them for that as well. They're not only doing away with healthy food, they're doing away with privacy altogether, and the right to privacy, and the right to do ANYTHING that doesn't harm anyone else, but which they consider to be things they have to "regulate"; which are, increasingly, everything. They want everyone monitored and absolutely-controlled EVERYWHERE 24/7/365, including in their own homes where they're doing absolutely nothing truly aberrant.

That's why I've been saying for years that George Orwell's book, "1984", is being made "reality" more and more.

In HUD housing like I live in, because it's federally-regulated, we're already not allowed to smoke ANYTHING, including medical marijuana in states like Oregon where I live that it is COMPLETELY LEGAL (except federally). The apartment management tells us we can go smoke outside; but, with marijuana, it is illegal to smoke it out in public anywhere, including on the "public" sidewalks. So, they're telling us to go violate the law someplace else, just not in their federally-regulated complexes. As far as I'm concerned, their being federally-regulated should have nothing whatsoever to do with it. They aren't federal properties, after all. And the state law(s) legalizing the smoking of weed, both medically and recreationally, should trump the federal law(s) criminalizing it (unless they're actual federal properties). Because all of these federally-regulated housing projects are also state-and-locally-regulated as well, the states, counties and/or cities where it's legal should prevent the management of such projects from disallowing smoking it in the privacy of our own homes. But will rationality, and putting liberty(ies), freedom(s) and rights first, win out... EVER? No, it won't, it will just be made worse and worse, as has already been being made the "reality" more and more for a long time.

I don't know if there are clauses in the state legalization laws that exempt federally-regulated apartment complexes, that there may very likely be; but, if there are, they should amend those laws to remove those exemptions, and REQUIRE under penalty of law that such complexes allow at least the smoking of marijuana in the privacy of our homes (our apartments are our homes) when and/or where children aren't present (and, in elderly-disabled complexes, children certainly aren't present, except when grandchildren visit). But will that ever be allowed to become reality, especially when federally-regulated complexes have had all smoking of anything banned for many years now? No, even when the federal government finally legalizes marijuana, if they ever do, it still will likely be disallowed under penalty of being evicted.

Apartment management knows what side their bread is buttered on, and won't bite the hand that feeds them. Especially federally-regulated apartment projects, which receive all kinds of corporate-welfare (federal grant monies) from the federal government, are unlikely to ever be allowed to allow us tenants to live even relatively freely. More and more of our lives are being monitored by the management. Every corner of every hallway in these buildings have cameras, and our comings and goings are already monitored. As this keeps up, pretty soon they'll even have cameras in the public restrooms of the complexes, and eventually in our very apartments themselves as well.

"Big Brother" and its minions, including apartment management, are increasingly monitoring almost everything we do. I've even had staff spy on and listen in to my "private" conversations outside the building, and across the street, because they are looking for anything to use against me due to my being a tenant rights advocate; and because, due to the latter, they consider me to be a "threat". So, see, we can less and less do anything that is even non-violently exercising and standing up for our liberty(ies), freedom(s) and rights.

Let's face it, it is obvious, we have less and less freedom in this supposedly "free" country and/or world, and that is systematically being made more and more the case on an increasing basis. They're outlawing almost everything. So, what freedom(s) do we really have anymore? Already, almost none. And, at the present rate, we will very soon have absolutely none.

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Whence cometh all these retrogressives with no understanding of either federal economics or the historical impact of reliance on the gold standard, insisting that if we just pile up the shiny metal in Fort Knox again all the totalitarianism (which was firmly in place as we hung on that Cross of Gold and only lost its advance because an Austrian fanatic with borderline personality disorder took over the German government) will vanish overnight?

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Do you think they will tie the US dollar to the Bitcoin? That would be awesome.

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Their own version of Bitcoin.

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on blockchain

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No digital currency is a good idea at all anymore. The government wants everything we pay for digitized, and our incomes and handling of all of our money they want to ONLY be digital. That way, if we criticize the government (even though that is a First Amendment right, as well as a human right), defend the un-vaccinated, call "Covid-19" (or one of the next "plan(ned)scam- demics" after everything is digital-only) what it is, etc., they can, and will, cut off all our income, credit (if there's even any credit by then except for what we still have to pay off) and digital banking, so that we can't survive, which alone will make most people literally sell their souls to Satan by bowing to being complete slaves who have no liberty(ies), freedom(s) or rights, rather than lose their livelihoods and not be able to support themselves or their families. And probably even have their electricity, gas, water and/or heat, etc., totally cut off.

That's what it is coming to very soon. Satan is putting us over a barrel and frakking us so we have no choice but to either bow to and completely sell our souls to him, or refuse to bow down to anyone but God the Father through Jesus the Christ (the ONLY other way to go---John 14:6), and be sent to concentration camps where we'll be murdered by the government, if we're not murdered outright either before or on the way to the camps. Witnesses in the U.S. have seen flatbed railcars with Japanese-made guillotines mounted on them, and enclosed railcars with shackles in them on both the floors and the walls, and witnessed "tons" of "coffin liners" which can hold three or four bodies (even former Governor of Minnesota, Jesse Ventura, witnessed the latter). So, those are the plans they're bringing to fruition right now, or very soon will be. They even have "naughty" lists to determine who dies and when.

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The whole thing with Senator Rand Paul pressing Fauci on his supposed gain of function experiments in Wuhan China is also nothing but a limited hangout.

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I'm truly glad I am not the only person who noticed this. They'll never bring up our own dual use research via the DoD. Fauci is a great punching bag for TV news appearances but the funds he sent to EcoHealth were a trickle where DTRA was a flood.

I actually read an article months ago where they talked about how EcoHealth courted Fauci by using his personal foibles and desire for camera time to lure him in and cinch some funding. I think Wuhan Institute of Virology was a 'parallel construction' to provide a patsie to blame for sars-cov-2 and that Fauci is a second 'parallel construction' to blame for US involvement instead of e.g. DTRA.

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Thank you for saying this! I feel like any time I dare suggest that the Twitter Files are nothing more than a reality show whose narrative is controlled by Elon Musk and whoever owns him, so-called free thinkers jump down my throat. Why are people who were smart enough to evade the vaccines and stood against masking and the mandates now being so easily cajoled by Musk?

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It's a natural reaction. We "science-denying conspiracy theorists" have taken quite a beating from the New Normals over these past three years. Many folks naturally jump at the chance to feel like we're finally winning, or like some hero has arrived who is going to kick the asses of the folks who have been beating on us. Unfortunately, this leaves a lot of us vulnerable to limited hangouts and such. I kind of wish I didn't have to spoil the party, but ... you know, it's my job.

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Well, like the gentleman below points out, we're all kind of hanging out in limited hangouts. It's a big story after all and many plot lines and puppeteers remain hidden. Maybe it's OK to have a party once in a while rather than sitting in vinegar. I have to thank you for this post though, I had never heard this term before.

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Nailed it again....ain't no such thing as a superman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_eASls2HhE

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Because the alternative, of organizing a grassroots resistance movement, is difficult.

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I think CJ is right on this one. We have witnessed such an incredible attack on humanity which had such a massive impact on so many people, that many will naturally and instinctively gravitate towards anyone or anything which appears to finally be 'taking their side' on the matter.

I've seen it myself; people who might have been more discerning in the past, have been through so much that they'll take any sense of hope or meaning they can get, and in a way you can't blame them. We have all grown up in a culture that supplies our heroes to us. Many of us couldn't conceive of anything else.

All Elon Musk is really doing, is playing the part of the John Wayne character in an old Western film, and we've all been conditioned to respond with deference to this sort of archetype. In reality though, thinking that Elon Musk is going to drain the swamp or clean up the town, is tantamount to thinking that voting differently at the next election is going to stop this global agenda from moving forward.

At best he's a useful idiot. At worst, a globalist shill who's been trained to play a particular role at this point in history, perhaps even a political role in future. Unfortunately though, the majority of the general public are not mature enough to step back from all this or see past it. Because once you do, you realise that you're on your own in the wilderness with nobody coming to save you but yourself.

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I knew from March 2020 something want right but it took the denial/suppression of effective early treatment to start the dominoes falling in my mind. I’ve read and listened to some amazing people over the past 3 years but Dr David Martin was right. (Sorry, I wasn’t familiar with you at that point and haven’t yet read the Twitter thread you spoke of above). His message”don’t be distracted” is the most important.

Thank you. ✌️🙏

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Dr Martin is worse than controlled opposition. There is no virus, there are no viruses spreading person to person. This is a psyop that will control us forever if we don't look at the science. https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/the-truth-about-viruses:a

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No, I think he says himself not to get caught up in the “virus” thing. He also gave one of his last open talks at the Weston A Price meeting a year or so ago. They are in the no virus camp.

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I watched the program unfold from its beginnings, via the Chinese press. Anyone with even a modicum of knowledge of the public health protocols for dealing with a novel virus outbreak could see they weren’t being implemented, and that NO precautions were being made to actually prevent said virus from spreading. I have no patience with “virus deniers” trying to claim “it’s just the flu” because I’ve had several visits with the nasty beast and it is most definitely NOT the flu. I do confess it’s rather fascinating, in the watching-a-train-wreck way, seeing virus deniers challenge my personal engagements with C-19 using exactly the same language as the “vaccinate or die” crowd.

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Well said CJ.

I've read thru a lot of the "Twitter Files" only to realise very quickly exactly what you're saying here. They're everything BUT the important bit.

All hail Elon!

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"If you are one of the many people who now appear to seriously believe that military-contractor oligarchs like Elon Musk and narcissistic ass clowns like Alex Berenson "

Exceedingly based CJ. I'm glad you see it too.

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Berenson does play it like a good soldier and even scolds his readers when they question or criticize him. The only good he ever did was "vaccines bad" but the rest has been very psy-op re: ivermectin (who the hell is he to pronounce Ivermectin worthless?) and absolutely quiet on the tyranny front. When he starts losing people (as he did when he alienated Robert Malone and came out strong against ivermectin) he scales back, lest he lose his foothold on the limited hangout.

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Actually, the mother of all limited hangouts was the entire jab rollout over the last 2 years. Yes, the same one where a pandemic was declared due to a computer-generated version of a virus (vs a live "virus" found in nature) and mystery injection potions that was part of a LARGE SCALE PROTOTYPE DEMONSTRATION from certain manufacturers (Pfizer, AstraZeneca, J&J, et al) on behalf of the DoD.

These mystery, "non-pharmaceutical interventions" were able to be used as a "covered countermeasure" if it was distributed under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). And said covered countermeasure "shall not constitute a clinical investigation", so that means there is complete immunity from any losses/adverse situations that arise as a result of taking a covered countermeasure. As well as ZERO requirement for EUA products to have any proper disclosures or accountability to the manufacturing process, INGREDIENTS LIST, safety, etc. See Stopping Conditions Remastered for a good summary of why this is a correct interpretation of events: https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/exposing-trickery

The whole Covid narrative was very carefully scripted to allow for this grey area in facts such that no "one will be able to [legally] prove with 100% certainty" that the mystery potions were the true cause of adverse reactions [e.g. young people in the prime of their lives suddenly dropping dead]. A good summary would be I, Pet Goat 2 video (7.5 min, which was the approximate amount of time former US president George W Bush spent reading the story The Pet Goat to students of an elementary school after learning about the 9-11 attacks): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6n_xCI-peq0 [7.5 minutes] Symbolism transcends language. And this covid script includes the many different alt-media agents designed to manipulate those who would eventually ask questions.

edit: Mr Gates insisted that the next pandemic "....will get attention this time" https://odysee.com/@MasterKelz:9/That-will-get-attention-this-time--Bill-Gates---Pathogenic-priming---Viral-immune-escape:6

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P.S. there are no viruses, pure fiction. We are fools fooled.

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Added "quotes" to the word "virus".

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Thanks for the reminder that even opposition like Ajones is allowed by manipulators. lots of alt. news distraction. it's a stressful show. I can understand people whose lives are complicated tuning out all of this show. While those of us who planned well have companionship - an "easy" life want for this pysychop war to end. I started working from my own bank account at 16 years old, Jr college then college. played by rules and now they want to change the rules for their re-corporatization. A few say it's exciting, I prefer boredom and alive beings. People in physical and mental pain make for societal collapse. I experienced this lesson as a child a young Vietnam veteran who returned from war was dehumanized by trauma and he expressed meaness to me as a child for without reason. This personal experience is why I abhor wars.

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