Cj Hopkins, what a pig you are! You are a piece of sneaky shit who dumped on heads of unsuspecting readers your russian propaganda. Move to fucking russia, asshole. There you will get your lesson on who are real nazis very fast. Ew, disgusting pig!

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Do you guys think that it will be common knowledge that these vaccines harmed millions of people in the near future? Will the media ever actually admit how wrong they were? I dont see it ever happening.

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This is definitely the part that is the most nauseating for me, and like you, I'm not about to let them forget. What I find amazing in my personal life is that I went from being called a selfish asshole deserving of scorn, shunning, and unemployment for not cooperating to their satisfaction, to being the very same thing because I refuse to act like they're now the victims. Most of my friends and family who fully and some gleefully participated in shaming and shunning and mandates now shake their heads and lament the damage like they had nothing to do with it whatsoever. It's a bit like being expected to act like the driver was drunk and didn't know better when in fact, they ran you over, put the car in reverse and did it over and over again with great precision.

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Mass indoctrination. Easy to catch ignorant, frightened and lonely people. They will do what they are told.

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For the last two or three years I've been on a quest to discover how society/culture works. What is the glue, what is the framework that allow humans to live together? Why do we act in certain ways, what does our behavior mean?

Very early on I read a quote that unfortunately I must paraphrase because I don't remember the original wording. It went something like, "we are emotional beings, masquerading as rational." Since reading that quote I've become convinced of its authenticity. Humans are like the planet earth. There is the overwhelming core of lava, dirt, rock, diamonds, gold, manure, plants, etc. which makes up 99.99% of the planet. That is emotion. On top of the emotion is the thin veneer of atmosphere, which represents rationality.

When I watched that video of the Canadian actress I didn't feel angry, or judgmental. "You fool, you insane fool!"

I feel as though I'm either come to the point, or am rapidly approaching the point, where I have given up on getting angry with how people act. People will do things that make no sense, and if you constantly react to that you'll die bitter and early. And by people, oh I include myself in that bucket. Part of accepting this human condition is accepting that I myself am human, and am often far from logical.

Ayn Rand wrote Atlas Shrugged which, in truth, is a fairly ridiculous work of fiction. Rand's work often holds little room for the grey. In Atlas, everyone is either a more or less competent producer, or a leech. The real world is far more complex. Yet there is a certain appeal to Galt's gulch, where the producers and ostensibly free thinkers live. I wish we had something like that today. It doesn't have to be the gulch, either, it need only be a place with fair laws, a precinct governed by competent people that by and large don't interfere with the citizens.

The investor Mike Green has often said that the tragedy of today's world is that there is nowhere left to go. 100 or 200 years ago, people from all over the world fled to America! The green lantern at the end of the dock, the shining beacon. Today, perhaps within America there are still bastions of freedom yet even there it's not clear how secure liberty is.

At any rate, I'm rambling. Hashing out ideas. I really enjoyed this piece. Thank you CJ.

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This is reprieve phase before the next and far worse draconian measures are instituted.

A new "pandemic" in PSYOP-22 is coming as every single person that took the DEATHVAX is in varying degrees suffering from VAIDS now and a common cold or seasonal flu can potentially wipe them out.

Also, PSYOP-MARKET-CRASH, PSYOP-HYPERINFLATION, PSYOP-WW3 are in play and serve to further demoralize and instill mass induced fear in order to reinforce compliance and usher in the Great Reset.

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by CJ Hopkins

I got a large amount of satisfaction sending this essay to a few choice … well, assholes who treated me like a pariah for not taking the magic juice AND for reporting on the innumerable harms of these biologic injectables. Yes, they shot the messenger, me. I hope they now feel shame, but my guess is, they won’t allow themselves to feel it, just like you said CJ. Because if they HAD felt even an ounce of shame, they would have already apologized for their behavior. They are the ultimate “little people”- incapable of admitting fault and atoning for it. Thanks for being a free-thinking, hilariously funny adult through this whole shitshow, CJ. We appreciate you more than you know.

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I am not completely sold on this relatively recent argument/attack among the popular voices and thinkers against "mass formation psychosis." It is feeling to me a bit like a set up for divide and conquer, or false dichotomy.

To everyone, please take a moment and step back and consider that we do not have to choose these sides necessarily and reject ideas, but rather take a look at the different perspectives (and spheres of expertise) involved.

The battlefield is large, and manipulation of opinions is real. Even though many of us did not fall for the narrative that led quite a few of our loved ones to choose to be jabbed, that does not mean that we are necessarily immune from having our opinions influenced and controlled. That is what this feels like, and I'm not singling out you.

I realize I do not know the motivations of the participants in these arguments or attacks, but "getting to the truth of the matter" is my motivation. I will consider all arguments.

We are all individuals, and we are simultaneously part of the "herd" of humanity. There is the behavior and mind of individuals and also that of the herd. There are those of us who are more comfortable with standing out from the herd and not willing to be the lemming, even if it means we are the last survivor. OK, so we are at that end of the continuum, and we "choose" THAT, because maybe we see survival differently than people who feel unbearable anxiety at being set apart from their loved ones.

Definitions of terms matter -- but could it be we are talking about the same thing, just arguing semantics? It doesn't let the predators off the hook to mention that people can and will be manipulated as a herd.

That is one element of it.

Also, I am not sure that everyone involved in this discussion really understands what hypnosis is and how it works, and the elements of consent involved in that, but also how people can be manipulated into giving consent. The more we learn about the mechanisms, the more able we are to stand alone and not allow ourselves to be deceived by people who do not hold our best interests in mind.

Free will is sacred and that's what predators do not respect.

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I'm continually surprised at how long it's taken for the covid pysop to crumble and even more surprised (disappointed, disheartened) by how few who went for the ride -that's coming to ugly end - won't or can't acknowledge the massive lie and clear, horrendous, consequences.

Some days my heart goes out to them, some days, not. How do we move forward post-Covid together if there isn't some moment of universal agreement on the broad-brush stuff (global take-over attempt) and stand together to say "No More?" I can't imagine a pathway forward without that.

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by CJ Hopkins

I almost passed by this article, I’ve watched that poor actress video several times already....but here we are. CJ, you’ve nailed it. This resonates completely. ‘We’ force ourselves to believe what we must to get along. All of us, in our own way do this. No Mass Formation required. We just ran the largest Asch conformity test in history.

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Fantastic piece. The stench of COVID-mania is unbearable already, but it is getting worse by the day.

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I feel like some people definitely went along to not make waves, but I do think that mass hypnosis was a real phenomenon for many. The propaganda was so intense, I still have members of my own family that believe these are “safe and effective”. I think if I talked to them about the harms, lockdowns, treatment of unvaccinated etc., they’d say it was what seemed necessary at the time. They really bought into the fear and the narrative. It was intense. If you only watched mainstream media, it would be easy to be sucked in.

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This is absolutely brilliant. The way you describe the psychology of totalitarian systems is masterful.

I doubt there will be any apologies though. Fauci, Collins, Walensky, Jha, Murthy, Gates, etc. are incapable of remorse or even reflection. The dendrites necessary to process those emotions died long ago in those people.

Instead we'll get mRNA cancer shots, and mRNA kid shots, and mRNA shots for every disease on earth. None of them will work, all-cause mortality will continue to skyrocket, news anchors will continue to drop dead during the middle of a broadcast. This is Pharma's business model and this is now the model for the global economy. GloboCap is too big to fail so the iatrogenocide will continue -- until these people are overthrown by force.

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The low US booster uptake of 30 %, counter to heavy messaging, says people think more critically than you give credit for.

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People! Stop freaking out! To quote one of my least favorite women in the world, "JUST SAY NO". Get off your computers, iPhones, remove 5G from your homes, Alexa, all these surveillance devices and live like a human being. They have power over you only if you give it to them. It's really simple. Don't participate. Take responsibility for your own healthcare (through self-education)--they rolled the EHR in for a reason, and it wasn't efficiency. Stop using the healthcare system. It's unavoidably corrupt.

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Consider this: How many years after the "shoe bomber", that most airport security ops were still making people take off their shoes despite the fact that the fancy new revolving X ray things would show up what (other than your feet) was inside your shoes. Was it 20 years? But it was all done "to keep you safe". Now, it's OK to coerce pilots to take an experimental shot, that can cause VITT, and a pilot to have cardiac arrest mid-flight (Bob Snow) but it "keeps everyone safe". And don't forget that until everyone is safe, no-one is safe. Now look at Jennifer Gibson, who says she would do it again -sso she can "meet people". And the doctors who say "but this is really rare". Really?? Take a look at Steve Kirsch's report on the interviews of those injured by the shots with the FDA. Most of the response from the FDA was "this is really rare" or "we are sorry to hear that". ie. sweep it under the rug.

Dr Aseem Malhotra? Have you seen him on Good Morning Britain in the last week or so? Yet he was never off that show promoting the "shots" before he "saw the light".

Now move on. The next stage will be to create mass panic over money, to provide the "reason" for a global digital currency. Why? For more control. Go back to the shoe bomber and Jennifer Gibson. She seems quite happy to hand over control of her body to the State. Will you be happy to hand over control of the "money" in your wallet to the State?

Many of the more extreme religious folks said the shots were the "mark of the beast". If you are unfamiliar with the term, it refers to a passage in the Book of Revelation in the Bible. The term "beast" in the Bible is a metaphor for the State. The mark of the beast indicates those who allow all parts of their lives to be subjugated to the State. How? By controlling their ability to buy and sell (i.e to live). Now, how would that happen? Digital currency maybe? Was the coercion to take the experimental gene therapies a practice run?

So ask yourself - how much more control of your life are you prepared to relinquish in the name of "safety"?

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