"A functioning police state needs no police."

-- William S. Burroughs

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If you can't say it eventually you can't think it. That is the true end game.

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Nazi Germany is still in our memory, people are still alive from those days and we've all read Orwell. So why are we going through this all over again? Government was never designed to tell us what emotions we could have. They need to put their minds to running the country because the way they run it is a mess in all directions. And forget about how the people must think or feel. They need to do their jobs and look inside themselves not look at us. WE do not want a repeat of the holocaust. They are not doing us any favors by trying to eradicate hate. That endeavor is so puerile it's almost funny.

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I’ll bet the comedy clubs in Scotland will be hilarious these days.

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‘Will the man in the street ever feel that freedom of the mind is as important and as much in need of being defended as his daily bread?’

George Orwell 1984

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I, too, am developing a crush on JKR!! Kudos to her for her “Fu*k you” mindset. ♥️

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I'm too old now, but there was a time where going truly underground and writing things to purposely attack that kind of law would've been a fun adventure. Hopefully, a new punk mindset is born and kids who know how not to be found on the internet will become the new revolution, and not just the mindless drivel that seems to be making up much of our youth today. Isn't that what the Renaissance was, a true punk revolution? What about the punk we all remember? I wouldn't say that this will stifle speech forever, just the beginning... and then artists, writers, musicians should all get together, go rogue and do some tremendous things. Hopefully I'll be alive to see it.

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I liked the gay rights movement a lot better before they let hetero people in. The ones who “identify” as both “trans” and “gay” or “lesbian.” Same-sex attraction is a material thing that has nothing to do with anybody’s self-assigned identities. Same-sex attracted people have the right not to be harassed by people of the opposite sex who say they “identify” as the same sex. It’s flat-out trolling. It is NOT “progress.” It’s in fact regressive. I also am not a big fan of putting children on the path to being desexed or otherwise damaged simply because they are experiencing distress.

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You can see where all this is going. What's most scary is that they are now gunning for young children, where every question about identity and normal teenage angst will be reframed as "maybe you have gender dysphoria" and if the parents stand up for their children to question this obscene manipulation of young minds, the parents themselves will be treated as criminals.

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Bloody Hell, man, I’m pissing myself laughing thinking about all the hateful, sexist, racist characters in the thousands of movies produced in Hollywood over the decades, and I’m imagining someone watching one of these very offensive movies with their windows open or in public on their mobile device and their neighbor or a passerby hears something offensive, say, a nasty scene from Natural Born Killers, Kill Bill, Snatch, Sin City…pretty much any horror porn flic or gangster rap soundtrack… and then someone takes personal offense and calls the police. Or what if you’re in public and stub your toe and say “fuck me” or just let something meaningless slip like “bloody whore,” but you’re referring to your smart devise that just crashed, however, the “he-she” in front of you insists you were speaking to “it” and “it” calls the cops, and then what happens? Are you then cuffed and dragged off to jail? And how do you prove you weren’t hatful, just like CJ was forced to do in court; prove he wasn’t an antisemite, which I’m sure was a surprise to his wife? Scotland will be needing new prisons and 24 hour courts to process everyone stepping on each-other’s sensitive, paranoid toes real soon. They didn’t plan for just how crazy this is about to get, did they?

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I will give Scotland credit for not naming their Hate Crime law something Orwellian, like "The Promotion of Fair and Equitable Speech Law" or some shit like that.

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Thanks, CJ. Always glad to see you in my in box! Thanks for the information about the Scottish hate laws. What world we're living in.

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I think the current "diversity movement' can best be compared with the Khmer Rouge.

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The functional definition of "hate" being "anything that the PMC doesn't want you to say in public".

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‘What is needed is the right to print what one believes to be true, without having to fear bullying or blackmail from any side.’

‘He is a slave with a semblance of liberty which is worse than the most cruel slavery.’

‘No one can get up much enthusiasm for a Government which puts you in jail if you open your mouth’

George Orwell 1984

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When I saw what Ms. Rowling posted (below) my heart skipped a beat too C.J.

J.K. Rowling


I hope every woman in Scotland who wishes to speak up for the reality and importance of biological sex will be reassured by this announcement, and I trust that all women - irrespective of profile or financial means - will be treated equally under the law. If they go after any woman for simply calling a man a man, I'll repeat that woman's words and they can charge us both at once.

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