"A functioning police state needs no police."

-- William S. Burroughs

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That's because we are all self-policing !

But then again, it could be the decline of people having strident

super-egos, due to modern 'parenting' (ie the sharing of 'parenting'

by outsourcing the rearing of The Young to State Institutions, a

development championed by Robespierre, amongst others))...

It could be that weaker internal super-egos (whose restraints get

in the way of the impulsiveness integral and necessary to consumerism)

provoke The State evolving into an elaborate external super-ego ?


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I wouldn't know. I have yet to know of one.

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Nazi Germany is still in our memory, people are still alive from those days and we've all read Orwell. So why are we going through this all over again? Government was never designed to tell us what emotions we could have. They need to put their minds to running the country because the way they run it is a mess in all directions. And forget about how the people must think or feel. They need to do their jobs and look inside themselves not look at us. WE do not want a repeat of the holocaust. They are not doing us any favors by trying to eradicate hate. That endeavor is so puerile it's almost funny.

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I've been working as a tutor since 2014. Most of my students have *not* read Orwell. Most of my students read nothing at all. Art, literature, and music are no longer taught.

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I'm actually trying to read 1984 with my students right now (middle school). Most are very uninterested, even though I make blatant connections to contemporary happenings. As you said, they aren't really interested in anything thats related to art and literature. Tik Tok and screen use is making their brains mush....

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Their, equally brain dead parents (IMO), haven't helped make sure they have interested, questioning students either.

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I am one of those parents and regret it now that I didn't try harder to get my kids a proper deomocratic education. I got one and stupidly assumed, that would still be taught. I also woke up too late to the Tiktok etc. brainwashing machine. I do what I can now.

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At least you have seen what happened and you are trying to rectify the situation as best you can. That counts, alot.

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Yes, the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree...

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Yep. Ignorant, dull people beget ignorant, dull people. It's a sad state.

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I think the most vibrant art we have today is video games. That's the only thing I see them get genuinely excited about.

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Sadly, yes. And, I'm at a Waldorf "inspired" school, where we are more likely to get kids that are more engaged with art and language arts.....its a sad state we are in.

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I know a woman (mid 30’s) who teaches at a Waldorf ‘Inspired’ Charter School where I live in San Diego. I railed against her mother (my long time now former friend, also a public school teacher, now retired ) and her to not get the Jabs. This young woman (who is a ditsy hippie vegan and all about healthy food and ‘lifestyle’) got The Jab, was vaxx injured and out of work for weeks. So these ‘types’ made no sense to me how they caved to the propaganda!

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Well the Waldorf and Waldorf ‘inspired’ schools where I live in CA, ‘totally caved’ to the mandates, lockdowns, online learning, and assorted craziness laid down by Governor Newscum, his ‘State Manager of Public Health’ and the CA Superintendent of Schools! Often the Waldorf ‘inspired’ schools here are Charter Schools and they are subject to the education requirements & standards (like childhood vaccinations)of all

Public schools in CA. But even the ‘private’ Waldorf schools fell in line. And went along with the requiring of the Jabs for staff & students!

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Frontera Lupita, that is sad, sad, sad! I always thought that Waldorf schools would maintain their distance from the mainstream narrative. Rudolf Steiner certainly would have! I guess a Waldorf 'inspired' school is just a copycat version of a Waldorf school, without the in-depth understanding of the life force.

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From this comment, I gained some insight into the behavior of young adults in my community.

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I taught guitar lessons as a volunteer at a community center in Troy, NY. The kids I taught had no music program in their school. When I asked one student what books or literature she studied, she looked at me blankly. Then she said her class was learning "Persuasive Writing." I asked her for an example. She described an assignment which basically trained 7th graders to write PR.

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Subjects have a way of becoming old hat. Those themes have been done to death and really what have those books done to stave off their warnings? Pretty much nothing because here we are doing the same things. What is needed to learn are principles. We don't have any do we? The only principle we all live by is making a living, making money. There is not one other principle we live by. We don't even live by not killing our own kind. We cheer for the side that kills with the most weaponry, we cheer for a side like we're cheering for a horse race. Our culture is truly messed up and we should be talking about how we are gong to turn it around and face a new direction.

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It [not teaching literature, etc.] impoverishes one’s internal narrative—how do they figure out value and meaning?

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But they are taught phoney history

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In my view, there are no well-run governments. Those inclined to enact laws consistently create more crimes and criminals. The proliferation of laws always leads to more social problems not fewer. As Lord Acton observed, "Power corrupts," and others have rightly expanded that to, "And absolute power corrupts absolutely." And nothing human is more powerful than government.

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Power is to sociopaths what catnip is to cats, what cocaine is to addicts.

If power lies outside the government, then the sociopaths will gravitate there. If power lies within the government, then that is where the sociopaths will go.

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All three are even better to the neurologically-impaired-from-birth psychopath (well, I'm not so sure about the catnip, actually...), since there is a decent amount of research (that I don't feel like looking up off-hand to cite, but I assure is easy to find) showing that psychopaths' brains reward them disproportionately in dopamine compared to what would be expected in a normal brain.

It is no wonder, then, that antisocial personalities gravitate toward drug use, alcoholism (some studies suggest around 60% of alcoholics to be sociopathic or psychopathic), and short term rewards of all kinds without any regard for long term benefit, which they are sorely incapable of besides with IIRC brains only as well-developed as an average 5-year-old's when it comes to judging long term consequences.

Besides that, a lack of moral inhibition is easily confused by these people for higher intelligence and being more capable than others, and since people tend to understand others' behaviour through their own ways of thinking, the empathetically impaired tend to assume everyone else is equally morally rotten and out to get them if they could, besides: "Do unto others what they would do unto you."

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I agree. I don't have the data at hand, but I believe that Washington, DC has the highest proportion of sociopaths in the United States.

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Not enough childhood trauma where your intervention is what creates the worst outcomes. They still fantasise they know best.

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The PMC look at that power and lick their chops.

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Orwell wrote 1984 after experiencing Communist Terror not Nazies.

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Where the hell did Orwell experience "Communist Terror"? He came from a well-off family, served the British Empire well in India and his wife was a wartime censor. He had the usual British bourgeois hatred for communism, supported by his establishment friends. 1984 was a work of propaganda, the irony is that it much better represents fascism and that is why it is so relevant today as Western nations become increasingly fascistic.

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I used to admire his insights that he could see the future from the publishing of his book in the 1940's when things were nothing like they are today. But then I found out that his family is from high degreed Fabian Society members. So too was Huxley and he wrote those things because the Fabian Society plans everything well in advance. Those who want to control others always have to plan in advance.

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Thankyou got that insight

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In the Spanish Civil War. As a socialist he fought on the side of the communists and witnessed the things that communists actually represent rather than the feel good slogans that they claim to represent. That is why he wrote 1984 and Animal Farm. You sound like a True Believer.

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No, just one who actually studies history and doesn't stoop to ad hominem attacks. There was some infighting between the different communist cliques in Spain, but at no time did he experience a totalitarian communist state. He was a true servant of Empire.

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So you aren't a communist sympathiser ? A servant of Empire who fights for the commies ? - sounds like a non sequitur to me.

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I think Communism and Nazism is the same thing, being orchestrated by the same masterminds.

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Incorrect Denise. Communism aims for World domination. The Nazies were the mortal enemies of the Bolsheviks. Both were authoritarian however.

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NAZI Gernany? That's a movie, isn't it? Was it a play first? Or was it a book?

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I’ll bet the comedy clubs in Scotland will be hilarious these days.

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Yep. I'm sure they will be off the hook. People will be rolling in the aisles and filled with laughter. 🤪

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Ever hear the one about an Englishman, Scotsman, and Irishman who went into a pub? The comedian who told it was promptly arrested.

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‘Will the man in the street ever feel that freedom of the mind is as important and as much in need of being defended as his daily bread?’

George Orwell 1984

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I, too, am developing a crush on JKR!! Kudos to her for her “Fu*k you” mindset. ♥️

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I admire the author without reading her stuff. However [looking inward] I should read some before being dismissive because her values will be in them.

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I'm too old now, but there was a time where going truly underground and writing things to purposely attack that kind of law would've been a fun adventure. Hopefully, a new punk mindset is born and kids who know how not to be found on the internet will become the new revolution, and not just the mindless drivel that seems to be making up much of our youth today. Isn't that what the Renaissance was, a true punk revolution? What about the punk we all remember? I wouldn't say that this will stifle speech forever, just the beginning... and then artists, writers, musicians should all get together, go rogue and do some tremendous things. Hopefully I'll be alive to see it.

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musicians are mainly a bunch of sold-out fucktards. Just watch 'We are the World' to see how pathetic they all were. Ok so Stevie Wonder leading Ray Charles to the toilet was the best bit. That and him trying to teach Bob Dylan how to sing - too funny. Punk was hijacked by Westwood and Mclaren who made it a vacuous fashion statement that only they really profited from and the rest of them didn't give a fuck about making a change anyway, they just wanted to rant and smash and cause offence. Nothing wrong with that per se but it's not very useful. It didn't stop the 1980's from happening, with all that weird Thatcher Dominatrix worship or everyone marvelling at the rise of that great actor, Whatshisname Reagan. Art production is just a useful way the uber rich launder their ill gotten gains and artists are generally a bunch of self-absorbed twats with nothing new to say now anyway. That and they need the patronage of the money launderers. Sorry to be so dismissive but you won't find anything at all on offer to help fight for freedom within music and art. Except maybe this guy CJ Hopkins and his paint-strippingly subversive satire but unfortunately, that amount of vitriol scares off a lot of people. Plus we're all too stupid - or cowardly - to learn from the warnings Orwell, Huxley and he provide. There are so many more but they might as well have been farting into the wind.

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Recently, I heard a promo on KALX radio for a show at 924 Gilman. Masks required.

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I liked the gay rights movement a lot better before they let hetero people in. The ones who “identify” as both “trans” and “gay” or “lesbian.” Same-sex attraction is a material thing that has nothing to do with anybody’s self-assigned identities. Same-sex attracted people have the right not to be harassed by people of the opposite sex who say they “identify” as the same sex. It’s flat-out trolling. It is NOT “progress.” It’s in fact regressive. I also am not a big fan of putting children on the path to being desexed or otherwise damaged simply because they are experiencing distress.

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My lesbian friends have dissonance about this though, they've been convinced that poor little trans need to be protected, what if that was them? Privately I think it's remembering when people didn't believe they were gay, or they worried about that at least. So even though the idea of a man makes them want to vomit, they won't stand up for women.

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So much of real feminism is about celebrating the material reality of one’s body instead of being ashamed. It’s not the kind of thing men can just invite themselves into, to say the least. It’s antithetical to the whole movement to allow men in just because they are medically altered into facsimiles of women and/or perform feminine sex stereotypes. It’s insulting. Men should be doing work to ensure other men don’t abuse these guys. Instead, women are expected to. It’s pernicious.

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And they don’t have frigging intersex disorders, either. That’s a popular myth. Those are very rare and well understood and intersex support groups don’t want to have anything to do with transgenderism.

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But if you look at something like terfisaslur dot com, you can see how loose gatekeeping allows in men who hate lesbians and want to attack them. I saw some of those posts when they were live. This is real. These are hateful men. And no, not all men who say they are women act like that, but it gets hushed up and should get called out.

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Nobody owes anybody dates. This is a distinct issue from “nobody has the right to abuse or economically discriminate against people who don’t align with sex stereotypes and/or have body modifications.” Or people who think they have a soul or an essence that is sexed and is not the same sex as their body, which is a kind of religious belief. But nobody owes them dates, either.

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I think the minute we think of people as groups it all falls apart. People as groups are revolting. Individuals can be quite lovely but in a group they are awful. When you designate a group as protected you are setting up individuals for hate. And because a trans you knew back in the day was lovely should we excuse these opportunists that can't resist the protected group status? Better to let people police themselves culturally, on a case by case basis and government stick to building bridges and hospitals. But since this isn't what's happened, a lesbian can always follow the rules to the extreme and invent a sexuality that excludes purple faced outraged men who need to try salad. It should help that the white privilege of these people has allowed them to get to this point, so people don't really feel sorry for them.

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However, cultural sensitivity matters. There are places where transgender ideology is unquestioned, there are places where it’s considered anathema. I don’t think anybody should be appointed Emperor of Ideologies. I think we should stop trying to shut down conversations when people aren’t threatening each other and just have different worldviews.

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Samoa is one of those places where gender ideology accepts the role of the Fa'afafine, men who are feminized from a young age and present to the world in women's dress and with feminine mannerisms. When I went to Samoa, my friend (Samoan) told me that they are generally young boys who, in a family that has enough male children, will be raised as a female stereotype. They are often quite beautiful. I just checked out Wikipedia which is now presenting that as a myth - and claiming they are all just what the West calls gay men - gay men who mimic transgender - or who actually have transitioned because now they can. What a surprise. It was last changed on Feb 8 2024. And so the lies and false story telling rolls on...

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When lesbians try to exclude men, they get rape and death threats. When gay men try to exclude women, they get annoyed at “transmen” who stealth into their dating groups. I agree that when you get into POC it’s a very different story. I don’t see a lot of Black “transitioned” men in prostitution going around threatening people.

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That's the reality sadly. She can defend herself legally and socially with an invented sexual preference but a man is still bigger and stronger. As a group of disgusting young people once declared to a Chinese tourist in my town, 'The cops aren't going to unrape you'. If I had to guess at how we got here it would be acute dopamine disregulation. The availability of porn and the lack of alternative activities. Basic needs of nutrition and exercise coming up against powerful anti-health industries. Just as e vehicles and solar panels are the worst thing to happen to the environment since the industrial revolution, the internet and our various 'food' sources do not actually support life. But since we will never legislate against money, it has to be shutting up the people making them look bad.

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You can see where all this is going. What's most scary is that they are now gunning for young children, where every question about identity and normal teenage angst will be reframed as "maybe you have gender dysphoria" and if the parents stand up for their children to question this obscene manipulation of young minds, the parents themselves will be treated as criminals.

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Will be?

Already are!

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Bloody Hell, man, I’m pissing myself laughing thinking about all the hateful, sexist, racist characters in the thousands of movies produced in Hollywood over the decades, and I’m imagining someone watching one of these very offensive movies with their windows open or in public on their mobile device and their neighbor or a passerby hears something offensive, say, a nasty scene from Natural Born Killers, Kill Bill, Snatch, Sin City…pretty much any horror porn flic or gangster rap soundtrack… and then someone takes personal offense and calls the police. Or what if you’re in public and stub your toe and say “fuck me” or just let something meaningless slip like “bloody whore,” but you’re referring to your smart devise that just crashed, however, the “he-she” in front of you insists you were speaking to “it” and “it” calls the cops, and then what happens? Are you then cuffed and dragged off to jail? And how do you prove you weren’t hatful, just like CJ was forced to do in court; prove he wasn’t an antisemite, which I’m sure was a surprise to his wife? Scotland will be needing new prisons and 24 hour courts to process everyone stepping on each-other’s sensitive, paranoid toes real soon. They didn’t plan for just how crazy this is about to get, did they?

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that's all part of the intended fuckery, I have no doubt. Training people to be offended victims now empowered to attack for random phantom offenses sounds a lot like every other cabal orchestrated color revolution to me.

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It goes without saying that the law will be applied rather selectively.

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But of course—to punish the wise, brave cats meowing the loudest—while peacefully protesting the 1984 Animal Farm bitches (dirty dogs) & pigs (crooked cops) swinging batons & firing bullets into the crowd to “keep the peace.” Another well planned paradigm fight club pushing the people into civil, regional & world wars.

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I will give Scotland credit for not naming their Hate Crime law something Orwellian, like "The Promotion of Fair and Equitable Speech Law" or some shit like that.

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weren't glorious insults once part of Scotland's proud national heritage?

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And don't forget the kilt!!

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Those were the good ole days.

Scotland is Woke and Weak now.

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"I will give Scotland credit for not naming their Hate Crime law something Orwellian, like "The Promotion of Fair and Equitable Speech Law" or some shit like that."

It wasn't 'Scotland' that named or birthed this law, it was Humza Yousaf, on instruction from his globalist overlords.

Since 1 April, Humza holds the record for the number of complaints against him (thousands) made to Police Scotland, under the new law, for his infamous 'white people' speech in 2020. He got a lot more complaints than JK Rowling. Neither one is to be prosecuted, however, nor even to have a NCHI (Non-Crime Hate Incident) black mark on their record, JK because she's too rich and successful, and Humza because he's doing the bidding of the people who are really behind these laws, wherever they are enacted.

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Thanks, CJ. Always glad to see you in my in box! Thanks for the information about the Scottish hate laws. What world we're living in.

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I think the current "diversity movement' can best be compared with the Khmer Rouge.

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No need for anything so crude as clubbing people to death with rifle butts.

Just get the wrongthinkers' bank accounts blocked and they will come to heel.

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The functional definition of "hate" being "anything that the PMC doesn't want you to say in public".

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Unfortunately true - and there's plenty of examples in the past to show this will be the case.

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‘What is needed is the right to print what one believes to be true, without having to fear bullying or blackmail from any side.’

‘He is a slave with a semblance of liberty which is worse than the most cruel slavery.’

‘No one can get up much enthusiasm for a Government which puts you in jail if you open your mouth’

George Orwell 1984

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When I saw what Ms. Rowling posted (below) my heart skipped a beat too C.J.

J.K. Rowling


I hope every woman in Scotland who wishes to speak up for the reality and importance of biological sex will be reassured by this announcement, and I trust that all women - irrespective of profile or financial means - will be treated equally under the law. If they go after any woman for simply calling a man a man, I'll repeat that woman's words and they can charge us both at once.

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Yeah Gary - let's just all define everyone purely by their physiological biology and place in the reproductive cycle. Sounds a bit fucking Victorian, patriarchal and fascist to me.

I prefer to judge people by the person they are, which is basically what their brain is.

Either admit your pathetic materialism, or biblical prejudice, or grow up and judge human beings by their inner nature, or, well, just fucking shut the fuck up, eh?

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Whoa, you are a nasty piece of work. You wrote a similar response to my comment as well. You have not an F'in clue about biological reality, or materialism. Nor do you understand what "biological essentialism" means: the idea, for example, that a woman is bound to stay home, raise children, cook and clean. Some women will do that. Others will be doctors, construction workers, firefighters, or most anything else. Some will be kind, some will be nasty; introverts or extroverts. BUT THEY ARE STILL WOMEN: ADULT HUMAN FEMALES. That is real, biological, material FACT. It makes a difference in life, law, sports, medicine. None of us has a dowsing rod with which we can somehow determine someone else's "inner nature," or their "soul", or whatever woowoo concept you claim defines each of us. No baby ever was delivered through a male penis, no matter what "inner nature" that man supposedly has. I strongly suggest that you cease trying to enforce your quasi-religious beliefs on all the rest of the world, which is what "shut the fuck up" is demanding of us. No one is born in the wrong body, no one has a brain that is somehow not part of that body. Grow up, face reality, and find an accommodation with it that makes you comfortable. Don't expect everyone else to "validate," "affirm" or bend to your delusions, however.

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Thank you Jim - very well put. Now I don't have to write dear Evelyn a similar response. Ironically it was reading about all of the death threats, threats of assault and rape threats that Evelyn's - "just be kind" - crowd directed toward J.K.Rowling that caused me to finally read everything Rowling had said on the matter. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that since I agreed with every word Ms. Rowling had written or uttered on the topic - that now I too had somehow magically morphed into a dreaded - "transphobic bigot." Not because I harbor any "ill will" toward anyone who "identifies as trans" - but simply because I entertain "rational thought" and acknowledge "biological reality." Well, I must say that I do appreciate that Evelyn brought up "religion" - because after a deep dive into all of this I've come to a conclusion you and I appear to share - that is that gender-ideology can be best described as an irrational, anti-scientific, 'quasi-religious' scarification cult that valorizes child sacrifice. And here I thought that kind of thing had finally gone "out of style." : /

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JK Rowling has been heroic through this period of craziness. Anyone claiming she's "transphobic" must be challenged, on the spot, to produce anything she's said that's hateful. JK backs up her words defending the rights of girls and women, with actions: she's a prime mover and funder behind a women-only violence shelter in Scotland, after the Edinburgh Rape Crisis Center was taken over by a male claiming to be a woman.

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What if everyone dressed as transvestites? Wouldn’t that also be offensive? Or men dressing as women? Or women being violent like men? Isn’t that an insult to men? This can go on and on. And that’s the purpose. To divide populations against each other. Instead people of all persuasions should gang up on the terrorist running our governments. Golly, I wonder why they want us to hate insurrection by associating insurrection with their Trumpenstein.

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