MSM is Viagra for Hate-Ons. Consult your doctor if your hate-on lasts for longer than 4 hours. Time to re-read the famous poem "First They Came..." https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/first-they-came-for-unvaccinated-jews-stoves

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Are you suffering from "Low H"? Ask your doctor if Neugenics is right for you!

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"Viagra for Hate-ons" ! Exactly!!! And many people get hate-priapism, and just keep pointing it at various targets whenever they're told to do so.

Left unrelieved, however, the tumescent hate appendage will fall off.

Hate is unhealthy, and depopulates the world of both haters and hatees. (So we know why all this propaganda is being done.)

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I'd like to have that line on a bumper sticker.

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There is always Bill Gates

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Oh, thank you for writing this. I have felt the same way and really did think something was wrong with me. Perhaps I just got numb from all the hating I've been doing over the past decade.

You know, first we were supposed to hate anyone who was MAGA, then we had to hate men who were sexually predatory (let's put them all on lists!), then we needed to hate people who refused to wear masks, and then hate our own family members who were unvaccinated (let's disinvite them from holiday gatherings!), then we had to hate supporters of Putin and those horrible anti-war protesters, and now we must hate the people we just yesterday had lunch with because, as it turns out, they're totally pro-genocide...and on and on.

No. Enough with all of it. I think I'll choose to love everyone instead.

I will reserve my hate for the ones in charge, orchestrating all of this from above.

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Hate eventually destroys itself. Love is the only thing that builds.

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You saved me from having to write the same thing, thank you.

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It's hard to get your hate on when you don't believe anything you read or see.

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It is possible to not disbelieve anything you read or see. One simply must shitcan Main$cream media. Alternative sources may not always be without their own agendas, but my experience with them is that they are out in the open and to the point and only rarely could be considered as being "on message".

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Main$cream - lol best variant in months and months

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Thanks. At some time in the not too distant past the rock n' roll pop-music scene included a tune referent to "Dirty Laundry". Or as Main$cream journalists have revealed...blood and gore sells. The perfectly coiffed, dressed, made-up and preternaturally pretty or handsome and have long been schooled in ideal voice modulation presenters with script cards are closely calculated to booth sooth and excite the viewing and audio audience.

And of course, as a certain Robert Zimmerman expressed in one of his many zingers: "Money doesn't talk...it swears". Big money engenders little people. The Boyz like it like that.

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CJ Hopkins' Substacks are one of my favorite things to see in my e-mail inbox.

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Seriously, don’t fall for the manufactured division. The powers that be want us to be divided, want us to hate. Don’t do it. Hate is not a good frequency to hang out in.

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Terrific piece! I feel the same way. And I think of this poem by Robert Frost:

“Fire and Ice”

Some say the world will end in fire,

Some say in ice.

From what I’ve tasted of desire

I hold with those who favor fire.

But if it had to perish twice,

I think I know enough of hate

To say that for destruction ice

Is also great

And would suffice.

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Yep; he knew the score!

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despite this essay's sarcastic tone, CJ is on to something very serious here.

the Hate Machine is real and it stares straight into us from our slick, black mirrors every day.

I see this in some of my most intelligent, cultured friends. they are defined more in who they hate than for what they believe or stand for by a mile. bring up any of the popular figures the regime has told us to despise (Elon, Tucker, RFK, Trump, MAGAs etc) and off they go. practically vibrating with rage and spewing curses, they have all turned into demagogues inhabited by ancient spirits from the deep. we are slowly transforming from an enlightened democracy into something much more primordial. sinking into the dark unconscious of humanity.

from the rational into the metaphysical...

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Strikes me that there are answers in the metaphysical. Rationalism, materialism, academicism have had their days, their years, their decades, their centuries, even. These formulations developed in reaction to overexposure to the Abrahamic organized religion paradigms, premises, promises and prevarications. Both of these two Third Dimensional mindsucking spiritual vacuities are part of the problem and not the solution.

In the metaphysical realm of spiritual questing, questions are brewing, primarily within our superconscious minds. If we can conceptualize ourselves as spirits temporarily sojourning within a physical dimension, then and perhaps only then, can we embark upon "walking the Red Road" as a number of Native traditions remind us.

The Age of Pisces and the Epoch of Kali Yuga are fast attaining their apogee, their climax, their ""Zugspitze". In a reverse mirror this acme, this pinnacle is actually the very pit, the depths of the now declining Kali Yuga, the Epoch of devolution, dissolution and the "derniere cri" of a down-cycle within the human experience.

Beneath and beyond "the dark unconscious of humanity" there is a pathway which leads to a New Awakening. Personally, I much prefer that outcome to the "Great Reset" being pushed by the minions and archons of death and destruction.

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I agree.

I do think humanity has been going thru a massive shift since the 20th century began. the metaphysical forces that are driving history are also driving our minds and bodies. we seem to be headed toward a mor enlightened new age, but not before a harrowing journey through the darker road of our unconscience . it seems the same dark forces that were unleashed during the 20th century are being manifested again.

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Indeed. Perhaps the ultimate or at least penultimate dark night of the soul is fast upon us. Ultimately though, Cosmic Cycles on the grand scale are part of and proportional to movements which common rationalists and religionists...considering themselves in polar opposition, while being significant dualistic elements within the control matrix...cannot comprehend due to their beliefs and/or ideological patterning.

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Did you get AI to write that? Your use of vocabulary seems deliberately chosen to make you sound more intelligent than you actually are. I see it all over the interwebs. It reads like one of those computer-generated Master's Theses or technical journal articles later revealed to have been CG.

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Not quite hardly, my dear. How could one sound more intelligent than they actually happen to be? Historian by training and journalist by profession, albeit, a recovering journalist, as that term has become somewhat of a sobriquet. It must be confessed that I do happen to suffer from a little recognized condition...CIO. The acronym spelled out is Chronic Information Overload. Many polymaths are obliged to deal with the variant symptoms.

To judge from your comment, its not unlikely that you happen to be a probable two generations my junior. I'm a War-Baby, an as yet unrecognized micro-generation...one in which we do not resemble our older cousins and such who were born in the dirty Thirties. The Boomers are our kid brothers and sisters. We pretty much established the template for them, primarily on a cultural basis. You may be quite aware that cultural memes are a generative force, quite more puissant than mere economics and other materialistic and reductionist inductions.

My personal library consists of upwards of 2,000 volumes. Never in my nearly 80 years have I allowed a boobtoob into my home. The deliberate dumbing down of the mass of the American people was initiated by John D. Rottenfeller and was first brought into existence with his funding/founding of the College of Edjumacasion at Columbia University. I am most proud to remain five credits short of an honors degree in history, as essentially each and every major institution across the fruited plain are both corrupted and corruptive.

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You should be publishing here on SS, sharing your knowledge with us, i.e. how to investigate a subject matter - as a journalist would.

Which region of the US do you live in? You mention the circulation of your newsletter. Are you involved in your community?

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Wow! Thanks for the response and the queries. Guess life is a bit more complex for me than with the average septuagenarian. I'm up in the fringes of Minnesota's Northwoods. Was away from the scene for several years. During that span the 107 Y.O. kitchen as well as an 80 Y.O. were in states of collapse and the carefully tended landscape, gardens and such were in similar levels of needfulness. So though current residence is a small apartment in a nearby little town; from the end of winter to the beginning of the new one the days are invested in reconstitution of the beloved homestead.

Yes, there's a temptation to publish on SS as all that information overload does call out for an escape valve. However, with short days and long nights now the norm, its high time to concentrate on two long-developed projects. One: With perhaps 11,000 hours invested in developing a novel form of sculpture, employing one of America's 3 rarest woods, Diamond Willow...only using the already dead ones...there is a need to procure a decent 35MM SLR camera to catalog the productions from over the past 22. years. Following the will of the willow and not attempting to impose my will upon the medium, rather exposing the biomorphic messages to be revealed by this most unusual species of Salix; an ideal form of meditation has developed in the carving process. It is a wonder and a joy to get "into the zone" where the world outside and time itself become non-constrictive.

Secondly, since 1976 another grabber has occupied much of daily life. It's the channeling of an alternative, non-abstract, alphabet, based on the Latin one we use on a daily basis, but transmutated into symbolic expression of each of the 26 letters...our current abstractive one does have the benefit of relative simplicity. However, abstractions do engender obstructions to higher levels of consciousness and this contemporary formulation is culturally specific to the Western World. If we are to develop a truly global (and not rule from the top Globalist) culture; a universal symbol-based replacement, particularly for artists, poets and such folk, needs must and WILL ultimately appear. So I'm about to publish a book, with the graphics already in place, yet explanatory text needful of editing and curation from numerous notebooks, in order to launch the project.

Thus, as a somewhat long-winded explanation of why time is pressing now; the focus must shift from six days per week cleaning up the homestead into "birthing" these projects where the role has essentially been that of a midwife, a male one no less, for critically needed in the cause of peace and harmony of our beloved planet and the currently divided and confused human race. Solutions to our dilemma are a congruency of artistic expressions which do not merely mirror and expose the current madness. So that is my mission...and quite likely similar to the input from folks right across the world who work for regeneration of our species.

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I went on a cross country road trip from the Carolinas to South Dakota a few Summers ago - loved seeing the different landscapes. Visited Minnesota briefly for a small outdoor concert - found folks in both states to be super friendly. Glad to know you're able to go into your zone as you create art out of mother nature's gifts to us - trees! Just thought I'd prod you a bit, maybe get you to share the knowledge that is stored in your brain. But I understand you have a very full schedule and long to-do list. Appreciate your response. Stay warm!

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Difficult site on which to do customary editing. Open gap at "80 Y.O. where the cap of "bedroom" is now added as an afterposting.

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Self proclaimed polymath? I rest my case.

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i've seen this troll before... same exact script.

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here's the thing about the Kali Yuga: each cycle lasts 420.000 years - and in each cycle of chaos, mayhem, and monstrosities, there is only ONE golden age lasting a mere 10,000 years. The New Age movement, in their denial of darkness and death and the attraction of 'going toward the light, ' doesn't recognize its own long shadow biting it in the arse. Hannah Arendt called this temptation to think ourselves NOT the monster nor contain some of it, "the banality of evil."

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Only hate for the puppet masters.

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I just feel despair and empty at the horror of it.

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After the "fight-or-flee" response to the news, this is what decent people are left with.

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Exactly, I feel beaten up by it.

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But my brain still works. The problem is the occupation. Hamas is a product of zionsim. Israel has been genociding palestinians since its creation. These things need to be said. I lived for two years in occupied Palestine. What surprised me most was how gentle and peaceful they are as a people. No hatred. Look at the dignity of the doctors in Gazan hospitals who choose to die saving their patients.

The palestinians can teach us a lot of lessons on what it means to resist tyranny and stay human.

The first step is to condemn a genocide against defenseless civilians under siege. Doing this does not mean that you are full of hate. To avoid more hate and the cycle we need to get to the root cause of the problem: zionism.

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one could even say the zionists wish to inspire Gods wrath to the point that something/someone emerges from the ashes and rubble, what better way to find your "adversary"? how unfortunate would it be as they attempt to seat lucifer/satans child king on their papier mache throne at Al Aqusa that the true Redeemer "steals the show"?

how fucking embarrasing would that be.. but if one will play with collective consciousness and its collective destiny/ies one must expect "surprises", mustnt one?

as the truth of the holocaust that never happened spills like wine from a split barrel all across the earth, the lies upon lies, upon lies arer revealed as cruel splintered shards of glass lying glistening in the sun for All to see

"they" know their time is up, their dark magick spent they have only our hate to feed on and try as we must, we must instead pity them their absurd, paranoid, destructive, interbred and paedophilic perversities, easier said than done?

We are all Amalek and We must see those who would destroy us for who they truly are, entities and ambassadors of lucifer/satan, hate will not destroy them, derision and pity weakens them, they have shown Us whio "they" truly are

As is being covered elsewhere "they" will now attempt to distract us with "rampage" which allied with their fiat currency meltdown (ubs) and impending "war and rumours of war" are the last things they have in their bag of tricks...

We however have Eternity....

olena zelensky however does not, at least not outside of a jail cell, cos when you do a "charity" looking after "war orphans" and vogue shoots you ought to make sure you dont send more than one "war orphan" to the same sex predator in Paris... sheer lack of proper book keeping, tush, tush

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Perhaps you are just emotionally mature.

Seeing more hate and more senseless slaughter, I'm left with a weariness and a background radiation of sadness.

I wish, I truly do, that this species would grow up. Stop hating, stop slaughtering, stop reacting.

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Stop reacting. I think it was Morgan Freeman who was asked what to do about racism and his answer was, Stop talking about it.

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Yeah that's a great technique when you're watching a mass slaughter of little kids. It's not so simple.

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Especially when it's kids killing kids.

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Brilliant CJ. And horrible. And horribly brilliant and brilliantly horrible. Keep up this hate spewing and confusion concocting and they'll force you into office

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I dialed in MSM, FDA, WHO, AMA, WEF, UN, CDC, Gates, Soros, Pfizer, Moderna, and the entire group of world war mongers and genocide promoting Satanists and it overloaded and broke the machine.

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Kill Hates #1

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Made in China, no doubt

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Brilliant. Thank God for satire and C.J.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to another Two Minutes Hate. 😵‍💫

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Try anger, that always work for me.

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All the best things I've done in my life have happened when I've been blind with anger :)

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I found my sad machine is running full tilt boogie.

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You can try reading the FDA's 2023-24 emergency use authorization for Pfizer's covid vax for under 12 year olds - worked for me!

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The pharmacological assault on the innocents on behalf of a depopulation agenda along with the usual fear inducing propaganda. Works well for me too.

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