I believe your belief is well founded in regards to the Commercial Airline Pilots sticking it to the GloboCap rat asses as masses of customers are having to come to grips with the nature of the act, integrity & the ingrained doggedness of these pilots. I can only now begin to appreciate this kind of stance. I think 9 foot tall & bulletproof was conceived for ":these" people.

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"Every nascent totalitarian system, at some stage of its takeover of society, launches a purge of political opponents, ideological dissidents, and other “anti-social deviants.”

True, but what's counterintuitive about THIS purge is that if the shots prove to be fatal within the next few years then this will be a case of a system purging its own supporters which leads me to wonder what exactly the end game is.

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Depopulation is on their Agenda. So make no mistake that they only need their supporters for as long as it takes to establish their totalitarian system. And do not doubt, that they will be coming after those who do not comply after all.

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I wonder if they'll let loose something they can't completely control. Gates has started talking about smallpox which is interesting. Does he think he can control some exceptionally virulent lab-enhanced strain? I realized he was not so smart when he started talking about 'seeding the clouds' to prevent global warming. That's also when I realized he was nuts. I majored in geology and anyone conversant with earth history knows the climate is complex. You cannot know how one input will affect things of which you are unaware. It's an odd feeling to know this and still know that you could end up as dead as the 'believers.' Cheers!

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Thank you for sharing and welcome to my page.

When you have time, come by, read and post your comments.

Keep up the good thing


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"we have the power to ruin their opening act"

Yes, we do. Here are some words to encourage us in taking action.


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Professor Mattias Desmet on EweTueb "How can so many still buy into the narrative" The psychological manipulation of the herd is "nudging" the least intelligent to their demise, the rest of us will be forced to fight.

Evolution is a nasty business and life doesn't give a rat's a$$ who lives it or indeed who throws it away.

One mistake and you're out. Believe nothing from above; EVER!

Your kakistocracy only wants what's best for you.....nudge..nudge...wink...sputter.... cackle.


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If you have an evil “smart” phone nesting like a viper in your pocket or tightly grasped in your simian fist as if it were some kind of extirpated still pulsating body appendage or brain abortion as the case may be, then you are part of the problem and will never contribute anything of worth to stop the real zombie virus that is leading the herd of mutton over the cliff, at least not until you smash your personalized tracking demon to bits. Slouching naked apes thumb jabbing their hand held thingies and drooling over their idiot gizmos are no longer fully human, rather mindless mutton-headed interfaces with nobody home, or seldom available as they spend their pathetic half-lives peering down the black hole of their tacky, third rate NWO Chinese junk shop virtual “reality”. It’s like listening to East Germans, that were surveilled by STASI psychopaths 24/7 before the Wall was moved, explaining how free they became (at least until 2 years back) even as they exhibit the same nauseating “smart” phone ticks and prosthetic brain addictions as their thoroughly brainwashed cousins in the West while they themselves, without question, pay through the nose for this constant monitoring of their lives and interference from goons and "nudging" by the psychopaths that own the so-called "social media platforms" of Fecesbook, Twatter, EweTueb, Goggle and ilk..."safe" spaces where the sheeple bleat.

Though the STASI orphans should have known better, they too have already been consumed whole by trans humanist Mickey Mouse BS so the logical next step for the reptilians in charge is to pump their graphene oxide and nano dirt directly to their ovine brains and put them under complete remote control where monkey man never again has to miss a Twatter outburst or a Goggle command or Fecesbook "breaking news" fart or whatever crap they get from their blinking, prosthetic, vital organ when they deep dive into their amoled glass swamp. By all means you four-legged critters of the herd do download the "essential updates" in your monthly covaids “booster” death vaxx squirt to become a truly fulfilled silicon meat puppet like the rest of the protoplasm squirming around you. Your viper in residence and its Qr coded commands (straight from the hell that you couldn't wait to jump into) will indeed award you with the appropriate Chicom slash NWO credits for being an obedient and soulless slave of the hell on Earth they are now erecting for the dying herd as the last stage of this dystopian farce plays out.

Otherwise kill your diabolic “smart” phone or shut up already. If you can’t do something that simple yourself, as one who claims to “get it”, then why should you expect the herd not to willfully poison itself considering they are no longer in control of anything in their miserable existences other than shoving stuff in their facial orifice or squeezing shit out their sphincter end as the case may be, in between perusing their "smart" phone smut and kitty litter videos, as they proudly and dutifully exhibit their covaids death squirt status Qr code to every jackbooted robopig thug that demands compliance as they go about their shameful and soon to be terminated lives...all in the prurient interest of course of the demons that unleashed this genocide and "watched over by machines of love and grace". When the 5G towers and soon the 6G towers light up in the coming Dark Winter then the real electronic gulag will become apparent to even the most challenged leg of mutton out there in the pathetic human herd.

Never let any psychopath in your pocket or your life that is obviously "smarter" than you.

“Smart” phone macht dumb

But PfiZer macht frei

Same as it ever waZ

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Yes. You must ditch your "smart phone" and TV. Watching TV and using one's "smart" phone enables a form of mind control called "entrainment". Freedom-fighter economist Catherine Austin Fitts speaks about it in this recent interview, which is also important for other reasons: "The Real Reset is the Going Direct Reset" -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMMyZXs1Eag

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The new biocracy is straight out of Nazi Germany. Biological National Socialism is now Biological Globalist Totalitarianism.

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Sharon Lewis


Jay Michaelson


Orthodox lawyers


From Reagan to Biden.


All went there...why won’t you? Or Off Guardian? Or Whitney Webb? Or Cory Morningstar? Patrick Henningsen? James Delingpole?

What is the connection to EVERY world leader? The UN? Big Pharma?

Blocked now, right? 🙄

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I think it important that we all submit as many accounts of negative reactions and deaths related to the jabs as possible, given the new normal of censoring all content. If you've got one, post it here as a reply. Here's just one:


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So many monkey wrenches!


Labor walkouts/strikes,

Joining protests if possible, or, if not, keeping track of and talking about protests

Practicing daily sabotage of noncompliance (e.g., masks, boycotting compliant businesses),

Supporting only businesses that do not comply,

Mocking the bullshitting pols, PH officials, big tech censors, and shrieking Cluster B defectives like Olbermann relentlessly

Persuading vaccinated friends and family that it is not necessary to support mandates and good to protest and resist them--these are the real "circles of trust" built on the love and loyalty that render fear and new normal ideology impotent

Celebrating holidays as usual,

Being charitable but not indulgent towards the genuinely and especially the justifiably frightened,

Being both courageous and calm

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Brilliant, and scathing, as always. Thanks, Mr. Hopkins.

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Dear SWA pilots, Civil disobedience is our only real weapon. Use it! We are with you.


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Hold on! Never comply. Delta just withdrew their vax mandate! CIvil disobedience works!

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Further yet to the just prior post . . .

Here in the State of Victoria - Just announced by the government . . .

"For the first time, we will ease these rules, end these lock downs, we'll move to a lockout rather than a lock down, because we've been able to get the vaccination numbers to where they thought they'd be and beyond that . . .

Fully vaccinated people could be allowed to go to the pub, get a haircut, go shopping or go to a restaurant as early as next week".

Some 60 per cent of Victorians are fully vaccinated, so clearly the lockout move cannot be executed just yet. Can it?

But it will. But how is one to deal with the reality of a non-sterilizing vaccine?

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Thank you for a brilliant article, once again. Looking forward to strategies of disruption to put into effect.

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Further to the just prior post . . .

1. Australia is a highly propagandized society and remains so.

2. Corruption runs deep, notably white collar so-called. Think from business to political. The mainstream media emphasis remains, as always, on the street crime of the subaltern class.

3. Whatever Transparency International might wish is done here and in New Zealand for that matter, these countries are at the top of the list for "ease of business". A neat metaphor.

4. On recent maneuver in the geopolitical sphere that affect both countries, check . . .


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Separating facts from speculation and hypothesizing . . .

1. The earth ecology system cannot sustain the human population. A figure of a 400 million limit comes from US Department of Defense scientists. They are not global warming deniers. Biologists in the public space posit comparable numbers, say, less than 10% of the present human population.

2. Stark choices indeed. Either we all go down together or most are removed for the benefit of the few. Makes sense. Except that the commerce class uber-wealthy figure that they constitute that privileged few, as judged by financial success, nothing else. They really mean it. Oh yes - plus some technical staff to keep the machinery ticking over.

3. On over counting CoVid deaths, even my at that time 93 year old CoVid +ve mother recovered with no symptoms, as did all but two other retirement home residents. The two who died were terminal cancer and heart disease - here in Melbourne. The coroner came, the police came, the bodies removed. Reported as CoVid deaths. No surprises here.

And now to hypothesizing . . .

4. "You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before". Rahm Emanuel.

Clearly there is more going on here. That must become more apparent because . . .

5. The first pillar of the Temple of the Gods has collapsed.

Here in Victoria, the Chief Health Officer has abandoned that unachievable goal of zero community infections. Ditto New Zealand. Always absurd and notably the mainstream media, in their conformist dispositions, never critically examined the proposition.

6. The second pillar of a functional vaccine will collapse if, or when, a viral mutation that defeats all vaccines emerges. That humans act as incubators has been well examined. There are no sterilizing vaccines for CoVid.

Then what?

Lock down strategies rendered as self-defeating. That natural immunity provides superior protection than narrowly targeted vaccines has been well examined. Pfizer half life of a few months and no effective vaccine immunity after 6 months is consistent with their original FDA submission of 2 months test data. As reported.

7. What then do vaccine certificates mean with a viral CoVid strain that defeats all vaccines? And of other pathogens that also defeat any antibiotics? Think resistant TB, various STI's and staph bacterial infections. Not included - biological laboratory manufactured, like a highly transmissible Bird Flu strain, which normally is none too transmissible although quite deadly to humans. As reported. These things have a way of leaking out. The research. The pathogens.

8. Interestingly, Dr. ZhengLiShi is reported as applying for a patent after showing that Remdesivir and Chloroquine inhibited CoVid in vitro. In vitro is not in vivo. Yet mainstream media though went hysterical at the possibility of a non-vaccine solution. They still do.

9. Certain chief health officers here advise that even with functional vaccines, there will be no return to the old normal. Dr. Henry Kissinger, April 2020, said exactly that.

Les In Melbourne . . . It makes You Wonder.

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