I didn't know about her downsides either until well after the 2016 election. I haven't seen anything by RFK promoting Hillary Clinton recently.
It was prior to the election of Trump when many of us didn't really know the scoop. It took time but in the last couple of years most of us have figured it out. If he was slow figuring it out I know we are not seeing him promoting any warmonger currently. It took until Biden's proxy war for me and a number of others, probably including him, to finally get it.
Because then I looked up how the proxy war started and noticed the coup in 2014.
Now I get it. Only too late because I did vote for Biden but never again this war started that he instigated.
I'm not a fan of any of the establishment Democrats now or any of the Republicans. People including RFK can make mistakes believing people when they are being lied to. The Democrats lied to a lot of people and he wanted to believe she was on the level. So if you want to hate on somebody for being deceived in the past more power to you.
I love this advice. I completely agree. He won't take it of course, but it's nice to dream. Because - fuck it - tell the whole truth - is what this moment requires.
The image of RFK, and the Kennedy’s/Camelot Cult and reality are two different things.
RFK has supported H. Clinton on multiple occasions lauding Obama’s appointment of her as Sec. of State. I suppose we should ignore that and get on the phony bandwagon?
“I want to say it emphatically. I am PRO-VACCINE. I have been fiercely PRO-VACCINE. I believe that we ought to have policies that encourage full vaccination for all Americans.” – Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Once anyone establishes their basis for evaluating a situation on the words narrated by their “hero”, or someone they automatically defer to, they uncritically accept these words as truths regardless of the substance of the claims. They are then operating on a level of superficial emotional reaction and are no longer capable of perceiving concepts or evaluating ideas.
Critical thinking or rational analysis is no longer possible.
That is a very dangerous position and one of the many things that get IN THE WAY of movements.
Should anyone be above criticism? Should I be above criticism? Should RFK be above criticism?
Once we get into these waters we are no longer speaking about a movement we are speaking about a “cult of personality.”
Critical thinking and ongoing analysis should be first and foremost.
If that means illustrating that someone, no matter who that someone is, is profoundly wrong on something than so be it.
If they are worthy they will be able to handle any and all criticisms levied at them.
Funny how most of these “health freedom celebrities” are intoloerant of criticism on certain things.
They expect people to remain silent, be censored, even (and especially) if they have evidence that runs counter to the narrative of said “leader.”
And then they have the audacity to make claims that those bringing up these falsehoods and contradictions are the ones being “divisive.”
Allen, I may not be able to find the entirety of that quote "pro-vaccine" but I do remember him also saying in that context something to the effect show me a safe vaccine or something like that. I will also add, Kennedy played the game like so many others, "I'm pro vaccine", in the attempt they would not label him anti-vax.
Allen, I think that would be a fair question to ask Kennedy how well that's worked out for him. I've been in many vaccine safety battles in the Oregon legislature. Too many to count how often testimonies began, I'm not anti vax or some variation, even by people who described horrific vaccine injuries of their children.
It...........didn't.........doesn't...........matter. Once you question the safe and effective narrative, no matter how carefully, thoughtfully you've chosen your words, you will be labeled anti-vax or in the case of that British MP who "quoted" a doctor who compared the deaths and injuries from mRNA injections to a Holocaust. That British MP is no longer a MP and is a Holocaust denier.
Once I stopped drinking the Kool Aid, no democratic presidential candidate got my vote and fewer R's. I wrote in Kennedy on my 2020 ballot.
Just to reiterate, that Kennedy quote you sited is accurate for the time period in which Kennedy was doing ever thing he could to be heard. And if he would have ever been allowed by the corporate media to elaborate, I am almost certain the greater understanding of that quote would be the meat of the matter. I seriously doubt he will say those words again.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.--Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead; praise the lord and pass the ammunition. God speed
".....is what this moment requires......, any moment, all the time, my friend. That's why we are where we are right now.......we fell asleep watching the truth being raped for a long time......
"To scale the pinnacles of corporate, political or military power in the United States requires certain rigid deficiencies of character, specifically the absence of compassion, decency and humanity. In their personal lives, powerful individuals may possess these qualities, but as an elite class, they lack them utterly. How else to explain the abandoned cruelty of U.S. foreign policy since 1945, the wars, with napalm and Agent Orange in Vietnam, depleted uranium and white phosphorus in Iraq, the massive bombing campaigns that destroyed 85 percent of all buildings in Korea, to say nothing of the deliberate destruction of Iraq and Vietnam, the millions upon millions of dead all over the planet, the regime changes, setting countless countries back, developmentally, decades, even centuries, and installing fascist rulers throughout what used to be called the Third World?,,,
...Just look at Washington’s role in provoking and prolonging the war in Ukraine. What geopolitical American interest can possibly be worth this bloodshed, the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers and tens of thousands of Russian ones? For the Russians, this war is existential. Russian leaders believe, probably correctly, that this is a fight for their survival. Ukrainian leaders, ditto – except there’s no “probably” about it; it’s definitely. And it is pointless to attempt to judge those leaders under such circumstances. But for American leadership, this is a proxy war. It is not existential. It is a proxy war of choice. That’s what makes the U.S. role, instigating and prolonging it, so horrible. ...
...President Biden and his neocons – secretary of state Antony Blinken, undersecretary of state Victoria Nuland, national security advisor Jake Sullivan – all knew damn well that expanding NATO into Ukraine would provoke Russia into a war. They knew because top advisors had said so for generations and because the Russians told them so for decades. The only conclusion is that they wanted this conflict – something no person of any compassion, decency or humanity could want. Given reports that the Biden team’s plans to blow up the Nordstream pipelines predated Russia’s invasion by several months, it sure looks like these neocons engineered this war without a scintilla of regret for the lives it would claim. But maybe they’re not to blame. The job description demanded sacrificing the supposedly irrelevant virtues of compassion, decency and humanity and so they, along with presidents Clinton, Obama, Trump and Bush are just merely deficient. ...
...Humanity stands at a crossroads. The American Empire’s hubris has brought our fate to a point where the two most heavily nuclear-armed nations could get into a shooting war. If nuclear war erupts, we’re not just talking about the incineration of American and Russian cities, but more – to repeat, those five billion people who starve to death due to nuclear winter. But this was the atrocious risk American elites were prepared to take when they provoked Russia."
Within some circles, psychopathy is a feature, not a bug. There's evidence we are dealing with a supremacist club/cult here, one that took over the Western nations over the course of the last decades (or centuries). Do they hate those they torture and murder? Do they torture and murder for sadistic pleasure? I don't know - they don't invite me to their meetings...
Interesting. Counterpunch fully supports/supported the Pseudopandemic, lockdowns, unsafe-at-any-speed jabs and the ongoing unforgivable attacks on the civil liberties of Americans (let alone other nations). They have been ideological brownshirts for Globocap.
Alexander Cockburn was 100% wrong with his mealy-mouthed acquiescence to the official 911 Inside Job card-castle comprised of lie upon lie upon an entire historical field of lies. At that point, many months after the incidents and after many new elements of truth made their way through the internet.
Cockburn should have learned damned well that the entire thing was a hoax intended to wipe out Iraq, the nation I$rael most feared and also of Afghanistan where the Taliban had totally shut down opium in their country. That one pissed off the Agency big-time, as heroin and cocaine are their two biggest sources of "dark" funding.
Then we come to the newly "annointed" Gestapo..."des Heimat's Sicherheit Buro"...They go by the initials of D.H.S. Their overseeing of the Border Patrol means that for one thing, they control the nation's borders.
The last decent Democrat who was in his own way a "loose cannon" as apperceived by the 17 intel agencies who work for the ruling Bank$ters in City of London and Wall $treet...was my Senator, Paul Wellstone. His plane was crashed a couple of weeks before he would have won re-election by a comfortable margin. He was the primary Senate Democrat opposition to the concocted was on Iraq...and he could have been the one Democrat who could have whipped Bu$h the Le$$er's a$$.
No doubt Cockburn was right about a number of matters. My point is that the 911 Inside Job and all the horrors that it engendered happened to be my bottom line. Alex failed that acid test.
I still don't understand the animosity toward Fuellmich. He was smeared by former allies & chose to continue on, speaking to a wide range of dissident voices.
Not just that, but they are on notice that the first strikes from Russia, flying at mach12 or so, will be Washington DC and destroy all their supposedly safe bunkers. As the recent Kinzhal missile strikes in western Ukraine showed, even a bunker 400 feet underground, designed to withstand a direct nuclear hit, was crushed by missiles flying at such high speed that only 500kg of explosive each in 2 or 6 missiles (reports vary), collapsed that bunker and killed 200 top NATO commanders directing the ISR operations in Ukraine. They thought they were safe. They weren't. And the Russians didn't even need to use their real serious weapons -- Zircon and Poseidon. The Pentagon is waking up to the fact that the US is so overmatched technologically they wouldn't stand a chance fighting Russia. And thank God for that.
I know very little that I haven't learned from others. The people I follow who know about military matters and the real state of the war, military tech and production are:
Andrei Martyanov -- https://smoothiex12.blogspot.com (he's a curmudgeon but sweet and very knowledgeable on the technical issues -- has some good books on modern war and how it's changed, and how the west lost the arms race against Russia)
Scott Ritter -- he's here on substack and a thousand youtube interviews
Douglas Macgregor -- retired Lt Colonel, find him on Judge Napolitano's show Judging Freedom on youtube
Simplicius the Thinker -- here on substack, free updates on everything surrounding this horrific war
There are others like Brian Berletic of the New Atlas, The Duran on locals.com... more I can't recall right now. They are some of the only voices telling the truth of what's going on and they don't spin or lie.
Good quote and very true. I'm seeing it today, both sides of this war are lying and dragging it out while the UN does absolutely fucking nothing to bring peace.
But yet the WHO which is a part of the UN is greatly interested in pandemic powers and guess what, our so called enemies, Russia and China are going along with this scam that Bill Gates funded WHO is pushing.
What an Orwellian war. Fight over Ukraine but cool about the WHO
The reason I'm not so worried about nuclear war is I live in the heart of NYC and will be gone in an instant. Its the ones who survive I worry for. I also know what craven cowards our leaders are and they know even their deepest bunkers won't protect them from Russia's hypersonic mirv systems and Poseidons. The irony is the only thing that's kept us from a more horrible war than WWI or WWII in the past 80 years is the nuclear threat. The west would've gone to war against the USSR long ago otherwise. But I'm lying. Of course I'm worried.
Only these decisions are made far above "Biden's" pay grade. These aren't "nations," this is the engineered bloody narrative of a cult that owns the game. The WHOLE game. It's all engineered. And it's all intentional harm. Why? They don't see us as important. Humans are not important to them. If we get too hard to control -- too many of us, too awake -- they need to "reset" the game and start again. By whatever means they choose. War, famine, weather, earthquakes, financial collapse, poisons, toxins, psyops etc etc.
Ah, but they need our consent, for whatever reason. They spend trillions to manipulate and coerce us into giving consent. (Or what they consider to be consent.) So don't give it. Don't buy in to the narrative. Ditch any narrative they're pushing. Then their narratives fail. And it's game over for them.
Nifty observation. True enough, it would appear. Not so many years back the new "White Knight" was Howard Whatshisname. AOC and her posse became the go-to for the Wokies and now it could well be that the Knight in Shining Armor may well be that guy who does evoke some truths in order to maintain street-cred amongst those Democrat voters who have become disenchanted with the current party line.
This 'American Empire' you believe in..... it too is a proxy actor.
The real control comes from a much older, far wealthier, predator class.
It is slippery. It relocates and rebrands itself regularly - so you lose track of its power. It re-writes every history and it sucks the life-blood out of every living thing. It consists of trillionaire families with Aristotelian values.
The Phoenicians, aka the Venetians, aka the British Empire (which was never actually British) has continued towards the Holy Grail - absolute totalitarian iron grip.
It even has a future global capital city designed & built - waiting for the King/Khan.....
Kazhakstan's Astana - now known as Nur-Sultan, quietly sits prepared... waiting for the Great Reset to clear away the excess useless eaters.
The Empire will win - mainly because so few people know that it exists.
Very tempted to "like" but held back by the defeatism. We are living out the ancient Chinese curse: "may you live in interesting times". Yet at the same time we are fast transiting into a potential world of peace and prosperity, all based upon abandonment of the megapoli and of the fear and greed which power those satanic manifestations.
It is that ever present self-described elite which currently runs the show. In that, Frances, your perspectives are accurate and historically manifest...up to this time of transition. As we grow in consciousness, THEY diminish in their usurped and assumed powers.
Creator is real. I$rael is not real. It is a manmade golem, made manifest by those who grabbed up most of the gold, silver, diamonds, oil and other major resources.
Perhaps within the interplay of the Cosmic manifestors, there is some need for a dialectic between those who create and those who destroy. The world as we know it, is not merely going through almost unbelievable changes, following the Los Alamos incident in the white sands area of New Mexico in July of '45. Mere technology, man's toys are hard in the saddle.
Creators envision a world manifesting truth, honor, honesty, a wholly esthetic human environment...all aspects of that which the Hellenes called "Agape", a universalization of Love.
Defeatism? Far from it. Defeat would be if we stop trying to expose the Hidden Hands. I ain't there yet.
I have briefly outlined a realistic appraisal of our present circumstances.
What percentage of the world's population is aware of the predator class which I described as briefly as I could above? What percentage is aware of your 'Creators' vision?
I would guess only 0.01% for each category and they are not the same people.
The etymology of the word "holocaust" indicated a massive sacrifice by means of a burnt offering. The hammering of Hamburg and the devastation of Dresden was according to policy infused into Churchill and Roosevelt by their chosen handlers.
Religious expression is very much a public thing. There is public/corporate prayer and there is private prayer. Let's keep that Matt 6:6 scripture in context, shall we?
Yeah.... George Carlin got a lot of stuff right and he was a very funny man. But it's too bad he didn't ever get the true gospel. That Carlin blames God for the mess is very sad indeed. And jokes about worshipping the SUN? For me, that routine was very sad. He traded a relationship with the living God for a few laughs. Not a good trade.
Years ago, clear back in the 70's, those hyper religionists were generally referred to in the control-media as the "religious right". My countering assessment at the time was re-depicting them as the "religious wrong".
All of that brings to mind that the Bank$ter bo$$es agenda is the old Roman one coined by Julius Caesar: "Divide et Impere":..."Divide and Rule". Dems and Reps. Blues and Reds. The ruling elite, just to amuse themselves, even managed to get the colors precisely turned around bass-ackwards. A House divided will never stand". -Lincoln.
There does exist an emerging majority of maybe 20% of Americans who have sniffed the roses, smelled the coffee and have come to the realization that the pro$titions in the Di$trict of Corruption probably think that Urination's Capital's $ewer $ystem smells just fine to them. That growing demographic is our hope.
We all should come to the Real Eye Zation that so long as they keep the people divided against each other by means of battles between the Left and the Right; we will soon have no rights left.
You can say the same thing about the atheists. Look at how they're behind the new scientism, woke nonsense, censorship and war. Its not religion that's at fault. The fault is in our souls, whether we profess to religiosity or not.
In one of his many masterpieces Bob Dylan really hit me with a line (can't remember which song right now) with the lyrical line "your Spirit and your Soul." Got me to thinking...not only about the fact that tyrannical regimes tend to despise poets...but also the the Real Eye Zation that indeed one's spirit and one's soul are two separate entities...even though they can inspire one another in a metaphorical analogy like the twin serpents of the Caduceus .
Way I have come to understand it is that your soul, particularly as Black folk have long seen it, is your heritage, your family, your DNA. Meanwhile, the spirit is as the Great Teacher Jesus the Christed One, pointed out: "The Father is within". Getting over to Rupert Sheldrake's spiritually infused scientific awakening with his concept of the universality of holograms; it is possible to envision Creator as having set off his own Big Bang...as making some of his/her creations into elements of Creator's own being...or as some contemporary visionaries have described it: We are eternal spiritual beings temporarily lodged in this 3D "testing range".
When one awakens spiritually all personal, existential fears dissipate into the mists of what is time...an everlasting series of cycles.
If the evidence doesn't convince the skeptic, what do you expect the skeptic to do? Lie to him/herself? On some unknown human's say-so?
If you recognize that *every* human is both limited and fallible, then you should recognize than no human can know truth unimpeachably. That includes any asserted truth about any God.
*Everything* in a human's head is belief, and belief is *not* fact.
Meanwhile, I admire your mind... Yet I seem to be alone in thinking that 2016 was the smartest move GloboCop made. I do not believe Trump was an anauthorized player or a fluke out of "right field" win. Quite the opposite. They handed it to him. it was all an act. It has served them so very well. I believe the whole thing was indeed, behind a very black curtain, sanctioned by GloboCop. They knew EXACTLY what they were doing. Without Trump there would be no Great Divide! He was perfect for the job. They let him have it.. it was all a charade. Every, single, step. And the most insidious, brilliant tactic. Talk about ingenious chess playing. Any time he opened his mouth GloboCop wins! You want to make the whole world scoff at something and give up free speech? Have Trump utter the word... i.e. Hydroxoqloroquine.. Curious if anyone has these same thoughts..or am I completely "out there"?
I agree fully. It dawned on me as I noticed during the early months of the Plandemic that I was agreeing with the evil orange man on things like masks, Hydroxoqloroquine, etc. and I was then tossed aside by my progressive friends and family. All rational discussion ceased. Trump seems to me like a boogy man created by Globocap.
Agree...Trump is controlled (as much as a wild card can be) opposition. Goal was to get the entire planet vaxed. Divided and then conquered by getting the Left to run for the vax convincing them that they hold the moral high ground and having Trump piped piper his base to do the same, most followed because he was their rebel fan boy. He's now being used to split the right.
No question. And it is likely that Trump’s new role is to be the “greater of two evils” that will usher RFK, Jr. into the WH in order to implement Phase 2, the Climate Change agenda with its attendant Western economy demolition. This is the first time I’ve seen CJ seriously misunderstand what is going on.
Finally, somebody is pointing out the RFK ruse. Truly, the great divider part 2... a more refined division; The current division being created is not the entire nation "left and right", as in '16, but instead, the dissenting class, itself. This is manifest in CHD's (under RFK) extreme censorship of respectable presenters like Mark Bailey who brought the smoking gun evidence to shut down the shutdowns. This info was swept aside and ignored and those that said the emperor has no clothes were ridiculed and canceled.
I'd love to be able to read those great points! But, alas... deleted. Oh, and one more thing: While CJ, whom I appreciate very much (I purchased one of his books in print, even), is incredibly insightful in pointing out the sociological dimensions of this con we are living through, there is something else, he has gotten wrong (the 99.7% survival rate of.... hmmm a theoretical computer code that was "tested" for around the world?). This is far more important than is being acknowledged, the willful ignorance of which brings us closer to that phase 2 you mentioned. However, to reinforce the fake talking point of little scary spiky's existence is inexcusable, at this point.
I've wondered that, too, whether Trump is the Democrats' wrestling heel. Thought about it ever since I saw a photo of the Clintons and Trumps socializing at a cocktail party, chatting and laughing. They Ds sure seem to want Trump to be the R candidate in 2024.
I agree. Trump was the boss of government officials who painted him as the next Hitler. Who routinely disobeyed his directives (is that treason?). They used the "Russian threat" they themselves manufactured out of whole cloth to repurpose the War on Terror to the war on dissent and created a Leviathan of a disinformation/censorship industrial complex.
Exactly... He is a brilliant pawn. They will not let him go for that reason. The minute the appetite for him seems to dissipate, potentially healing the sick divide, they parade him back out. As we have just seen. They want him alive and well and in the public eye 👁 for good reason. To what extent he is consciously playing this role is the question...
After reading this article I thought to myself maybe even Trumps presidency was part of the plan all along. Then, they install Biden to complete their coup d’etat. That thought never occurred to me before and then I come across your comment. It’s sick really.
It's a whole other level of foresight by those who are playing this game.. They think many many moves ahead. It just seems obvious they don't want to let the division go
I don't think Trump was planned, but his stupidity and weakness proved a boon for the establishment and did much to discredit any voices outside the Overton Window.
When the electorate has a choice between Clinton and Trump, GloboCap can’t lose. I am confident that Trump was a shock to the system; of course he was immediately surrounded with imperial goons who tried to steer their greased pig as best they could.
Trump actually thought he was running the country, which made him even more exasperating and ridiculous than he might have been. He seriously dented the flow of compliant underclass workers across the border, cranked up a few mills, and postponed the MIC’s orgasmic squirt in the Ukraine by at least four years. That was not taken lightly. But good propaganda science always has a fallback response ready, and good use was certainly (is certainly being) made of the Trump years.
Trump’s most serious crime was demonstrating the stupidity of bubble-bound dimwit house servants like Podesta, who thought the Clinton presidency was in the bag once Trump was nominated. What dolts, these ruling slaves.
Let us note, however, that GloboCap responded by demonstrating with poor old Joe that the president does not even need to simulate cognitive or neuromuscular competence to serve as a perfectly believable figurehead. That’s a bloody nosed insult and implied threat to every conscious person watching.
In 2008 a suave, plausible, token black faux-liberal was pushed forward to consolidate the gains made against liberal values under Bush. Biden’s presidency, in contrast, is a deliberate mockery of the office, and that mockery is aimed directly at non-normal marginals like us who can’t stop seeing the strings on the puppets.
2024 is going to be a harder sell, especially with Doofus back in the mix. I guess the hope is that Joe will last long enough to get Kamala in, but imo that’s a high risk throw. 2020 nearly killed him, and he hardly made a public appearance. If he collapses after the primaries are well under weigh, they’ll either have to send one of the CIA’s windup crazies after Trump or ride out another term with a silly real estate hood who thinks he’s in charge.
I've thought the same thing. I didn't think he could win, it frankly seemed odd that he did. The powers that be used his presidency to put so much fear into people, they are now crippled brain fog.
Trump was a member of the screen actors guild. "...That plays great BEFORE the election, but now we don't care" https://youtu.be/Y7RouiYK30Q?t=849 (2 min, notice the crowd actually cheers him on)
Regarding Trumps support of "the jab": Alabama rally Trump encouraging vaccinations https://youtu.be/eA306aNtvmk
Rally w/ Bill O'Reilly, both admitting to getting booster, encourages shots, gets booed and tries to downplay it: https://youtu.be/7hNqoQ8T4d0
There was also a Candice Owens interview with Trump where he (again) takes full credit for Operation Warp Speed and says how wonderful the vaccines are. Cant find the link though, but this one has a short clip: https://youtu.be/2GC86EhnpiQ
Les Moonves, then of CBS, all but said as much when questioned about the billions in free publicity Trump had from the corporate media for the entire campaign. Trump made them money, and that's all that mattered.
One of the premiere analyses of the political clown-world which has been imposed upon a deliberately deracinated and dumbed-down boobtoobery aka the mass of the American people who are stoopid enough to vote in presidential circuses . As P.T. Barnum enthused back in the 19th Century: "There is a sucker born every minute."
Alan Hodge: Kudos and thanks for your incisive take.
Will think on that... I agree it may have been a limited hangout and good way to intensify polarization . As for Assange himself, perhaps he was simply useful to that end, but npt sure that he is an "active player", i.e. knowingly play-acting
Doesn’t matter what Kennedy says about the virus, or anything else. If he is not smart enough to figure out that CO2 presented as an evil pollutant isn’t the original Psyop to keep normal people in Serfdom by the billionaire class and associated politicians, then he has no business running for President.
i’m not american. but i think you folks over there should arrive at the point to rethink this entire concept of 2-party-system and the presidential clown show.
for the longest time this theater resolved nothing but to occupy endless man-hours day in and out.
overcome your obsessive submission to idiocy and you shall be free.
As an American, I agree we should re-think the two-party system. I think there should be no-party system. I think the persons should campaign on their aspirations for our betterment using their experience and the integrity of the people who asked them to stand for the election as proof of their competency and goodwill. No person should suggest themselves as president, that is a clear definition of "arrogance".
The only parties we should concern ourselves with should have cake, music and dancing not poison-jabs, lies and clown shows.
CO2 is a very dangerous problem. The bigger problem is that it's been turned into a mythic supervillain to con the public into believing ending it will solve everything. Endless growth of consumption is the real problem, yet when has anyone seen encouragement to use less STUFF?
CO2 is what all life on Earth is based upon, and below 180 ppm plants can’t survive. Thus, neither can the ecosystem that uses CO2 as fertilizer and sustains most life on Earth. I’d like to know how CO2 is dangerous given the facts, and in Earths History, the planet is now in a CO2 deficit. It’s also the end of an Interglacial period, so things will change no matter what humans do. Always have and always will.
On using less stuff, yes… it’s called inflation by printing money with nothing to back it up as collateral. Control the energy sector on top of that, and you have the haves and the have nots. That’s the goal.
The propaganda is strong, but think for yourself and don’t buy in.
No, dear heart, life on earth is based on CARBON, not carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide, CO2, is poisonous, and why our atmosphere is supposed to have a level of less than 1%. Plants do absorb it and convert it to oxygen by extracting the carbon and fixing it in the soil. Industrial-scale agriculture, devastation by logging, mining and other extraction practices that destroy forests and ground cover while spewing more and more carbon into the atmosphere is killing us. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar.
Take the leap Liz, and deduce that if carbon where not dispersed as part of a gas molecule in the atmosphere, and absorbed easily by the oceans, and used as fertilizer by plants, and plants eaten by herbivores to be devoured by carnivores and omnivores, then there would not be all those Carbon based life forms you think are based on pure carbon. Pure carbon is commonly called coal under normal pressure, and I don’t think anything eats it.
Good luck with your belief system since you seem to be locked in that your breath is a poison. Talk to your plants, they like it.
So is carbon DIoxide, "dearie", and you're the poster child for why discussing the environment with the scientifically undereducated is a waste of time and energy. Will Rogers said it best: “The problem ain't what people know. It's what people know that ain't so that's the problem.”
Don't believe me? Fine. Put a paper bag over your head and seal it at the neck. Just make sure there's someone with you to take it off after you pass out.
Up into the early 20th Century, it was frequently stated that so and so "died of consumption". We may consider that obsolescent description of Tuberculosis as a metaphorical allegory describing the current American madness.
Just today, I learned that a second cousin not only subscribes to the New York Slymes, but also spends much of his hard-earned money on trinkets from China available in Wally-World. He also happens to be a boobtoob addict.
On a personal basis, I felt obliged to buy my first ever new piece of furniture in 78.56 years in this present lifetime. With rheumatoid arthritis in all five vertebrae in the lumbar region and a 42 year old crushed disc in the T-7,; the old collapsed mattress and box-spring were "giving" me some rather discomfited awakenings and early mornings. So I finally invested in a replacement pair, brand new. The old back thanked me the very first awakening post the purchase.
Adulterated boys buy toys. Comfort-seeking and nest-feathering women spend their money on gewgaws, gadgets and pretty trinkets. That is a précis of contemporary American consumerist insanity.
RFK knows that if he talks about climate change and CO2 right now it will be too devisive and counterproductive. He talks about taking care of the environment, saving family farms, replenshing soil, clean water, etc. I haven't heard him say anything supporting the "climate change" agenda.
Please note my April 30, 2023 addendum to this column (above).
RFK has supported war criminal and mass murderer Hillary Clinton on multiple occasions.
Are you okay with that?
I didn't know about her downsides either until well after the 2016 election. I haven't seen anything by RFK promoting Hillary Clinton recently.
It was prior to the election of Trump when many of us didn't really know the scoop. It took time but in the last couple of years most of us have figured it out. If he was slow figuring it out I know we are not seeing him promoting any warmonger currently. It took until Biden's proxy war for me and a number of others, probably including him, to finally get it.
Because then I looked up how the proxy war started and noticed the coup in 2014.
Now I get it. Only too late because I did vote for Biden but never again this war started that he instigated.
I'm not a fan of any of the establishment Democrats now or any of the Republicans. People including RFK can make mistakes believing people when they are being lied to. The Democrats lied to a lot of people and he wanted to believe she was on the level. So if you want to hate on somebody for being deceived in the past more power to you.
Red versus Pfizer blue bills
I like that, "blue Bills," though I suspect unintended.
I love this advice. I completely agree. He won't take it of course, but it's nice to dream. Because - fuck it - tell the whole truth - is what this moment requires.
I'm not so sure, Kathleen!
ColinH: Not so sure about what part? The advice taking? . . . or the truth telling?
That he won't take the advice!
Given his recent tweet thanking CJ for the advice and saying he WILL take it, you were correct. :-)
I hope he will take the advice as well. Time for brutal honesty! Brutal.
In his recent TABLET interview, “The RFK Jr Tapes”, he did just that, or near to it.
Just search the title and TABLET. It will come up
The Wasserman-Schultz thing?
The image of RFK, and the Kennedy’s/Camelot Cult and reality are two different things.
RFK has supported H. Clinton on multiple occasions lauding Obama’s appointment of her as Sec. of State. I suppose we should ignore that and get on the phony bandwagon?
“I want to say it emphatically. I am PRO-VACCINE. I have been fiercely PRO-VACCINE. I believe that we ought to have policies that encourage full vaccination for all Americans.” – Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Once anyone establishes their basis for evaluating a situation on the words narrated by their “hero”, or someone they automatically defer to, they uncritically accept these words as truths regardless of the substance of the claims. They are then operating on a level of superficial emotional reaction and are no longer capable of perceiving concepts or evaluating ideas.
Critical thinking or rational analysis is no longer possible.
That is a very dangerous position and one of the many things that get IN THE WAY of movements.
Should anyone be above criticism? Should I be above criticism? Should RFK be above criticism?
Once we get into these waters we are no longer speaking about a movement we are speaking about a “cult of personality.”
Critical thinking and ongoing analysis should be first and foremost.
If that means illustrating that someone, no matter who that someone is, is profoundly wrong on something than so be it.
If they are worthy they will be able to handle any and all criticisms levied at them.
Funny how most of these “health freedom celebrities” are intoloerant of criticism on certain things.
They expect people to remain silent, be censored, even (and especially) if they have evidence that runs counter to the narrative of said “leader.”
And then they have the audacity to make claims that those bringing up these falsehoods and contradictions are the ones being “divisive.”
Allen, I may not be able to find the entirety of that quote "pro-vaccine" but I do remember him also saying in that context something to the effect show me a safe vaccine or something like that. I will also add, Kennedy played the game like so many others, "I'm pro vaccine", in the attempt they would not label him anti-vax.
Allen, I think that would be a fair question to ask Kennedy how well that's worked out for him. I've been in many vaccine safety battles in the Oregon legislature. Too many to count how often testimonies began, I'm not anti vax or some variation, even by people who described horrific vaccine injuries of their children.
It...........didn't.........doesn't...........matter. Once you question the safe and effective narrative, no matter how carefully, thoughtfully you've chosen your words, you will be labeled anti-vax or in the case of that British MP who "quoted" a doctor who compared the deaths and injuries from mRNA injections to a Holocaust. That British MP is no longer a MP and is a Holocaust denier.
Once I stopped drinking the Kool Aid, no democratic presidential candidate got my vote and fewer R's. I wrote in Kennedy on my 2020 ballot.
Just to reiterate, that Kennedy quote you sited is accurate for the time period in which Kennedy was doing ever thing he could to be heard. And if he would have ever been allowed by the corporate media to elaborate, I am almost certain the greater understanding of that quote would be the meat of the matter. I seriously doubt he will say those words again.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.--Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead; praise the lord and pass the ammunition. God speed
".....is what this moment requires......, any moment, all the time, my friend. That's why we are where we are right now.......we fell asleep watching the truth being raped for a long time......
Cheer up everyone.
Everything is even worse than C.J. says.
"To scale the pinnacles of corporate, political or military power in the United States requires certain rigid deficiencies of character, specifically the absence of compassion, decency and humanity. In their personal lives, powerful individuals may possess these qualities, but as an elite class, they lack them utterly. How else to explain the abandoned cruelty of U.S. foreign policy since 1945, the wars, with napalm and Agent Orange in Vietnam, depleted uranium and white phosphorus in Iraq, the massive bombing campaigns that destroyed 85 percent of all buildings in Korea, to say nothing of the deliberate destruction of Iraq and Vietnam, the millions upon millions of dead all over the planet, the regime changes, setting countless countries back, developmentally, decades, even centuries, and installing fascist rulers throughout what used to be called the Third World?,,,
...Just look at Washington’s role in provoking and prolonging the war in Ukraine. What geopolitical American interest can possibly be worth this bloodshed, the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers and tens of thousands of Russian ones? For the Russians, this war is existential. Russian leaders believe, probably correctly, that this is a fight for their survival. Ukrainian leaders, ditto – except there’s no “probably” about it; it’s definitely. And it is pointless to attempt to judge those leaders under such circumstances. But for American leadership, this is a proxy war. It is not existential. It is a proxy war of choice. That’s what makes the U.S. role, instigating and prolonging it, so horrible. ...
...President Biden and his neocons – secretary of state Antony Blinken, undersecretary of state Victoria Nuland, national security advisor Jake Sullivan – all knew damn well that expanding NATO into Ukraine would provoke Russia into a war. They knew because top advisors had said so for generations and because the Russians told them so for decades. The only conclusion is that they wanted this conflict – something no person of any compassion, decency or humanity could want. Given reports that the Biden team’s plans to blow up the Nordstream pipelines predated Russia’s invasion by several months, it sure looks like these neocons engineered this war without a scintilla of regret for the lives it would claim. But maybe they’re not to blame. The job description demanded sacrificing the supposedly irrelevant virtues of compassion, decency and humanity and so they, along with presidents Clinton, Obama, Trump and Bush are just merely deficient. ...
...Humanity stands at a crossroads. The American Empire’s hubris has brought our fate to a point where the two most heavily nuclear-armed nations could get into a shooting war. If nuclear war erupts, we’re not just talking about the incineration of American and Russian cities, but more – to repeat, those five billion people who starve to death due to nuclear winter. But this was the atrocious risk American elites were prepared to take when they provoked Russia."
Within some circles, psychopathy is a feature, not a bug. There's evidence we are dealing with a supremacist club/cult here, one that took over the Western nations over the course of the last decades (or centuries). Do they hate those they torture and murder? Do they torture and murder for sadistic pleasure? I don't know - they don't invite me to their meetings...
Interesting. Counterpunch fully supports/supported the Pseudopandemic, lockdowns, unsafe-at-any-speed jabs and the ongoing unforgivable attacks on the civil liberties of Americans (let alone other nations). They have been ideological brownshirts for Globocap.
I stopped reading Counterpunch a few years ago for all the reasons you cited.
I cancelled my subscription to COUNTERPUNCH.
I was a fan of Alexander Cockburn but can't stand Jeffrey St. Clair.
Once in a while it has decent articles by good writers.
I may be mistaken but believe I originally read this article in THE MONTHLY REVIEW.
Alexander Cockburn was 100% wrong with his mealy-mouthed acquiescence to the official 911 Inside Job card-castle comprised of lie upon lie upon an entire historical field of lies. At that point, many months after the incidents and after many new elements of truth made their way through the internet.
Cockburn should have learned damned well that the entire thing was a hoax intended to wipe out Iraq, the nation I$rael most feared and also of Afghanistan where the Taliban had totally shut down opium in their country. That one pissed off the Agency big-time, as heroin and cocaine are their two biggest sources of "dark" funding.
Then we come to the newly "annointed" Gestapo..."des Heimat's Sicherheit Buro"...They go by the initials of D.H.S. Their overseeing of the Border Patrol means that for one thing, they control the nation's borders.
The last decent Democrat who was in his own way a "loose cannon" as apperceived by the 17 intel agencies who work for the ruling Bank$ters in City of London and Wall $treet...was my Senator, Paul Wellstone. His plane was crashed a couple of weeks before he would have won re-election by a comfortable margin. He was the primary Senate Democrat opposition to the concocted was on Iraq...and he could have been the one Democrat who could have whipped Bu$h the Le$$er's a$$.
To be fair Alexander Cockburn was right about Climate Change TM. It's another Globocap con.
No doubt Cockburn was right about a number of matters. My point is that the 911 Inside Job and all the horrors that it engendered happened to be my bottom line. Alex failed that acid test.
Indeed. If there was any prerequisite for immediately seeing thru the Covid scam, it was 9/11.
That’s disappointing. I always felt Counterpunch was one of the last remaining beacons of truth.
Remove Naomi Wolf from your list. Your inclusion of her proves you are out of touch with reality.
Tony said "In my humble view" so back off with the St. Naomi stuff.
I still don't understand the animosity toward Fuellmich. He was smeared by former allies & chose to continue on, speaking to a wide range of dissident voices.
I'm not worried about the nuclear war part.
Lt Col Fletcher Prouty explained that nuclear weapons changed war.
There's no way the predator class will risk damaging the earth, which they think they own.
Mutually assured destruction will have survivors in bunkers, but to return to what... A cold nuclear winter?
Not just that, but they are on notice that the first strikes from Russia, flying at mach12 or so, will be Washington DC and destroy all their supposedly safe bunkers. As the recent Kinzhal missile strikes in western Ukraine showed, even a bunker 400 feet underground, designed to withstand a direct nuclear hit, was crushed by missiles flying at such high speed that only 500kg of explosive each in 2 or 6 missiles (reports vary), collapsed that bunker and killed 200 top NATO commanders directing the ISR operations in Ukraine. They thought they were safe. They weren't. And the Russians didn't even need to use their real serious weapons -- Zircon and Poseidon. The Pentagon is waking up to the fact that the US is so overmatched technologically they wouldn't stand a chance fighting Russia. And thank God for that.
I know very little that I haven't learned from others. The people I follow who know about military matters and the real state of the war, military tech and production are:
Andrei Martyanov -- https://smoothiex12.blogspot.com (he's a curmudgeon but sweet and very knowledgeable on the technical issues -- has some good books on modern war and how it's changed, and how the west lost the arms race against Russia)
Scott Ritter -- he's here on substack and a thousand youtube interviews
Douglas Macgregor -- retired Lt Colonel, find him on Judge Napolitano's show Judging Freedom on youtube
Larry Johnson -- https://sonar21.com/ -- former CIA analyst and honest American
Simplicius the Thinker -- here on substack, free updates on everything surrounding this horrific war
There are others like Brian Berletic of the New Atlas, The Duran on locals.com... more I can't recall right now. They are some of the only voices telling the truth of what's going on and they don't spin or lie.
Don't kid yourself. They are that reckless.
"I'm not worried about the nuclear war part."
I am.
I've read the history of WW I.
This ww1?
World wars are engineered by bankers.
You think the powerful predator class wants a nuclear war?
“The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.”
― Robert Burns,
Good quote and very true. I'm seeing it today, both sides of this war are lying and dragging it out while the UN does absolutely fucking nothing to bring peace.
But yet the WHO which is a part of the UN is greatly interested in pandemic powers and guess what, our so called enemies, Russia and China are going along with this scam that Bill Gates funded WHO is pushing.
What an Orwellian war. Fight over Ukraine but cool about the WHO
Feel free to worry though.
The reason I'm not so worried about nuclear war is I live in the heart of NYC and will be gone in an instant. Its the ones who survive I worry for. I also know what craven cowards our leaders are and they know even their deepest bunkers won't protect them from Russia's hypersonic mirv systems and Poseidons. The irony is the only thing that's kept us from a more horrible war than WWI or WWII in the past 80 years is the nuclear threat. The west would've gone to war against the USSR long ago otherwise. But I'm lying. Of course I'm worried.
Only these decisions are made far above "Biden's" pay grade. These aren't "nations," this is the engineered bloody narrative of a cult that owns the game. The WHOLE game. It's all engineered. And it's all intentional harm. Why? They don't see us as important. Humans are not important to them. If we get too hard to control -- too many of us, too awake -- they need to "reset" the game and start again. By whatever means they choose. War, famine, weather, earthquakes, financial collapse, poisons, toxins, psyops etc etc.
Ah, but they need our consent, for whatever reason. They spend trillions to manipulate and coerce us into giving consent. (Or what they consider to be consent.) So don't give it. Don't buy in to the narrative. Ditch any narrative they're pushing. Then their narratives fail. And it's game over for them.
Yes I agree. They have some satanic rule where they have to tell us their intentions, and if we don’t object they take that as consent. #resist
Voting in their rigged elections is best described as implied consent.
Good point, Carstie. RFK's assigned role is to be the new Bernie Sanders to keep people believing on false hope then he will take a dive.
Meet the new Bernie same as the old Bernie.
Nifty observation. True enough, it would appear. Not so many years back the new "White Knight" was Howard Whatshisname. AOC and her posse became the go-to for the Wokies and now it could well be that the Knight in Shining Armor may well be that guy who does evoke some truths in order to maintain street-cred amongst those Democrat voters who have become disenchanted with the current party line.
Most people just can't kick their hopium fix.
Just like Charlie Brown fooling himself that Lucy will hold the ball down for him this time.
Stop hoarding, start sharing, strike consumerism, strike debt, strike industrial food, strike the vote.
If we could get five to ten percent of people to understand why these things are necessary, we could make the psychos irrelevant.
This 'American Empire' you believe in..... it too is a proxy actor.
The real control comes from a much older, far wealthier, predator class.
It is slippery. It relocates and rebrands itself regularly - so you lose track of its power. It re-writes every history and it sucks the life-blood out of every living thing. It consists of trillionaire families with Aristotelian values.
The Phoenicians, aka the Venetians, aka the British Empire (which was never actually British) has continued towards the Holy Grail - absolute totalitarian iron grip.
It even has a future global capital city designed & built - waiting for the King/Khan.....
Kazhakstan's Astana - now known as Nur-Sultan, quietly sits prepared... waiting for the Great Reset to clear away the excess useless eaters.
The Empire will win - mainly because so few people know that it exists.
THAT is its greatest weapon.
Very tempted to "like" but held back by the defeatism. We are living out the ancient Chinese curse: "may you live in interesting times". Yet at the same time we are fast transiting into a potential world of peace and prosperity, all based upon abandonment of the megapoli and of the fear and greed which power those satanic manifestations.
It is that ever present self-described elite which currently runs the show. In that, Frances, your perspectives are accurate and historically manifest...up to this time of transition. As we grow in consciousness, THEY diminish in their usurped and assumed powers.
Creator is real. I$rael is not real. It is a manmade golem, made manifest by those who grabbed up most of the gold, silver, diamonds, oil and other major resources.
Perhaps within the interplay of the Cosmic manifestors, there is some need for a dialectic between those who create and those who destroy. The world as we know it, is not merely going through almost unbelievable changes, following the Los Alamos incident in the white sands area of New Mexico in July of '45. Mere technology, man's toys are hard in the saddle.
Creators envision a world manifesting truth, honor, honesty, a wholly esthetic human environment...all aspects of that which the Hellenes called "Agape", a universalization of Love.
Defeatism? Far from it. Defeat would be if we stop trying to expose the Hidden Hands. I ain't there yet.
I have briefly outlined a realistic appraisal of our present circumstances.
What percentage of the world's population is aware of the predator class which I described as briefly as I could above? What percentage is aware of your 'Creators' vision?
I would guess only 0.01% for each category and they are not the same people.
Knowing this is not defeatist.
It is realist.
The global cap cruelty began in 1944-45 with the "allied" bombing of German cities, which incinerated hundreds of thousands of innocent people.
The etymology of the word "holocaust" indicated a massive sacrifice by means of a burnt offering. The hammering of Hamburg and the devastation of Dresden was according to policy infused into Churchill and Roosevelt by their chosen handlers.
Spot on.
I liked your comment but can do without the religious exhortation, Mensch.
Remember Matthew 6:6—
"But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private."
Religious expression is very much a public thing. There is public/corporate prayer and there is private prayer. Let's keep that Matt 6:6 scripture in context, shall we?
Let's get rid of religion.
Yeah.... George Carlin got a lot of stuff right and he was a very funny man. But it's too bad he didn't ever get the true gospel. That Carlin blames God for the mess is very sad indeed. And jokes about worshipping the SUN? For me, that routine was very sad. He traded a relationship with the living God for a few laughs. Not a good trade.
Samo: Let us hope and some will even pray that you come to a higher level of understanding and a continuous growth in consciousness.
I don't believe in gods and don't like either Yahweh or Jesus.
Nevertheless, I respect your beliefs.
You are able to argue without resorting to name calling:
I respect that.
"He traded a relationship with the living God for a few laughs."
To assume to traded away God, you'd also have to assume he was able to see "God" as believers see him. This is clearly not the case.
Years ago, clear back in the 70's, those hyper religionists were generally referred to in the control-media as the "religious right". My countering assessment at the time was re-depicting them as the "religious wrong".
All of that brings to mind that the Bank$ter bo$$es agenda is the old Roman one coined by Julius Caesar: "Divide et Impere":..."Divide and Rule". Dems and Reps. Blues and Reds. The ruling elite, just to amuse themselves, even managed to get the colors precisely turned around bass-ackwards. A House divided will never stand". -Lincoln.
There does exist an emerging majority of maybe 20% of Americans who have sniffed the roses, smelled the coffee and have come to the realization that the pro$titions in the Di$trict of Corruption probably think that Urination's Capital's $ewer $ystem smells just fine to them. That growing demographic is our hope.
We all should come to the Real Eye Zation that so long as they keep the people divided against each other by means of battles between the Left and the Right; we will soon have no rights left.
You can say the same thing about the atheists. Look at how they're behind the new scientism, woke nonsense, censorship and war. Its not religion that's at fault. The fault is in our souls, whether we profess to religiosity or not.
I suspect we have a niche in our consciousness that must be occupied by a religious type of faith. Atheists still adopt one...
the fault is in the interpretations of the books that have been rewritten, switched
IDT anyone can estimate and lump together what all atheists are aligned with
In one of his many masterpieces Bob Dylan really hit me with a line (can't remember which song right now) with the lyrical line "your Spirit and your Soul." Got me to thinking...not only about the fact that tyrannical regimes tend to despise poets...but also the the Real Eye Zation that indeed one's spirit and one's soul are two separate entities...even though they can inspire one another in a metaphorical analogy like the twin serpents of the Caduceus .
Way I have come to understand it is that your soul, particularly as Black folk have long seen it, is your heritage, your family, your DNA. Meanwhile, the spirit is as the Great Teacher Jesus the Christed One, pointed out: "The Father is within". Getting over to Rupert Sheldrake's spiritually infused scientific awakening with his concept of the universality of holograms; it is possible to envision Creator as having set off his own Big Bang...as making some of his/her creations into elements of Creator's own being...or as some contemporary visionaries have described it: We are eternal spiritual beings temporarily lodged in this 3D "testing range".
When one awakens spiritually all personal, existential fears dissipate into the mists of what is time...an everlasting series of cycles.
The majority of Zionists are Christians? Where do you get THAT?
I agree with Peebo Preboskenes. Nutjobs on both sides.
You do not see that the majority of Evangelical Christians have been tricked into being Zionists?
If the evidence doesn't convince the skeptic, what do you expect the skeptic to do? Lie to him/herself? On some unknown human's say-so?
If you recognize that *every* human is both limited and fallible, then you should recognize than no human can know truth unimpeachably. That includes any asserted truth about any God.
*Everything* in a human's head is belief, and belief is *not* fact.
Out of context
Wherever two or more are gathered...
Am I in CJ's comments or on InfoWars?
"Zion will be redeemed, saved, rescued while Babylon will be destroyed."
Your certainty is astounding.
Meanwhile, I admire your mind... Yet I seem to be alone in thinking that 2016 was the smartest move GloboCop made. I do not believe Trump was an anauthorized player or a fluke out of "right field" win. Quite the opposite. They handed it to him. it was all an act. It has served them so very well. I believe the whole thing was indeed, behind a very black curtain, sanctioned by GloboCop. They knew EXACTLY what they were doing. Without Trump there would be no Great Divide! He was perfect for the job. They let him have it.. it was all a charade. Every, single, step. And the most insidious, brilliant tactic. Talk about ingenious chess playing. Any time he opened his mouth GloboCop wins! You want to make the whole world scoff at something and give up free speech? Have Trump utter the word... i.e. Hydroxoqloroquine.. Curious if anyone has these same thoughts..or am I completely "out there"?
I agree fully. It dawned on me as I noticed during the early months of the Plandemic that I was agreeing with the evil orange man on things like masks, Hydroxoqloroquine, etc. and I was then tossed aside by my progressive friends and family. All rational discussion ceased. Trump seems to me like a boogy man created by Globocap.
Exactly.. 💯, It was a checkmate move..
Agree...Trump is controlled (as much as a wild card can be) opposition. Goal was to get the entire planet vaxed. Divided and then conquered by getting the Left to run for the vax convincing them that they hold the moral high ground and having Trump piped piper his base to do the same, most followed because he was their rebel fan boy. He's now being used to split the right.
I don't think Trump was "controlled." He's just a very unsophisticated person who was outplayed at every turn by the Medical Cartel.
Maybe! My money is on him having a luxury bunker in the best DUMB right along side the Bush family.
No question. And it is likely that Trump’s new role is to be the “greater of two evils” that will usher RFK, Jr. into the WH in order to implement Phase 2, the Climate Change agenda with its attendant Western economy demolition. This is the first time I’ve seen CJ seriously misunderstand what is going on.
Finally, somebody is pointing out the RFK ruse. Truly, the great divider part 2... a more refined division; The current division being created is not the entire nation "left and right", as in '16, but instead, the dissenting class, itself. This is manifest in CHD's (under RFK) extreme censorship of respectable presenters like Mark Bailey who brought the smoking gun evidence to shut down the shutdowns. This info was swept aside and ignored and those that said the emperor has no clothes were ridiculed and canceled.
He won't implement the climate change agenda. Look at his statements on environment. He is all about clean water, clean air, soil regeneration, etc.
#1 CJ may actually have more fun and/or important things to do besides review our little chats.
#2 Where do you get this CJ seriously misunderstand what is going on stuff? I thought the whole Stack was great Truth right now.
Good points!
I'd love to be able to read those great points! But, alas... deleted. Oh, and one more thing: While CJ, whom I appreciate very much (I purchased one of his books in print, even), is incredibly insightful in pointing out the sociological dimensions of this con we are living through, there is something else, he has gotten wrong (the 99.7% survival rate of.... hmmm a theoretical computer code that was "tested" for around the world?). This is far more important than is being acknowledged, the willful ignorance of which brings us closer to that phase 2 you mentioned. However, to reinforce the fake talking point of little scary spiky's existence is inexcusable, at this point.
I've wondered that, too, whether Trump is the Democrats' wrestling heel. Thought about it ever since I saw a photo of the Clintons and Trumps socializing at a cocktail party, chatting and laughing. They Ds sure seem to want Trump to be the R candidate in 2024.
I agree. Trump was the boss of government officials who painted him as the next Hitler. Who routinely disobeyed his directives (is that treason?). They used the "Russian threat" they themselves manufactured out of whole cloth to repurpose the War on Terror to the war on dissent and created a Leviathan of a disinformation/censorship industrial complex.
It's hard to imagine how they could have done that without him.
Exactly... He is a brilliant pawn. They will not let him go for that reason. The minute the appetite for him seems to dissipate, potentially healing the sick divide, they parade him back out. As we have just seen. They want him alive and well and in the public eye 👁 for good reason. To what extent he is consciously playing this role is the question...
After reading this article I thought to myself maybe even Trumps presidency was part of the plan all along. Then, they install Biden to complete their coup d’etat. That thought never occurred to me before and then I come across your comment. It’s sick really.
It's a whole other level of foresight by those who are playing this game.. They think many many moves ahead. It just seems obvious they don't want to let the division go
I have definitely had those thoughts. Hard to really know though. Things will probably be more clear during the election process.
I don't think Trump was planned, but his stupidity and weakness proved a boon for the establishment and did much to discredit any voices outside the Overton Window.
I'm talking "controlled ally", beyond controlled opposition.
When the electorate has a choice between Clinton and Trump, GloboCap can’t lose. I am confident that Trump was a shock to the system; of course he was immediately surrounded with imperial goons who tried to steer their greased pig as best they could.
Trump actually thought he was running the country, which made him even more exasperating and ridiculous than he might have been. He seriously dented the flow of compliant underclass workers across the border, cranked up a few mills, and postponed the MIC’s orgasmic squirt in the Ukraine by at least four years. That was not taken lightly. But good propaganda science always has a fallback response ready, and good use was certainly (is certainly being) made of the Trump years.
Trump’s most serious crime was demonstrating the stupidity of bubble-bound dimwit house servants like Podesta, who thought the Clinton presidency was in the bag once Trump was nominated. What dolts, these ruling slaves.
Let us note, however, that GloboCap responded by demonstrating with poor old Joe that the president does not even need to simulate cognitive or neuromuscular competence to serve as a perfectly believable figurehead. That’s a bloody nosed insult and implied threat to every conscious person watching.
In 2008 a suave, plausible, token black faux-liberal was pushed forward to consolidate the gains made against liberal values under Bush. Biden’s presidency, in contrast, is a deliberate mockery of the office, and that mockery is aimed directly at non-normal marginals like us who can’t stop seeing the strings on the puppets.
2024 is going to be a harder sell, especially with Doofus back in the mix. I guess the hope is that Joe will last long enough to get Kamala in, but imo that’s a high risk throw. 2020 nearly killed him, and he hardly made a public appearance. If he collapses after the primaries are well under weigh, they’ll either have to send one of the CIA’s windup crazies after Trump or ride out another term with a silly real estate hood who thinks he’s in charge.
I've thought the same thing. I didn't think he could win, it frankly seemed odd that he did. The powers that be used his presidency to put so much fear into people, they are now crippled brain fog.
Trump was a member of the screen actors guild. "...That plays great BEFORE the election, but now we don't care" https://youtu.be/Y7RouiYK30Q?t=849 (2 min, notice the crowd actually cheers him on)
Regarding Trumps support of "the jab": Alabama rally Trump encouraging vaccinations https://youtu.be/eA306aNtvmk
Rally w/ Bill O'Reilly, both admitting to getting booster, encourages shots, gets booed and tries to downplay it: https://youtu.be/7hNqoQ8T4d0
There was also a Candice Owens interview with Trump where he (again) takes full credit for Operation Warp Speed and says how wonderful the vaccines are. Cant find the link though, but this one has a short clip: https://youtu.be/2GC86EhnpiQ
Les Moonves, then of CBS, all but said as much when questioned about the billions in free publicity Trump had from the corporate media for the entire campaign. Trump made them money, and that's all that mattered.
One of the premiere analyses of the political clown-world which has been imposed upon a deliberately deracinated and dumbed-down boobtoobery aka the mass of the American people who are stoopid enough to vote in presidential circuses . As P.T. Barnum enthused back in the 19th Century: "There is a sucker born every minute."
Alan Hodge: Kudos and thanks for your incisive take.
Will think on that... I agree it may have been a limited hangout and good way to intensify polarization . As for Assange himself, perhaps he was simply useful to that end, but npt sure that he is an "active player", i.e. knowingly play-acting
Assange a play-actor??? Then why the hell are they keeping him under close confinement in Balmoral Prison?
Doesn’t matter what Kennedy says about the virus, or anything else. If he is not smart enough to figure out that CO2 presented as an evil pollutant isn’t the original Psyop to keep normal people in Serfdom by the billionaire class and associated politicians, then he has no business running for President.
He was worth a 10 second look, and that’s it.
> has no business running for President
i’m not american. but i think you folks over there should arrive at the point to rethink this entire concept of 2-party-system and the presidential clown show.
for the longest time this theater resolved nothing but to occupy endless man-hours day in and out.
overcome your obsessive submission to idiocy and you shall be free.
As an American, I agree we should re-think the two-party system. I think there should be no-party system. I think the persons should campaign on their aspirations for our betterment using their experience and the integrity of the people who asked them to stand for the election as proof of their competency and goodwill. No person should suggest themselves as president, that is a clear definition of "arrogance".
The only parties we should concern ourselves with should have cake, music and dancing not poison-jabs, lies and clown shows.
CO2 is a very dangerous problem. The bigger problem is that it's been turned into a mythic supervillain to con the public into believing ending it will solve everything. Endless growth of consumption is the real problem, yet when has anyone seen encouragement to use less STUFF?
CO2 is what all life on Earth is based upon, and below 180 ppm plants can’t survive. Thus, neither can the ecosystem that uses CO2 as fertilizer and sustains most life on Earth. I’d like to know how CO2 is dangerous given the facts, and in Earths History, the planet is now in a CO2 deficit. It’s also the end of an Interglacial period, so things will change no matter what humans do. Always have and always will.
On using less stuff, yes… it’s called inflation by printing money with nothing to back it up as collateral. Control the energy sector on top of that, and you have the haves and the have nots. That’s the goal.
The propaganda is strong, but think for yourself and don’t buy in.
No, dear heart, life on earth is based on CARBON, not carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide, CO2, is poisonous, and why our atmosphere is supposed to have a level of less than 1%. Plants do absorb it and convert it to oxygen by extracting the carbon and fixing it in the soil. Industrial-scale agriculture, devastation by logging, mining and other extraction practices that destroy forests and ground cover while spewing more and more carbon into the atmosphere is killing us. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar.
Take the leap Liz, and deduce that if carbon where not dispersed as part of a gas molecule in the atmosphere, and absorbed easily by the oceans, and used as fertilizer by plants, and plants eaten by herbivores to be devoured by carnivores and omnivores, then there would not be all those Carbon based life forms you think are based on pure carbon. Pure carbon is commonly called coal under normal pressure, and I don’t think anything eats it.
Good luck with your belief system since you seem to be locked in that your breath is a poison. Talk to your plants, they like it.
Dearie: Carbon MONOXIDE is quite poisonous. Carbon dioxide is not.
So is carbon DIoxide, "dearie", and you're the poster child for why discussing the environment with the scientifically undereducated is a waste of time and energy. Will Rogers said it best: “The problem ain't what people know. It's what people know that ain't so that's the problem.”
Don't believe me? Fine. Put a paper bag over your head and seal it at the neck. Just make sure there's someone with you to take it off after you pass out.
"A loose goose expels its juice". { anon }
Up into the early 20th Century, it was frequently stated that so and so "died of consumption". We may consider that obsolescent description of Tuberculosis as a metaphorical allegory describing the current American madness.
Just today, I learned that a second cousin not only subscribes to the New York Slymes, but also spends much of his hard-earned money on trinkets from China available in Wally-World. He also happens to be a boobtoob addict.
On a personal basis, I felt obliged to buy my first ever new piece of furniture in 78.56 years in this present lifetime. With rheumatoid arthritis in all five vertebrae in the lumbar region and a 42 year old crushed disc in the T-7,; the old collapsed mattress and box-spring were "giving" me some rather discomfited awakenings and early mornings. So I finally invested in a replacement pair, brand new. The old back thanked me the very first awakening post the purchase.
Adulterated boys buy toys. Comfort-seeking and nest-feathering women spend their money on gewgaws, gadgets and pretty trinkets. That is a précis of contemporary American consumerist insanity.
RFK knows that if he talks about climate change and CO2 right now it will be too devisive and counterproductive. He talks about taking care of the environment, saving family farms, replenshing soil, clean water, etc. I haven't heard him say anything supporting the "climate change" agenda.