Apr 30, 2023·edited Apr 30, 2023Pinned

Please note my April 30, 2023 addendum to this column (above).

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I love this advice. I completely agree. He won't take it of course, but it's nice to dream. Because - fuck it - tell the whole truth - is what this moment requires.

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Apr 28, 2023·edited Apr 28, 2023

Cheer up everyone.

Everything is even worse than C.J. says.

"To scale the pinnacles of corporate, political or military power in the United States requires certain rigid deficiencies of character, specifically the absence of compassion, decency and humanity. In their personal lives, powerful individuals may possess these qualities, but as an elite class, they lack them utterly. How else to explain the abandoned cruelty of U.S. foreign policy since 1945, the wars, with napalm and Agent Orange in Vietnam, depleted uranium and white phosphorus in Iraq, the massive bombing campaigns that destroyed 85 percent of all buildings in Korea, to say nothing of the deliberate destruction of Iraq and Vietnam, the millions upon millions of dead all over the planet, the regime changes, setting countless countries back, developmentally, decades, even centuries, and installing fascist rulers throughout what used to be called the Third World?,,,

...Just look at Washington’s role in provoking and prolonging the war in Ukraine. What geopolitical American interest can possibly be worth this bloodshed, the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers and tens of thousands of Russian ones? For the Russians, this war is existential. Russian leaders believe, probably correctly, that this is a fight for their survival. Ukrainian leaders, ditto – except there’s no “probably” about it; it’s definitely. And it is pointless to attempt to judge those leaders under such circumstances. But for American leadership, this is a proxy war. It is not existential. It is a proxy war of choice. That’s what makes the U.S. role, instigating and prolonging it, so horrible. ...

...President Biden and his neocons – secretary of state Antony Blinken, undersecretary of state Victoria Nuland, national security advisor Jake Sullivan – all knew damn well that expanding NATO into Ukraine would provoke Russia into a war. They knew because top advisors had said so for generations and because the Russians told them so for decades. The only conclusion is that they wanted this conflict – something no person of any compassion, decency or humanity could want. Given reports that the Biden team’s plans to blow up the Nordstream pipelines predated Russia’s invasion by several months, it sure looks like these neocons engineered this war without a scintilla of regret for the lives it would claim. But maybe they’re not to blame. The job description demanded sacrificing the supposedly irrelevant virtues of compassion, decency and humanity and so they, along with presidents Clinton, Obama, Trump and Bush are just merely deficient. ...

...Humanity stands at a crossroads. The American Empire’s hubris has brought our fate to a point where the two most heavily nuclear-armed nations could get into a shooting war. If nuclear war erupts, we’re not just talking about the incineration of American and Russian cities, but more – to repeat, those five billion people who starve to death due to nuclear winter. But this was the atrocious risk American elites were prepared to take when they provoked Russia."


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Meanwhile, I admire your mind... Yet I seem to be alone in thinking that 2016 was the smartest move GloboCop made. I do not believe Trump was an anauthorized player or a fluke out of "right field" win. Quite the opposite. They handed it to him. it was all an act. It has served them so very well. I believe the whole thing was indeed, behind a very black curtain, sanctioned by GloboCop. They knew EXACTLY what they were doing. Without Trump there would be no Great Divide! He was perfect for the job. They let him have it.. it was all a charade. Every, single, step. And the most insidious, brilliant tactic. Talk about ingenious chess playing. Any time he opened his mouth GloboCop wins! You want to make the whole world scoff at something and give up free speech? Have Trump utter the word... i.e. Hydroxoqloroquine.. Curious if anyone has these same thoughts..or am I completely "out there"?

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Apr 28, 2023·edited Apr 28, 2023

Doesn’t matter what Kennedy says about the virus, or anything else. If he is not smart enough to figure out that CO2 presented as an evil pollutant isn’t the original Psyop to keep normal people in Serfdom by the billionaire class and associated politicians, then he has no business running for President.

He was worth a 10 second look, and that’s it.

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He won't take the advice of course, but your advice is spot on CJ. Everything you say is spot on. RJKjr doesn't stand a snowballs chance in this world turned into hell of ever getting elected President. So yes, please do follow CJ's advice Bobby. Spill it and spill it good. You've got nothing to lose. Tell the people who is running the planet as their personal empire and what they have planned for the future of the human being. Tell them how it has been throughout history, particularly since 1913 and beyond, to the present. Stop talking about how vaccines need to be safe. Is there such a thing? Stop straddling the middle line. Start talking about the deep dark secrets we the people have been kept in the dark about from cradle to grave. Tell it ALL. You might as well. People deserve to know if anything is going to change in Clown World. Even if you got into the House of White, you wouldn't be able to change much. While you have your moment on the world's stage, talk some truth that people have never heard before. Tell them what you know and how things are and why they are they way they are now. Most people don't know they don't know what they don't know. So be the informer of truth that people so desperately need hear in order for the masses to stop getting their asses kicked while those that rule over us write the playbook for humanity. You know how it goes Bobby. So tell it and tell it OUT LOUD.

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I used to believe in healing divides. I still do but I agree with you right now. Telling the truth is more important. It’s worth losing for in order to get the truth out there.

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Excellent advice

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Sorry, this won’t work. First and foremost, this is doomed because he’s a democrat. Bad move. Should be independent. The democrat machine will chew him up and spit him out. You said as much in the post. Kennedy is deluded if he think being a uniparty democrat is going to do anything except get his political future summarily executed. This has me questioning his motives. He wont follow Tulsi Gabbard, exit the party, and condemn the political class. Second, his demand that “climate deniers” be arrested, locked up, punished for refusing to go along with the serfdom agenda. This is very problematic for me. I don’t trust him. I have no confidence in this man. His remarks reveal a totalitarian personality. I don’t vote for totalitarians. Hell, I don’t vote at all, there is nothing except uniparty hacks to “vote” for. Kennedy is one of them, never mind his limited hangouts on covid, the economy, billionaires, etc. His mistake is not putting a considerable amount of distance between himself and the uniparty. That’s a stain that won’t wash out.

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Maybe he starting out gently and then he is going to strengthen his stance and take up the fight against the globalist eugenists. Hopefully...

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He should take your advice because it worked for Trump in 2016. It won't work for Trump again. By definition, Trump is not an "upstart" any longer. One and done, that's how it goes. You do it once, the next time, you are by definition, the establishment. RFK, Jr. can be the new upstart.

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Awesome and perfect. For those of us who've lost everything and have nothing to lose, this is obvious. I guess there is something of the old life that hes pretneding he can hold onto. They're gonna take it from you, Bobby, sooner or later. Fight now while you've got the chance.

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Excellent message, and borderline illegal, as the last vestiges of our First Amendment rights are being steadily legislated away. That pillar of probity, Chris Hedges, has been openly declaring that nothing short of revolution can possibly reclaim this country for its citizens, and with each of his new posts I breath a sigh of relief that he has not been disappeared - yet.

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That's what I like about you CJ! You always tell it how it is no holds barred, kicking, and punching,and biting the ears off these fascist, totalitarian assholes! LOL! I'm still laughing so hard I can hardly type! And you do it so eloquently! You have me hooked, I'm on your side! Peace and blessing!

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It's lame and superficial to compare RFK Jr to Trump. So they are both "outsiders" - whole thing ends right there - Mr. Pentagon, Mr. Warp Speed, Mr. Love the Police (State) - ok, an "outsiders" - where's the CONTENT ??

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You should watch his two hour speech where he has already done exactly what you suggested; he told the TRUTH. He knows they will do anything to stop him just as they did with his uncle and father. Pay particular attention to what he said about his middle name if you have any doubts about what he is going to do.

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