These five rules of propaganda have been known for a long time, and they are certainly not original with myself. Please send them around so that more people will be aware of them. Thank You.

The Five Rules of Propaganda

1. The rule of simplification - reducing all data to a simple confrontation between 'Good and Bad', 'Friend and Foe'.

2. The rule of disfiguration - discrediting the opposition by crude smears and parodies.

3. The rule of transfusion - manipulating the consensus values of the target audience for one's own ends.

4. The rule of unanimity - presenting one's viewpoint as if it were unanimous opinion of all right-thinking people: draining the doubting individual into agreement by the appeal of star-performers, by social pressure , and by 'psychological contagion'.

5. The rule of orchestration - endlessly repeating the same messages in different variations and combinations.

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6. The rule of projection and misdirection - accuse your adversaries of doing exactly those policies/actions which you are implementing to deflect attention of your own crimes against humanity.

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Yes, could be folded into 1 and 2, but should probably be it's own rule.

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Rule No. 7: Never believe your own propaganda.

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If they aren't original with you, why are they not appropriately attributed by you?

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I found them on the internet myself. You can search on " five rules of propaganda" and find various articles. I suspect they are somewhat shadow banned for obvious reasons. I'm just trying to bring them out of the shadows a bit. For example.


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The GloboCap regime is memory holing an ongoing genocide of Christian Armenians by Azerbaijan because the US and EU give aid to the Azeris in exchange for gas: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/artsakh-christian-armenian-genocide-azerbaijan

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The leader of Armenia appears to be a traitor.

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There are a lot of traitors these days...

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As CJ says, nothing matter to them other than profits.

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Trudeau still hasn't apologized to the descendents of all the Canadian boys who either died or came back blown apart by psychic trauma -- like my father who enlisted in the navy at 17. He was a terrible father but even so, I am so glad he was not alive to see this atrocity. And the world will note -- that our learned members didn't seem to know that we were fighting WITH the Russians who sacrificed 26 million troops and citizens. This of course was the proof of Hunka's past. But they clapped anyway. Not knowing is terrible. Knowing is worse. Please send help.

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And even more outrageous when you consider that Trudeau, in his second non-apology statement, manages to mention every other possibly-offended group, including the 2SLGBTQIA+ while Canadian WWII vets and their descendents don't even rate the status of afterthought.

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WWII vets are, after all, a fringe minority.

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They are uniformly ignorant about the fact that they fought in the last war that was declared by Congress pursuant to the Constitution.

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A clue these might be real Nazis with a corporate twist I call Corporatism.

If it ends with "ism" it tends to be bad it seems to me.

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That proves that you have never heard of libertarianism, at least.

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I am certainly aware of libertarianism which, of I were to choose an ism would be my choice.

I didn't say all things that end with ism are bad. I said if it ends with ism it "tends to be bad"...

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It would be easier to say if it started with government it is almost always bad.

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True. My dad was badly wounded by German soldiers in Canada. He was an immigrant from Ireland who fought Germany as a Officer in the Canadian Irish Regiment of Canada. I wince every time Trudeau or Rota or Gould go through their regrets to different groups, always featuring Jewish victims above all others. Trudeau even singled the LBGT etc for special recognition. Freeland was obviously a key figure in putting this all together. I haven't heard her say a word yet. Instead Gould is put in the hot seat where she lies and lies and lies. I still haven't heard anything but excuses from all the MPs, including her, who will never live down what they did individually and collectively on Sept. 22.

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With the entirety of corporate and governmental entities being thoroughly corrupted, where will the help come from?

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Sadly CJ has only the facts on his side. Sadly no one in authority has much use for the facts. Sadly my gaslight is flickering and I hear noises in the attic, I’ll go hide now.

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"GloboCap" is an acutely accurate descriptive term. C.J. is quite correct in describing the various iterations of ideologies and "isms" as mere tools in the hands of the likes of Blackrock, Vanguard and Statestreet. These highly agglomerative and massively secretive entities in and of themselves do not actually call all the shots from behind the scenes. They too are but tools, but highly effectual ones.

Though carefully and assiduously as coverted by layers and layers of the onion; the actual rulers of this satanic realm are almost certainly those crime clans which make up the trillionaire class... a reality which the "correction" mode on this iMac insists is nonexistent. These crime clans just happen to be the primary owners of first, the Bank of England since at least 1815 and thence imposing their order upon the so-called "Five", comprised on the erstwhile colonial regimes and now known as the Dominions of Australia, New Zealand, the U$$A and now the formerly "true north brave and free" political entity now better known as Canuckistan.

Additional to the Five Eyes are such financier entities as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the Bank of International Settlements. Thusly, the covert rulership of all Western financial, political and cultural control mechanisms are nought but tentacles of the ruling financier elite trillionaires.

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Actually, Carstie, these visible rulers on our vast geocentric earthly realm are under the authority of invisible powers and rulers of the darkness of this world who rule from a heavenly realm as Ephesians 6 (KJV) declares. The visible are taken in by the love of money and the invisible are beholden to the Prince of the Power of the Air -- that serpent of old.

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There certainly is a lot going on behind the scenes, the perpetraitors of which we can only speculate. Yes, the love of money and the entire materialist ethos is the driving force behind these manipulations.

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I might add, that the head of the Canadian armed forces refused to apologise for saluting Hunka. Zieg Heil, Canada!

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Is that tweet by Bret Weinstein serious? I thought Bret was more aware than that, not following narratives blindly. Anyone who has really listened to Waters knows he's not anti-Semitic, just wildly critical of apartheid states.

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Sadly, many Jews (even some smart ones) can't seem to separate the ideas of Judaism and Zionism, so when someone knocks Zionism they come to the only possible conclusion.

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True, yes. It still surprises me, tho. Blind spot? Zionism as a subset in Judaism seems a clear Venn diagram. But perhaps I'm wrong.

I'm trying to understand this myself, and keeping an open mind.

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Israel/Palestine/Zionism was one of my first rabbit holes. Like most of us, I bought the idea that it was so complicated one should just stop trying to understand the conflict. Imagine my surprise when I discovered it's anything but complicated. Zionism is embraced by a large segment of Jewish people and young people are sent in droves on trips to Israel and European Nazi prison camps to keep the indoctrination going. But Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism. Here's a good intro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOaxAckFCuQ&pp=ygUQcGVsZWQgaW4gc2VhdHRsZQ%3D%3D

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Thx, I'll check it out. Yes, it's really so simple, as you mention. I think I've always understood the obvious and the huge collective emotional charge around it attempts to derail common sense understanding.

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Thanks, Gm. Was certainly taken down a rabbit hole after opening that link. Figure I gathered enough material along the journey to stir up another controversial post soon. I despise Zionism's hold on ignorant Christians around the world.

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I followed that thread closely on X. His best evidence is the recent video that interviews Waters' colleagues ("Interviews with Jews he has employed or been close with." was his response). I have not yet seen the video, but these are I believe the only claims that are potentially true.

But comments from over a decade ago made between estranged friends and staff can easily be flawed. I usually dismiss that sort of thing as memories change and context is lost. They could have been jokes that didn't land. Waters is known to be rough and a bit of an ass in person. To note, Waters has addressed these couple claims on his website but it apparently didn't convince Brett.

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Oct 1, 2023
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I don't agree with him politically on many things, but I haven't seen any convincing evidence he is anti-semitic, and I've looked into a bunch of the claims.

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And the point is that whatever he is, he has the right to speak. I don't like Naomi Wolf silly emotional feminism, but boy, am I glad she spoke out so well against the Covid Nazis.

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Oct 1, 2023
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You are entirely missing the context. The stage displays are in The Wall - an art piece about how violence and human isolation can transform people into fascists. The main character, Pink becomes a Nazi-like menace and goes after blacks, jews, and gays in the audience during "In the Flesh?". It is a morality tale of what *not* to become. It is one of the most influential works of art against fascism produced in the last 50 years.

This is akin to criticizing the actors in Schindler's list because they wore Nazi uniforms and said anti-Semitic slurs.

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very well said. This is somewhere where that ubiquitous label " missing context" would actually be useful- if people are missing such obvious nuance and critical thinking ability, meaning-making after all is human. So with its loss (in the war on sensemaking) we are becoming less and less human.

This seems to be why the list of " allowed" words is shrinking... because you may not use them from either/ any perspective, in case one " offends" someone misinterpreting you/ lacking cognitive ability to understand.

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Yes, the less words we have, the less details, the less complexity, the less nuance that can be expressed. This trend has been going on for decades but it was once voluntary, not enforced...a declining vocabulary amongst younger, educated and professional folk is not a good sign. Good insight!

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From the 1982 film version if this helps you get up to speed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yX4O3dNTFYw

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Oct 1, 2023
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An aside, I recently learned a court had already ruled on Frankfurt's attempt to cancel his show, but it seems that wasn't good enough to prevent Berlin from investigating their show:


Key paragraph:

'The court also reportedly determined that Waters “did not glorify or relativize the crimes of the Nazis or identify with Nazi racist ideology.”'

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Oct 1, 2023
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He might be a creep and I don't agree with most of his politics, but along with The Diary of Anne Frank and Schindler's List, The Wall was one of the works that most impressed upon me the downstream dangers of bigotry.

Those that make bad faith claims regarding Waters' art are trying to knock one of the legs out from under that stool.

Incredibly counterproductive to their mission.

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You are an offensive creep with the reasoning skills of a goldfish.

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And his music is pretentious, overblown crap. I grew up in the 1970s when everyone in my school used to swoon over his "deep" concept albums.

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Oct 2, 2023
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That's stuff making fun of Nazis you barely sentient simian. Have you ever actually listened to The Wall?

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Everyone in parliament should have instincively known that if he fought for Ukrainian independence against the russians in the 1940:s then he was a part of OUN, the military of UPA. In other words the Ukranian Nazis which are still very active and use thw same symbols abd flags as they did back then.

But then again, most of the people in parliament are just ignorant fools so I guess this was to be expected.

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I have trouble believing that NO ONE in Parliament knew anything about that history. But I definitely DO NOT BELIEVE that no one knew Hunka was invited.

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You can absolutely bet our deputy prime minister Chrystia Freeland knew.

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A knee-jerk, anti-Russian response that reveals the real reactionary nature of these so-called democracies, that when push comes to shove they're all fascists! After all, who financed the German National Socialist Party! Just follow the money and it leads directly international finance capital and big German and US business.

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Scratch a liberal...

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I don't think capitalism is the right description, because the regime is currently tearing down the capitalist system, and its financial structure, to implement technocratic neo-feudalism. Instead, it has commandeered capitalism through monetary policy, just like it commandeered liberalism through compassion and tolerance.

I agree they're not Nazis, just as Nazis were not Phoenicians, and Phoenicians were not Babylonians. The ideology is very old, and has no real name. They're masters of language and the mind, and will sacrifice all human and natural life to fulfill their absurd belief of becoming gods.

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Owners in feudalism are called lords.

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We need a name for a free-market, no-government, WITH a conscience world. Too much to ask?

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Informal economy?

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With all due respect, if you and Roger Waters parroted the goodthink slogans concerning the War In Ukraine, you could don the uniforms of SS concentration camp guards and the Berlin prosecutor's office would not raise so much as a peep.

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SLAVA WHATEVER! (How am I doing?)

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Let's see you click your heels smartly and give us some enthusiastic spittle flecked bafflegab about how the self-proclaimed Nazis aren't really Nazis and besides Putin is worse ZOMG.

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I see nooothing nothing!!!

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"Apologies, “fact checks,” and rationalizations ensued."


This "ceremonial act" of recognizing the individual HAD to happen. They HAD to recognize him, for whatever reason they chose too, they did. Now, after recognizing him, they then HAD to cover it up and say that "oh my, what a mistake..." blah, blah, blah.

These things are not mistakes. These things are on purpose. There's a ritualistic side to reality that we don't understand and I touch on that in many of my articles, but one is the ritual of wearing a mask that we saw during Covid:


There's a different nature to reality than we've been told. Those in power, the GlobCap as you described them, know of this different nature, which is why they do the things they do - and then quickly cover it up. But it was still done, and that's all that matters to them. It would behoove us to familiarize ourselves with this other aspect of reality:


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“The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Canada was at war with Russia. Canada had always been at war with Russia.”

CJ, I thought you might like to see where I used your historic Twitter thread comparing the rollouts of the Third Reich vs. New Normal Germany, which is particularly pertinent to this article:


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"There's more than abundant proof that the aim to defeat fascism during the 20th century world wars was a scam."

That being said, Chris Hedges gives a description of what was occuring globally prior to the scamdemic, but interestingly enough is unable to connect the dots to the biosecurity surveillance state, perhaps, that's why he never spoke out about the dubious experimental mRNA injections or the mandates, but embraced climate change organizations like Extinction Rebellion, hmm...

"There was a decade of popular uprisings from 2010 until the global pandemic in 2020. These uprisings shook the foundations of the global order. They denounced corporate domination, austerity cuts and demanded economic justice and civil rights. There were nationwide protests in the United States centered around the 59-day Occupy encampments. There were popular eruptions in Greece, Spain, Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Syria, Libya, Turkey, Brazil, Ukraine, Hong Kong, Chile and during South Korea’s Candlelight Light Revolution. Discredited politicians were driven from office in Greece, Spain, Ukraine, South Korea, Egypt, Chile and Tunisia. Reform, or at least the promise of it, dominated public discourse. It seemed to herald a new era."

These worldwide rebellions compounded by a desire to restructure the global financial markets, especially the energy supply chain required a worldwide "plandemic" deployed as a counterinsurgency operation which would achieve the objective of squashing the rageful protesters while transferring trillions in middle-class wealth to international globalist billionaire gangsters.

As result, the totalitarian retrictions that were traditionally hidden from Western populations, but "was always there" now were forced to surface in order to protect the ruling elite and enhance their wealth.

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I find your analysis brilliant. Also, your remarks about Chris Hedges were very interesting. I, too,

wondered why he has never spoken about the covid crisis and its crime against humanity. I have followed him assiduously and have read most of his books. I do not believe he couldn't

"connect the dots". He has been pondering and writing about the national security state and its

globalization and how it works for decades. I think he got taken in. Why? He is one of the most

fearless intellectuals ever to appear on the horizon. Maybe he was forced to take the injection

in order to continue his teaching of prisoners in the max-security prison in NJ, an enterprise he

has given his heart and soul to. I hope he writes about his decision someday. Olenka Folda

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The scamdemic surprisingly exposed many things including unusual contradictions--one of them being anti-imperialists who for decades were suspicious about the DOD's nefarious activities, but eagerly went along with the official COVID narrative.

I doubt, whether Hedges' arrangement with the NJ prison system inhibited him from speaking out against the irrational COVID protocols. Many Leftists actually cheered them on and wanted to adopt China's draconian policies.

You might find the following discussion interesting, as it sort of explains why this phonomena occurred:

Iain Davis on Perspective with Jesse Zurawell - 27 September 2023 : https://tntradiolive.podbean.com/e/iain-davis-on-perspective-with-jesse-zurawell-27-september-2023/

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I listened to this and found it very insightful and convincing, clarifying my own understanding of

what the powers-that-be have in mind for us, i.e. CBDC etc.

Concerning Chris Hedges, we can only speculate about his silence on the corona crisis. Perhaps he will eventually discuss the subject from his own historical perspective including his

personal decision.

Thank you for bringing the Iain Davis and Jesse Zurawell conversation to my attention. I will

listen further. Olenka


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That's what basically comes into view when one removes the rose colored glasses. On point.

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My homeland: if you are not on board with gender ideology or you protest government mandates you are a Nazi.

Meanwhile, all Members of Parliament (including five parties: Liberals, Conservatives, Bloc Québécois, the New Democratic Party and Greens) applaud an actual Nazi.

Shame Canada!

(hat tip to South Park and Blame Canada)

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Modern version of the Milgram conformity experiment. No one wanted to, no one had the guts to not applaud. That is the nature of our laptop managerial class in Ottawa.

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Hey Bill Gates,

When, Anyone, In This Case You,

And A Cadre Of Morons

Attempts To Kill Off

Other Humans (In The Millions)

Rule # 1 Has To Be - And Is

You Have To Succeed On Your First Try.

I Just Can't Emphasize This Enough Young Fella.


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They managed to get 17m so far. TBD if the hearts and cancers continue to increase the numbers.

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Someone. Please switch on megaphone.


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