Although my abusive (domestic violence) relationship was over 25 years ago and I have healed from it completely, I have new gratitude for having gone through the experience, because all of the self-education/therapy I did to overcome the effects of the abuse opened my eyes to the techniques of manipulation (whether of abusive intent or even benign or beneficial intent "for the greater good of everyone").

This knowledge of the machinations has been the most valuable tool in my toolbox to resist the attempts of the manipulators, and I have been amazed at how blind and gullible so many of my loved ones have been. But they had not gone through the fire like I did.

I find myself wishing I could just convey my lessons learned to everyone, but unfortunately it seems, for many, that you have to actually go through it to learn the lesson.

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Learned about abuse and gaslighting from having a parent with narcissistic or borderline personality disorder. They still blatantly lie to my face and behind my back to this day. Had to put up very firm boundaries. Like you from doing the work of healing from emotional abuse I feel like I can spot it a mile away and have noticed for years that those in power and in the media are very abusive and have been a long time.

I wish I could help people see it but I think so many survive mentally by living in denial.

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I learned similarly with the narcissistic parent situation. Really had to work on boundaries. I still have to work so hard to defend them. Even my siblings don't get it. They weren't the scapegoat/black sheep/canary in coal mine. Lots of blame targeted towards me my whole life. I could feel this coming on years prior too. I felt the accelerating before "pandemic" was even mentioned. Like feeling vibes- or sometimes even seemed like NEON signs! It is a survival mechanism of value.

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this is very interesting, i often wonder how some of us already knew what this was! it is like we sensed it and that is how i explain it to people now. i knew what this was as soon as i saw the KS governor go on tv and close the schools... this was "the thing". i knew it was going to change everything. i never lived in fear of the virus because i knew that the lies and manipulation were the real "mind virus". some how many of us knew, not enough, but many.

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I think so many factors are at play if someone senses such things. Awareness/vigilance/watchfulness, that may have been honed in youth. A questioning attitude, any number of life experiences, a general tendency towards sensitivity. gut instinct. Sometimes you just know and can't explain it and then hindsight is 20/20. For the whole year prior, I kept feeling a foreboding "This is the last time I will be doing this." or 'traveling here", etc.. I felt a pre-grieving likely in attempt to mentally prepare, yet it was spontaneous and very certain to me. Trust your gut with that knowing. You've got confirmation with all that's going on.

I felt similarly about not being afraid of the virus- it just didn't feel right- seemed like a lot of acting going on and I was a spectator in a big theater watching some show. It's still going on and has become increasingly awful and we've all got to stand up and boo- or walk out of the theater?- I don't know. Craziness!

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Oct 19, 2022
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It sounds like your life experiences were honing your skills for picking up on things. Also that you followed the "clues" or guidance to your benefit and noted a confirmation in the benefit of doing so.

Similar to you, as I experienced a very dark time in my early teens, I sought divine help. In my situation, I was in the hospital ICU and I happened to have received a card from my aunt, that was on my bedside table. At a very desperate time, I read the prayer on it and was immediately calmed. I felt like time slowed and I was in another world. I am not certain, but pretty sure that prayer was the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi.

Within the next couple of days I was stable enough to move to another unit. It was over 40 years ago.

Like you and your life experience skills, my having survived emotional abuse and honing hypervigilance/ observational skills there, along with since having worked as a speech language pathologist for 30 years, honing further skills in deciphering communication attempts of very dysfluent or aphasic people, my senses have grown increasingly keen.

Your reference to insights on hearing a new song.....perhaps that's so.🕊️🙏

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Totally identify with your experience! My family was more subtle, I was a youngest by a few years and discounted but humored, twenty ways to Sunday. Family ALL bought into the propaganda. (Plus, medical professional(s) no less.) Two inoculated siblings have left this realm, one lasted 10 months, the other 18 months. Their kids and grand-kids followed suit, so I very sadly fear for their future.

I was simply astounded by behavior and denial, but the picture was like turning a focus dial, and suddenly so many things I'd wondered about for years, made sense.

I did what I could to reach them, as I wanted a clear conscience. Here's my favorite find on the description of the Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I guarantee it will resonate, if you've had a relationship or two of that type. Live and learn, as they say.

And never lose your sense of humor!!

If A Narcissist Were Honest About Your Relationship (8 mins.)


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Good video! Echoes of past experiences w/ family emerged for me as I watched.

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I learned about abuse and gaslighting from compulsory schooling (day prison).

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How did you learn to walk and talk (and not hit your sibling)?

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Me too, Joy!

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That sums it up very well for me. Thank you.

I am 49 and, although I have minimal contact with family, I have only JUST started to call out the lies of my gaslighting parent - I can do it in a considered, rationale tone. My years of ignoring the blatant lies to keep the peace in a conversation are over.

I think I have the plandemic to thank for that! - the abusive puppet politicians constantly spouting ridiculous propaganda and threats/punishments they warn of, and in some instances impose- is eerily reminiscent of the way my nuclear family home functioned.

That said, I don't think my words are understood - for example after a blatantly unpleasant conversation the next day I will receive a text message saying "Hi it was nice talking to you last night, here is a photo of our beautiful garden for you" (wtf but ok , no response required....)

I'm still reeling from the mass mind control but feel I have learned to speak my truth better amongst all this - and will just keep going !

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The hard way. It’s the only way most of us learn.

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I was raised by, what was called then, a Multiple Personality Disorder parent now called a Psychopath generally. When covid hit and the lock downs came, my skin crawled. I knew "my mother" was back.

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I grew up in a very similar type of family filled with neglect, abuse, narcissism and sadistic cruelty.

Yet, to their credit, they also deeply distrusted the Government. At least I got something of value from being in their midst. Growing up around frequent liars who pointed out the lies told by those in power gave me ample reason to spot the lethal hoax at the start.

The fact most people didn’t grow up around pathological people who were supposed to care for them means they lack bullshit meters that work. They see and hear only benevolence coming out of their “protectors,” such as Fauci, Biden, Trump, the CDC, the WHO, the NIH, their Doctors, their Employers, their Ministers, their family and friends.

Those of us who endured intentional torture while young have eyes that see and ears that hear. For that we must be grateful.

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Compulsory schooling is abusive.

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Oh my mother would have loved Biden. She would definitely want a boot on your face and injection in your arm.

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I had one of those. Super insightful that you recognized it during the lockdowns, and made that connection.

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I am super sensitive to lies and I knew the lockdowns and, even more ridiculous, the masks were BS. I didnt know they were Pyschos attacking yet, but I felt frozen for months and then it all clicked together.

As a side note, it took decades in my adulthood to overcome the damage my mother caused. I married a psychopath to replicate my childhood and almost ended my life at one point in that marriage.

I will say, once a psycho is cornered they become unhinged. I think we are now in the most dangerous phase of this drama as the Globalists are losing thr propaganda battle to some degree.

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"Once a psycho is cornered they become unhinged ". Absolutely correct that we are in that phase right now. This winter is going to be interesting for want of a better word.

Congratulations to all of us who have survived . It's up to us to make sure of a healthy world for our children and grands.

hugs to all.

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Europe is in big trouble.

The elections in the US will be a big factor.

Even those that support the left are terrified of mandates, Bill Maher ...


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Do you know where this clip is from, and when it aired? I'd like to watch the entire segment.

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I'll bet you felt the vibes of it working it's way to the present prior too. Very PTSD like,, I would suspect. That's how I felt. Awful feeling of foreboding. "mother back". Like it was a dream/nightmare and you woke up and found out no, it is still h going on,.

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Wow, sounds like the making of a plot for a Stephen King novel. Puts me in mind of "Misery". Amazing how some writers can create such remarkable works, yet they themselves are the last to connect it to reality. The old "admire the art, despise the artist" definitely has something going for it.

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So spot on! I feel the same way about things I went through in childhood and adolescent years at home. One is just more honed due to such experiences.... disguised training grounds for this.

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Same here- except it was my mother. She is a text book covert narcissist. The worst life form on the planet IMHO- but as a result I can spot lies, gaslighting, manipulation and evil from a mile away.

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Really interesting. I experienced very frightening parental violence & extreme threats growing up - something authority figures such as school and church must at least have suspected but to which they turned a blind eye. I’ve always disliked & distrusted authority; it had never struck me until now that this was why!

If my childhood experiences have meant I & my children avoided injecting ourselves with toxic junk, & turning into deranged new normals, I should be grateful for them. Adversity pays off in the end, perhaps.

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gifts in strange wrapping paper.....

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The gaslighting was familiar to me, after having been married to an addict--ohhh all the lying and stealing and *don’t believe your own eyes*! I’m strangely grateful for having had that experience, nowadays.

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I just wrote a similar thought about the abuse and gaslighting I experienced. I agree.

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Same here. Went through that fire from early childhood on up, started breaking free of it around age 30.

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Thank you for sharing your story. Can you share specific things you’ve done to apply what you’ve learned? I’m working on strengthening myself against the hatred and it has been so detrimental.

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Not sure if this applies to your situation, but I would say it is absolutely true what C.J. says, that you have to be willing to lose quite a few things that they want to take from you. Or, even if you think you are not willing to -- you need to confront that within yourself and get to the heart of what matters most to you.

For me, that meant that I recognized the ONLY thing I can ever be certain of, and the ONLY thing I was not prepared to lose, was my connection to and relationship with God. Everything else (including precious relationships with family members) was on the table -- so to speak. I am not saying this is an easy thing, but if you place on that table, for example, you have to choose between losing God and losing your reputation, or your job, or your loved one, or whatever it might be.....

Just know that psychopaths play this game: whatever you most fear, they will try to give to you. Whatever you most value, they will try to take away from you. It is up to you to know this and to find your rock to stand on.

My most valuable lessons learned were spiritual lessons.

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I love the saying "Living Well Is The Best Revenge!" and think of it often. :)

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Have you looked into the Out of the Fog website? I believe it's outofthefog.com.

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True, but sad! Glad you are now strong.

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An example of the BBC gaslighting department - you were never told to get vaccinated to protect others, you made it up in your head.


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Very funny, your byline in the article: "Your subscription protects others. Don't be selfish. Subscribe now!"

I used your data, NE, for my episode on Manufacturing Contempt: scorning the unvaxxed and disdaining the war-hesitant. So our way-back machine that we WERE told to protect others is still working, thanks to you.


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I was astonished by a friend recently --as she looked at me with her eyes bugging-- that she was going to get another "booster shot" because she does not want to get sick. As I tried to tell her that even recently a Pfizer exec openly said that the shot was never tested for stopping transmission, my friend laughed and said no vaccine is able to stop 100% transmission. So I asked: then why would you take a dangerous, experimental poison that may not keep you from getting "Covid" (whatever the hell that is). Answer: I don't want to get sick. And she refuses to believe the shots are killing people, much less injuring many others for life. "It's gotta be something else."

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For awhile, the more actual facts come out about the clot shot's dangers, the more the jabbed will stubbornly cling to their denials. Otherwise, they'd have to admit they were gaslighted, made a huge mistake, and their life and health are now at grave risk. That would be understandably terrifying to face.

That is, until the facts become so huge they'll be forced to wake up.

I hope that day comes sooner rather than later.

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That's why I think it's a good idea to tell people that at least 50% of the shots were inert, either because they were out of the deep freeze too long or they were manufactured under abysmal quality control or some were just saline, or whatever. If vaxxed people think they have a 50% chance of not being one of the injured, if their children may not be one of the injured, it will be easier for them to say they made a mistake -- but thank god they didn't get killed -- and they might stop getting more shots.

That is, some hope might help.

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Oh y’all going about this all wrong, I go to those peoples houses with two masks on and shout into their windows that everyone’s still dying of COVID.

If these morons get to ruin the country, then damnit, I’m going to have fun with them.

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I use that all the time...and when they answer and say well, but they felt they had flu like symptoms afterwards, I easily say, well, you probably got a flu shot and they are just conditioning you to comply with everything else they are preparing to unleash on us. So do not comply next time it's offered They feel relieved there is a possibility that they got an innocuous flu shot. Who knows, it could be true, so I say it with that in mind.

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I had forgotten to use that response about inertness, placebo when my friend said: if they're so bad how come I didn't die, or other people too? Don't even know if it will help the next time --if there is one-- the subject comes up, but I would just once like to see a look of Hmmmm.

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After seeing my response was liked by someone I reread it. I take back the idea of inertness or placebo. I now believe everyone who accepted the injection got something; they just have not felt or perceived anything different about themselves yet.

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Yes, great point and strategy.

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What you say is tooooo logical, though. Unfortunately! Because if these sleep-walkers have not yet changed their minds and seen the truth of what's going on (and there is a MOUNTAIN of evidence, as we all know) then how would they EVER in a million years believe that all shots were not created equal and the same? They will never believe that. I like your idea, though...but unfortunately they've been told what to believe and they are stickin' to it like the good little automatons they are! :(

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At the age of 70 and my family and friends are also getting older this episode in our history has really shown that what I might have considered intelligent, educated people (that they may be) has also shown what people consider reality, and they will cling to it no matter what. No added wisdom.

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It reminds me of the point of no return. With the airlines, once a flight is in progress, there is a certain designated spot, which after it is passed or crossed, the flight cannot turn back to the point of origin (not enough fuel!)......and must proceed no matter the cost or circumstances.

(IMO) People who have not questioned anything in their lives, after a certain age, simply will not go there. A question examined thoroughly, could unravel too many false assumptions, and it is existentially simply too frightening to confront. (That is also why a good psychotherapist, proceeds slowly at the speed of the patient.)

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They are kooks! The most educated, sensible people I know turn out to be a bunch of crackpots who can’t form logical, independent thought or even locate common sense. Then that nasty streak that comes out, about people walking down the wrong way in a supermarket aisle. It is mind boggling and pathetic.

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The people I know who claim to have had this thing have had a cold.

Meanwhile, so many people I know, or am connected to, are dying from cancer. I wonder if the shots have anything to do with it, as one doctor warned about the injections.

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Yes, there is a lot of evidence that shows that cancers are either coming back with a vengeance or new cancers are cropping up that are already at Stage 3 or 4. Doctors and nurses are reporting much larger tumours right out of the gate. It seems that whatever your natural weakness is, the spikes go there and wreak havoc...

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That's interesting, I've heard this mantra "I don't want to get sick" from a few people. As if the covid shot is talismanic--it's going to prevent you from getting whatever kind of sick. Being human & mortal means getting sick occasionally, and yet that knowledge seems to have been destroyed.

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Well, and to be as accurate as possible, the Pfizer executive who recently spoke admitted only that the shots had not been tested for "transmission." Which is huge, because they knew all along there was no basis for vaccine passports (and shunning), and yet they lied and doubled down while desperate people took these jabs to keep jobs, to see grandchilddren and relationships were damaged. That's about transmission though (protect Grandma, protect society, you get to travel, go to venues, have Christmas, keep your job).

Your friend, though, is fearful of getting sick. That is the other side of the equation -- do the shots prevent illness? And that doesn't seem to be something the pharmaceutical companies have yet overtly admitted to -- although the release of their documents certainly shows no benefit in terms of catching it. They have doubled down on their claims that you are preventing serious illness and staying out of the hospital.

And the pandemic, whatever that is at this point, is helping by being increasingly mostly mild, like a cold. So your friend thinks that by taking this shot, she will prevent serious illness. She is unaware of the massive increase in all cause deaths, cancers, cardiovascular disease, neurological and auto-immune disorders. She's not making that connection.

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I read a fantastic book, I can't recall the title but if you're interested I'll find out, about belief/cults. Basically what the book found is that many people, when they have a strong belief and are confronted with inescapable evidence that their belief is wrong, will double down on their belief. In fact, they will often go out of their way to try and force other people to adopt their belief.

A fascinating and saddening book.

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I have heard/read this thesis before and it baffles my mind. I have actually tried to listen to people with such mindset. They make no sense at all. I try to avoid people who won't -obviously can't-- engage in actual thinking.

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On thinking more about this I want to add that there is more to the individual than just their mind, so I try also to be compassionate --but stay away.

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They are truly under the covidian cult spell and it seems that, for the majority of them, the spell will not be broken! It's sooooo hard to take and to watch! Arrrrrgh...

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In the beginning of this contrived drama I tried to get people to watch the documentary Plandemic (I can't remember the guys name who produced it, Mickie Willis I think --bless him) Anyone with a thinking brain would have to see SOMETHING in it to take serious notice of; nobody I know of course. I would try to keep a calm demeanor and ask that people just give some attention to the side of caution. Absolutely not. So I stopped completely and felt really bad that I knew information that could save people from making a life altering decision, possibly. I know, everybody else like me has done the same thing over and over. I told my friend I mentioned earlier in this thread what choice she makes is totally up to her, but at least know the risks, so that's all I'm going to say to anyone who has and will take another.

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Yep - haven't we all, over the last 2+ years thought: Oh HERE it is - THIS article or video says it all so clearly and logically - this is the final proof we need to wake up the believers! But, alas, NO....nothing every would wake them up. SO frustrating. Like banging your head against a wall over and over again. But I do believe that we do need to still be vocal - not to try to convince them - but just use our own Voices, you know? Not be silenced. We can't go silent.

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You're right of course. There are, all of us, who can't stay silent. That would be on par with wearing a mask. Can't do it!

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Agree!! :)

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At this point it’s Darwinism.

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You had me at "Stay Frosty"

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its a pity gaslighting wont keep us warm this winter cos theres an endless supply

i was raised by a narcissist and experienced gaslighting all my life, i suspect thats why i was immune. i wonder if thats a common denominator here

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I was blessed with loving, fair, although far from perfect parents/siblings. I think my "immunity" from gaslighting is the fact I understand I am a far from perfect member of God's creation, and I understand that is true for every other person.

I will say that in my youth I was a very trusting/gullible lad, and as I grew in age and entered the real world my trusting, gullible ways were allowing me to learn, frequently, painful things the hard way. Thankfully it turned me to a blissful life of genuine skepticism and I thank God every day!

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Oct 16, 2022
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I suspect at least some of the unjabbed Europeans have

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Thanks for keeping up the good fight.

If I had to add one thing, it’s that what’s lacking right now is a vision for Western civilization. The problems are many and there is much darkness, but as once said by one of the chief pioneers of early psychological warfare, Tavistock’s Brigadier John Rawlings Rees, “winning wars is not about killing, it’s about destroying the enemy’s morale while maintaining one’s own.”

If people have a clear vision of what they’re fighting for, and aren’t just stuck in some kind of endless trench warfare, having that clear sense of victory becomes decisive in whether people cave or not. Take the vision away, they’ll go into survival mode quite quickly.

As the proverb says, “where there is no vision, the people perish.” However, it requires going beyond the common platitudes about freedom, free speech, etc… There needs to be some actual plan and vision for our civilization.

That’s when the bad guys will get really scared. As long as this remains simply a war of attrition, the bad guys win.

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I agree 100%. Do you have any ideas about what our vision could be?

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Many members of the public are quite happy to be gaslighted. Let's not kid ourselves that the poor dears are Ingrid Bergman being tormented by Charles Boyer! Most people really don't care about the bigger picture, about freedom, integrity, morality. They merely want to be left alone to hang out with friends, eat crap food, drink booze, smoke stuff, go on holiday, buy crap. If they need to go along with wearing masks, testing for colds, taking time off work with no cold but a positive test, being jabbed with dodgy stuff then they will. Because they really don't care about the future - they can't imagine it will change and probably it won't, not down at the lowest level. The masses will still do all the stuff they do now, maybe it will be cheaper and nastier and not quite so enjoyable but it will be recognisable. Most people are already unhealthy so the jabs don't register as being killers - so many other things are already killing them. Most people don't have much money or financial security - they live on debt. You can't be gaslighted if your head is already empty.

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Love that last sentence! During The Hysteria, I've taken to saying, "For most people, brainwashing is a light load on a short cycle."

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Rinse and repeat :).....ad infinitum......

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This is a beautiful complement to the chicken-or-egg conversation Sage and I were just having over here:


Gaslighting is a crucial arrow in the quiver of mind-control strategies used to psychologically manipulate us and mold our perceptions.

The more ridiculous the statement, the more fervently the believers cling to it as a testament to their faithfulness—and perhaps humiliation plays a role as well. If they admit how silly the belief is, they will feel humiliated for having accepted it and thus must adamantly remain in denial to fend off this excruciating humiliation.

Neil Morton writes of the Repetition and Ridicule Fallacy:

“If you hear something enough times, you will believe it. No matter how ridiculous, if you are presented with ‘facts’ in a certain way, you are hardwired to believe them. This is known as the appeal to ridicule fallacy. Mocking an idea makes it less relevant. If you associate an idea, a person, or behavior with ridicule and shame, you will dismiss it. Alternatively, if a ridiculous idea is given gravitas and treated with reverence, it will seem more viable. Repetition is a powerful tool, and when teamed with a shaming technique, it can be effective.”

—“Psychological Warfare and Deception: What You Need to Know about Human Behavior, Dark Psychology, Propaganda, Negotiation, Manipulation, & Persuasion”

P.S. “fact-checkers”—I call them “fact-chokers.”

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This explains why our late-night talk show hosts and comedians are so nefarious. And why the whole culture of entertainment/comedy/irony that underpins the liberal ethos in the US may be seen as a gigantic psy-op.

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“If you hear something enough times, you will believe it.”

Except many of us still don’t even after many years of being buried in lies...

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That's because we are proud deviants, as CJ says :-)

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But the quoted writer is making an absolute statement(s) that is demonstrably false.

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He is describing what occurs when people fall prey to that logical fallacy but not saying it always happens to everyone. Sorry if that didn't come through clearly.

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“Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small.

In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better.

When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed.

A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”

― Theodore Dalrymple

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I just went to add this to my quotes file under Communism and found the quote was already there 😆

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It turns out nothing except my dogs is important to me. And as rescues they know it’s crucial for me to avoid the clot shot 😉

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That's the best essay and explanation on gaslighting I've read. Insightful and helpful. Thank you much. I will share it like the very good deviant, I am.

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Yep, I shared on facebook as well - but I am pretty sure CJ's essays do NOT show up on my friends newsfeeds unless they have specifically changed their settings to see whatever I post. Sigh.

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Agree !

And ditto, will do !!

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Once again, a thoughtful piece on the insanity the majority are accepting. I don't take time to read much online, these days, but I have learned your thoughts are worthy of my time.

As a child of an angry, violent, control-freak father, I know gaslighting. My father's attempts didn't work just as the global system's attempts never work on me.

Interesting, I have found many others who knew to question the 2020 gaslighting are also people who stood up to abusers. We're a strong bunch.

Once we found the people who are supposed to love and protect us (parents, partners, etc.,) are capable of abusive manipulation, we have learned we have to protect ourselves.

As goes micro abuse, so goes macro abuse.

Nearly three years into this mind manipulation, I absorb the energy of masked people out in Los Angeles. They feel, look, and act and like whipped, naive souls who are incapable of protecting themselves and obediently try to be the good child to Mommy Dearest (the system).

Maybe I should thank my prick father for giving me the ability to protect myself from abuse.

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I’m making skater punk style stickers to put on your cars, and anywhere you can legally put a sticker.

Counter their gaslighting with street propaganda.

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Johnny Truthseeker, how can one get you to send some stickers in the mail? Please the actual stickers, not some template for getting them made locally. The postal service still works.

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Right now I’m making them all on a cricut. They’re vinyl one color decals, but they are pretty sweet.

I was going to have some that needed more detail and color made by an actual professional sticker manufacturer.

I wasn’t sure if there would be interest.

Maybe I’ll start my own Substack of resistance stickers and ideas, and start an online store.

One example, I made the “come and take” it flag…from the Texas revolution, the one with a cannon and star, but I put a syringe where the canon is, and it says, “come and make me”.

So things like that.

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I suspect there is a lot of interest. It's an activity my millennial children think is cool.

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I just made a new design about an hour ago, of the two finger peace sign, and circled around it, it says “There’s only two genders”.

Dissident art is fun.

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this is already being done, on a massive scale:


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My gaslighting bills have doubled.

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I think for most, the gaslighting bills have gone up 1000% in the last two years. We must maintain to see that justice prevails.

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Just scour the woods for branches and twigs. It's the European way.

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While the mind control we are being subjected to does not include direct, personal torture in the MK ULTRA sense, such as was reported by (I know, how can you confirm it?) Cathy O'Brien in The Trance-formation of America, there certainly are high levels of both direct and indirect physical abuse, which in some cases is tantamount to torture, that are part and parcel of this PsyOp.

These forms of physical abuse include physical isolation, separation from loved ones in nursing homes and hospitals and school systems; masking, invasive testing up the nose, etc. Lost jobs and businesses closing create physical stress as a result of financial losses. Denial of proper early medical care and forced methods of treatment such as intubation and now the lethal Remdezevir (Run! Death is Near)--which is another form of gaslighting as it is becoming the standard of care--is physical abuse as well. The actual physical assaults by police on a number of those who dared protest are very direct physical abuse. On the whole, it's like we are trapped in a bad relationship with the power structure.

The MSM brainwashing with highly exaggerated case counts taken from an inappropriate PCR test, baseless projection models like Ferguson's, inflated COVID death counts were also forms of mental and emotional abuse, as all of them led to incredible levels of fear and anxiety. The confusion caused by Fraudci and his ilk with constantly changing advice was a form of mental and emotional abuse, and gaslighting, as you said, as it led to people giving up trying to understand (if they relied on the MSM for info) and simply surrender and comply with numerous unproven and often harmful measures as if it were a (real) pandemic. And then they were directed to attack those who did not comply. The way people attacked each other is a measure of their traumatization: they were easily directed against "the other."

When the vaccine was offered as a "way out," and all you had to do was obey and get the shot and then you would be free, all that gaslighted fear was used to drive us into yet another form of physical abuse: lining up to get the shots. Then that was revealed as gaslighting as well: you still need to wear your mask; you need to get another shot and then another, the shots don't actually prevent infection/don't work/have negative efficacy, but many still are required to get them or lose their jobs, etc. etc.

The ultimate insult was that these shots turn out to be bioweapons, which as Sherry Tenpenny, MD laid out, are being found to include at least forty (and counting) mechanisms of Injury (MOI). Some immediate, some delayed. And we are now trained to line up and get more shots for the upcoming flu/COVID/Moneypox season...led like cattle to sacrifice our own health and lives through behaviors they designed in advance for us and led us into all along. The ultimate gaslighting.

Yet, on the other hand, many people are choosing NOT to get second, third, or fourth shots. Not a lot of parents are getting these shots for their children. Perhaps this is a sign of hope. Perhaps more and more people are shaking off the trance and thinking for themselves.

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Yep. It's WAR. Shock & Awe creates disassociation in individuals and they are much easier to brainwash and control. They make it look so easy. Some of us escaped! I've done some polls since spring 2020 and I found that many of us, on this side, don't own a TV...

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It is an ongoing campaign of terror- waged by governments- against their own populations...

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"[They] could not care less whether it is actually true, or even if it makes the slightest sense."

Thank you for pointing this out. I try over and over to get people to understand this. The actual matter under debate is almost irrelevant. It is the exercise of and submission to authority that matters to them. The 'fact' could be literally reversed the next day and the official narrative guardians would not even bat an eye before they explained how it was perfectly normal for something to be the exact opposite of what they said yesterday. This has happened over and over with the 'scientific facts' surrounding the injections. While we may point out the flaws and lies to people who are already skeptical, trying to convince the actual purveyors of propaganda is a huge waste of time and effort that may also be counterproductive.

In many cases, engaging the fact checker / authoritarians / gaslighters fuels them. The mere fact that you've given them enough credence to argue with them buoys their reputation as an authority. You are saying that they must be acknowledged and debated or --your own argument cannot be perceived as having merit--.

Personally, I no longer read anything from any mainstream news except secondhand. No clicks, not even outrage clicks. No ads served. No view metrics to report back to the marketing firms that fund them. I don't go on twitter to retweet the narrative programming messages with my hot take attached, etc.

What I want to be part of is an alternative community. We can talk to each other and others outside the censorship and narrative control apparatus. We can just pull a judo type move and simply drop all of the narrative control out of our perception. It will wither and die on it's own. Certainly, they will come to infiltrate and poison and debank alternative forums but they can't stop free inquiry entirely. It is also a lot easier to spot the well poisoning, derailments, character assassination, etc. when it is out of it's element.

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In the United States, it’s not clear we are a small minority. Conservative and religious folks seem to have seen through this. There are speakers making the rural church circuits discussing medical freedom and the WEF. In the cities, and among my “liberal” friends things are very different of course. They are being actively trained to fear those labeled as “Trumpers” or “fascists”. Not only to fear the people themselves, but to fear agreeing with any of their positions.

The globalist neocons have lost the support the American conservatives, full stop. The political and cultural pushback is growing against covid policies, woke-ism, CRT based social engineering, and US imperialism. It’s the conservatives who are now the anti-imperialists. Military recruitment is way down, as it was traditionally the conservative peoples who enlisted. I’m sure its much different in Germany, but the US is headed somewhere else I believe.

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This is why I will be voting Republican, despite that in most ways I am very liberal (unlike the democratic party).

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There are a huge amount of usually-Democrat people in the USA who are now politically marooned. Because the answer doesn't lie in just switching sides to the Republicans. No! Many Republicans don't get what's going on either. Ugh. We need a brand new system. In saying that I think it's both obvious and laughable - because I honestly can't see how the Globalist Technocratic Transhumanists are going to allow us to change the system :(

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Totally agree. Most Republicans in congress keep voting to funnel billions of dollars to Ukraine, for instance. Still, the Republican governor of my state was one of those who sued over vax mandates and got them overturned here, so she has my vote.

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Yep, if they really are speaking out then they are the ones to support. Alberta just got a new premier who is speaking out - I couldn't believe her speech, holy mackerel, she's just sayin' it! I hope she survives....

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