Elonicus works for and with the Circus Imaginus Agency as the grand twit of the spectacle of distractions so the plebs do not notice the mysterious calamari suddenly growing within them.

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What many people, including the leaders and many prominent voices in the resistance movement, still fail to understand:

[1] Why science, data, research, or evidence-based approach doesn't mean anything in this war.



[2] Why all the talk about prosecutions, tribunals, and Nuremberg type of trials is all farce, smoke screen, and nonsense:



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Nov 27, 2022·edited Nov 27, 2022

I'll see your opinion and raise you one theory: That Elon's takeover was also planned and came just as censorship hit a tipping point for the majority of Americans. In other words, they needed a [false] savior to come in and save the day. But he won't save the day, not really. It will just look like that for a while.

It's how GW Bush saved the day. Another false flag posing as a Conservative Republican to calm the masses. In reality, he was working hard on the same agenda as the rest of them. Then Obama to save us from Bush. Again, same culling, globalist agenda.

It's the pendulum strategy that is used until complete control is assured. To perpetuate the theater. The people relax, and are soothed back into a state of apathy while the wheels below keep turning.

Elon has been a tech-elite off spun from Pay Pal like many others, posing as entrepreneurial geniuses. He runs an electric car business, a space travel company and a surveillance system (Starlink)--all 3 completely different technologies under one man.

Okay....feels more like shadow government/deep state operating as an ordinary company. Globalist criminals posing as "philanthropists" and "entrepreneurs."

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Being a well adjusted adult and staying sane on team reality these days means living w drastically lowered expectations

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Well, he did show up at the Met Gala wearing a jacket emblazoned with the phrase "New World Order" on it, so yeah, I don't trust him. Maybe I'm paranoid (Why isn't everyone after these last two years?), but who the hell does that? And why?

At this point in the horror show, it sure seems like they're just playing with us.

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Nov 27, 2022·edited Nov 27, 2022

The CIA nudged their puppet to purchase Twitter so they can control the narrative back to the center in some subjects. And to give the perception of some freedom of speech.

This happened after reports came out that no one wants to join the military anymore. The CIA and the military complex got spooked hearing this as they need people.

After years of the woke mentally they need nationalism back so people will fight their wars.

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Glad that you're resigned to being an equal opportunity offender. I wouldn't want to sic the woke police on you for discrimination ;-)

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Absolutely to the point.

Whatever the real agenda behind Elonicus the Just, all the noise around him is only distraction from more important things. That's why I never would use Twitter ever. No matter who owns it.

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Bizarre times we live in Mr Hopkins. I've resorted to ensuring a constant supply of popcorn while waiting for the next episode. I am fortunate enough to have read the tea leaves quite a long time ago and went off grid and mostly self sufficient. It has taken a lot of pressure off, I can't imagine what it must be like living in a major city somewhere. I now have all of your publications and eagerly awaiting the next novel! Cheers for all your work.

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I hate it.

Actually, I like it (your article). I can't stand any kind of group think. With Emperor Elonicus, many of the people who have denounced group think over the pandemic (and rightly so) are doing the very same thing they have been deriding.

Maybe it is easy to have a go at the current thing if you are part of the minority but as soon as the current thing (in this case anti wokeness) makes you part of the perceived majority (or at least it gives one that impression), many lose their way.

Stay focussed and stay sceptical.

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I have a good friend in Rome by the name of Biggus Dickus. Wait until he hears about this! I dunno man, I think there's a whole lotta people that don't really care either way and are just enjoying the liberal meltdowns regardless of why. They say it never gets old but I think it does TBH.

Ho hum, Twitter this and that. Elon did or said yadda, yadda. That's nice.

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Imo you are spot on. Elon was sent to Twitter to put lipstick on the pig that is Twitter. The censorship was so over the top at Twitter that it lost value as a social engineering tool. Now Elon is there to fix it all with a gaudy display of Democracy.

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Amen, brother Hopkins. The need for a savior or hero, is part of the engineered world we live in. As part of many traditions, the savior and hero lays within each of us. We just need to have the courage to let that savior/hero speak. When the number of active saviors exceeds 5% of the population, then the lambs become lions...Actus Populi, Actus Dei

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Sorry, nothing you wrote upset me. I will admit that I thought the sink stunt was funny and also surprised that someone with that much money was strong enough to lift and carry a sink at all. I guess nothing upset me because I have never given a whit about twatter. It has always seemed a huge time waster.

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Stay frosty, CJ!

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The only proper response to a Twitter Controversy, be it a controversy on Twitter or be it a controversy about Twitter, is laughter.

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