Elonicus works for and with the Circus Imaginus Agency as the grand twit of the spectacle of distractions so the plebs do not notice the mysterious calamari suddenly growing within them.

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There was this tweet of him saying we will coup whoever we want [to get lithium]:


TWITTERsteria: Best Elon Musk Might be a Great Reset Trojan Horse Memes

- Elon's rich daddy, Elon the subsidy queen, Elon supports the current thing, elongate and more Elon Musk memes plus some reading to help you decide IF the new Chief Twit is a Great Reset Trojan Horse!


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Oh pleez sir may I have some more calamari???

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I suppose that the information you have for the mysterious calamari is from the movie "Died suddenly"?

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Actually, I was thinking of my Gran's recipe, the one with the garlic and oregano.

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Please share.

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Very funny!

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What many people, including the leaders and many prominent voices in the resistance movement, still fail to understand:

[1] Why science, data, research, or evidence-based approach doesn't mean anything in this war.



[2] Why all the talk about prosecutions, tribunals, and Nuremberg type of trials is all farce, smoke screen, and nonsense:



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There is a much simpler explanation: the actions done by the pandemic pushers may actually be 100% legal (in the US anyways). How so? Copied from another answer:

"...If a product is the subject of an authorization under this section, the use of such product within the scope of the authorization SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO CONSTITUTE A CLINICAL INVESTIGATION for purposes of section 355(i), 360b(j), or 360j(g) of this title or any other provision of this chapter or section 351 of the Public Health Service Act [42 U.S.C. 262]." [21 USC 360bbb-3(k), emphasis mine]

So this means that along with the EUA authorizations, everything (e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g) presented to us about said products are not even required to be accurate. The SecHHS just have to be hopeful that the product in question MIGHT work for whatever it is stated to do. Covid tests, mock or even "real" trials, efficacy measurements, et al is just 100% theatrics. But the [continued] declaration of the "pandemic" emergency is what gave them the leeway carte blanche to implement all kinds of countermeasures without any legal backlash whatsoever.

https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/exposing-trickery (stopping conditions remastered). Some other quotes from the excellent summary:

"2. There are NO government or private contracts for purchase of experimental products; there are only contracts for ‘large scale vaccine manufacturing demonstrations [prototypes]"

"8-9...Human beings receiving EUA products have NO informed consent rights to receive information about ingredients, risks, benefits, alternatives, or the option to accept or refuse the products...."

"19...Manufacturers, as contractors, are considered HHS employees for purposes of legal immunity under Federal Tort Claims Act."

"20...The Department of Defense is authorized to contract with pharmaceutical corporations to conduct ‘prototype’ experiments [demonstrations?] on the general public, and under such contracts, is exempt from legal obligation to comply with Good Clinical Practices or other FDA regulations."

"25. There cannot be clinical trial fraud, because there are NO clinical investigations, NO investigational drugs, NO investigators and NO human subjects."

See also: https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/biotech-idolatry-dod-pfizer-contracts

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Yeah, I've seen that. But that kind of reasoning makes no sense in the face of this:

"A thread on the importance of understanding the social contract and how that knowledge can help us out of the ongoing crisis."



Nothing they did or planned to do can make things "legal" for them, give them any immunity, or protect them from being punished for the crimes against humanity that were committed. All these laws, rules, and regulations became void once the social contract was broken. It is now only a matter of time when people will figure that out and what that actually means.

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It is quite horrible to see how just a very small percentage of people is aware of the fact that social contract has been annulled! That fact alone should be enough for people to take radical actions to protect themselves and their property from mass media, elected politicians and too big to fail industry. Even back in 2008 , wall street situation showed us what must be done if we as humans do not want to be corporate property. And here we are, 2022 is ending, vax-passport deals are getting signed in almost every country.

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Makes no sense? Hmmm.....ok. And how do you intend to ENFORCE the "old" social contract? Mathematically capitalism (or whatever label you want to call it) always had an end-game; in short TPTB never intended to honor their end. They just needed to buy enough time to get the masses to continue maintaining infrastructure.

That's how a confidence trick works. I knew people who were calling out the depopu/family breakdown/feminization [of men especially] agenda from 30+ years ago. There are good people out there.....but I must admit TBTB did their homework. I really underestimated humans desire to be distracted and willingness to conform.

"Most of us just sell out right away...." https://youtu.be/6i_msSDvzbg?t=631 (3 min)

edit: but I suppose anything that helps people to more clearly see that the old social contract is being restructured/annulled would likely help them make better decisions about the reset.

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Yes, laws, rules, and regulations mean nothing when a social contract no longer holds things together. Hard to understand concept, I know, but entirely true nonetheless. The problem we are dealing with cannot be solved by lawyers or the judicial system. Also, people these days, including lawyers and legislators, generally have no clue what laws, rules, and regulations are. They forgot its initial purpose, meaning, and the concept itself. These are not some magical things bestowed upon us from the sky and set in stone. They change, get broken, are abandoned, and evolve over time. All of them are created by people for people, from which a social contract is then created. Abuse, exploitation, crime, corruption, slavery, and genocide is the reason why people cannot accept it any longer. The trust they put into the system was abused beyond redemption, and no reform is possible anymore. The "old" social contact no longer exists. The one we had was broken and is no longer valid. There is no going back to it. That entire system was corrupted beyond repair. What James Roguski does is essentially useless in the sense that it does not offer solutions to this problem, as it cannot be solved by lawyers or the judiciary, as I mentioned above. It only provides clear information that the enemies of humanity wanted to shield themselves from responsibility. But in reality, no law can protect them against what they did. Unless people will continue to get bamboozled and accept the illusions of legitimacy and allow for it and invite more abuse, destruction, and death.

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Just wanted to say that I love your writing. Both Mello.B33 and CJ. 😁

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Yes indeed, the narrative and associated propaganda is a terriftyingly effective force.

It is such a force because we all assume we are singularly immune from it , but are not. To sit here and frecognise that I am susceptible to a narrative is unpalatable but real.

You are correct also Mello that the Nuremburg trials are just wishful thinking and will never occur unless armies of citizens one million strong stormed the bastille.

And that will not happen either. We as a crowd lack courage and determination .

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I'll see your opinion and raise you one theory: That Elon's takeover was also planned and came just as censorship hit a tipping point for the majority of Americans. In other words, they needed a [false] savior to come in and save the day. But he won't save the day, not really. It will just look like that for a while.

It's how GW Bush saved the day. Another false flag posing as a Conservative Republican to calm the masses. In reality, he was working hard on the same agenda as the rest of them. Then Obama to save us from Bush. Again, same culling, globalist agenda.

It's the pendulum strategy that is used until complete control is assured. To perpetuate the theater. The people relax, and are soothed back into a state of apathy while the wheels below keep turning.

Elon has been a tech-elite off spun from Pay Pal like many others, posing as entrepreneurial geniuses. He runs an electric car business, a space travel company and a surveillance system (Starlink)--all 3 completely different technologies under one man.

Okay....feels more like shadow government/deep state operating as an ordinary company. Globalist criminals posing as "philanthropists" and "entrepreneurs."

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Being a well adjusted adult and staying sane on team reality these days means living w drastically lowered expectations

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If we live in the now, there are no expectations?

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If we concentrate on the now and ask ourselves the important simple questions like : is this righteous, is this prudent then our actions in present will lead to a better future without us being pathologically fixated on some idealized future utopia

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Thank you for shining more light on my short comment.

No idealized future utopia for me!

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This sentimenT is discussed over and over in CS lewis’ work, esp the Screwtape letters

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Well, he did show up at the Met Gala wearing a jacket emblazoned with the phrase "New World Order" on it, so yeah, I don't trust him. Maybe I'm paranoid (Why isn't everyone after these last two years?), but who the hell does that? And why?

At this point in the horror show, it sure seems like they're just playing with us.

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Yup. That's what I think too.

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The CIA nudged their puppet to purchase Twitter so they can control the narrative back to the center in some subjects. And to give the perception of some freedom of speech.

This happened after reports came out that no one wants to join the military anymore. The CIA and the military complex got spooked hearing this as they need people.

After years of the woke mentally they need nationalism back so people will fight their wars.

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And a post edit....

They want trump truth social site shut down and will use any excuse to do it. They can control musk but cannot control trump.

They still need censorship to prevail and Twitter will follow their rules. If truth social gets shut down less people will care as they think they still have freedom on Twitter. Bait and switch. Lol.

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Can you say whatever you like on truth social? Not what I heard.

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No. But they hate trump so much I’m sure it’s a goal one day to shut it down. I’m only guessing of course due to what the DOJ is doing continually.

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Glad that you're resigned to being an equal opportunity offender. I wouldn't want to sic the woke police on you for discrimination ;-)

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Absolutely to the point.

Whatever the real agenda behind Elonicus the Just, all the noise around him is only distraction from more important things. That's why I never would use Twitter ever. No matter who owns it.

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Bizarre times we live in Mr Hopkins. I've resorted to ensuring a constant supply of popcorn while waiting for the next episode. I am fortunate enough to have read the tea leaves quite a long time ago and went off grid and mostly self sufficient. It has taken a lot of pressure off, I can't imagine what it must be like living in a major city somewhere. I now have all of your publications and eagerly awaiting the next novel! Cheers for all your work.

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Your off grid life sounds very enviable! But not so off grid that you can’t access Substack! 😉👏

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No thankfully, able to still access good writers everywhere! We have a reasonable power system that allows most of the appliances people take for granted. No microwave or anything requiring heating elements. But we were fortunate enough to have been able to afford to invest in a solar power system with a back up generator and a solar hot water system which works in a very efficient manner. Most people wouldn't notice that we are off grid when they come into the house.

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You are on it my friend! Doing the solar power system with back up generator and a solar hot water system covers the bases for the basics of power and hot water. (And hopefully you live somewhere where there is adequate sunlight year round to power the solar system.) No need for heavy power draw appliances like microwaves, anyway. All it's good for is reheating things, and you can easily do that on the stovetop, or in a small countertop oven!

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I hate it.

Actually, I like it (your article). I can't stand any kind of group think. With Emperor Elonicus, many of the people who have denounced group think over the pandemic (and rightly so) are doing the very same thing they have been deriding.

Maybe it is easy to have a go at the current thing if you are part of the minority but as soon as the current thing (in this case anti wokeness) makes you part of the perceived majority (or at least it gives one that impression), many lose their way.

Stay focussed and stay sceptical.

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I have a good friend in Rome by the name of Biggus Dickus. Wait until he hears about this! I dunno man, I think there's a whole lotta people that don't really care either way and are just enjoying the liberal meltdowns regardless of why. They say it never gets old but I think it does TBH.

Ho hum, Twitter this and that. Elon did or said yadda, yadda. That's nice.

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Imo you are spot on. Elon was sent to Twitter to put lipstick on the pig that is Twitter. The censorship was so over the top at Twitter that it lost value as a social engineering tool. Now Elon is there to fix it all with a gaudy display of Democracy.

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Bingo !

On the double !!

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Amen, brother Hopkins. The need for a savior or hero, is part of the engineered world we live in. As part of many traditions, the savior and hero lays within each of us. We just need to have the courage to let that savior/hero speak. When the number of active saviors exceeds 5% of the population, then the lambs become lions...Actus Populi, Actus Dei

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Sorry, nothing you wrote upset me. I will admit that I thought the sink stunt was funny and also surprised that someone with that much money was strong enough to lift and carry a sink at all. I guess nothing upset me because I have never given a whit about twatter. It has always seemed a huge time waster.

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Stay frosty, CJ!

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The only proper response to a Twitter Controversy, be it a controversy on Twitter or be it a controversy about Twitter, is laughter.

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