So easy to cheer and say positive things from the comfort of my home. I pray for you though. I’ve never been in as dangerous a position as you are in and I’m grateful for that. Your a good man Mr Hopkins.

If you call upon your readers we will support you in the ways we are able.

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Thank you, and all my other readers, most of whom are already supporting me in the ways that they are able, for which I'm grateful.

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We must all speak to God on your behalf.

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Why are all atheists such flaming assholes? And yes I was an atheist once, I grew up and learned there is more of heaven and Earth than being a debate bra.

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Well, not everyone is endowed with your erudition, wit, and eloquence.

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You are not doing a great job yet of not being an asshole, care to try again?

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The evidence is vast. People often have experiences that, while not pointing to a specific religion, makes atheism untenable. Miraculous events. They will only tell the people close to them about them, certainly not a condescending atheist. Preponderance of suffering? That presupposes that we know the purposes of our life. How about the idea of God as drill sergeant? That religion may be used to control people is simply irrelevant. It is true that people tend to believe what they want to believe, and that's true for atheists as much as anyone. Being scientifically inclined I tended to fall into it when young, then discovered it was stupid.

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Soldiers in Viet Nam would have bullets pass through their bodies with no effect while others died, They might find themselves instantly transported out of danger. I know a man who went downtown with some buddies while in the Navy, He accidentally stepped in front of bus but was pulled back just in time by, as he said, a girl in a baseball cap. He turned away and when he looked back the girl was not there.

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Very touching anecdotes.

What about the ten million who perished during the 30 Years War?

Do you think that any of them prayed?

What about the victims of World War I?

Do you imagine that God heard any of the millions of Jews or tens of millions of Russians who were killed during World War II? Or the prayers of so many others who perished during that nightmare?

And what about Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Was God vacationing on the Riviera while badly burned children were screaming away the last moments of their lives?

Do you think God worried about the hundred million or so indigenous Americans murdered by European invaders? Perhaps not, because they weren't Christians.

I don't believe in gods. And if Jesus or Yahweh were real instead of story book characters, I wouldn't like them because they are psychopaths. Yahweh stained the human race with original sin, drowned most of the world, and seems to worry most about people worshipping him properly.

And I dislike that arrogant little Jewish loony, Jesus, who proclaims that anyone not with him is against him. The Gospel of John was a great model for MEIN KAMPF

You can keep your imaginary friends.

I wouldn't wish them on anyone.

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Well said! My only difference with your stance is that I believe in God; just not the idea of which is projected by any religion. Both the Old and the New Testaments are pure mythology imo. Editing this because I just glanced at the link that David provides below... it's good because it's not about any religion.

As to why the opposite exists; ie people dying horribly (and all the fucking time we might add, far more often than the blissfully happy endings of such reports as we see in that website)... as to that, I have no explanation but I'm convinced that it all somehow comes out in the wash. For what that's worth.

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Jul 3, 2023
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Einstein also stated,

“The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive, legends which are nevertheless pretty childish.”


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“Show me the man, and I will show you the crime.”

—Lavrentiy Beria, Chief of the Soviet NKVD secret police under Stalin

The charges are so preposterous and the potential punishment for the “crime” of exposing fascism is so extreme, I feel like we are witnessing meta-satire at an epic level here. It would be funny if it weren’t so harrowing and your very freedom weren’t at risk.

I do know they messed with the wrong satirist, and this Keystone Gestapo attempt will backfire big-time. The only downside is that when you triumph over the accusations as I’m confident you will (although we can’t take anything for granted in New Normal Germany), we won’t get to enjoy reading your historic “Letter from Berlin Prison.”

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Keystone Gestapo - all the lols!

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I think, for irony's sake, anything he writes in prison should be titled "Mein Kampf".

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Beria probably learned his tricks from The Inquisition and the Catholic Church's witch trials—as did McCarthy and HUAC


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"Pope Paul III established, in 1542, a permanent congregation staffed with cardinals and other officials, whose task it was to maintain and defend the integrity of the faith and to examine and proscribe errors and false doctrines. This body, the Congregation of the Holy Office, now called the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, part of the Roman Curia, became the supervisory body of local Inquisitions. The Pope himself holds the title of prefect but never exercises this office. Instead..." Ukrainians do it for him. The U. S. never gets its hands bloody and Victoria Nuland never fears she will be the one to die in the war she helps fund or create. Neither the Pope. Just let someone else handle it. This is perhaps treacherous, cowardly but it also really reminds me of the U S foreign policy record, in which it is always someone else who dies, not the U. S. or the U. S. politicians or generals. There is a definite pattern here. OTHERS countries bear the brunt of the suffering for U. S foreign policy. It's a pattern. We never see the U. S. ambassador or diplomat take the bullets or missiles. They are not feeling the pain. Somebody else feels that pain. Always somebody else. No don't let the Pope do it. Let him delegate someone else. So now nobody can say the Pope murdered anybody else.

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"[...but never exercises this office. Instead], he appoints one of the cardinals to preside over the meetings. There are usually ten other cardinals on the Congregation, as well as a prelate and two assistants all chosen from the Dominican order. The Holy Office also has an international group of consultants, experienced scholars of theology and canon law, who advise it on specific questions. In 1616 these consultants gave their assessment of the propositions that the Sun is immobile and at the center. " It is not just disagreement. Rather it is when those in power disagree with you. I mean, that stuff about the sun not moving but rather being a stationary object the earth revolves around was particularly controversial and so it is true that many persons would have accepted it. But now you have offended the authorities, and if this particular set of people disagree with you then they can also punish you. It is far beyond a personal disagreement between two civilians.

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Slight quibble - didn't Hillary Clinton sacrifice an ambassador in Lebanon or Libya or one of them levantine places? I think that for The Greater Good, they do.

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I am sure you are justified in what you are saying. I was just venting, basically. Just commenting about authorities and how they can misuse power. So, no quarrel that my reasoning may have been sloppy. Thanks for straightening me out.

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"The criminalization of dissent is being rolled out everywhere. Ireland is just the latest of dozens of countries all throughout the West that are criminalizing so-called “hate speech.” The specifics are different but the message is the same, “Watch what you say, or we will prosecute you, or otherwise seriously fuck you up.”

—CJ Hopkins 

"The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere   

The ceremony of innocence is drowned;

The best lack all conviction, while the worst   

Are full of passionate intensity."

—WB Yeats

The case of Julian Assange shows that they mean it when they say, "seriously fuck you up."

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"The Second Coming" was written in January 1919..

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

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You know that refers to Jesus don’t you, your mortal enemy?

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I stand with CJ Hopkins.

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when you go to court identify as a woman, it'll bring them such cog-dis they wont know what to do!

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A black, transgender, lesbian hunchback is probably the way to go these days. Gotta cover those bases, tick those boxes!

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Whats to prevent one from changing every day?

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Nothing....and it MUST be recognized!!

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Of course! And once you've got them in on that then amp it up to each hour, then each minute and sooooo on...!

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Of course! And once you've got them in on that then amp it up to each hour, then each minute and sooooo on...!

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Of course! And once you've got them in on that then amp it up to each hour, then each minute and sooooo on...!

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gender fluid i presume

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You can try as hard as you want to flow in a certain direction but it's kinda tricky to flow back the way you came... like getting the toothpaste back in the tube.

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the law. i remember having read that german transblunder law allows you to change sex - but only once a year.

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Oh, so all of German officialdom are still flaming bigots then?

....or will they allow a year to identify as a month?

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I've met CJ and he actually is a black, transgender, lesbian hunchback.

You should apologize, Tsubion.

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I am on my knees begging for forgiveness and awaiting my twenty lashes (which I actually quite enjoy but that's another matter).

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I suggest adding a pinch of 'Neurodiverse' to that intersectionality soup.

It will be the next big thing, mark my words.

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I'm probably neurodiverse going way back to being poisoned during the Cold War, but I was kinda planning on shutting up about that...

Oh well, its time to take ALL of the murderous insanity on for real, so lets goooo!!!

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At the very least, it will decrease the unpleasantness of the salad-tossing, once he's stuffed into a German women's prison.

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with all the other ones that identify..

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Times are scary. Thank you for holding to your rights. You are helping us all. Even the ones that haven't noticed yet.

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Definitely! So its important that we all spread & discuss this regularly, by any means and wherever...!

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Man, CJ, you are a true hero and you’ve just helped convince me to ignore a vague bail order I’m under in my own legal troubles here in Japan for which I face one year in prison, and to publish some stuff about the nonsense I’m facing.

In short, I believe the true revolution of the 21st century is for humans to be granted the human right to not have to live under the power of the State. I look around the world and don’t see any State which I trust, so I don’t think running from one to another is enough. We need to be able to withdraw completely.

Anyway, praying for a good outcome for you and honoring your strong stance!

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Good thoughts and feelings. Do please bear in mind, though, that we cannot be "granted rights" by any governmental entity. Elementary human rights to liberty and justice are innate. Any governmental entity which abrogates those elementary rights is de-facto an illegitimate regime.

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I totally agree. Unfortunately, our governments around the world--no matter their political stripes---don't follow this rule. That's why I believe non-state organizations are such a key thing for us to be considering.

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By "non-state organizations", I'm quite sure you do not mean NGO's, which generally happen to be that old fascist nexus between governmental and corporate interests. As things unfold there will be significant spontaneity. Thus, that phenomenon will require ad-hoc non-state folks to gather their time and resources.

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No, I mean things like eco villages, communes or tribes---basically humans living as groups that aren’t under the control of a State. A friend who is a deep historian and big thinker pointed out that we lived this way for most of our history and thus it’s a human right to be able to live in that way.

We humans can only really know about 150 people so states are, by their nature, inhumane. CJ (and me) are experiencing this now. If CJ was living among a group of 150 or so, where the people knew each other, there’s no way he’d be facing legal troubles for publishing.

Because states take on a life of their own, they also are susceptible to psychopaths who are good at gaming systems. Some of them will be attracted to the powers states grant, and then they’ll end up persecuting individuals like CJ.

We really need the option as individuals to live outside of their power but that’s basically impossible in today’s world.

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Well stated. In an unpublished 1981 manuscript, the closing chapter I chose as a futurist dream was titled "The Million Tribes of Turtle Island". Thanks for elucidating an understanding which should be obvious, but has been buried via historical devolution and thus is beyond the radar screens of most of our contemporaries.

A much needed commentary on this particular day.

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The Nazis never really lost power. Now they are global.

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T-shirt suggestions for the new business:

War Is Peace

Love Is Hate

Transwomen Are Women

Ignorance Is Strength

War Is Peace

Love Is Hate

Follow The Science

Ignorance is Strength

Etc. etc. etc.

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Safe and Effective

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Mustn't forget slavery is freedom! I'm going to sharpie that onto a t-shirt immediately.

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It's called "braving," and we need a lot more of it. CJ, you are a standout.

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If you take the cowardly path you become cowardly. If you take the courageous path you become courageous.

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I would say that Mr. Hopkins is taking the courageous path.

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Do not CONFORM is what I meant to write. 😥

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Haha I wrote a a comment on cannabis the other day and it auto-corrected to cannibals 😳🤗

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Cannibals on cannabis! I knew 2023 would keep delivering the weird stuff...

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I like the first post, that was NOT conform! ;-)

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Actually, com-for-mity sounds like a very good new word, signifying those who conform so as not to have to confront social discomfort.

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When "conform-all" becomes the new normal, we are viewing the latest form of enslavement of the mind and destruction of the spirit. To conform is to deform your own being into something less than fully human.

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Oh yeah... Going back to Europe for a while last autumn was super scary, most people do not even dare smile or laugh any longer...

Have seen many refer to this being easier than offending any random, psycho freaks that might take offense!

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Spot on!

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Yes, so true!

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FREE 231Js1736/23!

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Sending admiration for your bravery, prayers and a donation to your fighting fund.

I still wish you'd do a Sound of Music style escape over the Swiss border, though.

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I SO wish you success against the goons.

"How am I doing? Do I sound hyperbolic?" No, given that these bozos are intending to have most of us composted and turn the rest into transhuman serfs, you're being remarkably restrained.

I want to see the crime of 'bioweapons denial' brought on to the statute books. No limitations; no mercy.

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And the terrible part of all is that all of the violence, all of the inhumanity we see today in Ukraine and many other places previously is practised by those who point the finger at you. Who is doing the destroying, and murdering and wounding?

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The irony of this persecution while Germany is actively supporting actual neo Nazis in Ukraine is off the charts.

And recently a German general got reprimanded for saying that he has a problem training the Ukraine Nazis. The world fought a war against Nazism and not only were the worst ones brought to America for their knowledge, but America itself has been supporting the Ukraine Nazis for decades.

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Jul 7, 2023Edited
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The"haves"refuse to share with the "have-nots"by any peacefull method.It represents morally corrupt corporations and its politicall ruling elite.

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Your integrity, passion, sanity, courage, love and massive gifts of expression are a beacon for this world. I wish that didn't have to be its own reward. The thinkpol are beyond out of control. Even though I've been noticing and expecting this slow motion catastrophe for the last 35 years, I completely under imagined the cognitive dissonance in the population at large. Am with you, my brother.

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With you! This is a pandemic of cognitive dissonance!

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