It's sad, and extremely annoying, that I have to reiterate this, again, but it appears I do. If you have come to my Comments section to praise Adolf Hitler and/or blame Nazi Germany on "the Jews," or otherwise spew anti-Semitism or any other variety of bigotry into my Comments section, I will not engage with you. I will delete your comment and ban you from my Comments section, forever, and feel really good about it.

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I'm sure you know this, but likely it is prosecution bots doing that to you to make it look like their charges have substance.

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Good point.

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Applause. I hope I have the guts to similarly defy them when they come for me. At least we know we are in a war, so it won't come as a shock when the full-on crunch comes down. I HAVE written a song, years ago entitled 'When the Crunch comes.' (There'll be nowhere to run) but I don't know where the lyrics are. seeing as there are about 300 in all. (179 on YT) There is a whole Covid series. I got it from about day 1.

I have a half=German daughter from my German ex, a trained judge and lawyer under the German system, who dropped out.

I warned my daughter about Germany well over two years ago, what they would do, but of course she wasn't able to listen. C'est la vie. es la vida. Congratulations. You ARE an inspiration, whether you like it or not.

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But do understand "history" is lopsided. Churchill and FDR were war criminals.

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Fascists Out! Gegen Nazis!

Biden Bootlickers Out! Fuck Censorship! Fuck Orwellian Agendas!

Up the Revolution!

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Okay, this has officially escalated (or rather descended) from Kafkaesque to Dantesque. Then they threw some Keseyesque and Godotesque into the dystopian shitfuckeryfest smoothie. This is madness gone mad, like a bad trip that feels like it will never end.

Come to think of it, this is perfect fodder for an absurdist play of just the sort you like to write. Perhaps you can draft a one-act while you’re at the monastery and people all over Germany and elsewhere can start Spartacusing it “until there are too many of us to silence” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/ode-to-a-whistleblower).

Keep on fighting the bullies, CJ. You are 100% right about your advice. And we’ve got your back. Fuck those fuckers.

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One cannot even "write as fast as governments make wars; for writing requires thinking." This is what Bertolt Brecht wrote about himself and other writers on the eve of World War II. At that time he was in exile in Denmark, from where he wrote countless poems, prose works and, above all, plays that called – sometimes openly and sometimes cunningly concealed – for resistance against the fascist countries of Europe. One of his signature works at the time was a cycle of staged one-act plays, which became known under the title "Furcht und Elend des Dritten Reiches" ("Fear and Misery of the Third Reich").

If CJ ever wrote a piece like that, I would love to do the music for it. And yes, fuck those fuckers!

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Thank you for that fascinating bit of highly relevant literary history, DeepThought!

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You're welcome!

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That quote of Brecht's feels so true. I'm a playwright, and I swear, EVERY SINGLE DAY I read something that seems like a play writing itself. But then before I can wrestle anything onto the page, another impossibly absurd situation presents itself. We are clearly on the eve of something, god help us.

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Very few views of this post. And the beat goes on...

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I believe there is progress in people waking up, but we need a lot more.

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This is now a war (not kinetic, yet) against the rise of nascent Neo-Totalitarianism, no different than that which rose out of the ashes of WWI in 1930s Germany. It has simply rebranded itself, and has made it criminal to point out the obvious comparisons between itself and the horror that arose around 1933.

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A One World Government is actually the antithesis of Nationalism

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Margaret Anna Alice, get CA Fitts in contact if you can with CJ if he hasn't already.

He needs to move...now. $$$.

His and his wife's time in Germany is over...he needs to make a loan to CAF.

Otherwise they will do to him what they are doing to his friend. Freezing his accounts.

Tell him to stay put in Italy.``They will pick him and everyone else off one by one.

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Very thoughtful of you, Duchess. I know CAF is behind CJ and offered to match a certain portion of donations to his legal fund, and he did say he would use any overage for his Get the F out of Germany fund ;-)

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Nice summary! I couldn't agree more!

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You’re dealing with brainwashed, sociopath cultists.

There is no reasoning with them

They lack any sense of decency

They worship their own egos

They have no sense of remorse

They never admit they’re wrong, which they are, about most things in life.

Humans have battled this sociopathy for millennia.

Thank you for being the voice of reason for so much of humanity. God bless you

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Regrettably, over time these psychopaths have been able to infiltrate governments at all levels in all countries, not all to the same extent, but sufficiently well to be able to exercise their new-found power almost unmolested. CJ and others who take the plunge (Assange comes to mind) must understand, as CJ does, that the wrath of Globocap will come down hard on those who peek their noses above the parapet.

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Perhaps the best example, Klaus Schwab, who looks and acts like a comic-book Dr. Evil.

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I am convinced the Schwabenklaus has a horde of brain-chipped flying monkeys that do his bidding.

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It’s a ‘German’ legal system in name only

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You don't smell the farts of the Jesuits left in the wake of infiltrations, espionage, assassinations, revolutions, etc?

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Limited hangout.

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That guy Lauterbach (pictured in the Hopkins article) is a perfect example of this. I see him as a victim; someone who was bullied extensively growing up, and who know is out to wreak his revenge on Germans everywhere.

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Hear hear - we see the same thing; Bullied people out to get "their revenge" however it doesn't belong to them, but God (Rm 12:19).

Godless people, who cast themselves as gods of money, influence, power and pleasure, but nature abhors a vacuum. God gets ejected, evil enters.

They only bring misery and death.

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Wonderfully said. Although I'm not conventionally religious, my knowledge of biblical history and my experience in the present reminds me that your description of godless people is accurate: it has always been The Way. At least amongst the people who the Hebrews hated (and they were NOT the Egyptians).

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the US Security State is doing their best to follow in the same path as those "Good Germans," and don't even get me started on what I've read about Canada and Australia.

it really is Mr Global (globocap) running rampant on criminalizing dissenting speech.

and just to add my two cents in a rather vulgar fashion, fuck those fucking fuckers and their fuckwit accusations.

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And the fucking fuckers that spawned them.

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And the fuckers who cower, fall in line and undermine our chances of ever getting out of this nightmare.

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Bob Dylan calls them, "... you who philosophize, disgrace and criticize all

Fears, ..."

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Yep, that's why I like Gerald Celente's sentiments. I think you would enjoy his podcasts. He calls out these bullies by their rightful names.


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He's great I agree. Dig his clever play on words too. Couple of years ago around Christmas he went "Merry Crisis and Happy New Fear"

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Great greeting. thanks for posting it. :)

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He cracks me up. He does call them out big time. Love it.

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Thanks. I'll take a listen

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Surely, the whole point of these 'Matrioshka Doll' prosecutions is tie CJ up in endless litigation and ultimately, drive him into bankruptcy and out of the country. This is 'lawfare', using spurious 'legal' weapons to destroy any opposition to the state. Isn't this what the National Socialist Party did in 1933 when Hitler came to power?

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yes it is. but you can’t aay that in germany because it’s “relativization” of the holocaust. nobody — well, the sheer majority — in germany understands how the new fascists are using their past against them.

extinguishing/rewriting the past is one thing. using it against their own people is the most fascist thing.

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Absolutely! That's the entire point of lawfare, to do 'legally' what would otherwise be illegal. What the state 'gives', the state can take away.

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I'll take "things that come as zero surprise for $500 and the Daily Double, Alex!"

Seriously, European slavishness never fails to amaze me, running rough over freedom of speech to make their American master happy. For if C.J. Hopkins or Roger Waters had goodthink opinions on the War On Ukraine, they could dress up as SS troopers and the prosecutor wouldn't utter a peep.

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"Hopkins was futher accused of “relativizing” or “minimizing” the crimes of the Nazis … by republishing the two Tweets..."

It's actually the German Government who's minimizing Nazi crimes by choosing to attack a satirist for publishing materials which mock the COVID official narrative by sardonically deploying a photo of a surgical mask symbolizing the resurgence of fascism via the weaponization of medicine in order to advance a repressive agenda by establishing a biosecurity surveillance state replete with digital ID'S, a central bank digital currency, and social credit scores.

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exactly. if i was the lawyer i would respond as such. “millions of lives have been lost during the third reich. it began with political prosecutions against citizens and ended in euthanasia. the entire society, along with the judicial branch and most of its members, succumbed to the fascism by defending state narratives. using the judicial system to argue “holocaust relativization” is exactly that, making fun of the victims of the third reich. we’d like for the prosecution to be a good example and stop relativizing the third reich that way.”.

and denounce the prosecutor for the same crime at the same moment.

drag the motherfucker through the mud.

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What we're increasingly witnessing are prosecutors accusing defendants of crimes they're guilty of.

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sloppy pronoun make it unclear who "they" is.

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A quick copy-editor (emeritus) solution: "crimes of which they themselves are guilty".

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Excellent delineation, and needed. After all, the idea of a prosecutor accusing a defendant of a crime he's guilty of is trending more rare these days.

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Thank you. So many don’t even have a clue as what is going on in the world but yet you fight for their freedom as well as your own. I am praying for you.

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I don’t know for how many I speak, but even for myself alone, please, stop praying and do something useful. Prayers are one of the reasons we’re in this mess.

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I beg to differ. There is a profound amount of evidence in the medical literature about the salutory effect and power of prayer. I read a double blind experiment about the positive effects of prayer on ill animals in a shelter, who could not know they were being prayed for. Joseph Campbell discussed ethnic expressions of elementary ideas, and prayer is an elementary idea beyond its expression in a particular mythos. Perhaps it is an appeal to God, and perhaps it collapses the wave function, or both. I pray the Larry Dossey prayer "May the best possible outcome prevail" and just about anything can be a prayer. I heard a pastor on youtube say, that for oneself, to escape a seemingly inescapable pattern of thoughts and feelings, the most powerful prayer is "fuck it". Here are parts of a poem called Prophecying About Your Time, by Sandor Csoori, a habitue of the tradition of Fate Literature,

which began with Sandor Petofi, whose poem of revolt helped ignite the Hungarian Revolution of 1848. I offer it as prayer for the persecuted to collapse the wave function.

"For it shall come,

you'll see, it shall come,

before your fall, it shall come,

at the foot of the roughcast tenement walls it shall be morning


summer again,

a long day of curtained loins,

and water will drench you linen shirt,

even the bones shall soak in water,

they shall swim forward,

backward, upward,

as if you were pillaging

the sea's crypt---


I tell you it will be magnificent,

because it is only you who can come after them,

you, who were able to wait,

from the first to the second pain,

shifting from the red into the black,

and from black back,

and become incarnated every day,

to sweat,

to split apart, to go on.

(translated by Lee Roberts and Judit Vertes)

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You underestimate the power of God! "Not by string armies or elephants are battles won, but by the Lord's decision for those who deserve it.." Judas Maccabeus going to war against a much larger & more experienced army trying to take the territory of his people. He cried out, got down on his knees (humbled himself) repented and begged God's provision. Chapters 2-8 of 2 Maccabees. I love the passion of the fight in the whole book. It gives us an example for such a day as today.

YES! PRAY! Expect and receive w a right heart.

I live reading God's live letter to us; pur instruction manual. No fear- God's got this! Yes, we need to do our part too.

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Of course, a little less than a century ago, it was exactly the same as now. Christians and Jews who spoke against the Nazi regime were treated just as CJ is being treated now. This will end no better now than it did then.

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This is quite different in a very obvious way. The cowardly followers who rely on the propaganda that encourages their obedience through appeal to authority are the ones being most directly harmed even if they're in denial about that. They are the ones being physically harmed and exterminated by the poisonous shots they eagerly lined up for.

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a most curious plot twist.

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I appreciate you. There are so many stories like yours. Look at the US and Canada. Jan 6 and the truckers. The world leaders have gone crazy with power. I wish we could hear the conversations at that dinner :-).

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The fact that "there are so many stories" like mine is the story.

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look at jan 8 in brazil. exact same playbook.

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I respectfully disagree. I think you do respond well to threats.

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Stay free, CJ! The WEF Wehrmacht and EU are the Fourth Reich. We are all Private Ryans now: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/saving-private-ryan-wef-wehrmacht

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"The harshest tyranny is that which acts under the protection of legality and the banner of justice."

—Baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu,

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Good grief. What an odious cock womble. Nothing is as dangerous as an otherwise impotent person who gets a little bit of power. Incase you're reading this , you compromised beholden toadie prosecutor - try focusing on some real crime. There is more than enough of those in shithole Berlin

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How about Jack Smith?

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He absolutely belongs there... plus most of the current US regime as well.

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Ding, Ding, Ding, We Have A Winner!!!

Thank you! I was reading the comments and kept thinking about how Smith was doing exactly the same thing to Trump, and I wondered if anyone else noticed.

(For those who haven’t heard, Jack Smith has apparently re-seated the DC Grand Jury, which is now considering new indictments against Trump.....essentially for publicly fighting the charges against him. Smith said that Trumps comments about the indictments and election fraud were “tainting the jury pool”)

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It has long been said in legal circles that the average grand-jury would indict a ham sandwich.

The level to which a grand jury in the District of Corruption would stoop in their treatment of an accused individual is simply off the charts. When one begins to consider the makeup of jurors...particularly ones who are chosen by pro$ticutors and whose names remain closeted...the immediate appraisal is that the majority of said jurors would axiomatically be government employees.

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Thank you for serving as a shining example of how we all need to act in the face on coercion. No truer words were spoken than yours about the nature of the bully, and the inevitable outcome of giving in. We should all know this by now!

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Germany has fallen, as has New Zealand, Australia, and Canada. The U.S. is close to the precipice, but we have that pesky Constitution standing in the way. Get your shit out of there, and start a new life elsewhere. Yeah, it sucks to have to do that at an advanced age, but it's that or eventually wind up in prison or worse.

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Our US Constitution is literally violated every day by our own "law" makers and enforcers. It infuriates me. Their "interpretations" are fluid, and I swear none have read the handwritten notes documented by our nation's founders detailing the explicit intent of each point published therein.

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CJ's in Italy now. Is that safe enough? Is anywhere else any safer?

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Anywhere not aligned with Five Eyes or the EU is a good start. Anywhere that culturally and politically has not succumbed to the Globohomo agenda is even better.

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I think there may have been a postage stamp sized island in the pacific.... oops.... the Chinese just snatched it. Sorry.

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Antarctica perhaps

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I'd suggest North Korea

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Because of their current conflict with the proxies of the U$$A/NATO, Russia might welcome those who are dissenters against their tormentors.

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