
N.B. Once again, I am deviating from my standard practice of summarily deleting bigoted BTL replies, as I want them to remain visible for documentation/educational purposes. My columns have been drawing a lot of angry anti-Semites and other hate-drunk fanatics recently (this one less than others, so far). I don't want to "disappear" those reactions.

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I was banned on twitter/x. There is a lot of censorship there.

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Several times for me, the last time for too many links to my Substack.

ICYMI, my open letter to Twitter/Jack-Dorsey about the rot there:


Not that Twitter 2.0 AM -- After Musk -- is all that much better.

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Wow. I think what you are writing is very logical. I thought I was alone in my Heinz 57 ideology.

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Rather than be bigoted I’d like to congratulate you on your nod to The Matrix and its inspiration Simulacra and Simulation and how it ties into the cult of MAGA: “…it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.”

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I tried to like the first comment by author several times to no avail.

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Finally, after several more tries!

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Jul 17Liked by CJ Hopkins

I do not know how to stop it either

So we live our daily lives on the farm and do not let it mold our thoughts or actions. The animals really do not care.

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The entire global militarized american security state funds and stands behind GOP, trump, biden, vance, musk etc, and yet well-intentioned but ignorant & deceived conservatives actually believe they are fighting the elite and sticking it to the man by cheering for the biggest billionaire scum abusers of humanity. WAKE UP DECEIVED CONSERVATIVES!! See in the following links exactly who funds and who is behind your scum heros that you imagine are "freedom fighters who fight the deep state". WAKE UP!! Your billionaire heros ARE the deep state. You are being played so hard!! WAKE UP!!

Watch this to understand how the ruling class are deceiving you and having you think that your ConMan billionaire messiah is anti-establishment https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OEkgZtu_Q2Q

Then see this full breakdown of who Vance actually is and who are the adrenochrome-drinking billionaire abusers that are funding him and have grooomed him for this moment https://miri.substack.com/p/america-the-movie-screenplay-by-jd?

And especially here https://unlimitedhangout.com/2024/07/investigative-reports/the-man-behind-trumps-vp-pick-its-worse-than-you-think/

And here


And here https://youtu.be/sGySygy0LWs?si=n6u28vsLzazo_gdS

Literally funded every step of the way and brought to where he is by the billionaire founder of US defence contractor Palantir “the engine on which the surveillance state runs”. I repeat, "THE ENGINE ON WHICH THE SURVEILLANCE STATE RUNS". These are your so called "anti deep-state" heros. WAKE UP DECEIVED CONSERVATIVES!! YOU ARE BEING PLAYED!! Your "patriotic" heros are funded by scum who don't just have ties to the deep state, THEY ARE THE DEEP STATE!!!


Trump’s record on the issues that could bring him into conflict with The System demonstrates that he is as much of a threat to the establishment as the tooth fairy. See https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/the-billionaire-class-is-no-more

And here https://caityjohnstone.medium.com/trump-minus-narrative-equals-bushbama-84a363947536

In addition to the above, to learn at depth about the M.I.C war-profiteering deep-state oligarch networks that brought trump into power (of Wall St conservative billionaire military contractors, mass-murderering right-wing arms dealers, surveillance capitalists, sexual blackmail networks run by supremacist zionist tribalists, and ultra-wealthy God-ignorant evangelical religious fundamentalist control-freaks) that brought infantile psychologically-undeveloped heart-ignorant abusive narcissist love-less greedy ConMan anti-Christ right-wing mass-murderer trump into power, kindly listen and read in full these profound research papers https://www.exposetheenemy.com/deep-politics-and-trump

and here https://www.exposetheenemy.com/trump-war-the-pentagon-and-the-conservativeestablishment

and here https://web.archive.org/web/20190720130650/https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/11/tomdispatch-trump-military-foreign-affairs/

and here https://odysee.com/@ExposeTheEnemy:b/america-first-from-wall-street-to-the:a?lid=95a34b649ac72026c32466c45591322426c77cf1

and here https://i.pinimg.com/originals/9e/c5/93/9ec59307f55ea5fabf59dbbdd7abb43a.png

and here https://odysee.com/@ExposeTheEnemy:b/the-religious-right-revealed-(part-one):b?lid=8b0e67d6cbc1b26a69c6482eaa43b14930cdf1ee

The massive level of censorship, deplatforming, shadow-banning, visibility-filteting and caging us in partisan echo-chambers on Musk's right-wing Zionist Twitter/X is astounding, and what's truly scary and unprecedentend is that it is all done under the banner of "freedom" and "fighting the elite"!!! Truly 1984 level of DoubleSpeak. And a blind misinformed army of millions upon millions are buying into this sick GREAT INVERSION conservative narrative (the successor to the Qanon narrative), worshiping the holy billionaire trinity of Musk/Trump/Tucker (and Shapiro) as "freedom fighters" and "anti-elite", while "God's chosen messiah" and his deep-state zionist billionaire buddies are ushered into the white house. Truly dystopian times..The GREAT CONSERVATIVE INVERSION (Qanon version 2.0) in full swing.. The biggest billionaire abusers of humanity, scum of the earth are worshipped by deceived conservatives as "pro-freedom anti-elite heros"!!! SICKENING!!

PS. For anyone not yet aware that trump and vance and musk and carlson (as well as biden and the corporate-capitalist fake-left liberals) are the very definition of pro-ruling class, pro-elite, pro-M.I.C, pro-genocide, pro-ZioNazis, pro-global capitalist militarized empire, pro-Big Pharma, pro-Big Agri, pro-Big Tech, pro-surveillance capitalism, pro-squeezing workers to death for billionaire sociopaths, pro-NeoConservatism, pro-war profiteering, pro-division of humanity along religious-ethnic lines and pitting us against each other to ensure eternal sectarian-tribalistic hatred and war that cements the position of right-wing billionaire manipulators at the top of the pyramid in every country as "protectors of the people" from "those evil monstrous other religion/ethnicity/ideology over there who want to hurt you, but don't worry, we're here to protect you from the evil enemies of the nation" (and these corporate-capitalist billionaire deceivers are presented to those who don't know the facts as "anti-establishment freedom fighters" in the manipulative DoubleSpeak of billionaire-sponsored conservative echo-chambers and fake "alternative" media), if you're still not aware of who these ruling-class manipulators are and still believe they are here to "fight the deep state for the little guy" (as the deceptive Qanon/MAGA conservative narrative would have you believd) , then you can see numerous evidence for what's mentioned here in the essays linked on my page, and I also elaborated on this in my reply below to 'onevoice'

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It really is interesting times we live in.

I was a bit shocked/concerned when a friend of ours who is quite "awake" and intelligent totally bought the fake assassination story. Didn't even consider it could have been a psyop/false flag....If she didn't question it, 99%+ of Trump supporters likely didn't either.

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And is the dead man and his family part of the psy op? Did they volunteer or are they well paid martyrs. Please stop. I’m skeptical and question most everything in the government and media and doubt we’ll find the truth of it. That is all the more reason why we don’t need added unsubstantiated fear and doubt.

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I have no idea what happened on that day, whether it was staged or not, but IMHO that is absolutely NOT the point and doesn't matter in the least. This whole partisan circus show is distracting us from the clear FACT that NEITHER scumbag, neither mass-murderer corporare-capitalist trump nor mass-murderer corporate-capitalist biden, are on our side but are very clearly on the side of the hierarchical billionaire ruling class abusers and their global capitalist militarized empire of murder, greed, plunder, abuse, torture, exploitation, domination and control (and i will say more about this in detail in a moment). The fact that there is an assasination attempt on someone (whether staged or real) absolutely does NOT mean that they are the good guy. Here's an example that would hopefully make it clear. If you studied the history of the German third Reich then you'll know that Hitler had four assasination attempts on his life, all of them failed. Does the fact that there was an assasination attempt on Hitler's life make him into the good guy? Well, if you asked this question to Hitler's propagandized dumb and deceived right-wing followers then they would have told you that yes, the fact that "those evil internationalist socialists" did not succeed in taking down Hitler, "our Germany-first nationalist hero", means that he is "God's chosen, God's annointed one who loves our country and who is divinely destined to lead Germany into Greatness, divinely destined to fight "those evil unpatriotic leftists who hate our country" and lead Germany back to rhe glory days, back into Making Germany Great Again" (sounds familiar?). That is precisely what Hitler's dumb and deceived right-wing followers concluded from the failed assasination attempts on his life. If you speak German you can look up newspaper and magazine articles from that time and see that this is exactly the conclusion that Hitler's right wing followers reached from the failed assasination attempts on his life. And it is extremely sad to see that some americans are as heavily-propagandized, dumb, hypnotized and deceived as the right-wing nationalist Germans were in 1938, and are reaching the exact same (wrong) conclusion that Germany's right-wing nationalists reached from this so-called assasination attempt (whether staged or real, it makes no difference). Exactly like the manipulated and deceived right-wing nationalists in Germany in 1938, trump's followers are also operating under the exact same WRONG logic and reaching the exact same WRONG conclusion that says that an assasination attempt (whether staged or real) means that their mass-murdering pro-billionaire pro-Wall St pro-M.I.C pro-zionist pro-genocide infantile anti-Christ leader is a righteous benevolent leader who puts his country first and who is chosen by "god" to lead the country to "Greatness". That is the ACTUAL LOGIC that trump's deceived believers are operating under, which is THE EXACT SAME logic and conclusion that deceived right-wing nationalists in Germany in 1938 reached from the fact of failed assasination attempts on Hitler. I hope it is clearer now why that is obviously a faulty logic and a faulty conclusion.

So no, an assasination attempt on someone (whether staged or real) does NOT automatically make them into the good guy, absolutely not!!

Focusing on whether it was staged or real is missing the big picture and being distracted from the actual FACT that BOTH scumbags are not on our side but are on the side of the abusive corporate-capitalist militarized empire (that CJ writes so much about).

In a moment I'll get to trump's crimes against the people during his presidency, but another small point before that - i don't know if it was staged or real (and if real, by exactly who?), but what i do know, and what i think is very important to understand, is that the ruling class is not one uniform block, but rather there are very real rivalries within the billionaire ruling class criminals, just like there are real rivalries between criminal gangs for control over a certain territory, rivalries that are ruthless merciless and murderous, as the gang members (and factions of the ultra-wealthy ruling class abusers) literally kill each other in order win the huge bounty, bounty that comes from gaining control over the activities in a territory.

Now, the fact that, during the course of their rivalry, gang A might try to assasinate the head of criminal gang B, this fact (assuming for a moment that is what happened and that it wasn't staged and not some wacko) this fact does NOT suddenly make criminal gang B into righteous saints who care about the people (in the territory that the two gangs are fighting over) and who are victims of gang A. No, it absolutely does NOT mean that. Both gangs are criminal and are the enemies of the people in the territory that the gangs fight over.

If the people (in the territory that the gangs fight over) were as propagandized and blind to what is happening as trump's deceived MAGA believers are, then they would cheer for murderous criminal gang B as their righteous saviors (who are supposedly on their side) and they would point to the assasination attempt by gang A as "proof" for how evil are gang A and how righteous are gang B... Hopefully the people in the territory (that the gangs fight over) are not as propagandized gullible and deceived as trump's followers are, and are able to see that non of the two gangs are on their side and that the people's well-being is NOT going to come from being ruled by EITHER faction of the ruling class (by either one of the criminal gangs who fight among themselves for control over the territory).

Okay, now as for the crimes of trump against the people during his first presidency, i will detail that in the comment below this one because the space here is finished. Please allow me some time to write that comment below

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Part 2: to show you that trump is absolutely NOT what the deceptive Qanon/MAGA fairytale tells us (a 'man of the people' who wants to be president because he really loves and cares about us and wants to help the little guy fight the elite) but is in fact a criminal run-of-the-mill mass-murdering american president, a pro-Wall St. pro-war profiteering industry pro-billionaire pro-genocidd God-denying anti-Christ NeoConservative Zionist ConMan (who - like his right-wing corporate-capitalist liberal DNC predessecors and successors - is an unabashed representitive of the hierarchical narrow interests of the corporate capitalist 0.1% ruling class) who transferred during his presidency trillions of our money to his buddies the 0.1% ultra wealthy billionaires' global war machine military budget (which SKYROCKETED under this his administration), and who EXPANDED the corporate-capitalists global military empire of abuse, bullying, murder, domination and control (to mention just a couple of this idiot's exploits. More coming later).

To start with, i recommend reading these two short essays (that include full citations and referemces)

https://caityjohnstone.medium.com/trump-minus-narrative-equals-bushbama-84a363947536 trump minus the deceptive media narrative equals bush-obama

And here https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/the-billionaire-class-is-no-more The billionaire class is no more afraid of trump than the tooth fairy (since he clearly works to enrich the oligarchy and cement its control over humanity. See link).

And by the way, these anti-american anti-humanity pro-ruling class actions by trump during his presidency are a continuation of 99% of the corporate-capitalist war policies of the other half the ruling class representitives - the right-wing liberal DNC wing of the corporate-capitalist empire. At the highest levels, it makes zero difference to the global corporate-capitalist empire if you choose their right-wing corporate-capitalist liberal representitive or their right-wing corporate-capitalist conservative representitive, team red or team blue. Pepsi or Coke. Underneath the billionaire's media theatre (as if these two are enemies and act differently, and as if you have a genuine choice between two distinct options), underneath the partisan propaganda in the billionaire-owned disinformation media, both of these anti-humanity right-wing corporate-capitalist abusers - liberal or conservative - continue 99% of the policies of each other to enhance and cement the control, enrichment, profiteering & domination of the corporate-capitalist ultra-wealthy ruling class over humanity.

One can clearly see that if one studies their ACTUAL ACTIONS (not the generated stories surrounding their actions, but their ACTUAL actions). The murderous anti-humanity right-wing corporate-capitalist billionaire ruling class' empire functions in the EXACT SAME WAY regardless of whether it is a right-wing corporate-capitalist liberal or conservative in the white house, regardless of whether it is biden, trump, obama, bush jr, clinton, bush sr, reagen etc in the white house. The only difference is that their pro-ruling class murderous actions are couched in liberal or conservative jargon, but the actions are the same).

For two quick examples of this (though there are many many more) you can refer again to the two factual essays shared above.

Now, to learn at depth about the M.I.C war-profiteering ruling class oligarch deep-state networks that brought trump into power (of Wall St conservative billionaire military contractors, mass-murderering right-wing arms dealers, surveillance capitalists, pedophile blackmail networks run by supremacist zionist tribalists, and ultra-wealthy God-ignorant evangelical religious fundamentalist control-freaks) that brought infantile psychologically-stunted heart-ignorant abusive narcissist love-less greedy ConMan anti-Christ right-wing murderer trump into power, kindly listen and read in full these profound research papers https://www.exposetheenemy.com/deep-politics-and-trump

and here https://www.exposetheenemy.com/trump-war-the-pentagon-and-the-conservativeestablishment

and here https://web.archive.org/web/20190720130650/https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/11/tomdispatch-trump-military-foreign-affairs/

and here https://odysee.com/@ExposeTheEnemy:b/america-first-from-wall-street-to-the:a?lid=95a34b649ac72026c32466c45591322426c77cf1

and here https://i.pinimg.com/originals/9e/c5/93/9ec59307f55ea5fabf59dbbdd7abb43a.png

and here https://odysee.com/@ExposeTheEnemy:b/the-religious-right-revealed-(part-one):b?lid=8b0e67d6cbc1b26a69c6482eaa43b14930cdf1ee

Of course it is not only the heavily-brainwashed gullible indoctrinated conservatives who are thus deceived by the corporate-capitalist ruling class (into cheering for one half of the ruling class and believe that they are 'sticking it to the man' this way). The empire also has an echo-chamber ready for the ignorant heavily-propagandized right-wing liberal capitalists (the empire's propaganda machine and skillful narrative managers deceptively call this right-wing liberal corporate-capitalist echo-chamber 'the left'). When i'm interacting with ignorant and deceived right-wing liberals, supporters of the right-wing corporate-capitalist DNC for example, i emphatically show them how the corporate-capitalist abusers are playing them too (to cheer for the other half of the ruling class and believe they are avoiding religious-conservative tyranny this way - not being aware that their guy is also part of the murderous american oligarchy, just like the conservative billionaires are. And also not being aware for example how they're propagandized to believe they are helping the enviroment by following the dictates of the climate capitalist billionaire manipulators, the biggest capitalist destroyers and polluters and toxifiers of our soil, food, air and water (who deceptively claim to care about the our living habitat). So there's definitely also that exho-chamber of deceived right-wing liberal capitalist, but since the majority of americans today seem to fully on board the conservative GREAT INVERSION narrative (Qanon version 2.0) then that's why in this comment i'm focusing here only on this half of the empire's propaganda machine, the half that is corralling conservatives into the empire's fold (while imagining that they are sticking it to the man by voting for the billionaire ConMan that repersents the interests of the most vile deep-state scum of the earth and who robs them blind (to enrich his soul-less corporate-capitalist billionaire buddies) and who cements the control of the corporate-capitalist ruling class over us. All becasue conservatives unfortunately fall for the mossad-generated narrative that is hammered into their head nonstop in their echo-chambers, as if their pro-M.I.C pro-billionaire pro-Wall St trump appeared on the scene becasue he really really cares about the little guy and wants to help the little guy fight the elite..

Pro ruling-class Godless abusive mass-murdering ConMan trump was already president once, remember? Need I remind you that he and his Zionist PR team of deceivers already sold us the exact same deceptive Qanon narrative they are selling us now (as if he is an anti-elite man-of-the-people who came to fight the establishment for the little guy) and need i remind you that once elected he promptly spat in the face of all the gullible unintelligent brainwashed people who believed him and his PR team of deceivers, and proceeded to fill up his administration to the brim with deep-state NeoCon Zionist swamp creatures (handed foreign policy over to deep state zionist operatives in the form of compulsive-liar CIA director Pompeo, Chabad devotee and mossad representitive Kushner, ultra-zionist mass-murderer Bolton, NeoCon zionist lunatic ("starve them to death") Abrams etc. etc. Besides them, the state dept. was literally full of and run by israelis during trump's presidency), and deep state swamp creatures from Goldman Sachs, BlackRock, Raytheon, Eric Prince's BlackWater merceneries and the rest of Wall St and the war profiteering industry filled up to the brim every single position in his administration of ruling class billionaire abusers.

What on earth makes any of us think that he will act any differently this time? Because the mossad's Qanon story says so (echoed by large portions of the so-called 'alternative conservative media' ecosystem)?

All trump did during his presidency was transfer trillions to the ultra-wealthy war profiteers and big pharma corporate capitalists, filled his admin to the brim with deep-state swamp creatures, gave tax breaks to the ultra-rich and made sure the most wealthy (the anti-life heartless billionaire abusers who brought him to power) became much wealthier while everyone else stagnated or impoverished; Trump EXPANDED the billionaires' global militarized capitalist empire (of nearly 900 military bases encircling the entire globe, dozens of warships colonizing every sea on the planet, and at least 13 extra-judicial torture camps where kidnapped human beings are held in captivity for years without trial and tortured by brainwashed conservatives because.."liberty" and "god" and "moral values") with his RECORD HIGH military spending to enrich his war profiteering capitalist billionaire pals; Created a welfare state for billionaires (with his government's coercive force used to lavish his right-wing billionaire scum of the earth with public funding, funneling trillions of our money to his backers the conservative war profiteers, who of course privatize the profits and give nothing back to the public that funded them) and crumbs for the rest of us;

Space finished. Please see part 3 below

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Part 3:

Trump also initiated, armed and financed a coup in Bolivia so that his billionaire pal Elon Musk can steal the world's largest reserves of lithium from Bolivia for his "green"-electric car company (which is at the forefront of the climate capitalists' "4th industrial revolution" and "great reset". Musk literally sat at the table with trump and pompeo and said "we will coup whoever we want, deal with it". That is how sure are musk and trump that their propagandized deceived followers will follow them blindly and obediently no matter what crimes they commit against humanity (trump literally bragged that he can shoot someone on the street in broad daylight and his [hypnotized] conservatives followers will still vote for him..)

And of course Musk didn't forget to return trump the favor for this public- funded coup and theft to enrich Musk, and didn't forget to show ruling class solidarity (and deception of the masses), when he took control over twitter and deceived conservatives into believing that the way to oppose the 'evil elite' is NOT by rejecting the class structure of domination of the many by the few and freeing ourselves entirely from the control of the abusive corporate-capitalist scumbags (see here https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/why-have-no-rich-and-no-poor?) but rather Musk deceptively funneled conservatives right back into support for the billionaire's empire (while believing thst they are sticking it to the man), into getting behind trump his ruling class billionaire buddy, the other half of the corporate-capitalist elite murderers (trump who will likely arrange Musk's next resource-theft when he's back in office, in an act of ruling class solidarity) and telling conservatives that this is the way to rebel against the elite.. see here the service that trump provides for the ruling class in making sure the masses don't aim to free ourselves from the class control but instead funnel our anger and frustration into supporting a false messiah, a false populist who is IN REALIRY a usual pro-billionaire american president (which is easy to see if one ignores the fake Qanon/MAGA narrative but looks at his actual actions). See https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/the-billionaire-class-is-no-more

The trump-musk-tucker deception is a textbook example of how the ruling class billionaires funnel the masses' anger at the elite (at being controlled, abused, stressed out, and treated like dirt by the hierarchical domination ideology of tne God-ignorant corporate-capitist ruling class abusers) and the masses' desire for change, how the ruling class funnels these potentianally revolutionary energies into an elite-provided FALSE MESSIAH, a steam-release "safety valve" that is falsely presented as an anti-elite change-maker, while IN REALITY (not in the MAGA/Qanon alternate universe of imagined narratives, but IN REALITY) absolutely nothing changes in the status quo of ruling class abuse and domination over the many.

I will say more about this in a moment, but I still didn't finish yet detailing the crimes against the people of this ruling class representitive, trump, during his first presidency (and there is zero reason why this ruling-class billionaire scum wouldn't continue exactly where he left off). Besides all his crimes above, this mass-murdering pro-M.I.C ConMan also Initiated three other coups & and assasination attempts in venezuela, continuing with the deep state/CIA regime change operations just like all other right-wing corporate capitalist american presidemts do (but don't forget, he came to "drain the swamp" and to "fight the deep state" and their criminal intelligence agencies, becasue he really really cares about the little guy, as the Qanon/MAGA narrative hammers into conservatives' head nonstop (which is really the deep state/ruling class narrative. Generated in order to make sure that people's anger and rebellious-impulses are unwittingly funneled right back into support for the empire's status quo of domination of the few over the many, while believing you are supporting an "anti-elite rebel" who came becasue he cares about you and wants to "take down the establishment". Yeah, sure he does. Any minute now. He just didn't get round to it during the 4 years he had the power to do it, you see, but don't you worry, trust the process, you just need to vote for him again and this time he will absolutely definitely surely without-a-doubt definitely take down the deep state. Yes, we're not just telling you the same lying slogans like last time. This time he will surely do it. Because he's a real rebel and really really loves you and really really wants to fight the deep state for you. Yes, sure he does. Pinky promise. Just don't forget to vote him into office again, okay? Becasue, remember what we taught you in the conservative echo-chambers - this is how you can fight the evil elite and create meaningful change, by voting him into office. Because, don't forget what we taught you, he's a man-of-the-people who came to "drain the swamp" and take down the deep state. This time he will absolutely definitely surely do it. You just need to vote him into office and then close your eyes and BELIEVE) ;

Next crime - at the orders of his zionist financers mass-murdering trump imposed starvation embargo sanctions in Syria, Iran and venezuela which research showed have killed an estimated 230 thousand children as a result of lack of nutrition and medicine (but don't forget what we taught you in your echo-chamber- 'we conservatives are highly moral people, and really really care about the protection of children').

Kindly notice that the corporate-capitalist billionaire right-wing abusers never target other right-wing ruling class abusers (like Iran's vile conservative-religious right-wing ruling class scumbags and God-ignorant religious idiots) but rather, the right-wing abusers ALWAYS target the people, in order to generate as much religious-nationalist-tribalist hostility as possible (which is what the right-wing billionaire ruling class in all countries thrive on, as I'll explain in a moment) and in order to generate the loyalty and support of the people for their respective right-wing ruling class (which deceptively presents itself as the supposed protector from the "evil enemies of the nation"). The corporate-capitalist billionaire ruling class all over the planet know that the more they can create the sense of threat, lack of safety, and of an attack on the nation (through war, or threats of war, or starvation sanctions, or funded terrorist attacks, or promoting religious-nationalist division fear and hatred in a million different ways), then automatically the more tribalist and right-wing the people become, and automatically the people become more loyal to the ruling class and turn to their billionaire ruling class to protect them from the threat of the "evil enemies of the nation".

This trick ('look over there, the evil boogeyman enemy of the nation is coming to get you, but don't worry, we will protect you') is an EXTREMELY COMMON trick that the billionaire ruling class play on the people in almost all countries in order to ensure that the people don't rebel and remain obedient to the ruling class (because "now is not the time to be critical of the rulers, the threat to the nation from "those evil enemies of the nation" is too great. Now is the time to rally around the flag and to unite behind our ultra-wealthy benevolent leader (who of course cares deeply about the non-wealthy masses and really really wants to protect us from this scary evil other religion/nation/ideology).

To learn exactly how the ultra-wealthy right-wing ruling class play this trick on us again and again and again, i highly recommend attentively reading this profound essay which in my view is a MUST READ for every human on the planet https://www.pdrboston.org/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies

Pro-billionaire ConMan trump also cancelled during his presidency numerous toxin bans, pesticide bans, environmental, health and worker protections, in a class solidarity gift to his corporate-capitalist billionaire backers so that they could more easily make profits without those evil commie regulations that prevent them from exercising their "god-given freedom" to pursue their self interest and freely pollute and poison the population to increase profits (after all, profits for his ultra-wealthy billionaire pals in the ruling class is clearly a million times more important than not poisoning the people and the habitat we depend on. It's what the life-destroying anti-God right-wing soul-less corporate-capitalist abusers (trump's finanacial backers) call "freedom and liberty to pursue one's self-interest..").

And so on and on. It would fill up an entire book if I'd started now to detail all of this billionaire anti-Christ trump crimes against the people.

Again, see here some more of his anti-life exploits during presidency and why he is no different than his vile right-wing corporate-capitalist democrats predecessors and successors (despite what the deceptive narrative of CNN/Qanon says, as if he's different) https://caityjohnstone.medium.com/trump-minus-narrative-equals-bushbama-84a363947536

And here https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/the-billionaire-class-is-no-more

Space finished. Please see part 4 below

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It is still a psyop/false flag with real collateral damage! There are many examples of this 911 killed 3,500 people roughly, and it was a Mossad inside job with help from our government.

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He’s dead but that doesn’t mean Trump took a real bullet. The poor guys head blew off, but with the same kind of bullet, Trump only got a scratch? That doesn’t make sense. And people bringing the fireman into it don’t make sense either. Just because one is killed doesn’t mean they were both shot at.

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I will enjoy my freedom of speech regardless if it affects your sensitivities. Did I ever say it WAS a psyop? Nope. Try actually reading what people write rather than responding to emotions.

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"Although humans are endowed with reason, most human decision-making remains de facto driven primarily by emotional impulses. That also applies to complex collective decision-making processes that are essential for the integrity and effectiveness of constitutional institutions and procedures, such as political elections and appointments, judicial and administrative oversight, and independent media reporting.

Neurobiological research examining cognition by the millisecond has revealed that emotion enters the decision stream significantly prior to conscious thought, and subsequent logical reasoning tends to rationalize reflexive emotional decisions in line with the predominant social expectations, as determined by convention, law and morality." (Melzer, 2020)

This includes you, and your response being an obviously threatened gut feeling defense of free speech provides an excellent example of the rationalisation of this reflexive emotional reaction that is part of our neurobiology.

It is clearly more emotional than the more considered post you are replying to, yet you deride them for being emotional while visibly being so yourself. Why? It's not as if your free speech was actually in danger from someone else speaking against "unsubstantiated fear and doubt" or politely asking you to stop something. That is not censorship.

There is also research demonstrating that emotion is essential to rational thought. This is not contradictory to the above, but in fact essential to understanding why we are built the way we are and have such a vulnerability: without emotion to temper our rationality, 'logical' irrationality dominates.

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@Emma M your comment was the most thought-provoking and insightful response I’ve read since joining Substack 7 years ago. Often readers respond with knee jerk, thoughtless comments consisting of a wide range of ego driven input. But many times there are refreshing and informative discussions that I learn from and even enjoy. Yours was incredibly intelligent, informative and interesting. And then you applied the information to the complex subjects that are woven into every discussion on social media - freedom of speech, emotion and rational/irrational thought. You expressed what I experience often but could never put into words. Thank you.

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You did say it was a fake story.

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It might very well be a fake story. Looked like one to me. As Johnny O points out, we will never know. However, questioning, rather than believing everything we are told and shown, is necessary. But one thing is certain, more and more control is being taken/given to the powers overseen by the corporate elite while we are at each others throats.

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I apologize, I wasn't as clear as I should have been. The next sentence I said it could have been a psyop. And it later comments I make it clear I don't know and nobody does. People need to check their emotions

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There was no dead man. They spelled his name wrong on the fake uniform he'd supposedly worn when still working. They hauled him away from the scene by his legs and arms. When have you ever seen a crime scene treated that way? And look at his wife. Who acts like that when their husband has been shot in the head right next to them.

Trump kept referring to his shoes (a Masonic message that it was fake). Trump's ear healed up perfectly in a week. If he'd really been shot he'd be showing us that a picture as often as possible forever.

Trump pointed to the screen to his right just before being fake shot (a distraction for the main crowd who were mostly likely not crisis actors). And we have no footage of the incident from behind. With all those phones and video cameras recording.

The iconic photograph was pre-shot. They had a really difficult time trying to get the fake blood onto him in the correct pattern and then try to get close enough into position that no one could figure out it wasn't taken "live". The makeup artist/female Secret Service agent almost got into position but nearly fell down the stairs before striking the correct pose. They were way too confident they could pull it off. I'll bet Trump played a large part in deciding to do that. His massive ego. He wanted that fake iconic photograph.

But by far the most convincing thing for me was the behavior of the crowd behind Trump. See the YouTube video Roll Up, Roll Up the Trump Circus is in Town. Who dies of boredom seconds after rounds fired from a high powered rifle pass yards away from them? And to our right of Trump actually fails to contain a laugh. Worst actors ever. They were given poor instruction and direction and lacked discipline.

The upside is we found out who can't be trusted. Judge Napolitano, Peak Prosperity, Viva Frei, Larry Johnson. Hell. Almost every last one of them are pretending to work on solving the mystery. I just got my time back. I'm done with all of them.

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Do you really think it was planned psy op? That shot is insanely close. How? Can you share more? I’d really appreciate hearing your perspective

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thing is, it doesnt need to be. the goal is to keep us hating one another.

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I think this, too. I refuse to play the damn game.

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I don't "think" anything. All I know is we are trusting a very corrupt media and/or people to inform us which is enough for me to stop and pause. Has anyone proven that an actual bullet was anywhere near his head? The photo op immediately after also appeared staged. Could that have been real, of course. Could all of it been real, of course. Would it be foolish to assume we are being told the truth? Of course.

To be fair/clear, I haven't invested much time into looking into it. We will likely never know the truth.

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"Has anyone proven that an actual bullet was anywhere near his head?"

Absolutely. Trump's hired-bad-shot-patsy-assassin dummy-rifle close-hit, his carefully-planned micro-explosives ear-chunk-out, his paid-off SS-stage-detail, his-literally-under-the-table-photographer, his planted-team fake-hospital-treatment-with-narcissist-sized-bandage -- all nicely timed for two days before the convention -- was certainly quite a bit easier than the fake airplane/hologram of 9/11. Which Trump obviously learned from. Where Biden hallucinates, Trump is a doer.

And with Trump's hallucinated billions greasing everyone from the "Crooks" (wink wink) to our slacker DHS Secretary with actual oversight of a slacker Secret Service, it was a slam-dunk. Just ask George Tenet. He knows how it gets done. Or better yet, Alex Jones.

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Do you know how many times Trump had a fake fight in the WWE? Are you aware that they put fake blood? Did you see he had no blood on his hand?

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See YouTube video Roll Up, Roll Up the Trump Circus is in Town. He shows you how all the people behind Trump are crisis actors. He has another video of the fireman's area of the crowd. It has teabag in the title.

Sagehana.substack.com has an article with "Iconic Picture" in the title. Read the comments. Plenty of insightful information there.

Also go to Bitchute and search for "shooting hoax" or "shooting scam" or "assassination hoax" or the like. One channel has aggregated the videos. Many of these creators have crazy beliefs so take the good with the bad.

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It seems the propaganda machine has finally succeeded in training people to constantly see zebras.

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Ha! Shapiro! Handsome devil, that querolous eyebrow... Zionist cunt.

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wise animals ... and farmers. That is, actually, how to stop it. I'm not even kidding. The cabal depends on endless triggering of fear. Don't give them that fuel, their engine grinds to a complete halt. It's a lot simpler than we think. We just have to get enough people to stop getting triggered, or know how to quickly process and dismantle their own triggered state.

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Agreed. I hope you start writing articles soon. No pressure. ha....

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Thank you! I’ve been keeping myself on the bench, so to speak, I guess. Looks like now’s the time to send myself on the pitch. Wish me luck! Final drive. Last minute overhead kick? Lol ⚽️

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Yeah. Now's the point in the movie when all looks to be lost and the least likely of heroes steps up and against all odds saves the team and the entire town and the disabled child and the DAY!

Like I said, no pressure.

I look forward to what you write whenever that may be.

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Goodness, well that reminded me I did save the house of a family with a disabled child from being foreclosed & stolen from them once. They ended up being given the house by the bank. Win! So miracles are possible!

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I (finally) published my first post! Thanks so much for the nudge!


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I get what you were saying but in 1950 you could buy a house and pay it off in three years with a very small interest rate. Nowadays, the kids are getting completely screwed. Something has to be done about this.

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Yes the “you’ll own nothing” part of the globalists’ agenda started a long time ago. We need a new financial system most of all imo. That’s how they wield power. What would one that works for everyone look like? Also good question. There’s a lot of people working on that and there’s a lot of understanding about the reasons why this system is broken. We can devote energies to imagining it and building it once we’re not in constant traumatized fear.

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Yes, true.

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I just published my first Substack :) and thanks to your comment, I included a quote from a 1892(!) that shows you the globalists' intent to kick people out of their homes has been going on for more than a century! (Likely much longer than that, IMO.)

"A people without homes will not quarrel with their rulers."


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Thanks! God bless you and much success to you! I appreciate your time and willingness to expose these evil people.

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I’m growing a lot of food and kissing my kids.

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Recapture your local community governance. Join council, be active in the community. Know who runs what and connect them to the big picture. THAT is how you do something meaningful that totally gums up the totalitarianistic, technocratic power grab.

Get local, become a localist, and show others how to do the same. 😉 Your animals will be happier you did, because ultimately, the larger plan does not include small animal/land holdings for the average person. They are digitising and monetised the natural resources, which leads just one way.🤔😉

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Is a fifth-generation civil war fought with bullets?

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the war we're in isn't being fought with bullets, but they may want us to fight each other with them.

(The intro claims this document is the doctrine adopted by the Policy Committee of the Bilderburg Group during its first known meeting in 1954 and claims it has been authenticated. I have not dug further yet.)


"It shoots situations, instead of bullets; propelled by data processing, instead of chemical

reaction (explosion); originating from bits of data, instead of grains of gunpowder; from a

computer, instead of a gun; operated by a computer programmer, instead of a marksman; under the orders of a banking magnate, instead of a military general. …

"The public cannot comprehend this weapon, and therefore cannot believe that they are

being attacked and subdued by a weapon.

"The public might instinctively feel that something is wrong, but that is because of the

technical nature of the silent weapon, they cannot express their feeling in a rational way,

or handle the problem with intelligence. Therefore, they do not know how to cry for help,

and do not know how to associate with others to defend themselves against it."

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Maybe until they have to be culled ?

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Nobody can stop it. It's part of Talmudic eschatology and linked to Christian eschatology. This hate is being built up on purpose to generate a reaction. If you want to see how bad it can get go to December1991 on Bitchute and read the comments.

A bit of background: The world has been run since the fall by the Harlot (of Babylon) system, the first beast in Revelation. The second beast, who gets his power from the dragon (who is the Devil) kills the first beast and takes over the world (the Beast system). The reason the world is so weird right now is because of this switch over. This goes beyond life and death and they're going for broke so forget about trying to make sense of things. They're lead by lying spirits. Logic is nowhere.

To state it more directly, the evil Zionists (most Jews aren't part of this but they'll all be punished collectively) will be persecuted along with the Christians (because of the Christian Zionists) by the Beast system lead by the Antichrist.

As it's shaping up today it looks like the Beast system will be the global south or BRICS+. In Jewish eschatology there are 2 messiahs. Messiah ben Joseph (the lesser Mesiah) and Messiah den David (the greater Messiah. They think Trump is Messiah be Joseph. This messiah is a loser and likely will be killed.

I don't know if any of this is true and I'm constantly changing my mind about how this might play out. This is just the highlights of what I've found that is the least crazy.

Even more far out is the reason transgenderism is being pushed everywhere. It comes from Kabbalah. Kabbalahists believe they need to get God the father back together with God the Holy Spirit (they got divorced at the destruction of the first temple). If they get back together they'll merge and no longer have a gender. This is the most far out idea ever but the weird thing is that the tranny agenda has staying power like nothing I've ever seen. If it was just an American attempt to infiltrate Russia (Russia outlawed homosexuality and raided and shut down Moscow gay bars because they were being used as a form of cultural infiltration) you'd think it wouldn't be so ubiquitous.

Rereading this I see how batshit crazy this sounds. And I've left so much out it makes no sense to those who can't fill in the blanks. A other way to see what's going on is to look at the conspiracy theorists. They're dominated by New Agers who think the Jews, the FED, Christians, the international bankers etc., are what's wrong with the world (as if life was perfect before the FED). They think the age of Aquarius is coming and there will be a huge spiritual transformation when it happens. They will be part of the Beast system when it comes.

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In “The Creature from Jekyll Island,” G. Edward Griffin describes the Rothschild Formula as follows:

“As long as the mechanism of central banking exists, it will be to such men an irresistible temptation to convert debt into perpetual war and war into perpetual debt.”

I was just thinking this morning that the international bankers must be getting orgasmic at the idea that they could achieve a civil war and a world war simultaneously.

In a recent interview, Whitney Webb references the idea that all wars are bankers’ wars and that BlackRock, et al are pushing for WWIII, which they would use to force the adoption of a new digital financial system. I realize that is not a new idea as Catherine Austin Fitts has been warning about that for years, but this is a fascinating excerpt nevertheless:


I’ll follow up Yeats with a chaser of Black Sabbath, whose “War Pigs” seems an apt accompaniment to this column:

As the war machine keeps turning

Death and hatred to mankind

Poisoning their brainwashed minds …

Politicians hide themselves away

They only started the war

Why should they go out to fight?

They leave that all to the poor, yeah

Time will tell on their power minds

Making war just for fun

Treating people just like pawns in chess

Wait till their judgment day comes, yeah



On another note, I hope you’re healing, CJ, and taking precautions to keep yourself from winding up back in the hospital again. I don’t suppose all the Apocalyptic news is helping, but I guess it’s a good thing you’re an Apocaloptimist and can find the seeds of rebirth in the destruction of the “Reality” that has been imposed on us for generations.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

"All wars are bankers' wars" was also used for the title of a documentary I recall seeing as a teenager. I remember it being pretty good at introducing me to the concept, that phrase stuck with me.


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If you want the full bio-digital convergence details check out Nonvaxer420 on Rumble. The coming science for physical tracking & digital control is one and the same. It’s all about the coming robots 🤖 and AI regenerative medicine… it’s even crazier than it sounds 🤓🤓

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thank you for the recommend. I will definitely check out Nonvaxer420. This is one of the reasons open comments are so worthwhile.

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That’s a cool handle, “Nonvaxer420”!

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I have learned so much on that site. Its great 😊

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love Whitney. I keep quoting her from this long but well worth the time discussion on same topic.

Debt Slavery and the Carbon Credit Coup | Whitney Webb and Mark Goodwin


‘You guys messed up my climate wallet can you fix it please?”

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Yes, but IMHO this CBDC fear-porn exists at least partly to demonize the concept of UBI, wherewith we could easily, peacefully END POVERTY (&, therewith, most if not all of the ability of TPTB to exploit most of us).

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I understand why you would find the idea of UBI attractive, but it is another example of how goodhearted people’s compassion would be weaponized against the very people you wish to help for totalitarian ends.

When your subsistence comes from the state, you become a slave, and you would be required to comply with its demands lest you risk losing your income. This is the dream of dictators who want total control over every aspect of people’s lives and who could threaten you with starvation and homelessness the instant you dare express a dissenting opinion. Just look what Tyrant Trudeau (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-justin-trudeau) did to the Canadian truckers (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-the-canadian) when he pulled that illegal emergency declaration (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-good-day-for-freedom-truth-and) and froze their bank accounts.

It also does a tremendous disservice to the recipients as inculcates in them a mentality of victimhood and dependence instead of resilience and strength.

“The Creature from Jekyll Island,” which is perhaps the most important book anyone can read to understand the corrupt financial system, outlines in heartbreaking detail how disastrous foreign aid has been for developing countries, which are like fledglings whose wings have been clipped and who are incapable of independent flight.

State-owned individuals similarly suffer from learned helplessness. Meredith Miller discusses the catastrophic outcomes that would be wreaked by UBI in our Dissident Dialogue (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dissident-dialogues-meredith-miller-8-9), writing:

“While most of us probably don’t enjoy obstacles, overcoming them builds resilience, grit, and confidence. It may sound desirable to avoid working or struggling and to instead sit back enjoying life, but that usually leads to undesirable results. When people lose their drive to work and contribute something to society, that’s often when people get sick or injured or have some other kind of crisis, which can become a downward spiral that leads to giving up. This is another path to the victimhood consciousness and learned helplessness. That’s exactly what will happen with universal basic income (UBI).

“An Ethiopian refugee in Texas told me many of his relatives and friends had gone to France to declare asylum. The French government put them in free housing as well as providing for other needs such as healthcare, food, and French language classes. If the refugees get jobs and earn income, they’re no longer eligible for government assistance, so most of them choose to remain dependents of the State. He remarked on how they lost their drive to strive in life. He didn’t want that to happen to him, so he chose the more difficult path. He arrived in America with only the clothes on his back, barely speaking English. He worked incredibly hard for the first decade, and now he’s a homeowner earning a good income being self-employed.”

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And that is exactly what TPTB want us to believe UBI necessarily would have to be. Why does nobody fret about whether ppl so rich they don't need to work lose their drive to work & contribute to society? God bless your Ethiopian refugee, but half the working-age population in the US can't find a full-time job, & half the ppl who have full-time jobs don't get paid enough to raise a family on it. And that was 10 years ago, so it's probably worse now. Meanwhile, ending poverty would cost us LESS than we now spend paying our means-testing bureaucracy: https://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2014/08/22/peak-inequality-the-01-and-the-impoverishment-of-society-by-david-degraw-the-economics-of-revolution/

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Sadly, the philanthropaths and cruelites masterfully use idyllic-sounding solutions and appealing concepts such as “world peace,” “ending poverty,” and “public health” to manipulate kind people into relinquishing their freedom and independence in exchange for servitude.

The reason nobody frets about the rich losing their drive to work is because they are not beholden to a totalitarian state that could dictate their behavior and penalize them for thoughtcrimes as a result of being dependent on the state.

The only way to elevate as many people as possible from poverty is to empower them to become self-sufficient. A true free market without the corrupting influence of the banking cartel (enshrined in 1913 by the establishment of the Federal Reserve) would create free, independent, resilient income-earners and contributors rather than government serfs confined to their 15-minute prisons and distracted by video games and drugs as Yuval Noah Harari proposed for “all these useless people,” stating:

“Again, I think the biggest question in maybe in economics and politics of the coming decades will be what to do with all these useless people?

“The problem is more boredom and how, what to do with them and how will they find some sense of meaning in life, when they are basically meaningless, worthless?

“My best guess, at present is a combination of drugs and computer games as a solution for [most]. It’s already happening.…

“I think once you’re superfluous, you don’t have power.” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-947)

Again, I cannot recommend “The Creature from Jekyll Island” highly enough. He proposes pragmatic solutions that would achieve the outcome you desire without exchanging freedom for slavery.

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You're admitting that people are collectively incapable of running the world politically, so we have to go it alone (or in small groups) in a survival-of-the-fittest strategy. Animals living in the wilderness are doing this - so what's the point of civilization?

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Wow, that’s a whole harvest of straw men that don’t appear to have anything to do with my original statements, but sure, I don’t believe the cruelites, philanthropaths, and tyrants have been doing a very good job of running the world and certainly am not going to roll out the red carpet for the one-world tyranny (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/what-if-they-threw-a-pandemic-and) they have turned the world upside-down to achieve.

The past four years have proven nothing poses a greater threat to the continued existence of humanity than governments, institutions, and the cruelites. If we got rid of the psychopathic rulers, decent people would be able to live out their lives in a spirit of cooperation and mutual aid, and we would no longer have governments murdering citizens by the hundreds of millions (https://reason.com/2014/05/15/be-antigovernment-and-proud/). People could return to having larger familial support systems, become more self-sufficient, and have a wealth of resources and riches since it wouldn’t be stolen by the state for the purposes of exploitation and waging wars, both foreign and domestic.

The upwelling of loving cooperation and peaceful collaboration exhibited over the course of the Canadian trucker protests (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-the-canadian) demonstrates that people of goodwill naturally find ways to get along because peace is easier and more desirable than conflict.

Everyone should have a means of defending themselves as a further deterrent against violence, which levels the playing field so it is not a survival-of-the-fittest scenario. And when a psychopath causes harm to one or more members of the community, the good folks could bond together to dispatch justice.

Your closing question is a valid one, which Derrick Jensen has explored extensively in his oeuvre and lectures like “Endgame”:


He’s far more radical in terms of wanting to eradicate civilization, but returning to a state of living harmoniously with nature in smaller groups would result in far more peaceful, purposeful, and fulfilling lives as well as stronger communities.

People like Derrick Broze and John Bush of the Greater Reset and Freedom Cell Network are already building parallel alternatives like this as I discuss in this piece:



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Exactly! What IS the point. It is the mosh pit of tragedy we have now, which is what we are all discussing here. It’s not working for us is it? Civilisation as a concept is one thing, what we have is not anything I want. If I never stand in the Uffizi gallery or the Guggenheim my experience of life will not suffer. How did the moon expeditions make things better for us here on earth? How did the pyramids make life great for all those slaves? What happened at Machu Picchu stayed at Machu Picchu because we can’t work out how they did it! Fuck civilisation as a concept, it’s ridiculous.

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Again, I cannot recommend "Peak Inequality" enough. If you don't see the value of ending poverty, you must not have tried living in poverty.

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Thank you for the recommendation, which I’ve added to my wishlist.

It is *because* I share your goal of wanting to end poverty that I am encouraging the path of empowerment, independence, freedom, and resilience instead of victimhood, dependence, slavery, and weakness.

I would venture to guess I am far more familiar with living in poverty than you are.

I grew up probably being the poorest person in my class throughout my schooling. There were times when we didn’t have a car, so we walked to the grocery store (good exercise), and when we did finally get a car, it was an Orange Mazda clunker that kept dying, so we’d have to put it in neutral and push it home. We also couldn’t afford a television for part of my childhood—this, too, turned out to be a blessing and helped protect me from menticidal programming during key years of my development.

Thanks to merit scholarships, I got a full ride for my first year of college. As financial aid diminished in subsequent years, I could no longer afford tuition, so I got a job working at the college and took a couple extra years to finish my degree.

After graduating, I got a good job, but the cost of living was so astronomical where we were living, we only had $25/week left to cover groceries after paying rent and utilities. We lived on 99-cent bread and eggs (when they were still cheap). There were times when I had to pilfer toilet paper from the bathroom at work because we couldn’t afford to buy it until the next paycheck. Some days, I couldn’t get to work at all because we couldn’t pay for gas. We had no credit cards as backup, nor did we have any family members who could afford to help (not that we would have asked).

Having survived such impoverishment and risen above it strengthened my resilience and equipped me with the skills to overcome obstacles—gifts you would deprive the people you wish to help of, much as helicopter parents prevent their children from developing the skills needed to cope with adversity. Now we have a society of infantilized children who have never grown up, and UBI would extend that infantilization to all who would participate in that system of dependency.

I need to get to bed so will sign off for now. It’s clear we both wish to help the poor but have different ideas of how to go about doing that, one leading to freedom and the other to slavery.

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unfortunately the cabal who'd give you the UBI are the ones purposefully creating the destitution. Don't trust a word they say. Right now in Argentina, the Trump clone Melei has devalued the currency by 50% to create such desperation that folks "are scanning their eyes for shitcoins and a cattle tag," as Whitney Webb describes it. "That’s the goal ... to get people on programmable surveilable money by any means possible." Developing a parallel currency(s) system -- which bitcoin was originally designed to do and which we need to do in a variety of ways imo -- will enable us to do transactions without them.


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OF COURSE. That's why THEY can't be allowed to possess more wealth than their poorest constituent.

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It wouldn’t end poverty - it would create a subsistence level of existence. That’s what’s happened to retirees in the US who only have SS to live on, the average amount around $1,100/month. Out of that comes everything to live on and a car to maintain and medicine to buy and all the other expenses of life (rising food prices, etc.).

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I don't see how denying people who are living on a subsistence level of existence the means to subsist is a solution to anything.

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Interesting that the SS folks are those who are being culled, is it not? These days, being a drain on the State can literally be a killer. I expect that to continue.

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That's why pols can't be allowed to possess one cent more than their poorest constituent. (Since that's unlikely to be the case, we should at least make sure WE get paid as much as THEY PAY THEMSELVES. Evidently, they have figured out what the cost of living REALLY is.)

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Who does the "making sure?" How?

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So evidently, SS wasn't designed to end poverty. It should have been, but instead--like all US half-assed "solutions" to "help" the poor--it threw a few more crumbs their way, to make it look like the gov't really cares, when in fact it's the rich exploiting the non-rich, as always, only funded by regressive tax dollars of the non-rich. SS-withholding being one of those regressive taxes. The ruling rich really like having everyone else over a barrel.

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If the poor could become "un-poor" by virtue of their own resilience, strength and grit (Whatever that is. I thought is was a quality sand possesses...) does anyone doubt they would have done it already or do they just prefer poverty?

If the answer to that is yes, then what difference does it make to the poor if they are subsidized by UBIs since they will never rise anyway and at least basic guaranteed income would lower crime rates, etc. for the rest of us who are "resilient and strong and have grit". Or are gritty or some such.

Don't lecture the poor on how they need to "pull themselves up by their own bootstraps, grannie". They have no boots with straps to pull.

We need the poor for our system to work. Just take a look at the cobalt mining industry that relies on the destitute poor adults and children who are slaves to a brutal industry for the lot of us to be able to luxuriously sit around on our cobalt batteried butts and phones writing stuff on substack.

Do any among us want those cobalt slaves to receive UBIs, abandon the cobalt mines and go have a quiet meager subsidized life? I think not.

So let's not be hypocrites at this advanced stage in our history and try instead to understand what Jesus meant when he said, "The poor will always be with you."

Jesus, who despised hypocrisy as a very great evil and I can see why as it's the very thing that's propelling us relentlessly into our nightmare future. Because we would rather blame anyone else for our ghetto world that has come to be as we continually compromise with evil and willfully blind ourselves to it and then gesture at it shrieking, "evil". Hypocrites.

People who oppose UBI endorse poverty because the poor keep the rest of us cozy and supplied with the goods we covet. It's very simple and I don't need reams of books or Jekyll Island or Whitney Webb to explain this to me.

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“If the poor could become ‘un-poor’ by virtue of their own resilience, strength and grit (Whatever that is.”

Angela Duckworth wrote a book on it titled “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance,” but this TED Talk gives you the gist:


“does anyone doubt they would have done it already or do they just prefer poverty?”

The tragic state of the poor in the US today is the outcome of the government’s “War on Poverty” declared in 1964. Once again, “well-meaning” legislation intended to help the poor wound up backfiring and creating the very dependency on the state it was intended to diminish. UBI would extend this pattern of dependency as the failed experiments in places like Finland have proven thus far.

As Thomas Sowell writes:

“Now, 50 years and trillions of dollars later, it is painfully clear that there is more dependency than ever.

“Ironically, dependency on government to raise people above the poverty line had been going down for years before the ‘war on poverty’ began. The hard facts showed that the number of people who lived below the official poverty line had been declining since 1960, and was only half of what it had been in 1950.

“On the more fundamental question of dependency, the facts were even clearer. The proportion of people whose earnings put them below the poverty level—without counting government benefits—declined by about one-third from 1950 to 1965.

“All this was happening before the ‘war on poverty’ went into effect — and all these trends reversed after it went into effect.” (https://www.daily-journal.com/opinion/columnists/national/thomas-sowell-what-the-war-on-poverty-was-supposed-to-do/article_3af6eba6-7063-5699-ac32-ee7602f24a95.html)

“If the answer to that is yes, then what difference does it make to the poor if they are subsidized by UBIs since they will never rise anyway”

This patronizing attitude toward the poor reinforces the very victim mentality that keeps them in a state of learned helplessness and perpetuates the pattern of poverty.

“Don’t lecture the poor on how they need to ‘pull themselves up by their own bootstraps, grannie’. They have no boots with straps to pull.”

I’m making no such statement. I understand there are people who, due to a variety of circumstances beyond their control, may need temporary assistance to get through difficult periods. UBI, however, makes this a permanent arrangement that discourages people from pursuing a path of self-improvement.

“We need the poor for our system to work.”

I agree the system is f*cked and that GloboCap has long been orchestrating policies that guarantee cheap labor.

“People who oppose UBI endorse poverty“

You’re making a false equivalence and a bad-faith one to boot since I have made it clear my objections to UBI have to do with its exacerbating the very problem it aims to address, much as the “War on Poverty” has done.

Think about it like this: The government can either give a poor person two glasses of water every day, or it can teach them how to dig a well so that person becomes self-sustainable long-term.

I’m not saying they should be deprived of financial support when it becomes necessary but that the focus should be on skill-building and elevating instead of keeping them at a baseline level of the lowest-common denominator.

The education system has a significant role to play in encouraging a mindset of resilience over victimhood, and it may not always take the pragmatic forms (e.g., teaching job skills) you would assume.

For example, nurturing a love in reading from an early age can alter the trajectory of a child’s life dramatically, as the inspiring example of Ronald McNair shows:


Similarly, encouraging people to engage in the arts expands their minds, hearts, and souls. Two beautiful documentaries illustrate the power of theater to transform and uplift its participants, whether prisoners or poor high school students:

• “Shakespeare Behind Bars”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoR8AvDUv-w

• “OT: Our Town”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWAdmGot9cQ

All this to say that there are more empowering, edifying ways to lift people out of poverty than a policy that establishes a pattern of hopeless and helpless dependency.

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Jul 20·edited Jul 20

But the quickest way to lift ppl out of poverty is to make sure that their rulers can't have one red cent more than the (currently) poor have. Because the rulers won't allow THEMSELVES to be poor.

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We are already slaves to requiring income to survive. Have you added up the social costs of unemployment and underemployment?

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You are right in that society as it is currently structured forces us into indentured servitude of a sort, particularly when the state steals a hefty portion of our income. But we still have the freedom to earn that income in different ways according to our own skills and desires, and that in turn opens up a cascade of other liberties we would lose if we shackled ourselves to the coffers of the state.

Regarding the social costs of unemployment and underemployment, those are legitimate concerns. Unemployment is similar to UBI in that it creates a dependency on the system but may be necessary as a temporary measure in certain circumstances. The one time I had an opportunity to collect unemployment, I chose not to and instead started my own business, so I chose freedom and independence over being tethered to the system. I am so grateful I did as accepting unemployment would have obligated me to remain in the hamster wheel of jobs instead of breaking out of it.

UBI would make us prisoners in exchange for a pittance allotted according to our carbon footprint quota. Everything would be digitally controlled and surveilled as the philanthropaths and their philosophers have clearly articulated as their one-world totalitarian agenda (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-947).

You would walk into a luxurious-looking house only to have the bars slam down around you like the “Twilight Zone” episode “People Are Alike All Over”:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIZ04AGTjHc (spoiler alert)

Tyrants always trick people into giving up their liberties for safety, only to find themselves handcuffed and starving the next day.

Like Thomas Jefferson, I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery:

“Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem [I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery].… It prevents the degeneracy of government, and nourishes a general attention to the public affairs. I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.”

—Thomas Jefferson in a letter to James Madison, January 30, 1787 (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/my-two-year-stackiversary-lattice)

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"But we still have the freedom to earn that income in different ways according to our own skills and desires, and that in turn opens up a cascade of other liberties we would lose if we shackled ourselves to the coffers of the state."

If you are talking UBI that's not how it works. It's a basic guarantee and you can still make money from your "own skills and desires".

No liberties of pursuing work would be lost.

So I don;t know what you're talking about. Unless you're just trying to say something untrue about how UBIs work to make your point.

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I appreciate the distinction you are drawing, and you make a valid point that people can still choose additional options for earning income. Unfortunately, the data on the UBI experiments performed thus far suggests it disincentives work.

I don’t claim to have all the answers, but one suggestion has been to expand the earned income tax credit:

“Policy should be designed to reward work, rather than replace it. Therefore, a better alternative to a universal basic income would be to expand the earned income tax credit.” (https://www.heritage.org/poverty-and-inequality/commentary/universal-basic-income-has-been-tried-it-didnt-work)

If you think about the government as an abuser (which has been proven repeatedly over the past four years), UBI would deepen the level of Stockholm syndrome by creating financial dependency on the abuser. People like Meredith Miller who work with victims of trauma and abuse understand how vital it is to break that financial dependency for the partner to escape the abuse dynamic.

I have already spent far more time on this thread than I have to spare so will leave it at that and in closing just say that I believe we both wish to reduce the suffering of the poor but have differing ideas of how to go about that, and having a difference of opinion about policy is okay and doesn’t necessitate devolving into attacks on personal character.

I wish you well and do encourage you to watch “Shakespeare Behind Bars” and “OT: Our Town” as they are inspiring, uplifting documentaries that could point toward soul-edifying solutions rather than state-controlled ones.

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It is no secret that the function of "useless eaters" is to consume. So that's what I do. I also had the time to consume interesting books.

An alternative to UBI is guaranteed full employment, but if that were the case, people would work less hard. That's unacceptable to employers.

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Haha, true—glad you make time to consume interesting books!

You may appreciate reading Meredith Miller’s reflections on the topic of UBI as well as the reasons why having the state guarantee income or employment would be problematic:


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“I understand why you would find the idea of UBI attractive, but it is another example of how goodhearted people’s compassion would be weaponized against the very people you wish to help…”

UBI should be very simple to operate with few civil servants, but … won’t.

At age of majority (18?), everyone receives $1,000/mo tax-free. This becomes the basic exemption on income tax returns.

* No need to submit income statements and qualify annually.

* Welfare disappears,

except for disability, etc.

* student loans & grants disappear

* senior supplemental supports disappear

* … other government schemes disappear

* government bureaucracy becomes more efficient and actually works with fewer workers and better service for taxes paid.

Need more income?

Get a job and be taxed accordingly.

UBI will be quietly taxed away from higher income levels upon paying income taxes. Everyone receives UBI.

Of course, UBI will Never happen :

* politicians will no longer be able to buy votes by promising to tinker with this simple system

* the bureaucracy will lose jobs

(don’t replace retirees,

redeploy workers to solve environmental problems)

and managers will be threatenned.

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Who (besides anyone who doesn't want UBI to work) says that UBI would have to be $1,000/month, which is less than half of the cost of living? It SHOULD be equal to what our pols pay themselves--because they, evidently, understand what the cost-of-living truly is. THEY aren't suffering.

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I simply divided Canada’s Income Tax déduction for Singles by 12.

(What does IRS allow?)

I described a UBI that should meet USA values of “freedom!”, no socialism, less-and-more-efficient government.

Already, you’ve started tinkering with simplicity, adding a major moral reason that UBI will never work

-> Get even the crooks in power!

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Well, maybe the cost of living in Canada is less than it is in the U.S. Whatever the UBI is, it ought to be high enough to, as you listed above, get rid of a lot of bureaucracy which exists only to "assist" the poor. But to get even w/ the crooks in power, we need to get paid as much as they pay themselves.

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UBI is the carrot. CBDC is the stick. Both place you in an invisible prison.

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We are already imprisoned.

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You don’t know you’re born at this point…

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You forgot you're stoned at this point...kidding.

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I wish I were stoned at this point… not kidding.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

UBI is what at least 75% of us NEED. CBDC is what the Ruling Elites--who figure they only need 20% of us for doing Their dirty work for Them-- WANT DESPERATELY, in order to eliminate everyone They deem objectionable, & keep the ppl they figure they actually need on a tight leash.

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No one needs UBI. Get a job…

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🤣🤣. Sorry.

You really think that’s how it’s gonna go .. have you read any history. .. the cbdc will be used to totally trace us & charge us down to our bone marrow. .. do you know what Human Energy Harvesting is … scary science is here & NOT science fiction. The whole lockdown was to roll out the new high tech NSA/darpa global security system

The fear porn is on MSM.

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Yeats was so perfectly over target with “The Second Coming” … What is this one now I wonder, the third? Fourth? Methinks we’re maybe caught in something worse than a gyre.

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And ditto to MAA’s toast to your health fine sir. We’re all dying but please don’t go just yet. We do so need your particular bent right now, what with our lately being short one George Carlin and one Joan Didion and one Gore Vidal …

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Eisenhower’s “Military-Industrial Comolex” :

Methinks Biden’s booming economy has been caused by donating munitions to Ukraine and Israel, among others. Jobs are generated by replacing those stockpiles.

That has caused inflation to rise, and the U$A dollar, which makes it cheaper for Yanks to but foreign goods, and costlier for Canucks, Europeans, et al. to buy USA goods.

Isn’t it fun to watch central banks do the chicken dance of inflation?! 🤪😇

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Jul 17Liked by CJ Hopkins

Pepsi and Coke actually collude to place their vending machines next to eachother. They found that when people feel like they have a "choice" it actually helps top boost sales of BOTH products overall.


Its still all just poison sugar water but people "perceive" they have a choice

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an important insight into human programmability. 👏

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Don’t worry, you still have many loyal readers and supporters. When I think that my grandfather might have been, (with a Twilight Zonian time shift), the judge in your case, my head spins. He was a fine judge, in Berlin, until early spring of 1934.

However, I’m not sure that you alienated “10/7 truthers”, or even if such a category has any meaning. The murder of civilians in Israel on October 7th was a crime. Like any crime it should be investigated. Like any murder, there was enormous forensic evidence. No one can have any real idea what happened until that crime can be investigated. Trusting Israel to investigate itself is like having Al Capone investigate the St. Valentine’s Day massacre. That’s the truth as I know it.

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Yes the 10/7 murders were indeed criminal, and most of them committed by the IDF, as Hopkins has explained. Even Scott Ritter agrees to that.

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You really think the IDF murdered their own citizens? I have a hard time believing that. I absolutely do believe that they “stood down” during the attack though, there’s no way they should have taken 6-7 hours to react.

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Watch The Grayzone, in particular their insights into the Hannibal Directive

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Is that a documentary, podcast, YouTube channel, or what? Thanks.

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This has been confirmed by credible journals (Ha’aretz) in Israel. This is why Israel allows no investigation: Forensic analysis would determine the causes of death of the victims. More than seventy automobiles belonging to Israeli citizens, as well as homes, were completely incinerated by rockets from helicopters and tanks. Hamas has no helicopters or tanks. I agree, it is unbelievable. But it’s beyond doubt.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

It's all explained in Hopkins' post and verified by many sources

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How does anyone stay sane when you know you're being lied to all the time?

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What works for me is exactly that: admitting to self that they are not truthful, and letting go of the long-harbored belief that they have our best interests at heart (of course, experiencing the grief around this, which does take time). For me, apprehending reality is what brings sanity.

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I try my best, though I don't always succeed, to put the emotional response aside for as long as I can. Thanks to clickbait, fragmented ad dollars and attention spans, emotional triggers work. And look where it's gotten us!

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It's a process so be patient. It takes as long as it takes, but is worth it. I'm in that process myself. One thing I have found that helps is to allow whatever triggered emotion to have its little time in the sun and watch it with a more objective part of myself. Then emotion is spent and not bottled up and I can move on to a more unattached, sane mindset to see what I really see without the cloud of emotion.

Becoming emotionally invested is exactly what's gotten us into the mess we're in. Emotional investment at its' finest is hard at work in the latest Trump escapade and people are losing all rational ability to see what happened in Butler, PA for what it really is.

Mind control has exploited this weakness in people for eons. Look at how many bad marriages could have been avoided if people married for solid sound reasons instead of the emotional ones that are pumped at people in every movie. By provoking people emotionally to make unstable choices, marriages fall apart, families disintegrate, children are weakened by one parent or no parent upbringing.

Until the romantic novel was popularized around 150 yrs. ago, very few married based on emotion. Novels promoted this idea especially among women. Mind control.

I could go on. I love emotions. They are wonderful, but are also transitory and exploitable.

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Good point about marrying on just emotion.

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Watch more old stand up comedy

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Like George CARLIN!

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Humor helps; I laugh at all the absurdity!

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I’ve developed an approach I call Via Rejectiva. Basically it entails rejecting entirely absurd narratives and being completely at ease with not knowing what’s really happening, because you aren’t meant to.

This doesn’t mean you can’t engage with investigations into crimes against humanity. Just choose your battles.

I’m fully engaged with vaccines, but 911 is more of a spectator sport. I only have so much mindshare.

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I try and send them - ie. the evildoers and their minions - love. Not that it does them much good, but at least it puts me in the right frequency. A loving attitude, even in the moment of my death when that comes. At least try.

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Lots of walks outside to look at nature in between substack stories 🙏

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For me...playing imaginary drumroll of Phil Collins' solo from "In the Air Tonight".

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That’s the best method I’ve ever heard! Now I’m going to do that.

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Stop listening.

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WWIII, or something near to it, seems to be brewing. There could be a lot of reasons. One I stumbled upon recently is that if you deploy your own (regular army) troops abroad to fight in the war, then you have the opportunity to enlist a fair number of illegal immigrants into a brownshirt style domestic force that has no allegiance to the local population, and can operate unhindered by residual patriotic elements in the regular army or police.

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Yup 👍 Washington State has just made it legal to hire “illegals” as police officers since they are so short staffed

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I'd say we're about at the stage where the Roman Republic stops trying to pretend to keep up the forms of being a republic and starts to own up to being an empire.

Marius or Sulla? Caesar or Pompey? Antony or Octavian?

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I live in the UK. The Roman Empire collapsed and this island slowly found that it wasn't under its control anymore. Maybe we're heading towards that stage?

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

I live in the UK too, but believe the City of London is still the strongest arm of the Roman empire, now disguising under another name. Deception is their game.

But maybe, maybe... I do share your hope!

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Well, your newly elected Prefect Starmer will put paid to that happening

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Would you believe Biggus Dickus? 😉🙂

Speaking of clown shows, or just clownfish ...

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Welease Wodger!!

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🙂 We need to have a "Monty Python Festival" of sorts, comedy and comedians having fallen on hard times of late ... 😉🙂


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Appears you have great writing skills for such. That quip brought tears to my eyes and great laughter.

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Thanks. Here all week folks. Be sure to tip the veal and try the waitress ... Or is that the other way around? ... 🤔😉🙂


But, speaking of Monty Python, you might have some related interest in a very good -- if not brilliant -- interview of US Lawyer "Unyielding Bicyclist" who talks of the "Ministry of Silly Walks" in the context of "gender-affirmation surgeries" (AKA, castrating and sterilizing autistic and dysphoric children; crime of the century):


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A few that come to mind, apart from Python (who I grew up with), are: George Carlin, Bill Hicks, Harry & Paul. Other than that, who else is there?

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Chris Rock springs to mind, particularly because of his comments about civil war, the topic de jour:

CR: "There’s like a civil war going on with black people, and there’s two sides: there’s black people, and there’s niggas. The niggas have got to go. Every time black people want to have a good time, ignorant ass niggas fuck it up ... You know what’s the worst thing about niggas, the worst thing about niggas? Niggas love to not know. Nothing makes a nigga happier than not knowing the answer to your question. .... Niggas love to keep it real; real dumb! Niggas hate knowledge. Shit, I was talking about niggas breaking in your house, well if you want to save your money put it in your books. Cause niggas don’t read. Put the money in the books, shit, books are like kryptonite to a nigga ...."



There have been some greats though -- comedy often being the source of some brilliant insights into the "human condition", particularly where it skewers our too common tendencies to various vanities and pretensions.

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Reminds me of "The sheriff is a .... !! The sheriff is a .... !!" I guess you could add Richard Pryor, Gene Wilder, Marty Feldman.

Also, the role of the jester was the only one at court who could make fun of the king and speak the truth without fear of punishment. I think they were some social valve that could release pressure. Wouldn't it be fun if there was a jester on screen during news broadcasts? Like they have someone doing sign language?

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What a capper! Hilarious!

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But the empire fell, as empires all eventually do. They don't last forever, and they don't always win.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

And their people all lose most of all, not only the Romans who long ceased to be Roman far more than a millennium before 1453 when their capitol of Konstantinoupolis (that had become a more important polis than Rome a thousand years prior) finally fell, but also their contemporary pretenders (i.e., Greek 'Rhomaioi' also suffered greatly).

Let's not forget that the bureaucrats and administrators all made it out of the fall of the Western Empire just fine. It was everyone else dependent on its systems who suffered. The Roman administrators took their jobs over their territories permanently, however, and became the medieval European nobility.

They would collect whatever tokens they had left from the bygone era to prove their inheritance from it, be it their books in Latin the knowledge of which they guarded jealously for many centuries, or the baths and other things that had been built for them. No professional standing army would be seen again like the Legions (among which some of the last jobs in the Empire had been available) for many ages after, nor would such fields as mechanical engineering surpass their prior heights until times now recent.

American military expenditure has swelled to percentages of its GDP that have finally surpassed Rome's own at its peak.

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They never win except temporarily. They do always fall. Agree.

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Spot on as always - sadly true, mostly due to the the general cognitive impairment that characterizes most of humanity. The majority of our species fall prey to the Totalitarian Tiptoe (aka Hegelian Dialect) that you so skillfully describe here because it is simply beyond their capacity to comprehend, no matter how one depicts it. Nevertheless, we must press on - keep it coming brother! Sanity must not be silenced!!

"The majority of men are not capable of thinking, but only believing, and...are not accessible to reason, but only to authority." - Arthur Schopenhauer

"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of us are stupider than that" - George Carlin

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No, they fall prey to it not because it is beyond their comprehension, but because all of us have relatively similar neurobiology with identical psychological vulnerabilities that are used to mislead, misguide, and control us. There is nothing more dangerous than to think one's self immune to such vulnerabilities and that they rest in the domain of the 'other'.

Your phrasing is an excellent demonstration of this, because almost all human behaviour is in times of danger, conflict, and anxiety, determined by short term self-interest (in an objective biological sense devoid of moral connotations), while moral dilemmas are ruthlessly disregarded through moral disengagement strategies such as denial of fact, responsibility, and wrongfulness. Self-interest has an identity component and a directional component, determining who and what is includes in the 'self' and the 'interests' on behalf of the self. This sense of self is largely determined by collective group-based identities; these can be any group-based factors.

In this case, you have skillfully manuevered yourself (and others with you) into the group that comprehends—"sanity must not be silenced!!"—and those who do not, and in an aggressive display of your own group's self-interests you deride all outside of it as like unthinking beasts incapable of the same enlightenment. What, then, is the point of any of this, if that were the case? To howl and make noise and not be silenced all for the sake of preaching to the choir?

It might fulfill all kinds of biological and psychological needs to make such a proclamation, with the drives to self-determination, self-affirmation, self-justification, self-gratification, and so on. I'm sure it's very nice to think of yourself as not vulnerable to exploitation and deception the way everyone else is and thus superior to them. Maybe my own drive to self-preservation is stronger than all of those, because what you are doing is identical to what the authoritarians, totalitarians, and censors are doing: turning us into warring tribes all of which have designated losers and enemies, in the process of cyberbalkanisation. Where are we going with this?

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

Thanks so much for delivering such a remarkable intellectually autoerotic diatribe!! Is my comment so simple that you feel hopelessly compelled to complicate it with a series of meandering unfounded convolutions to demonstrate your vast cerebral prowess? or is it just really strong coffee? Who the hell do you think you are to challenge who the hell I think I am anyway? Are you AI? Please check the box below.

[_] I am human

To regard my simple comment as an expression of egocentric superiority is entirely your own erroneous projection that completely misses the observation being made (one that is echoed by others through the ages like those quoted herein). It is a simple explanation why the majority of our species are such an easy mark for the psychopaths who have their hands on the levers of power. Some of us see that, most of us don’t - simple! Seeing it doesn’t make one better, just aware! The more of us who come to see it, the better off we ALL are. It’s the most important thing we can all do IMO. Why not join up?

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We live in interesting times. Only time will tell. Take care of yourself, your family & if you can, your immediate community. The rest will fall into place one way or another.

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Very good article. Thank you. Keep your head above the simulation. Consciousness is our only salvation.

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You nailed it!

Also, the picture of that bald kid, "...Instead, understand, there is no spoon." Priceless.

Things are going to roll forward very quickly now. I believe you're correct, the time for people to have figured out that this is coming -- is over, it's here now. And every "world event" from here on out is going to push to move a wedge between as many people groups as possible.

Literally every human difference will be hijacked in this effort. Religion, nationality, race, sex, gender -- everything.

What we all have written thus far is a guide for people coming into this to see that there were many people catching on, long before things went sideways (because they will).

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🙏 perhaps enough of us know how to bail out the ship by now to keep it upright. Perhaps the storm on the radar isn't as bad as the weather map yelling at us every 20 minutes wants us to think.

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I'm going to be prepared for the worst anyway.

At this point an economic collapse is pretty much a done deal. We're on track to lose reserve currency status. It's all downhill from there.

I don't think much of it can be stopped. But at least people can understand that it's coming. And so they might make better decisions.

Fake Monopoly money is fine while others are playing the game too. But many countries have decided they're done playing.

US foreign policy has pissed off too many oligarchs worldwide.

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yeah it could be rough indeed. Cash is likely going to be helpful. But I have hope that it's going to be less bad than the globalists intend and that it might flip to good much faster than we think.

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Since there's a history of humanity saving itself successfully. Okay...

Evil is coming to its fullness. This is exactly as God said it would be.

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It's probably not your cup of tea, but a lot of this makes sense from a biblical perspective.

Edit: If you're not familiar with him, you should check out the writer Paul Kingsnorth

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Of course, AI is the AC, how can people not see it?

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Can you elaborate on that for those of us who can't? Thanks in advance.

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I agree on your thoughts on Paul Kingsnorth. I’m a reader of his work.

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I’m not familiar with him. What would recommend reading first?

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I encourage you to start with his Substack. He has published many books. His essays on The Machine would be a good start.

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Great recommendation, thank you

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Great. Thank you so much.

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The massive level of censorship, deplatforming, shadow-banning, visibility-filteting and caging us in ideologocal echo-chambers on the billionaires/Musk's twitter is astounding, and what's truly scary and unprecedentent is that it is all done under the banner of "freedom" and "fighting the elite"!!! Truly 1984 level of DoubleSpeak. And an army of millions upon millions are buying into this GREAT INVERSION narrative, worshiping the holy trinity of Musk/Trump/Tucker (and Shapiro) as "freedom fighters" and "anti-elite", as "God's chosen" is ushered into the white house. Truly dystopian times..The GREAT INVERSION in full swing..

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Brilliant piece. What you describe has been in the works for at least 20 years if Thomas Sowell can be believed. In his book, the Vision of the Anointed, he pretty well lays out the map for the madness we now endure. Keep your Head!

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It strikes me as disingenuous of you to insult people who question the official story about 10/7 and then whine that they're upset with you.

You're a talented writer but I increasingly wonder what you're trying to say.

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Yes, the "truther" phrase seems to be pejorative in intent and I haven't heard it used by anyone else, on any "side." Have you? A reservation I have about this otherwise outstanding piece is the example of the two prison gangs --manipulated by the overriding power forces to have their ''real war" with winners and losers but in the end all remaining prisoners -- being applied universally, in the abstract. I feel it's spot on describing what's happening in this country and probably in most of the "West." But there's no way it applies to the situation in Palestine. As if the "two sides" are equally victims/prisoners who coexist in the same country -- or whatever -- and equally vulnerable to the whims and control of their predator rulers. It's not true there, now. And it hasn't been for 100 years. And while we can all discuss who really "pulls the strings" in the U.S., there is no question who is pulling them there.

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