Proud member of the Substack-based death squad here ☠️🙌

Matt and Michael may have just crossed over from mainstream straddlers to courageous truth-tellers—a.k.a. far-right–wing conspiracy theorist malinformation superspreaders:

• “Letter to a Mainstream Straddler: Live Not by Half-Lies” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-mainstream-straddler)

I welcome them and look forward to many more joining our ignominious ranks.

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"May have" indeed , no journalist whose articles are on view over the MSM are truth tellers or courageous , but both these guys among others do excel at coloring between the lines as Mr Hopkins has repeatedly pointed out. Do you believe we put a man on the moon [ in 1969 ] , REM inquired ? If you do not Houston we have a problem !

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Well, there is Tucker Carlson, but he is anti-Chinese, which earns him a pass from Murdock.

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You like them because they seem servile and they smile at you shyly? That's nice.

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No, I just think we shouldn't use them as a scapegoat and distraction. Western billionaires were the driving force behind the last 3 years -- correction, 6 years.. No need to find a bystander to blame.

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I've lived and worked in Peking in '84. I've seen Han supremacism first hand and the effect on its victims. I've also seen the vicious, rapacious manner of Chinese economic practise in my part of the world. It needs no help whatsoever.

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Mar 11, 2023
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I'm afraid they are much more than "bystander".

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The point is, they are not the driving force. The driving force existed even before WW I. It is a cabal of global corporate and society elites that eventually came up with this globalist, authoritarian, Malthusian, eugenicist ideology. The leaders of Russia and China have simply played along and, in some cases, been captured by the ideology just as have many 2nd tier aparatchiks in the West. Study Cecil Rhodes, the Huxleys, Kalergi etc and your eyes will open.

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Margaret, I loved that column of yours when it came out. Well done!

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Aww, thank you, Benj!

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Benji’s comment prompted me to read your excellent column, Margaret. As a fellow blogger, not only am I impressed by your clear, fluid writing style but the sheer number of your links is very impressive! I know that takes a lot of time so wanted to thank you for that effort. Meanwhile, I’ve subscribed!

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What a touching note, Bryan, and I am grateful to welcome you to my Stack!

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One of your best, CJ... You articulated the Democrats behavior yesterday, perfectly. Keep prodding! The Truth will eventually come out! Like the Buddha said, three things cannot long be hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth..

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Everyone knows the truth but our global elites and their slaves have declared it unprofitable and choose to make what profits they can out of our current disasters

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Please do Canada first. We are in big doo-doo up here.

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It's going to be hard to find a journalist in Canada that is part of the MSM with a shred of integrity left though. The mind controlled sheeple here are NOT going to listen to a single thing from any alternative non-paid off news sources.

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Trish Wood would be a good choice, as would Tara Henley. Former MSM journalists...


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Forget about paid off, woke journalists waking up. Find me 10 pastors who are awake.

Good luck with that...you will do better with the journalists.

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Canada has always been a myth started by the English , and even that illusion has died out since WW1 and 2. Canada now being a full blown colony of the US and holding area for Asian and African immigrants wanting to get stateside.

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Anybody who writes "big doo doo" deserves it.

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It's probably better to hallucinate, reality is just too awful. So Taibbi et al did talk to the 'man', they didn't listen of course, they were too busy hallucinating that Zelenskiy is winning, that the Russkies blew up their own real estate in a fit of pique, and that all is well with the world.

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And Covid was a deadly plague ?

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Yep you hallucinated. It wasn't in the MSM so it didn't happen. Substack is just an alternate reality which discusses possibilities that don't occur in real life.

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Substack is a furry convention that way.

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Baudrillard with his if you didn't see it on TV it didn't happen idea, with a touch of Sartre who posed the notion that the purpose of consciousness is self deception ?

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I thought I'd inadvertently eaten some of those nice little psilocybe mushrooms on my pizza when I learned that Musk was reinstating banned accounts en masse starting February. But just in case I hadn't, I appealed my permanent suspension at the end of January and Twitter said they were reviewing my suspension for tweeting facts liable to cause offence and/or harassment of individuals unknown. I never heard back and my account is still permanently suspended, so now I know I'm not on the magic mushrooms and anybody who thinks that Twitter is now a reformed 'free speech' platform not under the control of the federal government IS eating hallucinogens, smoking too much whacky baccy or has been surgically or chemically lobotomised.

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I had three accounts suspended, i too am still in jail.

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Gratitude for the glimpse into the CLOWN SHOW that is our government.

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Approximately three billion people on this planet embrace the belief that a cosmic Jewish zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.

Another two billion believe that the pedophile prophet Mohammed was a messenger from a God who speaks only Arabic.

My own tribe believes we are God’s chosen people and that He gave us a land that was already inhabited by (1) Canaanites, and later (2) Palestinians, whom we had to massacre to claim “our” promised land.

Does it surprise you to find that people who zealously harbor such beliefs would believe in a plague caused by a microbe with a lethality of less than 1% or a conspiracy that the once, but no longer, land of the commies would somehow manage to cheat the wicked witch of the west of of her rightful place as President of the United States? And that these true believers would want to lynch anyone who challenged their beliefs?

Doesn't surprise me. No more than the Inqusition or witch burnings. Or the state of Israel.

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And yet some of the people I admire the most in the fight against the covid psyop are Dr Peter McCullough (Christian), Dr Zev Zelenko (Orthodox Jewish), Naomi Wolf (Jewish), Ed Dowd (Christian), Patrick Wood (Christian), Brian Gerrish and Alex Thomson (UKC news - both Christian), Mark Crispin Miller (joined the Christian church after confronting the manifest evil of the covid psyop), Catherine Austin Fitts (Christian). There are many more. There is no need to inflict your 'issues' on other people taking part in the fight because you don't share their beliefs.

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Add 'Amazing Polly' (Christian) and Paul Kingsnorth (Orthodox Christian). There are actually soooo many. You need to get out more.

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Oh, look! A New Atheist! Wow, you must be really smart!

How do you explain away the fact that it was the secular left who overwhelmingly bought into the narrative, eagerly rolled up their sleeves, and became evangelists for it?

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The secular are just waiting for something to believe in, even if it's nothing. Those who believe in nothing, cling to their beliefs the most.

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As always, Chesterton has something interesting to say about this: “When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.”

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Actually they believe in science and progress - but they are incapable of seeing that it’s been replaced by $cience and wishful thinking. Nor can they see that these form their deeply ingrained religion because they are such rational thinkers...

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Unlike some others I don’t read your post as a smug atheistic attack on the big monotheistic religions (although it might well be?!) Your observation is 100% correct in the sense that billions of people were propagandised in to believing abject nonsense in March 2020.

Realising that the masses couldn’t be woken up to the obvious global lockstep psyop that was being inflicted on them no matter what evidence you put in front of them has been the biggest part of my awakening.

I naively assumed in March 2020 that almost everyone had common sense & critical thinking ability like me (I have a totally average IQ) & then incrementally over the next 2.5 years I realised that very few people had any common sense or critical thinking ability. Hardly anyone can think & it has nothing to do with education or IQ

Then only a few weeks ago I learn that up to 70% of my fellow humans have an inner dialogue https://irisreading.com/how-do-i-know-if-i-have-an-inner-monologue/

which seems like a piece of information I should have tripped over on my 52 years on earth. It seems impossible to believe at first that 7 in 10 people have no inner dialogue but the more I think about it the more it makes sense and explains everything throughout human history because how can you work through moral conundrums if you don’t have an inner voice?

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Thanks so much for that link. What a revelation! As someone who has an inner monologue, it never occurred to me that any human could exist without one. I'm especially intrigued by the idea that those with an inner monologue have better critical thinking skills. CJ's substack is probably not the place to discuss Desmet's idea of mass formation, but I do find it an interesting coincidence that only 30% (or so) of people have an inner monologue, which coincides nicely with Desmet's estimate that 30% of people are immune to mass formation. It's probably just correlation, but it would be interesting for someone to test whether it might be causation.

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I should have added if we lived in societies that lived by a code of natural / moral law that was taught from birth, through education & through the culture then having 7 in 10 people unable to think critically wouldn’t be an issue. But when you live in increasingly degenerate cultures where culturally relativism reigns supreme then you have a big problem and that’s why we are where we are

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In your 4th paragraph I think you meant ...have NO inner dialogue...

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I had to read it three times before concluding that this sentence must be missing a "don't": "Then only a few weeks ago I learn that up to 70% of my fellow humans have an inner dialogue."

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I tried to edit but couldn’t

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There is a metaphysical key. You can't get in without belief.

A crude analogy (my apology in advance) is sex with a woman. You can take her by force and penetrate, but you will not know the true splendor of communion unless you allow your pace and actions to bring her willingly into your arms. Same with spirituality. If you cannot create the space (openness) within yourself to allow for it, it will never come to you (unless some divine intercession occurs, which DOES happen from time to time).

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One of the best posts i've read. Improved only when SheilaB (perhaps unwittingly) added support to the general theme with specific examples.

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I think you'll find most of the people who fell for the psyop were worshippers at the shrine of scientism. Nature abhors a vacuum.

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True. Let's call it 5 billion people who think a reductionist method for reducing a few biases is immune to the other 97 biases. It is all silly, hence my delight at the creative description of religions. There is no evidence we have to take ourselves or those we admire seriously.

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Thank you. Your humour is as impressive as your intellect.

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Don't feel bad about your misspent youth. Satan talks to me through the television everyday...on multiple channels. He even likes to play dress-up and imitate various newscasters and politicians and health authority bureaucrats that were once taken seriously by all and sundry but have long since been spun off to another galaxy called empty man.

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Hey, you sound like a wise guy....cheers!

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"Substack-based death squad" indeed! Does she realize how popular Heather Cox Richardson is on Substack? Heather is most definitely left-wing. My sister reads her religiously. I try to read a variety of opinion pieces, so I was reading some of her stuff too -- until the "pandemic." I was waiting for this woman who is a history buff to write about the corruption and evil of the Fauci/AIDS years. When that didn't happen, I thought surely she will be against medical mandates and censorship. Nope. The Dems have turned into a cult, and they are the death squad.

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Heather Heyling (Natural Selections) is also on Substack, and is definitely on the left as well.

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See Niccolo Soldo for Fauci/AIDS analysis.

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Keep up the amazing work! Your hallucinations are a sign of progress!! Thank you.

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Ok so this article had me full belly laughing Ive got what is probably strep while desperately trying to relax and enjoy the Mayan waters near tulum. I forwarded your article to My father who worked as a journalist at the Washington Daily news in DC before becoming George McGoverns senior advisor aming many things. I think he’ ll enjoy your article. He ignored my pleas in late 2020 to refuse the bioweapon shots. He begrudgingly admitted “ you were right” recently.

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I don't know if people have been paying attention to the other limited hangout - Matt Hancock, erstwhile English Health Minister and his incriminating tweets about ways to 'scare the pants off' the British public to ensure compliance (and a whole lot more), supposedly 'revealed' by The Daily Telegraph. AKA Midazolam Matt because of his direction of the administering of Midazolam and morphine to elderly people in care homes and hospitals instead of treating them for their actual symptoms. Hancock is both evil and very stupid - I think of him as a Mediocre-Functioning Psychopath.

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Somehow that Congressional hearing sort of felt like watching a group of unrepentant Nazis's - interrogating death camp survivors - survivors who were somehow being expected to admit some form of personal "guilt" - apparently for daring to openly oppose the Nazis' bat-shit crazy ideological positions. Yes, a mind-bending hallucinatory display indeed! I suspect the many very "woke" MSM pundits covering the hearing will dutifully record the many obvious - "micro-aggressions" - committed by the assembled Congressional "Nazis" cadre - uh, then again, perhaps not so much. : )

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Limited hangouts.... hm... that reminds me of something. Have you heard of the SPARS Pandemic? No? One should be able to find it on the Wikipedia page of the Center for Health Security, a US Think Tank that is now at the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.... actually right before Event 201... uhm... no, not there... it is on the External Links list though. I am sure you will like to read it, cause it is really funny, how it is playing out in front of our eyes right now. Of course Reuters did a fuck-check on how it did not at all predict this Pandemic... it was a strawman takedown, because it was not meant to predict the Pandemic, it was meant as a training exercise to prepare people for how to deal with a public posting true stories on Social Media... like they did in the last two to three years... one could equate that to how Jaque Ellul said that Propaganda needs time and preparation.

Since my take on the SPARSdemic was taken down along with my Medium blog with 11 subscribers and after 8 views, you can now watch it on Rumble and if you rather like to read it you can download it from the Wayback machine. I will post a revised version on substack later.

Oh and just a teaser on whats to come: Do you know who funded the Center for Health Security to the tune of $16 million? The Open Philanthropy organization... and if you are thinking effective altruism/longtermism ... think where you may have heard that recently too. Connections, connections....



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Mar 10, 2023
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Goo for the PDF on archive.org. I have not yet had time to move it to my substack.

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Thank heavens more and more people every single day are discovering that the “real” journos are on Substack.

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