Jun 12·edited Jun 12Pinned

Heartfelt thanks to everyone for your kind messages of support!

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Praying for your full recovery and your peace of mind. (also not a fan of the meds they prescribed)🤨

This essay is beyond brilliant. It is the big picture everyone is missing. Your ability to synthesize this much knowledge is astounding. Then having the skill to convey it so succinctly, dare I say amusingly, but somehow not simplistically. Reading this stitched together a zillion seemingly random threads. Wow!

Please keep your body healthy to protect your extraordinary mind!! Thank you🙏

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RE: The Far-Right Surge

Funny - I was a classical liberal in 1968. By 2000 I was a centrist. In 2024 I'm a far-right extremist wing-nut and probably a closet MAGA-hat wearing nut-job and card-carrying NRA member. Well - according to the MSM and those who hold on dearly to the "commonly accepted narratives."

The only problem being? I'm still a classical liberal. I'm still standing in the same place I was 56 years ago. What's changed is the rest of the world has simply gone fucking mad.

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Neo Nationalism and "Far Right" movements are meaningless terms and characterizations in 2024. Neutered into meaninglessness by overuse. When all opponents are Neo Nationalists and Far Right none are.

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An important distinction that the American media rarely if ever makes is between economic liberalism and political liberalism.

Economic liberalism looks back to Adam Smith, Ricardo and Malthus when small capitalists "bartered and trucked" to equitably distribute goods.

Political liberalism hearkens back to FDR and his New Deal when the wealth of society accumulated by capitalist corporations was fairly distributed throughout society.

Political liberalism died with the death of Ted Kennedy and the retirement of Tip O'Neil. Economic liberalism espoused and promulgated by Milton Friedman lives on with a dismantling of the progressive federal income tax and the increasingly free reign of capitalist corporations to dominate society.

Thank you, Mr. Hopkins. God speed to you sir. You are a voice of penetrating sanity in a world of ignorance and delusion.

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Get well soon. I would look up the drugs they're giving you because some of them are horrible. Blood thinners, blood pressure meds, statins, and so on are actually not helpful.

Here's a good site to search topics to find the study summaries and links.


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I second that notion. Most Big Pharma "cures" are worse than the disease!

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Get well. At some point our doctors suggestions become warnings. I’m currently undergoing some “lifestyle” changes to avoid meds my doctor warned might be in my immediate future. Get some much needed R&R and take care of yourself.

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Agreed. I would also recommend being cautious, CJ, with what the Capitalists of Big Pharma give you (and the toxic creations that the Agri and Food capitalists give you, for that matter). You already know that the first and highest priority of psychologically-undeveloped love-less immature God-ignorant corporate capitalists is profits and creating dependant 'customers for life', which they value much much higher than human well-being.. In my experience, the "cures" they give often cause severe damage. Please be cautious dear CJ and consider also non-pharma possibilities for getting back to balance and health (that see you not just in a reductive materialistic manner but consider the WHOLE of you, including the 95% of reality that pharma capitalists never consider, like lifestyle, nutrition, mental health etc)

And I Love love love this piece, your brilliant writing and astute observation. Your input is really valuable and appreciated.

In case people don't know, I'd just like point out that there IS an alternative to the false dichotomy that the ruling class present to us (telling us that our only two options are EITHER global capitalist corporate machine OR tje poison of neo-fascist traditionalist hierarchical conservative-religious fundamentalism and life-destroying murderous nationalist-tribalism). There is a much more sane and human-honoring and profoundly beneficial alternative than both. It can be seen in this brilliant piece that details the horror and immoraliry of the current system https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/why-have-no-rich-and-no-poor? And here, which explains all aspects of the altetnative https://www.pdrboston.org/egalitarianism

And in these two brilliant pieces that clarify common misconceptions https://newdemocracyworld.org/culture/human_nature_print.html

And here that shows the fundamental error in the current economic and social thinking of the ruling class that preaches hierarchy and anti-egslitarianism as necessary. And what can we do right now to create a much much better and human-honoring and productive mechanism for a much higher standard living (which is also much less stressful) for everyone (not just a tiny few). We actually can do it https://www.pdrboston.org/no-inequality-is-not-better

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Dear C.J., Stress can be a killer. I can't begin to imagine what you've been put through. Take a well deserved rest. Thanks for all the words you've written.

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Ditto. Take care C.J.. Don't let the bastards get you down!

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I'd be careful about the medical stuff! Perhaps share with us what's going on for you. I can promise you, the advice you get will not be from a doctor, honestly!

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Get better soon. Rest and recuperation.

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10

I reached the old age to live what if someone had told me before, I would not have believed that it was possible to go this far.... to be "normal and healthy" if you think you are a cat, a dog, a coffee steam , the broom behind the door or an ashtray and abnormal if you dare to defend independence, peace, patriotism, truth, principles and values. to be "healthy and normal" if you believe in what you are told and do what you are told and abnormal if you do not agree with manipulation, corruption, globalization, colonialism, federalization, uncontrolled immigration, fraud, censorship, brainwashing, banksters, rainbows, culture cancellation, un, wef etc...what crazy times...political "ideologies" are now like genders policies, too fluid still they cannot take the shape of the vessel in which they put them. In fact there is no more left or right, just the system and anti system.

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Grüß Gott, CJ, Gute Besserung!

A short comment on one line in the essay at the end:

- - even just asking the kind of questions that might help us actually get there someday.- -

This will get ya diagnosed with ODD, so no use doing that hey? Isn't it all ODD? Oh well, t'is what it is and when you are re-dis-covering your own inner health, the place from where all health comes, you see that God made a hole in every one of us and only God can fill it, cheers mate, it was a joy to read that article thanks for writing it and sharing this oldie now, there are no meds in the world which can heal you from the ton of brick of stress you've been under, the only thing to do is nothing, rest, sleep, eat sparingly and food made from scratch, look up Viktor Schauberger for getting why real water is real healing, get sunlight and lots of oxygen, real nature sounds and views, ofcourse if you want to nuke the symptoms for a short while that is understandable but if they tell you that you need to marry those meds until death do you part, metaphorically speaking, then chuck 'em is my life's philosophy, This is medical advise I give to myself. I wish you all the best and all the inner peace to rest. Grüß Gott!!!

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What are we poor, simple Jeffersonian conservatives, ignoring the pesky slavery thing, going to do? Reality sucks when we have to accept that the world of capitalist thuggery is here with all its AI generated manipulation. Don’t look for political parties or courts to save us, they are nothing more than divisions of the power elite.

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Fascinating to read your 2016 essay - I wasn’t ready for it then. Helps me realize how much “catch up” I’ve been doing in recent years!

As others have said, please take the time to look after yourself. You might find the work of Dr. Christopher Palmer of interest. His book, Brain Energy, might provide some insight as you explore your healing path. With its publication, he’s been making the podcast circuit if that is a preferable entry. I first heard of him on Jordan Peterson’s podcast in February.

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But its fun to panic! Please rest and heal. This restless and reckless age needs you in it.

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CJ, I want to highly recommend this Substack by Gaius Baltar. He's thinking along the same lines as you, and offers additional insights: "Based on this (somewhat speculative) analysis, a global war is unavoidable. It will be a full-spectrum war the West will fight – not for the existence of western civilization – but for its subjugation and destruction. It is perhaps the first war in history where a civilization fights a war so it can safely commit suicide. We are actually there. For a western man like me, with (supposedly) western values, it is shocking how far the exit from reality has reached down to the individual level." https://gaiusbaltar.substack.com/p/a-civilization-beyond-reality

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Idea: I'd love to see a discussion between CJ and Gaius Baltar. I think they could build off of each other.

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Be well. Stress is a real fuker. The only time I get sick is when I’m stressed to the max and considering what you’ve been going through, sigh. Take care. 💕💕💕

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Just received your book ZONE 23 in the mail yesterday - looking forward to reading it . As always, a brilliant article here in safe and effective kanada.

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I read Zone 23 a couple of months ago. It's a crazy wild ride and I found it hard to put down.

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Can just imagine it will be Mark, based on my reading of his other book- The Rise of the New Normal Reich- that got him into some crazy sort of vilification by the government - like many people who have been unjustly accused of their critical thinking skills . Mark Oshinskie's book: Dispatches From a Scamdemic - although not a satirical read , was very relatable in a world that seems less than humane to me .

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I loved it too!

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Get well soon, Cj, long time follower and admirer.

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'Ello! 🙋🏿‍♀️ Black girl 'ere, in London. Haven’t been chased daan the road lately! 🤣😂🤣😂

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