Gary Weglarz, a longstanding reader, wrote below, "It seems to me that what we are seeing is a sort of 'controlled demolition' of material reality itself." Which is accurate, and has prompted me to address the global-capitalist ideology thing, which I want to get into in London, a little more here. I'll do that with an excerpt from the introductory chapter of The Rise of The New Normal Reich. The penultimate paragraph, in which I describe global capitalism as "a values-decoding machine" is the key.

I didn't want to open up that can of worms in this newsletter, because it gets rather heady, but, what the hell. It's challenging for both a lot of folks on the right (who are inclined to defend any perceived attack on capitalism, and so refuse to recognize the force they are resisting) and a lot of folks on the left (who are inclined to deny their alliance with the global-capitalist ideology machine, and so refuse to recognize what folks on the right are resisting).

Anyway, here's the excerpt ...

'We are, for the first time in human history, living in a de facto "global society" under a single predominate ideology, a predominate ideology that is fast becoming reality. Intramural conflicts notwithstanding, it is one big global-capitalist world. It has been since the early 1990s, when the last ideological adversary (and impediment) to global capitalism disappeared. This brave, new, global-capitalist world is still in its early evolutionary stages -- thirty years is nothing in historical terms -- but it is developing at breakneck speed, and it is doing so along predictable lines.

After the fall of the Soviet Union and the collapse of the credibility of communism as a viable competing ideology, the global-capitalist power network (or "GloboCap" as I like to call it) launched a global "clear-and-hold" operation, identifying and wiping out pockets of resistance, economically, militarily, and ideologically. It started in the former Soviet-bloc countries, the Middle East, and Africa in the 1990s, and expanded throughout most of the rest of the world like an aggressive metastatic cancer during the 15-year-long "Global War on Terror."

As GloboCap was conducting this clear-and-hold op in far-flung places all around the world, it was also conducting it in the heart of the empire, not as dramatically, but just as effectively, gradually, and sometimes not so gradually, destabilizing, restructuring, and privatizing society.

Which is all global capitalism really knows how to do. GloboCap isn't a conspiracy of evil individuals with a megalomaniacal vision. It's a machine. A values-decoding machine. Its function, ideologically speaking, is to eradicate any and all social values that interfere with the flows of capital and replace them all with a single value (i.e., exchange value), rendering everything a commodity, and transforming society into a marketplace.

Of course this machine is operated by people, many of whom are evil conspirators -- there has never been a dearth of evil conspirators -- but it is the structure and logic of the machine that is driving, not a clutch of globalist billionaires sitting around on one of Bill Gates' yachts, or in Klaus Schwab's castle, hatching schemes. You could shoot all these people in the head tomorrow, and they would be seamlessly replaced with other people, performing the identical functions, i.e., destabilizing, restructuring, and privatizing everything.'

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there is nothing new to living in a world of capitalism - again depending on what that means - but there is something new about the size of the corporations and the few oligarchical people controlling them.

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Correct, which is why I write about "global capitalism," not capitalism per se. I don't want to get into an argument about the definition of capitalism, so I will simply note that people have been owning private property, and buying and selling things, and paying other people to do things, since pretty much the dawn of civilization. What I am writing about is our historical moment, in which one ideological system dominates the planet unchallenged by any opposing ideological system. That is what is new.

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Global corporatism is not the only alternative to communism. Their a are many nuanced alternatives to those two extremes. For example, an economy consisting of responsible small business people and entrepreneurs who are willing to take PERSONAL responsibility for the liabilities of their enterprises, where enterprises too big or risky for individuals would all be owned by government, is possible. The current Russian system is also possible, where corporations are allowed but are forbidden to influence politics. Or the Chinese system, dominated by the Confucian idea of the Mandate of Heaven, which instructs rulers that the Mandate may be withdrawn if they don't look after the needs of the people.

Society is not limited to a choice of communism vs corporatism.

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Please define “responsible” and how you enforce it, at this juncture? I don’t know how that gets done when you see small biz annihilated during Covid and small banks now being hit during this banking ‘crisis’.... I honestly start from the point of ‘global’ being anti-human. We are local creatures. Local is the way forward. Do you disagree?

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"Responsible" means paying back all loans and making full restitution for all torts up to the point of personal bankruptcy. What I described is the ideal we should strive for, not what exists today. Since corporations put the entire society at risk with their "externalities," no individuals should be able to profit from them, but that is not the political economy we have today. Today, shareholders are allowed to profit far beyond a reasonable ROI for their initial investment, yet their liability is limited to their initial investment. They bear no PERSONAL responsibility, yet the corporation enjoys having essentially no regulation since it has all the rights of a "person." Ideally, any enterprise too risky to be undertaken by individuals placing all their own PERSONAL wealth at risk should be owned and controlled by government. That's not what we have today, and I'm not sure how we get there, but a good first step would be stripping all corporations of any political influence and rights they have today and regulating the hell out of them. Eg, total executive compensation should be strictly limited to some multiple (perhaps 10) of the lowest paid employee. Such regulation would require a Constitutional Amendment overriding Citizens United.

I agree that the more localized an economy is, the better. Obviously, transportation including power distribution and communication must be accomplished at a state or federal level. The federal government should be concerned only with freedom of transportation across state lines. Each state should have all power to regulate the exchange of goods once those goods have entered the state.

Obviously, we're a long way from any of the above today and may not be able to get there without prior system collapse. We certainly will never get there if we allow a bunch of oligarchs and their technocratic lackeys to control the entire world.

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I agree with your definition and overall answer. Until the part where you say the govt should own and control the too risky enterprise, because I feel the govt is already too huge. If this is a temporary situation, ok I get it. We are definitely far far away from the US govt even being responsible, nor the individual greedy treasonists inside it. Sorry - I'm mad!

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The alternatives to government ownership are 1) private ownership (limited liability corporations). How's that goin' for ya'? or 2) large enterprises like electric utilities simply don't exist because they're too risky and private owners don't want to risk their personal fortune.

I'm OK with private corporations if they're regulated by honest government of, by and for the people. That is, if artificial enterprises are prevented from contributing to candidates or taking a position on ballot measures.

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Yes and yet we are in a different world without honest govt. Therein lies the crux.

Should we bring back tar and feathering, and what were those posts called where the neck and wrists were isolated? These govt evilists are prolific not only in the elected groups but embedded in the bureaucracy... How do we get from here to honesty? And I don't expect you know the answer, it's unknown... keep fighting my friend!

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Without morals and ethics, a republic fueled by capitalism will fall. Since there is no dearth of evil, the struggle continues and will continue until judgement day. Regardless of the resistance, the underlying evil of man will prevail, which is the bad news. The good news is the Gospel. This world will struggle as a woman going through labor pains until Jesus comes again. Man is inherently evil and left to their own devices, will rape, pillage and plunder to their advantage and for their pleasure. It’s simply reaching a global scale and Epstein’s island was too small. The evil ones wish to spread their perversions from shore to shore. Their hunger is insatiable like the flower in The Little Shop Of Horrors. FEED MEEEEE!!!!

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I agree so strongly with so much of what you're saying! I don't believe humans are inherently evil, just stupid. Unless that equates to evil? Perhaps. Thanks.

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I am persuaded by your GloboCap analysis, but I wonder about the hegemony question. The British philosopher John Gray has proposed ideas similar to yours in a series of books starting in the late 90s, but his focus is mostly on the perverse social/cultural destructiveness of global capitalism in the West since 1989, not its inevitable hegemonic momentum everywhere. From False Dawn: The Delusions of Global Capitalism: "The permanent revolution of the free market denies any authority to the past. It nullifies precedent, it snaps the thread of memory and scatters local knowledge....In late modern times globalization works against the traditions it inherits from the early modern age." Gray thinks that potent political forces do stand against global capitalism now, specifically the very different nationalisms of Russia and China, neither of which he thinks has been swallowed up in the GloboCap machine or has ambitions for imperialist domination-- beyond, that is, reestablishing mythical domains (Ukraine, the Balkans, perhaps Poland, for Russia; Taiwan for China). And those two nations, not surprisingly, are the two forces GloboCap is mounting its forces against now. It is by no means clear that the GloboCap will prevail, according to Gray. I think that's putting it mildly. So: GloboCap wants to be global, but it might just end up being a provincial backwater seen from the perspective of swathes of the planet with no interest in it.

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I haven't read Gray, but I'll challenge your summary of his arguments on this point. Global capitalism, ideologically speaking, is indeed globally hegemonic. There is no viable external ideological adversary. Russia and China are components of the global capitalism system, operating according to the same "reality" (ideology) as every other nation-state. Of course nation states still compete against each other for advantages within the system they are all parts of, and some are resisting being stripped of what's left of their sovereignty, but these attempts are ultimately doomed. They are like trying to escape the system by setting up an "autonomous community" in the woods within the USA. You are still inside the USA. You can survive for a while (if you stay under the radar) until the system decides it needs to deal with you, because you are causing problems, or it needs your territory or resources. This is what I mean when I say that global capitalism has no remaining outside adversaries and that every major conflict is an insurgency. There is no outside. Not anymore. If there is to be a new one someday, it will have to be born from inside.

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I am late again; fascinating. "from inside" precisely. I wonder why I am seeing no discussion, no reference even to specifically the global, so called, gene therapy injection program underway for a full two years.

GlobalCap requires a very large strata of managers -economic and political, technicians, entertainers even, etc. These people pay 250K to send their kids (not only in the US) to ivy league universities. What happens in 3-5-7 years when they start realizing that their kids, many of them, have been sterilized? That is, the ones who have not "died suddenly" at 24 from a massive stroke. How long can GlobalCap go before people in this strata stop pretending this is not happening? And what happens "inside" when they do stop?

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It is hard to disagree. And it really is hard to remember (though I am old enough to do it) when capitalism had a potent ideological rival. Hence the strength of a book like Fisher's Capitalist Realism. The only reservation I see is that the historical materialist account of our present, however conceived (Marx, thou should be living at this hour!), does not make room for the adversarial power of forces that exceed economics. Call them the forces of deep myth. Proud stories of empire, of social cohesion, of ancestral lineage, of otherness, particularly in parts of the world like Russia and China, where modernity has always been treated with a kind of pragmatic disdain. Capitalism would always only be a tool, not a system of capture, in such places. It may be wrong to insist on this view. The so-called end of history was not the end but rather the continuation of history; but global capitalism is but one of history's ironies.

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The distinction between "only a tool" and "a system of capture" is crucial. There is a world of difference between using a powerful machine to serve one's purposes and letting that machine determine the values of one's society/reality.

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Yes. And I take it that marketplace values do not (yet?) exhaust all other possibilities in Russia and China, though I wish I knew more about those places. For us, marketplace values have won.

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🗨 On our crowded planet there are no longer any "internal affairs." ~~Alexander Solzhenitsyn (Warning to the West, 1976)

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And Edward Slavsquat (Riley Waggaman) here on Substack certainly verifies the Russian aspect of this claim.

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Your distinction between imperialist domination and reestablishing mythical domains feels very strained. Russia seems very much interested in imperialist domination in Ukraine (via its Nazi-like military invasion), as it has in other eras, such as its imperialist division of Poland in league with the Nazis.

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Whatever you want to say about Russia’s brutal attack on Ukraine, it seems clear that the state interested in wrecking the Russian economy, sabotaging EU/Russian energy trade through acts of war, and propping up a NATO-backed Ukraine puppet state on Russia’s border is the imperialist US. Best to stay away from the Nazi metaphor, wouldn’t you say?--literal Nazis are fighting on the Ukraine, not Russian side.

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PS to my last: But I am glad you describe Putin's attack on Ukraine as brutal. We can agree about that. Looking at some other posts on this author's site, there seem to be a number of Putin apologists, possibly including the author.

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Putin is a war criminal. No doubt about it.

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Indeed. Agreed again.

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No, I won't actually. Putin/Russia invaded Ukraine like the Nazis did, slaughter there like the Nazis did, terrorize civilians there like the Nazis did, kill children there like the Nazis did. The pro-Putiners fixation on the small number of Nazis in a country with a broadly elected Jewish president is laughable at best.

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I'm not laughing. You don't need to be a Putin supporter--I am not one--to acknowledge that vicious Nazis fight today for Ukraine. Their numbers and political influence are not trivial; having a Jewish leader does not alter these facts. This war has clearly revealed that observers of it from a distance are unable to face hard realities. Like the hard reality that no side is heroic in the least. And that includes the US, of course, whose dirty proxy war it is. Ask yourself: what nation at this moment most strenuously rejects the idea of peace talks? The US will apparently fund this war till the last Ukrainian dies.

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Ukraine is not a Nazi country, despite the presence of some Nazis. Neo-Nazis are i all sorts of European countries and US -- does not make them Nazi countries. Nazis also fighting for Russia in Ukraine: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/02/pro-kremlin-neo-nazi-militia-inciting-torture-murder-ukrainian-prisoners

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The so called faceless puppet masters - meaning, the people above world governments, above the parasite class, and above the front-men at WEF and other globalist institutions...'They' have an obsession with trying to exercise total control over humanity, which is futile. They are being played by life itself.

There is futility in a group of people attempting to control reality itself. The sociopaths - who believe they are at the helm - are all driven by ego. They literally are pure ego. As Vladimir Zelenko said in the never again documentary:

"Humanity can only be saved by global expanded consciousness. It is inevitable that we will ‘win’. It is simply a question of the final body count."

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Not enough folks understand the power they wield. You want another rabbit hole to descend? https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/ The truth of the Power on display is all around and THEY so contain it such that it is never discussed. ALL else is distraction...

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I agree that this "Great Reset" comes from global capitalists, or rather comes from their failures, and it was obvious early from reading the left alternative press like globalresearch.ca.

But to stop the GR, help must be accepted from any quarter, and any able bodied soul defending the U.S. constitution at this point in time is very important.


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And perhaps all the other countries around the globe, or is this just an issue for the US? But yes, it would be GREAT if the citizens of the US could do something about the awful behaviour of your global-corporate-militarised out of control 'government'. We are all suffering terribly because everyone else 'leading' other nations is bullied into doing what they want, or more to the point these days, has been fully vetted and approved by Washington and the CIA.

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But most in the USA are either 1.) unaware and don’t know to care 2.) unaware and don’t care past their next sports game, porn and 6-pack 3.) unaware and brainwashed by MSM 4.) unaware but know something’s wrong and we need to stop warring or 5.) are aware that the three letter agencies support the destruction of the world through color revolutions, war, and economic enslavement and see what happens to countries that resist, like those in South America and Africa. The public schools were overtaken, kids were dumbed down, and now we have a generation of snowflakes that don’t know the definition of a woman and are more worried about striking down ‘facism’ than figuring out what’s going on in the world.

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I choose answer #3.

Think about the massive censorship going on right now. If the MSM would simply show real footage from January 6, for example, peoples' minds would change about what happened then. But they're working hard so that the truth won't get out, and so that people won't see how corrupted everything has become.

It's thought control. I disagree with the current stance of so many that "those people" are stupid and can't see what's in front of them because they're too busy drinking beer and watching football. They can't see because they're being deliberately blinded.

Focusing on the supposed stupidity of the people is the wrong focus. Focus on the massive and sophisticated censorship/propaganda machine.

Those stupid beer drinkers are actually on our side. They just don't know it yet.

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Yes indeed, thank you for your post. And to be fair, those snowflakes are everywhere in the world, I have some very close to me - I am working very hard to keep conversations going with them and it IS worth the effort, I am becoming less of a crazy old mum and more of a doorkeeper to a world they would rather live in. If only I had seen it sooner and unschooled them. Still, I will never accept it's too late! Good luck :-)

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Yeah sorry for our imperialism and depopulation program. Our bad. Wish we had control over our government but we don't. Long story, not a funny one though.

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' rendering everything a commodity'

Actually, this may clash with the thesis of marching totalitarianism. Because, the totalitarian goals like absolute power and securing of one's privileged status make it impossible for that power and status to be a commodity. Likewise the status of the serf or slave: would they be allowed to buy their freedom?

Also, if you force people to eat bugs and bathe with cold water, that's at least prima facie anti-consumerist. So, we're dealing with a mutation of sorts.

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Agenda 2030 and Technocracy are about ending capitalism in the West and replacing it with something much closer the Soviet system. In the rest of the world a different system is emerging, but one that takes a different critique than the one you're putting forward. You seem to be stuck in a past historical moment.

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I have to ask, "Who is your audience?" While this essay is excellent to read, I just can't picture sitting at the back of a room in a convention, at a panel with two or more speakers, and listening to these words come out of a real person's mouth.

Go ahead. Read this aloud while standing in front of the mirror. Can you say all this without staring at your notes, all while making eye contact and developing a personal relationship with an audience who is otherwise HOSTILE to your existence?

One of the reasons conservatives fail to woo the masses is because their ideals are too abstract. If you don't hit people in the heart, their minds are going to wander.

You will be "speaking to the teachers." You need to hit your audience in the heart, you need to tie it into issues THEY care about deeply, and you need to keep your language simple, while still remaining authoritative and credible. If you do this, your audience will turn around and start talking about your ideas to their like-minded friends.

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Many thanks for the advice, but (a) I'm not a conservative, (b) it's a leftist audience, (c) while I won't be using these exact words, I will be challenging the audience to wrestle with complex ideas, not whipping up a crowd to storm the Bastille or sign up for a life-coaching seminar. I think it's good to challenge folks sometimes. People are generally smarter than people think.

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I'm not a conservative, either... I'm a lifelong independent and just-right-of-center libertarian from the Free State region of New Hampshire. What I -did- was work as an events manager for a large, 6,500-attendee, 4-day convention for many years, putting together panels on fairly complex topics, attended mostly by liberals, and then gathered feedback from that audience as to which panels, panelists, and topics to put back on the schedule the following year. Its not a matter of how smart your audience is. If you make your subject too technical, it is BORING.

Don't ask for feedback if you don't really want it. Now go read your speech in front of the mirror, making eye contact with yourself, without resorting to your notes, and ask yourself why the audience should care?

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And we were doing so well in these replies ... but I suppose every comment section needs someone like you. I've spent most of my life working in the theater, and teaching, so I think I may know just a little bit about connecting with audiences. I was pretty clear about the kind of feedback I'm looking for, but do feel free to continue to completely ignore that and wax authoritative in all-caps. I really appreciate the all-caps. Otherwise, I have so much trouble figuring out which words are important.

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Wow. Arrogant much? You do theater, but don't understand that you need to connect to an audience in a PANEL, or a JURY, when discussing a complex matter, every bit as much as when Henry V talks to his army about St. Crispin's Day? You've got 15 minutes to impress upon an audience who would otherwise consider you to be their ENEMY that you are all on the same team, and you think you're going to do it by throwing around big, tedious words that you think make you sound smart, instead of figuring out what THEY care about and adapting your speech to what THEY need to hear.

Anyways, I just unsubscribed from your newsletter, which should make you happy.

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I appreciate everything you write, and am accepting of the use of capitalism, but I genuinely don't understand how you see the actions of states as "transforming society into a marketplace".

US Government spending is 40% of GDP. Is that capitalism? The very foundation of markets, currency and interest rates, are centrally planned and monopolized. The bailout of SVB and all the other banks and industry's should be clear evidence that the political institutions are not interested in marketplaces and creative destruction.

" Its function... is to eradicate any and all social values that interfere with the flows of capital and replace them all with a single value" I agree that social values are being destroyed, but it is high time preference instilled by central planning of monetary policy that does this. Consumerism is high time preference manifest. Capitalism is low time preference. Social values follow.

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I don't "see the actions of states as 'transforming society into a marketplace.'" I see global capitalism as transforming society into a marketplace. I would urge you to examine "the actions of states" (e.g., the USA) and ask yourself, who/what are these actions intended to serve ... the theoretical citizens of these theoretical nation-states or the global-capitalist system (and its supranational ruling classes)?

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What I keep asking myself is: How does the supranational ruling class (are they truly plural?) benefit from a planet dominated by technology and run by AI? A planet where life is being poisoned and eradicated, rendering it closer to Mars and other seemingly uninhabitable planets for what used to be the human species (before the majority turned into homo borg genesis) as well as most animals (not sure whether cockroaches could live on Mars?..) and plants. A soulless, desolate place.

On such a planet, money becomes irrelevant and power as well. Do they need to extract minerals from earth (hence the need for physical ownership of the land) and ship them off to other planetary bodies or systems? Or is the concept of a real Human Being, one that has discovered and stepped into their true power, so threatening to the soulless creatures pulling the strings here that they need to eradicate us, lest they be chased from our abode?

The only conclusion that makes sense to me is that we are involved in the battle of Life vs Anti-Life forces here on planet earth. One could call it God vs Satan, Light vs Darkness. (I prefer a wording with less religious connotations.) I sense that the earth is being terraformed in every way imaginable for these Anti-Life forces of which AI is a component. I am not insisting on being right - in fact I would love to be wrong on this one! - but I would need darn good arguments to convince me that it boils down to economics, which I view as part of the power structure and part of the means to an end, but not the underlying cause nor the end in itself.

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I totally agree that the actions of states exclusively serve special interest, and global-capitalist are a predominant special interest. I desire poly law anarchy.

I'm curious what your definition of marketplace is, and if it is negative.

I define marketplace as analogous with ecology, culture, economy, tao - all things that lay outside of individual/institutional knowledge and emerge from the collective actions of each individual in a network. To me, market is a piece of anima mundi, not the consumerism incentivized by the state (and global crony capitalists).

One of the themes in Zone 23 that I thought was very interesting was how spirituality was neutered by the Clears. I'm curious if you'd object to my view of the market and if you have more writing on your thoughts on spirituality.

Either way, thank you for all of your writing and speech.

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It has become clear to me over the last 5-6 years that those in power have a deep understanding and command of psychology, propaganda and brainwashing. Every day, I am stunned at how many people simply believe and repeat whatever they are told. Common sense and rational thinking are rapidly fading away. Years ago, I would never have believed it, but most people are easily misled and willingly do the "dirty work" of those in power.

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We should temper our disdain for the masses with the understanding that our educational system hasn't been teaching critical thinking and individual self-determination, and the fallen masses have been hit by massive and unrelenting propaganda and censorship.

It's a fight between "we're all in this together" and "give me freedom or give me death." Notice how "freedom" was attacked during High Covid? As in: why are we worrying about freedom when a deadly virus will kill everyone?

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I never had a lesson in critical thinking. I just think.

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Same here. I think we put an unfair burden on the "education system" when we say that it is that system's job to teach critical thinking skills. That would be nice, but it's a bridge too far. If the results of psychological experiments like the Asch conformity experiments can fairly be extrapolated across populations (e.g., American), then only about 25% of humanity was born with enough critical thinking ability to a) be skeptical and b) resist peer pressure, regardless of any formal teaching, or the lack of it. Those relative numbers held true for the covid hoax, as well, where about 30% of the population did not believe in the "virus" or in the sanity of the countermeasures. Sadly, like intelligence, I think we either are born with the ability to think critically, and education merely enhances it, or we're not. It appears from the numbers that 75% couldn't think critically if they wanted to.

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The Covid hoax was due to a massive censorship/propaganda campaign that was presented to us relentlessly, 24/7. Our "trusted authorities" were all repeating the same propaganda.

I disagree that most of the population is too stupid to think for themselves; most of us actually do, don't we, since we have interests and goals we pursue? Things do concern us, and we think about them.

The core problem is that most people simply don't understand how corrupt things have become, and they don't understand this because of the censorship machine. They also don't understand the basic conflict between the state and the individual (education?) and the grave threat that digital surveillance poses. They don't understand this threat because they don't understand how corrupt things have become, and how an alliance of corporatism with growing state power, both reinforcing each other, intends to control and manage every aspect of our lives for a greater good that they, not we, decide.

Basic education in the idea that true freedom pertains to individuals, not to governments or corporations, would've helped. That omission was of course deliberate.

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Maybe "they don't understand" xyz because they are stoopid.

My "critical thinking" tells me so.

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I disagree with the elitist stance: we're so smart, we can see, those people are so stupid, they can't see.

Those people are being deliberately blinded by a massive censorship and propaganda campaign. They're being told what to think and don't realize it. Listening to NPR is instructive: they're telling people what to think and even giving the opposing view that they then dismiss in some manner, so that people are led to believe that they now "understand" the situation from a Trusted Source.

I know a lot of "those people." They aren't stupid. They're caught in a narrative and can't believe that the world they live in could be as corrupted as it really is.

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Where does the 75% come from? What’s the basis of your hypothesis? IQ scores? I don’t think people automatically think of the ‘what if’s’ like they should. I don’t think they’ve been taught to think that way. Simple and effective (to a point, of course) and minimizes a number of the issues we see today.

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To be fair, sticking one's head in the sand can feel like a sane strategy and has something to be said for it. I may feel less frustrated if I was able to switch off from the outside world. Mind you, trying to work it all out is difficult so laziness might be a factor too.

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People are trusting. Many trust NPR, for example, which simply spouts WEF's talking points. Climate catastrophe-- no questions allowed. That's NPR.

People trust NPR for their news. It's insidious. People aren't stupid or lazy necessarily, but trusting.

I disagree with the attitude that people aren't as smart as we are and so that's why we're in this mess.

It's all about steps toward totalitarianism: censorship/propaganda, surveillance, and enforcement. That's why we're in this mess. The propaganda these days is of course much more sophisticated and subtler than it was in Hitler's time. It can, and has, hit people without them even knowing. Case in point: NPR.

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What is NPR?

I agree many are trusting but it's funny as on many occasions in the past they haven't trusted politicians, so why now? It's as if some have been hypnotised.

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That's all it is, isn't it?

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I think so!

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Kids are not being taught to think critically and analyze what they are being told. They are being taught what to think, not how.

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You need to wrap it up by explaining how its no longer about the right-left paradigm (a fake construct), but about the people versus the elite. Ever since humankind left the savannah and began coalescing into city-states, there has risen an elite who view themselves as, LITERALLY, our gods. Most of humanity was the elite enslaving the surfs, peasants, slaves. And then all of a sudden, in 1776, some rowdy Americans said "we're FREE", the west followed suit, and we think these elites still aren't trying to regain the upper hand? The "right" has more in common with a far-left organic-homesteading anarchist than they do the Koch brothers. This division is artificial. The sooner our brothers on the left realize this, the sooner we can kick the elite back where they belong ... on the guillotines.

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This is a massive and critical point. We must all realize that the "left vs right" paradigm was invented by the enemy precisely to divide and conquer us. As for this:

"The "right" has more in common with a far-left organic-homesteading anarchist than they do the Koch brothers."

That's a literal example from my life. I became friends on FB with a Canadian anarchist organic farmer, since I engaged with him about his right to farm his own land (there was a petition circulating). I am in no way, shape, or form an anarchist or Marxist. This was about in 2014. I was stunned by some of his memes. One posting a list of demands -- right to farm, to school our kids, etc. -- would have been right at home with the Tea Party.

I tell my leftist friends all the time: "we're on the same side, but you don't know it. We want the same thing, but we're going to be crushed by the same boot." They refuse to listen.

We are THE MAJORITY and we can have a COALITION if people would just throw out the "right vs left" paradigm. The crux of that is INDIVIDUALISM vs. THE STATE. That is their kryptonite.

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Many years ago, I visited the agricultural region of Russia. In conversations with our hosts, who were a farming family, it struck me how similar the "communist" farmers (whose great-grandparents had lost their farms to be "collectivized" during Stalin, and then were allowed to "buy back" their land during "Peristroika") were to any other farmer in the USA or Australia or Canada.

"Collectivism" never works. Any "leftist" who pushes collectivism, mass migration, lack of personal responsibility (the "gibmes"), and decries individual property ownership is not who we want to focus on

But there are an awful lot of so-called "leftists" who TRIED their so-called Utopian collectivist living arrangements, watched it fail miserably due to all the reasons collectivism always fails, and then moved on to this kind of radical individualistic self-reliance organic homesteading. THOSE leftists, although they do not align with Christian Nationalism insofar as God and tradition as a central focus, DO care quite a lot about the school-to-corporate-drone brainwashing, unfair regulation of small-scale farmers and craftsmen, medical fascism, and the consolidation of local farms, businesses and financial institutions into these corporate owned, taxpayer subsidized "blobs."

We have to stop allowing our globalist overlords to slice-and-dice us according to race, religion, or fringe issues such as abortion (and by "fringe" I don't mean slaughtering babies is unimportant, but rather that we need to put the fire out before we administer first aid to the victims).

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I'm going to be repeating this theme: the big issue right now is stopping the surveillance train. Surveillance will give enemies of we, the people, all the power and control they desire.

They want to manage us for their own ends. You can't manage what you can't monitor.

Totalitarianism is built on censorship/propaganda, surveillance, and enforcement. So-called "mass formation" is what happens after the above, not before.

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"Those people" (Susan Rice, etc.) are idiots. They have to try and control the conversation because their ideas are horrible, they are ineffective as people, and they desparately don't want the truth to get out.

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Very well said.

[I do think abortion is in a different category, but I know how you mean it. Without a desire to start a whole different debate, I will note for anyone reading: let's remember that it's perfectly coherent to be an atheist anti-abortion advocate. But if that doesn't convince you, remember too that depopulation is the tip of the spear, and that REPRODUCING and having a traditional family is literally the most "anti-system / revolutionary" thing you can do].

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"it's perfectly coherent to be an atheist anti-abortion advocate." Of course, anyone of any spirit or non-spirit bent has an opinion on abortion. What am I supposed to be convinced of here?

Yes, depopulation is on the agenda. I have noticed a few writers expressing this veiled misogyny about "we" must reproduce to fight the depopulation. That's some radical anti-system / revolutionary way to go. "Traditional family".... Have you read/wtached The Handmaid's Tale?

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My only point earlier is that abortion is in a different category than other issues. Abortion is about whether you have the “right” to take human life. That’s a real issue. It’s not a fake issue. Will people disagree vehemently? Yes. Will they be manipulated if possible? Yes. But at least it’s a real issue. Unlike most others which are concocted out of thin air to divide us about things which are inevitable or which don’t even matter. In any case, this discussion is tangential to this thread, but I did want to clarify at least this much.

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OK, i agree that TPTB are making up stuff to divide us.

Also, agree went off on tangent as I am often doing if "abortion" comes up. As the Wokers say, "I got triggd."

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As a general rule, if we focus on commonality, we get unity.

If we focus on differences, we get division.

The enemy focuses on our differences to get division. We must do the opposite: focus on our commonality. Our commonality is much greater. That’s the point. The anarchist organic farmer and the Tea Party guy can agree on a helluva lot. We can unite around it. That’s where the hope lies.

At the very least we should see that we’re all about to be crushed by the same enemy, which has divided and conquered us.

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I feel that language like "slaughtering babies" serves the overlords "slice-and-dice" divisive tactic. It certainly alienates me.

It's kinda like, with racism, don't use the N word. Not that racism is a "fringe issue".

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Spot on. Individualism versus the state. Freedom means free individuals, not that the corporate state is free to do whatever it wants to.

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I like this a lot. Show that the forces of totalitarianism don't care what you call yourself or who you align with. You will be subjugated whether you want it or not. You will not be spared. It's only a matter of time because the revolution never stops. I'm ok with calling it global capitalism because that may actually resonate with that crowd more than anything else. Maybe also touch on the term public/private partnership that's being bandied about as a term for the incestuous relationship between the governments and business. A modern version of Mussolini's definition of fascism ( “Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power.”)

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"Public-private partnership" is LITERALLY Mussolini's definition of fascism.

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Not only that but many of the elite and their friends are the exact same families from the Nazi era, such as Schwab's Nazi father in Ravensburg. And of course, Operation Paperclip which bought over clever Nazis to America. Then add IBMs role in Auschwitz, Ford and Rockefeller funding Hitler. The list is long. The Nazis are back in charge. Instead of National Socialist Workers Party, it's the Global Socialist Capitalists Party, or something.

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I've seen some fairly credible evidence that the rise of the National Socialist party and Hitler was funded by US, British, and other European banking interests that were worried they wouldn't get their blood money under the World War I "reparations" treaty due to hyperinflation and the rising Bolshevik tide flooding out of Russia that was, ironically, being funded by an entirely different faction of the globalist-elite (and in some cases, the globalists first funded Bolshevikism, and then flipped to fund Nazism when the realized they couldn't control the monster they'd just unleashed). Then, just like Lenin / Stalin, the globalists lost control of THAT monster as well, pitting the two against one another and dragging the rest of the world into their banker's wars.

You might despise Vladimir Putin and Xi Xinping, but we should be VERY suspicious of the current war-drums against Russia and China, happening just as worldwide fiat currencies are, once again, collapsing into hyper-inflation, the entire medical-tyranny complex is being exposed, stolen elections are once again on the table, and the globalist solution is pushing CDBC and World War III. History may not repeat itself, but it certainly rhymes. Right or left, we must unite against WWIII and CDBC, or we are lost.

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Well put. I don't personally despise Putin, I treat him objectively as part of the global geopolitical powermongers. Looking at our current situation, I would despise US/NATO's flagrant aggression much more. But it's all part of the larger picture you portray.

On a note of synchronicity... my mother was a scottish maiden, born in Cramond, Edinburgh, and her name was Anna. Small world.

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Absolutely. They just gave it a cuddly sounding name

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The public needs to be reminded what is really happening versus what they are saying. I am glad Substack is providing a forum for the truth to reach people and hopefully this conference will reach even more people with the truth.

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I agree right there! You speak of the ‘GATES’ (Russia Hitler Marxism)but nothing of possible blame or who is behind all of this. Covid and the people are not the enemy. Wrap it up with next steps, who is the real enemy and how do we have victory! Therein lies the rub!

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I agree. If this is true, if it’s a headless monster driving humanity towards global domination, what does the end look like and how do we win against it?

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Right. Words and concepts have been co-opted and twisted. Garland Nixon addresses this (see "Dems And Gop Fight Over Disinformation") and why we need to be precise. Also, conservatives, lefties, and libertarians need to ally around an axis of stability and justice, and let moral issues lie: https://rokfin.com/garlandnixon

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I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment. I think many of us can be called "min-archs".

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("A lot of people on the political right refer to what I’m calling “global-capitalist ideology” as “Wokism,” or “cultural Marxism,” or whatever. I’m not interested in arguing about labels.")

- 6 months ago I was blissfully unaware of just how bat-shit crazy Academia had become since I'd retired from social work in 2014. After a massive amount of reading-up over the last six months I am no longer so "blissful." Whether one calls it "Woke" or "Social Justice" I cannot shake the sense that the ideological capture of all major facets of Western society by this "movement" is somehow just a wonderful coincidence for Oligarchy.

When all of Academia, all of MSM, all of the big NGO's, all Western governments, the military & intelligence services, all the big Corporations, right down to local governments and my own local school boards and local YMCA - are all singing the same irrational reality-free song - I can't help but smell the proverbial rat.

It seems to me that what we are seeing is a sort of "controlled - demolition" of material reality itself. The traditional biological and social "sciences" (as in scientific method driven disciplines) have been effectively replaced society wide by various flavors of Social Justice Theory - all of which distain discourse, objectivity, reason, scientific method in favor of "Theory," "feelings," and "identity."

"Why" this is important is that if you tried - you could not conceive of a more effective means to destroying any and all solidarity on the left/progressive side of the political spectrum. Even the most traditional allies have now been set against each other by this ideological movement which in the name of "equity" and "inclusion" and "tolerance" boasts an amazing level of "intolerance" of any discussion of it's principals and beliefs. An example is that now many feminists, lesbian activists and traditional "leftists" (class analysis) find themselves attacked and cancelled for of all things simply claiming biological sex exists and human beings with a penis (no matter how they "identify") have no place in women's rape shelters and domestic violence shelters. What better way to distract from Ukraine, or more deeply examining the criminality of the Covid policies - than have the populace fighting vehemently over "what a woman is?" The authoritarian, anti-free speech, take no prisoners attitude of these brave Social Justice Warriors is regularly demonstrated as cancelling the voices of all opposition, and issuing threats of assault, rape and even death to women who claim that a man identifying as a woman is still at the end of the day - a man - and should not have access to the safe-spaces of traumatized women.

Being all too familiar with decades of CIA and FBI operations designed to manipulate the public mind, from Gladio, COINTELPRO and MKULTRA - right down to the subtlety of the CIA's promotion of say something as innocuous as Abstract Expressionism 50 years ago - I can't help but imagine that those sociopathic boys in Langley would have had to be asleep on the job were they not routinely for many years now directing oligarchy donor funding toward new DEI departments in Academia, new "chairs" and "departments" and "professor-ships" in the various flavors of the new Post-modern "Social Justice Theory" manifestations. Now that all of this "Theory" has migrated to the corporate world, to NGOs to government we must ask "who benefits" from an assault on "material reality?" The obvious answer is Oligarchy.

How does one "organize" and oppose "anything" - if "material reality" has been rendered irrelevant, obsolete, to be replaced by our latest "designer-identities" and our "feelings?" Any "questioning" of this new ideological movement simply resulting in one being cancelled, shouted down, expelled from campus or job, or otherwise threatened for making the true-believers somehow - "feel unsafe" - with one's words and the exercise of "reason." I'd say some discussion of this "movement" that has fractured the "left" into a million pieces is in order - but from a "macro" perspective - not from the minutia of debating "identity" talking points - but rather a discussion of what the larger level implications of the assault on "material reality" itself means for any organized "resistance." My two cents.

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I hear you, Gary, when you write ... "It seems to me that what we are seeing is a sort of 'controlled - demolition' of material reality itself." I've addressed this in some of my essays, and I'll have to get into it in London, but it gets kind of heady. I may do a little addendum and pin it above. Anyway, thanks!

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I think what is most disturbing about the Social Justice Theory assault on material reality - is that it conveniently erases the very existence of GloboCap - and/or pretends it's existence as irrelevant. Oxfam's latest distribution of wealth stats from this January show -

"The richest 1 percent grabbed nearly two-thirds of all new wealth worth $42 trillion created since 2020, almost twice as much money as the bottom 99 percent of the world's population"

The most negative impact of the current Social Justice Theory craze is that it effectively completely ignores this critically important aspect of "material reality" (essentially your GloboCap thesis C.J.) in favor of virtue-signaling and sophomoric pissing matches between ever changing new "designer-identities" over such things as - "micro-aggressions" and "trigger warnings" and "safe spaces" - and most worrisome - it valorizes the shutting down of "free speech" and is comfortable labeling any speech it disagrees with as - "violence." What could go wrong?

Social Justice Theory in it's current incarnation effectively posits that rather than there existing any sort of human commonality and thus possible solidarity such as "class" - (necessary for any effective movement) - we are instead all to be endlessly on-guard and suspicious of any and all who don't fall within our own group's set of "intersectional" - "micro-identities" as - THEY (the other) - are posited as the enemy. All while somehow remaining completely oblivious to seeing the role writ large played in social and economic injustice by that relative handful of those uber-wealthy sociopaths at the top of this neoliberal shit-show who claim more wealth than most of the remainder of the planet - and who by virtue of that wealth (and attendant 'power') own not only the political class and MSM, but also it would appear a good portion of American Academia.

Looking forward to hearing your panel talk.

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"I think what is most disturbing about the Social Justice Theory assault on material reality - is that it conveniently erases the very existence of GloboCap - and/or pretends it's existence as irrelevant." Very well said !

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Have you read Patel Patriot’s Devolution series?

1-24 so far


Burning Bright has a summary


It might interest you to see the citizen ship is being turned so the majority (95%) see the embedded corruption - hence it has to get this CRAZY

The pide pipers need to be identified or evil will creep back in no time

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For some reason I find 'the bottom 99%' hilarious - surely the correct proportionality is seeing the 1% as a strand of hair on top of a balding scalp. Otherwise that is an enormous arse.

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And probably not coincidentally, Christianity (and I would assume mainstream Judaism) in the West since the early 1990s has fallen to this same "controlled demolition of material reality" as well. Half of the congregations jumped on the GloboCap bus. And much of the membership of the remaining congregations find the shiny, noisy, modern things to be irresistible (moreso than their faith, worship and service, unfortunately).

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You have expressed this incredibly well.

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Excellent analysis. I recently came across a Twitter post which confirmed exactly what you're saying:


"People who mock the decline of universities in the US have no idea how bad it really is. I'm on the inside, and I can tell you the next 20 years will be more wild than you can possibly imagine. The academy is currently peeling away from reality and will be fully detached soon.

1:22 AM · Feb 27, 2023 ... 3.2M Views

I know a lot of people point and laugh at crazy campus videos and anecdotes. What you see is akin to people in Pompei laughing at a vase that fell off a shelf or cracking a joke about the first grey snowflake.

Seriously. I used to laugh at the people who exaggerated campus stuff. But we are in the midst of a mass psychotic break here."

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This is so clear and true. Thanks Gary. A great companion to CJ's.

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For me the story is good, but I'm a systems engineer. I have a couple suggestions:

1) The GlobalCap "System" probably requires a tad bit of explanation up front. For me the best way to think about it is a set of rules and incentives that drives groups of people to behave certain ways. A system has rules, and it reacts to external inputs and the two things drive the output. This is big shift in thinking for most people because they can't relate. The system feels no emotions -- like a big bureaucracy or company. Companies might be a good way to explain it. A company is rewarded by generating profit. Period. It has no feelings. People inside it have feelings, but good companies incent their employees to behave in ways that get the company rewarded. I think this is key because the very nature of humanity (and the reason we're not all desponded about a faceless system taking over) is to feel things. People need to understand this.

2) Although I believe you are right about the conspiracy part, be very careful dismissing it for 2 reasons. One, again, it's what people understand, and two it may be how a lot of them think they got red pilled.

"What I'm talking about is not individual people conspiring (although individual people certainly do, and that is part of it)"

I think this is too dismissive and you can acknowledge that the system promotes ongoing groups of conspiracies to push its agenda forward (which is monolithic domination, the goal of any predatory entity). The important thing for us all to remember, is that although we should be aware of these conspiracies, they are a symptom of the problem, so it's important not to fixate on that as the main strategy.

3) Why are you still optimistic? I listened to your podcast with Trish, and you were not desolate facing the literal borg of human systems. Why? These systems are self consuming in the end because it turns to consuming itself. We don't know how this will happen yet but it will happen hopefully within our lifetimes. The key to making people aware is so that we starting figuring out a strategy to accelerate its downfall.

Good luck CJ!

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Many thanks, great notes!

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Here’s an article I read years ago that was a real ah ha moment for me.

Published on Sunday, December 03, 2017 by Common Dreams

AI Has Already Taken Over. It’s

Called the Corporation.

Futurists warning about the threats of AI are looking in the wrong place. Humanity is already facing an existential threat from an artificial intelligence we created hundreds of years ago. It’s called the Corporation.

by Jeremy Lent

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I forget if it was William Gibson or Bruce Sterling who wrote a story that depicted the "Zaibatsu," or corporate conglomerate, as the newest planetary life form. I'm pretty sure it was in the collection _Burning Chrome_, which was published in the late 1980s.

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Also this, which I just ran across on FB/YT, a scene from _My Dinner With Andre_, in which it is proposed that we're bored, we're asleep, and we've constructed our own prison to keep us that way. Titled on YT as the "Conspiracy Theory" scene


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Excellent reference. Thanks for posting.

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An amazing system that seems to defy entropy. The fact is this is a “system” only within an artificially circumscribed superstructure. The idea that the only thing corporations care about is profit is demonstrably false. If one concern can be said to be paramount, that concern would best be described as fidelity. Furthermore, corporations are headed by people. The perform according to the direction of a very few people, and those few are acting at the direction of a few other whether that be explicit and granular or simply dictated by the vice in which they exist

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I agree with you that the system works with artificial boundaries -- and I think that is why it attempts to shape the world into making those boundaries permanent. That is ultimately why I am certain it will fail because it does not have the nuanced compatibility with humanity which is reality. This will ultimately be its weak link IMO.

The descriptions and analogies I'm providing are certainly simplified because people can barely separate themselves from their emotions let alone comprehend the complex behaviour of even relatively simple systems.

The detailed flaws of the current dominant system will no doubt fill tomes upon deep analysis, and we could spend years discussing it.

What you say about corporations is true, and I think we can elaborate on it a bit. Ultimately, the goal of the vast majority of corporations is to make money for the investor. There are very few exceptions (like public bureaucracies which have slightly different rules). The strategy of how that is achieved can be very different and profit may not arrive until a much later step in many cases. People do head the corporations, and the details of it's innards and it's strategies and tactics will be shaped by those in charge, but those people are driven by a set of pretty universal incentives in the capitalist system. They are almost always replaceable as well, and in fact are almost all replaced.

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"the system promotes ongoing groups of conspiracies to push its agenda forward " This is great observation re "conspiracy theories" There's a quote about wait a couple of weeks and it turns into "truth" or it evaporates into the next one.

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so pre-disposed


devours his own

foreseeing no seasons

no ends by no means

only monomaniacal need


to gnaw on his toes…

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Bravo George! Please comment more. I loved how you made everything simpler. Reminds me of my fav biologists in the Darkhorse podcast. Systems thinking!!!

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The left that we considered ourselves to be connected with was/is blinded by an ideal called "salvation by society." And the method used to get too many to seriously believe in the mantra is a Jesuit concept called "learning against learning." Create a false reality and then make that narrative the "truth." Those of us who were opposed to the deception and agitprop and hypocrisy of endless wars, environmental degradtion and abject poverty failed to get that all the shibboleths being promoted like free speech, question authority, good intentions, busyness and energy expended would create a better Adam and new Eden, refused to take seriously that global institutions such as the United Nations exist with an end goal: H+. Transhumanism. The new singularity. No longer human. Immortal. And a scientific dictatorship that features neo-feudalism and super capitalism. All of us who demonstrated romantic and idealistic notions were conned. The false left versus right paradigm and all the ism's (capitalism, socialism, communism, fascism) were always designed to create silos, to compartmentalize, and serve as basis for division and conflict. IN the meantime, their eugenics-based neo-Darwinistic plans marched forward and the masses continue to slumber. Learning against learning did everything it set out to do: "salvation by society" was always a false promise, and neo feudalism and the scientific dictatorship is already here and H+ the new singularity will turn out to be as false as the promise of salvation by society.

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Right. In front of us is the clear and present danger that'll lead to H+, and that encroaching danger is surveillance.

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Very well stated!

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There appears to be two groups, though. 1.) The old money and 2.) the new money H+ crowd. Old money doesn’t know how to use a Smart Phone to access that thing called Substack. The new money thinks the movie Surrogates is a future to strive for. They appear to be fighting and us serfs are caught in the middle.

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Can you point us to a reference ‘learning against learning’? This sounds very much like ‘speaking against the truth’ from James 3 NASB Thanks.

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I think you encapsulated it perfectly. There's so much more at play here, though. Unfortunately, because of time and because most people are clueless about policies that are being put in place as we write--15-minutes cities, digital passports, CBDCs, the trans agenda as a delivery system for transhumanism--you have to stick to the underpinnings of this unholy agenda for mankind. If you're able to convince even a fraction of the audience that this global system exists and that it does not have the people's best interests at heart--in fact, it's trying to destroy them--and that the only way to survive is to unite and resist, you'll have accomplished a LOT. My mantra these days is an iconic quote from William Blum: No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine. Best of luck!

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Yes, unite and resist.

In simple terms of political philosophy we've always debated the position of the state and the individual, and the ideology of the state as caretaker of the people is gaining ascendancy. But what people who subscribe to "stay safe" (provided by the state) aren't getting is that state power is dangerous and can be turned against the individual in an instant; the real solution is to shrink the state and have strict guarantees of individual self-determination.

The state is now aligned with corporatism via agencies such as the WEF (so the power structure is absolutely huge) and is in the process of consolidating power and tightening the grip on the masses through surveillance. It seems to me that no matter what happens next in all the confusion that we've noticed, resistance to surveillance has to pop into the awareness of the general population and has to be a point of focus.

Of course, "they" are surveilling everything written here (already!) and all of substack wherein we believe we're talking to each other and trying to figure things out. It's asymmetric warfare: they know what we're up to and we have little idea what they're planning.

But, simple resistance. Simple assertion of individual self-determination without the government poking into our business. A lot of people can understand that, and how such poking can easily be abused.

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United non-compliance. The problem is most people rely on the the state for their paycheck and they go along to get along because they don't want to be homeless. Sad, but true.

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Although "GloboCap is not a bunch of guys in a room conspiring to do all this. Global capitalism is a system. Systems function according to their own structures and logic. What I'm talking about is not individual people conspiring (although individual people certainly do, and that is part of it). I'm talking about the logical evolution of a global-hegemonic ideological system, i.e., a system without external enemies, which has nothing left to do but consolidate power and eliminate internal resistance.", I argue that this system was created by and optimized for supremacist psychopaths. That normal people will recognize that supremacist psychopaths in power are an existential threat to all that is good, beautiful and true.

How do we best pull back the curtain? Reveal The Parasite?

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In political ponerology substack, they mention that the corruption starts with the schizoid types. Those are the do gooders who think they can save the world.

Religious extremism, scientism, etc

Then the power shifts to those who can manipulate on this "good", the borderline personality manipulative people who can act out and generate pity and shame.

Woke culture, etc.

The last stage, which we are going through are when the psychopaths come on stage.

This is the time when it becomes very easy to see how disconnected they are.

Example: Bill Gates outright buying and selling big pharma stock, not even hiding his greed. He flip flops on topics, because he really doesn't know them well. He studies talking points and thinks that he's a great liar that gets away with it because of his skill, not his power.

This is the time when the system exposes itself.

For example, I hear not just convid vaccines but flu shots and other shots are at a low point of adoption. Even if it's not fully conscious yet, people are sensing that things are not right.

The revolution will not be televised because it's a gradual evolution in the awareness of people. The convid trauma backfired by making people face mortality and see the utter garbage that the so called experts claimed to be the truth.

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Psychopath Bill Gates can't help laughing at the economic destruction he and his ilk are bringing upon us. His expression says it all. https://youtu.be/2MagDhNs65U

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It may be a while from now and it will probably be ugly, but the hubris and arrogance of these ‘Master of the Universe’ types will precede their downfall. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving crowd of the worst of humanity!!!

I say from time to time to my wife - “Some people have too much money! It ruins them. 😢”

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They all sit on the same Fortune 500 boards and attend the same conferences where the same agenda appears to progress. Bilderberg - Bohemian Grove - G7 -Jackson Hole - Davos along with regular meetings of various Commonwealth Privy Councils, Chatham House, Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission etc. The “post truth world” announced at Bilderberg 2018 is one example how they all work n lockstep.

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Ah, CJ, Why ever are you going to London when Cornwall is SO much nicer. I'm dead jealous I won't see you in person (though I have read New Normal Reich).

For me it is identifying who or what is at the top of the GloboCap foodchain. I think even people like Gates are only second tier because they are visible. Who or what is the real puppetmaster? And do they really just want to rule the whole world? Muhahahaha!

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If you know of any "conspiracy theorist" collectives organizing conferences in Cornwall, please do give them my name ... I'd love to visit.

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This looks plausible from Ian Davis, The Global Public Private Power structure


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Davis’ Power Structure chart is admirable, but as it says, it is the Policy Makers. That is different than the actual power holders, who secretly control the Policy Makers. Gates, if he owns the wealth so widely advertised, may bean example of someone with a foot in both camps. But Larry Romanoff’s essay on the real Rich (and powerful) --https://www.unz.com/lromanoff/the-richest-man-in-the-world/--is probably closer to the truth.

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CJ doesn’t believe there is a pyramid. He believes in a “system.”

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Re. "totally wrong" - no; more like a conspicuously absent lynch-pin which sets the current thing in its proper, larger (ultimate) context (not just politics, economics, etc.), thus making it understandable, offering the extreme/perfect (and only) hope to get through this epic battle.

The lynch-pin is this: Who will you serve?

(Ya' gotta serve someone, says Bob Dylan, paraphrasing Joshua and Elijah.)

Satan, a spiritual creature, has always desired and worked to bring the entire world under his sway. He does that through the universal human fear of death, which is really fear of judgment. Because we all, every one of us, have committed high treason against the perfect, holy God, Satan the accuser, wields that real moral guilt against all of humanity. We can no more undo our sins or wash ourselves (and get out from under his thumb) than an infant can change its own explosive-poop diaper.

Only recently has Satan come to the point of having the technologies to make total world domination happen, with no place on earth for anyone to flee. God, the creator of him, you, me, and everything else, has sovereignly deployed His people (those reborn into Christ's image) to do spiritual battle with this dragon and his many minions, for our good and His (God's glory). God wins, but typically through the death of said people, who by the power of the Holy Spirit of God, follow in the blood trail laid down for us by our Savior, Christ Jesus who won by "losing," conquering the one trump-card tool Satan wields over everyone who breathes: death. (If you don't do XYZ, then I'll kill you, your family, etc. The Joker character came scarily close to representing this dynamic.)

All those who trust in anything or anyone other than Christ are brought to a point of total despair and misery--either their own decrepitude and pending death, or an unsolvable totalitarian global hell-scape which makes it look like the dragon has won. (We Christians go through this too; but the utter certainty we have that we will be brought safely through it gives us joy that surpasses all understanding.)

That pit-of-despair ought to cause folks to cry out to God for His abundant mercy, recognizing that they are part of the problem, not merely that more evil person over there. But most of them don't. Most of them shake their fist in rage at having their just-fine-without-God modern lifestyle upset.

Choose whom you will serve. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

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I was both amused and dismayed by the 2020-2021 trade between Uniparty wings of platform points.

the Red Hats were suddenly the defenders of bodily autonomy choice (except for abortion of course,) and pushed for more oversight of government actions in the censorship arena. the Blue Hats started pushing "mandatory" medical interventions, censoring everything in sight, trying to remove 2nd Amendment rights, and increasing government surveillance powers and citizen incarcerations.

it went bass-ackwards.

while I give my Red Hat representatives big points for stepping up in some ways (the Missouri attorney general and Josh Hawley have shocked me by being on my side on multiple issues, and the governor ended the fake State of Emergency in late 2021,) I was amazed how strongly the Blue Hats turned on the /real/ Left and still claim to be progressive.

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You have pretty much nailed it in as concise a manner as possible. If you have time, you might want to weave in some current examples of phase 2, which might include the US blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline to ensure that Germany doesn't defect from the GloboCap flock (the "one true way") and get more in bed with Russia, one of the few remaining holdouts resisting absorption into the GloboCap Blob. Ditto the new campaign here in the U.S. to "hate China" to the same degree as we are required to hate Russia (it's getting tougher and tougher to hate so many people! 143 million in Russia, and 1.4 billion in China. That's alotta haten' to do!). That said, good luck at the conference. Wish I could make it but like most of us existing on the fringe of the True Left, I'm broke!

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Hi CJ I like your story and wish I could be there to hear you tell it. It is very followable; nothing struck me as totally wrong.

“GloboCap,” is a good descriptive word.

Also you wrote in comment, truth bomb:

“ This is what I mean when I state that global capitalism has no external adversaries, and that every major conflict is an insurgency, i.e., coming from within the system.”

Did you want to borrow my bison hat?

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The reasons I read your articles are because I see your model for recent history as coherent, “back testable “and encompassing most of the major trends in economics and politics in a visible way. That is to say we don’t need to invoke a lot of black box mumbo jumbo or squint sideways while standing on our heads to make it come true. It’s in our faces all day, every day. You’re also funny and seem down to earth, well as much as any dramatist could be.

I’d like to see the simplistic Left - Right dichotomy disappear. For a number of reasons which you understand, it’s not a useful construct to advance the argument that these motherfuckers- who are both ostensibly Left and Right btw, are dangerous, evil, and generally not on the side of humanity. There is a necessity for a new type of movement against the totalitarians, call it the Freedom Movement or whatever. The branding can be figured out. It needs to be inclusive. You can call Trump whatever you want, but at least he stood up against the establishment. Who on the “Left” or the old Left,that anybody has heard of, has done the same? We have to quit bickering over bullshit. I can call people names, but it Durant solve anything. So you need people from the populist Right on your panel. You need a broad spectrum approach. I think this would be more likely to succeed. The existing political dynamic is ossified and the answer will not come from the incumbent institutions which are co-opted by the GloboCap blob and view all of us who question their legitimacy as threats.

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Hi CJ - am new to your feed so I apologize in advance.

Why do you think that Trump is not part of the globalist plan.

Trump => Clinton supporter, life long dem, billionaire.

Trump injected into office => radicalizing American left, leaving country more divided for Plandemic.

Trump => operation warp speed.

Had to ask.


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Trump IS part of the globalist (NWO) plan. He was purposely selected in 2016 for precisely the reasons you mentioned (to leave the country more divided, and to sell the “vaccines” to the Right), and also to neutralize the (armed) Right so they wouldn’t resist the scamdemic tyranny when it started in early 2020.

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I would disagree with your last point, though.

Armed or not armed, this was a psych operation that never reached a hot stage - even unarmed were able to not get vaxxed, and even though many armed were warned through the various psyops, their resistance never needed the guns.

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Yes, it is very unlikely that the Right would have resorted to armed resistance to the scamdemic tyranny if Hillary had been president at the time, but if there was ever any chance that there would have been any effective resistance to that tyranny, it would have come from the Right (armed or unarmed). But by having Trump as president at that time it essentially guaranteed that the Right would not mount any effective resistance.

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I agree that Trump is part of the globalist plan. And you acknowledge that the chance of an armed resistance was remote under Hillary, but practically impossible under Trump. That is true. I agree that Trump was chosen precisely to sell conservatives the jab.

But just for the record, I want to note that the “right” (I put that in quotes since I don’t believe in these terms) hasn’t and doesn’t engage in armed resistance. The notion that it will is not borne out by experience. The “left” likes to say that "the right" will do that. But if it hasn’t done it by now, when? We’ve had a stolen election. Normally a coup would be a trigger.

The only ones who do use arms and take things over (Seattle, “summer of love,” George Floyd riots--all with impunity and celebrities bailing them out of jail), are “the left.”

Some conservatives might defend themselves if you literally come to their homes to steal their property or lock them up. That’s it. There won’t be anything more than that, if that.

Just an observation. I agree with your overall point, which few have been able to see.

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I had the most traumatic experience this week. A friend of 40 years marched up to my house and called me outside. She said it was my fault that Trump got elected because I voted for Jill Stein, and because of that I was a racist too. Unbelievable. People from the "left" are going crazy right now here in California.

I think you explained the progression of globocap very clearly and succinctly. Wish I were able to fly over and meet you. Good luck!

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