May 9·edited May 9Pinned

I'm going to pin this to the top so that I don't have to reply to every single person who doesn't get it, or is pretending not to get it. The Covid masks are political symbols. Just like the Palestinian flags. Just like the Israeli flags. Just like the American flag. Or a Nazi flag. Just like any other political symbol. You don't get to decide that political symbols don't signify what they signify whenever it is convenient for you. Political symbols signify what they signify. The masks signify allegiance to The New Normal Reich.

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I get it. What you don't get is that hardly anyone outside of the medical freedom movement views masks as symbolic of anything. Welcome to the wilderness.

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May 9·edited May 9Author

I am not in "the medical freedom movement" and I get it. Everyone gets it, whether they acknowledge it or not. Why do you think the German authorities are prosecuting me for calling Covid masks "ideological conformity symbols"? Why do you think the judge at my first trial, in January 2024, put on a mask at the end, after she was forced to acquit me?

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For the same reason that Congress passes laws that violate the US constitution - because they can.

My guess is the judge put on that mask for satirical reasons.

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I doubt that, more likely to show where his allegiance was.

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This naivity could end you in a camp one day.

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Yes, but *her* allegiance.

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The judge's words made her allegiance clear. She was supportive of Germany's public health policies. Which have nothing to do with his persecution. In the end, she did her job. She was opinionated but not corrupt.

It remains to be seen what will happen in round 2...

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You know what reason is not in the list of reasons she may have donned the mask? Health itself.

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Nah, judges don't know the definition of satire. That judge put on the mask to show us all who is BOSS. Childish really.

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More like the opposite. Having to acquit CJ Hopkins was a HUMILIATION, so she threw a TANTRUM.

Don't forget, they're going for round two.

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Honestly, I did not see them as a political symbol until you just explained it. I thought they were just mentally broken victims and I felt bad for them. Anyway on the other side everyone knows a tiny fraction of one group runs western medicine and they fucked up big and won't come clean. They have to go.

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I know a lot of people who couldn't spell "medical freedom movement" who wear the masks. They wear them as badges, and take them off and put them on many times throughout the day to ensure certain groups notice. I went to lunch and the theatre with a group of friends recently and one of these attended. All day she was sans mask, until we were sitting in the theatre and someone else sat down nearby wearing one - the first one I'd seen all day. And our friend immediately, reflexively reached into her purse, pulled out her mask, and donned it. Once the show was over and the other person was out of sight, she took it off. It's bizarre, until you see them as badges. In other words, political symbols.

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People are free to view masks as badges of honour or political symbols, but it doesn't change the fact they were introduced as a public health measure. If you were with someone wearing a MAGA hat, and they insisted that their hat blocked the spread of viruses, would you accept MAGA hats as a public health measure?

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Pleeaze Bob. "the fact they were introduced as a public health measure". No they wouldn't work anyway. It is proven. You bought the BS belief. Masks are worn by surgeons to stop them spitting into gaping incisions. Like a hairnet to stop hairs getting into food or wounds. They still won't stop pubic hairs either.

I am wondering if you walk and drive around with a condom on so you won't get AIDS.

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I'm well aware that masks are useless against viruses, smoke, and many industrial chemicals.

How about you? Did you buy CJ's belief that masks are a political symbol (of the New Normal Reich no less) ?

Do a Google search for 'masks are a fetish'. Is that something you care to buy into?

Bottom line: don't buy into what other people are selling. They have an agenda.

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Masks were used to disguise scoundrels. Highwaymen were usually armed with pistols and wore masks. There is the FEAR of masks. Of course masks became a political symbol. Masks were well known a methods to subdue and scare. Think Hannibal Lecter mask. Mask of Zorro. Much the same as chastity belts. They were why muzzles were created for animals.

No I don't need to Google. I don't have a fetish, but it seems you do suggesting it.

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No more than I accept the masks as one.

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When the not wearing of a mask symbolised that we weren’t submitting to the Authorities, we were pepper sprayed, chased down and fined.

No one who did that would willingly put on a mask now to pretend they against the Authorities.

So we can conclude that those who are wearing the Symbol now are the same as who willing crumbled to covid.

So what does that mean?

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Perhaps the same generation but not the same people. It's a different issue.

Ben Shapiro opposes these protests, is opposed to wokism, and he was the same person who crumbled to the Covid narrative. Ben Shapiro claimed to a free speech advocate, and now he's exposed as a hypocrite because of the events in Gaza.

So what does that mean?

For whichever issue(s) concern(s) you, freedom of speech is essential.

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But why are they wearing the same submission symbol?

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Ask them.

If they're into submission, why haven't they stopped their protests and professed their unconditional support for Israel?

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By wearing the symbol of submission to the State, they are already signally.




Something that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention, especially a material object used to represent something invisible.

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Conformity-identity + paranoia

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But those who didn’t conform, identify or be paranoid by the covid con job, wouldn’t start conforming, identify or be paranoid now, would they?

That wouldn’t make sense to start wearing the symbol of submission to the state when you haven’t submitted before.

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The masks signify a failure of the intelligence test they can't help but be at this point. Many, many wearers have reached a stage in which they engage in NO THOUGHT on any matter; only their knees are jerking in reaction to everyday life ~ their neurons are not firing.

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The medical masks were used during protests before covid though (for anonymity and against tear gas), but yes, they have a new normal vibe now. This being said, I try to avoid the purity approach, otherwise I would be alone because the people with whom I protested against the new normal, people with whom I protest against ecological destruction and people with whom I protest against Gaza genocide don't necessarily overlap. The causes are more important than tribalism, you work with what you have depending the cause…

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🤣They work against TEAR gas! Now, that is kind of magical! So your mouth is free to speak out your mind! Like the opportunistic approach of wearing medical looking blue masks.

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So Paul was essentially demanding you bend the knee.

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Are they still wearing them, or was that just the paid mercenaries (aka antifa) impact, now gone?

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Mask absolutely are political symbols. I was camping in 2020 and has to nice park rangers come an inspect our camp. They didn’t have mask on and actually stayed and chatted with us for a good while.

About an hour later a lone park ranger pulled up wearing a mask and i immediately said, “oh no, he has a mask on alone in a car, this isn’t going to go well. And sure enough, he was a dick. He wanted to search our tents, coolers, all that. We didn’t let him. We were nice the whole time. He even thanked us for being so nice. The mask brings out the totalitarianism in these people. It gives them a since of power. I wonder what the that is all about?

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Once again, Joost Meerloo nails it:

“Their witch trials were intended not only to torture the witches, but even more to torture the bystanders, who, albeit unconsciously, identified themselves with the victims. This is, of course, one of the reasons burnings and hangings were held in public and became the occasion for great pageants. Terror thus became widespread, and many judges spoke euphemistically of the preventive action of such torture. Psychologically, we can see this entire device as a blackmailing of human sympathy and the general tendency to identify with others.”

I like Paul and have published a guest piece by him before (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/my-two-year-stackiversary-lattice). I hope he will see this as an opportunity to deepen the conversation and gain a more nuanced understanding of your position as I’ve no doubt he would find himself in agreement with you on the points that actually matter rather than mistaking your valid criticism of protesters for donning a symbol of obedience to Totalitaria for criticism of the concerns expressed by the protesters.

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Hello Margaret, I love the observation you shared from Meerloo. Can you recommend any of his work that deals with the Inquisition or witch burnings? Thank you for any suggestions.

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That passage comes from “Rape of the Mind,” which is on my Required Reading for All Humanity list :-) It’s an espresso shot of a book that details the strategies for menticiding both individuals and the public. He covers the witch-burning era in Chapter 1.

See also my 12-step recovery program for menticide for some key quotes:


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Good article for anyone serious about detoxifying their mind and worldview.

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Thanks, Billy Bob, and glad you appreciated it!

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Thank you Margaret - I appreciate it.

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Anyone who believes that the Mossad/IDF somehow missed the incursion by Hamas that day, is a fool.

Anyone who believes that the very wealthy leaders of Hamas didn't know that their incursion that day would be ignored by the Mossad/IDF long enough for Hamas to do enough damage, is a fool.

It's just another PsyOp designed to employ the Hegelian Dialectic (problem, reaction, solution).

The good news is that it's very obvious that the Puppet Masters are getting increasingly desperate.

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Bibi said it himself: "This is our 9/11."

He wasn't kidding. Both false flags perpetrated by the same entities.

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“Hamas.” I think I read somewhere that “Hamas” is a creation of Israel, originally made strategically to weaken the power of Arafat’s organization, the PLO. (Palestinian Liberation Organization) If that is true, then there should be quotation marks around “Hamas” to indicate that for some players, “Hamas” is actually a Zionist political tool. Players who don’t realize this are being duped and they should be clued in. Hamas could never have penetrated the security defenses of Isreal on Oct. 7. Only “Hamas” (nudge nudge wink wink) could have managed to do it. If you are being duped by vocabulary that is actually blurring the truth, you have to get that straightened out before going ahead with a discussion that is factual. It’s a must to decontaminate the language and keep it decontaminated. So, “Hamas.”

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Do you really think the ongoing slaughter is about Hamas or "Hamas"?

Do you think, previous slaughter was about PLO or Al Fatah or what have you?

(Zionism has a goal, and I'm not sure if this goal will be satisfied when a Israeli government proclaims an ethnic cleansed jewish state.)

But that is like anticipating a future I don't want to happen.

Lets fight for the right of palestinian people to LIVE.

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May 10·edited May 10

Sorry I composed a reply only to find that when I tried to post it I found out I needed to be reauthenticated and I lost it. I am not Substack-savvy enough to have seen that coming and I wasted some time and thought trying to engage in some interesting dialogue with someone. Regarding what I think, it’s not important anyway but basically I said it think we are in a conditional realm characterized by an alternation of opposites (light/dark hot/cold pain/pleasure etc.) and within it we occupy ourselves chasing pleasure and fleeing pain—futilely. I suspect there is a perfect balance between “winning” and “losing” here.

It would not surprise me if Netan-Yahoo is reborn soon as a targeted Palestinian baby in the next refugee camp in the path of the Globo-cap steamroller though. I think this place squeezes you towards disillusionment/Enlightenment.

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May 10·edited May 10

Yes, it happens every time to me when i try to respond directly from my mail/substack link. I now enter directly via brave or ddgo when I know there is a new interesting entry.

Of course it is important what you think, and what everybody of us thinks. Its about exchanging point of views, thats how we grow and get more sophisticated or more simplyfied opinions.

I don't agree with many of the opinions expressed here, for instance I am not d'accord with dualistic thinking, but, on the other hand I fully agree with your last sentence "I think this place squeezes you towards disillusionment/Enlightenment." Yes, it does! But not only. I get a bit distressed when I read gruff answers. And 'gruff' isn't either of these two categories.

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Who are you going to "fight"?

Do you also like to piss up ropes?

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When it comes to freedom of speech, yes. Every time. Freedom of speech fights impunity.

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You need to lose your self-importance.

No one here is trying to suppress your freedom of speech.

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Funny. I live in the real world, not 'here'. The IDF - IOF - is just entering Rafah.

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Right. Hamas has provided them the excuse to do what they have wanted to do and have been doing since 1948.

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Michael Tracy pointed that out literally on October 7.

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Even before 1948!

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Anyone who disagrees is Hitler.

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I have tried to blog about this essential info which unwinds much of the craziness, but I just get crickets every time. Efrat Fenigson called it the first day. John Hankey recently posted a good overview. Such an obvious false flag/inside job/stand down. Same damn crap for millenia and people still fall for it. Thanks for this comment!

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Unit 8200 HAD to know. If not why are they still holding jobs?

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You are a subversive, satirical genius! Thanks for confirming why it is dumb to take sides.

I stand with people for peace and freedom. Fuck all of the governments involved and the damn masks.

Neither violence nor protests will solve the world's problems. Perhaps an attempt at love and recognition of our mutual interests can be considered.

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That’s precisely what the unelected demonically possessed rulers want. I believe evil is energized by hate, anger, conflict, envy, and fear so its minions continue to promote these emotions to keep the herd distracted, confused and fighting among themselves rather than focusing on the men and women “behind the curtain.”

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“Right on man”. we discovered that in the 1960’s but had to go underground when the infiltration by ‘bad actors’ tarnished and branded the ‘hippie’ idea as subversive.

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Peace, love and groovyness, brother. Freedom of speech and recognition of inherent human rights is a lesson we learned about long ago but now seems forgotten and foreign in the new normal Reich. Bummer!

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Matt Taibbi said in a recent podcast with his partner that he avoids a discussion on what is going on because it is all so murky. His admission gave me relief. If an actual journalist, with int'l street cred, is reluctant to do so, then I am in good company. You provided more proof that my position isn't unreasonable. There is something else going on and that should be examined.

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Yes, Matt was also visited by the Inquisition recently ... Cardinal Waters, I believe.

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At mass, they always ask for prayers for the conflict in the 'holy land' and Ukraine and then prattle off a generic everywhere else in the world. I cringe every time. Why aren't the lives of Nigerians, those in Syria, and the annihilation of ancient Christian sects in Northern Iraq and elsewhere worth their recognition instead of being dumped into a group sort of like President's Day? And why aren't women upset that 'our sisters' are being arrested or worse for resisting moral codes in Iran? With all the atrocities in the World, I wonder "Why this and not that?" Having come upon the work of Rene Girard, I sense there is a weird undercurrent that I can't see because it is so shrouded.

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Very good point. My guess is simple ignorance. Most people are drowning in their everyday lives and can't handle any data that doesn't pertain to their immediate needs and wants.

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I find this commonly wheeled out excuse totally unacceptable. It suggests that the difference between having morals and not is the length of a working week. Besides, how long is a Vicars week?

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Maybe because the Palestinians have been more successful at using social media to show everyone the atrocities of asymmetrical warfare.

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Matt called it “complicated.” It’s really not that complicated. That’s just his way of not wanting to discuss it and make anyone angry. I listened to hours of the Darryl Cooper podcast Martyr Made -Fear and Loathing in the New Jerusalem, and I did not find the entire story complicated in the least.

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Well the podcast (Martyr Made on Israel-Palestine) does take a bit of a time commitment in this modern age of bite size commentary. However I recommend taking the time. Darryl goes deep, thorough and he knows the subject matter.

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He does indeed.

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What's complicated, given the complex history (separate from moral complication, which I agree doesn't exist), is preparing robust, quick counterattacks/defenses before wading in for whatever 5th-gen sophistry comes at you.

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As a writer-editor-copyeditor for many years, I often complain about what seems like a growing semiliteracy. I think people's reading comprehension is impaired. Of course, ideology enhances any underlying impairment …

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One word (well, two): browsers, browsing. One used to browse in bookstores, then take one home and sit down and READ.

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Yes, but you're referring to the glorious days of yore, when most people could, and many WOULD, read!

Perhaps it is simply human nature to yearn for the "olden days".

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May 9·edited May 9Liked by CJ Hopkins

Jesus if there's one thing to come out of all this 2015 to now period is just expect everybody, including your own self (generally, not specifically), to be be hit by the fucking stupid ray at some point.

I like how the commentary equated criticism of the mask wearing to criticism of the aims of the protests. Clearly I'm too stupid to make that connection. Maybe I better inquisition my own self, save others the hassle. Thankfully, here I am in Andalucía, where instruments of torture are easily found....

Where have I seen the negative of that criticism twist before I wonder..... oh yeah, that weak ass shit all those zionist supporters do..... How dare you criticise our domestic and military policy, you Jewish hating ghoul you....

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Oh, Mann. I'm not sure if my english is at the hight of what I'm thinking right now, but I'll try.

This was not satire.

The deads in Gaza are happening.

There is a reason for it to happen. Some say it was october 7th.

Some widen the frame and say it began some 70 years ago.

Some widen the frame again and argue its a ideology.

Some, again, consider ideologies part of a bigger and older point of view, religions.

Now some say, religions, ideologies, colonialist empires, asymmetric proxy wars are all weapons in the hand of a ... cabal ... behind it all.

Confronted with that, all together, I'd choose (and so i did and do) to rise my voice to end the genocide in Gaza.

For one reason: of the three photographs you show, the least propagandistic shows the dispair of war.

Death, desolation.

Stop. It. Now.

We can speak about the greater frame(s) afterwards.

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Your English is just fine. Here's an English term to look up on the Internet ... "false dichotomy."

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I know what a dilemma is. Just happens that I don't believe in them.

People in Gaza right now have nowhere to go. Not really, its a trap. Like in your third image: for this little one there is no option any more. (Unless we construct that this image is a fake, that there is no body at all. Some do that. I'm not cynical enough.)

According to you, where did I take the wrong turn?

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Instead of me explaining it to you, how about you look at your reply above, and explain to me how anything I have said and published prevents you or anyone else from "stopping it now"?

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Nothing. There is absolutely nothing you have said or published in your article that prevents me from shouting 'stop it now'.

Nor did I write that.

I'm surely not fighting you! I just was a bit ... overwhelmed by your text and I wondered why, after reading, I didn't feel empowered but rather helpless. I don't like that feeling. With 'stop it now' I was able to return to the urgent, to focus myself again on what I consider central, basic.

This does not mean that I disagree with your analysis. I just have other priorities.

Does this answer soothe (beruhigen?) you?

And now, where do you think I followed a false dichotomy?

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May 9·edited May 9Author

Look at the last two paragraphs of your first reply.

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May 10·edited May 10

Now I've done so, for some time, looking at the last two paragraphs of my first reply, waiting for a window (of understanding) to open for me.

Nothing .

No window, no menu 'was uns der Künstler damit sagen will'. Perhaps I should double-click?

It does not seem to be interactive at all.

How do you say 'Einbahnstraße' in english. One-way-street?

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There’s no false dichotomy in "Stop. It. Now."

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That was just the second to last paragraph in isolation. Look again.

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You look again.

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Lol! What do you want me to see?

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I’m just cancelling out your directive with one of my own.

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Cj, the idea that there is a cabal of powerful players backing the Palestinian protests is so absurd as to be Monty Pythonesque in itself.

I've asked Taibbi and Kirn, and I guess it's time to ask you:

What institution in the west is not supporting the actions of Israel in Gaza?

Government? Nope, they love it. Executive, legislative, and Congress - they speak as one.

Corporations? Nope, either pro Israel, or carefully silent.

Academia? Outside of the students, nope not one institution.

Hollywood? Again, outside of Susan Sarandon and a few others it's either pro Israel or silence.

All the big money is supporting one side of this split, and to focus on this issue as an extension of the culture war is so ignorant as to be intentionally so.

I'm sorry those you interact with believe in a gendered soul, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Go talk with Dave Smith, Glenn Greenwald, Norm Finkelstein, or Max Blumenthal and please stop making "Ben Shapiro owns..." Videos from 2017...

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“All the big money is supporting one side of this split, and to focus on this issue as an extension of the culture war is so ignorant as to be intentionally so.” I agree. Even if one puts the war/slaughter squarely in the context of the Zionist Israelis vs the Gazans (including those who unequivocally support Hamas), which side is more opposed to totalitarian “GloboCap”? It sure seems to me that the Palestinians are more victimized by GloboCap than the Israelis are.

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There are plenty of people who are doing more than just shrieking Zionism. You are one of the smartest writers out there so you obviously must know what happens to people who take positions that are anti-israel. You're better off being a Sandy Hook truther.than publicly pointing out the control Zionist Jews hold over the USA.

Zionists control banking, MSM and the US government. You may start your own shrieking over the first two but given the anti-Semitism law that was led by Mike Johnson's complete flipping on his entire political ideology, you are either an idiot or dishonest if you continue to refute the third.

No you don't have to condemn things on command, but for somebody who has written so much about free speech, it is certainly curious that you chose to write an entire article about how you WON'T condemn Zionists with no mention of the destruction of the first amendment.

Donald Jefferies said it well.

“Our” House of Representatives recently passed perhaps the most odious piece of legislation in our history. This is quite a feat, considering that, in this millennium alone, they were responsible for the Patriot Act and Banker Bailout monstrosities. This act stamps the imprimatur of Zionist power on Congress, like a scarlet letter.

If you want to know why so many “haters” believe “the Jews” control everything, look at the Antisemitism Awareness Act. Look at how overwhelmingly it passed. It was not a close vote. If someone can explain how a foreign nation holds such power over our elected officials, I’m waiting to hear it. Sure, you had the Alien and Sedition Acts, and the Lincoln, Wilson, and FDR administrations acted as if it was illegal to criticize the government. But as bad as all that was, at least it concerned our nation. It has never been illegal to criticize another country, in any other nation on earth, to my knowledge. Until now. Sure, the Soviets supposedly outlawed “anti-Semitism,” but this is hard to source credibly. This odious congressional legislation is very real.


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“… but for somebody who has written so much about free speech, it is certainly curious that you chose to write an entire article about how you WON'T condemn Zionists with no mention of the destruction of the first amendment.” Yes. Curious indeed.

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May 9·edited May 9

Medical masks are not a good look, and they symbolize something to all of us, consciously and subconsciously.

Well done for not bowing down to the Mob and holding your position. Someone just might take note and learn something from it. We can only hope.

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The masks are clearly not being used to protect against viruses but against police cameras. Or AIPAC ones.

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RemovedMay 9Liked by CJ Hopkins
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Exactly. If you're going to do something, do it right!

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The Nazis dressed well.

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Those students only use masks to avoid being recognized.

And Zionism is serious problem anyway.


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I agree. I think many of us, including me, are using the term "Zionist" as a general term for the ever-elusive ruling class mafia/bankster cartel that seems to have a stronghold over the world's intelligence agencies, militaries and media. But that is just semantics. Perhaps they are "Freemasons" or "Illuminati"--who cares? The fact that we still do not know who or what they are is the elephant in the room and the secret to their success---so far. And they use that against the CJ's of the world.

Because of the malleability of language, we often fail to communicate. The Zionist I speak of cares nothing for the average Jew, and in fact has strategized how to use Jews throughout history to do what they do--exert power and authority over the world, land grab, create wars for money, etc. and be able to place the blame on a group of people in their wake. Just like red blames blue/blue blames red, white blames black/black blames white and thousands of variations of these constructs to control people everywhere. The Middle East is no exception.

The long game is hard to track and hard to fight, but more and more people are seeing it for what it is.

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This is a very long read, take a look:https://www.palestineremembered.com/FactsAboutHaavara.html

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understanding the religion and its aims is quite a dive too, heres a pdf of about 350 pages that explains the downward kabbalah path (to hell) that they seek,


i found the slow server number 2 link worked very well, its quite a challenging read but worth it if one has the capacity to understand the entire "abrahamic religion" psyop and its intended outcome, the more noble aspirations of the "judaic" cult can be researched by reading the works of Shmuel Asher, its worth noting that as a true linneage semitic Hewbrew Mr Asher has to live in hiding from the "zionist" assasins, quite telling?

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CJ recognized that and he suggested that they use a bandsaw instead so that they aren’t reinforcing the new normal.

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Sadly these are the same college kids who before October were cancelling and censoring any campus talks by for example - lesbian feminist academics who had the temerity to utter such heretical perspectives as - "women don't have a penis" - because, well, as the "woke" campus crowd put it - "words are violence." Well lo and behold - the kids have (to their credit) finally caught on to the fact that actual physical material "violence" - as in bombs, bullets and mass murder - IS a lot more "violent" - than someone simply not happening to share your opinion about something. Go figure. Who knew?

While it would be great should it happen, I'm not optimistic about the current woke crowd developing a more nuanced understanding of the larger political realities at play - their "post-modern" grounding leading to their distrust of any so called - "grand narratives" - in deference to of course "their own" "grand narrative" fantasies about "identity." However, I am hoping that they might be gaining a newfound understanding that those who - "identify as police" - could care less if protestors "identify as peaceful." One can only hope this unfolding "revelation" about the limits of subjective "identity" when it encounters the actual - "real" "material" world out there - might spark some sort of newfound respect for the concept of "free speech" given recent events. That would be a step in the right direction at least. One needn't "identify" as the proverbial "rocket scientist" to be able to differentiate between the "real world differences" between hearing an "opinion" one disagrees with - versus the experience of having a night-stick jabbed into your ribs.

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It’s the next generation of leaders. And an awful a lot of those kids are 1500 SAT scores. Brilliant kids. Put them down all you want. They are going to win.

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The number of people who support free speech continues to shrink.

When protests are crushed, it's a sign you don't have the approval of "the powers that be".

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Or maybe it's all a staged symbol for "it's not worth protesting".

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Crushing a protest serves as a deterrent. Not exercising your right to free speech in the first place leaves you where?

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I was also thinking about the students wearing the symbol of submission to the globalists.

And I thought "where were you when the globalists were committing a genocide on a much larger scale with poisonous injections?"

Then I found out that the anti Israel protests in USA are founded by the B&M Gates, Soros and so on and I found part of the answer.

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They are students. I can tell you where they were 4 years ago. 14 or 15 year olds Locked down and force injected by their Government and their dumb-arse parents.

They can use those pathetic masks anyway they want. Repurposed government bullshit is ok by me. ULEZ camera smashing, protests, subversive dissident behaviour of any kind using whatever tool available is for the young and broke who are pulling tuition fees from war funding not just for Palestine- but for themselves. No one is that saintly. They are taking their future back cos it ain’t in Universities.

At least that’s my hope. But more likely they are as brain raped as most everyone was during the Covid psy op.

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The young have well and truly been thrown under the bus

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My little one 5 is ok but the 14 year old skipped the last two year of primary school and just went straight from lockdown to highschool. Very challenging. Government have my disgust and distrust

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B&M Gates

Bowel and Movement?

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Freudian slip, but accurate.

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Let me make sure I’ve understood everything.

• Asking someone—a prominent political commentator—about his position on the present ongoing slaughter in Gaza, which many people consider the most horrific and dangerous political event in the world, which is being perpetrated with proclaimed geocidal intent by self-identified Zionists in the name of the long-standing, well-articulated, and quite successful political project they call Zionism, a project that has already killed or expelled >700.000 people to found its ethno-religious supremacist state, is to engage in a “medieval Catholic” 𝙞𝙣𝙦𝙪𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣. Deserving of nothing but stoic, heroic silence.

• Those who are protesting that horrific slaughter and the political project it is part of are to be ridiculed and dismissed because they wear “Covid” masks. Because, though they are obviously not enforcing “Covid” restriction and policies and everyone knows the first retaliatory actions taken against them by wealthy self-proclaimed Zionists was to dox them and display their names and faces on trucks, and it’s very likely they are masking to prevent that kind of doxing, 𝙩𝙝𝙚 most important thing for them to do in this situation is to make sure that they don’t display any signs of “Covidian” infection. Perhaps we should subject them to an inquisition as to their real motive for wearing masks.

• Politically outspoken and active people who are or were wrong about one very important thing cannot be supported and deserve only to be ridiculed and dismissed when they are right about another very important thing (even genocide). You don’t build effective political movements by supporting and working with people on very important issues you agree on, and therefore perhaps getting them to listen about other issues you might not, but by looking for the signs—the slightest signs—of what you disagree (or used to disagree, no change of mind accepted) on and castigating them thoroughly. If there are abortion-rights protests throughout the country, all they deserve from us is to be ridiculed and dismissed if women in them are wearing “Covid” masks, even if there’s good reason for them to prefer not being doxed. That’s real, smart “political strategy.”

• Anti-Zionism 𝙞𝙨 anti-Semitism. Those insisting it’s not—including the many, many Jewish people and organizations in the forefront of anti-Zionist protests--are just really “totally obsessed with the Jews,” like the Aryan Brotherhood. Secret fascists. You know, like the Canadian truckers. Like all covid skeptics are really Trumpers.

• In fact, anti-Zionism must be anti-Semitism because Zionism is 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜.

“Does Israel maintain an arsenal of nuclear weapons because of Zionism?… Does Israel receive billions in support from the empire because of Zionism? Did the empire invade and restructure Iraq because of Zionism? Libya? Syria?”

The answer to these questions is obviously “No!” and if you say otherwise it’s only because you just don’t understand political strategy (and are probably “totally obsessed with the Jews”)

(To paraphrase myself: The other first rule of Zionism is that it be invisible. https://thepolemicist.substack.com/p/the-wall)

Overall message, quite clear: 1. Don’t give political support to any movement that shows signs of being or having been wrong on my signature issue. 2. Don’t say “Zionism.”

It is a parody.

It might be nice to have a discussion about this, but that requires, you know, questions and answers.

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Thanks, Jim, for shamelessly lying, completely misrepresenting my political views (which I know very well you understand), and otherwise pumping up the character assassination. Make sure to spread your lies far and wide, as you are doing. After all, most fanatical morons will believe your bullshit, and won't take the trouble to read what I've published, and compare it to your lies and misrepresentations. Oh, and, thanks for exemplifying the mentality I was mocking in my column! All best wishes and kindest personal regards, CJ

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Well, I’m inclined to feel affinity with anybody standing against The Power Structure, but…they should take the fucking masks off.

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The majority of those protesters out in the streets - who are donning face diapers - supported and still support the "Covid Pandemic" crime against humanity and all its attendant fascist and totalitarian dictates full on. The rank hypocrisy running through the majority of this protest movement has a foul odor. They oppose genocide by bombs and weapons, but they have nothing to say about genocide by a fucking injection of death and a fake pandemic that killed, injured, and destroyed multiple times more lives and continues on as a crime against humanity to this day.

No, the duplicitous and complicit Covid Cultists can't have it both ways. No, they can't get a pass and "be right on one thing and wrong on another" when it comes to mass murder and genocide. It would be akin to protesting slavery on one plantation while condoning slavery on another plantation. People either oppose slavery, genocide, fascism, authoritarianism, and totalitarianism in every form or they don't. There's no in between. Trying to say there is, for political expediency, or whatever else, makes one the worst of useful idiots for the ruling class.

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It's not question of giving *anyone else* "a pass" for being on the wrong side of a terribly destructive policy. I have written exhaustively on the harms of covid policy and, beyond that, of the mass vaccination mandates that thave harmed millions of lives, particularly children's. I give, and ask no one to give, anyone "a pass" on that, and I'll speak up to anyone about that as I feel necessary.

It's a question of whether I excuse *myself*, give *myself* "a pass" from supporitng a movement that opposes a horrific mass murder and genocide,. because they disagree with me on the harmful effects of mass vaccination mandates. My repsonsibility to support action againts a mass murder in my name is not cancelled by *other people's* failure to support actions against other crimes. "I won't support your protest against Zionist genocide unless I'm sure that you have and will support my protest against covid poltices" is 𝙣𝙤 𝙗𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙚. Obviously, if you bother to think about it. It's a formula that inevitably results in nobody doing anything politically effective--which is exactly the effect from CJ's discourse on this issue, demonstrated very nicely in your own discourse, that those of us criiticizing it are wary of.

And take an exacmple that reprises the face-value dfficulty in comparing issues, which is what make this and all real politics difficult. It's not between two sites of slavery; it's between the case of slavery and something that seems completely different. If we were faced with the Civil Rights movement of MLK and Malcom, would you say "I can't support you because you wore Covid masks?" Or "because you don't understand the harms of mandatory childhood vaccination"? Well, we are talking here about genocide (and if you don't think it's like that, that's anohter problem). 𝘋𝘪𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘞𝘩𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘙𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘤𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘥 𝘱𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵? 𝘓𝘦𝘵'𝘴 𝘳𝘪𝘥𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 𝘪𝘧 𝘯𝘰𝘵? Nope I don't need to know anything about that to give them *respect*.

No, neither you nor I know what all these protestors thought about anything else and to use a surmise about that an an excuse for inaction is just that--an excuse. I'd be happy to tell this guy what I think about what I consider the very imorrant issue of covid policy and vaccines, but, there is absolutely no reason that you, or I, or CJ Hopkins should give him anything but *respect and support* for what he and his comrades *are doing*--which, however it may eventually turn out, is the right thing, and is having a real and positive effect on history, and which he explains more eloquently than you, or I, or CJ Hopkins: https://x.com/missymarxist/status/1787927283237347597

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May 11·edited May 11

I won't hit and run you Jim. I know what it's like to spend time on a reply and get nothing in return. Nature of the online beast. I also have no need to defend anything I might post. Unlike yourself and CJ Hopkins, I'm not a writer and have no followers or anything else to lose. My views and positions and where I stand are pretty clear. I have nothing to prove or defend.


You see that IWW symbol on that page Jim ? It's a nostalgia for a time when real change was actually still on the table. All that died in the first two or three decades of the twentieth century. The old and real left, and all it's possibilities drowned in a sea of bitter sectarianism, the utter stupidity and insanity of "actual existing socialism", and statist authoritarianism and totalitarianism. The working classes and labor still in chains ruled on high from above in one form or another. What follows that, is the descent into the "New Left" and all of its attendant movements and protests to this day. Of which not a single one, moved the needle one fucking inch, in freeing the masses from their chains and master and slave social relations on this rock. So, you'll have to excuse my cynicism on the potentialities of this latest "resistance" moving the needle one inch on anything. You post a link of a kid fired up over Gaza, as if genocide and warmongering suddenly just appeared on the scene. Genocide and warmongering has been the standard fare from the beginning of class stratified civilization. Until that's addressed, nothing will ever change, and that is objective and historical reality. I should actually delete that IWW symbol, because like everything else that now passes as "resistance", what the left and the IWW have become is an abject embarrassment. That is the result of what happens when the class struggle is buried beneath a thousand tons of "public-private" and "cross class alliance" activism and resistance.

This rock consists of nothing other than various thieving governments, and leadership of every variety and ideology, who are supposedly "representing their people" who are nothing other than filthy genocidal and warmongering whores for a minority of global ruling class pimps, parasites, and slave owners. Fuck the Israeli fascist state and fuck the Hamas opportunists. The rank and file in Gaza and everywhere else will always pay the price.


"Every state power, every government, by its very nature places itself outside and over the people and inevitably subordinates them to an organization and to aims which are foreign to and opposed to the real needs and aspirations of the people. We declare ourselves the enemies of every government and every state power. The State, however popular may be the form it assumes, will always be an institution of domination and exploitation, and consequently a permanent source of poverty and enslavement for the populace. All the so-called "common interests of society" which are supposed to be represented by the State, are in reality nothing else than the entire and continued suppression of the true interests of the districts, communes, societies, and individuals which are subservient to the State. They are an imagination, an abstract idea, a lie. Under the guise of this idea of representing common interests, the State becomes a vast slaughter house or cemetery, where-in is slain all the living energy of the people. The State is the most flagrant, the most cynical, and the most complete negation of humanity. It shatters the universal solidarity of all people on the earth, and brings some of them into association only for the purpose of destroying, conquering, and enslaving all the rest. If there is a State, there must be domination of one class by another and, as a result, slavery; the State without slavery is unthinkable and this is why we are the enemies of every State."

--Mikhail Bakunin

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That student is very good (maybe he’s Jewish C.J.). And clearly makes the only argument here, that there are only two sides and if you’re not siding with stopping the genocide (yes it’s a fucking genocide, last raid was to take out water infrastructure) then you’re on the wrong side. Choose your sides. Netanyahu turned Israel into a concentration camp during covid with forced medical practices and masks. That student had no N95 mask anywhere near him but he did have a keffiyah. Are they ok as masks CJ? Sufficiently trendy or hip?

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I believe the Nazis were really well dressed btw. Very spiffy I’m told.

This is for you too @S.R. Carson

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Wearing masks, especially the ones shown in the photos on this page, legitimizes the entire "COVID" Psy Op, endorses the alleged truthfulness of the "Pandemic"/"COVID-19"/"SARS-Cov-2” disinformation narrative which anchors its fraudulent core. It is no more acceptable to me than is legitimizing the genocide. Thank you for standing up for this truth.

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