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Yes, that is why I published the letter from Jewish groups condemning the weaponization of “anti-semite” to crush dissidents:

• “Requiem for a Smear Victim: Clemens Arvay” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/requiem-for-a-smear-victim-clemens)

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even someone as reasonable as Bari Weiss has called for the very word Holocaust to be reserved for this singular event and criticized "anti-vaxxers" for comparing mask and vaccine mandates to what happened then. the problem is, i don't think it was all that singular. sure it might be the only time that germans pushed jews into ovens but it is not more important to rwandans than their rwandan genocide, not more important to cambodians than what happened under the khmer rouge, not more important to chinese than the mass deaths during the cultural revolution or to russians than stalin's gulags and famines.

we just saw most of the world, even the supposedly "safe" united states make giant leaps towards accepting, advocating for and justifying what happened in nazi germany, maybe not in the details, but certainly metaphorically.

it is human nature to despise "the other." from despise, it's a short step to wishing to eliminate. governments actively pushed their impressionable citizens down that path. we narrowly dodged the bullet but only because it became obvious that covid was not as bad as advertised and the vaccines did not work as promised. we got lucky.

that's not enough for me.

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Bari spent a few too many years writing for The NY Times, the Blue Pill Bible where many who jump in deep into the most convincing propaganda never break out of its web of deception. For her to turn around and face reality is a lot to hope for.

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Great points, carolyn.

Bari may be awake regarding wokeness, but she is still a mainstream straddler when it comes to COVID:

• “Letter to a Mainstream Straddler: Live Not by Half-Lies” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-mainstream-straddler)

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And Ukraine/Russia

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A straddler? Last time I checked (early 2022) she was claiming there was "absolutely no evidence" that the covid injections were injuring and killing people.

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I don't follow her work so am not aware of her trajectory but know she did start pushing back against mask mandates, lockdowns, etc. before others did, although that takes little courage compared to calling out the injections.

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She is therefore talking about strategy and is fully onboard with the attempt at genocide.

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I appreciate all that you said here. Curious, what bullet did we (the US, I presume) dodge, as the powers that be tell us the next pandemic is heading down the track targeting children, specifically, with an 80% kill rate? Given that this overarching global fascist plan has been patiently in motion for at least a hundred years, do you really think "it became obvious that covid was not as bad as advertised and the vaccines did not work as promised"? It sure became obvious to some of us, but did that actually change anything except in our own lives? If so, I can't see it. It seems more like a pause to offer a false sense of security, of change, of "return to normal" before the next destructive round. With the economy going down, massive efforts underway to destroy the REAL health-giving food supply and CBDC in clear motion, to name a few, we are still primarily going with that flow in acceptance of it if not in deed, not wanting to make waves, lose friends or live from the Truth of where we're being herded. It is a grievous matter that we're allowing this to happen to us, assisting it, giving it tacit permission. Will the necessary rising up ever have the massive numbers necessary to alter the flow beyond a minute here and a minute there? I have no idea. I don't see it now. I'd love to be wrong.

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well, we were not herded off to camps and separated from society as noam chomsky suggested. we were not all gathered up, our property seized, and executed in front of a mass pit. our bank accounts were not frozen (as they were in canada).

i'm not saying that this all wasn't in the works; only that they couldn't pull it off. they went too far and their lies were too obvious. they over reached and many, who were trusting before, are now not trusting.

many doctors, who were suspicious of the covid vaccine but totally on board with all the childhood shots, were so floored by how they were treated for having a few doubts, that they went back to read the data on ALL vaccines and have now hopped the fence (pierre kory, paul marik). others are now openly critical of their profession (vinay prasad, marty makary, jay battacharya). many people who lined up for the first two shots and even the third are not getting a 4th, 5th and 6th.

steve kirsch, who supported vaccine research, now supports vaccines cause autism research and led the move to put RFKjr forward as a presidential candidate.

courts are over turning mandates and requiring back pay for those who were fired. it's true, i lost my job/passion of 40 years and many people suffered. but "they" didn't succeed with their "plans" if that's what they were.

however, i know they will try again. i'm hoping that less people will be fooled but that may be naive of me. which is why i said that we were only spared from total take over because the virus wasn't all that deadly and the vaccines barely worked at all. we weren't saved by laws that prevent ill conceived panicked decision making and that is not enough. the constitution prevents the people in power from running amuck and smuggling in totalitarian laws under cover of "emergencies." i think many of us were surprised at how weakened the constitution has become and realize how much it protects us when it is adhered to. now is certainly not the time to abandon it.

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So true.

The old school liberal native NYers Im close to who (still) subscribe to the Grey Lady, even if they know of its sordid history, from Walter Duranty to Judith Miller, WMDs etc , jus like you wrote:

"Never break out of its web of deception"

Thank you 😊

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Ever and anon there are Jewish rebels, poets, musicians and free-thinkers who have openly opposed the uber agenda of organizations such as the Anti-Defecation League and similar gatekeepers. Names like Aubrey Marcus and Aaron Mate' exemplify this constant counter-balancing of truth seeking Jewish rebels. Their numbers are growing. Blessed Be.

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I think about Dr Zev Zelenko often who was not just a brilliant courageous physician but a mensch of the highest level. In 2021 he spoke to rabbinical councils in both Israel and here in New York calling for sanity and cessation of the deadly clot shots. Fortunately his warning got through to he American Orthodox Rabbis who issued a recommendation to not give them to children. Who knows how many lives were saved and how much suffering prevented?

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Me too ! Also think of Zelenko, I often called him a kind of soul mate, I could bet my life he was a honest truth teller til the end and every interview ever saw him speak in he moved me deeply for how clearly he spoke. Loved hearing of his joined work with his son too. He's sorely missed RIP

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And the propagandists have already labeled any and all of them "self-hating Jews". The real problem is the power structure has had decades to prepare their operational plan, and as part of the process have gutted the part of education needed to develop critical thinking skills. As a result, generations are trained that all things come as X vs. Y, and only one is the "correct" answer. And anyone who dares challenge the "correct" answer is disseminating "misinformation". Sadly, it works.

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The miseducation agenda has roots which go back slightly more than a century. At the terminus of the elite-created First World War, J.D. Rottenfeller himself established by means of his immense agglomeration of money; America's very first college of education at Columbia University. His grants were also extended to John Dewey and James Bryant Conant, court intellectuals and stenographer gatekeepers for the financial elite .

Programatically, the new school of education was established to create a template for the deliberate dumbing down of the American public. Slightly paraphrasing, Dewey described the plan thusly: "We do not need these people to learn serious and objective levels of such subjects as history, geography, foreign and classical languages and subjects such as calculus. Their roles are to serve as workers in our mines, factories, shops and offices and to provide us with food."

Systematically, the system required decades to arrive at the bowdlerized concatenation which currently "serves" as a government financed and approved edjumacasion apparatus. Fatuous "wokeism" instructs children and kids on proper socially acceptable belief systems and attitudinal adjustments.

Ever since the Covid fiasco has revealed itself as a mechanism by which many elite objectives were inculcated broadly. Their intentions reveal themselves as essentially anti-human means by which fear memes and disinformational propaganda are enabled to create a panopticon culture of total submission.

However, on the metaphysical level as on the physical, for each action there is an equal but opposite counter-action. The number of awakeners is cascading upwards into a realm where the long bedizened general public now looms as a profound threat to the 2,500 year scheme for total world control by a relative handful of very powerful cabal . These plotters are becoming nervous, anxious and potentially terrified that their entire house of cards are soon about to disintegrate like the proverbial Tower of Babel.

There is no chosen people. There is no master race. We are all human and we live on a beautiful planet where the profound dream is to formulate a world of honor, honesty, harmony and love. This wonderful Gaia, a fully conscious being in her own right, delights at the prospect of the dawning of the Great Peace.

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You were doing so well until you lapsed into conservative ideology, which ironically is what allowed Reagan to implement Rockefeller's agenda in the guise of "education reform". Up to that point, the science of education was rapidly discovering more and more ways to ensure more and more children were able to learn to the best of their ability. Yes, it was flawed—there's no way to eliminate human nature from anything—but what sent shivers of alarm through the conservatives was that it was TEACHING CHILDREN CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS.

Since then, that faction, which today includes most of both political parties, have reinstated the Rockefeller goals with terrifying success, while diverting the attention of people like you to a lot of made-up hooey about "woke", which ironically is a word that refers to realizing just how the world really works by the application of critical thinking skills. Look it up. And you don't "indoctrinate" children by exposing them to a wide range of subjects. You do that by engaging in what the right is doing—banning books and limiting topics of conversation.

Fortunately, you and I mostly agree on the rest of your points. Peace, friend.

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It's quite possible that I am one of the most open-minded individuals right across the fruited plain. Ideology is best described as "idiotology". It is a place where one crawls into a box and allows no light to enter. Obviously we have different perspectives on "hooey about 'woke".

One would hope that your perspective is at least partially accurate and that "wokeness" is primarily about teaching children critical thinking skills.

Speaking with parents, I have discovered that racially motivated favoritism galls a good many of them, but not as much as failure to inculcate even basic arithmetic skills. As for history, with the very existence of the Federal Department of Education and its policies on grant money to school systems, what passes as "social studies" these days appears to be more about the "go along to get along" adjustment racket than anything else.

In my estimation centralized power is perhaps the greatest evil of the current dystopian era. I would like your take on that issue. Both political parties are run by the DNC or the RNC. The Democrat party is not democratic and the Republicans appear to have a very warped sense of the essential meaning of the word "republic".

In case you have yet to research the etymology and history of the word, the Latin derivation breaks down to two words, "res" and "Publica"."Res" is cognate with realm or reign, while Publica signifies the whole of the people.Thus the underlying meaning/message is cognate with the old Black Panther Party slogan: "Power to the People".

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Chosen people is kind of a misunderstanding. When the Greeks made a new religion you chose to join up with it.

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Not sure about Aubrey but I'm not sure that I trust Aaron Mate.

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People can grow. This may be true of Aubrey, as he gives indications that he is walking the spirit path, or at least trying to do so...that is, unless he is one helluva actor.

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That's just a general vibe that I picked up from him early in the pandemic. Normally my hunches are on the mark. Also Rebel News is not trustworthy either.

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