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Very well written, CJ. Thank you for this excellent post. I have been called an anti-Semite numerous times, and @Caitlin Johnstone even banned me from her substack thinking I was one. Although not as good as your post I wrote an open letter to her here: https://greaterisrahell.substack.com/p/open-letter-to-caitlin-johnstone

Just because the majority of the board members of the fifty largest financial institutions in the world JUST HAPPEN TO BE JEWISH (I prefer the term East European Ashkenazim Khazar) , and I point that out, that is enough for people like her to get unhinged and ban me.

I will openly and proudly admit I am an anti-Zionist, and that I detest the state of Israel. The one is a racist ideology. The other is a racist apartheid government occupying territory that they have no rights to.

I support what Roger Waters has done for the past 40 plus years 100%.

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I don’t think the morons are being given a fair shake here. It is not enough to label someone a moron and have that be the end of the discussion. There are plenty of us morons out here living kickass lives too , ya know. We deserve free speech as much as the fact checkers and arbiters of TRUF don’t we? That I have to ask, of course, proves I am a moron...

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Your point being what, exactly?

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"Moron", like "idiot" and "imbecile" were words created by the US eugenics movement to designate differing levels of learning disability. I suspect it's being used ironically, given the substance of the essay. 🙂

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