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The hatred for Roger Waters has been going on for a while now. Why? Is he anti-jab? Pro-Palestinian?

In his 2017 concert tour he was a Leftist in good standing--mocking and expressing contempt for Donald Trump thereby marring an otherwise excellent show.

A few months ago on a hit job linked from the Yahoo home page, I commented that "Roger Waters IS Pink Floyd." (Fact check: TRUE) Within minutes the comment was scrubbed.

For every anti-semite hunted down by these organizations, hundreds are created. People notice patterns, CJ, whether you care to admit it or not.

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As I reflect on that long-ago symbolism so artfully deployed by Pink Floyd, in both live shows and all of their media (perhaps the best use of Orwellian symbology in art ever?), their prescience is stunning - how they peered into the recent past and saw this future, this now. And now poor Roger has “been caught red-handed...showing feelings” and the image of the faceless rag-doll (who will ultimately be any or all of us) facing the Judge (judgement itself!) in the climax of the opera takes on the most poignant association.

The vision was clear to Waters well before The Wall...”wave upon wave of demented avengers march cheerily out of oblivion...into the dream” - Sheep, Animals

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🎶We don’t need no education…🎶


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Mr Waters as another poster pointed out created Pink Floyd and helped make todays music a visual medium . He is one of the original guitar gods .That he is one of the wealthiest Englishmen mostly goes unnoticed , I wonder who handles his investment portfolio ? Perhaps as a tax deduction he could build a school for Palestinian orphans , or a summer camp like the one the Norwegians built for their temporary workers with somewhat mixed results ?

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Of course. By demanding special pleading, by insisting that any criticism of Israel (NOT Jews, but Israel) is antisemitism indistinguishable from Himmler or Goebbels, the anti-antisemites create more genuine antisemites than all the neonazi message boards ever created.

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Yes... that's the point. How do you think they stay in business?

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Yes. How many people hate blacks now? They heard "racism" "racism" "racism" all the time coupled with black lives matters being plastered on walls, lawns and sports and it really created more black haters. Every time I hear them use "anti-semitic" I just cringe and know it must be false.

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I don't hate black people, but I do not support or like the BLM movement. They are the ultimate evil - using their own people as pawns in a game that makes those in their group rich and makes life harder, poorer and less safe for those they are supposedly standing up for.

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The agenda goes back to the creator of our current utterly messed up calendar, where the alleged "New Year" occurs in the depths of winter during the celestial month of Capricorn. The creator of that calendar was Julius Caesar. The true message of said Anus Dominated calendar has been updated as the "Rules Based Order".

So who makes the rules? Simple enough. They are the same bunch of titled aristocraps and their various minions and stooges who have been ruling the roost ever since the Emperor Constantine created the "Holy Bible" and the mytholization known somewhat covertly as the JudieChristieMagickMindfuck.

Western peoples have been subjected to this form of pyramidal rulership to the point where most individuals are nearly totally unaware of their own tribal and magical roots which were assiduously removed by the practitioners of priestcraft and warcraft. The descriptive word is "deracinated". Meaning is simply de-rooted. Without a coherent set of cultural bonding, The ruptured republic formerly known as America, is the most rootless political entity on the planet.

However, the number and proportion of awakeners is expanding exponentially. Thus, canards such as "racism" and "antisemitism" are thrown at the brick wall in the hopes that some of the shit will stick.

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No time for Syd Barrett?

The thing about anti-semites is that if you're not Jewish then you'll be suspected of being one by someone, somewhere (I think it was Ariel Sharon who said that all goys were anti-semites). And if you are Jewish but go too left or too right then you'll just be "self hating". Very tyrannical. Where's the tyrant though?

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It ain't like any or vast majority of those newly minted anti-.... are calling for any action, rounding up, or any violence, but can they at least notice it, say so openly without the same old attacks..

We're in an epochal paradigm shift in more than one way eh.. the cat is out of the bag, the ones who are noticing can't go back to being ones who haven't noticed, unless they self administer heavy doses of cognitive dissonance or whatever.. both extremely frightening while also exciting times we're in, no telling what exactly the near future will bring other than identifying a few wildly disparate outcomes and wondering whch ones will it be 🤔

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