Be advised, I am extremely not in the mood for trolls these days. If you troll in these replies and I see it, I will insult you and then ban you. If that's the kind of thing that gets you off, by all means, have at it.

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Is it fair to make that statement without attaching to it a definition of "troll"? :)

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The second amendment is there in case the first one fails.

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You beat me to it. This point is lost on far too many. When decent and freedom-loving people control the violence, things tend to go fairly well. When despots (and their minions) control the violence, all the other freedoms cease to be relevant. I say violence because while this phrasing makes some people uncomfortable, in the end it is the threat of violence or the taking away of freedom by incarceration that keeps people in line. This is generally true of all societies-regardless of whether their laws are fair.

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"Gun Control" is about "Who" Controls the Guns (or has them) GrubMint or We the People. All the best, thank you.

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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Thanks, Jubal.

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Why would free and peace loving people tolerate the burning of cities.

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Peace loving people are forbidden from using guns to stop the burning of their cities by the very government that controls the guns.

The ‘roof Koreans’ weren’t allowed to defend their property in 1993. The government didn’t expect them to take a stand. Less than a year later the very guns they used to defend themselves were outlawed under the 1994 assault weapons ban.

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Great way to lead into martial law, which is what they want.


"We are under a Constitution, but the Constitution is what the judges say it is." - Judge Charles Evans Hughes

“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.” ― Benjamin Franklin

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yawn. the threat of martial law, all the spicy narratives being inserted into the altmosphere are desperate fakery and misdirects by the Psop Warfare divisions deperately focused on keeping the 60 + MILLION Americans who refused the jab, who are waking up to the fuckery- a great many of whom are ARMED, from total insurrection. All the talk of our "puny ARs are no match for Reaper drones and F35s" etc is all foppery and woke gibberish- because the enemy knows if they lose control of the ARMED populace of America, they are done for. Wake up people, these are lies and theatrical ploys. Fake as shit. They want you scared to step up, scared to speak out and disarmed for a reason.

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Scared to speak out? Who wouldn't be, witnessing the treatment of 1,000+ J6 protesters? I' m so brave I'm willing to post on Substack, but I admit that I am not brave enough to "peacefully" protest as I don't want to go to jail or be financially ruined at age 74. I acknowledge my cowardice, and am ashamed.

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It's totally understandable dear- the enemy invests a TREMENDOUS amount of resources on decieving us.

Try to quietly step back from the fear and just begin to ask yourself honest questions about the situation you find yourself in. Here's a few to help begin to point out the cracks in their scary fake narratives;

- If they are so all powerful, why do they care what we think?

- Why would they focus so much time and money and resources (over many generations) - on poisoning us, decieving us, misdirecting us, dividing us?

- why would they invest in an ambitious multi- generational plan to destroy our culture?

- if they have all the means to murder us -and drag the survivors off to Fema camps-etc what are they waiting for?

- and why have they waited centuries to kill us off if it is so easy?

- why do they work so hard at lying about human history? (Again- multi generational effort)

- why all the effort to hide real scientific discoveries regarding "free energy" and the actual evidence of interplanetary / and or interdimensional entities in our history?

- why promote fake science and bullshit technology (like EVs, nukes etc)

- Why bother with the expensive and complicated charade of democratic politics when they could just go full Gaza on the entire US and be done with it?

- And why do they bother with the endless charade of "sovereign" national entities when clearly they all collude and are one big syndicate operating behind the theatre of nation-states?

- amd finally -why are they so ruthless about shutting down a CJ Hopkins if they can crush us like bugs anytime they want to?

- -


Because they are lying about ALL OF THIS.

Because they are weak and insidious cowards - and they KNOW the only way they can prevail is DECEPTION.

- because if they feel a CJ Hopkins is dangerous, that is because WE ALL ARE.

They will not DARE light up the armed and dangerous sovereign faction. Using THEIR fake ass numbers we are at MINIMUM 20 + MILLION strong. Based on their actions (not their lying words) it is clear they are absolutely terrified of us.

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and btw J6 is an example of an engineered Psyop designed explicitly to draw the Maga crowd into a deadend fake revolt that gets shut down and every participant jailed etc to destroy momentum, divide the populace, to confuse hijack and disrupt the actual movement.

- one event and they successfully derailed the entire movement.

- imagine if the next time they try to run one of their false flag scams we shut it down midstream. Imagine.

That's what's in the cards for these scumbags. We are beggining to see them more clearly now. Game on.

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The only thing that matters is to maintain and control the low-information voters.

The staging and narrative around J6 was only to mind fuck those people.

If they control the mindless middle, then they can con everyone else into believing they are a wanted and legitimate government.

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but "Terrified" without reason??? 1918 Bolsheviks, a minority, Took over Russia for 70+ years. I Don't think I can wait that long for these NWO Mother WEFers to die off.

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Most of Russia was disarmed peasantry.

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Voicing uncomfortable truths is never shameful...particularly when one is not alone in opening one's heart and baring one's soul.

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Tyrannical rulership inevitably has imposed fear for its foundation.

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It’s all theater. To keep us terrified. 💯

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Jan 6'ers sitting in the DC Jail without Trials for 2 years, or convicted & sentenced to a Decade in a Feral Prison for tresspassing, might disagree on the "Theater" label.

But the Terrified thingy seems to be working ..... so far.

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Yes, agreed. Very real for them. However, it is still a kind of theater, meant to terrify us from protesting, speaking out.

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"Theater" is precisely what it is, because they don't have enough jails for everyone.

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Do you actually want a war in the streets where instead of ground fighting, they just do a Gaza and blow up civilians claiming it was because of the "insurgents"?

The real change is happening in public opinion where trust is at an all time low.

These psychopaths and narcissists are so scared of that they even have wef talks on how to regain trust!

The empire collapses on itself and the casualties will be the ones who sold their soul for power. We're seeing competing factions starting to sell each other out here and there. Greedy assholes sell out when they fear that the current strategy is not working.

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Great point re ground

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Oops. Great point re groundwork for martial law.

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only if the people knew about it. just like “the small kahuna” everybody is brainwashed to fear violent conflict which could have been avoided if the sheep wouldn’t have let it slide for 200 years already. now they’re like “what mommy? fists and weapons? i’m gonna shit my pants mommy!”

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Don't bet on it Yuri...they are arming the illegals as we speak. I don't think many Americans have the will anymore.

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This reminds me of a referendum in Massachusetts about 20 years ago. The people voted for publically financed campaigns but the government never implemented it. I remember feeling so powerless and I'm sure many others felt the same.

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Citzens of Concord and Lexington Massachusetts stood up for their rights as human beings in April of 1775. The spirit will not again arise amongst those who live in perceived comfort. As times worsen that spirit of independence along with communitarian cooperation will again discover its potential empowerment.

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People find the will really quick if their kids start starving.

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Unfortunately both are needed at the same time. 1A to see why we need the 2A and to help organize our 2A activities. If we wait till either the 1A or 2A are effectively gone then it is too late, as we won't be able to organize locally and at the state level effectively. Without groups of people acting in semi-organized fashion, no one will want to be the first penguin to leap into the water. So everyone will continue to ask, "why isn't anyone else doing what I myself am not doing?! Such a mystery!"

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Keen observation. Creating community gardens would bring people together in conjoined efforts for all who are in need...including their own needs for organic (think composting and NO chemical crapulations) nourishing and nutritional food.

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Every civil war in ancient Rome was between two or more elites that had their own armies. Caesar Augustus mostly nipped that in the bud when he made it so that the empire was responsible for the retirement of the soldiers, so that the soldiers didn't look to their generals to take care of their retirement.

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Unfortunately we're down to the 10th amendment now. But its the strongest one.

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Can you further explain your comment? How would that work?

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EXPLAIN : "Si vis pacem, para bellum" #2 follows #1 Bill of restated Inherent Rights.

HOW : When approached by any Tyrant/Criminal, 1 Decide 2 Act on that decision....... for better or worse because "Live Free or Die"...... or Die in Regret anyway.

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

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Methinks the real men who might step up are all gone...


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They’ve pissed off some very capable and smart people, the warriors who are challenging the narrative everyday. The initial battle is always minds, and a made up mind is very powerful.

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Many a warrior for truth, honesty, honor and justice have reincarnated in this timeline. They will emerge from everywhere. Many of them currently lack essential skills. Right now is a time for learning.

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I agree with that. Our national guard--our military-trained family men--are being deployed globally, to Asia, and to the Middle East.

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Good point about the National Guard. They should NEVER be posted overseas, with the possible exception being in times of direct, dire national emergency. Their primary duties...on a Constitutional basis...is to guard the nation, its peoples and its borders. You might with to check out the essays of John Whitehead, America's greatest living Constitutional scholar and attorney.

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Perhaps because those Real Men became Women and certainly Lost their Faith, even faith in securing their posterity.

Without Purpose there is no Plan or Posterity.

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We are spirits living in a 3D material dimension during the latter stages of the epoch of Kali Yuga...the 6,000 years of devolution.

As spirits our human lives have been of both physical sexes. Like the great Jewish prophet, Bob Dylan lyricized: "...your spirit and your soul". The spirit as an emanation of Creator is eternal, while the soul is your physical heritage, your DNA. When one is born again...and again...and again...posterity is but one of the choices when one walks the spirit path...or the Red Road as various native nations phrased it.

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It may seem simplistic to you, but men don't become women and lose faith in life without some corrupting influence. The lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life has affected each one of us. God came into the world to give us his righteousness and left us his word so that we might study and come unto the knowledge of the truth.

"For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it." Rom 8:24,25

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Betcha never knew that Alexander the Great was considered by many contemporaries as being rather androgynous. Have a read of "The Persian Boy" by Mary Renault.

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Better early than late.

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How about you explain this first: why did the Nazis take the guns of Jews before putting them in ghettos and then concentration camps? What do the democrat Nazis want to do to us after they take our guns?

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It certainly had nothing to do with the Jewish-dominated Weimar Republic, the Jewish-led foundation of the Bavarian Soviet Socialist Republic, or the Jewish-led “Russian” (Bolshevik) Revolution.

There’s a reason they don’t teach you certain parts of history. Suddenly, the “bad” guys don’t seem so bad anymore.

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Take your Nazi bullshit elsewhere. Why don’t you join the Nazi democrat party? You’ll fit in nicely.

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What am I factually incorrect about?

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The only "facts" you stated, in context, appear to be:

1. Jews were prominent among the leadership of the Weimar Republic, Bavarian SSR, and Bolsheviks, and this says something significant and important about Jews.

2. "They" intentionally obscure Jewish prominence among these groups from people because otherwise, their historical mistreatment and in this context, the taking away of their guns and putting Jews in ghettos and death camps would, along with the Nazis who did it, not seem so bad anymore.

Are you stupid or just being deliberately facetious asking what your "Nazi bullshit" is? Almost everything you said is opinion besides, your response is like going: "Did you know the US is and has historically been led and dominated primarily by people of Irish descent? Once you know this, which they obscure for a reason, the bad guys don't seem so bad anymore; clearly, the Irish should all be put in ghettos and then sent to death camps, because all the sins of American Empire are due to Irishness. Oh, you think otherwise? What, you got a problem with the facts, where am I factually incorrect?"

All this, in context, for the sake of I don't know what — justifying Nazi tyranny to justify present and future tyranny that may begin with ensuring people do not have the weapons or ability to fight back against it?

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Yeah, like the roles have been switched between Russia, once known as the USSR and the U$$A, once known as the "land of the free and home of the brave.

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you throw the guns at each other. take the ammunition out beforehand so nobody gets hurt.

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A former president was kicked off every social media platform and is currently being labelled an insurrectionist and removed from the ballot for his speech (peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard). If they can do it to him, they can do it to anyone. Anyone that still believes we have free speech is delusional.

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some woke asshole states remove him from ballots knowing full well it’s not gonna hold in the surpreme court. there’s 0 legal grounds. it’s just to create news. and good for trump actually.

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That’s not the only thing they’ve done to silence Trump and to silence his populist movement. He was thrown off all the social media platforms FOR YEARS. No one has been rebuked, let alone prosecuted for that. You do know that the FBI is still kicking down the doors of peaceful J6 protestors and throwing them in prison for years awaiting trial, right?

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Yes, but notice that Trump isn’t in jail.

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Is that supposed to mean something? Yes, he’s not in jail yet. Are you suggesting that 90 plus felony charges is theater and not deadly seriously? Are you suggesting, after everything they’ve done the past 8 years, that they’re not willing to put him in jail or worse? I don’t think you understand how deadly serious our opposition is. This isn’t a game.

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I know exactly how serious it is for the proles, like me. But Trump is not at risk unless he crosses lines and he won’t. Because he is playing a part for the cabal. You are basically just parroting the lesser of two evils theory, whether you know it or not. No hero ( and Trump isn’t one) is going to save the proles. They need to save themselves.

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Correction: We need to save OURselves.

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What evidence is there to hang the claim that he’s playing a part for the cabal as you say? I can provide a lot of evidence to the contrary, but it would take me a while to compile a list. Can you just think back on the last 8 years soberly? You actually think he is working for some sort of cabal? I honestly think that’s insane, and I’ve been paying very close attention. They hate Trump. They will show him no mercy. Of that I can assure you. He just has the money to stave them off for a time. My working class family has met the man. We had dinner with him. We aren’t easily fooled and have a deep, ingrained hatred of politicians. We were there with many other working class families. Everyone came away from that dinner impressed. He isn’t perfect, but he isn’t who you think he is.

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well, with the schellenberger revelations trump has all the things to get a case going. but he doesn’t. trump is not the poor little boy.

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He’s facing 90 plus bogus felony charges, life in prison, and the seizure of all his assets. When you refer to him in such a condescending way as a “poor little boy,” I know all I need to know about you.

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don’t you realize what ridiculous democratic theater this is?

you’re right. i couldn’t care less about trump. that asshole facilitated op warp speed and still runs around proud of the jabs. guy can go to heaven or hell and have a drink with grandpa joe.

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He facilitated the mechanism to fastrack the development of a vaccine. He’s not god emperor or clairvoyant. He took a shot. How was he supposed to know they’d falsify their results and that Democrats would usher in totalitarian mandates? When he was in charge, he respected our federalist system under the constitution and let states craft their policies. Imagine if a democrat had been in charge.

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The FeeBees exist to CREATE criminals. That is their bureaucratic imperative and their reason for existence. The Law n' Order racket has three elemental phases. The corrupted and corruptive court system is but the second in the series. Ever notice where "higher" educational institutions feature Criminal "Justice" courses? They are laughing in our faces with that whopper.

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"Trusting" in 9 Lawyers, when 3 to 6 of them have dirty to soiled black robes, is the Epitome of Our USSA Demoncrazy. Ferals are Only interested in protecting their respective positions and institutions to the exclusion of "Law" that doesn't protect them/they/theirs.

So What "IF" the Soopremes uphold (further) Banishment for You/Me/We Trump ???

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1st: all of this is the result of 200 years of political neglect by the us citizens.

2nd: trump can rot together with joe just for op warp speed and his inability to talk bad about the jabs. effing hypocrite.

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Not to mention his apparent support of genocide

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In order to be one among the Nine Black Robes, one must meet several criteria. In the first instance it is imperative to be a member of the American Bar Association, a known subsidiary of Temple Bar in City of London. Secondly, one must be and openly support one of the Tweedledeedee and Tweedleddddumber parties. In the third instance, to be either connective with the Church of Rome or of one of the two percent of Americans whose tribal culture is controlled by the Sanhedrin and their Babylonian Talmud. Elena Kagan, for instance, happens to be Khazarian royalty. Bloodlines are critically important for the ruling elite.

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OK, I get it. But How does this help you/we/me from ending up in a Feral Gov Pen??? The 1st Amend will not save you/we/me.

History from 30 years ago is ancient; sorry but knowing about the history of Earth isn't going to Feed our families and avoid a Feral "soup kitchen" Camp/Pen.

Evil can be clearly seen yet is tolerated or explained, All to no avail. Even my words are worthless at this point.

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Fear and despair are our greatest enemies as the everyday citizens which we are. Ben Franklin famously declared during the Revolution: "If we don't all hang together you may rest assured that they shall hang us all separately".

Take heart. They are few and we are many. At this juncture, the numbers of Awakening are expanding by the day. It is a brush fire situation. Soon will come the prairie fire and high winds may be gusting.

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EXACTLY My Point. Si vis pacem, para bellum.

All the best to you and yours.

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For legal grounds, see CJ Hopkins essay, above.

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The sad story goes back even further. Consider the date of 11-22-63 and an event where the death of the last truly American president occurred. The fact that they did it to him also had its precedents such as that of Lincoln in April of '65, Garfield some 20 years later and McKinley right at the beginning of the 20th Century. The "reported" faces were not the ones calling the shots.

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Jan 6, 2024
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I think they did let in someone that wasn’t completely controlled in 2016. Then they committed a soft coup to effectively undo his election with the Russian collusion nonsense and then colluded with every social media platform in 2020 to censor millions of people before that election to prevent his re-election. If you think being charged with dozens of felonies by the DoJ is theater, you’re sorely mistaken. If you think that Biden going to Valley Forge and labeling the 80 million plus Trump supporters as domestic terrorists is theater, you’re sorely mistaken. It’s a predicate for what they plan to do. It’s deadly serious.

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Jan 6, 2024
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Trump was a New York socialite. Many people were pictured with him at parties. He never went to the island and when he figured out who he was, he banned him from Mar-a-Lago. I don’t watch the Simpson’s, so I don’t know what you’re talking about. Are you referring to no new wars under Trump? The draw down in Afghanistan to 2500 troops and a timetable for full withdrawal? Or the renegotiating of unfair trade deals and securing the border? What did they “predict”? Trump is basically a populist centrist. He’s to the left of Clinton circa 1992. He supported Operation Warp Speed because he’s a businessman that was under the impression that business innovations represented a potential path to getting out of the pandemic. There’s no crime in trying to develop a potential vaccine. The crime is in falsifying the results of your trials, covering up dangerous side effects, mandating the vaccine, and engaging in a mass propaganda campaign against anyone that questioned it. Those are the real crimes. He didn’t participate in any of that.

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Jan 6, 2024Edited
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Are you suggesting this is some sort of fruitful line of inquiry or that Trump is some deep state puppet? Lmao.

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As for why he filled some of his cabinet positions with swamp creatures, that’s simple. He was unprepared. He didn’t understand DC and relied on the recommendations of people he should not have trusted. Basically, the groundwork had not been laid for a true populist presidency. I believe that groundwork has now been laid, and he will make better appointments. Regardless, your criticism in this regard is valid. He deserves all of that criticism, and I think we should all continue to criticism him for it so he doesn’t make the same mistake should (by some miracle) he be allowed back in.

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Jan 6, 2024
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Your article says that he helped Trump avoid bankruptcy in the 1990s. I imagine Trump worked with all sorts of people as the most successful real estate developer in the most important city in our country. I don’t believe having someone who is an expert on bankruptcy help you avoid bankruptcy indicates anything about a person. I imagine he was pretty competent if he worked for the Rothschild family. They probably can hire the best. Sounds like Trump also wanted to hire the best.

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I’m a lowly state district judge in South Texas so don’t get too many 1st amendment cases but this case against you is so obviously a farce. I’m sorry you’re having to go through this but am confident you’ll win in the end. Still trying to figure out the procedure: They’ve found you guilty, now they’re having the trial?

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I assume that felony trials more closely resemble what we're used to. In this case, yes, the "Order of Punishment" has been issued, but it won't be imposed until my appeals are exhausted, is how my lawyer explained the process.

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High Priests in Black Robes. The very first Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court John Jay wrote in one of his early opinions, "The People Who Own the Country Ought to Govern It":

The Supreme Court, hegemony, and Its Consequences

Minnesota Journal of Law & Inequality, December, 1987


And they are governing it as they see fit. The men and women in black robes are nothing more than high priests selected to enforce the will of those who own this country over the will of the majority of the people.

I've been to the parties, gala's fete's where lawyers, politicians and the wealthy powerful clank glasses in a ritual of ego strokes, many angling for raised status and wealth, rent-seekers, the lawyers ambitious to become judges, and judges ambitious to become higher judges.

And I've noticed that those jurists most capable of linguistic gymnastics, capable of making their preferred decision fit under the plain language of the constitution or laws in question, they are selected by fellow ideological travelers to sit on higher and higher courts. With the most nimble, the Olympic linguistic gymnasts seated to the highest courts.

It is because the amendment process to the US Constitution is so difficult the "owners of the nation" have decided to repeal it by clever linguistics instead. Linguistics is how War becomes Peace, Ignorance becomes Strength, Freedom becomes Slavery.

Because the law is just words subject to the interpretation of rulers. And in their Darth Vader voice they are saying, "I've altered the deal. Pray I don't alter it further."

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What’s your point?

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Man's law, Positive law is Bullshit. Do as you're told. Don't think for yourself, obey or be punished. If politicians mandate everyone must wear a strap-on dildo in public, just like masks, you better wear one or be fined, go to jail. Obey. Obey. Obey. High Priests in black robes who clank glasses at parties with the politicians and powers who appoint them are placed there to enforce man's laws, the laws of those who own the country. The Constitution be damned. So F'em all, live your own life following God's law, Natural law. The law, judges are not moral bastions in a community or nation. They are immoral servants to corrupt and fallen men. And don't deserve to be addressed, "The Honorable." Haa! Fat chance. As dishonorable as those who made them judges, no matter how often they're introduced as "The Honorable." We live under a nation of Judge Oswald Rothaug's. More people need to wake up to that fact.

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Wishing you the most glorious outcome of your court appearance! You are righteous, and that is exactly the reason you are going through this. You shall prevail!!

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And let's let Julian out of Belmarsh maximum security prison too. Now! Because great journalism is not a crime. And we have genocides to call out, so we need all the journalist reporters of conscience as we can get, to keep from attack by the true criminals. Now. In every country. Protect the visionary truth-tellers. Thank you.

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The first Amendment has become a suggestion.

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We are with you Brother.

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The next upgrade of humanity will be the absolute rejection of the idea of written laws. Everyone is still under this spell. Of course the two-dimensional world of paper means absolutely nothing and only sucks up our time trying to defend ourselves from the silly things that are written by the silliest of people. Rather we need to live by principles that we teach children and live by ourselves. How do we uphold principles? Now that we have the internet it's simple - we could have a platform where we see who has caused harm and they can respond also and the people ourselves decide whether it's reprehensible or not. It is utterly backward to wait for certain chosen ones to decide the fate of millions or even of one.

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What you suggest would be a complete downgrade and a regression of thousands of years of cultural and biological evolution back to what is basically the default, "natural" state of our species, to an age of illiteracy but with a fresh coat of technological paint, where everyone is at the mercy of the mob and whatever the tribes' present "principles" are that hold the most popular appeal.

This "upgrade" would make there be nothing to support large or complex states and systems, or even markets that aren't based on kinship ties, since all of these are dependent upon shared ideals and values being agreed upon and respected in order to thrive, and they must exist in writing where they are a proof that cannot be arbitrarily changed at a moment's notice. They must be agreed upon socially, too, of course, and actually believed in, otherwise they are not supported by anything, and will be arbitrarily ignored or used on a whim like (free) speech laws are presently being.

Do you seriously think what is less "backward" than writing laws down—one of the pillars of human civilisation the beginning of which like the invention of writing itself was monumentally significant—is to replace the judicial system with Internet mob justice, something like Kiwifarms? There are already platforms where people can look at other people and mob them if they decide they don't like them.

What you are suggesting is a technological dark age of complete barbarism. It is a fantasy besides, since do you really think we would have international trade and complex technology like computers and microcircuitry without written laws, that we'd have everything we do today if we just depended upon each other's word for everything and whatever their parents taught them? You can find societies like this throughout history. They rarely last long, they don't tend to form complex or large states, and they easily fall victim to endemic corruption because of the importance of personal loyalties over impersonal loyalties.

Civilisations are well known to go through cycles and ours is obviously in its era of decline, and one of the most obvious proofs is how popular ideas like the one you gave can be, rather than dismissed outright. I mean no offense in that, since you sound well-intentioned and interested in what's ethical, which is a good thing, but you should read more.

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Prior to hierarchical structures, matriarchies existed for thousands of years - peaceful years, let it be known. Those eons of culture were demolished and now we're at the place we're at. Which is where we allow a minutely small number of people dictate the way everything is done, because they have the money. They own the media, finance, education, health, industry. Little people like you and me mean nothing we are just fodder to be tossed away in wars (although we ourselves kill our own kind as the elite never "dirty their hands") We are currently in the mobbest of mob rule, by a criminal gang that wants to control humanity, all of humanity, including you and all the people you know. They want to tie us down into 15 minute cities, that's if we manage to survive their plot to "depopulate" 90% of the world's population (much proof of these plans if you are unfamiliar, let me know I can provide) They want to make everyone "transhuman" meaning control our body and our mind using nanotechnology delivered by vaccine. But we have this tool now and if we want to change the course they have put us on, then we need to be active. We need to discuss these issues because if we don't, it leaves the ground clear for the same conrollers to make it go their way. All I ask is that we talk about it like we're doing now and recognize the path they have got us on and how we are almost totally hooked by the bait they send out. There is nothing more wise than crowd wisdom - perhaps you are unfamiliar with it. The more people who can have a say, is the safest way we can organize ourselves - the extremes on both ends are exceptions and they cancel each other out, leaving the vast majority who ultimately make the wisest decisions. This has been tested and found to be true. We are not civilized although we call ourselves such. We are barbarians with shoes, we still kill our own species systematically - this is more savage than animals and yet here we are with this marvelous brain. What we need to understand is we are at the cusp of either being totally controlled by outside nefarious forces (the ruling elites), never to have even one strand of freedom ever again, or we can break off this course and equip ourselves with having a say on every single thing that affects us and working together for bet outcomes. When we can discuss issues from our true selves, honestly and without favor or threat, that is when we meet our highest potential. You have a fixated idea that we need written laws to do that but people are not two-dimensional. We cannot fit to something written on paper, it's just too constricting. What we can adhere to that makes sense though is principles. I'm not suggesting writing isn't important but we must not think we have to adhere to things that somebody wrote, not even somebody we know let alone somebody we can never know. That is more dangerous even than what you envisage. And we are being ambushed right now, unbeknownst to most of us. Take your mind to a place that we have not been fed to believe, and in fact, we have been fed to believe we cannot live without institutions. We need to return to localization and this is so easy to do now with 3D printers and the technology that we keep in our back pocket.

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Also it is rather presumptuous of you to suggest I should read more when you do not know how much I have read. Perhaps you are the one who should read more as you don't seem to be aware of other ways humanity has existed.

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The mob is not the best. COVID was forced and run by a mob of terrified, ignorant, low-information tyrants running scared.

If the majority of a community had courage, loved truth, and had a large base of common sense, personal responsibility, strong ethics, and a solid understanding of law then the community crowd could be called wise.

During COVID the ignorant masses believed masks worked. 76% (230 million) of the population took an experimental gene therapy based upon a poorly tested product where all-cause mortality was 300% higher in the gene experiment group vs. the control group.

The public and leaders ignored that asymptomatic spread does not drive a pandemic. The public and leaders ignored that masks don’t work. The public and leaders continue to ignore that over 400 studies show positive outcome for early prophylaxis. The public and leaders are still in denial about how their ignorant choices killed hundreds of thousands of Americans directly and harmed millions. The public and leaders have not prosecuted any of the con artists or shills who lied during the pandemic.

Controlling the minds of low-engagement, low-information voters and activists is the exact means that media and governments attempt to control a society.

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The gas lighting or whatever you want to call it extends to the majority in the medical and scientific communities who ignore everything we've been saying about excessive mortality as a result of their repulsive vaccination program. It seems many of these miscreants aren't even aware of of the "died suddenly" phenomena or act as if doesn't exist. The deliberate lack of acknowledgement of this grim reality is just as bad as the outright persecution CJ is undergoing at present.

DR. GASLIGHT. A doctor causes his patient to question her own sanity. Listen to Turfseer’s hit song. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/dr-gaslight

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"We are under a Constitution, but the Constitution is what the judges say it is." - Judge Charles Evans Hughes

“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.” ― Benjamin Franklin

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The "new Nazis" are like the old one's both are and were financially supported by the Western ruling elite. The paraphernalia might have changed, but that's merely superficial window dressing.

The truth of the matter, is that wealthy industrialists wouldn't have minded if Hitler had won, until he turned out to be unpredictable. That might explain why hundreds or maybe thousands of "Hitler Nazis" were inserted into western intelligence agencies immediately following WWII.

And that might be the reason why more than 20 million innocent civilians have been slaughtered since WWII.

Nonetheless, the point I'm trying to make is that the ruling elite are bloodthirsty fascists who are no longer concealing their intentions, i.e. Gaza.

So buckle your safety belts, because the "psycho ride" will accelerate as we head into the height of election season when barbaric criminals determined to win political office become capable of doing almost anything.

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Welcome to the Fourth Reich, which has been consolidating ever since the demise of the Third Reich. If you doubt it read the Skorzeny papers or Coup in Dallas for a start or even The Devil's Chessboard.

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I agree

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The four boxes of liberty per the bill of rights: the ballot box, the jury box, the soap box and the cartridge box. The first three are not physical and can be just taken away. The last is a true impediment to tyranny, raw power in the hands of the people.

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Which is why the funding of the police and military is priority #1 for every ruler and ruling class.

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They are showing their ugly tyrannical hand more and more and as the masses see it whatever nations it is occurring, their system is doomed to fail and control over people an impossibility at an approaching tipping point.

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Nothing is "impossible", but I agree the "Tipping Point" is HERE. All the best to you and yours this year.

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Delusion seems to be the natural state of being - on both sides!

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Illusion/Delusion just a matter of View Point. One person's Creation is Another's Destruction in the Current Game on Earth.

Perhaps a New Game is in order??? without "Sides". but then How to Reconcile Sanity with Insanity???

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These charges are obviously ridiculous but if you've upset too many Elitists within the WEF, they might prove that they 'own' the German Judiciary!

Good luck from us in the UK!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Will this hearing/trial be open? If there is a public gallery I would like to attend to support you.

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According to my lawyer, it's open to the public. I don't know whether it will be dramatic enough to warrant attendance, but I welcome all who'd like to come. I posted the address and details in one of my recent columns, and I'll do that again shortly before the 23rd.

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Yup, they thinks without boundaries, laws, constitution and are puppets and wannabes to the all power ascribing club of psychopaths as gods over lessers...

Once in their groupthink sights and minds they go into autopilot because of who they are.

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