It seems very obvious that the ruling class need trump in the white house before they can launch their planned attack on china. They need him to be at the helm to lead americans into the attack because conservatives (who are the backbone of the billionaire's global execution force, known as the american military) are not going to be very enthused to go across the ocean to murder for the ruling class if Biden tells them to do so, but if it's trump, their own righteous billionaire messiah, leading the charge and telling them to go kill those evil commies/globalists/leftists (for "freedom and morality", of course) then his well-intentioned but heavily-propagandized and deceived MAGA/Qanon followers will be extremely enthusiastic to do the billionaire's bidding, with a gusto of extremely powerful religious-nationalistic passion in their support for the troops and the president. It will be the just like the psychosis of religious nationslist war frenzy after 9/11 all over again. The ruling class absolutely must have trump (and not biden) leading americans into their planned attack.
There is also going to be a lot of bible waving, while Anti-Christ trump and his God-ignorant deep state GOP war profiteers will frequently use the words "jesus" and "holy war" and "the last battle of good vs evil", which will send their well-intentioned but deceived conservative base into a gushing orgasm, a nationalist-religious feeding frenzy and extreme enthusiasm for the ruling class' war plans.
That's why they need trump (and not biden) in office to lead the planned attack. Trump and his deep state zionist war-profiteering billionaires will enter the white house in january, and then of course they'll need to set the stage with a few months of very intense 24/7 wall-to-wall propagaganda in the billionaire's disinformation media about the "evil aggression of china" (which doesn't have a single military base outside its territory, while the american empire has about 900 military bases encircling the entire globe, in a terrorizing choke-hold, in addition to dozens of warships colonizimg every ocean on tje face of the globe, as well as at least 13 extra-judicial torture camps, where paid ametican merceneries hold for years in captivity without trial or accusation kidnapped human beings and torture them, because "freedom and morality").
After a few months of hammering into americans' head nonstop 24/7 how china is an evil sggressor and the new hitler, then you'll have the conveniently-timed decleration of independence by american-paid separatists in taiwan, which china will obviously reject, and the stage will be set for the "righteous" attack (for "freedom and moral christian values" of course), possibly in the spring/summer of 2025. And just like after 9/11, the majority of heavily-propagandized americans will be fully in support of it (including 99% of wrll-intentioned but thoroughly deceived conservatives who will be in the mode of holy-war end-times jesus-is-coming-back, and fully united behind their mass-murdering psychologically-stunted narcissist infantile pro-billionaire anti-Christ God-ignorant zionist messiah leading the charge against 'the evil commies'.
So we have about a year, give or take, before they pull the trigger, before they put all the pieces of the puzzle together (1. trump in office and leading the charge, 2. months of very intense 24/7 wall-to-wall nationalist propaganda to turn china into a literal hitler, an unbearable scary evil monster who wants to hurt americans in any way it can, so we just must take down this hitler-like monster first before they take "us" down 3. taiwan declaration of independence. 4. American military bases in the countries surrounding china completed and ready to launch misslies and war planes) and pull the trigger.
PS. If the billionaire ruling class cannot generate strong public support for their planned attack, despite their months of 24/7 wall-to-wall intense propaganda campaign to turn china into a hitler and evil aggressor in the eyes of americans, then there is also the possibility that they'll pull another 9/11 sort of false flag event, to get everyone into a state of traumatic shock, fear, anger and hatred, and fully on board with their attack plans..
As for why the billionaire ruling class are going to attack china soon - after trump and his deep state zionist billionaire war profiteers enter the white house in January - see this profound essay (which includes full citations) which IMHO is a must read for every human on the planet who wishes to understand exactly how we are being played
PPS. Two more pieces of the puzzle (which i didn’t mention above) that the billiobaire ruling class put together to get everything ready for the attack in 2025, is that they had the leaders in the countries surrounding china replaced, from those not committed to china-hostility and the planned attack, into puppets who do exactly as the empire tells them, ramp up anti-china hostility and open their country to american military bases in preparation for the attack.
Two examples of this are in Japan and the philippines. In Japan they assasinated prime minkster Abe, who refused to commit to their attack plans on china, and replaced him with their ultra-nationalist puppet, Kishida, who changed japan’s constitution to allow for greater militarization of society, removed constitutional limits on military spending, filled his cabinet with pro-american pro-zionist NeoCons and approved massive american military build up in Japan's southern okinawan islands (literally minutes of flight/missle distance from the chinese mainland), in preparation for the attack. And in the philippines, where they replaced Duerte (who was against the war plans on china and sought greater cooperation) with their well-paid puppet Marcos, who gave the american war machine the northen Luzon island (the closest philipino island to china) to build several military bases in preparation for the attack, and who drastically changed course from Duerte and immediately started promoting china hatred in the philippines, and constantly sends the philippines navy into idiotic skirmishes with chinese boats in the south china sea in order to promote nationalist hostility towards china in the philippines, in preparation for the attack. He and his pay-masters in the american ruling class are doing that becasue they are playing on the people the trick that ruling class oppressors always play on us. Again, this trick is described in detail in this profoundly important essay
I agree with everything you've said except I think they might be setting the stage for a second Trump term. The Democrat's pandering to race issues and LGBTQ+++ has reached the end of its usefulness. If they want soldiers for WW3 they're going to do a lot better with Trump commanding the patriots.
I too have wondered if this might be the case. We're headed for a giant train wreck followed by some difficult years, and what could be better than to try blaming it all on Trump, even though the causes for that have been years in the making, by players from across the political spectrum.
Totally agree. To me it also seems very obvious that the ruling class need trump in the white house before they can launch their planned attack on china. They need him to be at the helm to lead americans into the attack because conservatives (who are the backbone of the billionaire's global execution force, known as the american military) are not going to be very enthused to go across the ocean to murder for the ruling class if Biden tells them to do so, but if it's trump, their own guy, leading the charge and telling them to go kill those evil commies/globalists/leftists then conservatives and the military will likely be extremely enthusiastic to do the billionaire's bidding, with a gusto of extremely powerful nationalistic passion in their support for the troops and the president. It will be the just like the psychosis of nationslist war frenzy after 9/11 all over again. The ruling class absolutely must have trump (and not biden) leading the planned attack, if they want conservatives to be fullu on board and enthusiastic it..
There is also going to be a lot of bible waving, and trump and the GOP will frequently use the words "jesus" and "holy war" and "the last battle of good vs evil", which will send their conservative base into a gushing orgasm, a nationalist-religious feeding frenzy and extreme enthusiasm for the ruling class' war plans.
That's why they need trump (and not biden) in office to lead the planned attack. He'll enter in january, and then of course they'll need to set the ground with a few months of very intense 24/7 wall-to-wall propagaganda in the billionaire's disinformation media about the "evil aggression of china" and how we must protect taiwan. After a couple of months of hammering into americans' head nonstop 24/7 how china is the new hitler, then you'll have the conveniently-timed taiwan decleration of independence, which china will reject, and the stage will be set for the "righteous" attack, possibly in the spring/summer of 2025. And just like after 9/11, the majority of heavily-propagandized americans will be fully in support of it (including 99% of conservatives who will be in the mode of "holy war" end-times jesus-is-coming-back, and fully united behind their narcissist billionaire leader leading the charge against 'the evil commies'.
So i think we have about a year, give or take, before they pull the trigger, before they put all the pieces of the puzzle together (1. trump in office and leading the charge, 2. months of very intense 24/7 wall-to-wall nationalist propaganda to turn china into a literal hitler, an unbearable scary evil monster who wants to hurt americans in any way it can,, so we just must take down this hitler-like monster first before they take "us" down 3. Taiwan declaration of independence) and pull the trigger.
PS. If they cannot generate strong public support for their planned attack, despite their months of 24/7 wall-to-wall intense propaganda campaign to turn china into hitler in the eyes of americans, then there is also the possibility that they'll pull another 9/11 sort of false flag event, to get everyone into a state of traumatic shock, fear and hatred, and fully on board with their attack plans..
As for why the billionaire ruling class are going to attack china soon - after trump and the zionists enter the white house - see this profound essay (wirh full citations) which IMHO is a must read for every human on the planet who wish to understand exactly how we are being played
It seems to me that this (the need to explain how come his action are completely opposite to the image of him that his followers believe in and opposite to the story about him that they've been sold) this is where the mental gymnastics of his followers (the true believers) come from, the mental gymnastics that say that he's actually playing a very sophisticated 5D chess against the elite, 5D chess that no one can understand and that is so extremely wise and sophisticated to the point that ot appears on the surface as being part of the elite and doing actions that are similar to all pro-billionaire presidents before and after him..
Or the other mental gymnastics of his deceived followers that says that he is really of pure intentions in the inner circle but it's just those bad people around him in the outer circle of his administaration that corrupt his intentions etc etc. All of these are quasi-religious stories of gullible indoctrinated believers who hold on to the image of the benevolent leader and try to find reasons and explanations as to why his actions don't match the (mossad-created) image and story that they were led to believe in..
In a way, his deceived gullible devoted MAGA followers are like a battered girlfriend who keeps saying "no, no, you don't understand, he's different, he really loves me, he even told me so. Yes, he's an as*hole and his actions are the same as all the other men (presidents) who abused me before, to cement the control of 0.1% ruling class over humanity, but you don't understand, he's really different, he really really cares about me, he keeps telling me that, even as his actions show the opposite.."
You seem very angry. In fact you seem to be unable to craft a simple and coherent argument because of your anger.
The majority of Americans don’t give a fuck about American foreign policy. We were taught that Muslims are terrorists. Perhaps the Zionists are the terrorists. I don’t know for sure. I’ve spent some time trying to understand it all, but I still don’t.
We know that there is evil in our government and in our world. But each individual American is usually better off spending time and effort to build a better life for their family than they are to try to entertain delusions about overthrowing the ruling elite in our country. That would take a massive coordinated replacement of our entire federal government.
This effort didn’t materialize during the freest era of the internet and now the internet and all speech are much more regulated than ever before.
I believe that costs will continue to rise because the government has promised a retirement and medical care for millions, but at the same time has lead global depopulation efforts for 50 years now. You need a growing population to fund the Social Security Ponzi scheme.
Americans are concerned about their own day-to-day lives.
I like Trumps stance about abortion. I like Trumps stand against the insanity of Queer & Transgender politics.
Thank you. I hear you and will just respectfully remind you that I provided volumes upon volumes of facts and evidence in my 5-part reply above, with both descriptions as well as numerous resources and links to show you exactly how those mass-murdering thieving billionaire deceivers (who are cynically presented to you as 'anti-elite rebel') are the POLAR OPPOSITE of this label, but are in fact fully and totally the elite that are screwing you and all americans. They count on many americans' extreme ignorance of the facts and of how the ruling class works and falling for their emotionally-manipulative slogans, in order to continue perpetuating their evil in the gov't, their control and abuse of us.
Specifically, they count on people not making the connection between the evil in the gov't (that you also mentioned) and between the billionaires that some are gullibly voting for and who are (very wrongly) viewed by some as anti-elite and man-of-the-people (yes, he has covered his toilet in gold in his numerous mansions and his entire billionaire zionist family hasn't worked a day in their life, but c'mon, he's one of us..).
It is astonishing and depressing how easily these hierarchical anti-egalitatian billionaire f*ckers (both republican and democrat) are playing us, again and again selling us false messiahs and fake "anti-elite rebels" and people just keep falling for it again and again and again, so that we keep gullibly supporting either this half of the ruling class or that half of the ruling class abusers, and keep blindly believing we are sticking it to the man this way.. and then we complain that there's "evil in the government" without being able to see that it is we who keep voting for our abusers (and i gave you volumes upon volumes of evidence of how trump and his deep-state billionaire mass-murderers have been screwing us nonstop, massive transferring trillions of our wealth to his deep-state war-profiteering and big-pharma buddies, and yet we taught in tne conservative echo-chambers to be ever so delighted and thankful when he throws a few crumbs our way, and see it as "evidence" for how much he loves us and cares about us), and are kept mesmerised and emotionally-overtaken with manufactured idiotic culture wars to keep us emotionally-charged to hate half the people and cheer for the red ruling-class representative or blue ruling-class representative in order to stick it to the other half..
They've been playing these partisan tricks on us for decades and people still keep falling for it again and again and again..
Some people simply don't make the connection between who they voted for and the billionaires screwing them and the entire globe for their own enrichment. That lack of making the connection is the greatness of the billionaires propaganda machine. We're fully immersed in it but not aware of how deeply we are being manipulated to accept the rule (and enrichment) of the few over the many as a "normal" state of affairs, not aware of the massive levels of brainwashing, education, indoctrination and propaganda that keeps this hierarchical status-quo in place, just like fish who aren't aware of the water they're swimming in, that's how immersed we are in the narrative constructed for us by the ruling class that we accept as 'the normal way things are'..
Perhaps you didn't notice that my reply above (or below, as the case may be) consisted of 5 parts and so perhaps you missed the mountains of evidence i provided there, including links to profoundly important must-read essays that show you the truth about the crimes committed by those ConMan criminals whom we are told repeatedly are 'anti-elite rebels', as the deceptive Qanon/MAGA narrative teaches us. From your reply it seems quite clear that you didn't read the evidence provided in the links i gave and in the rest of my 5-part reply, so i respectfully invite you to actually read the profoundly important FACTS shared there so that you don't fall into these deceivers' trap yet again and so that we put a stop to this cycle of abuse, instead of unwittingly give it fuel and perpetuate it.
Also, I respectfully disagree that nothing can be done and that we're doomed to live forever under the rule of these ruling class abusers (that take the form of either republicans or democrats, either faction of the ruling class) and that the best we can do is choose each time the faction of the ruling class that we are led to believe is slightly less evil than the other faction of the ruling class (this belief is, by the way, a complete optical illusion which is based on the partial selective information we're fed in the highly-tuned propaganda machine of the ruling class, including social media amd search engines and influencers and most of the so-called 'alternative media') that curates for each of us specifically the kind of narratives and info they want you exposed to (based on the demographical, psychological and historical info and profile they have of you), so that they can skillfully corral us into the specific ideological enclosure they have ready for us, where we are pitted against the other enclosure and enthusiastically repeat the slogans ready for us and think they're our own and that we're sticking it to the man this way).
As I elaborated on in my 5-part reply previously (with mountains of evidence to support the claim) a clear-headed analysis of trump's actions and administration during his presidency shows very clearly and beyond any doubt that he is as much of a threat to the establishment and ruling class as the tooth fairy. If one is not completely hypnotised by the very intense propaganda in the partisan echo-chambers (including the so-called "alternative media" and prominent 'social media influencers', much of whom aren't alternative or independent at all, but fully funded by the same billionaires that fund the corporate media) if one manages to get through this very thick propaganda obstacle course (which is far from an easy task these days since we're inundated with 24/7 emotionally-manipulative propaganda disguised as 'anti-establishment rebels') if one manages to not be hypnotised and emotionally-manipulated by all of that and examines his ACTUAL ACTIONS (not the Qanon/MAGA stories and mythologies surrounding his actions, but his ACTUAL ACTIONS) then it is absolutely clear that trump's administration and actions are NOT in any way whatsoever opposed or in conflict with the deep state but in fact his admin IS the deep state and that his actual actions are all in support of ruling class deep state, and very clearly so.
In addition to the mountain of evidence provided earlier, i also recommend this short but profound video to have a quick overview and understand exactly how you are being played (deceived into believing that your hero billinaires who are intimately part of the elite ruling class, to imagine that they are anti-elite and are on your side to fight the deep state for you)
And in addition please see the following linked essays that will show you in detail how the entire global militarized american security state funds and stands behind GOP, trump, biden, vance, musk etc, and yet well-intentioned but unaware & deceived conservatives actually believe they are fighting the elite and sticking it to the man by cheering for the biggest billionaire scum abusers of humanity.
In addition, in the 5-part reply earlier I didn't write about the new pro-elite ConMan criminal deceiver who joined the gang since then, Vance, so in addition to all the above, here's a full breakdown of who Vance actually is and who are the adrenochrome-drinking billionaire abusers that are fully funding him, have grooomed him for years and brought him to this moment.
Trump's assasination of one of the most prominent figures in Iranian society effectively destroyed any prospect of future diplomatic engagement (which is precisely what the right-wing murderers were aiming for. A constant state of nationalist-religious division, animosity and violence is precisely what the right-wing corporate-capitalist ruling class thrives on, as explained in the link above). Millions flooded the streets in protest in a clear shift to the right in iranian society as a result of trump's attack (while strengthening the popularity of the conservative-religious abusers in iran's rabidly right-wing government, as a direct result of trump's attack), The Iraqi parliament demanded the immediate expulsion of all occupying US troops from the country, but rather than take this grand opportunity to finally extricate US forces, Trump (who before the elections promised he would withdraw the troops and who was supposed to be 'anti-war president' according to his heavily-propagandized conservative cult followers) refused to take this major opportunity to remove the occupying forces of american corporate-capitalist empire, but instead did the EXACT OPPOSITE of what he said before the electiins that he would do and kept the occupying soldiers there and even sent some more (but don't forget what we taught you in your echo-chamber - he's a 'president of peace' who is opposed to the zionist war profiteers, because he really really cares about the little guy and came to help free us from the deep state. Sure he does).
As a direct result of infantile trump's actions, reprisal attacks were launched against US troops (who are used as cannon fodder by the Godless right-wing corporate-capitalist ruling class), with 73 soldiers receiving Purple Hearts for the traumatic brain injuries they endured from the retaliatory missile strikes after trump's attack on iran. I'm sure these traumatised for life soldiers thank god that we had anti-life pro-empire Godless right-wing corporate-capitalist trump at the helm as 'president of peace' who came to 'help the little guy fight the elite'. They sure did sacrifice their life for a worthy cause, so that right-wing conservative trump and his corporate-capitalist ruling class can steal resources, enrich themselves, terrorize & dominate humanity (ooops, i meant to say, they did it in order to 'make america great again and bring liberty and prosperity to humanity', of course)
Trump loaded up his administration with the global capitalist empire's regime change murderers like the CIA's Pompeo, John Bolton, Nikki Haley, Mike Pence, among many others. Trump obeyed the fanatically "Israel-first" prerogatives of his chief financial patron Sheldon Adelson, and was heralded by mass-murderer child-abuser supremacist Netanyahu for carrying out the most hardcore pro-zionist policy agenda of any President in US history.
These stupid life-destroying actions carried out by infantile trump were all part of a larger strategic policy favored by supremacist torturer and abuser Netanyahu and the fanatically Israel-first GOP establishment. Trump essentially handed over control of his administration to Netanyahu, to Netanyahu's closest childhood friend Kushner (trump's son-in-law) and to the fanatically Israel-first GOP establishment (including CIA and Mossad operatives).
And as with almost all other issues, there's been almost seemless continuity between the Trump and Biden administrations. The cratering of US-Iran relations, initiated by trump and his deep-state zionist handlers, continued seemlessly by the right-wing corporate-capitalist Biden admin, and continues to this day. Vile murdrer trump still brags about how much death and pointless suffering his "crippling starvation sanctions" inflicted on ordinary Iranian citizens (with an estimated 190,000 children dying as a direct and indirect result of trump's starvation policies and stranglehold, and additionally an estimated 11 million ordinary citizens were "severly and possibly irreveresibly traumatised and crippled" by trump's starvation policies, as research from Manchester University has shown. Needless to say, the vile right-wing religious-conservative ruling class in Iran was unaffected. Trump's Godless policies caused death and unspeakable suffering exclusively to the poorest in society. He still brags about it to this day.. This is the abusive anti-christ pro-billionaire pro-MIC pro-ruling class humanity-destroying right-wing zionist mass-murderer that conservatives have been brainwashed by the billionaires' propagandists to view as the 'anti-war peace president'
On the one hand, deceived MAGA fools will brag about how anti-war they claim trump is, but on the other, they'll brag about how awesome it was that he assassinated Iran's top military official and deliberately destroyed any possibility of stability and non-violent interaction in the region and made world war all the more likely (a hateful war-dominated reality which the right-wing corporate-capitalist ruling class thrives on). This pro-trump argument by his brainwashed conservative followers is idiotically schizophrenic, but that's nothing new for deceived partisans.
It is true that trump was NOT more imperialist than any other right-wing corporate-capitalist president before or after him (republican or democrat). He was poison just like them, and did the ruling class bidding just like them. Not worse but definitely not better. However, as explained in more detail above, the mossad's deceptive Qanon story teaches his followers the opposite of that. It deceptively presents trump as a 'president of peace' which couldn't be more further from the truth, and unfortunately most his deceived, gullible and propagandized MAGA followers are ignorant of the facts and unfortunately love to believe in and repeat this manipulative Qanon fairytale.
The reason i mentioned the mossad-created Qanon story (as if trump came to save and fight for the little guy against the elite) is because this is the story that every brainwashed & deceived MAGA follower gullibly believes in (despite the overwhelming evidence that contradicts this fairytale, as detailed above). This false story is literally the number one reason that people give for why they support him and vote for him. It is all becasue of the belief in that deceptive fairytale. This is the false narrative that brought him and the israelis to the white house before and will bring him and the israelis to power again.
You might not like the name Qanon, you can drop that name if you prefer, but the gist of the Qanon fairytale (that says that trump came to help the little guy against the elite) is what his gullible MAGA followers actually believe in - whether they call it Qanon or not - and that is the manipulative story that he and the zionist billionaires are riding on, all the way to the white house...
I have yet to hear a single reason to support this life-destroying God-ignorant representitive of the interests of the billiionaire ruling class (whose actions show that he's clearly not much different than other destructive american presidents before and after him, but a continuation of the same anti-life billionaire empire) never heard any reason to support this poisonous life-destroying short-sighted billionaire manipulator other than the belief in the false Qanon narrative (as if he is the man of the people who is here to fight the elite). Whether they use the name Qanon or not, the story for why people support him is the same..
When faced with the obvious falsity of the Qanon narrative (that says that trump came to help the little guy against the elite), many of his devout followers resort to a different fairytale, an idea of a pure and righteous trump in the inner circle who is somehow surrounded by bad people in the outer circle of his administration (how did they get there if it wasn't this murderous thieving billionaire deceiver who put them there?) who are somehow corrupting his pure and righteous anti-war intentions. This story (which is fully inspired by the religious Qanon mythology, by the way, whether they recognize that or not) this fairytale also has NO EVIDENCE IN REALITY WHATSOEVER. It is nothing other than a made-up belief system that desperately tries to somehow find reasons to explain how it is possible that the actions of his administration are 180 degrees opposite to the image that the zionist deceivers have carefully built around him (as if he is a man of the people who came to fight for the little guy against the elite).
That's all it is. A blind gullible belief in a false messiah, in a false image of the benevolent leader, and a staunch refusal to let go of that immature idiotic belief even when in crashes on the shores of reality and even when all evidence from his own actions points to the falsity of this belief.
Space finished please see part 5 (last part) below
If it wasn't for the propaganda story that's hammered into conservatives' head nonstop, as if this global mass-murderer God-denying pro-elite billionaire appeared on the scene in order to save the little guy from the elite, as if he is on the side of the people) if it wasn't for this deceptive story that the NeoConservative billionaires (and their financed 'alternative media' and influencers) hammer into conservatives' head nonstop, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the actions of trump's NeoCon war-profiteering pro-bilionaire pro-empire administration and the actions of biden/bush/obama's admins. They each continued 99% of the pro-empire pro-billionaire right-wing corporate-capitalist global terror and domination policies of their predecessors. If you looked jist at tje actions without knowing which president was in the white house at tje time of the action, then you wouldn't be able to tell if it was an action by rhe biden admind, or trump admin or obama admin or bush admin etc. Each one continues 99% of the policies of his predecessor. Trump's admin was NOT a deviation from these policies, but a continuation of them. If one looks at his actions (and not the fake narrative that was carefully crafted around him) then one clearly sees that.
Trump is poison NOT becasue he is any different from other american presidents (as the manipulative propagandists on cnn/WashPost/fox etc would have you believe) but he is poison precisely becasue he is like every other mass-murdering right-wing pro-billionaire imperialist american president (whether it's a right-wing liberal or conservative corporate-capitalist). It is only the deceptive Qanon+CNN liberal/conservative narrative (as if he is supposedly different) that hides this reality from his followers eyes. If you look at his actions (not the story/narrative that goes along with the actions, but the actions themselves) you'll see that they're almost identical to those of biden/bush/obama/clinton etc..
And of course don't forget trump's attack and assasination of Iran's top military general Suleimani (equivalent to assasinating the american head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) while Suleimani was on his way for talks about fighting ISIS (yet another one of the zionists and NeoCon's creations, but i won't go into that here for lack of space. You can read more about the zionist NeoConservative creation, funding and arming of ISIS here, and why they do it you can see here
This zionist-inspired profoundly stupid attack by trump is one of the clearest indications that psychologically-undeveloped emotionally-stunted anti-Christ trump and the psychopathic NeoConservative zionist mass-murdering warmongers that he surrounded himself with, will have no qualms whatsoever about attacking iran and china once trump and his deep-state israelis are back in the white house in january.
It's not for nothing that genocidal supremacist child-abuser & torturer Netanyahu hailed trump as the greatest zionist president in history, and it's not for nothing that God-ignorant hierarchical supremacist neo-nazi settler-colonialists in palestine named in trump's name a for-jews-only settlement (that they built on stolen land from murdered local farmers)
Once trump and his deep-state zionist maniacs are in the white house, you can be sure that an attack on iran and china is imminent and thus an almost certain nuclear world war (on iran for the neo-nazi God-forgetting zionist supremacist genociders who brought him to power, and on china for the Godlesss capitalist billionaire ruling class and their desire to destroy BRICS in order to ensure their corporate-capitalist global domination over humanity and the planet's resources, for their personal enrichment and benefit)
Going back to trump's assasination of soliemani, trump and mike pompeo, the CIA's deep state coup expert and compulsive liar and deceiver, which life-destroying anti-humanity trump made into his Secretary of State, both of these undeveloped idiots together lied through their teeth and manufactured a fake pretext to launch the brazen, anti-life, profoundly destructive assasination.
ConMan trump deliberately fabricated what he claimed was a "self-defense" rationale for the assassination (which was the most severe instance of direct state-on-state warfare attack by the american zionist ruling class on Iran since the Revolution of 1979, and a hint on what's to come once trump and the israeli billionaires are back in the white house). Trump and the NeoConservative zionist war-profiteers and regime change fanatics, with which he filled his administration, actually tried to invoke the 2002 AUMF in Iraq -- yes, the Iraq War resolution that Joe Biden infamously voted for -- as justification for the soleimani assasination. ConMan trump and his war-profiteering zionist handlers lied through his teeth and claimed there was an "imminent survival threat" to the US, parroting the language that the Bush Administration's used to sell the Iraq invasion to heavily-propagandized & deceived conservatives. ConMan liar trump, his CIA appointees and his genocidal zionist billionaire pals even absurdly claimed that part of the rationale for the assassination was that Iran had provided support to the 9/11 hijackers, 20 years previously. No argument was too preposterous for these greedy blood-thirsty anti-life Godless right-wing billionaire deceivers (and this lie by anti-humanity trump and his blood-thirsty NeoConservative Zionist murderers is especially sinister cynical immoral and monstrous becasue it was these right-wing NeoConservative zionists themselves who were behind 9/11, but i can't go into that here since this is a subject for an entire book. Some info on the right-wing zionist billionaire global network of false flag terror operations - which they blame on their funded and armed boogeyman enemy 'islamic terrorism' - can be seen here and here
All trump did during his presidency was transfer trillions to the ultra-wealthy war profiteers and big pharma corporate capitalists, filled his admin to the brim with deep-state swamp creatures, gave tax breaks to the ultra-rich and made sure the most wealthy (the anti-life heartless billionaire abusers who brought him to power) became much wealthier while everyone else stagnated or impoverished, EXPANDED the billionaires' global capitalist empire of terror (of nearly 900 military bases encircling the entire globe, dozens of warships colonizing every sea on the planet, and at least 13 extra-judicial torture camps where kidnapped human beings are held in captivity for years without trial and tortured by brainwashed conservatives because.."liberty" and "god") with his RECORD HIGH military spending to enrich his war profiteering capitalist billionaire pals; Created a welfare state for billionaires (with his government's coercive force used to lavish the scum of the earth with public funding, funneling trillions of our money to his backers the conservative war profiteers, who of course privatize the profits and give nothing back to the public that funded them) and crumbs for the non-wealthy; Armed and financed a coup in Bolivia so that his billionaire pal Elon Musk can steal the world's largest reserves of lithium from Bolivia for his "green"-electric car company (which is at the forefront of the climate capitalists' "4th industrial revolution" and "great reset". And of course Musk didn't forget to return trump the favor for this public-money funded coup and theft to enrich Musk, and didn't forget to show ruling class solidarity (and deception of the masses), when he took control over twitter and deceived conservatives into believing that the way to oppose the 'evil elite' is NOT by rejecting the class structure of domination of the many by the few and freeing ourselves entirely from the control of the abusive corporate-capitalist scumbags (see here but rathet Musk deceptively funneled conservatives into getting behind his ruling class buddy, the other half of the corporate-capitalist elite murderers (who will likely arrange Musk's next resource-theft when he's back in office, in an act of ruling class solidarity) and telling conservatives that this is the way to rebel against the elite..
This is textbook example of how the ruling class deceivers funnel the masses' anger (at being controlled, abused, stressed out, and treated like dirt by the hierarchical domination ideology of tne God-ignorant corporate-capitist ruling class abusers) and the masses' desire for change, how the ruling class funnels these potentianally revolutionary energies into an elite-provided FALSE MESSIAH, a steam release "safety valve" that is falsely presented as an anti-elite change-maker, while IN REALITY (not in the MAGA/Qanon alternate universe of imagined narratives, but IN REALITY) absolutely nothing changes in the status quo of ruling class abuse and domination over the many.
I will say more about this in a moment, but I still didn't finish yet detailing the crimes against the people of this ruling class representitive, trump, during his first presidency (and there is zero reason why this ruling-class billionaire scum wouldn't continue exactly where he left off). Besides all his crimes above, this mass-murdering pro-MIC ConMan also Initiated three other coups & and assasination attempts, continuing with the deep state/CIA regime change operations just like all other right-wing corporate capolitalist american presidemts do (but don't forget, he came to "drain the swamp" and to "fight the deep state" and their criminal intelligence agencies, becasue he really really cares about the little guy, as the mossad's narrative hammers into conservatives' head nonstop (which is really the deep state/ruling class narrative. Generated in order to make sure that people's anger and rebellious-impulses are unintelligently funneled right back into support for the empire's status quo of domination of the few over the many, while believing you are supporting an "anti-elite rebel" who came becasue he cares about you and wants to "take down the establishment". Yeah, sure he does. Any minute now. He just didn't get round to it during the 4 years he had the power to do it, you see, but don't you worry, trust the process, you just need to vote for him again and this time he will absolutely definitely surely without-a-doubt definitely take down the deep state. Yes, we're not just telling you the same lying slogans like last time. This time he will surely do it. Because he's a real rebel and really really loves you and really really wants to fight the deep state for you. Yes, sure he does. Pinky promise. Just don't forget to vote him into office again, okay? Becasue, remember what we taught you in the conservative echo-chambers - this is how you can fight the evil elite and create meaningful change, by voting him into office. Because, don't forget what we taught you, he's a man-of-the-people who came to "drain the swamp" and take down the deep state. This time he will absolutely definitely surely do it. You just need to vote him into office and then close your eyes and BELIEVE) ;
At the orders of his zionist financers anti-Christ mass-murdering trump imposed starvation embargo sanctions in Syria, Iran and venezuela which research from Manchester Iniversitu showed have killed an estimatrd 400 thousand children as a result of lack of nutrition and medicine (but don't forget what we taught you in your echo-chamber- 'we conservatives are highly moral people, and really really care about the protection of children'). As an anecdote, my friend is an archeologist and he was doing archeological work in Iran exactly at the time of trump's imposed starvation sactions. He said the effect that trump's starvation policy had on the poorest of society was devastating, anti-human and cruel beyond what words can describe. Kindly notice that the corporate-capitalist billionaire right-wing abusers never target other right-wing ruling class abusers (like Iran's vile conservative-religious right-wing ruling class scumbags and God-ignorant religious idiots) but rather, the right-wing abusers ALWAYS target the citizens, in order to generate as much religious-nationalist-tribalist hostility as possible (which is what the right-wing billionaire ruling class in all countries thrives on, as I'll explain in a moment) and in order to generate the loyalty and support of the people for their respective right-wing ruling class (which deceptively presents itself as the supposed protector from the "evil enemies of the nation"). The corporate-capitalist billionaire ruling class all over the planet know that the more they can create the sense of threat, lack of safety, and of an attack on the nation (through war, or threats of war, or starvation sanctions, or funded terrorist attacks, or promoting religious-nationalist division fear and hatred in a million different ways), then automatically the more tribalist and right-wing the people become, and automatically the people become more loyal to the ruling class and turn to their billionaire ruling class to protect them from the threat of the "evil enemies of the nation". This trick ('look over there, the evil boogeyman enemy of the nation is coming to get you') is an EXTREMELY COMMON trick that the billionaire ruling class play on the people in almost all countries in order to ensure that the people don't rebel and remain obedient to the ruling class (because "now is not the time to be critical of the rulers, the threat to the nation from "those evil enemies of the nation" is too great. Now is the time to rally around the flag and to unite behind our ultra-wealthy benevolent leader (who of course cares deeply about the non-wealthy masses and really really wants to protect us from this scary evil other religion/nation/ideology). To learn exactly how the ultra-wealthy ruling class play this trick on us again and again and again, i highly recommend attentively reading this profound essay which in my view is a MUST READ for every human on the planet
Pro-billionaire ConMan trump also cancelled during his presidency numerous toxin bans, pesticide bans, environmental, health and worker protections, in a class solidarity gift to his corporate-capitalist billionaire backers so that they could more easily make profits without those evil commie regulations that prevent them from exercising their "god-given freedom" to pursue their self interest and freely pollute and poison the population to increase profits (after all, profits for his ultra-wealthy billionaire pals in the ruling class is clearly a million times more important than not poisoning the people and the habitat we depend on. It's what the abusive life-destroying anti-God right-wing soul-less corporate-capitalist abusers (trump's finanacial backers) call "freedom and liberty to pursue one's self-interest..").
And so on and on. It would fill up an entire book if I'd started now to detail all of this billionaire anti-Christ trump crimes against the people.
Again, see here some more of his anti-life exploits during presidency and why he is no different than his vile right-wing corporate-capitalist democrats predecessors and successors (despite what the deceptive narrative of CNN/Qanon says, as if he's different)
Thank you. I started replying and before i knew it it turned into quite a long reply, and since the space here is limited then i had to divide it into several parts. Please be sure to read to the end because i bring up several different points, and please also be sure to see the following parts below (or above, not sure how it will be ordered it). This is part one: What exactly makes you imagine that this mass-murdering pro-Wall St. pro-war profiteering industry pro-billionaire God-denying anti-Christ NeoConservative ConMan (who - like his right-wing corporate-capitalist liberal democrat predessecors and successors - is an unabashed representitive of the hierarchical narrow interests of the corporate capitalist 0.1% ruling class, as i will elaborate on in a moment), what exactly makes you imagine that he is NOT going to continue doing exactly what he did the first time he was president - transfer trillions of our money to the 0.1% ultra wealthy billionaire global capitalist war machine military budget (which SKYROCKETED under this murderer's administration), and EXPAND the corporate-capitalists global military empire of abuse, bullying murder and control (to mention just a couple of this idiot's exploits. More coming later)
Why do you imagine that this anti-christ mass-murdering cunning Godless NeoConservative corporate-capitalist attacker of humanity (for the sake of the ultra-wealthy ruling class) is NOT going to continue doing exactly what he did the first time he was president? Why wouldn't he? Is it because the mossad-created Qanon disinformation narrative says so? (selling to his gullible followers the story that this mass-murdering ruling class abuser who transfers triliions of our money to his billionaire buddies in the war profiteering industry, that EXPANDS the corporate-capitalists global military empire of abuse, bullying murder and control, and that does everything possible to transfer society's wealth to the ultra-wealthy - selling him to his gullible followers as a 'man of the people' who came to help the little guy "fight the elite", because he really really loves us and cares about us)?
Is it because this is the deceptive narrative ('trump is an anti-war president') that the deep-state NeoConservative billionaire propaganda machine keeps hammering into the heads of his heavily-propagandized, deceived followers in their insulated echo-chambers? Is this why you imagine he's not going to continue doing exactly what he did first time he was president? (which is, by the way, a continuation of 99% of the pro capitalist war policies of the other half the ruling class representitives, the right-wing liberal democrat wing of the corporate-capitalist empire. It makes zero difference to the global corporate-capitalist abusers' empire if you choose their right-wing corporate-capitalist liberal representitive or their right-wing corporate-capitalist conservative representitive. Underneath the billionaire's media theatre (as if these two are enemies and act differently and as if you have a genuine choice between two distinct options), underneath the partisan propaganda in the billionaire-owned disinformation media, both of these anti-humanity right-wing corporate-capitalist scum - liberal or conservative - continue 99% of the policies of each other to enhance and cement the control, enrichment, profiteering & domination of the corporate-capitalist ultra-wealthy ruling class over humanity (One can clearly see that if one studies their ACTUAL ACTIONS, not the generated stories surrounding their actions, but their ACTUAL actions. The murderous anti-humanity right-wing corporate-capitalist billionaire ruling class' empire functions in the EXACT SAME way regardless of whether it is a right-wing capitalist liberal or conservative in the white house, regardless of whether it is biden, trump, obama, bush jr, clinton, bush sr, reagen etc in the white house. The only difference is that their pro-ruling class murderous actions are couched in liberal or conservative jargon, but the actions are the same).
Two quick examples of this (though there are many many more) are here -
Of course it is not only the heavily-brainwashed gullible indoctrinated conservatives who are thus deceived by the corporate-capitalist ruling class (into cheering for one half of the ruling class and believe that they are 'sticking it to the man' this way). The empire also has an echo-chamber ready for the ignorant heavily-propagamdized right-wing liberal capitalists (the empire's propaganda machine and skillful narrative managers deceptively call this right-wing liberal corporate-capitalist echo-chamber 'the left'). When i'm interacting with dumb and deceived right-wing liberals, supporters of the right-wing corporate-capitalist DNC for example, i emphatically show them how the corporate-capitalist abusers are playing them too (to cheer for the other half of the ruling class and believe they are avoiding conservative tyranny this way - not being aware that theit guy is also part of the american oligarchy by the few ultra-rich for the few ultra-rich. Or for example how they're propagandized to believe they are helping the enviroment by following the dictates of the climate capitalist billionaire manipulators, the biggest destroyers and polluters and toxifiers of our soil, food, air and water etc etc. but since i seem to be dealing here with a conservative believer than i'm focusing here only on this half of the empire's propaganda machine, the half that is corralling conservatives into the empire's fold (while imagining that they are sticking it to the man by voting for the billionaire ConMan that repersents the interests of the most vile deep-state scum of the earth and who robs them blind (to enrich his love-ignorant soul-less billionaire buddies) and who cements the control of the corporate-capitalist ruling class over them. All becasue they fall for the mossad-generated narrative that is hammered into conswrvatives' head nonstop in their echo-chambers, as if their pro-MIC pro-billionaire pro-Wall St empire trump appeared on the scene becasue he really really cares about the little guy and wants to help the little guy fight the elite.. )
Pro ruling-class Godless abusive mass-murdering ConMan trump was already president once, remember? Need I remind you that he and his ruling-class PR team of deceivers already sold us the exact same deceptive Qanon narrative they are selling us now (as if he is an anti-elite man-of-the-people who came to fight the establishment for the little guy) and need i remind you that once elected he promptly spat in the face of all the gullible unintelligent brainwashed fools who believed him and his PR team of deceivers and proceeded to fill up his administration to the brim with deep-state NeoCon Zionist swamp creatures (handed foreign policy over to deep state zionist operatives in the form of compulsive-liar CIA director Pompeo, Chabad devotee and mossad representitive Kushner, ultra-zionist mass-murderer Bolton, NeoCon zionist lunatic ("starve them to death") Abrams etc. etc. Besides them, the state dept. was literally full of and run by israelis during trump's presidency), and deep state swamp creatures from Goldman Sachs, BlackRock, Raytheon, Eric Prince's BlackWater merceneries and the rest of Wall St and the war profiteering industry filled up to the brim every single position in his administration of ruling class billionaire abusers.
What on earth makes you think it will be any different this time? Because the mossad's Qanon story says so (echoed by large portions of the so-called 'alternative conservative media' ecosystem)?
He was the first non war President in my lifetime. Maybe Jimmy Carter, but Carter wasn’t so much peaceful as he was weak. Which Trump isn’t. Trump really is a Kennedy Liberal. If he ran as a Democrat the Ds would be saying he was the greatest President of modern times. But…he can’t run as a Democrat. Because he is against war. And the D party is the BIG machine. Military Industrial Complex, Big Government, Medical Industrial Complex, Big Tech. If its BIG Dems like it.
Newsom is not going to get any conservstive riled up and enthusiastic about the ruling class' coming planned attack on china like trump is going to. It seems very obvious that the ruling class need trump in the white house before they can launch their planned attack on china. They need him to be at the helm to lead americans into the attack because conservatives (who are the backbone of the billionaire's global execution force, known as the american military) are not going to be very enthused to go across the ocean to murder for the ruling class if Biden or Newsom tells them to do so, but if it's trump, their own righteous billioanire messiah, leading the charge and telling them to go kill those evil commies/globalists/leftists (for "freedom and morality", of course) then hid well-intentioned but heavily-propagamdized and deceived MAGA/Qanon followers will be extremely enthusiastic to do the billionaire's bidding, with a gusto of extremely powerful religious-nationalistic passion in their support for the troops and the president. It will be the just like the psychosis of religious nationslist war frenzy after 9/11 all over again. The ruling class absolutely must have trump (and not biden or newsom) leading americans into their planned attack.
There is also going to be a lot of bible waving, while Anti-Christ trump and his God-ignorant deep state GOP war profiteers will frequently use the words "jesus" and "holy war" and "the last battle of good vs evil", which will send their well-intentioned but thoroughly deceived conservative base into a gushing orgasm, a nationalist-religious feeding frenzy and extreme enthusiasm for the ruling class' war plans.
That's why they need trump (and not biden) in office to lead the planned attack. Trump and his deep state zionist war-profiteering billionaires will enter the white house in january, and then of course they'll need to set the stage with a few months of very intense 24/7 wall-to-wall propagaganda in the billionaire's disinformation media about the "evil aggression of china" (which doesn't have a single military base outside its territory, while the american empire has about 900 military bases encircling the entire globe, in a terrorizing choke-hold, in addition to dozens of warships colonizimg every ocean on tje face of the globe, as well as at least 13 extra-judicial torture camps, where paid ametican merceneries hold for years in captivity without trial or accusation kidnapped human beings and torture them, because "freedom and morality").
After a few months of hammering into americans' head nonstop 24/7 how china is an evil sggressor and the new hitler, then you'll have the conveniently-timed decleration of independence by american-paid separatists in taiwan, which china will obviously reject, and the stage will be set for the "righteous" attack (for "freedom and moral christian values" of course), possibly in the spring/summer of 2025. And just like after 9/11, the majority of heavily-propagandized americans will be fully in support of it (including 99% of wrll-intentioned but thoroughly deceived conservatives who will be in the mode of holy-war end-times jesus-is-coming-back, and fully united behind their mass-murdering psychologically-stunted narcissist infantile pro-billionaire anti-Christ God-ignorant zionist messiah leading the charge against 'the evil commies'.
So we have about a year, give or take, before they pull the trigger, before they put all the pieces of the puzzle together (1. trump in office and leading the charge, 2. months of very intense 24/7 wall-to-wall nationalist propaganda to turn china into a literal hitler, an unbearable scary evil monster who wants to hurt americans in any way it can, so we just must take down this hitler-like monster first before they take "us" down 3. taiwan declaration of independence. 4. American military bases in the countries surrounding china completed and ready to launch misslies and war planes) and pull the trigger.
PS. If the billionaire ruling class cannot generate strong public support for their planned attack, despite their months of 24/7 wall-to-wall intense propaganda campaign to turn china into a hitler and evil aggressor in the eyes of americans, then there is also the possibility that they'll pull another 9/11 sort of false flag event, to get everyone into a state of traumatic shock, fear, anger and hatred, and fully on board with their attack plans..
As for why the billionaire ruling class are going to attack china soon - after trump and his deep state zionist billionaire war profiteers enter the white house in January - see this profound essay (which includes full citations) which IMHO is a must read for every human on the planet who wishes to understand exactly how we are being played
PPS. Two more pieces of the puzzle (which i didn’t mention above) that the billiobaire ruling class put together to get everything ready for the attack in 2025, is that they had the leaders in the countries surrounding china replaced, from those not committed to china-hostility and the planned attack, into puppets who do exactly as the empire tells them, ramp up anti-china hostility and open their country to american military bases in preparation for the attack.
Two examples of this are in Japan and the philippines. In Japan they assasinated prime minkster Abe, who refused to commit to their attack plans on china, and replaced him with their ultra-nationalist puppet, Kishida, who changed japan’s constitution to allow for greater militarization of society, removed constitutional limits on military spending, filled his cabinet with pro-american pro-zionist NeoCons and approved massive american military build up in Japan's southern okinawan islands (literally minutes of flight/missle distance from the chinese mainland), in preparation for the attack. And in the philippines, where they replaced Duerte (who was against the war plans on china and sought greater cooperation) with their well-paid puppet Marcos, who gave the american war machine the northen Luzon island (the closest philipino island to china) to build several military bases in preparation for the attack, and who drastically changed course from Duerte and immediately started promoting china hatred in the philippines, and constantly sends the philippines navy into idiotic skirmishes with chinese boats in the south china sea in order to promote nationalist hostility towards china in the philippines, in preparation for the attack. He and his pay-masters in the american ruling class are doing that becasue they are playing on the people the trick that ruling class oppressors always play on us. Again, this trick is described in detail in this profoundly important essay
If they install Newsom they are bypassing Kamala with a very (almost comically) white man. Breaking the rules they have set up for themselves with incessant racial pandering. Newsom would have to "woke" grovel and pander to infinity. I think the Democrats are in too deep, past the point of no return. The only solution is a pendulum swing back to the "right". They've made their mess and now they can enjoy watching Trump try to clean it up. That's what I think.
Bravo! Bravo! This is why I provide the monthly embarrassingly small as it is.. we need more of your writing’s my friend. Your perspective is a must as we are inundated with bullshit continuously. Wish I could do more!
I get this perspective. I also get that it feels hopeless at times. I'm not willing to give up in my heart. Maybe fewer coffee and cigarettes? Anyway, thanks for fighting. You probably don't need to hear this from a non-influential stranger, but you are a brave man.
This seemed pretty clearly to be a deliberate takedown of Sleepy Joe, given the alacrity with which the entire mainstream media willingly piled on him the very next morning.
To follow your line of thinking, if the election of Trump was the public's "F.U." to the Globalists, their response was the installation of Biden as a "F.U. MORE!", as in "See, it doesn't matter WHO you install--even having a walking corpse in the White House won't change anything."
The tell was the fact that CNN controlled the whole operation let’s you know who is really n charge- a media event, theater of the absurd - how can anyone believe either one of these characters has the gravitas to be a world leader. Sent in the clowns, we all wept and pretended life is normal - like an extremely dysfunctional family no one can speak of what is obvious - these are actors on a stage, we watch as the life blood of our nation seeps out with each cut we get closer to the collapse. Do not go gently into the good night- allow ourselves to be the laughing stock for the whole world when our purported leaders are so flawed and inadequate.
I guess we're almost reaching the pinnacle of one of the main tactics if you're going to crush a culture/country: "DEMORALIZE the Population" Last nights show certainly demoralized many who are oblivious to what's really going on.
Nehls wrote in his 2016 paper-- Unified Theory of Alzheimer’s Disease, @ -- and alluded to in his book, that we have experienced an epidemic of Alzheimer's disease. The book is essentially a presentation of our covid experience as a case study of the effort to divest us of our humanity and our individuality via the weaponization of a man-made and otherwise unremarkable virus. Nehls cites the agendas of Orwell's "1984" and Huxley's "Brave New World " as the templates for what is intended. And BTW, Nehls believes we can successfully resist this assault.
His paper and book struck me as the most insightful and sickening summary of what we have been going through for at least the last 25 years. The Carlson interview --which is in transcript form as well as audio, @ met and exceeded my expectations. I don't expect to provide a more succinct summary of his work than he presented in this interview.
Right up front, we disagree. Trump is the only “figure” on the planet that has the gravitas and momentum to go up against this tsunami. Trump is an anti war president. He believes military strength is a deterrent to wars. He will build up our military might, both with trained personnel and weaponry, but we pray we won’t have to actually use it, while the Dumbass Dems are talking about using women on the front lines, run by trans, as they hurl us wantonly toward a world on fire. This was not happening under Trump. Spin all you want, hate Trump all you want, but until you can come up with a better plan than a world run by WEF’s types and WHO, you got nothing.
Go figure is right - they all drank the cool aid. Delegitimize the election via a mass boycott by the American people demanding sane, ethical candidates- until then set up a tribunal of the common men and women from every state to rule. Protest in the street no, protest with your feet and do not participate in a government sponsored, corrupt election with known criminals as leaders who if elected can commit greater crimes with impunity and no consequences to them personally. “Debate revealed the total
Inadequacy of both candidates, disband the national
Party system and return to popular vote, cut out the electoral college which is an old boys club intent on retaining power regardless of whose elected. We can rethinking ink how much hinges are done and exert the power we have - Mass boycott of corrupt election - these guys work for WHO and do not represent the sovereign USA and the people it is supposed to protect. Quite blathering on line and form neighborhood coalitions to put this idea into action.
Exactly! They are laughing their asses off! PLUS....they are also delighted with how EASY it was for them to sway the masses (just with a click of their magic fingers, since everyone is already so hypnotized to obey their every whim)....because....wasn't it just the other day that Democrats LOVED BIDEN!?? Hahahahahahha. And in one second, they have all turned! It's such a joke. And these puppet-master-propagandists are soooo happy that their manipulative powers are working in spades! Human beings are embarrassing. They can be turned on a dime.
Obama was trolling with that tweet. Notice he didn't say which candidate was the liar and which was the truth teller. It was a little double meaning joke like their 'saving democracy' bit.
Biden is not going to get any conservstive riled up and enthusiastic about the ruling class' coming planned attack on china like trump is going to. It seems very obvious that the ruling class need trump in the white house before they can launch their planned attack on china. They need him to be at the helm to lead americans into the attack because conservatives (who are the backbone of the billionaire's global execution force, known as the american military) are not going to be very enthused to go across the ocean to murder for the ruling class if Biden or Newsom tells them to do so, but if it's trump, their own guy, leading the charge and telling them to go kill those evil commies/globalists/leftists (for "freedom and morality", of course) then conservatives and the military will be extremely enthusiastic to do the billionaire's bidding, with a gusto of extremely powerful nationalistic passion in their support for the troops and the president. It will be the just like the psychosis of nationslist war frenzy after 9/11 all over again. The ruling class absolutely must have trump (and not biden or newsom) leading americans into their planned attack.
There is also going to be a lot of bible waving, and trump and the GOP will frequently use the words "jesus" and "holy war" and "the last battle of good vs evil", which will send their conservative base into a gushing orgasm, a nationalist-religious feeding frenzy and extreme enthusiasm for the ruling class' war plans.
That's why they need trump (and not biden) in office to lead the planned attack. He'll enter in january, and then of course they'll need to set the ground with a few months of very intense 24/7 wall-to-wall propagaganda in the billionaire's disinformation media about the "evil aggression of china" and how we must protect taiwan. After a couple of months of hammering into americans' head nonstop 24/7 how china is the new hitler, then you'll have the conveniently-timed taiwan decleration of independence, which china will reject, and the stage will be set for the "righteous" attack, possibly in the spring/summer of 2025. And just like after 9/11, the majority of heavily-propagandized americans will be fully in support of it (including 99% of conservatives who will be in the mode of "holy war" end-times jesus-is-coming-back, and fully united behind their psychologically-stunted narcissist infantile pro-billionaire pro-Wall St pro-war profiteers zionist messiah leading the charge against 'the evil commies'.
So i think we have about a year, give or take, before they pull the trigger, before they put all the pieces of the puzzle together (1. trump in office and leading the charge, 2. months of very intense 24/7 wall-to-wall nationalist propaganda to turn china into a literal hitler, an unbearable scary evil monster who wants to hurt americans in any way it can, so we just must take down this hitler-like monster first before they take "us" down 3. Taiwan declaration of independence) and pull the trigger.
PS. If they cannot generate strong public support for their planned attack, despite their months of 24/7 wall-to-wall intense propaganda campaign to turn china into hitler in the eyes of americans, then there is also the possibility that they'll pull another 9/11 sort of false flag event, to get everyone into a state of traumatic shock, fear and hatred, and fully on board with their attack plans..
As for why the billionaire ruling class are going to attack china soon - after trump and the zionists enter the white house - see this profound essay (with full citations) which IMHO is a must read for every human on the planet who wish to understand exactly how we are being played
The only thing worse than American politics is having to live in America and be subject to its laws.
Here’s a good quote, but I can’t be bothered to link to its source:
{begin quote} No one, no statisticians, and not even this government itself, has any clue as to how many federal laws exist. No one knows how many rules, restrictions, and regulations there are, and it is impossible to find an answer to this question. The Federal Register alone, the daily repository of all proposed and final federal rules and regulations, has well over 85,000 pages. The Code of Federal Regulations through 2019, has 186,000 pages, and the Federal Register Pages for the past decade eclipsed 800,000 pages. This alone is unimaginable. But of course, there are more. There is a law for every aspect of our lives in this country, and there are a completely separate set of international laws, State laws, county laws, city laws, and licensing laws for every activity or thought. This is total insanity, and why every single ‘citizen’ can be deemed a criminal at any given moment. Even as far back as in the times of Roman historian Tacitus, he stated that, “The more corrupt the State, the more numerous the laws.” The U.S. has more laws by far than any other nation on earth in history, and therefore is the most corrupt and criminal of all time.{end quote}
"As traumatic transformations go, the covid operation is up there with industrialisation and de-industrialisation, and for time compression it is out on its own."
"And as for the rabbit hole trope – well, I don't think we’re going down the rabbit hole at all. We’re climbing out of it into the light."
Remember that because of the industrial revolution, we got labor and safety laws. After covid, we are going to get medical freedom laws. They can't hide the catastrophe they caused!
I call this the sequel to 1984. The party lost the trust of the masses. Look how they're trying to make us scared of war with China and Russia.... Meanwhile the oil and money still flows.
What a joke.
To use the Alice in Wonderland analogy, we were hallucinating in wonderland and now waking to real land which is much less insane.
That's exactly what they want, though - a Revolution. Brother killing Brother. How handy! The depopulationists get a hand! And, to boot, while a country is in revolution it's a perfect time to reeeeeeeeally take over and install your brand new regime. So, yeah, don't wish for a Revolution, please. You're playing into their hand.
Yet it's so interesting, isn't it, that the Obamas produced that movie -- Leave the World Behind -- where the main message is that all the elites have to do is get things started, and then the rest of us will all turn on each other and do the wet work ourselves. I found the whole thing incredibly disturbing. And I honestly could not figure out what the Obamas were trying to accomplish with that film. If they're part of the cabal, or Goliath, or whatever you want to call the force(s) running things, what's the point of a movie like that? Because it almost seemed like some kind of warning -- you know, like "Hey, don't be stupid and do this."
Revelation of the method. We are going to tell you what we are going to do to you but you are too stupid to stop us. If you don't, karmic blame is on you.
This Frank Zappa quote is as evergreen as the Upton Sinclair one about it being “difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it”:
“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
From one extremist (and yes, I caught the reference) Apocaloptimist to another, you called it, CJ. You have a track record of being lamentably prophetic, Cassandra-style. That’s the apocalyptic part.
The optimist part, fortunately, also comes from your sibylline self:
This is precisely the philosophy I articulated in my Apocaloptimist Manifesto on winning the war against he cruelites. As I quote from Vietnam POW survivor Jim Stockdale:
On a personal note, CJ, I am damn worried about you, and I’m trying to refrain from showering you with advice you already know. Just please take care of yourself, will you? The Apocalypse wouldn’t be any fun without you here to narrate it.
Thank you for never sugarcoating the predicament we find ourselves in. Reality denying is how we continue to keep ourselves in this mess. Only by facing up to what is really going on do we have any hope of unraveling this, and I do believe we have the power to do it. Understanding quantum physics helps keep me hopeful for the future.
I agree but please explain more re quantum physics. You mean energy inciting energy regardless of distance? Which is where art can be relevant and powerful and surprising again.
That there is much more to the world than what we can perceive with our physical senses, that there is a world of energy. Tesla said If you want to understand the world, consider it in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.
Sounds interesting. Was just talking about evil extraterrestrials with my brother earlier today. I do believe we live in a free will universe, therefore, there must be a choice. The choice between natural and unnatural, unity and separation, love and fear, good and evil. I know there is evil. I also know that anyone is capable of it, including myself and I constantly examine myself for it.
What hardly anyone seems to take into account is the nature of the universe, and that it has an intelligence inherent within it. That this intelligence is not subject to manmade rules and laws, machinations and sorceries. And that we are a part of that, every one of us, tapped into an infinite and limitless source of energy. Human beings are not victims. We are powerful co-creators with this substance and where we focus our energy matters.
i agree but all of my life when i thought i was going "against" or fighting against the thanatos or destructive energy, i often found i was actually feeding it. it's difficult to really twist your head and see things that're "bad" as "good" or combinations of in between and just when you think you've figured it out, it CHANGES UP.
but what you're speaking of is out "out." it's the you-can-imprison-my-body-but-not-my-spirit thing that just sounds like a greeting card invitation to madness but it's a way of twisting out of the noose, slipping out between the bars.
I know it is mind-twisting. That is why my art is so super helpful. It helps keep me centered in myself in so many ways. It does sound super woo woo for sure, but I have had way too many unexplainable experiences to think that the world is only physical. Feeling it is key. That is how we tap into it.
Biden may not be that different from all the others, but his Regime has ushered in a new level of fascism we have never experienced at this level before. We have reached world historical first time evers. Reached world breaking scams and levels of corruption never before seen in America. People who believe a means to a Communist, Globalist, Climatist, Fascist, Socialist, Corporatist, Post Feudalist, Nihilistic, take your pick because even these Dumbasses don’t care which, end. The momentum, like it or not, is with Trump that opposes, makes jokes of and stands stronger than ever before despite gruesome law bending persecution. There comes a time when the momentum may be the only thing standing in the way of a complete collapse. And you, with all your talent choose to completely discard Everything because you are being “Intellectually Honest”? We have a gun pointed to our head, excuse me if Americans no longer have the luxury for intellectual honesty and choose rather to go with a momentum that can actually push back on all this Dumbass Shit. I think Germany is a great Country for you to live.
👏👏👏👏👏thank you for standing up for those who are willing to fight for our country and values. Trump 2024 and he’s not a narcissist ass-clown but a fighter. May not be perfect, but we were much better off 4 years ago. He now realizes just how deep the Deep State is and how many snakes are in DC.
People on both sides are still acting like there is some sort of legitimate process and structure resembling the will of the people being done thanks to voting and muh democracy. There is no sign of people seeing through it, so why would they ever stop taking advantage? They won't.
President Trump a "narcissistic clown"? Only to basement dwelling scribes it seems.
The people who matter may have agreed with you in 2016. 12-13 million more 'live' Americans voted for him in 2020 than did in 2016 and the President is garnering the votes of black, hispanic, cuban, and latino votes to the America First movement. Maybe that's your beef?
Mind you Germany might be a good training ground if the uni party steal the election again
Trump is both a narcissistic clown -- which is why he effectively got nominated by the Democrats+MSM in 2016 -- AND the only Hail-Mary-pass chance to rip the system open -- which is how he got elected in 2016.
It was like watching a human sacrifice, Smart move to avoid it. Take care of yourself comrade.
The Russians did a good summary, in a few minutes, without sound. From Sputnik (at 59m40, just before the end of the UKC news):
Thanks Sheila for the link it said it ALL!
“World leaders” / how impressive very sad.
It seems very obvious that the ruling class need trump in the white house before they can launch their planned attack on china. They need him to be at the helm to lead americans into the attack because conservatives (who are the backbone of the billionaire's global execution force, known as the american military) are not going to be very enthused to go across the ocean to murder for the ruling class if Biden tells them to do so, but if it's trump, their own righteous billionaire messiah, leading the charge and telling them to go kill those evil commies/globalists/leftists (for "freedom and morality", of course) then his well-intentioned but heavily-propagandized and deceived MAGA/Qanon followers will be extremely enthusiastic to do the billionaire's bidding, with a gusto of extremely powerful religious-nationalistic passion in their support for the troops and the president. It will be the just like the psychosis of religious nationslist war frenzy after 9/11 all over again. The ruling class absolutely must have trump (and not biden) leading americans into their planned attack.
There is also going to be a lot of bible waving, while Anti-Christ trump and his God-ignorant deep state GOP war profiteers will frequently use the words "jesus" and "holy war" and "the last battle of good vs evil", which will send their well-intentioned but deceived conservative base into a gushing orgasm, a nationalist-religious feeding frenzy and extreme enthusiasm for the ruling class' war plans.
That's why they need trump (and not biden) in office to lead the planned attack. Trump and his deep state zionist war-profiteering billionaires will enter the white house in january, and then of course they'll need to set the stage with a few months of very intense 24/7 wall-to-wall propagaganda in the billionaire's disinformation media about the "evil aggression of china" (which doesn't have a single military base outside its territory, while the american empire has about 900 military bases encircling the entire globe, in a terrorizing choke-hold, in addition to dozens of warships colonizimg every ocean on tje face of the globe, as well as at least 13 extra-judicial torture camps, where paid ametican merceneries hold for years in captivity without trial or accusation kidnapped human beings and torture them, because "freedom and morality").
After a few months of hammering into americans' head nonstop 24/7 how china is an evil sggressor and the new hitler, then you'll have the conveniently-timed decleration of independence by american-paid separatists in taiwan, which china will obviously reject, and the stage will be set for the "righteous" attack (for "freedom and moral christian values" of course), possibly in the spring/summer of 2025. And just like after 9/11, the majority of heavily-propagandized americans will be fully in support of it (including 99% of wrll-intentioned but thoroughly deceived conservatives who will be in the mode of holy-war end-times jesus-is-coming-back, and fully united behind their mass-murdering psychologically-stunted narcissist infantile pro-billionaire anti-Christ God-ignorant zionist messiah leading the charge against 'the evil commies'.
So we have about a year, give or take, before they pull the trigger, before they put all the pieces of the puzzle together (1. trump in office and leading the charge, 2. months of very intense 24/7 wall-to-wall nationalist propaganda to turn china into a literal hitler, an unbearable scary evil monster who wants to hurt americans in any way it can, so we just must take down this hitler-like monster first before they take "us" down 3. taiwan declaration of independence. 4. American military bases in the countries surrounding china completed and ready to launch misslies and war planes) and pull the trigger.
PS. If the billionaire ruling class cannot generate strong public support for their planned attack, despite their months of 24/7 wall-to-wall intense propaganda campaign to turn china into a hitler and evil aggressor in the eyes of americans, then there is also the possibility that they'll pull another 9/11 sort of false flag event, to get everyone into a state of traumatic shock, fear, anger and hatred, and fully on board with their attack plans..
As for why the billionaire ruling class are going to attack china soon - after trump and his deep state zionist billionaire war profiteers enter the white house in January - see this profound essay (which includes full citations) which IMHO is a must read for every human on the planet who wishes to understand exactly how we are being played
PPS. Two more pieces of the puzzle (which i didn’t mention above) that the billiobaire ruling class put together to get everything ready for the attack in 2025, is that they had the leaders in the countries surrounding china replaced, from those not committed to china-hostility and the planned attack, into puppets who do exactly as the empire tells them, ramp up anti-china hostility and open their country to american military bases in preparation for the attack.
Two examples of this are in Japan and the philippines. In Japan they assasinated prime minkster Abe, who refused to commit to their attack plans on china, and replaced him with their ultra-nationalist puppet, Kishida, who changed japan’s constitution to allow for greater militarization of society, removed constitutional limits on military spending, filled his cabinet with pro-american pro-zionist NeoCons and approved massive american military build up in Japan's southern okinawan islands (literally minutes of flight/missle distance from the chinese mainland), in preparation for the attack. And in the philippines, where they replaced Duerte (who was against the war plans on china and sought greater cooperation) with their well-paid puppet Marcos, who gave the american war machine the northen Luzon island (the closest philipino island to china) to build several military bases in preparation for the attack, and who drastically changed course from Duerte and immediately started promoting china hatred in the philippines, and constantly sends the philippines navy into idiotic skirmishes with chinese boats in the south china sea in order to promote nationalist hostility towards china in the philippines, in preparation for the attack. He and his pay-masters in the american ruling class are doing that becasue they are playing on the people the trick that ruling class oppressors always play on us. Again, this trick is described in detail in this profoundly important essay
Colonel Macgregor has a great summary too!
The quiet part spoken out loud!
Are they planning to "sacrifice" Ole Joe more permanently in the fall... like in this Washington D.C. "movie"?
Humiliation ritual, besmirched even looking at it.
I agree with everything you've said except I think they might be setting the stage for a second Trump term. The Democrat's pandering to race issues and LGBTQ+++ has reached the end of its usefulness. If they want soldiers for WW3 they're going to do a lot better with Trump commanding the patriots.
I too have wondered if this might be the case. We're headed for a giant train wreck followed by some difficult years, and what could be better than to try blaming it all on Trump, even though the causes for that have been years in the making, by players from across the political spectrum.
Exactly. A gay and tranny army is no army at all.
Totally agree. To me it also seems very obvious that the ruling class need trump in the white house before they can launch their planned attack on china. They need him to be at the helm to lead americans into the attack because conservatives (who are the backbone of the billionaire's global execution force, known as the american military) are not going to be very enthused to go across the ocean to murder for the ruling class if Biden tells them to do so, but if it's trump, their own guy, leading the charge and telling them to go kill those evil commies/globalists/leftists then conservatives and the military will likely be extremely enthusiastic to do the billionaire's bidding, with a gusto of extremely powerful nationalistic passion in their support for the troops and the president. It will be the just like the psychosis of nationslist war frenzy after 9/11 all over again. The ruling class absolutely must have trump (and not biden) leading the planned attack, if they want conservatives to be fullu on board and enthusiastic it..
There is also going to be a lot of bible waving, and trump and the GOP will frequently use the words "jesus" and "holy war" and "the last battle of good vs evil", which will send their conservative base into a gushing orgasm, a nationalist-religious feeding frenzy and extreme enthusiasm for the ruling class' war plans.
That's why they need trump (and not biden) in office to lead the planned attack. He'll enter in january, and then of course they'll need to set the ground with a few months of very intense 24/7 wall-to-wall propagaganda in the billionaire's disinformation media about the "evil aggression of china" and how we must protect taiwan. After a couple of months of hammering into americans' head nonstop 24/7 how china is the new hitler, then you'll have the conveniently-timed taiwan decleration of independence, which china will reject, and the stage will be set for the "righteous" attack, possibly in the spring/summer of 2025. And just like after 9/11, the majority of heavily-propagandized americans will be fully in support of it (including 99% of conservatives who will be in the mode of "holy war" end-times jesus-is-coming-back, and fully united behind their narcissist billionaire leader leading the charge against 'the evil commies'.
So i think we have about a year, give or take, before they pull the trigger, before they put all the pieces of the puzzle together (1. trump in office and leading the charge, 2. months of very intense 24/7 wall-to-wall nationalist propaganda to turn china into a literal hitler, an unbearable scary evil monster who wants to hurt americans in any way it can,, so we just must take down this hitler-like monster first before they take "us" down 3. Taiwan declaration of independence) and pull the trigger.
PS. If they cannot generate strong public support for their planned attack, despite their months of 24/7 wall-to-wall intense propaganda campaign to turn china into hitler in the eyes of americans, then there is also the possibility that they'll pull another 9/11 sort of false flag event, to get everyone into a state of traumatic shock, fear and hatred, and fully on board with their attack plans..
As for why the billionaire ruling class are going to attack china soon - after trump and the zionists enter the white house - see this profound essay (wirh full citations) which IMHO is a must read for every human on the planet who wish to understand exactly how we are being played
Trump won’t go to war against anyone.
Trump will do what he is told, just like all the rest.
No he won’t. That is why they are trying to kill him.
Does it make sense they would be going to the lengths they are going if he were part of them?
This is part 5, last part:
It seems to me that this (the need to explain how come his action are completely opposite to the image of him that his followers believe in and opposite to the story about him that they've been sold) this is where the mental gymnastics of his followers (the true believers) come from, the mental gymnastics that say that he's actually playing a very sophisticated 5D chess against the elite, 5D chess that no one can understand and that is so extremely wise and sophisticated to the point that ot appears on the surface as being part of the elite and doing actions that are similar to all pro-billionaire presidents before and after him..
Or the other mental gymnastics of his deceived followers that says that he is really of pure intentions in the inner circle but it's just those bad people around him in the outer circle of his administaration that corrupt his intentions etc etc. All of these are quasi-religious stories of gullible indoctrinated believers who hold on to the image of the benevolent leader and try to find reasons and explanations as to why his actions don't match the (mossad-created) image and story that they were led to believe in..
In a way, his deceived gullible devoted MAGA followers are like a battered girlfriend who keeps saying "no, no, you don't understand, he's different, he really loves me, he even told me so. Yes, he's an as*hole and his actions are the same as all the other men (presidents) who abused me before, to cement the control of 0.1% ruling class over humanity, but you don't understand, he's really different, he really really cares about me, he keeps telling me that, even as his actions show the opposite.."
You seem very angry. In fact you seem to be unable to craft a simple and coherent argument because of your anger.
The majority of Americans don’t give a fuck about American foreign policy. We were taught that Muslims are terrorists. Perhaps the Zionists are the terrorists. I don’t know for sure. I’ve spent some time trying to understand it all, but I still don’t.
We know that there is evil in our government and in our world. But each individual American is usually better off spending time and effort to build a better life for their family than they are to try to entertain delusions about overthrowing the ruling elite in our country. That would take a massive coordinated replacement of our entire federal government.
This effort didn’t materialize during the freest era of the internet and now the internet and all speech are much more regulated than ever before.
I believe that costs will continue to rise because the government has promised a retirement and medical care for millions, but at the same time has lead global depopulation efforts for 50 years now. You need a growing population to fund the Social Security Ponzi scheme.
Americans are concerned about their own day-to-day lives.
I like Trumps stance about abortion. I like Trumps stand against the insanity of Queer & Transgender politics.
The economy was better under Trump.
That alone is enough reason to vote for him.
Thank you. I hear you and will just respectfully remind you that I provided volumes upon volumes of facts and evidence in my 5-part reply above, with both descriptions as well as numerous resources and links to show you exactly how those mass-murdering thieving billionaire deceivers (who are cynically presented to you as 'anti-elite rebel') are the POLAR OPPOSITE of this label, but are in fact fully and totally the elite that are screwing you and all americans. They count on many americans' extreme ignorance of the facts and of how the ruling class works and falling for their emotionally-manipulative slogans, in order to continue perpetuating their evil in the gov't, their control and abuse of us.
Specifically, they count on people not making the connection between the evil in the gov't (that you also mentioned) and between the billionaires that some are gullibly voting for and who are (very wrongly) viewed by some as anti-elite and man-of-the-people (yes, he has covered his toilet in gold in his numerous mansions and his entire billionaire zionist family hasn't worked a day in their life, but c'mon, he's one of us..).
It is astonishing and depressing how easily these hierarchical anti-egalitatian billionaire f*ckers (both republican and democrat) are playing us, again and again selling us false messiahs and fake "anti-elite rebels" and people just keep falling for it again and again and again, so that we keep gullibly supporting either this half of the ruling class or that half of the ruling class abusers, and keep blindly believing we are sticking it to the man this way.. and then we complain that there's "evil in the government" without being able to see that it is we who keep voting for our abusers (and i gave you volumes upon volumes of evidence of how trump and his deep-state billionaire mass-murderers have been screwing us nonstop, massive transferring trillions of our wealth to his deep-state war-profiteering and big-pharma buddies, and yet we taught in tne conservative echo-chambers to be ever so delighted and thankful when he throws a few crumbs our way, and see it as "evidence" for how much he loves us and cares about us), and are kept mesmerised and emotionally-overtaken with manufactured idiotic culture wars to keep us emotionally-charged to hate half the people and cheer for the red ruling-class representative or blue ruling-class representative in order to stick it to the other half..
They've been playing these partisan tricks on us for decades and people still keep falling for it again and again and again..
Some people simply don't make the connection between who they voted for and the billionaires screwing them and the entire globe for their own enrichment. That lack of making the connection is the greatness of the billionaires propaganda machine. We're fully immersed in it but not aware of how deeply we are being manipulated to accept the rule (and enrichment) of the few over the many as a "normal" state of affairs, not aware of the massive levels of brainwashing, education, indoctrination and propaganda that keeps this hierarchical status-quo in place, just like fish who aren't aware of the water they're swimming in, that's how immersed we are in the narrative constructed for us by the ruling class that we accept as 'the normal way things are'..
Perhaps you didn't notice that my reply above (or below, as the case may be) consisted of 5 parts and so perhaps you missed the mountains of evidence i provided there, including links to profoundly important must-read essays that show you the truth about the crimes committed by those ConMan criminals whom we are told repeatedly are 'anti-elite rebels', as the deceptive Qanon/MAGA narrative teaches us. From your reply it seems quite clear that you didn't read the evidence provided in the links i gave and in the rest of my 5-part reply, so i respectfully invite you to actually read the profoundly important FACTS shared there so that you don't fall into these deceivers' trap yet again and so that we put a stop to this cycle of abuse, instead of unwittingly give it fuel and perpetuate it.
Also, I respectfully disagree that nothing can be done and that we're doomed to live forever under the rule of these ruling class abusers (that take the form of either republicans or democrats, either faction of the ruling class) and that the best we can do is choose each time the faction of the ruling class that we are led to believe is slightly less evil than the other faction of the ruling class (this belief is, by the way, a complete optical illusion which is based on the partial selective information we're fed in the highly-tuned propaganda machine of the ruling class, including social media amd search engines and influencers and most of the so-called 'alternative media') that curates for each of us specifically the kind of narratives and info they want you exposed to (based on the demographical, psychological and historical info and profile they have of you), so that they can skillfully corral us into the specific ideological enclosure they have ready for us, where we are pitted against the other enclosure and enthusiastically repeat the slogans ready for us and think they're our own and that we're sticking it to the man this way).
As for what can be done, i recommend seeing the many profound essays in this substack account
And here
As I elaborated on in my 5-part reply previously (with mountains of evidence to support the claim) a clear-headed analysis of trump's actions and administration during his presidency shows very clearly and beyond any doubt that he is as much of a threat to the establishment and ruling class as the tooth fairy. If one is not completely hypnotised by the very intense propaganda in the partisan echo-chambers (including the so-called "alternative media" and prominent 'social media influencers', much of whom aren't alternative or independent at all, but fully funded by the same billionaires that fund the corporate media) if one manages to get through this very thick propaganda obstacle course (which is far from an easy task these days since we're inundated with 24/7 emotionally-manipulative propaganda disguised as 'anti-establishment rebels') if one manages to not be hypnotised and emotionally-manipulated by all of that and examines his ACTUAL ACTIONS (not the Qanon/MAGA stories and mythologies surrounding his actions, but his ACTUAL ACTIONS) then it is absolutely clear that trump's administration and actions are NOT in any way whatsoever opposed or in conflict with the deep state but in fact his admin IS the deep state and that his actual actions are all in support of ruling class deep state, and very clearly so.
In addition to the mountain of evidence provided earlier, i also recommend this short but profound video to have a quick overview and understand exactly how you are being played (deceived into believing that your hero billinaires who are intimately part of the elite ruling class, to imagine that they are anti-elite and are on your side to fight the deep state for you)
And in addition please see the following linked essays that will show you in detail how the entire global militarized american security state funds and stands behind GOP, trump, biden, vance, musk etc, and yet well-intentioned but unaware & deceived conservatives actually believe they are fighting the elite and sticking it to the man by cheering for the biggest billionaire scum abusers of humanity.
And here
In addition, in the 5-part reply earlier I didn't write about the new pro-elite ConMan criminal deceiver who joined the gang since then, Vance, so in addition to all the above, here's a full breakdown of who Vance actually is and who are the adrenochrome-drinking billionaire abusers that are fully funding him, have grooomed him for years and brought him to this moment.
Please don't miss this reseach essay.
And especially here
And here
And here
This is part 4:
Trump's assasination of one of the most prominent figures in Iranian society effectively destroyed any prospect of future diplomatic engagement (which is precisely what the right-wing murderers were aiming for. A constant state of nationalist-religious division, animosity and violence is precisely what the right-wing corporate-capitalist ruling class thrives on, as explained in the link above). Millions flooded the streets in protest in a clear shift to the right in iranian society as a result of trump's attack (while strengthening the popularity of the conservative-religious abusers in iran's rabidly right-wing government, as a direct result of trump's attack), The Iraqi parliament demanded the immediate expulsion of all occupying US troops from the country, but rather than take this grand opportunity to finally extricate US forces, Trump (who before the elections promised he would withdraw the troops and who was supposed to be 'anti-war president' according to his heavily-propagandized conservative cult followers) refused to take this major opportunity to remove the occupying forces of american corporate-capitalist empire, but instead did the EXACT OPPOSITE of what he said before the electiins that he would do and kept the occupying soldiers there and even sent some more (but don't forget what we taught you in your echo-chamber - he's a 'president of peace' who is opposed to the zionist war profiteers, because he really really cares about the little guy and came to help free us from the deep state. Sure he does).
As a direct result of infantile trump's actions, reprisal attacks were launched against US troops (who are used as cannon fodder by the Godless right-wing corporate-capitalist ruling class), with 73 soldiers receiving Purple Hearts for the traumatic brain injuries they endured from the retaliatory missile strikes after trump's attack on iran. I'm sure these traumatised for life soldiers thank god that we had anti-life pro-empire Godless right-wing corporate-capitalist trump at the helm as 'president of peace' who came to 'help the little guy fight the elite'. They sure did sacrifice their life for a worthy cause, so that right-wing conservative trump and his corporate-capitalist ruling class can steal resources, enrich themselves, terrorize & dominate humanity (ooops, i meant to say, they did it in order to 'make america great again and bring liberty and prosperity to humanity', of course)
Trump loaded up his administration with the global capitalist empire's regime change murderers like the CIA's Pompeo, John Bolton, Nikki Haley, Mike Pence, among many others. Trump obeyed the fanatically "Israel-first" prerogatives of his chief financial patron Sheldon Adelson, and was heralded by mass-murderer child-abuser supremacist Netanyahu for carrying out the most hardcore pro-zionist policy agenda of any President in US history.
These stupid life-destroying actions carried out by infantile trump were all part of a larger strategic policy favored by supremacist torturer and abuser Netanyahu and the fanatically Israel-first GOP establishment. Trump essentially handed over control of his administration to Netanyahu, to Netanyahu's closest childhood friend Kushner (trump's son-in-law) and to the fanatically Israel-first GOP establishment (including CIA and Mossad operatives).
And as with almost all other issues, there's been almost seemless continuity between the Trump and Biden administrations. The cratering of US-Iran relations, initiated by trump and his deep-state zionist handlers, continued seemlessly by the right-wing corporate-capitalist Biden admin, and continues to this day. Vile murdrer trump still brags about how much death and pointless suffering his "crippling starvation sanctions" inflicted on ordinary Iranian citizens (with an estimated 190,000 children dying as a direct and indirect result of trump's starvation policies and stranglehold, and additionally an estimated 11 million ordinary citizens were "severly and possibly irreveresibly traumatised and crippled" by trump's starvation policies, as research from Manchester University has shown. Needless to say, the vile right-wing religious-conservative ruling class in Iran was unaffected. Trump's Godless policies caused death and unspeakable suffering exclusively to the poorest in society. He still brags about it to this day.. This is the abusive anti-christ pro-billionaire pro-MIC pro-ruling class humanity-destroying right-wing zionist mass-murderer that conservatives have been brainwashed by the billionaires' propagandists to view as the 'anti-war peace president'
On the one hand, deceived MAGA fools will brag about how anti-war they claim trump is, but on the other, they'll brag about how awesome it was that he assassinated Iran's top military official and deliberately destroyed any possibility of stability and non-violent interaction in the region and made world war all the more likely (a hateful war-dominated reality which the right-wing corporate-capitalist ruling class thrives on). This pro-trump argument by his brainwashed conservative followers is idiotically schizophrenic, but that's nothing new for deceived partisans.
It is true that trump was NOT more imperialist than any other right-wing corporate-capitalist president before or after him (republican or democrat). He was poison just like them, and did the ruling class bidding just like them. Not worse but definitely not better. However, as explained in more detail above, the mossad's deceptive Qanon story teaches his followers the opposite of that. It deceptively presents trump as a 'president of peace' which couldn't be more further from the truth, and unfortunately most his deceived, gullible and propagandized MAGA followers are ignorant of the facts and unfortunately love to believe in and repeat this manipulative Qanon fairytale.
The reason i mentioned the mossad-created Qanon story (as if trump came to save and fight for the little guy against the elite) is because this is the story that every brainwashed & deceived MAGA follower gullibly believes in (despite the overwhelming evidence that contradicts this fairytale, as detailed above). This false story is literally the number one reason that people give for why they support him and vote for him. It is all becasue of the belief in that deceptive fairytale. This is the false narrative that brought him and the israelis to the white house before and will bring him and the israelis to power again.
You might not like the name Qanon, you can drop that name if you prefer, but the gist of the Qanon fairytale (that says that trump came to help the little guy against the elite) is what his gullible MAGA followers actually believe in - whether they call it Qanon or not - and that is the manipulative story that he and the zionist billionaires are riding on, all the way to the white house...
I have yet to hear a single reason to support this life-destroying God-ignorant representitive of the interests of the billiionaire ruling class (whose actions show that he's clearly not much different than other destructive american presidents before and after him, but a continuation of the same anti-life billionaire empire) never heard any reason to support this poisonous life-destroying short-sighted billionaire manipulator other than the belief in the false Qanon narrative (as if he is the man of the people who is here to fight the elite). Whether they use the name Qanon or not, the story for why people support him is the same..
When faced with the obvious falsity of the Qanon narrative (that says that trump came to help the little guy against the elite), many of his devout followers resort to a different fairytale, an idea of a pure and righteous trump in the inner circle who is somehow surrounded by bad people in the outer circle of his administration (how did they get there if it wasn't this murderous thieving billionaire deceiver who put them there?) who are somehow corrupting his pure and righteous anti-war intentions. This story (which is fully inspired by the religious Qanon mythology, by the way, whether they recognize that or not) this fairytale also has NO EVIDENCE IN REALITY WHATSOEVER. It is nothing other than a made-up belief system that desperately tries to somehow find reasons to explain how it is possible that the actions of his administration are 180 degrees opposite to the image that the zionist deceivers have carefully built around him (as if he is a man of the people who came to fight for the little guy against the elite).
That's all it is. A blind gullible belief in a false messiah, in a false image of the benevolent leader, and a staunch refusal to let go of that immature idiotic belief even when in crashes on the shores of reality and even when all evidence from his own actions points to the falsity of this belief.
Space finished please see part 5 (last part) below
This is part 3:
If it wasn't for the propaganda story that's hammered into conservatives' head nonstop, as if this global mass-murderer God-denying pro-elite billionaire appeared on the scene in order to save the little guy from the elite, as if he is on the side of the people) if it wasn't for this deceptive story that the NeoConservative billionaires (and their financed 'alternative media' and influencers) hammer into conservatives' head nonstop, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the actions of trump's NeoCon war-profiteering pro-bilionaire pro-empire administration and the actions of biden/bush/obama's admins. They each continued 99% of the pro-empire pro-billionaire right-wing corporate-capitalist global terror and domination policies of their predecessors. If you looked jist at tje actions without knowing which president was in the white house at tje time of the action, then you wouldn't be able to tell if it was an action by rhe biden admind, or trump admin or obama admin or bush admin etc. Each one continues 99% of the policies of his predecessor. Trump's admin was NOT a deviation from these policies, but a continuation of them. If one looks at his actions (and not the fake narrative that was carefully crafted around him) then one clearly sees that.
Trump is poison NOT becasue he is any different from other american presidents (as the manipulative propagandists on cnn/WashPost/fox etc would have you believe) but he is poison precisely becasue he is like every other mass-murdering right-wing pro-billionaire imperialist american president (whether it's a right-wing liberal or conservative corporate-capitalist). It is only the deceptive Qanon+CNN liberal/conservative narrative (as if he is supposedly different) that hides this reality from his followers eyes. If you look at his actions (not the story/narrative that goes along with the actions, but the actions themselves) you'll see that they're almost identical to those of biden/bush/obama/clinton etc..
And of course don't forget trump's attack and assasination of Iran's top military general Suleimani (equivalent to assasinating the american head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) while Suleimani was on his way for talks about fighting ISIS (yet another one of the zionists and NeoCon's creations, but i won't go into that here for lack of space. You can read more about the zionist NeoConservative creation, funding and arming of ISIS here, and why they do it you can see here
This zionist-inspired profoundly stupid attack by trump is one of the clearest indications that psychologically-undeveloped emotionally-stunted anti-Christ trump and the psychopathic NeoConservative zionist mass-murdering warmongers that he surrounded himself with, will have no qualms whatsoever about attacking iran and china once trump and his deep-state israelis are back in the white house in january.
It's not for nothing that genocidal supremacist child-abuser & torturer Netanyahu hailed trump as the greatest zionist president in history, and it's not for nothing that God-ignorant hierarchical supremacist neo-nazi settler-colonialists in palestine named in trump's name a for-jews-only settlement (that they built on stolen land from murdered local farmers)
Once trump and his deep-state zionist maniacs are in the white house, you can be sure that an attack on iran and china is imminent and thus an almost certain nuclear world war (on iran for the neo-nazi God-forgetting zionist supremacist genociders who brought him to power, and on china for the Godlesss capitalist billionaire ruling class and their desire to destroy BRICS in order to ensure their corporate-capitalist global domination over humanity and the planet's resources, for their personal enrichment and benefit)
Going back to trump's assasination of soliemani, trump and mike pompeo, the CIA's deep state coup expert and compulsive liar and deceiver, which life-destroying anti-humanity trump made into his Secretary of State, both of these undeveloped idiots together lied through their teeth and manufactured a fake pretext to launch the brazen, anti-life, profoundly destructive assasination.
ConMan trump deliberately fabricated what he claimed was a "self-defense" rationale for the assassination (which was the most severe instance of direct state-on-state warfare attack by the american zionist ruling class on Iran since the Revolution of 1979, and a hint on what's to come once trump and the israeli billionaires are back in the white house). Trump and the NeoConservative zionist war-profiteers and regime change fanatics, with which he filled his administration, actually tried to invoke the 2002 AUMF in Iraq -- yes, the Iraq War resolution that Joe Biden infamously voted for -- as justification for the soleimani assasination. ConMan trump and his war-profiteering zionist handlers lied through his teeth and claimed there was an "imminent survival threat" to the US, parroting the language that the Bush Administration's used to sell the Iraq invasion to heavily-propagandized & deceived conservatives. ConMan liar trump, his CIA appointees and his genocidal zionist billionaire pals even absurdly claimed that part of the rationale for the assassination was that Iran had provided support to the 9/11 hijackers, 20 years previously. No argument was too preposterous for these greedy blood-thirsty anti-life Godless right-wing billionaire deceivers (and this lie by anti-humanity trump and his blood-thirsty NeoConservative Zionist murderers is especially sinister cynical immoral and monstrous becasue it was these right-wing NeoConservative zionists themselves who were behind 9/11, but i can't go into that here since this is a subject for an entire book. Some info on the right-wing zionist billionaire global network of false flag terror operations - which they blame on their funded and armed boogeyman enemy 'islamic terrorism' - can be seen here and here
To learn how the zionist supremacists did 9/11 see here and here
And again, the rational for why these right-wing ruling class abusers do that can be seen in this profound MUST-READ essay
Space finished. Please see part4 below
This is part2 (continued from above)
All trump did during his presidency was transfer trillions to the ultra-wealthy war profiteers and big pharma corporate capitalists, filled his admin to the brim with deep-state swamp creatures, gave tax breaks to the ultra-rich and made sure the most wealthy (the anti-life heartless billionaire abusers who brought him to power) became much wealthier while everyone else stagnated or impoverished, EXPANDED the billionaires' global capitalist empire of terror (of nearly 900 military bases encircling the entire globe, dozens of warships colonizing every sea on the planet, and at least 13 extra-judicial torture camps where kidnapped human beings are held in captivity for years without trial and tortured by brainwashed conservatives because.."liberty" and "god") with his RECORD HIGH military spending to enrich his war profiteering capitalist billionaire pals; Created a welfare state for billionaires (with his government's coercive force used to lavish the scum of the earth with public funding, funneling trillions of our money to his backers the conservative war profiteers, who of course privatize the profits and give nothing back to the public that funded them) and crumbs for the non-wealthy; Armed and financed a coup in Bolivia so that his billionaire pal Elon Musk can steal the world's largest reserves of lithium from Bolivia for his "green"-electric car company (which is at the forefront of the climate capitalists' "4th industrial revolution" and "great reset". And of course Musk didn't forget to return trump the favor for this public-money funded coup and theft to enrich Musk, and didn't forget to show ruling class solidarity (and deception of the masses), when he took control over twitter and deceived conservatives into believing that the way to oppose the 'evil elite' is NOT by rejecting the class structure of domination of the many by the few and freeing ourselves entirely from the control of the abusive corporate-capitalist scumbags (see here but rathet Musk deceptively funneled conservatives into getting behind his ruling class buddy, the other half of the corporate-capitalist elite murderers (who will likely arrange Musk's next resource-theft when he's back in office, in an act of ruling class solidarity) and telling conservatives that this is the way to rebel against the elite..
This is textbook example of how the ruling class deceivers funnel the masses' anger (at being controlled, abused, stressed out, and treated like dirt by the hierarchical domination ideology of tne God-ignorant corporate-capitist ruling class abusers) and the masses' desire for change, how the ruling class funnels these potentianally revolutionary energies into an elite-provided FALSE MESSIAH, a steam release "safety valve" that is falsely presented as an anti-elite change-maker, while IN REALITY (not in the MAGA/Qanon alternate universe of imagined narratives, but IN REALITY) absolutely nothing changes in the status quo of ruling class abuse and domination over the many.
I will say more about this in a moment, but I still didn't finish yet detailing the crimes against the people of this ruling class representitive, trump, during his first presidency (and there is zero reason why this ruling-class billionaire scum wouldn't continue exactly where he left off). Besides all his crimes above, this mass-murdering pro-MIC ConMan also Initiated three other coups & and assasination attempts, continuing with the deep state/CIA regime change operations just like all other right-wing corporate capolitalist american presidemts do (but don't forget, he came to "drain the swamp" and to "fight the deep state" and their criminal intelligence agencies, becasue he really really cares about the little guy, as the mossad's narrative hammers into conservatives' head nonstop (which is really the deep state/ruling class narrative. Generated in order to make sure that people's anger and rebellious-impulses are unintelligently funneled right back into support for the empire's status quo of domination of the few over the many, while believing you are supporting an "anti-elite rebel" who came becasue he cares about you and wants to "take down the establishment". Yeah, sure he does. Any minute now. He just didn't get round to it during the 4 years he had the power to do it, you see, but don't you worry, trust the process, you just need to vote for him again and this time he will absolutely definitely surely without-a-doubt definitely take down the deep state. Yes, we're not just telling you the same lying slogans like last time. This time he will surely do it. Because he's a real rebel and really really loves you and really really wants to fight the deep state for you. Yes, sure he does. Pinky promise. Just don't forget to vote him into office again, okay? Becasue, remember what we taught you in the conservative echo-chambers - this is how you can fight the evil elite and create meaningful change, by voting him into office. Because, don't forget what we taught you, he's a man-of-the-people who came to "drain the swamp" and take down the deep state. This time he will absolutely definitely surely do it. You just need to vote him into office and then close your eyes and BELIEVE) ;
At the orders of his zionist financers anti-Christ mass-murdering trump imposed starvation embargo sanctions in Syria, Iran and venezuela which research from Manchester Iniversitu showed have killed an estimatrd 400 thousand children as a result of lack of nutrition and medicine (but don't forget what we taught you in your echo-chamber- 'we conservatives are highly moral people, and really really care about the protection of children'). As an anecdote, my friend is an archeologist and he was doing archeological work in Iran exactly at the time of trump's imposed starvation sactions. He said the effect that trump's starvation policy had on the poorest of society was devastating, anti-human and cruel beyond what words can describe. Kindly notice that the corporate-capitalist billionaire right-wing abusers never target other right-wing ruling class abusers (like Iran's vile conservative-religious right-wing ruling class scumbags and God-ignorant religious idiots) but rather, the right-wing abusers ALWAYS target the citizens, in order to generate as much religious-nationalist-tribalist hostility as possible (which is what the right-wing billionaire ruling class in all countries thrives on, as I'll explain in a moment) and in order to generate the loyalty and support of the people for their respective right-wing ruling class (which deceptively presents itself as the supposed protector from the "evil enemies of the nation"). The corporate-capitalist billionaire ruling class all over the planet know that the more they can create the sense of threat, lack of safety, and of an attack on the nation (through war, or threats of war, or starvation sanctions, or funded terrorist attacks, or promoting religious-nationalist division fear and hatred in a million different ways), then automatically the more tribalist and right-wing the people become, and automatically the people become more loyal to the ruling class and turn to their billionaire ruling class to protect them from the threat of the "evil enemies of the nation". This trick ('look over there, the evil boogeyman enemy of the nation is coming to get you') is an EXTREMELY COMMON trick that the billionaire ruling class play on the people in almost all countries in order to ensure that the people don't rebel and remain obedient to the ruling class (because "now is not the time to be critical of the rulers, the threat to the nation from "those evil enemies of the nation" is too great. Now is the time to rally around the flag and to unite behind our ultra-wealthy benevolent leader (who of course cares deeply about the non-wealthy masses and really really wants to protect us from this scary evil other religion/nation/ideology). To learn exactly how the ultra-wealthy ruling class play this trick on us again and again and again, i highly recommend attentively reading this profound essay which in my view is a MUST READ for every human on the planet
Pro-billionaire ConMan trump also cancelled during his presidency numerous toxin bans, pesticide bans, environmental, health and worker protections, in a class solidarity gift to his corporate-capitalist billionaire backers so that they could more easily make profits without those evil commie regulations that prevent them from exercising their "god-given freedom" to pursue their self interest and freely pollute and poison the population to increase profits (after all, profits for his ultra-wealthy billionaire pals in the ruling class is clearly a million times more important than not poisoning the people and the habitat we depend on. It's what the abusive life-destroying anti-God right-wing soul-less corporate-capitalist abusers (trump's finanacial backers) call "freedom and liberty to pursue one's self-interest..").
And so on and on. It would fill up an entire book if I'd started now to detail all of this billionaire anti-Christ trump crimes against the people.
Again, see here some more of his anti-life exploits during presidency and why he is no different than his vile right-wing corporate-capitalist democrats predecessors and successors (despite what the deceptive narrative of CNN/Qanon says, as if he's different)
And here
Space finished. Please see part 3 below
Thank you. I started replying and before i knew it it turned into quite a long reply, and since the space here is limited then i had to divide it into several parts. Please be sure to read to the end because i bring up several different points, and please also be sure to see the following parts below (or above, not sure how it will be ordered it). This is part one: What exactly makes you imagine that this mass-murdering pro-Wall St. pro-war profiteering industry pro-billionaire God-denying anti-Christ NeoConservative ConMan (who - like his right-wing corporate-capitalist liberal democrat predessecors and successors - is an unabashed representitive of the hierarchical narrow interests of the corporate capitalist 0.1% ruling class, as i will elaborate on in a moment), what exactly makes you imagine that he is NOT going to continue doing exactly what he did the first time he was president - transfer trillions of our money to the 0.1% ultra wealthy billionaire global capitalist war machine military budget (which SKYROCKETED under this murderer's administration), and EXPAND the corporate-capitalists global military empire of abuse, bullying murder and control (to mention just a couple of this idiot's exploits. More coming later)
Why would this life-destroying infantile God-ignorant ruling-class mass-murderer stop perpetuating the pro-billionaire imperialist anti-humanity crimes he engaged in for four years while president (which i will elaborate on in a moment) if his gullible heavily-propagandized deceived cult followers are unintelligent enough to fall for the mossad-created Qanon narrative (that deceptively presents this mass-murdering billionaire ruling class member as a 'man of the people' who is "against war" and who "came to fight for the little guy against the elite". A fake narrative that his supremacist zionist PR team is spreading in order to get their guy into the white house, and ride themselves into the white house along with him). To learn about the MIC war-profiteering ruling class oligarch deep-state networks that brought trump into power (of Wall St conservative billionaire military contractors, mass-murderering right-wing arms dealers, surveillance capitalists, pedophile blackmail networks run by supremacist zionist tribalists, and ultra-wealthy God-ignorant evangelical religious fundamentalist control-freaks) that brought infantile psychologically-stunted heart-ignorant abusive narcissist love-less greedy ConMan anti-Christ right-wing murderer trump into power, kindly listen and read in full these profound research papers and and and and and
Why do you imagine that this anti-christ mass-murdering cunning Godless NeoConservative corporate-capitalist attacker of humanity (for the sake of the ultra-wealthy ruling class) is NOT going to continue doing exactly what he did the first time he was president? Why wouldn't he? Is it because the mossad-created Qanon disinformation narrative says so? (selling to his gullible followers the story that this mass-murdering ruling class abuser who transfers triliions of our money to his billionaire buddies in the war profiteering industry, that EXPANDS the corporate-capitalists global military empire of abuse, bullying murder and control, and that does everything possible to transfer society's wealth to the ultra-wealthy - selling him to his gullible followers as a 'man of the people' who came to help the little guy "fight the elite", because he really really loves us and cares about us)?
Is it because this is the deceptive narrative ('trump is an anti-war president') that the deep-state NeoConservative billionaire propaganda machine keeps hammering into the heads of his heavily-propagandized, deceived followers in their insulated echo-chambers? Is this why you imagine he's not going to continue doing exactly what he did first time he was president? (which is, by the way, a continuation of 99% of the pro capitalist war policies of the other half the ruling class representitives, the right-wing liberal democrat wing of the corporate-capitalist empire. It makes zero difference to the global corporate-capitalist abusers' empire if you choose their right-wing corporate-capitalist liberal representitive or their right-wing corporate-capitalist conservative representitive. Underneath the billionaire's media theatre (as if these two are enemies and act differently and as if you have a genuine choice between two distinct options), underneath the partisan propaganda in the billionaire-owned disinformation media, both of these anti-humanity right-wing corporate-capitalist scum - liberal or conservative - continue 99% of the policies of each other to enhance and cement the control, enrichment, profiteering & domination of the corporate-capitalist ultra-wealthy ruling class over humanity (One can clearly see that if one studies their ACTUAL ACTIONS, not the generated stories surrounding their actions, but their ACTUAL actions. The murderous anti-humanity right-wing corporate-capitalist billionaire ruling class' empire functions in the EXACT SAME way regardless of whether it is a right-wing capitalist liberal or conservative in the white house, regardless of whether it is biden, trump, obama, bush jr, clinton, bush sr, reagen etc in the white house. The only difference is that their pro-ruling class murderous actions are couched in liberal or conservative jargon, but the actions are the same).
Two quick examples of this (though there are many many more) are here - and here
Of course it is not only the heavily-brainwashed gullible indoctrinated conservatives who are thus deceived by the corporate-capitalist ruling class (into cheering for one half of the ruling class and believe that they are 'sticking it to the man' this way). The empire also has an echo-chamber ready for the ignorant heavily-propagamdized right-wing liberal capitalists (the empire's propaganda machine and skillful narrative managers deceptively call this right-wing liberal corporate-capitalist echo-chamber 'the left'). When i'm interacting with dumb and deceived right-wing liberals, supporters of the right-wing corporate-capitalist DNC for example, i emphatically show them how the corporate-capitalist abusers are playing them too (to cheer for the other half of the ruling class and believe they are avoiding conservative tyranny this way - not being aware that theit guy is also part of the american oligarchy by the few ultra-rich for the few ultra-rich. Or for example how they're propagandized to believe they are helping the enviroment by following the dictates of the climate capitalist billionaire manipulators, the biggest destroyers and polluters and toxifiers of our soil, food, air and water etc etc. but since i seem to be dealing here with a conservative believer than i'm focusing here only on this half of the empire's propaganda machine, the half that is corralling conservatives into the empire's fold (while imagining that they are sticking it to the man by voting for the billionaire ConMan that repersents the interests of the most vile deep-state scum of the earth and who robs them blind (to enrich his love-ignorant soul-less billionaire buddies) and who cements the control of the corporate-capitalist ruling class over them. All becasue they fall for the mossad-generated narrative that is hammered into conswrvatives' head nonstop in their echo-chambers, as if their pro-MIC pro-billionaire pro-Wall St empire trump appeared on the scene becasue he really really cares about the little guy and wants to help the little guy fight the elite.. )
Pro ruling-class Godless abusive mass-murdering ConMan trump was already president once, remember? Need I remind you that he and his ruling-class PR team of deceivers already sold us the exact same deceptive Qanon narrative they are selling us now (as if he is an anti-elite man-of-the-people who came to fight the establishment for the little guy) and need i remind you that once elected he promptly spat in the face of all the gullible unintelligent brainwashed fools who believed him and his PR team of deceivers and proceeded to fill up his administration to the brim with deep-state NeoCon Zionist swamp creatures (handed foreign policy over to deep state zionist operatives in the form of compulsive-liar CIA director Pompeo, Chabad devotee and mossad representitive Kushner, ultra-zionist mass-murderer Bolton, NeoCon zionist lunatic ("starve them to death") Abrams etc. etc. Besides them, the state dept. was literally full of and run by israelis during trump's presidency), and deep state swamp creatures from Goldman Sachs, BlackRock, Raytheon, Eric Prince's BlackWater merceneries and the rest of Wall St and the war profiteering industry filled up to the brim every single position in his administration of ruling class billionaire abusers.
What on earth makes you think it will be any different this time? Because the mossad's Qanon story says so (echoed by large portions of the so-called 'alternative conservative media' ecosystem)?
Space finished, please see part2 below
He was the first non war President in my lifetime. Maybe Jimmy Carter, but Carter wasn’t so much peaceful as he was weak. Which Trump isn’t. Trump really is a Kennedy Liberal. If he ran as a Democrat the Ds would be saying he was the greatest President of modern times. But…he can’t run as a Democrat. Because he is against war. And the D party is the BIG machine. Military Industrial Complex, Big Government, Medical Industrial Complex, Big Tech. If its BIG Dems like it.
You don't think they want to install Newsom next? I mean, he's kinda perfect for this job.
Newsom is not going to get any conservstive riled up and enthusiastic about the ruling class' coming planned attack on china like trump is going to. It seems very obvious that the ruling class need trump in the white house before they can launch their planned attack on china. They need him to be at the helm to lead americans into the attack because conservatives (who are the backbone of the billionaire's global execution force, known as the american military) are not going to be very enthused to go across the ocean to murder for the ruling class if Biden or Newsom tells them to do so, but if it's trump, their own righteous billioanire messiah, leading the charge and telling them to go kill those evil commies/globalists/leftists (for "freedom and morality", of course) then hid well-intentioned but heavily-propagamdized and deceived MAGA/Qanon followers will be extremely enthusiastic to do the billionaire's bidding, with a gusto of extremely powerful religious-nationalistic passion in their support for the troops and the president. It will be the just like the psychosis of religious nationslist war frenzy after 9/11 all over again. The ruling class absolutely must have trump (and not biden or newsom) leading americans into their planned attack.
There is also going to be a lot of bible waving, while Anti-Christ trump and his God-ignorant deep state GOP war profiteers will frequently use the words "jesus" and "holy war" and "the last battle of good vs evil", which will send their well-intentioned but thoroughly deceived conservative base into a gushing orgasm, a nationalist-religious feeding frenzy and extreme enthusiasm for the ruling class' war plans.
That's why they need trump (and not biden) in office to lead the planned attack. Trump and his deep state zionist war-profiteering billionaires will enter the white house in january, and then of course they'll need to set the stage with a few months of very intense 24/7 wall-to-wall propagaganda in the billionaire's disinformation media about the "evil aggression of china" (which doesn't have a single military base outside its territory, while the american empire has about 900 military bases encircling the entire globe, in a terrorizing choke-hold, in addition to dozens of warships colonizimg every ocean on tje face of the globe, as well as at least 13 extra-judicial torture camps, where paid ametican merceneries hold for years in captivity without trial or accusation kidnapped human beings and torture them, because "freedom and morality").
After a few months of hammering into americans' head nonstop 24/7 how china is an evil sggressor and the new hitler, then you'll have the conveniently-timed decleration of independence by american-paid separatists in taiwan, which china will obviously reject, and the stage will be set for the "righteous" attack (for "freedom and moral christian values" of course), possibly in the spring/summer of 2025. And just like after 9/11, the majority of heavily-propagandized americans will be fully in support of it (including 99% of wrll-intentioned but thoroughly deceived conservatives who will be in the mode of holy-war end-times jesus-is-coming-back, and fully united behind their mass-murdering psychologically-stunted narcissist infantile pro-billionaire anti-Christ God-ignorant zionist messiah leading the charge against 'the evil commies'.
So we have about a year, give or take, before they pull the trigger, before they put all the pieces of the puzzle together (1. trump in office and leading the charge, 2. months of very intense 24/7 wall-to-wall nationalist propaganda to turn china into a literal hitler, an unbearable scary evil monster who wants to hurt americans in any way it can, so we just must take down this hitler-like monster first before they take "us" down 3. taiwan declaration of independence. 4. American military bases in the countries surrounding china completed and ready to launch misslies and war planes) and pull the trigger.
PS. If the billionaire ruling class cannot generate strong public support for their planned attack, despite their months of 24/7 wall-to-wall intense propaganda campaign to turn china into a hitler and evil aggressor in the eyes of americans, then there is also the possibility that they'll pull another 9/11 sort of false flag event, to get everyone into a state of traumatic shock, fear, anger and hatred, and fully on board with their attack plans..
As for why the billionaire ruling class are going to attack china soon - after trump and his deep state zionist billionaire war profiteers enter the white house in January - see this profound essay (which includes full citations) which IMHO is a must read for every human on the planet who wishes to understand exactly how we are being played
PPS. Two more pieces of the puzzle (which i didn’t mention above) that the billiobaire ruling class put together to get everything ready for the attack in 2025, is that they had the leaders in the countries surrounding china replaced, from those not committed to china-hostility and the planned attack, into puppets who do exactly as the empire tells them, ramp up anti-china hostility and open their country to american military bases in preparation for the attack.
Two examples of this are in Japan and the philippines. In Japan they assasinated prime minkster Abe, who refused to commit to their attack plans on china, and replaced him with their ultra-nationalist puppet, Kishida, who changed japan’s constitution to allow for greater militarization of society, removed constitutional limits on military spending, filled his cabinet with pro-american pro-zionist NeoCons and approved massive american military build up in Japan's southern okinawan islands (literally minutes of flight/missle distance from the chinese mainland), in preparation for the attack. And in the philippines, where they replaced Duerte (who was against the war plans on china and sought greater cooperation) with their well-paid puppet Marcos, who gave the american war machine the northen Luzon island (the closest philipino island to china) to build several military bases in preparation for the attack, and who drastically changed course from Duerte and immediately started promoting china hatred in the philippines, and constantly sends the philippines navy into idiotic skirmishes with chinese boats in the south china sea in order to promote nationalist hostility towards china in the philippines, in preparation for the attack. He and his pay-masters in the american ruling class are doing that becasue they are playing on the people the trick that ruling class oppressors always play on us. Again, this trick is described in detail in this profoundly important essay
If they install Newsom they are bypassing Kamala with a very (almost comically) white man. Breaking the rules they have set up for themselves with incessant racial pandering. Newsom would have to "woke" grovel and pander to infinity. I think the Democrats are in too deep, past the point of no return. The only solution is a pendulum swing back to the "right". They've made their mess and now they can enjoy watching Trump try to clean it up. That's what I think.
Indeed. Newsom did a brilliant job on the California budget.
Oh God, you're right. I just hope this "season" we don't see any masks or lockdowns.
Of course! :)
Bravo! Bravo! This is why I provide the monthly embarrassingly small as it is.. we need more of your writing’s my friend. Your perspective is a must as we are inundated with bullshit continuously. Wish I could do more!
I get this perspective. I also get that it feels hopeless at times. I'm not willing to give up in my heart. Maybe fewer coffee and cigarettes? Anyway, thanks for fighting. You probably don't need to hear this from a non-influential stranger, but you are a brave man.
This seemed pretty clearly to be a deliberate takedown of Sleepy Joe, given the alacrity with which the entire mainstream media willingly piled on him the very next morning.
To follow your line of thinking, if the election of Trump was the public's "F.U." to the Globalists, their response was the installation of Biden as a "F.U. MORE!", as in "See, it doesn't matter WHO you install--even having a walking corpse in the White House won't change anything."
The tell was the fact that CNN controlled the whole operation let’s you know who is really n charge- a media event, theater of the absurd - how can anyone believe either one of these characters has the gravitas to be a world leader. Sent in the clowns, we all wept and pretended life is normal - like an extremely dysfunctional family no one can speak of what is obvious - these are actors on a stage, we watch as the life blood of our nation seeps out with each cut we get closer to the collapse. Do not go gently into the good night- allow ourselves to be the laughing stock for the whole world when our purported leaders are so flawed and inadequate.
I guess we're almost reaching the pinnacle of one of the main tactics if you're going to crush a culture/country: "DEMORALIZE the Population" Last nights show certainly demoralized many who are oblivious to what's really going on.
But first, we oughta' get our minds back:
Dr. Michael Nehls
"The Indoctrinated Brain ''
Nehls wrote in his 2016 paper-- Unified Theory of Alzheimer’s Disease, @ -- and alluded to in his book, that we have experienced an epidemic of Alzheimer's disease. The book is essentially a presentation of our covid experience as a case study of the effort to divest us of our humanity and our individuality via the weaponization of a man-made and otherwise unremarkable virus. Nehls cites the agendas of Orwell's "1984" and Huxley's "Brave New World " as the templates for what is intended. And BTW, Nehls believes we can successfully resist this assault.
His paper and book struck me as the most insightful and sickening summary of what we have been going through for at least the last 25 years. The Carlson interview --which is in transcript form as well as audio, @ met and exceeded my expectations. I don't expect to provide a more succinct summary of his work than he presented in this interview.
Laughing stock? Have you looked to the north lately? No bigger clown show than right here in Canada.
Except this clown draws 10’s of thousands, close to a hundred thousand in New Jersey of enthusiastic supporters. Hmmm. Go figure.
Right up front, we disagree. Trump is the only “figure” on the planet that has the gravitas and momentum to go up against this tsunami. Trump is an anti war president. He believes military strength is a deterrent to wars. He will build up our military might, both with trained personnel and weaponry, but we pray we won’t have to actually use it, while the Dumbass Dems are talking about using women on the front lines, run by trans, as they hurl us wantonly toward a world on fire. This was not happening under Trump. Spin all you want, hate Trump all you want, but until you can come up with a better plan than a world run by WEF’s types and WHO, you got nothing.
Go figure is right - they all drank the cool aid. Delegitimize the election via a mass boycott by the American people demanding sane, ethical candidates- until then set up a tribunal of the common men and women from every state to rule. Protest in the street no, protest with your feet and do not participate in a government sponsored, corrupt election with known criminals as leaders who if elected can commit greater crimes with impunity and no consequences to them personally. “Debate revealed the total
Inadequacy of both candidates, disband the national
Party system and return to popular vote, cut out the electoral college which is an old boys club intent on retaining power regardless of whose elected. We can rethinking ink how much hinges are done and exert the power we have - Mass boycott of corrupt election - these guys work for WHO and do not represent the sovereign USA and the people it is supposed to protect. Quite blathering on line and form neighborhood coalitions to put this idea into action.
Exactly! They are laughing their asses off! PLUS....they are also delighted with how EASY it was for them to sway the masses (just with a click of their magic fingers, since everyone is already so hypnotized to obey their every whim)....because....wasn't it just the other day that Democrats LOVED BIDEN!?? Hahahahahahha. And in one second, they have all turned! It's such a joke. And these puppet-master-propagandists are soooo happy that their manipulative powers are working in spades! Human beings are embarrassing. They can be turned on a dime.
Obama was trolling with that tweet. Notice he didn't say which candidate was the liar and which was the truth teller. It was a little double meaning joke like their 'saving democracy' bit.
Even the former pastor in chief O can’t spin this debacle into gold.
Biden is not going to get any conservstive riled up and enthusiastic about the ruling class' coming planned attack on china like trump is going to. It seems very obvious that the ruling class need trump in the white house before they can launch their planned attack on china. They need him to be at the helm to lead americans into the attack because conservatives (who are the backbone of the billionaire's global execution force, known as the american military) are not going to be very enthused to go across the ocean to murder for the ruling class if Biden or Newsom tells them to do so, but if it's trump, their own guy, leading the charge and telling them to go kill those evil commies/globalists/leftists (for "freedom and morality", of course) then conservatives and the military will be extremely enthusiastic to do the billionaire's bidding, with a gusto of extremely powerful nationalistic passion in their support for the troops and the president. It will be the just like the psychosis of nationslist war frenzy after 9/11 all over again. The ruling class absolutely must have trump (and not biden or newsom) leading americans into their planned attack.
There is also going to be a lot of bible waving, and trump and the GOP will frequently use the words "jesus" and "holy war" and "the last battle of good vs evil", which will send their conservative base into a gushing orgasm, a nationalist-religious feeding frenzy and extreme enthusiasm for the ruling class' war plans.
That's why they need trump (and not biden) in office to lead the planned attack. He'll enter in january, and then of course they'll need to set the ground with a few months of very intense 24/7 wall-to-wall propagaganda in the billionaire's disinformation media about the "evil aggression of china" and how we must protect taiwan. After a couple of months of hammering into americans' head nonstop 24/7 how china is the new hitler, then you'll have the conveniently-timed taiwan decleration of independence, which china will reject, and the stage will be set for the "righteous" attack, possibly in the spring/summer of 2025. And just like after 9/11, the majority of heavily-propagandized americans will be fully in support of it (including 99% of conservatives who will be in the mode of "holy war" end-times jesus-is-coming-back, and fully united behind their psychologically-stunted narcissist infantile pro-billionaire pro-Wall St pro-war profiteers zionist messiah leading the charge against 'the evil commies'.
So i think we have about a year, give or take, before they pull the trigger, before they put all the pieces of the puzzle together (1. trump in office and leading the charge, 2. months of very intense 24/7 wall-to-wall nationalist propaganda to turn china into a literal hitler, an unbearable scary evil monster who wants to hurt americans in any way it can, so we just must take down this hitler-like monster first before they take "us" down 3. Taiwan declaration of independence) and pull the trigger.
PS. If they cannot generate strong public support for their planned attack, despite their months of 24/7 wall-to-wall intense propaganda campaign to turn china into hitler in the eyes of americans, then there is also the possibility that they'll pull another 9/11 sort of false flag event, to get everyone into a state of traumatic shock, fear and hatred, and fully on board with their attack plans..
And here
And here about the two liars debate
As for why the billionaire ruling class are going to attack china soon - after trump and the zionists enter the white house - see this profound essay (with full citations) which IMHO is a must read for every human on the planet who wish to understand exactly how we are being played
The only thing worse than American politics is having to live in America and be subject to its laws.
Here’s a good quote, but I can’t be bothered to link to its source:
{begin quote} No one, no statisticians, and not even this government itself, has any clue as to how many federal laws exist. No one knows how many rules, restrictions, and regulations there are, and it is impossible to find an answer to this question. The Federal Register alone, the daily repository of all proposed and final federal rules and regulations, has well over 85,000 pages. The Code of Federal Regulations through 2019, has 186,000 pages, and the Federal Register Pages for the past decade eclipsed 800,000 pages. This alone is unimaginable. But of course, there are more. There is a law for every aspect of our lives in this country, and there are a completely separate set of international laws, State laws, county laws, city laws, and licensing laws for every activity or thought. This is total insanity, and why every single ‘citizen’ can be deemed a criminal at any given moment. Even as far back as in the times of Roman historian Tacitus, he stated that, “The more corrupt the State, the more numerous the laws.” The U.S. has more laws by far than any other nation on earth in history, and therefore is the most corrupt and criminal of all time.{end quote}
Just when it's obvious "it" is over, the Supremes fart in public at federal agency rule making:
Chevron Deference No Longer – Supreme Court Overturns Cornerstone of Administrative Law
Thankfully we have AI to keep track of those laws and sound the alarm.
AI at work- choked by unending laws.
Please take care of your health, Mr. Hopkins! (No cigarettes or entire pots of coffee at one sitting, please.) We can't afford to lose you.
"As traumatic transformations go, the covid operation is up there with industrialisation and de-industrialisation, and for time compression it is out on its own."
"And as for the rabbit hole trope – well, I don't think we’re going down the rabbit hole at all. We’re climbing out of it into the light."
Remember that because of the industrial revolution, we got labor and safety laws. After covid, we are going to get medical freedom laws. They can't hide the catastrophe they caused!
I call this the sequel to 1984. The party lost the trust of the masses. Look how they're trying to make us scared of war with China and Russia.... Meanwhile the oil and money still flows.
What a joke.
To use the Alice in Wonderland analogy, we were hallucinating in wonderland and now waking to real land which is much less insane.
Thanks. I like your response.
A Canadian Grandma
i remember 2007/08. i was impressed by oboma. almost went to see him speak at the goldelse.
what a fake person and hopeless cocksucker that motherfucker is.
how i’d love an american revolution and see all these people be treated.
That's exactly what they want, though - a Revolution. Brother killing Brother. How handy! The depopulationists get a hand! And, to boot, while a country is in revolution it's a perfect time to reeeeeeeeally take over and install your brand new regime. So, yeah, don't wish for a Revolution, please. You're playing into their hand.
Yet it's so interesting, isn't it, that the Obamas produced that movie -- Leave the World Behind -- where the main message is that all the elites have to do is get things started, and then the rest of us will all turn on each other and do the wet work ourselves. I found the whole thing incredibly disturbing. And I honestly could not figure out what the Obamas were trying to accomplish with that film. If they're part of the cabal, or Goliath, or whatever you want to call the force(s) running things, what's the point of a movie like that? Because it almost seemed like some kind of warning -- you know, like "Hey, don't be stupid and do this."
Revelation of the method. We are going to tell you what we are going to do to you but you are too stupid to stop us. If you don't, karmic blame is on you.
Good point. I've heard some interesting analyses that say these people are hiding in plain sight. It appears there's quite a bit of truth to that.
This Frank Zappa quote is as evergreen as the Upton Sinclair one about it being “difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it”:
“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
From one extremist (and yes, I caught the reference) Apocaloptimist to another, you called it, CJ. You have a track record of being lamentably prophetic, Cassandra-style. That’s the apocalyptic part.
The optimist part, fortunately, also comes from your sibylline self:
“Maybe I just have crazy faith, but I just feel like all these little moments of friction, they can build, and they can create the resistance that we need.” (
This is precisely the philosophy I articulated in my Apocaloptimist Manifesto on winning the war against he cruelites. As I quote from Vietnam POW survivor Jim Stockdale:
“I never doubted not only that I would get out, but also that I would prevail in the end and turn the experience into the defining event of my life, which, in retrospect, I would not trade.” (
On a personal note, CJ, I am damn worried about you, and I’m trying to refrain from showering you with advice you already know. Just please take care of yourself, will you? The Apocalypse wouldn’t be any fun without you here to narrate it.
Thank you for never sugarcoating the predicament we find ourselves in. Reality denying is how we continue to keep ourselves in this mess. Only by facing up to what is really going on do we have any hope of unraveling this, and I do believe we have the power to do it. Understanding quantum physics helps keep me hopeful for the future.
They implement from the top down. There is also the human way, from the grassroots up. Here is a more human understanding, and approach:
Thanks for sharing. Interesting read.
I agree but please explain more re quantum physics. You mean energy inciting energy regardless of distance? Which is where art can be relevant and powerful and surprising again.
That there is much more to the world than what we can perceive with our physical senses, that there is a world of energy. Tesla said If you want to understand the world, consider it in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.
I know this may seem ridiculous, but this book may interest you. It's by Joseph P. Farrell, PhD. Wonderful examination of the living plasma that makes up most of our universe, perhaps? Cheers.
Sounds interesting. Was just talking about evil extraterrestrials with my brother earlier today. I do believe we live in a free will universe, therefore, there must be a choice. The choice between natural and unnatural, unity and separation, love and fear, good and evil. I know there is evil. I also know that anyone is capable of it, including myself and I constantly examine myself for it.
ah! thank you. i needed this. good morning!
What hardly anyone seems to take into account is the nature of the universe, and that it has an intelligence inherent within it. That this intelligence is not subject to manmade rules and laws, machinations and sorceries. And that we are a part of that, every one of us, tapped into an infinite and limitless source of energy. Human beings are not victims. We are powerful co-creators with this substance and where we focus our energy matters.
i agree but all of my life when i thought i was going "against" or fighting against the thanatos or destructive energy, i often found i was actually feeding it. it's difficult to really twist your head and see things that're "bad" as "good" or combinations of in between and just when you think you've figured it out, it CHANGES UP.
but what you're speaking of is out "out." it's the you-can-imprison-my-body-but-not-my-spirit thing that just sounds like a greeting card invitation to madness but it's a way of twisting out of the noose, slipping out between the bars.
it's hard for me to get but i FEEL it.
I know it is mind-twisting. That is why my art is so super helpful. It helps keep me centered in myself in so many ways. It does sound super woo woo for sure, but I have had way too many unexplainable experiences to think that the world is only physical. Feeling it is key. That is how we tap into it.
Biden may not be that different from all the others, but his Regime has ushered in a new level of fascism we have never experienced at this level before. We have reached world historical first time evers. Reached world breaking scams and levels of corruption never before seen in America. People who believe a means to a Communist, Globalist, Climatist, Fascist, Socialist, Corporatist, Post Feudalist, Nihilistic, take your pick because even these Dumbasses don’t care which, end. The momentum, like it or not, is with Trump that opposes, makes jokes of and stands stronger than ever before despite gruesome law bending persecution. There comes a time when the momentum may be the only thing standing in the way of a complete collapse. And you, with all your talent choose to completely discard Everything because you are being “Intellectually Honest”? We have a gun pointed to our head, excuse me if Americans no longer have the luxury for intellectual honesty and choose rather to go with a momentum that can actually push back on all this Dumbass Shit. I think Germany is a great Country for you to live.
Yes. Trump the one calling himself to this day "the father of the vaccine" will save you..
Move on.
Nope, not moving on.
👏👏👏👏👏thank you for standing up for those who are willing to fight for our country and values. Trump 2024 and he’s not a narcissist ass-clown but a fighter. May not be perfect, but we were much better off 4 years ago. He now realizes just how deep the Deep State is and how many snakes are in DC.
CJ calls it as he sees it, which qualifies as 'intellectual honesty' yet is also a matter of perspective. Thanks for sharing your point of view.
People on both sides are still acting like there is some sort of legitimate process and structure resembling the will of the people being done thanks to voting and muh democracy. There is no sign of people seeing through it, so why would they ever stop taking advantage? They won't.
Bad actors on both sides are still acting. Period.
That is brilliant incisive writing. Pin-point accuracy bursting our horrific overlords dystopian plans. May battle commence, we are ready.
President Trump a "narcissistic clown"? Only to basement dwelling scribes it seems.
The people who matter may have agreed with you in 2016. 12-13 million more 'live' Americans voted for him in 2020 than did in 2016 and the President is garnering the votes of black, hispanic, cuban, and latino votes to the America First movement. Maybe that's your beef?
Mind you Germany might be a good training ground if the uni party steal the election again
Trump is both a narcissistic clown -- which is why he effectively got nominated by the Democrats+MSM in 2016 -- AND the only Hail-Mary-pass chance to rip the system open -- which is how he got elected in 2016.