Now *that* is the story I want to read, CJ—especially if it’s you who helps break it.

I like Matt (maybe not as much as you do 😆) but have been disappointed by his acquiescence to much of the COVID narrative (same with Glenn Greenwald … and all of the “independent” journalists I once respected for standing up to The Man). Yes, both Matt and Glenn have come out against mandates and totalitarianism—they couldn’t help but do so if they don’t wish to be viewed as complete hypocrites. But, as you well know, they are still coloring safely within the lines as they daren’t risk being called far–right-wing Nazi extremist anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorists like us 😹

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A lot of readers probably don't realize this, but I really don't judge Matt and Glenn and other folks for playing it safe. Nor do I judge the vast majority of the masses who've gone along with the New Normal out of fear and self-preservation. Judgement is for God and little children. Neither Matt, Glenn, nor most people, have been actively fascist monsters. People have families, jobs, kids to support, etc. It is not my place to judge people for looking out for themselves and their families when totalitarianism rolls into town. It is my job, however, to try to goad the silent people out of their silence and into standing up and speaking out, and to directly confront the shrieking fascist monsters. It doesn't pay all that much, my job, but I enjoy it, and I'm getting by.

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My heart aches for Glenn. Not only are he and his kids having to watch helplessly as his beloved husband suffers a mysterious, life-threatening illness, but he *must* subconsciously know it is very likely an injection injury that caused his healthy, athletic husband to suddenly succumb to sepsis—a condition for which there are 3,020 reports in VAERS and counting. It must be painful to have to try and keep that knowledge tamped down, primarily as a survival mechanism so he can continue functioning day to day.

Tragically, refusing to acknowledge this possibility only puts his husband at greater risk as they could be pursuing treatments that have helped others in his situation. Connecting with other vaxx-injured and -bereaved individuals could also help with emotional, psychological, and physical healing.

Denial is an addictive yet deadly practice, and getting people to recognize that they are practicing it is nearly impossible.

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I had a feeling too, that David's illness came from the shot. I sent Glenn some information about a treatment that has proven to be nearly 100% effective for COVID, as well as countering the negative effects of the vaxx. I hope he read it. It's called The Universal Antidote, MMS/chlorine dioxide. It cured my family of chronic Lyme disease and has many applications for nearly every condition. And because it is so effective, you only see negative articles about it on Google. https://theuniversalantidote.com/

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I didn't realize that .... 😎 But seriously, that's a great topic. I also understand people have to protect their stash, but to what end? I'll cite the worn-out example of citizens in late '30's, early '40's Germany. Were they right or wrong?

As for Matt, I had a paid subscription for most of 2021, but dropped to free when he kept passing off the laptop as a non-issue. Of course that's his right, but I wondered if that's an example of his judgement, where else is he dropping the ball? As I said in my earlier comment, I'm glad he has realized the rot in the world runs much deeper than he may have thought/hoped. Thanks for your comment!

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Matt thinks 911 was caused by planes driven by OsamaBin Laden. Sorry Matt. Not so.

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Bingo. That's a deal breaker, and always has been for me. Just to clarify, he agrees with the official narrative, that the buildings were brought down (inexplicably) by jet fuel. He's never commented on WTC 7 as far as I know, which was not hit by an airplane, would have been the tallest building in 38 states at the time, and fell at free fall for over two seconds.

In short, as much as CJ likes Matt, he's a walking limited hangout.

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CJ, Just found you! Bought and read your book The Rise of the New Normal Reich. Brilliant! More Please!?!

I've been saying it too since my own penny dropped: covid is just an apposite means to an end towards total control - and they will be back!!!

Their coup de grace is Climate Change - that'll do it! They even got me early on attending demos etc - I know it inside out and backwards. BUT then covid hit and I quickly realised that anything supported by the UN WEF & WHO has to be for the benefit of the elites and not to be trusted.

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You're no Udo Ulfkotte, CJ.


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Bravo. I have been disappointed with some close friends but ultimately it’s their decision what to believe and how to act. I still spoke up when I could without going to war with anyone. It was lonely but I’m pretty sure screaming and shouting wouldn’t have been persuasive. I’m curious how these folks are processing the new information out there. I stay away from the topic mostly because I think one of two reactions are likely: stubborn refusal to admit they could have got it wrong - or - they know now they were manipulated and feel ashamed. In either case, not productive to discuss. Folks like you who aren’t afraid to look reality in the face keep me sane.

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I think the really explosive Twitter Files stuff hasn't been detonated yet. But the fuse was just lit...


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Until recently Matt scoffed at the relevance of Hunter's laptop(s?). I'm glad he finally figured it out.

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Yes , I also have a slightly less complimentary view of Matt. It's not that I don't like the guy, just that he will simply report how you died rather than tell you how you are going to die.

This was my comment to a friend in India just a couple of weeks ago when we discussed some stuff he posted.

"Taibbi doesn't like to annoy his team. He did some great work on the 2008 banking fraud, but he is a second rate commentator because he is in denial and/or doesn't want to lose favour."

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I'm tired of his "both sidesism." He has to throw mud at Trump, dropping the baseless accusation that he heard Trump administration/campaign did the same thing Xiden's did, but "we haven't seen the evidence yet." Uh huh. Sure. Similar happenedvin his first drop. Just report the facts and stop throwing mud.

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You guys have proven yourselves to be racist-flat earth-science deniers over and over again, and I don't see pronoun distinctions next to either of your names...so it definitely couldn't be either one of you.

I wonder what Rachel Maddow is up to..🤔

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Well SAID, Margaret!

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I also want to see documentation on the suppression of medical speech

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That part is suppisedly coming in the next few days. Shellenberger may be doung it.

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this is a gaslighting technique

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Beware Billionaires Bearing Benevolence

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Isn't it funny how, 50 years on, we are again asked to trust the future of Western Civilization--and who ought to rightfully lead it--to two journalists whom a murky figure with unknown motives took into his confidence in a parking garage. The main difference I see is the parking garage.

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Please write about the recent story of a right-wing conspiracy to overthrown the German govt. Inquiring minds want to know. Mainstream coverage makes no sense to me. If it's worth the effort.

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This is a false flag

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Of course it's a false flag, just like all of the globalist bullshit.

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Well they cant very well re-run the Reichstag firw play again, can they.

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Thank you. Very helpful. Although I don't understand how Europeans can be as naive as Americans. THAT doesn't make sense either. I would expect their PR would HAVE to be more sophisticated and nuanced. The official story made no sense. But I think Europeans are more actively oppositional than Americans, likely because they're more personally affected by all that is going on. And more politically sophisticated, for sure.

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Yes, well put. From what I gather the Germans are politically brainwashed into subservience eg one can't mention Palestine. So perhaps they are simply cowed...I really don't know.

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elon is controlled opposition and that story would get him jfk'd

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But we, and he, MUST have complete courage and put our, his, life/lives on the line to save the republic of the world! Otherwise, whether they consciously mean to or not, they're aiding and abetting the now-already-begun neo-holocaust that is going to be far worse than the German Nazi one!

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the war never ended and the nazis are winning

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Remember Event 201? Here we go again!

Exercise Catastrophic Contagion Pandemic Simulation - October 2022

"The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in partnership with WHO and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, conducted Catastrophic Contagion, a pandemic tabletop exercise at the Grand Challenges Annual Meeting in Brussels, Belgium, on October 23, 2022.

The extraordinary group of participants consisted of 10 current and former Health Ministers and senior public health officials from Senegal, Rwanda, Nigeria, Angola, Liberia, Singapore, India, Germany, as well as Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The exercise simulated a series of WHO emergency health advisory board meetings addressing a fictional pandemic set in the near future.

Participants grappled with how to respond to an epidemic located in one part of the world that then spread rapidly, becoming a pandemic with a higher fatality rate than COVID-19 and disproportionately affecting children and young people.

Participants were challenged to make urgent policy decisions with limited information in the face of uncertainty. Each problem and choice had serious health, economic, and social ramifications."


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Yep, the next neo-holocaust, aka "plan(ned)/scamdemic", is already in the offing, having been long ago planned as the "Covid" mega bullshit was. And it is never long at all from the simulated one to the one in actuality. I've been saying for two decades, we ain't seen nothin' yet. We're about to go through a "scam/plandemic" that is going to be (far?) worse than the "Covid" one. And soon the real anti-christ will come on the scene and tell us all we've got to comply with the "Mark of the Beast", etc., because "it's the 'right' thing to do".... NOT!!!!! The other anti-christs are now very busy paving the way for absolute global(ist) enslavement under unelected dictatorship (of MANY dictators like Bill Gates, "Fauxi", et al.) and absolute totalitarianism that is coming to be the Third Reich on steroids. Under it, NO ONE is going to be "free" except the globalist corporate-fascist elitists (but being Satan's minions isn't being free, AT ALL; so, they too are slaves, but they love it, as they expect all of the rest of us to do; love evil, or else!).

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This does seem to be the case.

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Dec 10, 2022
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I sincerely hope you're right. Still waiting for the straw to break the camel's back.

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I find it interesting (cough, cough) that Johns Hopkins receives $2.432 billion of our tax dollars,

plus $20 million from the gates foundation, and trains CCP scientists. Can you say conflict of interest? Disgusting.

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It's a war between the 1% (0.01%) and the 99%. It's just that 99% of the 99% don't know they're at war at all.

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Hasn't that always been the case? At the moment I can't recall if it was Hobbes or Hume who described the organization of the middle to try and resist totalitarian control from the top. I think it was Hobbes who went on to describe ungoverned societies having life as nasty, brutish, and short.

Montesquieu and Locke believed that separation of powers between the people and the government could and should defend modern rights of free speech and self-defense, among others. Government had prescribed duties and proscribed powers.

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Thank you Mike. Made me laugh out loud.

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Yup, brain ded is apparently contagious. Need a vaccine for that. Oh, never mind, they've already been vaccinated.

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Dec 10, 2022
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Uncorrupted Justice

Out of stock

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Maybe on this planet

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God willing, the eternal lake of fire awaits them all.

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Dec 10, 2022
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And too much love being evil, so they don't care that God's going to relatively-soon completely destroy them (not soon enough).

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Dec 10, 2022
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It's.... EVERYWHERE! Everywhere you look. Wouldn't surprise me if the only ones spared this horror are the penguins of Antarctica.

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I'm afraid the only journalist who would have uncovered this whole stinking covid scam is rotting away in Belmarsh, the REAL reason he was put away to begin with.

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"Also, and notwithstanding my respect and disturbing affection for Matt Taibbi, neither Matt nor Bari Weiss have been particularly interested in covering the roll-out of the official Covid narrative..."

Exactly!!! And neither was Glenn Greenwald. Awfully, awfully suspicious.

Why anyone trusts a billionaire who wants to implant chips in our brains is beyond me.

The "far right" website Conservative Treehouse has been doing outstanding work looking at the Twitter mystery. I think you'd find it very interesting. Here's one of their latest: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/12/09/dhs-partnered-social-media-surveillance-systems-delivering-mutual-benefits/#more-240733

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Far right? Calling balls and strikes has no political affiliation.

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I nominate Naomi Wolf. She’s fearless and has already lost everything.

(Although since she has already lost her former reputation, she might not be the best candidate.)

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Naomi writes well and makes good points but she seems to be increasingly looking in the mirror and seeing Joanne of Arc.

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Hey, what’s wrong with Joan?

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"I knew Joanne of Arc and Naomi is no Joanne of Arc!!"

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Did you see what my profile picture is? Lol!

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Now I do!! :))

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That’s good...I can see that aspect of Ms. Wolf. 😉

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Much of this is meaningless. A large quantity of surplus population want to be duped. It's easy membership into a large club, the Useful Idiots.

If you want to get rid of mandates, say mask and lockdowns, apply them to only the jabbed, aka the Jabites. There is evidence shedding spreads the trash in the jabs, causing Jabites to be super-spreaders. Impose mandates on Jabites and listen to them howl.

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Your right CJ. There is a rainstorm of bull shit falling from the sky to distract us from the covid fiasco.

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LOL - true. But since there's an 'engineered' fertilizer shortage, might as well put the kids to work raking it up like they did the fall leaves & then call your local farmer (if there still are any) to come get it in trade for a farm share membership in the upcoming growing season. The grocery stores will probably be kind of bare by then, so might as well get to work on building that parallel economy now... ( /sarc )

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Well, yes, and the covid fiasco is a bury-you-in-snowstorm of bull shit falling from the sky to keep us from confronting the solar flashes that are and will continue to disturb planet Earth and possibly kill most of us some time in the next 50 years if we don't die from some vague vaxx-induced illness before then. Not that we can stop the solar flashes but perhaps we could coordinate a tunneling plan that isn't exclusively prepped for the elite pricks who have stolen all the money since the beginning of the world.

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Yeah. That's gonna be the real "Great Reset". Ben Davidson reported that "The Dust" has arrived in our system, so the final countdown commences...

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Nobody believes anybody, everyone is suspicious of any new narrative that crops up. Left doesn't care as long as they're in "power", (the new monarch or whatever). So, where are we at? Nowhere, absolutely nowhere because the massive population is hung up on TikTok or any social app that will dislodge their brain from reality. We are exactly where the power hungry people want everybody. Hating each other.

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Agreed, except the Left isn't in power and never has been. Democrats are no more "left" than Republicans. It's a duopoly in the US, with two right wings. The left has no voice whatsoever in actually existing power politics. There's only a few of us online, as CJ knows so well.

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Not in the USA! The Left has power. Evil power, but power nonetheless.

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No. You are conflating your idea of “The Left” with all the ruthless, power-hungry right wingers running the Blue Anons of the Democrat Party, not to mention the right wingers running the Republican Party. As long as we are arguing over red vs blue, hardly a soul is seeing the big picture. As a recent book by Thomas Frank is entitled states- “The People, NO!!!”

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? What "right wingers?" McConnell? LOL This is corporatism, an unholy marriage of government and corporations, also known as fascism. That's a lefty phenomenon. (Despite their attempts to label it right-wing.)

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Suit yourself. Labels are meaningless in this atmosphere. I agree it’s corporatism, but you keep believing what they want you to believe…. Go tribalism….;) eh?

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Clearly you don't know the difference between left and right. Fascism is a RIGHTWING phenomenon, dunderhead. You actually think corporate capitalism is left? You have been duped, believing whatever the establishment wants you to believe, along with millions of your fellow rightwingers. God, the abysmal stupidity of commenters here.

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Dec 10, 2022Edited
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How does being Amish equate to burying your head in the sand? Their approach to distrusting big government, big pharma, low priority on technology, high priority on "traditional" family values allowed them to continue on like 2-3 months after the declared plandemic hit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1DgWYdukZU

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I love this piece. I absolutely love this piece CJ. But I disagree. I have followed the freedom docs since July 2020 - Reiner Fullmich to start on a strange German zoom thing of which I could not understand a lot since in German. Much in English too so watched almost every day for their work.

The Corona Committee now on GETTR every Friday morning live.

My point is I’ve been following the movement, watched it grow for a very long depressing time. I have never heard of Matt Taibbi unti Twitter release. I am also not a Twitter user. While I agree with about everything you have stated here, The People need to know, The People will make him or break him after his next step - if that step would be to release the Twitter Doctor Files.

The “journalist” chosen to release these files may go down in history. I wait with tears, I thank Matt Taibbi - someone I’ve never heard of. The Doctors Files are FAR, FAR MORE important for humanity’s sake. The average person will come to know that after they are released.

Again, I agree with everything you have said, with that exception. As Matt Taibbi has become a well known journalist NOW, to people like me, a lowly accountant of all things, the person exposing the Twitter files on censoring the Doctors will become anything but infamous. The filth needs exposure and removing from everywhere. All exposure of this filth and new sickness (mass psychosis, or whatever) are hero’s!! I do understand and accept all of your criticisms of how Musk and Taibbi are questionably handling , however!

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Mr Taibbi has been the darling of one of the Dem party factions for decades and is an entertaining writer.

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Dec 11, 2022
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The Corona-Ausschuss was infiltrated, and Rainer's primary colleague turned on him. After getting out, he started a new group that is pursuing the same goals he had in the CA.

The problem with the CA, IMO, was that some of its members had no understanding of media (a very German thing) and were not really prepared to fight. I am a member of the related "Basis" party here in Germany and the entire party has gone into a death spiral since RF left. He was right to leave though.

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Elonicus is sailing on the same yacht with all the other Elitist assholes controlling the narrative. You and Catherine may have passed them sailing in the Netherlands.

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We'll see. I would give it more time. Matt Taibbi would have had half of us in cattle cars on our way to the Covid Camps, so predictions are like assholes. Elon certainly has a questionable past and is linked to some very nefarious forces, but that does not necessarily mean his aims are theirs.

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Yeah not a lot of credibility when you’re on a freaking yacht while the rest of us are dealing with reality

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Great post - spot on the money - thanks C.J.

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