I'm with you, Brother! Stay strong...remain alert.

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I have long thought, and I suspect this is generally true of the zeitgeist, that what happened in Germany in WWII was a horrible, atrocious fluke. "Fluke" in the sense that, a particular culture under a particular set of conditions, ended up being susceptible to deadly beliefs of a strong leader. It wasn't that there was something inherently "wrong" with Germans or their culture, it's just that, as has happened other places, presented with bad conditions and a seeming solution, they went with it. What happened was awful but, one would imagine, a one off event.

And yet to see the direction Germany is once again taking, the frightening and absurd parrelels to what happened some 80 years ago, it forces me to reconsider... Is there actually something inherently "wrong" with German culture? Some bug in the programming that makes them much more susceptible to this type of blind following and kowtowing to authoritarianism? Are there parts of German culture/society that predispose the society to this type of insanity, even given the awful historical result that's just a few generations in the past!

It's an interesting question, at least. It is forcing me to rethink my views on Germany.

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It's an interesting question only in what it says about you.

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Jan 23, 2022
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That after 2 years of clear manipulation by billionaires that he still wants to blame the average German.

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Jan 23, 2022Edited
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The politicians are yes. After the last two years I don't hold to the idea that the average Joe is responsible in any way for this. Nor for the last one either.

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Jan 25, 2022
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Dec 13, 2021
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Neo-Nazis, anti-Semites, et al. get summarily banned from my Substack replies.

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Having been `slung off` "off guardian" for pointing out that since they had a "little break" in order to instal the data mining software by which they now monitor (even more closely than before) (and feed the coffers), those of us in the `alternative narrative`, as so many of you know "they control everything", not here i feel, this wee corner still feels cosy, Having been slung off im more aware of the importance of the words i feel (cue stream of golden light from sky..not).


Repeatedly any narrative that really touches on the core issues and not the endless fairground wheel of `validity, pcr, is there a virus?` and so on, any alternative is stripped down..

Signs of a `controlled counter narrative` or the ramblings of a paranoid mind?

Have any of you read the document "silent weapons for a quiet war", apparently notes from Bilderberger meetings, a brutal post-mortem of the uses of the `Fiat` currency model, whatever the source, examining Fiat currency and its psychological/industrial uses on the `useless eaters`.

Who, too has read the usa court ruling No 12-398

That argues the case that "should a human be changed/altered at a genetic/dna level and should such change be the result of a product commercially produced, then a) that `human` is no longer a human and thus `human rights do not apply`, b) that `altered human` becomes the property of the patent holder of the technology/medication etc that caused the change..

They are after us in a really big way, we need to step up our game, so we need to step up our understanding and knowledge of who.... or what we are dealing with.

Older interpretations of Deity are now becoming rapidly obslolete, a rapid re-boot of our study of our origins, spiritual and physical and primarily how they interact is crucial to adopting in your `complete being` the position of NON CONSENT.

I`m not saying that power of Will alone will turn the tide, i would however point out a study made that detailed that when 3% (if i remember correctly) of the population of any nation unite in a `revolution, protest, regime change` that movement is succesful, those with less than 3%..fail

As the numbers of the `vaxxed` increase and their connection to `heart` diminshes (sadly) we have the imperative to usher along those whose deep felt understanding of what is going on is as yet at incomplete` stage?

By Living as we choose, so shall we resist, by eternally continuing to Live as we choose, so shall we Prevail

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We are in World War III. A different kind of war. China arranged mass formation hypnosis to trigger worldwide totalitarianism. I fear this ends poorly for us.


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Being off grid to the degree of relying on a dongle and its expensive and unreliable data stream... i am unable to view your `google tube` offering..

However i can assure you. It will only "end poorly" if we allow it

Posting an icon of Non Compliance, yet conceding defeat? makes no sense to me mukka

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I do not concede defeat. My post said "I fear".... Mass psychosis must end first. I find the battle to be long and hard. We will all lose family and friends. But there is no other choice.

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Fear is NOT an option friend, understand how the universe interprets your words and actions, it is how we have been conned for so long.

Be deffinitive in your stance, your words and your deeds.

You may be concerned, but to `fear` is to accept that it could/may happen.

Its not nitpicking, this resolve lies at the heart of our stance.

All the best wherever you may be

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Whilst cooking my dinner i gave more thought to your reply and thus my reply, i did not wish to come across as disingenuous.

We are ALL feeling the tension build, from the great peoples of Australias northern territories, rounded up like cattle, to the good folk in Germany and across the world.

The gas burner has been notched up to 10, why? because they are losing, because they will lose.

THE most fundamental aspect to absorb is that this `moment in time` is OURS, not theirs, what you witness before you is a global `hijack` of our awakening, shit thing is they knew it was happening long before we did..

Example "revelations" ooh, scary, fear porn in actuality, devised by some fuckers in order to add to some ancient scripture as "Leviticans" AD 60 or there abouts, ok someone will correct me onthe date im sure.

BUT when you instill in the minds of folk that at some pre-determined time in the future "great wrath shall be rained upon the earth", recycle the same old narrative for 2 millenia...

And YO! you believe it.

9/11, Q, Fool Mich, ;0) they are not the first `psy ops`.

So why have these `dear` Architects felt the need to get so fucking creative?

Because this time was made for us, no shiiiiit, its going to be one messy clean up after, but WE can make a better world, "they" just want to hold onto their power and WE are here to deprive them.

Yes, its time to be angry, but (note to self) be sure to direct that energy in a manner that has a positive effect.

What was it Pai Mei said to ****** Kido? "it is not you that should fear the wood, the wood should fear you"

Keep positive and remember "they" want you to despair, fuck that, i didnt come here to give up

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I just miss family and friends that have been torn apart by the mass psychosis!

I have courage and do think we will prevail. Fear is an intensely unpleasant emotion in response to perceiving or recognizing a danger or threat. FEAR stands for False Evidence Appearing Real!


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Putting Fear in Its Place

by Jack Canfield

Feeling fear is a very natural part of living. Fear is a helpful emotion, as it tells you when you need to be extra careful, keenly aware, and cautious. Fear is not an emotion that is telling you to stop. Acknowledging fear helps you know when you are stepping out of your comfort zone. It brings your awareness to areas where you could improve and grow.

Confronting your fears is a very necessary step in achieving success. There is no other way. Successful people also feel fear, yet they don’t let it discourage them from moving forward. They realize that fear is a feeling telling them they are about to do something new, something that they are not especially good at yet. For this reason, they know they should pay extra attention to how it should be done, research the process, and plan out the steps they will take to accomplish it. And as they go through the process, they can see what worked and what didn’t.

To be successful, you must be willing to be afraid because fear accompanies risk. Without taking risks you will not achieve your dreams. But also realize that so many of your fears are self-created. You imagine a horrible outcome to your new experience and that image is the fear that holds you back. Realize that all new experiences will be slightly scary, but also acknowledge that what it is you are afraid of is a self-created image of what is going to happen. Acknowledge that you are imagining the worst and that you really have no idea what will happen. You have a choice in what you let your mind dwell on. If you’re going to let yourself visualize the worst, then make sure you let yourself visualize the desired outcome, too!

If a fear is too great for you to overcome, try breaking it down into smaller challenges. Try starting out doing the parts of the project that don’t scare you so much. You need to give a speech in front of a large group? Try giving your speech in front of a small group of people who care for you. Work your way up until you are able to feel the fear but still move forward. As you do you will build your confidence and eventually you won’t feel fear surrounding those issues because you’ll have done them enough to count it as a skill.

As you move toward your goal, don’t attach yourself so much to the outcomes. Keep moving toward your dream doing everything you can to create what you want, then let it go and see what shows up. Sometimes the universe will have a better idea in mind for you and present a better opportunity when you were expecting something completely different. Don’t let fear keep you from moving forward. Even if the horrible outcome that you imagined happens, the universe will always provide for you another way to succeed. So be on the look-out.

Acknowledge your fear. Treat it like a child, hold its hand and take it with you. Trust that no matter what occurs, you are smart enough and strong enough to keep looking for opportunities.

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Dec 14, 2021
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i believe he is a `shill`, its the old `messiah` thing again, not the first time we have been led.

Tho time will tell eh? like the next 3 months, that is the window, prepare for a really bumpy ride, that is what we are doing anyway, and please excuse the couple of typos in my other reply, its early, i havent had my 1st coffee and im not at running speed, but busy day here on the farm.

I say again, all the best and prepare your self for a `hell of a ride`.

Much of this is astrologically driven, but as we have been sold a `disney` version of astrology (no surprise) we are not fully aware of its relevances, tho some are learning, tho seem to end up having `accidents`, whoda thought astrology was a dangerous job? ffs eh?

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Important news! Pfizer accidentally gave access to their true findings about adverse events during their vaccine trials. They knew people died, became severely ill, became afflicted with neurological and circulation disorders! This should be the end of the vaccine tyranny! I get blocked everywhere when I try to share the news on a public platform. So, it must be true! Ha, ha https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-12-03-pfizer-government-concealed-thousands-of-vaccine-deaths.html

https://rumble.com/vq4sy1-willem-engel-from-holland-and-gal-shalev-from-israel-talking-about-the-rele.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Back+To+The+Light&ep=2 After 30 minutes they start talking about the Pfizer revelation.

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Fun Fact about the Jillian York disagreement. I wrote to her five years ago to get the EFF to acknowledge flagrant censorship of those critical of conflicts of interests at the CDC involving the vaccine industry. She send back a letter excoriating me as an "anti-vaxxer".

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the skeptics societies around the place are pretty similar.

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Like being flung off `off g`, id take the Jilly reply as a win win, something to tell the grandkids, the great grandkids and for them to tell those that come after them, for prevail we most certainly shall :0)

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Just another wolf in sheep’s clothing. Beyond detestable, silencing speech and expression. The louder we get, the tighter the grip.

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Your gifted writing and reporting is astounding. Please save yourself and get out of there. As someone else said here on your post, there are still some "free" states in the US. Although every day I wonder how long it will last. The hope I cling to is that in the US, we still have the 2nd amendment and lots of folks that will never give that up. And to quote RFKJr, "I'll die with my boots on." Thank you for your work. Stay safe.

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Yes, I agree. Get out of Germany while you still can…. This kind of mass psychosis didn’t go too well for the stigmatized people last time round

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He can't get out because he can't fly unvaccinated. Unless he can find somewhere to book a private flight that will have him.

That's how real this has gotten.

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I think you can still get out with just a test. At least that's what one of my friends still there tells me. He's waiting to sell his caravan!

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OMG. I didn't know. That is horrendous.

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Yeah, it scares the hell out of me. Don't give up your family car or truck.

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Not much use without gas.

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Exactly. And have some extra food and supplies.

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Having recovered mysef from learning that what i have been reading may be `dangerous` and after a few good drinks, i feel able to tentatively contribute, worried as i am that adding my small offering to such a reactionary ensemble may find me utterly deleted from the internet and as such existnence itself. Ok maybe not.

Sorry to see and hear such shit in Germany and elsewhere and thanks Cj for keeping the lights on..

2 thoughts in my scrambled little head today, today being a bit screwy and weird here too in uk.

1) re our conversations, persuasions and passionate pleas to our loved ones, friends, relatives caught up in the covid con, should we not concentrate on educating rather than alienating?

yep, you got that already

2) given that what we see before us is as much a construct of our own expression of being as it is those who are oppressing us, and as such part of our own process of spiritual growth, albeit somewhat `hijacked`..

Maybe, we must ask ourselves is emapathy learnt or experienced? the latter of course, the concept alone is... hollow.

So, given that our cosy `western` lives have so long depended on the abject misery, manipulation, and torment placed upon the lives of those who mine our lithium, gold, oil etc...

Walk in another man`s shoes?

Is it not true then, that to create a better more equitable world we must suffer the injustices meted out on those who prop up our `cosy` existence?

If that is so we must thank gates, musk and the rest of the depraved for bringing us toward a point of unity and thus forging a better world.

For we shall prevail and they shall founder, knowledge and understanding are key?

Gloves are off i guess?

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I have been suspended from Twitter for apparently sharing part of your article! I did also tweet Marianna Spring, the face of the BBC’s 'disinformation unit' today so maybe she had a word in the censor's ear? I said she should stop using the words Conspiracy Theorist!


Your account has been suspended for violating the Twitter Rules. Specifically, for:

Violating our policy on spreading misleading and potentially harmful information related to COVID-19. You may not use Twitter’s services to share false or misleading information about COVID-19 which may lead to harm.

My crime? Quoting facts re. Austria...

'For the unvaxxed it will cost almost €30,000 pa to refuse to comply with a totally unnec demand to become a guinea pig for experimental gene manipulation to render them “safe” from a Coronavirus that – with the use of Ivermectin & zero vax– kills under 3 victims per thousand'🙄

'Note that if you attempt to evade a permanent suspension by creating new accounts, we will suspend your new accounts. If you wish to appeal this suspension, please contact our support team.

Twitter, Inc. 1355 Market Street, Suite 900 San Francisco, CA 94103'

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Have you considered moving? My husband just said, "If you're starting to wonder if it's time to get out of Germany, it's time to get out of Germany." There are places in the States fighting these mandates. You may be safer here.

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The current situation around the world (or most of it) is like a growing infection on a body. We must press the pus out until the wound will become clean and start to heal.

Thank you for doing your work, CJ.

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"Of course, it is totally inappropriate, and wrong, and very, very bad (and, technically, a crime here in New Normal Germany) to compare New Normal Germany to Nazi Germany."

That is exactly what is happening in Germany right at this very moment. The state powers and the people who agree to everything have learned nothing from the NAZI methods of the last world war, because they are doing exactly the same as the NAZIs did. They are applying the same and very vicious and freedom-robbing coercive methods to the people as the NAZIs already did, namely that those human beings will be punished who will not submit to the freedom-robbing coercive measures.

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Yeah still doing it in Canada, Australia & NZ as well. More analysis is needed of the alliances in WW2. Was Berlin the centre or was it Hannover?

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The people driving this at the state level know full well what is going on. None of this is happening by accident or as a spontaneous reaction to a "pandemic."

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Thank for the tremendous work ! You're an inspiration.

The parallels between Nazi Germany and New Normal Germany cannot be overstated. The initial justification for putting jews in ghettos was because Nazi’s claimed jews were spreading typhus.

See here: https://perspectives.ushmm.org/item/propaganda-poster-jews-are-lice-they-cause-typhus

"During the years of the Nazi regime, German doctors frequently argued that Jews spread disease. Reflecting common themes in Nazi propaganda, these medical professionals repeatedly pushed the false claim that Jews were especially responsible for outbreaks of typhus—a deadly contagious disease spread by lice.2"

Sound familiar?

What’s happening right now is beyond terrifying.

I would advise any dissidents and freedom fighters to leave Germany while it’s still allowed, and before they start rounding us all up. :(

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Norton is also warning me of the website of Geert Vanden Boscche https://www.voiceforscienceandsolidarity.org/ He explains very well why u should not have a vax at the moment. Wonder how many times I am allowed to override their warnings?

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These days, you’re doing something wrong if you *don’t* get flagged as a dangerous misinformation-spreader, so congratulations on your truth-telling badge of merit, CJ!

For those who get offended by comparisons between the Old Holocaust and New Holocaust, I’d suggest you send them “Letter to a Holocaust Denier” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier) and/or “Letter to an Agree-to-Disagree Relative” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-an-agree-to-disagree-relative), but I don’t want you to get arrested ;-) You’re pushing the boundaries enough as it is.

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