
Heartfelt thanks to everyone expressing their support! Rest assured, whatever the New Normal fascists do to me, I intend to use this ridiculous investigation as another opportunity to shine a bright fucking light on the new totalitarianism I have been writing about for the last three (and arguably seven) years.

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The irony is that the Reich just proved that the New Normal Reich exists.

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by CJ Hopkins

Wow! Outrageous. I just notched my subscription plan up to the "120 Yearly" level.

Do I have a match?

Here in the USA we have a new (normal) saying: The process is the punishment. Consider yourself "punished".

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Isn't it ironic that in their accusation of “disseminating propaganda, the contents of which are intended to further the aims of a former National Socialist organization,” and by banning the book and threatening prison time, they are acting like said "former National Socialist organization"...

Dontcha think?

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This is outrageous, of course, but not in the least surprising aside from the fact that it didn't happen sooner.

As you likely know, I covered Sucharit's case last month:

• “Profiles in Courage: Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-prof-dr-sucharit)

I may be able to put you in touch with Sucharit's exceptional lawyer, Professor Martin Schwab (https://neveragainisnowglobal.substack.com/p/sucharit-bhakdi-how-a-humble-man). Email me if you're still looking for an attorney.

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I know this suggestion will get lambasted, but perhaps -- taking a look at recent history and the last few years in particular -- a move to a relatively less fascist environment should be at least an option. Notice I didn't say "more free environment" because at this point in time it seems comparisons can only be made in the negative.

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Absolute bastards.

You need to start a fund so people can give one-off donations.

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Damn dude. I am so bummed to hear this. I am 3/4 through the book in question. It is so fascinating for me to read your book now that things have sort of settled down. It all comes back so viscerally through your writing. As someone who remained unvaxxed, I just kept my head down and tried to survive these last few years - I still haven't visited San Francisco since lockdown due to the exclusionary measures put into place there. Just lost my appetite for the City. I didn't have the courage to speak out publicly the way you have. Since I discovered your writing, it has given me the courage to call out all this bullshit authoritarianism. Please let your readers know how we can help if you need it. I hope you find a lawyer like Tony Serra to help defend you from these ridiculous charges.

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Jun 8, 2023·edited Jun 8, 2023

So, by the prosecutor's logic, Ralph Fiennes was promoting Nazism by playing the role of Anton Goeth, the Auschwitz kommendant, in Schindler's List. Not to mention the folks in The Producers, So why aren't Fiennes and Spielberg and Mel Brooks all facing investigation?

"It is possible these trumped-up charges are also a result of my criticism of the official Russia/Ukraine narrative. I’ve been pretty tough on the NATO-backed neo-Nazis and the official propaganda the corporate media has been churning out."

Let's not kid ourselves - this is a pretext. If you had goodthink EU-approved attitudes on Ukraine, nobody in the preosecutor's office would care.

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Righteously Angry: right-next-to-you.

Remember that these men have no chests.

The truth always sets us free.

They will never muzzle you.

You now have a badge of honor you did not know you would carry in your lifetime,

but carry it you will.

What kind of assistance do you need?

Please let us know here or in another designated forum.

With love in our hearts for you, from my family to you and yours.

Stand firm.

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"There’s quite a lot of that going around these days. Just ask Matt Taibbi, Roger Waters, Sucharit Bhakdi, Kit Klarenberg, among others."

Not bad people to stand with. Yeats was only half right when he wrote, "The best lack all conviction, while the worst / Are full of passionate intensity." at least as it applies to these times.

I'd be willing to contribute something to offset legal fees. I am sure many others feel the same way.

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Let me get this right CJ is charged with "disseminating propaganda to benefit National Socialist Organization" through his book that actually warns readers that NATO and the "West" are becoming deeply authoritarian & fascistic by censoring and oppressing free speech and bodily sovereignty & human rights, while at the same time theses same governments are spewing the most divisive and distorted propaganda to arm and fund real live Neo Nazi's to the tune of hundreds of billions in the Ukraine (one of the the most corrupt countrys in Europe) through a proxy war instigated by them, which has decimated Europes economy for decades?

This level of idiot insanity cannot last....

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They already went after Prof Bhakhdi and failed - but are appealing.

I am not a[n] [in]famous commentator but have publicly posted that policies on covid resemble "Volksgemeinschaft".

I have also publicly posted that covidmania is not comparable to the holocaust because it is WORSE.

Why don't you tell the Berlin prosecutor - who seems underemployed with time on his/her/it's hands - about me!

They cannot go after everyone. They hope that by publicly vilifying a few high profile people, they will silence everyone. Yes, they really are that stupid.

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Authoritarians always weaponize government institutions to further their power, making them very dangerous for any who pose a threat to their power. Thank you for your courage. I hope you manage to forgo harm at the hands of those self serving, power lusting monsters.

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I'm sorry. Perhaps you might ask the prosecutor why Germany is sending weapons to actual Nazis in Ukraine and ignoring the fact that Biden and his Neo-liberal and Neocon warmongers blew up the Nordstream? I'm sure it would go over well.

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The process is the punishment.

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