Heartfelt thanks to everyone expressing their support! Rest assured, whatever the New Normal fascists do to me, I intend to use this ridiculous investigation as another opportunity to shine a bright fucking light on the new totalitarianism I have been writing about for the last three (and arguably seven) years.

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Seven? Try 22 years. Still there are so many people that do not understand physics. One example being the idea that a roof line of 330ft width can come down in free fall for more than 2 seconds, as by NISTs report, because of office fires having weakened some steel trusses. This is what free fall looks like for an object: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lcf74nxpSQE

So that wrecking ball fell through thin air. Not 8 floors of steel trusses and concrete. You have been lied to for much longer than three years, or seven years...

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This just proves that you have been right all along.

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Ask your lawyer if it's possible to sue them back for their attempted censorship (Art 5 GG).

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Since the charge and now decision are so patently nonsense, it's interesting and significant that the judge is in a position to stand up and say publicly "I am corrupt, and supporting Nazi ideas (whilst pretending the opposite)". Whether he is in that position from coercion or conviction we don't know yet.

I'm reminded of Theodore Dalrymple's observation on collectivist methods:

"In my study of Communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of Communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore the less it corresponds to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect, and is intended to."

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The irony is that the Reich just proved that the New Normal Reich exists.

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It is not just germany, it is all over. The mask is there to cover up their schadenfreudisch grins.

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Wow, Germany - going full 1930's Germany. Maybe they are hoping the third time is the charm.

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You said it!

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Wow! Outrageous. I just notched my subscription plan up to the "120 Yearly" level.

Do I have a match?

Here in the USA we have a new (normal) saying: The process is the punishment. Consider yourself "punished".

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I'll be your match. CJ is going to need it for his lawyer.

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Thank you! Anyone want to join me in the Assigned Reading ? Appropriate for the event.

By chance, within the last week, I have started: Hitler's First Hundred Days, Peter Fritzsche, Basic Books 2020 ($17 Amazon - only 1 in stock). Sure enough, by page 5 or so there is that word: Coordination (Gleichschaltung) - they're still at it!

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Kafka, The Trial.

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Isn't it ironic that in their accusation of “disseminating propaganda, the contents of which are intended to further the aims of a former National Socialist organization,” and by banning the book and threatening prison time, they are acting like said "former National Socialist organization"...

Dontcha think?

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That is the irony of the entire last half decade or so. Those who previously railed against fascism, corporatism, the new world order, etc. have all become evangelists for said evils.

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Because all their railing was only about wanting power. Now that they have it, they're consolidating it, forever.

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This is outrageous, of course, but not in the least surprising aside from the fact that it didn't happen sooner.

As you likely know, I covered Sucharit's case last month:

• “Profiles in Courage: Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-prof-dr-sucharit)

I may be able to put you in touch with Sucharit's exceptional lawyer, Professor Martin Schwab (https://neveragainisnowglobal.substack.com/p/sucharit-bhakdi-how-a-humble-man). Email me if you're still looking for an attorney.

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Thanks, Margaret ... I wrote to Schwab. I don't know him personally. If you're in touch with him, feel free to put a good word in for me. I'll be grateful.

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Excellent. I have already reached out to our mutual contact (as well as Sucharit) to see if she can put us in touch. She said she should hear back by tomorrow, so I’ll follow up with you via email once I get more info.

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I found a lawyer here in Berlin. You can let your people know. Thanks again! I'll keep you (and everyone) posted, of course. I sincerely hope this isn't the start of the "Last Days of Lenny Bruce" phase of my political satirist career.

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Glad you found someone! My contact said a lawyer she knows who specializes in criminal offenses wrote that he would look into your case carefully and let her know his assessment, but it sounds like you’re already covered. Do let me know if you wind up needing additional guidance, though.

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A noble, kind, and useful act.

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No doubt you will have heart of Reiner Fuellmich - perhaps he would be interested to represent you.

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I know this suggestion will get lambasted, but perhaps -- taking a look at recent history and the last few years in particular -- a move to a relatively less fascist environment should be at least an option. Notice I didn't say "more free environment" because at this point in time it seems comparisons can only be made in the negative.

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Excellent. People want to continue and pretend that this WEF-totalitarianism isn't spreading via woke-LGBTQ*S,etc./CRT ideology in America nor EU-propagandized life in Europe=kill cows; take farming land; enforce make-believe climate change edicts; strengthen censorship codes; force nanotechnological life onto humans. It's everywhere including Russia. The totalitarianism isn't local: it's panglobal. The Chinese are the seminal cell to demonstrate WEF life. Move to a place as conservative as possible with a conservative county sheriff if in America. Never place trust in current state governments: think locally only.

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I was just going to say this myself.

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Absolute bastards.

You need to start a fund so people can give one-off donations.

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Mr. Hopkins: Any such valuable book deserves a hardcover edition. A signed special edition could be a good fundraiser. Paperbacks do not endure and I do not buy them. Please consider this suggestion, and thank you for all you have done and are doing.

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I'll put my money where my mouth is, and pre-order a signed special hardcover edition -- perhaps several if affordable -- to kick-start this fund-raising idea. Judging from 'likes, other readers might participate.

Singapore is, or was, known for high-quality printing and reasonable global shipping rates. If you could set the fund-raising price to include shipping it would simply matters for you. Obviously you have your hands full now.

Good luck . Here's hoping the idea helps.

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He’s got a paypal account.

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Won't use PayPal. Can he do a give send go from the Reich? Or is this verboten?

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I know, they’re terrible, but they’re an easy and relatively inexpensive way to send money internationally.

I don’t know whether CJ accepts other payment methods (other than via Substack, which is fine, but it wouldn’t take my bank’s card last time I tried). You’d have to ask him.

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You're correct, uselesseater. Do not under any conditions use PayPal. By using them, you support them. Starve the beast. Mr. Hopkins needs to find a secured funding site or method to which people can contribute a one-off payment toward his legal expenses.

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I have such a method, i.e., direct bank transfer. Details are on my website (https://cjhopkins.com/contact/). This was not meant as a fundraising post, but I am grateful for everyone's support. It means a lot to me.

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Probably not for long if recent history is any guide. I'm sure they'll find a way to shut it down and try to steal his funds like they've done to so many others including Consortium News. CJ should get any money he has in PayPal out ASAP.

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That would be weird...

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Damn dude. I am so bummed to hear this. I am 3/4 through the book in question. It is so fascinating for me to read your book now that things have sort of settled down. It all comes back so viscerally through your writing. As someone who remained unvaxxed, I just kept my head down and tried to survive these last few years - I still haven't visited San Francisco since lockdown due to the exclusionary measures put into place there. Just lost my appetite for the City. I didn't have the courage to speak out publicly the way you have. Since I discovered your writing, it has given me the courage to call out all this bullshit authoritarianism. Please let your readers know how we can help if you need it. I hope you find a lawyer like Tony Serra to help defend you from these ridiculous charges.

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No need to visit San Francisco. Do you want typhoid or hepatitis from the human feces littering the sidewalks? Also, stores and hotels leaving in droves because of unprosecuted crime. Soon to be a veritable urban-nightmare ghost town.

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Born and raised there so it holds a special place in my heart.

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So, by the prosecutor's logic, Ralph Fiennes was promoting Nazism by playing the role of Anton Goeth, the Auschwitz kommendant, in Schindler's List. Not to mention the folks in The Producers, So why aren't Fiennes and Spielberg and Mel Brooks all facing investigation?

"It is possible these trumped-up charges are also a result of my criticism of the official Russia/Ukraine narrative. I’ve been pretty tough on the NATO-backed neo-Nazis and the official propaganda the corporate media has been churning out."

Let's not kid ourselves - this is a pretext. If you had goodthink EU-approved attitudes on Ukraine, nobody in the preosecutor's office would care.

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Yes it’s harassment, meant to undermine and drain resources.

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Exactly. Just look at how things have happened to Carlson, Klarenberg, Waters, etc. Suddenly the 40 year old dictator uniform isn't acceptable! Suddenly Klarenberg gets the Guardian MI5 treatment. Suddenly Tucker is sued for sexual harassment by a woman.....WHO HE NEVER EVEN MET IN PERSON. It's the questioning the FUKUSNATO-Ukraine official story line that has gotten all of them in trouble for things that were ignored before. Not sure about Taibbi tho. He doesn't say TOO much about the war anyway other than calling out the media on their pipeline and dam hypocrisy and double-talk.

Prior to this most recent wave of harassment, there was Consortium News getting their funds frozen (i.e. stolen) as well as MintPress who I don't think had funds frozen, by PayPal and having their account closed, tons of dissident voices being canceled from Twitter (a few of whom are still shut down despite the King of Free Speech emerald mine heir being in control), and the mother of them all Assange rots away in jail....all of them being persecuted for telling the truth. Wikileaks was the canary in the coal mine so to speak.

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I’m just waiting for the moment when the New Normal Germany bans/ censors the Charlie Chaplin film “The Great Dictator” on the grounds of using imagery that may promote Nazism.

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Righteously Angry: right-next-to-you.

Remember that these men have no chests.

The truth always sets us free.

They will never muzzle you.

You now have a badge of honor you did not know you would carry in your lifetime,

but carry it you will.

What kind of assistance do you need?

Please let us know here or in another designated forum.

With love in our hearts for you, from my family to you and yours.

Stand firm.

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"There’s quite a lot of that going around these days. Just ask Matt Taibbi, Roger Waters, Sucharit Bhakdi, Kit Klarenberg, among others."

Not bad people to stand with. Yeats was only half right when he wrote, "The best lack all conviction, while the worst / Are full of passionate intensity." at least as it applies to these times.

I'd be willing to contribute something to offset legal fees. I am sure many others feel the same way.

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He forgot Julian Assange too. Damn that appellate court today. I just heard the news of his appeal denial....

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The ordeals of people like CJ, Assange, Kit, Matt, Aaron Mate, and Max Blumenthal recall

Bob Dylan's "Idiot Wind",

"Now everything's a little upside down

As a matter of fact the wheels have stopped

What's good is bad, what's bad is good

You'll find out when you reach the top

You're on the bottom"

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I'd call it an Evil Wind after all the shit that's gone down in response to COVID and the FUKUSNATO war against Russia.

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Just began reading a Russian nationalist site. They're doing the same thing in Russia that they're doing in the U.S. and Europe. They're panglobal at this point. They're using Russian language, culture, and heritage against the Russian people as they are in the U.S. and Europe.

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Don't forget Meryl Nass. With the new ICD-10 "vaccination" codes we'll all soon be on their list. Shades of SS.

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Let me get this right CJ is charged with "disseminating propaganda to benefit National Socialist Organization" through his book that actually warns readers that NATO and the "West" are becoming deeply authoritarian & fascistic by censoring and oppressing free speech and bodily sovereignty & human rights, while at the same time theses same governments are spewing the most divisive and distorted propaganda to arm and fund real live Neo Nazi's to the tune of hundreds of billions in the Ukraine (one of the the most corrupt countrys in Europe) through a proxy war instigated by them, which has decimated Europes economy for decades?

This level of idiot insanity cannot last....

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That's right and your summary is the best and most succinct summary I've read or heard so far.

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They already went after Prof Bhakhdi and failed - but are appealing.

I am not a[n] [in]famous commentator but have publicly posted that policies on covid resemble "Volksgemeinschaft".

I have also publicly posted that covidmania is not comparable to the holocaust because it is WORSE.

Why don't you tell the Berlin prosecutor - who seems underemployed with time on his/her/it's hands - about me!

They cannot go after everyone. They hope that by publicly vilifying a few high profile people, they will silence everyone. Yes, they really are that stupid.

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Authoritarians always weaponize government institutions to further their power, making them very dangerous for any who pose a threat to their power. Thank you for your courage. I hope you manage to forgo harm at the hands of those self serving, power lusting monsters.

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I'm sorry. Perhaps you might ask the prosecutor why Germany is sending weapons to actual Nazis in Ukraine and ignoring the fact that Biden and his Neo-liberal and Neocon warmongers blew up the Nordstream? I'm sure it would go over well.

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The process is the punishment.

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