Made my day reading this post for your case ; such a delight to read common sense since that has disappeared into the fog of totalitarianism.

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My sentiments exactly!

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Thank you Liz . I’m in Canada where many people have no idea what substack is nor do they know about the WEF , nor do they know about the communist take over that has infiltrated our political systems . Sad really , when the appetite involves rose coloured glasses and keeping those political realities hidden from plain sight .

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I’m in Canada, BC… too. So glad to see a couple of other Canadians who have taken off their rose colored glasses.

This coverage of CJ’s case is positive turn, wonderful way to begin the day!

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Have you read any of Sam Cooper’s - The Bureau ? Remarkable what he is reporting about the communist infiltration into our governments . Make me see just how much our lock downs, lock ins , and locked away policies look similar to a communist regime not to mention the endless masking .

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Manitoba here .Can someone please send these good legal councils to help Riener Fuellmich ? He has been languishing in jail since Fall of 2023 ,a very innocent man , kidnapped in Mexico and brought back to Germany on fake charges .https://www.drtrozzi.news/p/help-free-dr-reiner-fuelmich

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I’m in Alberta and have been on Substack since 2022, when Matt Taibbi exposed the Twitter files. Happy to know that I’m not the only Canadian subscriber on here. ❤️

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I'm in Australia, so share many of your observations Linelle. As scared and worried as the New Normal regime (including our public broadcaster that I once trusted) has made me, it's nothing compared to seeing my fellow Aussies lapping it all up and virtue-signalling their way into totalitarianism. Being awake amongst them is not easy.

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So many countries in lockstep that people didn’t or don’t notice. If you can ,have a listen to Neil Oliver and Candice Owens ,I think on utube . Neil Oliver describes what it has been like for him re waking up to the reality - I loved just how articulate he was about that . Candice Owens is a religious person who finds her strength that way , and Neil managed to ask some wonderful questions bridging the gap for those of us who may not be religious . It was powerful and positive in a really interesting way … at least from my perspective .

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I've followed Neil Oliver since his "Discover Archeology" days. It's been an interesting, enlightening and learning experience time. He didn't fall for the billsh@t.

I've grown to really respect him for his fortitude. He could have rolled-but he didn't.

BTW- he got fired &"they" replaced him on every archeology show w/ a female w/ bright red clown hair. Can't make this up.

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can anyone talk faster(!) than Candice?!

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Maybe some old school auctioneer :)

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"Sad really." How true, that after all that's happened, particularly over the last 4 yrs, with the Western world (including Canada), having reverted to Fascism/ Nazism, that there still remain some who obliviously blame the world's ills on "communism."

And speaking of rose colored glasses, you might want to actually read CJ's "The Rise and Fall of the New Normal Reich" to discover why he so accurately chose that title. Imho, of course.

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Have his book as well as zone 23 .

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The term political justice system is a perfect descriptor for what we have in Canada right now. I intend to share this with all candidates running in our elections here in Canada and and especially in BC where we have an election coming up next month.

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If I "get" the meaning right, political justice and "lawfare" seem to have similar connotations. Lots of lawfare against Trumpie.

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Political Justice is looking like an oxymoron

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just a bit south of ya' here in MinnEsota, 'ey.

Sorry to hear the avg citizen in Canada never heard of substack, but ooooh, wait.

Same goes for much of the USA. I know NO one besides myself who resides here from locals, family, friends. . .

We are a rare breed.

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Watch their glazed expressions if you mention the WEF .

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Alas, common sense seems these days to be inadequate in the face of malicious lawfare.

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excellent comment

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Congrats on finding some people in positions to make a difference who are not ironically challenged statist drones.

Many of those in power in Germany probably actually believed that masks and other measures were for the good of the people and found it offensive and thought it crazy and dangerous that you would equate a public heath measure with Nazi style totalitarian psychosis. Which of course it was.

These types of people with no self awareness or perspective are the most dangerous of all, the very definition of tyrants

We have many such people here in the US. Im an MD in private practice in Northeast for 25 yrs and Dr Tony Fauci meets the criteria for one of humanities greatest villians. If anyone criticized him he would react with scorn and confusion he genuinely believed he was acting for the greater good.

And this is probably the case for many of the people who attacked you. The psychic pain and cognitive dissonance you caused them by showing them how they were really no different than the Nazi paychos in 1939 made their minds short circuit and the peer pressure and group think was so massive noone could resist

Here in the US it was like living in an open air insane asylum. I was physically assaulted in a bank for not wearing a mask. I was dropped off the staff of a major hospital for not taking the shots at all

And and and on…

The whole thing was deeply traumatic and heartbreaking

I have no trust or faith in the The people around me or our culture to survive the next Manufactured crisis, whatever this is going to be

But im grateful that there are those like yourself who see through all of this… to the extent I continue to trust that you are real and sincere i continue to read and root for you

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I live in an oh-so-blue and virtuous NE state too. Almost everyone I know succumbed to the insanity and they haven’t recovered. The edge is gone but an amnesia has settled in and all these mostly former friends have no recollection of what happened in the years 2020-23 and life continues without skipping a beat. As I approach my seventh decade of life, it’s the strangest and saddest thing I’ve ever experienced.

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The same applies out here in a state in the West of the United States, where I currently reside. A region of the USA otherwise known as the ‘Left Coast’. I am in the lower state of the three states that consist of the ‘Left Coast’. That “state of amnesia” lives on. If they do refer to anything from 2020-2023, it’s “back during C*V*D” and now it’s all “jolly well good”.

It’s as if the tyranny, propaganda, and totalitarian measures imposed on us on a daily basis, have suddenly and mysteriously gone away, at the turn of a calendar year.

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@John Sutton: "As I approach my seventh decade of life, it’s the strangest and saddest thing I’ve ever experienced. "

In a very profound way, it really is strange and sad; strange in that it is incongruent with with the world we thought we lived in. And sad in that the trajectory that we all thought we were on, as a human society, always improving and learning from mistakes, has been no trajectory at all but a delusional joke. Thanks COVID morons for setting the record straight.

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I believe we will, as a society, continue to learn from our mistakes. Perhaps you and I cannot "see" it NOW, but there could be a sea change as more of the folks in the middle of the Polar fields slowly see a bit of the true light. Be patient, trust G-d, pray. We have helpers out there and they are rooting for us.

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My life has profoundly altered, too, John. At gatherings of friends, I simply sit silent. I have nothing to say that will not have them bristling, rolling their eyes or bringing out the C-T phrase. I am probably the most knowledgeable in history and politics of the whole lot. Come from an old-school liberal family and can see the inversion of sense that has been playing out. Yet I couldn't be bothered to demur or challenge any more. It's not worth the psychic pain. It has been bad enough trying to hang on to my marriage. They have all reverted to the trivia of daily existence. Their narrow little Overton Windows snugly bolted tight. Unquestioningly trot out the approved narratives, and the current Big Scary Thing or Baddy of the Day, while applauding and clapping on the slow strangling of our freedoms and willing abdications of our privacy. All for the false promise of safety and rescue.

It is indeed the saddest time.

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Exactly my life too.

Maybe slightly more room for speaking my mind now than 2 years ago but overall hard to go along with friends and family pretending nothing happened never being able to speak my mind.

Actually starting descending into this lifelong loneliness (with people around) reading Atlas Shrugged way back and "the austrians" during the 2008 "financial crisis".

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Ditto here. Friends have kind of "relaxed" their censoriousness, but I still have to feel out the limits to which I can push my opinions. I am profoundly bored by their trite observations and sheer lack of inquisitiveness beyond the shallow talking points of the day. The smugness gets to me, above all. Such unquestioning righteousness that they possess the "correct" worldview. It is there in everything - Ukraine, climate, blithe acceptance of the digital panopticon, naive trust in "experts". I live in a perpetual silent scream.

It would be interesting to know how many of us "outsiders" cut our renegade teeth on Ayn Rand, Solzhenitsyn, Orwell, Zamyatin and the like.

I relate to the profound loneliness. The divergence with those I love has almost become too great for me to even imagine a way back. Their visceral fury at anyone who even so much as hints at challenging their mindset does not bode well. They don't believe in meeting halfway. Won't even start the journey. They consider us the lost ones. The disparagement, ridicule, and dismissal is still there, and it stings. I wander the halls of Substack, realising it's a hollow simulacrum to real life - but the closest I'll get to like-minded souls in these times. In my more desperate moments have even considered setting up a lonely hearts page for the awakened and isolated. This cannot be my life going forward. Yet I cannot throw away my entire life. It is purgatory indeed.

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Execellent comment!

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Thank you, Ann. I'm only just seeing your excellent

comment today.

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Thanks, John.

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John, it seems there are many of us in the NE (we're in VT) that really should find a way to connect. I'm 69, and part of a small group of like minded people but we really should be geographically connecting I think...I'm not on social media, but maybe we can all connect some other way?


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Yes, and it feels the trauma continues because the majority of people still seem asleep and apathetic. Everything still feels tainted, somehow. Open air asylum is right.

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my oldest brother thought I was a nutcase when I told he and his wife masks are useless.

Of course, he IS my OLDEST brother and ALWAYS knows more about any subject than me, for sure, and . . . anyone, just generally!

Having worked for 3M I was the expert this time!

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Watching our Australian judges dismiss a case which was trying to prevent Australian children and babies from being subjected to the transfection injections, I was horrified by their attitude which was sickeningly far from impartial. Political justice is an apt term alright. All the best with your fight for real justice.

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Thank you for this detailed post, which included the definition “In a political justice system, the independence of the judiciary is overridden by the ruling authorities and thus fundamental democratic rights are violated.” What we have here in the USA is what is evolving on an express train into a political justice system designed to disenfranchise any voter of choice. Have been sharing your case, your writings, and your book to serve as cautionary information and to advocate for truth. Thank you.

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AGREE! and me too-about the sharing part.

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The judge is rather late coming forward. The obvious question being ignored in her article is WHY the prosecution got to court in the first instance. It's such a cut and dried example of artistic licence in fact, that what happened to Mr Hopkins was deliberate and malicious intimidation. I welcome not only another aquital, but also the award of substantial damages.

I trust the mask mandates will be discussed openly in court and found to be the illegal, unscientific and utterly pointless political measure all of our children, pensioners, teens and ordinary people suffered under for many months and years.

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Agree, a financial payment and an apology from the state actors is indeed called for in this case.

Though the reality of having a court case adjudicated fairly to apologize and compensate damages for CJ in the present politically corrupt-environment is “illusory justice”.

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I think your case will serve as a critical turning point / juncture in German history. Either it will revert to its Hitler-era totalitarian ways, or it will deny such folly and remain a [somewhat seemingly] democratic nation with [at least a semblance] of rule of law.

Best of luck Dr. Hopkins.

Regards from Canuckistan (aka Canada)

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I will second that.

an inflection point.

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Regards from SC, USA. Hoping an inflection point indeed.

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Well under any normal circumstances your lawyer should just submit the link to this article to the judge of your case and tell the prosecutor to go whistle.

Alas these are not normal times and circumstances, the ridiculous and absurd are now the normal.

Good luck for next Monday mate - hope you won't need it...

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I would like to read about CJ's lawyer's perceptions of this affair, provided he can do so without recrimination.

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Now we are eagerly waiting for the prosecution of the political leaders. Why are they not behind bars since long?

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Dr. Clivia von Dewitz has written truth in her article. I can only hope her article will stimulate more people to think critically about this issue. The courts must rule in favor of free expression and citizens' rights to criticize their governments.

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How long must we wait for people to start "to think critically about this issue?" Five years? Ten years? If a person still parrots the C-19 narrative after all this time and evidence staring them in the face, they are lost. Move on.

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No shit! how many years will it take for people learn the truth?

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Has she been measured for the dungeon they intend to throw her in?

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Finally, some good news. “Political justice” is an apt term for the clown show.

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I am very happy to read this. The author of the article has made it crystal clear that the more the German judicial system persists in trying your case, the more it reveals itself as violating the German constitutional separation of powers.

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Finally! The first loud whispers that acknowledge the true crimes of Covid era, now let the rest unravel. My (German) parents and extended family in Deutschland still have their heads in the sand and want to know nothing of this news… “everyone was doing the best they could at the time, including RKI and our government.” Fingers crossed for you, CJ, that this letter sets the tone for your outright acquittal! I can only think that the silver lining of you going through all of this will be some future where your case will protect someone else.

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As a former German living in Canada, it’s quite unsettling to watch my relatives blindly caving to the manipulation and control of government, for a second time in less than 100 years. The phrase comes to mind that ‘those who never learned from history are condemned to repeat it.’

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Good to see that a judge writes such an article.

But I would be careful not to be too cocky.

I never been in court in Germany but in Australia.

A cop made a mistake and charged me with the wrong offence. Their own evidence showed it.

I was quite smug about it, defending myself.

The judge still found me guilty directly contradicting the written road code


Because he can.

But how does he look when it is thrown out in an appeal?

My legal adviser said there is no consequence whatsoever for a judge doing stuff like that

And doing an appeal costs more money than the fine so hardly anyone does it

If they want to get you, they will still get you, at least in Australia

That's why I would be careful in provoking them too much unless you want to end up a martyr.

Just saying.

Good luck. As a German citizen it would be devastating for me to see democracy and justice fade away like that. I hope you win.

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You should also be aware that the word of a police officer will be accepted above the word of the accused. The ideal of presumption of innocence has its limits.

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And further aware that the judge will probably only see me once in his life time but has to work with that prosecutor and those cops almost every day. You don’t want them as enemies, do you? Everyone deserves a safe and friendly workspace. :-)

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Erm because it belongs to an ally’s most moral battalion obviously

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Maybe in traffic court. The police have a dim view of judges when it comes to cases involving violence.

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I wonder if that's the same Aussie judge who just ruled a man can change sex to become a woman and therefore is entitled to have access to a female-only social media app. Political justice indeed.

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She nailed it--the use of masks as a Nazi symbol was used in an emphatically negative way. What more can be said.🤔

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Excellent article...it good to read common sense. Thank you.

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The judge probably knows a friend or family member injured from the jab. The Tobacco playbook worked for decades despite reams of data linking smoking to squamous and small cell carcinomas of lung. It wasn't until a critical mass of judges, attorneys and doctors all knew someone damaged by smoking that the tobacco industry began losing lawsuits. The same will be true for the Pharma playbook.

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