The multitude of dead children, yet to come, is already breaking my heart, too; but to hear about Nazi Germany being repeated in Germany, where you would naturally think that the "good Germans" 'obviously' learned their lesson(s) concerning the 1920s, '30s and '40s, and "have been sufficiently educated so as not to repeat that awful, to put it mildly, period in history", it breaks my heart even more.

We were more than adequately warned that history repeats; and, as Robert A. Heinlein so accurately stated in his book, Stranger in a Strange Land, "(t)he majority is USUALLY WRONG(!)" (emphasis provided by little old me), but evidently we today, all over this inglorious world, are more than ripe for being "totaliterrorized" and "totalitarianized" (I think I coined those 'words' years ago) as I've been warning about for many years ever since the MAJOR official lie(s) and coverup of 9/11.

It is becoming more and more extremely obvious that we've all been intentionally dumbed-down, and indoctrinated and conditioned, to believe all, or almost all, of the incredibly-perverse false propaganda that we are inundated with in the West and the rest of the world (e.g., take these poison-and-serious-adverse-symptom-filled drug "medications" and "vaccines"), and to bow and surrender to increasingly totalitarian government(s), including and particularly the U.S. government, without question; and, that most do just that.

In other words, most of society is (completely?) brainwashed and living in "the Matrix" control grid fantasy world where extremely-evil-and-vile government(s) "love us", "care about us", and "wouldn't do anything to intentionally harm us" (yeah, right, and I've got swampland in California, and Germany, etc., to sell you, inexpensively and neverendingly), just as the Nazi government in Germany all those not that many years ago was supposedly "benevolent" and "had the best interests of Germany, its people, and the world at heart" (yeah, right again, which caused me to vomit in my mouth, that's how extremely absurd, and perverse, false, deceiving and brainwashing the widespread global false propaganda is, especially in the Western countries).

Population control (mass-murdering millions, and soon billions, of innocent souls) so the MINORITY of global corporate-fascists, aka modern-day "Fourth Reich" Nazis, sociopaths and psychopaths can, along with only 300 to 500 million of their minions (servants and slaves), be the only ones to survive and "inherit the earth", supposedly "saving" it, never mind what God thinks about all of that mass-murder in order to "accomplish" that.

God save the children and the rest of us (mostly brainwashed, fully-support-our-own-demise creatures who have let ourselves be taken willingly and happily to the point of this globalist, eugenicist, mass-murdering "endgame")!

All of the "best" from rainy Portland, Oregon, USA, the land of the no longer free, and the home of the now mostly cowards (not only in Portland, Oregon).

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Misopedia is the medical term for “a hatred of children”, including hatred of one’s own children. Imagine a world in which most of the parents are de facto misopedists, a world in which children are bred primarily for mass medical experimentation, a world in which children are voluntarily surrendered to the authorities at age 5 (or younger) so they can be genetically manipulated. Obviously, such a world no longer requires imagination—it is being made real right in front of us. Such parents have crossed a psycho/spiritual threshold from which there may be no return. What shred of humanity can remain in such people? For misopedists, rounding up the unvaccinated—both adults and children—and incarcerating them (or worse) is a much lower bar. If the incarceration (or incineration) order is ever given, it will be followed without hesitation.

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Glad we never raised kids, they have a zero future now anyway. Parents don't care either, since kids today raise themselves mostly. Europeans are ignorant about the UN human rights treaty and the Nuremberg code, which forbids forced medical experiments and nothing is taught in schools.

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"...workers putting up fences at one of the outdoor Christmas markets to segregate “the Unvaccinated” from the “Good Germans.”

It just occurred to me this morn that isolating and locking down we unclean unvaxxed may actually be a boon for us in the coming months, we may well be protected from all the vaxxed who are newly and more seriously infected in so-called breakthrough cases. Refer to latest information that "protection" goes negative for those vaxxed some time back, yu9 dnt want to mingle with infected believers!

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This 77 minute interview with Geert Vanden Bossche methodically, scientifically predicts a future that nightmares are made of. Above all else, we must not vaccinate the children. They are our last hope of preventing an age of great misery and unbearable sadness.


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Hello, do you have a link to the political cartoon? Thank you very much.

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Thanks for everything you do! Now excuse me while I return to pestering Glenn Greenwald to do his fucking job...

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You are correct ...it's risk assessment writ in large numbers. I happen to live on an island, which protects me from the large numbers, but still...I fight with a lot of people about this. Too bad that we are not well versed in statistics...

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Got the Delingpod interview last week and, last night, on the long East-West drive back from a stay with my daughter, your talk with the brilliant Trish Wood - superb (although you got cut off midstream in your "philosophical rant" I seem to remember). I'll listen to you & Charles too: he's someone I've been a big fan of for at least 10 years since reading "Sacred Economics". I sometimes struggle with the depth and subtlety of his essays but your readers should be aware of this 3-parter relating to covid vaccines and all the brainwashing: pt3 here https://charleseisenstein.substack.com/p/mob-morality-and-the-unvaxxed

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The need to write:

Today i discovered with some finality, certainty that offg is yet another controlled opposition, could it be my rather "out there" take on the nature of the soul, the issue of consent at said level and the illusionary state perpetuated upon us that facilitates the failure to wake the fuck up from our condition, especially given the "rather extreme" manifestation it has now distilled into?

Answers on a postcard?

The fact remains, do you go down with a whimper.... or out like a Lion?

No answers required on that, else you wouldnt be here... unless you too were "controlled opposition" or perhaps a waking algorithm using the old lab microscope to try to fathom why that particular wee corner of the organism you are studying..... "just will not comply"

Again, if your understanding has encompassed what `cern` is, `what the dmax` is, then.... you get it, you now know the lines are well and truly blurred and that the `ancient mysteries` that have for so long been used behind your back are being well and truly `warmed up` to full effect.

As the author of the piece above so clearly states the `next wave` is upon us and whether we remain where we are currently stand once it washes over us.... is maybe more at question than any other part of the narrative we have so variously refused or... avoided.

Yesterday in our nearest `cute` ex stannary south devon town my partner described to me what she saw:

"Opposite the town hall, a group (some half dozen or more) of 60yr old ish folk, grappling with ladders and a banner, a nice printed banner they were afixing to the side of buildings opposite said town hall.

A banner that extoled in `nice print` how those "small businesses" (the ones that run up and down the high st below said... town hall.

"that those small businesses would face certain bankrupty, if they fail to meet the the coming green audit".

Many of us have read mark carney`s visions of `green credit`, `carbon audit` etc, we know the script, but to see it being hoisted by what can only be described as `pre-geriatric soros jungerkind` (my attempt at being klever), well, it kind of brings home how close we are?

Whethersaid audit is a `parish inspired` , `national` or `multi national` isnt mentioned, the "enthusiasm" however is ther for all to see.

So why the fuck write? in the same way as having a really good shit makes the world some how a little lighter? Or maybe more to convey that non-consent is in itself an entity to match the ai entity that grows forever around us.

We are the twisting roots of the trees, the grass, the plants, the magnetism and connection of all true species to this this realm, this earth.

Upon our sacred ground, on our backs they attempt to raise their `temple`, tis for us to allow.... or not allow.

We are NOT done, we decide, in our waking thoughts and deeds, in our dreams as we seek to process what we have conjured, the future is not theirs.

Through what we will see come to pass the lies will be seen for what they are.... and for how many millenia we have been captivated by them.

Feel what you truly are, feel the strength within you, we endure and this is not yet done.

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Thanks CJ, I appreciate these posts. And I'm looking forward to these interviews.

On an optimistic note, I do believe that the Masters of the Universe are on a tighter timeline than people often imagine. The quadrillion dollar financial bubble they have built up will not go on forever. They know this. The Fed had already pumped in an emergency 6 Trillion into the banking system even before the onset of the Pandemic.

This is the elephant in the room, in my opinion. It also explains why there is such a rush-rush timeline to get all these kind of "new normals" in place.


I'd argue these people at the top are in essence "Zeusian," would-be Gods of Olympus. The story of Prometheus, especially as told by Aeschylus, is a good reminder that despite their seeming omnipotence, these Gods are very fallible, and very imperfect, and very blinded by their own power lust and hubris. Their cynical and misanthropic view of humanity forbids them from being able to recognize the kinds of qualitative and creative leaps that actually characterizes a creative humanity, rather than the debased mechanized animal or sensory processor that they believe in.

On an even lighter note, I was inspired by some of the fine satire popping up across the internet. So I gave it a try.

As a professional satirist yourself, please feel free to share any feedback. It's the first in a series called "Stories from the Pod Life."




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YES! When it comes down to the children, I lose my usual composure! I can accept that I have to pay a price for my convictions, but the way the children are treated I cannot accept. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE ! LEAVE THE CHILDREN ALONE!

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Germany's historical sister state, Austria, is about to lockdown the "unclean". I doubt the Fatherland will be far behind. It won't be long until you're brushing off those handy yellow stars. I live in Japan, been here 23 years. This old Axis country is paradoxically one of the freest nations on the face of the Earth. The government here couldn't even mandate a lockdown. They had to ask, yes ask, businesses to close. And even then it was bars and restaurants and they had to close by 8pm. And even then it was just a few weeks here and there in certain prefectures. And what would you know, Japan escaped the Apocalypse. Must be all the tofu. Or maybe they didn't test anyone. Because, you know, the virus is so deadly you have to go out and look for it otherwise it doesn't really exist. Funny little bug.

You have a new friend on FB. I ramble and try and spread some truth at Renegade Mind: https://www.facebook.com/renegaade.mind/

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No mention of Ivermectin?

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Finished watching the podcast CJ mentioned with James Delingpole. Very human conversation, recommended.

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I wonder what's going on in the minds of people erecting those fences at the Christmas market. After almost 2 years I still cannot believe how easy it was to destroy humaneness and common sense in millions of people.

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They are "just following orders". It is shocking how quickly this happened, really in a matter of months.

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Wow! Germans still love "othering". Must be in the bloodstream.

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The rest of the world is showing this was never a uniquely German concept.

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Oh, I absolutely agree. It's just that Germany has supposedly made such an effort to stop this kind of thing.

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"Sunny Berlin." Good one!

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