Look on the upside, your cred in the dissident community is sky high.

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I bought your book and it was excellent. Here is how I then used it.

My wife gave it to someone who was a non-believer and pointed out that they need to look at the dates in the book and realize that this is written not by someone today looking back but as it was occurring. This person flipped to our side now and they said "the analysis that was going on while it was happening made me think that I was wrong because the author was so spot on without the benefit of hindsight"

OK that's one. The book is now in someone elses hands. Again someone that needs awakening

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Thank you for sharing that ... it makes me so happy to hear the book is being used this way.

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Annoying and inconvenient to be sure, but I wouldn't call company like Twitter and FB kicking you out, bad news. Inevitable. Looking forward to reading your book.

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We need more abuse and harassment! More age-restricted adult content! And more cowbell !

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So why still bother with Twitter? You're feeding the monster; for this reason I have neither a Twitter or Facebook account (that, plus their "surveillance capitalism" business model). Go on GAB, Telegram and support (at least relatively) free and open sources.

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Sorry to hear about your ongoing "unpersoning." Sooner or later the pendulum is going to swing in the other direction and certain moronic influences will be seen for what they are and the broader public will probably wake up amazed at what they have been missing by worshipping at the alter of stupid. As for Biden's comment about the upcoming winter, that has to be the absolute low point in his reign. He was essentially cursing many of the people he was elected to serve and proving that he is a high priest in the aforementioned religion.

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And failing spectacularly to deliver on his inaugural promise of unity. To think I bought that bullshit at the time.

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I bought your book on Amazon. I had a $21 order and if I spent $25 it was free shipping. So I chucked Consent Factory in there, why not? I've read most of your essays so I'm not even sure if I'll read the book, at least immediately. But I wanted to give you the support. I really enjoy the way you articulate sentences, it's fun. I feel like even as the Titanic is sinking, you're on the prow cracking jokes. "How 'bout them icebergs aye, if you think they're cold you should meet my ex-wife!"

Wuh chah

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You are the first Substack I subscribed to. I don’t even know how I discovered you but I love your work. Thank you for your courage and incredible insights.

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You know you’re doing something right when you’re flirting with unpersonization. I’ve gotten thrown in both Twitter and Facebook jail but was miraculously reinstated without my having to sign any loyalty oaths in both cases.

Your book is my current go-to gift, CJ. Most recently, I sent it to my menticided father, who half-jokingly called me the “enemy” for spreading life-threatening misinformation; thinks I should be watching CNN/MSNBC and other New Normal Reich propaganda; and asked why I have to keep bringing up the Holocaust (and in the next breath accusing me of being a Holocaust-denying conspiracy theorist—clearly, logic is not his strong suit). My note accompanying your book said it may help him understand why I use the Holocaust as a point of reference. Not that I expect him to read it. He’s too busy watching CNN.

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My heart goes out to you, Margaret ... good luck with your dad. Keep in mind that those who bought the ticket and took the ride are experiencing some rather extreme cognitive dissonance right about now.

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Thank you, CJ, and indeed you are right.

I suppose we’ve made some progress from my “Letter to an Agree-to-Disagree Relative” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-an-agree-to-disagree-relative), which I wrote after our phone conversation last Thanksgiving. Instead of cutting me off after a few words with that thought-terminating cliché, he engaged in a pretty lengthy (if somewhat heated) discussion. I may write about it in an upcoming post and see if I can reach him that way, although I doubt it because he doesn’t read past the titles (he might if it’s about him, though ;-)

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Twitter? Don't have an account. Facebook. I keep it around so I can send pictures of my dinners to my Covidian family members in order to take their minds off the coming Monkey Pox apocalypses.

It's also fun to watch the dialogue, like when my sister from Seattle and her friends were discussing how terribly sick they felt after getting Shingles vaccinations, "Especially after the second shot - ugh." Interestingly there seems to be a Shingles breakout among the quadruple jabbed Pacific Northwesters, go figure. In the meanwhile we had quadruple vaccinated family over for my granddaughter's birthday. My wife and I extended the invitation to, "Feel free to take your masks off." So we all had a wonderful birthday gathering. Within the next week everyone comes down with Covid. Well, except for the wife and myself who are 'pure-bloods.'

The dastardly Covid seems to manifest as a mild three day flu. "Hummm." I wonder if those family members will get Shingles shot next too? I can't seem to convince them they are probably immune to Covid now. Well, I'll need to cook up a really nice dinner today and post pictures on Facebook. They'll all feel much better.

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I sent my mom this https://drtesslawrie.substack.com. a video about compassion. She now is starting to believe existence of vac injuried people

She was impressed with the video and credentials and she forwarded to her book group.finally I am not just a nut.i am a former liberal democrat fiscal conservative& PhD bioscientist and recommended her not to get the 2nd booshot but she did it anyways.

Keep the course once the wave come it will crash. Unethical medicine must stop.

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More than ironic to observe that a Berlin resident / prophetic observer such as yourself is taking enormous amounts of flak, indicating you are directly over the target... Love the book. Helps me remember the unbelievable, but now exposed onslaught we have endured from Globocap for years now.

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I've lost a copy of the book somewhere, probably in a public place when I was out drinking coffee. Now, I'll buy two more just in case I lose another one.

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I say with all due respect and absolutely no malice - reading these unrelenting posts by ALL OF YOU regarding the chronic censorship of Twitter, Facebook et al reminds me of an abused woman who complains but then goes right back to her abuser. WHAT IS IT with these totally asinine and completely irrelevant social media platforms that has you so addicted you're in a constant frenzy? I personally can think of no greater waste of time and or brain cells than having anything to do with social media. The moment anyone I'm speaking with even mentions FB or any other "social media" platform I immediately stop listening! These are the exact same people you see walking everywhere with their phone in their hand. Because, God forbid they miss something on social media! Are you kidding me? I'd like someone to do an actual study on the intellectual caliber of these users to solidify this too is a deliberate diversion to keep people preoccupied just like the cell phones are. It is the intentional dumbing down of society. Just look at the comment section on Substack versus any social media platform? I assume the counter argument will be the number of users these things attract - once again, seriously? I have to be brutally honest when I say how much I enjoy your writings - thoughts and especially your humor and wit - until you start carping about social media. It's as if you become one of them.

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I don't know how to thank you, BJ ... after reading your reply, I feel I have finally come back to my senses after living a 6-year-long waking nightmare (I joined social media in 2016). In fact, I feel so enlightened (and chastened) that I have decided to abandon both Twitter and Facebook, and quit the Internet entirely, and from now on, whenever I write a new column, I will send out physical postcards (return-addressed to a pseudonym, of course) to a select group of pre-screened friends advising them that I have written it (i.e., the new column) and letting them know that, if they want to read it, they can send me a postcard outlining their reasons for wanting to read it (and clearly expressing their contempt for the ignorant masses still suckling at the multiple demon teats of Twitter and Facebook), at which point, assuming I deem them worthy, I will book a budget flight (or a bus, if available) to their location, and read it to them, aloud, but in a stage whisper, so that none of the idiotic Unwashed can hear it. I don't know how that will affect my readership, but I am pretty sure the intoxication of my feelings of superiority will make up for any losses in that department. Anyway, thank you again for saving me from my abusive relationship with Twitter! (P.S. the postcards, both mine and those of the potential readers, will have to be handwritten, of course, in either Latin or Aramaic, or perhaps Doric or Ionic Greek, but that's a small detail I can sort out later.)

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touché - once again your brilliant humor shines brightly. I do find it ironic I was able to discover and follow you religiously without ever engaging in such preposterous bullshit

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You might enjoy my novel, ZONE 23, BJ ... your perspective on phones and social media is reflected therein.

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I thought you're going to have a dog deliver those physical paper copies of your columns? I'm so confused now.

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The dogs are for the books.

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I agree. Trying to understand what's going on, I suspect that Twitter and the other big Internet dumpsters are so huge, they have their own gravitational field, so people fall back into them. And when asked, they probably don't know another place where they can express the first 140 characters of their opinion (given that it doesn't contradict the current narrative provided to us by big money and the war machine). This comment is already 3x as long.

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BTW this was strictly an observational viewpoint as I wouldn't know FB from Twitter if my life were dependent upon it. I will however say this though - the first person that mentions anything on social media I immediately stop and criticize them explaining the only place you should get your information is Substack. And of course how the comment section alone is by far better than all the social media platform combined. Talk about honest - informative intellectuals!

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I love substack for all the reasons you outline. I do remain stuck in the gravitational field of Facebook however. It’s a nice shorthand to keep in touch with my family around the world. Could I live without it? For sure. Do I want to? Not yet. It’s a double edged sword. Curious if other readers consider substack a type of social media because I sorta do....

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I agree, but the reality is that is where the masses of normie nation are. I just checked in on FB after a long absence & the normie-itis is rampant. Nearly all of my “friends” are COMPLETELY brainwashed. I mean wholly & completely. 1000%. They have NO CLUE as to what is really going on. They’re carrying on in full compliance like masses of North Koreans in a parade as if nothing is manipulated & nothing is wrong.

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Agree on spirit, but on the other hand I found CJ via Twitter. It’s a predicament.

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If u actually advertise on online porn sites u prob would get a huge boost in sales as something like a 1/4 or more of all internet traffic is porn.

You could have a new fetish category called

“Truth porn”

And dont worry we all still love you 😘

Imagine a giant double headed truth dildo fucking fauci up the ass

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OMG .. you're going to be like a B-17 pilot returning back to base full of holes from enemy fire.

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