Write as often as you want! We have the ability to chose to read or not read on that basis! This is brilliant news, and I wouldn't know it without your post. So, thanks very much. Really appreciate it. I touched upon Musk, Branson and the engorged feasting on the public purse in my latest post... would love you to do a deep dive into this subject... https://rachelwild.substack.com/p/windfall-tax-on-record-profits-whilst?s=w

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Please do not stop communicating. For many of us, you and a handful of other commentators are our only "friends". Few human beings in my world have the intelligence or interest to engage in serious analysis of what is happening in our world. Even those who know something bad is going on are not willing to think it all through intelligently. They roll around in the emotional drama rather than think. I choose to keep an eye on everything you publish, along with others like Neil Oliver, Clif High, Russell Brand, Vernon Coleman, Catherine Austin Fitts, Dolores Cahill, Eva Bartlett. You each have a different take and a different set of priorities, but what you all do is help me feel less alone. And some of the time you even offer fresh perspective, which is gold.

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Hello good sir...fellow shrew...I discovered you on OG (who also publish my small contribution to the effort). Thank you so much for ALL of your work...where can I get your novel? Amazon? Best to you always!

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Apr 11, 2022·edited Apr 11, 2022

Just a brief "thanks" from a fellow full-time expat operating from a set of perspectives very similar to your own, way out west in the deepest, darkest Eifel.

Hustled off to the wife's ancestral family farm from the coastal bluffs of California in the wake of events in Sep. 2001. The moment where she realized the "unusual" views and assessments of society and power I'd cultivated during years of survival inside the system were on point.

We've been casually making ready for the events of the last two years for most of the last twenty. Until they come for all the small holder's livestock, the primary issue of food security is sorted, via a small local network of like-minded fellow producers.

Shelter is a large three-century-old pile of rocks built atop the bones of an older pile of less certain vintage. Strangely, such well-worn surroundings do confer a strange sense of "historical security", knowing the place and its people have survived multiple wars, plagues, etc.

Hell, the place was an *actual* battlefield three different times just between Sep. '44 and Feb. '45. Armor, artillery and dead soldiers in the hall, quite literally. Historically speaking, this place has been a treasure trove of sublime stories, generational ghosts and a litany of life lessons.

My thoughts ramble in this particular direction because Berlin may not be such a nice place to call home as conditions worsen and the socio-economic noose continues to tighten over these NEXT two years. Here's hoping you a yours have a solid relocation plan in place.

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Apr 10, 2022·edited Apr 10, 2022

That picture of Lauterbach is GOLDEN…actually the woman next to him makes it priceless.

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Bonum certamen certas, cursum consummas, fidem servas. Thank you and vergelt’s Gott, ‘may God repay’ , as Bavarian churchwardens used to say to each contributor as they went round with their collection baskets at the Sunday Mass (I mean here celle de toujours. N. B. the V of vergelt’s Gott is the same as that occurring in the names of the V1 amd V2 rockets).

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I look forward to your essays & emails. They have been a huge help in keeping my sanity & some faith in humanity.

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Nice to know that democracy does work, occasionally, even in Germany. Looking forward to reading your book...provided it's available in fascistic Canada ...

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Many of us have no friends we can talk with about this stuff. For some of us, you take the place of conversation with friends, a kind of default companionship, so please keep it coming. Perspectives change even if the facts are known.

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I feel for you. Luckily I have a few sane friends & my husband, kids & I are on the same page mostly (I'm a bit more "conspiratorial"). But we have a few family members who have cut us off for not falling for the narrative.

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Thank you, CJ! Good to hear some good news from the "COVID Front" in crazy Germany, which doesn't seem to know a ballistic missile from natural gas to a concentration camp: maybe a bit of Gunther Grass would help? There is quite a bit to say about the U$A/UK and Co. being quite lost in their own delusional projections of Power predicated upon hysterico-militarist fantasy locked neatly away in vaults of the Bank of International Settlements, etc.

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The sterling insight in this interview comes early on. With a singular global power, “every conflict that we experience now is an insurgency”. So true! Thanks for shining so much light on the road CJ.

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And we should all remember how we've been conditioned to accept that Insurgents deserve no mercy, no protection under laws, as they are not humans like us, are they?

We've been conditioned to be comfortable with the abuse and wholesale liquidation of Insurgents, we've been taught to look the other way and plug our ears as Insurgents are harshly dealt with or wrongfully imprisoned and mistreated and tortured, haven't we?

Does no one realize that one day they might be labelled as Insurgents?

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No, apparently they do not. In the same way they do not understand the issue is about mandates — and thus civil liberties — not the efficacy of the vaccine. I don’t give a fuck about the efficacy of any vaccine. I care passionately about our collective civil rights to decide what goes into our bodies. *Then* I’ll listen to all the expert-ologists and make a decision *for myself*. They don’t grasp this distinction because they’re schooled in expert-ology not critical thinking. They don’t understand the difference between the normative (or principals) and the empirical (or practice). Today mRNA, tomorrow? Who knows. But it won’t matter because the professional classes will have given our rights away.

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"Today mRNA, tomorrow? Who knows."

Precisely, no way to know what the next injection will contain, and anyone incapable of believing that they would or could insert harmful substances within, was necessarily born last night.


As they perfect the science, they will modify you in any way that suits their wants or needs, and so you lose all choice over your own life... you will be manipulated without your knowledge or consent, and will have no way to resist. You lose all sovereignty.

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“Necessarily born last night”. Love it!

Sadly, you’re DEAD right.

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Excellent CJ. I'm glad you had a chance to interview with Robert Kennedy Jr. And as a guy who has now turned 70 I'm glad to see that there is still some sanity in governing bodies when it comes to mandating euthanasia shots...errrr, vaccines....err, windfall Fascist revenues in a syringe.

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I share JKRs final concerns that there is a series of crises lined up in the pipeline - hence, they can dispense with Covidianism because it has served its purpose. GM mosquitoes have recently been released by the millions in California and Florida; China is off again with its strict lockdown - only this time with a city of 26 million (the entire population of Australia); Australia supposedly has an outbreak of mozzies spreading Japanese Encephalitis. People will tire and turn on one another (especially anyone who doesn't toe the line and do as they are told). Economies will collapse and into the vortex we go. 'Optimism' and 'positivism' trumped eternal vigilance (and a healthy dose of skepticism) - and got us into this mess. And on that bright note ...

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Never feel concerned about sending "too many emails" to your subscribers, CJ! I would welcome more from you. They are tonic and a balm for the anguish and heartbreak of witnessing the demonic suppression and demolition of all things good, free and true.

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God Bless you CJ, you have been a beacon of sanity in this dark nightmare , keep up the good fight, you have a loyal following.

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Great to see you and Kennedy connected C.J. I'll look forward to listening to that interview soon.

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