Just reread this. Prescient, unfortunately.

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This morning I raised the decidedly disturbing events in Austria with 2 friends: one agrees wholeheartedly with mandatory jabbing, claiming that unvaccinated folk are killing others,so selfish are they.

She is completely devoted to the covid agenda and now uses the seatbelt analogy to support her blind faith.

I pointed out that I will not have the jab, that I haven't done any harm and that forcible injection cannot be compared to seatbelt regulations.

She was getting ratty by this time, so I raised the Soviets' reliance on confinement of dissidents in psychiatric institutions where they were subjected to forcible injections of chemical coshes like largactil and ECT.

Still no change. How about the lives which have been prematurely ended or blighted by vaccine induced morbidity?

Nothing doing. What about Austria's Anschluss events?

These people cannot be persuaded nor engaged: I was advised not to read or listen to the desperate storied of vaccine victims.

Increasing cynicism has shown that this seems to be very much of a middle class phenomenon: the most committed adherents are, by and large,affluent home owners, retired or WFH and enjoying the obligation to 'stop the spread '.

An equally affluent neighbour of the friend in question will not allow anyone to share his car, so convinced is he that a viral attack would result should he bend the rules.

Conversations like this render me at risk of spontaneous human combustion, so exasperated am I by the blinkered complacent compliance

This cannot end well.

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Hey CJ - Get out of Germany as fast as you can! With Austria announcing the mandatory jab today, Germany will follow suit. (Just like old times, eh? Austria exports a certain someone or problem and it metastasizes in Germany.)

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Great article, and proving that it isnt about our health, but about totalitarian control. Although it is undeniable, that the vax isnt only dangerous with the hundret of thousands of vax injured, but is also ineffective and not providing long lasting immunity. But instead of blaming the vax, they are blaming the unvaccinated. Unbelievable and beyond sickening. We have to stay strong and we wont give in.

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Great article CJ. No surrender!

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love your vivid writing

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Kill Bill gates of hell, best buddy of Maxwell Epstein pedovore in chief and Mossad kiddy porn director along with filthy Swi$$ money laundry and spawn of genuine kosher German Nazis, the Hollyweird central casting SS cutout lout aka Satan Klaus Slob, Rothschild bagman geriatric peddler of fellow Jews to Nazis, the inimitable Gyorgi "Soros", all these demons would have you believe that their Tony Jaws Fauci and his Fort Detrick (debt trick) Wuflu virus has it all sewn up and you are nothing more than a redundant head of tax cattle down on Rancho Goyim, USSA soon to be slaughtered for the greater good of the zero 1% reptilian slime that imagines it has "inherited the earth".

The great r€$et my ass. The entire scam is falling apart as quick as you can say Pfizer macht frei and nothing on this Earth is going to save their mountains of fiat filth IOU Saudi Mercan petroscrip toilet paper dollahs and gimp bastard €urodollah or their evil genocidal asses in the coming Nuremberg reloaded. The Wall St shitter is about to blow their Ponzi sewer to hell and all the fake covaids and DARPA mRNA death pricks won't put Humpty Dumpty together again when the tsunami of toxic derivative shit washes over Slumville and the rest of the anglozionazi empire of filth. Simply by staying unjected we win when the millions of vaxxed sheeple start falling like dominoes in the months ahead; Dark Winter comes with a vengeance. Then guess how long the vertical pigs and uniformed mutts slurping their swill for now at the elitist trough along with rancid politcal swine and craven presstitute hos will cover for the cabal of reptilian scum that unleashed this vile insanity on the planet. These porcine scum will have their own offspring croaking like flies and even pigs and sheeple finally understand the stench of mass slaughter the nearer they come to the slaughterhouse erected by the reptilian alien slime now running planet moron.

There's going to be a lot of entitled, hubris bloated elitist garbage dangling from lampposts in the years ahead andnothing is going to stop the stampeding poisoned sheeple from taking grisly revenge when the herd finally grasps the totality of their stupidity and the enormity of their betrayal at the hands of our "Western democratic" kakistocracy. Forget about the ravings of trans slash humanist oddball geriatric retards and their great psychopathic "reset" and get ready for the greatest flush of demented loons that humanity has ever seen in its sorry history of depravity at the hands of gubermint puss and the ghouls that wallow in it.

YOU are the disease, their covaids death squirt the cure

Onward to Ouch Witz; the joke is on all of US

Pfizer macht frei

Same as it ever waZ

The covaid$ Caper in under 2 minutes


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Thank you for writing a great read for me. We are the uninjected.

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I sure hope Snowden is reading here so he can wake up.

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Mr. Hopkins... here some nice evil for you :

I am a doc NNJ. One of my MD colleagues is an eye doc who was BORN WITH NO LEGS b/c of fetal exposure to thalidomide. He workds for valley hospital Ridgewood. He refused the vaccine and HE WAS FIRED> Please read this... story from the north-jersey .com news service.

and see the picture.

this is the article:


this is his picture:


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MiFly3 hr ago

Hi gang. Check this out: I lost my hospital privileges today . I had covid Aug 4. 2021 and recovered. I have natural immunity by semi quantitative serum assay ( high titers of Igm and IgG.) I have a letter from a experienced board cert internist. I claimed both religious and medical exemption. THe Valley Hospital in Ridgewood NJ and the med exec committee lead by Joe Yallowitz, MD denied any and all requests for accommodation. SO despite all science supporting the claim that I have durable long lasting immunity and am not a threat to anyone, this large Northern NJ suburban hospital decided to cave to the virtue signally mob and kick me off the staff. I have been on staff for 14 years. Im an ophthalmologist with over 20 years experience in a busy medical and surgical practice. Craven lunatics... You can listen to the phone convo here:


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Absolutely delightful reading. Thank you

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A brief encounter with a former acquaintance, who has returned recently from Canada

Having recounted the Byzantine bureaucracy involved in leaving Canada and returning to the UK, she then asked me to go on my way, as I haven't been jabbed.

She did agree about the rapidly lengthening hospital waiting lists- a friend has been waiting for a knee op for weeks- but still refused to accept that this whole business is disproportionate and causing immense suffering.

What can one do?

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