As a Jewish person, I applaud you for speaking out about the truth and for calling the "New Normal Germany" out as comparable to Nazi Germany. Censorship of free speech is not democratic, it is authoritarian, and we know it doesn't end well. My prayers for you to be exonerated in the unjust investigation.

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"Is it possible that, after all, history has no sense, that it teaches us nothing, and that the immense past was only the weary rehearsal of mistakes that the future is destined to make on an ever larger stage and scale?"

-Ariel Durant

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023Liked by CJ Hopkins

I've subscribed to pay for 20 seconds of your attorney's time.

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Remember Hitler was funded by Wall Street as well as numerous other Western industrialists, so totalitarianism was never a problem for the Global ruling elites. In fact, they welcome it.

The scamdemic provided an opportunity for fascists worldwide to flex their muscles over populations who thought they were immune to (pardon the pun) such a distasteful enterprise, as Westerners are no longer provided with a glimpse by state-run MSM of the barbaric horrors committed to secure the Global Empire on every continent.

Nontheless, in just a few short months the thoroughly terrified marched in lockstep to the mirthless version of "Springtime for Hitler."

A Mel Brooke's comedy which today might be banned in Germany and viewed as criminal-- that’s no laughing matter.


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CJ Hopkins on trial for a mere book cover in fascist Germany, which seems hell bent on proving they are the exact totalitarian Talibanistan Reich they claim not to be.

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Your clarity and bravery and, of course, wicked sense of humor throughout the past several years has been a shining light for many of us.

As a fellow Yank expat who is currently being persecuted by the nation I moved to in 2004, the nation the Germans were in bed with back in the day, I had to laugh at the “won’t go full Late Lenny Bruce” comment, because I’ve been warning myself with that same comment when I start to publish again.

Unlike you, though, the charges against me aren’t for political speech but for daring to take care of my mental health without a doctor, and the restrictions of my bail agreement are blurry enough (yet severe in penalty) that I’m taking time off from blogging until after the trial in a few weeks.

Speaking of which, has a trial date been set yet for you?

Anyway, I’m pulling for ya! I only wish we could watch the trial live just to see the inhuman contortions the State’s henchmen will have to put themselves through to make their case.

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I used to go to East Berlin when it was still part of the DDR (showing my age!). They hadn't gone through any of that debriefing/desensitising/de-whatever that the FDR Germans had had. They didn't think they had so much lost the war as been cheated out of winning it.

I used to know lots of Germans - nice people but I always felt that, should it all start going wrong, they still had those uniforms in mothballs at the back of the cupboard.

Which was wicked and childish of me but...

So Germany was the obvious place for the Covidian Cult to take hold. Why were you surprised? Germany is also an ideal place to embrace old GloboCap! Follow those orders! Stay in line!

MInd you, the Anglosphere has fallen for the totalitarian line too - except they are divided because the old folk don't realise ("we live in a liberal democracy") and the young folk love it ("the world is so scary that we should all just do as we're told").

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CJ, you KNOW this is NOT about your book cover...it is about you and what you write.

Please keep in mind (big generalization here) the German sense of humor...their best jokes revolve around xhitting or dying.

And you have pissed off someone very high up.

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whos issuing the orders? and who is stupid enough to follow them?

i see posts on twatter daily of germans reporting tweets, its pathetically familiar from some history books i once read

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You should probably leave while you can. Unfortunately this tyranny is global and infected the west leaving few places to escape this mass insanity.

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It's funny how those who should be on trial for treason are putting those who point that out, on trial. I guess they are making examples of people and shutting them up to stop the truth spreading. Makes you wonder about those who are allowed to get lots of publicity. I expect they are either spouting rubbish or are controlled opposition. CJ is obviously sincere and speaking the truth otherwise they would have let him alone so I suggest we all buy his book.

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No one is hated more than he who speaks the truth.

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Free speech is HISTORY! nothing is allowed to be printed that contests the NEW NARRATIVE!

Pfuck that! I'll continue to scream the truth at every opportunity so our (Conspiracy Theories) are allowed to be considered by any that need to read between the lines about what might be really going on in this 'GREAT RESET'.

"No LIABILITY"(?) for an 'EXPERIMENTAL' deadly injection, (created at "WARP SPEED" - my arse!) seems far-fetched and ridiculously unbelievable for 'medicines' that have not been properly developed, trialled and safety tested - and that are continuing to prove dangerous (sometimes DEADLY).

How come the UK Government refuses to discuss "EXCESS DEATHS - POST-VAX"? If one tries to raise the serious issue in public or in Parliament, one is immediately castigated, marginalised and removed from Public office under veiled weak and trumped up charges of being 'supposedly' anti-Semitic!

Don't stop studying this New World Order agenda, of which Covid, DEADLY INJECTIONS, lock-downs, Masking up and public isolation are just a few of the new 'tools' the WEF will attempt if we give their corrupt WHO the chance to announce the next false (or man-made) virus (SCAMDEMIC)!

Keep spreading the real truth about Vax DEATHS, the New World Order and how the ELITE want to change our FREEDOMS for SLAVERY after most of the jabbed have realised the injection was little more than a 'Depopulation Program'.

Mick from hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I joined the dots = to LIVE a LONGER and HEALTHIER LIFE!

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GLEICHSCHALTUNG - That is all we need to know. We lived it since 2020 and it's trying to grow. Thank God for you and others in your league.

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

Oh the oxygen of publicity! And rational argument! Poison to the new nazis/commissars/whatever they call themselves.

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CJ, don’t make your life miserable, you can’t change what we are.

Human beings are lying pieces of shit that use power to their advantage. You’ve gone up against a religious cult - the machine, modern scientificism, post modern social norms - and they are going to bury you. They will tell every lie imaginable. Your neighbors, your children, your friends will attack you. That’s what human beings are.

Solution : somehow extricate yourself and move on. You’re gonna have to let them win or else you risk destroying yourself: Julian Assange comes to mind.

Detachment is our only salvation. As per Marshall McLuhan, electricity, usurped time and space, imploding our world into a global village. An 8 billion person village ; It is making us insane.

The truth will do you absolutely no good. Proving them wrong will do you absolutely no good . Demonstrating they are hypocrites will do you Absolutely no good . They don’t care. This is a religious dogma ;They are lying pieces of shit .

Think of Plato’s cave scene in the republic. You cannot drag people out of their cave. They will kill you if you try. That’s what we are. You can’t fight that. You only do injury to yourself if you try. YOU ARE RIGHT, they are wrong; truly; console yourself with that, it’s that simple.

Of course, who am I to give you advice? Best wishes. Thank you for fighting the good fight.

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