I've added an addendum to this essay (see above) as it appears Professor Desmet has been telling the “doctors performing open-heart surgery on hypnotized patients with no anesthetic” lie for some time, or at least trying to. I'm sorry, it is clear from the comments that many of my readers are devoted fans of Professor Desmet, but when a person lies like this, gets caught lying, weasels out of it, then tells the same lie two years later on the Alex Jones Show (and who knows where else), gets caught lying again, confesses, tries to weasel out of it again, and posts a bunch of misleading links in a desperate attempt to convince people he wasn't lying in the first place (whenever that was, exactly) ... well, I think there is probably a professional-psychology-type term for such a person.

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Some fair arguments have been made and concerns expressed etc.

At this point, a sincere intellectual genuinely trying to be objective would engage with a thoughtful response. Someone compromised by their own biases would ignore what’s been conveyed and simply move on. At the moment, CJ you yourself are looking a bit like controlled opposition given all the seemingly wilful misrepresentation, all the emotive focus you are putting on this simple matter and all distraction and division it is leading to.

As many have already said ad nauseum, the Mass Formation and Mattias Desmet are not one and the same. How is that so hard to understand? There seems to be an agenda of some kind not to acknowledge any of the merits of this simple point.

Accordingly, one has to ask point blank: Do personal matters related to Desmet disallow Mass Formation, a concept which predates him by decades, if not centuries, from being sincerely contemplated? Do problems with Desmet preclude us from thinking for ourselves and reaching our own conclusions free from being denigrated and dismissed as ‘devoted fans’ of Desmet on your page? It seems so, and it’s surprising, to say the least.

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Get with the program, Dave ... everyone knows I'm "controlled opposition," not to mention a "Suppressive Person."

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That's your considered response? Wow.

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Actually, Dave, my considered response is something along the lines of ... go fuck yourself with your paranoid, agitated-cultist accusations and amateurish passive-aggressive trolling tactics. It's just that this is a public platform, so I try to keep my replies to people like you at least somewhat entertaining.

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I'm reminded of an experience I had in high school once. I can't remember the teacher or the subject but it was maybe a couple of weeks before an exam and the teacher was going around the class (and this was the smart class) asking questions to make sure everyone was up to speed.

Occasionally someone would display the tiniest bit of insight or comprehension, but as he was going around it became increasingly clear that nobody in the class really knew a damn thing about what he'd been trying to teach us for months - even the smart kids!

He just got more and more angry as he was going around the class - I think a few kids were genuinely a bit scared and it was very awkward to say the least.

Maybe a part of him was thinking he'd failed completely at his job or maybe he was just thinking what a dumb bunch of kids I've been lumbered with.

Anyway, the moral of the story - I have no idea.

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I'm not sure about the "mass formation" theory but I do think something is going on, so I don't see the problem in considering it. I don't care so much about Desmet per se.

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I think most people here don't think in terms of being a "fan" of someone. I left childhood behind some 30 years ago.

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On the basis of his book in which he attempts to whitewash this COVID crime against humanity, I suspect Matthias Desmet is a pathological liar.

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I took the trouble of buying Desmet’s book in order to understand the war between Malone & Breggin and now Hopkins. I can’t force myself to read all of it or watch all his videos but have read enough to have a rough opinion. There is no doubt that he lied on the Alex Jones show about having witnessed open-heart surgery performed solely under hypnosis. He wrote a defense of his behavior that only makes it worse that Malone published: it wasn’t strictly true but the best he could do in an interview, whereas in fact the correct answer was, “No, I haven’t, but I have a vague memory of seeing some video 15 or so years ago of some surgery being done under hypnosis.” Instead, to bolster his theory and its power and his self-importance he made the false averral about hypnosis. He could be a mole or he could be a confused bright guy in over his head who doesn’t know how to think about his subject matter and whose narcissistic self-importance shines through at every instance, including the title of his article, “Some notes on the tragicomic attempt to burn me at the stake.” He certainly looks and talks like the latter—and I think that one of the things that pisses off C.J. (and myself) so much is Desmet’s supposed discovery of an imaginary process “mass hypnosis formation” required to make them think and behave so stupidly as they do when in fact that is just how they are built, and all that is required of the state is to engage them as such to achieve its ends of brainwashing and/or gas lighting and/or intimidation depending on the individual. Here is a fine example:

[BEGIN QUOTE] I won’t close my mild version of “J’accuse” without throwing a stone at myself as well. I usually do my best to speak in a mild and connecting way, but I still have progress to make. And my statement about hypnosis was certainly misleading. Striving for a speech that is humanized and as sober and sincere as possible is also a constant challenge for me. I will continue to fully cultivate and optimize the Art of Good Speech. For me, that is more or less the essence of my existence. [END QUOTE]

And too, from the psychoanalyst, a solution to all our problems, the finger-snapping public debates of “Occupy” writ large:

[BEGIN QUOTE] I recommend that everyone read the excellent book by David Graeber and David Wengrow, The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity. The authors describe how, in Indigenous tribes of northeastern North America, no one had power over another. How were the problems of coexistence solved? By only one means: talking to each other (see p. 56). An enormous amount of time was spent in public debates. And it never occurred to anyone to exclude even one person from those conversations. This was also radically extended to cases of crime. Even then, only conversation, not power, was applied. When a punishment was finally determined, it was never the responsibility of a singular person who had committed the crime, but a wider network around him who had played a role in some way or another. [END QUOTE] https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/some-notes-on-the-tragicomic-attempt

If you can inhabit this little snot’s soul for a moment, you may come to share my intuitions that if Klaus Schwab and his ilk were in our power, the solution would not be the guillotine or the lamppost—dear Matias opposes Jacobinism—but the couch. There is no doubt that he would psychoanalyze them to health just as he did the mass-murdering nurse-deacon whom he personally psychoanalyzed that Breggin exposed as a false cure. He is an offensive self-important person who should be ignored.

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I think you've captured Desmet's agenda in your penultimate sentence which can be paraphrased as: "Desmet is an unashamed apologist for mass murderers"... I wonder how much he gets paid for doing so?

Dr. Breggin explains, in the 2 minute trailer to this interview, that Desmet threatened him in an email and essentially told him (and the rest of us) to look away from the crimes of our oppressors:


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Ruby, I like and respect Peter Breggin, but I don’t quite admire him. I respect and for the most part admire Malone but he has glaring weak spots. Malone thinks that he has been red-pilled whereas he is merely in the process of being red-pilled but he is coming along very quickly. Breggin never read Desmet’s defense against his accusations—at least two were published by Malone. Breggin cites pp. 126-128 but skips the relevant excerpt a few pages later in that chapter that Desmet uses to show that he has been misunderstood.

[BEGIN QUOTE] Based on this ideology, institutions were created that make plans about what future society should look like and how the ideal future society should respond to crisis situations. Operation Lockstep from the Rockefeller Foundation, Event 201 of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (in collaboration with Johns Hopkins University and the Rockefeller Foundation), and COVID-19 The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab are examples of such endeavors. [END QUOTE] pp. 132-133

So you see Ruby, pool little Mattias has been misunderstood—he slips in plots and conspiracies through the back door, but only as an afterthought. This passage, and in particular, “based on this ideology,” is why I said that Mattias wants to solve the problem with the couch, not the guillotine. If we want to help him to say what he is trying to say it is this: many if not most of the people implementing a diabolical conspiracy are not themselves either evil or witting participants in the plot, especially at the start. That is, when you cut a cake with evil icing you pretty quickly reach ordinary flour. Malone knows and likes the people constituting the ordinary flour, including “Tony” and “Debbie,” which terms of endearment makes me want to slap him a bit but he’s a bright and deep fellow who hopefully will figure it out himself. If you read Malone carefully, what he most likes about Desmet is the possibility of participation, often a very active participation, in an evil institution from motives that are petty, bureaucratic and careerist rather than malicious.

Breggin defends the Jews and my fellow Americans as sheer victims of oppression huddling in fear—ignoring the scenario that C.J. started to identify as the COVID cult in some passages—and ignoring how many of the latter are eager victims of the brainwashing because they are sheep committed to social assimilation at the cost of thinking for themselves (which they are strongly disinclined to do). The crucial difference is between Americans who are eager victims contrasted with Jews who suffered from denial that the reality could be so horrible as it was. I have a very different feeling from Malone’s warmth towards “Debbie” about my two well-educated neighbors across the street, both practicing lawyers, who vaccinated their 7-year-old daughter and the husband who confided to me with a smile that I should be stripped of my civils rights “if that’s what it takes to beat COVID. My little girl needs to be vaccinated to go to school, why shouldn’t you need it too [to be out in public where you might infect others]?” Most importantly, my neighbor had no interest whatsoever in hearing why the clot-shot is not what was needed to defeat COVID. Such people are not Breggin’s victimized little birds huddling together in fear of the Nazis; these are C.J.’s active cult members whose humanity and willful ignorance has come to disgust and appall some of us who cannot take refuge in satire.

Malone is not disgusted by such people and continues to see their redeemable humanity. So does RFK, Jr. Desmet provided Malone with a means of doing so by showing what we knew all along: that evil need not run through and through to the lower functionaries in an evil institution, that these underlings did not participate in the higher level planning, and that much of the implementation of The Great Reset happens without conspiratorial meetings in which the participants create and implement an evil plan because it is entirely unnecessary. Once the Weltanschauung is established, most everyone knows just what to do and say and how to behave without having a meeting. Desmet has made no intellectual contribution to understanding this process; he is better understood as a self-important person floundering among his many “insights.” I doubt that he is on the WEF payroll.

By the way, it is very important to keep in mind how ignorant even the best-informed people usually are of subjects they do not study carefully. Breggin, for example, couldn’t help but offer asides about Russian cruelty and, Putin’s murderous nature re the Ukraine invasion in some videos I saw but perhaps he has now learned better—I haven’t yet watched “The Globalists are Real and They are Coming for Us!” https://www.brighteon.com/8b1d7399-d793-48ec-b169-dfcb76a1920a. I could go through several points where Breggin misquotes or misrepresents Malone from what I consider him as a Jew to be an understandable oversensitivity to the topic of mass extermination. But enough said.

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M Green, you have revealed yourself to be an unashamed apologist for Malone and Desmet. I consider them both to be apologists for the WEF globalist "eugenicists" (an euphemism) behind the COVID massacre that has been inflicted by Big Pharma and their mercenaries in multiple governments around the world. Psychopaths exist and they collaborated and bribed people to commit this repulsive crime against humanity. There is tonnes of evidence to prove that, way beyond reasonable doubt.

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M Green, you have revealed yourself to be an unashamed apologist for Malone and Desmet. >> You seem capable of reading and thinking one thought at a time, but no more. Perhaps you should consider becoming an elementary school teacher. You will feel most comfortable there amongst your peers. Best of luck.

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Btw. sometimes the best hint that you are actually onto something is when majority attacks you for stating it. Cheers CJ

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Up til now, the majority are the WEF stooges. Never forget that.

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Sep 14, 2022
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Opal: Lets use this silly and false argument and nevermind that what this guy said is a known saying and its meaning is clear.

Me: Ok... sod off

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Well, the one with the "formation psychosis" seems to be Desmet.

Forming fairy tales and lies.

He managed to get a spot on the Corona Ausschuss with this garbage.

I saw that Reiner Fuellmich seemed to swallow Desmet's Kool-Aid, maybe call that Kook-Aid.

This was very disturbing to me.

I've said it over and over again:

You cannot understand the Third Reich if you do not understand the implementation of Gleichschaltung to impose the complete Nazification of Germany. See the Wikipedia entry ofr Wilhelm Frick, Reich Minister, for a quick intro.

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We should read the book and look at the research on our own and use our own brain. If there's one thing I learn, it's that. People need to learn to not go on what others are saying is right. Use your own brain. I do think this attack of Desmet might be a bit of a straw man BUT I need to actually read the book.

Did CJ Hopkins read the book? I certainly hope so because this is creating division and that is not good, IMO. I hope this isn't rude. I don't mean to be rude but I think we must use some logic in our own discernment prior to condemning a persons whole theory.

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With all due respect, i do use my own brain.

I think that should be clear from my comment.

Have you educated yourself on Gleichschaltung?

Once you do I think you might agree with me that it significantly undermines Desmet's theory. Furthermore, the theory is about people in a mass---not people isolated at home. Thus, it might apply more to, say, Hitler's effect on large crowds of people when he gave his speeches. Recall, however, that those events were also micro-managed and rehearsed to produce impressive theatrical effects and coordinated responses, a la a big rock concert. Isolation at home and exposure to a nonstop stream of propaganda leads not to hypnosis but to an intentionally distorted view of reality via the exclusion of any competing information and the person's relative isolation (in lockdown). This, too, does not sound like "mass hypnosis." Staying home was not really an option for th e German population. They were obliged to interact with the totalitarian Nazi Party/state in every facet of their lives. The chidlren were obliged to attend Hitler Youth gtroups and if they didn't they and t heir parents got into trouble. Etc.

Totalitarian regimes use propaganda to herd and control people, but the bottom line is always coercion. This seems to be Desmet's blind spot.

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I did not mean to be offensive and I am sorry if my comment came out that way and you are right that I have not researched Gleichschaltung and am also unfamiliar with Desmet's theory. I just want to understand and learn and for us and the remainder of humanity that values freedom to continue and thrive. I want this mass injection of poison to stop and for people to move freely and be able to live their lives. I want humanity to survive and continue.

I am not sure Desmet does not want the same thing. Perhaps he is wrong in some ways or he was dishonest with the hypnosis analogy but some parts of his theory are valuable IMO and the same with CJ Hopkins work is also valuable and important. If Desmet is saying that the people have power and autonomy to change circumstances, I think he is right in that regard. I think people should stop supporting the tyrants trying to kill us and form alliances with others who want to survive is my main point.

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Oct 7, 2022Edited
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Yes, it almost seems like the constant bath of more or less ignorant but self-righteous assumptions about "Nazis" and "Germans" has been a form of preprogramming that gives an intellectual lightweight such as Desmet an opportunity to jump into the middle of the corona psy-op and deflect attention away from the actual events, sow dissension, and weaken efforts investigatory efforts to find out who did what, and insert another false narrative into the picture. All while getting his own name into circulation and so boosting his own questionable professional trajectory. Thankfully Desmet seems to have someone receded back into the shadows as more and more solid info is emerging as to the actual behind-the-scenes machinations.

Desmet managed, for a while, to loft a primitive mental health explanation of the events connected with the covid psy-op---one that appealed to self-righteous people who imagined themselves to have a sophisticated understanding of history but in fact mouthed only cliches about Nazism--- to swamp and undermine and outshout the reality of the criminal and criminal-negligence nature of the whole covid enterprise.

Dr. Robert Malone's falling for this doesn't actually speak very highly for his discernment!

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Perhaps I haven’t followed this debate in sufficient detail, CJ, but aren’t your Covidian cultists pretty much the same as the folk in the grips of what Mattias Desmet—whom I agree is an intellectual fraud—calls mass formation? If not, perhaps you can spell out the differences? The reason I agree with you and not Desmet is that such irrational behavior and beliefs (and that seems much the correct order, guided or directed behavior preceding beliefs) seems to me pretty much the norm for most of mankind, only now whipped into a crowd-like frenzy with the organized political venom that such groups generate and embody. But isn’t your cult pretty much his mass formation? Isn’t the major difference between you, personal honesty and integrity aside, that he sees it as a remarkable phenomenon requiring his genius to explain whereas you (and I) see it pretty much as the norm for mankind and generated by and controlled by a well-organized tyrannical state?

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No, and please forgive me if am curt, but I am getting tired of being asked to explain what I have worked fairly hard for over two years to explain, and have arguably done a fair job of explaining, and which, i.e., my explanation, is available to read online, published in a book, and contained in the various interviews I have given. But here's the short version ...

Totalitarianism operates like a cult ... a cult writ large, on a societal scale. People in cults are not hypnotized. They have simply adapted their behavior and beliefs to the social "reality" and rules of the cult. People in totalitarian systems behave exactly the same way.

Totalitarianism is a political phenomenon, i.e., a social/political structure, imposed on society by force, when whoever is in control of the key elements of power (i.e., military, police, media, etc.) deem it in their interest to adopt this structure. It does not magically arise out of some general state of "loneliness, isolation, and pent-up frustration" among the masses, or any other type of preexisting pathological social conditions, as Desmet's theory would have it. The New Normals, the Covidian Cultists, are not hypnotized. They are not deluded. They have adapted to the new official "reality" of their societies, exactly as cult members adapt to the "reality" of their cults, in order not to be shunned, punished, ostracized, etc. It only looks crazy to us because we are not adapting to it, but most of us will, to some degree, in time.

Do we rebel at the airport when we are forced to perform Anti-Terrorism Security Theater in order to travel? We do not, though we know it is just theater. But these theatrical rituals, i.e., airport security, masks, vaccination passes, tests, weddings, graduation ceremonies, (LSD orgies if you were in the Manson Family) etc., are what generate and reinforce our collective "reality." We perform these official-"reality"-reifying rituals, even the ones we know deep down are nonsense, not because we are hypnotized, but because we want to remain members of the society, or club, or cult, or religion, or corporation, and not be singled out and shunned, demonized, and punished for non-conformity.

Well, that wasn't as short or curt as I thought it was going to be. But thank you, because now I can use it as boilerplate for my future replies to people asking me to explain what I have already explained in my published essays and interviews for over two years now ... again, apologies, I'm getting cranky.

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Dear CJ, Desmet really touched a very sensitive nerve in you. I still am not sure what nerve it is. Desmet never said "mass formation PSYCHOSIS". His interest in mass formation/groupthink started with his doctorate. He does see the evil, he does recognize the things you see as well. He does go a step further to turn the mirror on us. Maybe we should take a deep breath and find what is really disturbing us. PLEASE, PLEASE listen to this excellent interview with Del Bigtree. We must not now crawl into our foxholes and just fire. Maybe we can tolerate our differences and keep the real enemy in our sights? I find Desmets discussion with Del Bigtree very explanatory of what Desmet tries to tell us. He holds a mirror before us that is not easy to look in all the time. https://thehighwire.com/videos/inside-the-mind-of-the-masses/

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Yes, it's that "I don't like lying charlatans" nerve. Oh, and, fuck you for the creepy, manipulative attempted mindfuck. Do you find you have much success with that kind of creepy behavior in your personal relationships, or do you just break that out on the Internet? In any event, thanks ... I am beginning to understand where people's fanatical devotion to Desmet comes from.

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Sep 13, 2022
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It was a surprise to me as well. Actually, I felt curious about what caused his reaction. I must have pressed a sensitive button. And that's right about apartheid, I was showered then as well with many curses and blamed for many things. After I was proven right, nobody apologized to me, or admitted that they were wrong! That was more of a bitter pill to swallow. Took me some time to accept that people have trouble facing the truth and when things go wrong they find a way to cope with their guilt.

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I am sitting here baffled as I read CJ's response to your post here. REALLY? His vitriol is directed at you because of THIS post right here?? Am I missing something? Woah. Insanity.

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It was a surprise to me as well. Actually, I felt curious about what caused his reaction. I must have pressed a sensitive button. And that's right about apartheid, I was showered then as well with many curses and blamed for many things. After I was proven right, nobody apologized to me, or admitted that they were wrong! That was more of a bitter pill to swallow. Took me some time to accept that people have trouble facing the truth and when things go wrong they find a way to cope with their guilt.

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I definitely think there are people "going along to get along" but there are also plenty of "true believers" who have been deluded by the propaganda. I know this because unfortunately my friends and family members are among them. They just can't believe there is any kind of agenda at play-- they think there is a deadly virus and anyone who doesn't take all the precautions that are prescribed (masks, endless injections) is some kind of nutter.

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Except that people join cults and then don't feel free to leave. There is usually something about such people, a vulnerability, that makes them susceptible to joining the cult. My understanding is that cult members are brainwashed and when some are removed from the cult they are often resistant to being removed and have a difficult time adjusting. Why do they join the cult in the first place? Is it not a sense of loneliness? Of feeling disconnected or marginalized by society that causes them to seek a new group to belong to?

I actually do rebel. I have been protesting the surveillance state since 9/11 but what I see from years of talking with a lot of people about this is that most people do not see it as theatre. They really believe it keeps them "safe." Question is, why do people need to feel safe? Why are people so afraid? Why do people spend so much time viewing screens?

We do have social problems. Many people are struggling and are unhappy with our current society. I'm not saying that Desmet is correct in everything that he says. I'm not saying this is the entire answer either.

But I do think the state of our current society has made us vulnerable to this coercion. The PTB are a minority of people who wouldn't have much control over us if we were a strong, cohesive society to begin with. I think that is what Desmet is referring to. Yes, there is a conspiracy. But yes, lots of people are going along with it, helping it along. Why is that?

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Yes, I agree. Very well put, thank you.

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Thank you, CJ, now I understand your point and I agree with you. Desmet is missing the most essential point of this narrative.

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Thank you for the very good and very clear but not quite true enough response. The point at which it is not true enough is precisely the point where Desmet gains traction: there are a very large number of people who are not chafing like us but who are in thrall to the COVID narrative. Your columns describing Germany make me grateful to be in Los Angeles (even under execrable globalists like Gavin Newsom, Gil Garcetti and the L.A. City Council) where last week during 95-100° weather there were people voluntarily wearing masks outdoors while walking, jogging, or biking , or alone in cars. When I talk to them they are afraid of me—my T-Shirt says “COVID is a pretext, not a pandemic”—and are so based on their own beliefs, not some LARPing designed either to curry favor with Big Brother or escape his wrath. These beliefs have not been formed through any process of rational thinking, of which they are for the most part incapable, but through being told what to do, what is true, and being incapable—and this is where Desmet gains traction and you lose it in your response because he addresses this incapacity however poorly—of pursuing and maintaining a line of coherent reasoning that reveals their masters for the monsters they are, and themselves for the cowardly stupid fools that they are. This is a tough sell.

In other of your columns and rants you better illustrate (but not explain) this vast irrationality but neglect it here. I still maintain that this is precisely the relevant overlap between the COVIDIAN cultism and mass formation that gives him traction, but which you have come to scant, because the horror and absurdity of the COVID claims now so grievously eats into your soul with every breath you take that you assume—very mistakenly—that it must do so for all others who are just going along to get along.

Let me give a concrete example of the spell cast that needs to be better explained. My former best friend of 39-years enjoys an endowed chair at Harvard. We co-authored two papers together. In each case he recognized the importance of an issue and came to me because he could not solve the core problem and I did. His father was a CIA-sponsored psychiatrist who performed experiments on federal prisoners in flagrant violation of medical ethics, adapting Pavlov to study how best to shape the behavior of drug addicts after a rehab program and the population via the media where “messaging” became the conditioned stimulus. My friend religiously paid cash each month for Covert Action Quarterly because he did not want to be on their mailing list. So he should have been in an ideal position to appreciate covert operations. I broke from him in 2006 because he had become an insufferable snob who literally refused to think about covert operations, the understanding of which I had devoted much time to and roughly mastered. You know, things like: How do you shoot JFK from the front and get everyone to believe it was Oswald from behind even when he is saying “I’m a patsy!” How do you blow up the Murrah building with internal charges and blame it on a truck bomb outside the building when the major support column in the back caused the collapse and smaller intermediate columns were undamaged; the victims repeatedly reported two distinct explosions as did the seismographic data; there was no evidence of ammonium nitrate at the site but both the Murrah building and the one across the street were layered with the military explosive mercury fulminate, etc. Where in 9/11 the NIST team investigating the collapse of WTC7 was caught on video red-handed corrupting its data analysis in order to deny free-fall, which it had previously declared would be incompatible with the laws of physics; then admitted the correction and kept its same conclusion. Etc. Etc. Etc.

His appointment to Harvard perfected a process of pursuing accolades of self-esteem and self-importance grossly at odds with the principles of truth-seeking we learned as philosophy students many decades before and I warned him that he was in danger of losing his soul. He used to quip, “There’s a lot of money in medical ethics if you don’t care how you make it,” as though it were an apotropaism rather than dramatic foreshadowing. As the science end of 9/11 Truth matured it produced proofs of controlled demolition accessible to anyone who could do high school physics. I tried to get him to listen, but in vain, to proofs from Brigham Young physicist Steven Jones. “Where’s he from, this Jones?” “He’s from Brigham Young.” “Brigham Young! That’s a second or even third-rate physics department.” “Yes, I know. But fortunately the proofs depend only upon understanding high school physics well within the competence of a 12th grader. I can explain them to you in 15 minutes.” “Please, I’m so busy now. I have so many important things to do.”

When COVID came he was tasked with the medical-ethics question of whether the unvaccinated should be denied access to emergency hospital care and answered with a resounding “No.” But, he quickly emphasized, that “no” did not leave us helpless. We were both at liberty, and under a moral obligation, to impose upon their lives so severe a misery that they will not dare to darken a hospital door unvaccinated with their injuries. Now this was once a very good man, and he remains a man convinced that he is doing the right thing even though he is doing just the opposite. That is the problem that requires explication, and that Desmet has persuaded many that he has addressed and solved. I gave a brief allusion to it in the very first 9/11 essay that I wrote, and a not-too-shabby stab at an outline of an answer in the last. But I stopped writing because so very few bother to listen. So, allow me to end with a snippet from the first essay.

[BEGIN QUOTE] Because 911 (JFK, etc.) are not ordinary crimes, but crimes of state, they cannot be proven by simple forensic means. The proof of any such crimes requires rethinking our picture of the means of government from the ground up. [And as I should now emphasize, rethinking our view of people.] People naturally do not wish to do this, and are propagandized to believe the contrary, so any effort to get their attention should be with evidence that is simple, clear, and convincing, not abstract, obscure, dubious or debatable. I do not pretend that this is enough. Orwellian "crimestop" provides that "protective stupidity" that allows us to function in comfort and it is both difficult and painful to abandon. My best friend of nearly 40 years, and former co-author, now ensconced at Harvard, has trouble taking me seriously when I discuss 911. Within the past months he admitted not knowing that a 47 story steel building (WTC7) not hit by anything, and with only a few small fires, had collapsed as a perfect implosion would, nor did he know that the 911 Commission had refused even to mention WTC7 in its report, nor did he think much of these facts nor of his ignorance of them. This is a very smart man, open-minded in many respects, but giving up the world-view he inhabits is simply too hard, especially when there is nothing coherent with which to replace it. … I am put in mind of the complaint of the great anti-imperialist English political economist J.A. Hobson who in 1903 rued the fact that the English populace could be so easily deceived by politicians who told them one story from one side of their mouth and another story from the other. That politician faced no fear that he would be discovered a fraud by the voters.

“…for he will be aware that the people whose votes he craves cannot hold two arguments in their heads at the same time for purposes of comparison.” (Imperialism: A Study 1938 ed., p. 104) [END QUOTE] http://911research.wtc7.net/essays/green/loose_change.html

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Great post. I expect many of us have similar though not perhaps as extreme a story to relate as you have with your friend.

I agree that CJ's explanation does not cover the entire situation and this is where Desmet's theory fits in or possibly Mark McDonald who coined the term mass psychosis and who wrote the book United States of Fear (I have not read it so I can't give an opinion).

I think we all know people who are not just following orders like we do for airport screening. Many of us know people who wear a mask when they don't have to or get a booster without it being required for travel or work. CJ's analogy of airport screening doesn't cover this situation. When the airport security turned off during one Thanksgiving holiday (to prevent the mass demonstrations against the new backscatter tech), people just went through. They did not demand that others be checked nor did they decide not to fly. The latter is done by force at this point though maybe at one point there were true believers who were told it would be for everyone's benefit and they pushed for the adoption of such security measures. Maybe that will be the case with masks in the future where people will adopt it because they have to but we can see that some people do so now without any force.

I have noticed that in general, the higher up one has climbed socially, the more invested they are in maintaining their belief in the system. Everyone asks why are the universities pushing for boosters for students and, yes, part of it are the incentives but another aspect to it seems to be to maintain not just their own credibility to others but to themselves. Why mandate boosters? Well if not then maybe they were wrong about covid vaccine mandates the year before and so maybe they aren't the experts they think they are nor are their colleagues. It's part of their own identity and their self-worth. They invested so much money and time into their respective fields, becoming the "expert" and now they are being shown to be laughing stocks often by non-experts. What choice do they have but to double down and pretend that they're the ones navigating the ship through the covid storm, not even able to notice that the ship they are steering has hit an iceberg the size of the Titanic quite a while back and they're in fact sinking?

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I find Desmets discussion with Del Bigtree very explanatory of what Desmet tries to tell us. Desmet was interested in mass formaton before corona when started to write his book. He holds a mirror before us that is not easy to look in all the time. https://thehighwire.com/videos/inside-the-mind-of-the-masses/

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you never heard of mass formation? you never went to a festival or worked in a large company?

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I’ve admired many of your posts and sent a couple to friends. [Sorry, I assumed that you were Margaret Anna Alice on substack.]

I did watch Desmet on Del BigTree’s September 8 Highwire, taking careful notes by the minute, and cringed all the way through it. It was painful to watch Del pretend to understand that claptrap which would have trouble getting a good grade from a philosophy department that teaches clear analytic thinking. There is a profusion of Continental philosophy types who think that they have something profound to say, but can’t say it clearly, and manage to go blathering on for hours or book after book after book deceiving themselves and others that they have something of great moment to share. I believe Desmet to be one of these people.

For practical purposes the dividing line is between those who understand that we are being tyrannized by a well-organized globalist conspiracy led by the Bilderbergers, WEF, WHO, Rockefeller Foundation and their ilk. Most of those who implement their goals are following the Weltanschauung that they have manufactured. There is no doubt that the plotters—people and institutions—could not succeed if the world were made of primarily of people like you or me or Breggin or Malone or RFK, or Füllmich—whatever our considerable differences—but it isn’t. Desmet’s central contribution is his claim to show that totalitarianism is rooted in human nature itself—the tyrants become such by having to pander to an electorate as he remarkably states—and that this democratic process gives rise to the tyrannies (did anyone say “The Republic”?) that control us through our will to be so controlled, and perhaps that evil itself is very much part of our nature. Well, whoop-dee-doo to that.

My own simplified view is that mankind sorts itself into a variety of types, including something akin to Murray’s Needs, one of which is N-dominance. People very high in this trait are drawn toward and develop political power and ruthlessly exploit the vulnerability of those governed by trust and a need for nurturance. Those of us very high on N-Cognizance are not taken in, see through the lies, and try pretty much in vain to warn our fellow humans who, in the grips of the polarizing tribal illusions—who routinely follow without reflection what authority says now—see us as a threat to the safety of the herd that needs to be contained or in a worst case scenario eliminated. To reduce a lot of philosophy to nickle-and-dime chimes, most people are obedient sheep and not truth-seeking sages. The details of that sad story can be given in an interesting or an uninteresting fashion, or in a perverse one.

In trying to be grandiose Desmet routinely talks nonsense by invoking grand forces where specific malefactors need to be named. On p. 32 of PoT for example he prattles on about the complexity of scientific research that by its nature prevents pharmaceuticals from being safe culminating in a 2019 “massive lawsuit filed against several pharmaceutical companies for their role in the opioid crisis…One takeaway from this tragedy is that even pharmaceutical drugs that enjoy long-term and widespread use aren’t necessarily safe.” But that is not the main lesson to be drawn. Desmet discusses all this without suggesting even a hint of wrongdoing on anyone’s part—precisely what triggered Peter Breggin. In fact, the Sackler’s lied about the efficacy of oxycodone to promote sales. The drugs pain-killing effects lasted a lot less than claimed. The victims felt pain too soon and needed more, became addicts, fostered a vast illegal trade, and often died of accidental overdoses or sometimes deliberate overdoses of despair. This had nothing to do with the complexity or inherent limitations of pharmaceutical scientific research as Desmet implies. I feel great contempt for Desmet and want to tell him to go read a book about the science that he only pretends to understand, e.g., Leemon B. McHenry’s “The Illusion of Evidence-Based Medicine,” “Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth” (by anonymous Israeli scientists whose careers would be destroyed if their identities were known), or RFK’s “The Real Anthony Fauci,” and best of all Lily E. Kay’s “The Molecular Vision of Life: Caltech, The Rockefeller Foundation, and the Rise of the New Biology.” Of course he will probably say that he read Kennedy’s book, confirming that there is such a thing as reading with, and reading without, understanding. He certainly managed to read Lippmann’s “Public Opinion” without understanding it.

Desmet's lie about witnessing open-heart surgery under nothing but hypnosis is critical not so much because he is a liar as because he is a vain self-promoting one. He told this lie because it supports a central plank of his genius, "Mass formation is, in essence, a kind of group hypnosis that destroys individuals' ethical self-awareness and robs them of their ability to think critically." p. 2, PoT. But neither my former best friend nor my deceived neighbors are under any hypnotic spell. They cling to their false beliefs with religious fervor but through another process entirely, for which see Ellul, "Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes."

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Sep 13, 2022Edited
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I am not on Facebook so I cannot evaluate how big a lie it is. More important is his central claim that is both wrong and stupid: that "mass formation" is mass hypnosis. It is nothing of the sort. None of these people are hypnotized in any sense of the term. Desmet's lie goes to his desperation to be a great mind able to illustrate and thus prove his point. One could forgive the lie if he were very close to the truth, but he is not. You may think I said too much, but my former friend is neither hypnotized nor stupid and saying just what he suffers from takes much work.

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dont go to his facebook page ...its a echo chamber by his cult followers and obedient sheep,creepy shit

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You say, "The New Normals are not deceived," but if they were not deceived, why would they inject something that will kill them in the near or distant future. If they were clear-minded and know very well what they are doing, they wouldn't commit suicide, would they?

Most people I know aren't thinking straight.

Part of life in a society is, of course, about performing "official rituals", and we do know that some of them are useless. But we wouldn't perform these rituals if we knew they lead to death. And if we were to do this anyway, I don't think it's clear thinking. This seems rather being deluded.

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"Totalitarian movements and death cults do not typically go down gracefully. They usually go down in a gratuitous orgy of wanton, nihilistic violence as the cult or movement desperately attempts to maintain its hold over its wavering members and defend itself from encroaching reality. And that is where we are at the moment … or where we are going to be very shortly."

The Last Days of the Covidian Cult, January 2022


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That's what Desmet is saying. Good to know you agree on something.

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Sep 14, 2022
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Agreed but in this case there are people who have been deceived.

Why do some continue to wear masks when the mask rules ended?

Why did some wear double masks?

Why did some get vaccinated and boosted without any mandates?

There are obvious true believers like in any cult. Jonestown for example had some that drank the kool-aid willingly but then there were others who were tricked into drinking it because they wouldn't have chosen suicide for a cult. I think Desmet does seem to have the balance there correct as it seems there are around 30% true believers and 70% either going along with it or against it.

Maybe if you interviewed him, you might find some commonality. I don't think you have framed his arguments for mass formation properly but then admittedly I haven't read his book but did watch the interview you linked to.

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Sep 14, 2022
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Sep 13, 2022
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Rightly so, it takes delusion to get injected with these. No mandate will make a person comply who is not deluded.

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That's simply not the case as there are some who absolutely resented taking these shots but did so to keep their job as it was important to have money to support their family. Many of these people readily resent the mandates and the ones who enforced it because when one is forced to do something and they don't want to do so, it will usually cause resentment even if there hasn't been any harm.

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Sep 13, 2022
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Isn’t adhering to cultish behaviour emblematic of ‘mass formation’? I bought the mass formation shtick bcuz well, how else do I explain the sheer madness around me? I also thought that most fear to stand out & just want to be polite & go along to get along. I suppose that those who do so in the extreme are truly cultists.

The red flag for me on Desmet was when he attacked ‘conspiracy theorists’. This, after conspiracy theorists had been batting nearly .1000. He also said there was no signs of plotting or planning etc. How he could say this in light of overwhelming information to the contrary is concerning & shows him to be an intellectually dishonest contributor.

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See, e.g., the reply you are replying to (above).

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I haven't read his book but in the interview CJ linked to with Tucker Carlson, he doesn't say there were no signs of planning. In fact, he says that the people who are in charge are using propaganda as all totalitarian nations have in the past. He also says that he believes that many may not believe in the covid narrative but are idealogues that believe they are doing this for the greater good.

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he believes and he is not sure always at the end...when I heard this desmet claiming that even in companys the managment could also be in the grip of mass hypnosis...i thought this guy was insane, he clearly hasnt been in a company during his life...well thats a fact he hasnt ,if managment could be in the grip of mass hypnosis,that means there is no top down control anymore and a company would go bankrupt very easy...

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Not sure if that's the case. It could be that the management is in a mass hypnosis on one aspect but everything else is normal. The German companies during WWII seemed to go along with the government though maybe they didn't have a choice. I am no expert on such matters.

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I'll have to actually watch the interview and hear what he said. I do think now that Desmet has some valid points and without having read his book can't claim that he is entirely wrong.

And working in healthcare I can say that many of the doctors and nurses who went along with this fully believed that they were doing the right thing even though I saw something completely different and unethical. I didn't understand it, normally reasonable people believing a bunch of bullshit and they could see with their own eyes the exaggeration of the risk and the extreme totalitarian control mechanism coming down. It was mind blowing.

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Note that I haven't read his book but my interpretation comes from having watched the video CJ linked to which explains his theory so my interpretation may be off. But yes, there definitely seems to be some people who have domain knowledge or experience that they do not apply to covid at all. Also, while there may be some propaganda of people yelling in the desire to enforce mask wearing, we all know people personally who either experienced this personally or have at least had people pull up their mask as they walked by etc. I know some who were excluded from family holiday gatherings. The analogy to 9/11 security theater only gets you so far since we don't see others in the line helping enforce the security rules or yelling at other passengers who aren't complying well enough. I don't know if Desmets' theory is correct or not but there is some other phenomenon which may just be mass hysteria as Mark Changizi suggests or mass psychosis as Mark McDonald has written about or maybe all of these are the same phenomenon which has previously been described as the madness of crowds.

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opportunism,first he profiled himself as a corona sceptic to reasonate and to speak to the largest target group possible and not to be framed as a anti vaxxer ..when it comes down to selling his book he sat down next to clown alex jones in his conspiracy channel info wars...he just used his platform to sell his book..the guy just adores money

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I do think people in cults are in some kind of delusion, even if "hypnosis" is not the correct term.

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Agreed. I think it's really not hypnosis but something akin to not wanting to look beyond what is presented to them as the truth for fear that one's world would end up being shattered.

Honestly, it seems that the ones who are in the biggest state of denial, deep down know the truth. Some of them have the most visceral reaction when anyone suggests their belief system is incorrect or tries to show them data that disagrees with their world view. I have noticed that the more they have invested in the system, the more likely they are to want to do the three monkey motiion of see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil. One might call this mass formation but I don't think it really is hypnosis. Seems more like a form of extreme denial or perhaps delusion. Some would probably prefer to silence those voice of dissent than to wake up and realize the world they live in is a fantasy.

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I also remember him saying early on that around 30% were immune to the hypnosis (which we all know from our own experience is way too optimistic). He’s now saying 10%, but I saw him challenged on the 30% claim and he tried to weasel his way out of that as well.

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Okay, with this, it's pretty clear you did not read the book.

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Desmet can go lick WEF and Klaus balls for all I care. Its obvious hes on their payroll. Owners of MSM and our governments ARE to blame for cognitive disability of majority of western populations.

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I can report that the Belgian WEF stooges are expressing their deep gratitude to the Breggins.

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I’m so pleased (even in a depressed, fearful state) that I followed my instinct on the Theory De Jour. Realising the fundamental lies of his Third Reich example helped too.

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Pathological imprudence.... psychosis. No, I just made that up.

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I did some research and can't find where open heart surgery has been performed with hypnosis. But I think there have been some minor procedures performed. Here's an interesting research gate link about using hypnosis during surgery:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/362483138_A_clinical_operative_sequence_for_hypnosis_implementation_to_general_anesthesia_during_major_surgery_for_orthotopic_liver_transplantation

However, major surgery that requires slicing into bones and organs, you'll likely need some general anesthesia or you'd be pretty miserable.

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Sep 14, 2022Edited
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Is it possible that he watched such an operation but the person also had some form of anesthesia coupled with hypnosis and he misunderstood? Sorry I am not on Facebook so I can not know his side or the lie he said. I have seen him say that they can perform open heart surgery while under hypnosis which seemed absurd but could be an honest mistake on his part.

I try not to attribute malice or lying unless it's repetitive or there are no other explanations.

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I think it's been used to supplement anesthesia https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9926024/

Also: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10577705/

Here's a better one about the clinical trials for using hypnosis instead of anesthesia: https://www.tmc.edu/news/2018/03/hypnosis-operating-room/

So perhaps Desmet didn't see this, but read about it.

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Sep 14, 2022
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Thanks. I really need to actually read his book before making an educated comment and probably should have done that in retrospect. I do really think that speaking out and acting from a place of morality are good pieces of advice, and Desmet has said that. And he did speak out when a lot of people were keeping their mouth shut, so I'll give him some leeway.

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Opal! Have you seen Mattias' latest? He addresses the smear campaigns: https://mattiasdesmet.substack.com/p/some-notes-on-the-tragicomic-attempt and if you scroll to the bottom of that there is one where he addresses Breggin directly (because Breggin didn't want to have an actual conversation with him) from Sept 4th - I can't believe I missed that one! It was pre this one!

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Rene Girard is the best to explain "mass formation " Here is a distilled concentrate of this great thinker in 5 parts ..https://www.cbc.ca/radio/ideas/the-scapegoat-the-ideas-of-ren%C3%A9-girard-part-1-1.3474195

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Sep 12, 2022
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Nailed it. The attempts to ignore the obvious points you make here are palpable and even seem wilful. We are called 'Desmet fans' as a kind of slander for even uttering such things. This is the kind of thing I think we've all become accustomed to experiencing from those powerful elites whom we are all united in opposing. It's strange to see it here too. This is exactly what Power wants.... to distract and divide opposition.

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I knowwww...I'm so disappointed in CJ :( "Fans" so demeaning.

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If you don't want me to refer to you as "fans," stop acting like fans. You people are exhibiting exactly the same behavior as the people I have referred to as "Covidian Cultists," twisting yourselves into pretzels with one desperate rationalization after another in an attempt to defend the narrative you have invested in from "attack." I'm honestly sorry that you bought a truckload of pseudo-philosophical snake oil from a charlatan who doesn't even have the good sense not to tell the same lies over and over again (to a non-captive audience), but perhaps this will become a learning experience for you.

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Holy shit. You really can't stand the guy.

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I wouldn't call myself a Desmet "fan," I haven't read his book, and I don't know if his particular theory is correct. But there is something going on with the large number of people who refuse to see the truth, or even have a discussion around Covid measures and in particular the hazards of the vaccines. They have been misled by the media but they can also get very angry and defensive about having their viewpoint questioned. I don't know what to call it, but at the very least he is looking at this behavior and trying to formulate why this is.

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I find Desmets discussion with Del Bigtree very explanatory of what Desmet tries to tell us. Desmet was interested in mass formaton before corona and started to write his book. He holds a mirror before us that is not easy to look in all the time. https://thehighwire.com/videos/inside-the-mind-of-the-masses/

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Same here. I never bought his book. I have just heard what he has to say and it seems spot on to me. Why would people not listen to their close friends and family but trust in media figures like Fauci instead? Clearly, this is a sign that something is wrong with our relationships and our society. I don't see that as blaming the victim but as trying to figure out why this happened and whether or not we can prevent it from happening again (if we survive, that is).

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You are so sure that you are correct-in-all-ways that you're insulting the people that really love your ideas, your book, your essays! If Mattias was attacking and disparaging you on his page we'd all be standing up for you, you know. You know that right? A person isn't allowed to stand up for someone they admire and like anymore, for being called a 'fan'??? Some of us REALLY LIKE WHO WE LIKE - and you have always been up there in my top four favourites. Top four, man! Am I mindlessly, cultishly liking and enjoying YOUR mind and work like a drooling idiot? I was just saying last week how I'd love to see a round table with you, Mattias, Del Bigtree and Jordan Peterson. Chuckle. That'd be interesting. But wouldn't it??? Anyway...sigh...

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Actually you are the one acting like the Covidian Cultist. This right here:

You people are exhibiting exactly the same behavior as the people I have referred to as "Covidian Cultists," twisting yourselves into pretzels with one desperate rationalization after another in an attempt to defend the narrative you have invested in from "attack."

describes you in a nutshell. Calling anyone who suggests Desmet may have a point as "fans" is the tactic that the people selling the narrative use ie. anti-vax, coviditot etc.

You have invested heavily in your theory that we can chalk all of it up to people going along due to cowardice and just following the crowd but the problem - and here is where Desmet may be onto something with mass formation which isn't his theory by the way - is that it does not explain the ones who DEMAND from the cult even more rules. Some were ANGRY that mask rules were removed. Mass formation or mass psychosis (put forth by Mark McDonald to explain this phenomena even before Desmet) or some other theory may be needed to explain this particular phenomenon.

Your 9/11 security theater where people just go along accounts for most of the behavior. However, during one Thanksgiving they removed the security due to expected protests against the backscatter. An analogy would be a small minority demanding that the security be put in place or that everyone be patted down. It's possible that by the time this situation rolled around in 2010 or so, everyone was already inured to it and had they removed the security in 2003 perhaps, people would have demanded it. In other words, I think you're right that eventually everyone is in the does it because it's required camp but in the early days, there are some that are truly fearful and the fear makes them defend and even force the rules of the tyrants. Is this mass formation? Who knows. It's definitely something people are witnessing though and you throwing a tantrum because your theory doesn't seem to account for it is very disappointing.

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and even enforce* the rules of the tyrants

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CJ not happy. Probably sees a conspiracy of his fans against him.

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I agree. Something is very wrong with Desmet's theory. I'm looking into it more closely now. Please stayed tuned to my substack where I'll be presently a fairly in-depth look at his concepts, his logic, and his apparent philosophical affiliations.

One glaring example: on page 7 of his book, Desmet states, "Totalitarianism is the defining feature of the Enlightenment tradition." What? This is a bizarre statement. But it makes sense if one understands what the Frankfurt School was about.

Desmet seems to be working off the tradition of the Frankfurt School of philosophy/sociology wherein different ideas of "reason" are set up and contrasted as a means of getting to structures of oppression. This is what "critical theory" is about and seems to be why Desmet harps on about "mechanistic thinking," which would correspond to "instrumental reason" in the formulation of the original critical theorists, which reason blinds us to the fullness of experience and a proper ordering of social values.

Critical race theory and critical legal theory spring out of Critical Theory. Critical theory is big on "ideology" which is perhaps why Desmet harps on that.

I'm not there yet. I'm working on it. But one thing I know already: Desmet's is a confused theory that has little correspondence to reality.

Yes, people are now invested in Desmet's theory and don't want to hear any criticisms of it. Desmet has been promoted heavily and is now supposedly the "go-to" person to explain what happened to us during Covid. But he's far off the mark and I think many of us were taken in by him because of his promotion by high-profile figures in the fight against totalitarianism. But since the core problem with society, according to Desmet, is our saturated, amorphous anxiety (without which totalitarianism cannot arise, according to Desmet) wouldn't the cure for this in the Psychology for a New World be to ensure that the masses are happy, even if they own nothing? Even sedated? In order to prevent totalitarianism?

I'm with CJ Hopkins. This stuff is way nasty.

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Yes, you are right, CJ. I have finally got the point.... sorry

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Thanks ... no worries.

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Sep 14, 2022
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You haven't been "perfectly polite and reasonable." You and your gang have behaved exactly like the Covidian Cultists I dealt with online back in 2020-2021, hostile, irrational, unable or unwilling to directly address simple arguments and facts, creepily manipulative, passive-aggressive, insulting, etc. I tried to engage with you, because I thought a piece like this required a little more BTL engagement than I typically provide, but you have proved to be just as childish, cultish, dishonest, and fanatical as the Covidian Cultist crowd ... so, yes, please do go fuck yourselves.

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Thank you for saying exactly what I've been thinking - and thank you for saying it so well!!

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Well said. Also why do we have to pick a theory anyway? There can be a mixture of phenomena going on, where on theory explains this aspect of people while another explains another aspect.

If Desmet is so despicable to CJ then perhaps he can discuss this phenomena with others who acknowledge a mass psychosis such as Mark McDonald or a mass hypnosiss such as Mark Changizi both of whom are on Substack. Maybe the theory is wrong and CJ can point to the problems, but it would be good for him to attack the theory rather than the man. Of course he should point out any lies that are being told ie. if Desmet claims open heart surgery merely from hypnosis well, I'd like him to prove anything of the sort exists.

Isn't attacking the person rather than the ideas the tactic the Covidians always use? And yet CJ doesn't see the irony when he claims the Desmet fans are acting like the Covidians.

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Sep 14, 2022
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Sep 13, 2022Edited
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It's true that there is a corrupt plan, a conspiracy. I don't think Desmet denies that. I don't know why his theory is so controversial. It seems to go along with CJ's really. Yes, there is a conspiracy. Yes, there was weaponized propaganda but the fact is, we have known for a long time that the media has increasingly been owned by a handful of corporations. Many of us have been sounding an alarm on that for years, yet most Americans are reluctant to do anything about it. Back in the 70s, there was a George Gerbner who warned of the affects of years of watching a TV screen, but again, little was done in response to that. I think what Desmet is suggesting is that we, the people, can do something, that there are changes we can make in our society to help prevent something like this from happening again and possibly to fight back by not going along with all of this.

Look, many Americans are also okay with the rich not paying taxes. The poor and middle class often pay more taxes than the rich because there are a lot of tax breaks the rich get that the rest of us do not qualify for. Possibly, if we had been taxing the rich and limiting how much money they can acquire, we wouldn't be having the problems we are having now. Money is power in our society.

Or we can just remain passive, blame the elite, tell ourselves that we are innocent, and just accept our fate.

Maybe that is just easier?

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CJ's criticism is sound and Desmet himself said we must not stop speaking, so he's speaking and what he wrote is food for thought.

I agree with non violence in part because I don't think its required. Just stop complying and if necessary we should stop paying taxes. Refuse to support anyone who has condoned this and makes money off of it. Turn off the TV, ignore what Biden says. Who cares what Biden says. These people have some grand delusions of their own importance. They are scoundrels.

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Yes, I really feel that more people can just choose to not comply. I'm amazed by how many people keep shopping at Walmart and Amazon, etc. I know of people who like to complain about how things are but they keep supporting the system.

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Sep 14, 2022Edited
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I'm not saying that people should not defend themselves. Not at all. But people are still complying, they have not even done the basic step of just saying no.

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Violence for self defense is justified. People must push the boundaries of resistance, like try non compliance first. From a tactical perspective if you want to wake people up and show that you are right, then one must be ethical an use non violence. This works well in western countries. In other places where they can put a gun to your head and shoot you, violence is the better option. So essentially, it depends on the circumstance.

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'devoted' fans even....

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Isn't it great that nobody matters in the grand scheme of things? Also, i hear CJ telling us Desmet isn't a "good" person because he misspoke or "lied". Wow, this makes CJ quite morally "pure" and scares the shit out of me.

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Exactly! I still love Woody Allen movies and OSHO's words still inspire me with their support of being a free, unique, unconditioned human being and I still love Nietzsche - despite all of their foibles as human beings. Art. Creators. Inspiration.

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i always ask which are his ideas?...not the ones he got from other writers,...his ideas...always no anwser...

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I realize and appreciate that many people are avid fans of Prof. Desmet and have become adherents of "Mass Formation" theory. But try to exert a little intellectual discipline. When Desmet and Malone talk about the masses being hypnotized (which Desmet does repeatedly), they mean what they say. The most common definition of hypnosis is "a mental state like sleep, in which a person's thoughts can be easily influenced by someone else." (Look the word up. It means what it means.) Of course mass hysteria, mob behavior, and other such phenomenon are real. But that is not hypnosis. I will provide one more example of what is not hypnosis. Here in Berlin, hardly anyone is wearing masks currently. In the Autumn, when the new "restrictions" go into effect, the majority of people will put their masks back on and resume harassing people not wearing masks ... not because they will have been re-hypnotized, but rather, because they will be following orders. They will conform to official "reality" again, despite that fact that they just spent the Summer living in a different, contradictory "reality." They will repeat the official propaganda that "makes sense" of why they have to wear the masks again. They will do this in order to not be punished, fired from the jobs, ostracized by their friends, and called horrible names by the government and the media. This is not the behavior of hypnotized people. It is, however, the behavior of people in cults and totalitarian societies. Their behavior is motivated by fear, and they are absolutely right to be afraid. If they disobey, they'll be punished, and they know it. They are not in a trance or a sleep-like state. They are perceiving the dynamics of their society accurately. They will conform to the changing, contradictory "realities" because they understand the penalties for refusing to do so. There is nothing wrong with these people's minds. At the moment, they are not wearing their masks because they have not been ordered to wear their masks. When they are ordered to wear their masks again, they will do so, because they have been ordered to do so. Just like we let ourselves and our families be x-rayed, fondled, and humiliated by the "security personnel" at the airport, not because we have all been hypnotized into believing that these procedures keep us safe, but because we want to get on the fucking plane.

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Your description of the people around you is accurate, except -- you highlight their fear and desire to avoid being penalized. What you don't mention is that many of these people fervently believe that you are threatening their grandmother's life, or whatever, if YOU don't wear a mask. These are two fundamentally different mindsets. Those who are true believers -- the ones who will accuse you of endangering their grandmothers -- and those who are merely complying. Dr. Desmet distinguishes between these two, each compromising roughly a third of the population, with another third resisting.

I have read Dr. Desmet and heard several lengthy interviews. I've not heard him deny that powerful forces within our societies are engineering these changes. You and he are not really in disagreement.

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I hink that "merely complying" is bullshit. People I ask know why they have followed orders, either for their own reasons or for the sake of their grandma. Both are rational explanations and not due to psychosis.

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Great that the people around you always have rational explanations for what they do.

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John Pilger quoting Harold Pinter sorta sums it up.

"Pinter was a friend of mine and possibly the last great political sage – that is, before dissenting politics were gentrified. I asked him if the “hypnosis” he referred to was the “submissive void” described by Leni Riefenstahl.

“It’s the same,” he replied. “It means the brainwashing is so thorough we are programmed to swallow a pack of lies. If we don’t recognise propaganda, we may accept it as normal and believe it. That’s the submissive void.”"

"Hypnosis." "Mass formation." "Submissive void." Semantics. Desmet leveraged the creation of a new term for an old concept for personal gain and gratification. "Publish or perish," as the old saying goes in academia.

I'm not trying to hijack this by linking to Pilger's post, but his article supports your assessment.


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Yep, the bloody airport security sure got people used to obeying nonsensical rules without any questions asked. Who wants to be yelled at and / or searched by a psychopathic TSA goon! It's the main reason I have been refraining from travelling by plane unless absolutely necessary. Of course, now the reasons are manifold: exposure to shedding by the jabbed in an enclosed space (and god knows what they are spraying into that space on top of it), not to mention that the prices having doubled and the increased risk of the flight being cancelled, the luggage lost and , last but not least, the pilot suffering a heart attack BEFORE safely landing the craft..!

That said, the TV does put the viewer in a hypnotic state and information slips into the subconscious without being filtered by the critical faculty. We also become more malleable and easier to program when traumatized. Hence the 24/7 fear porn. Which we get hooked on because we have been programmed through fear our whole life by our parents and institutions.

However, there is an element of free will - which most seem to have abdicated . Admitted, it is inconvenient to go against the current. It's easier to fool ourselves into believing the narrative, a sort of self hypnosis. That makes betraying our values and participating in bullying and scapegoating those who offer resistance much easier. Especially when we are told we are saving granny and can therefore pretend to be making a moral choice! We not only get permission, but are encouraged to express our latent cruelty and are even rewarded with the veneer of goodness! It takes a strong spine to resist such temptation... As we have seen, the majority doesn't have it. The Warriors have been decimated through hormones in the water and in food and through woke education and propaganda. When personal power equates "toxic masculinity", mankind is in trouble.

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Jon Rappoport is in alignment with your view, Mr. Hopkins.


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Thanks ... I like his style!

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Yes, imaginative, yet straight up!

Yours is pretty good too! :)

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Sep 12, 2022
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I don't take your criticism as an insult, but perhaps you should reread some of my essays, starting with The Covidian Cult (October 2020), and reflect a little more on the fundamental difference between my analysis and Desmet's, and on how cults and totalitarian societies work, rather than misrepresenting my views out of anger. https://consentfactory.org/2020/10/13/the-covidian-cult/

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Sep 12, 2022Edited
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I have explained it. I'm sorry you're having trouble understanding it. In the simplest possible terms ... I view things in terms of power dynamics and relationships. Desmet views things in terms of pathology. These are two completely different ways to understand society and people. Power vs. Pathology. That's as simple as I can make it for you.

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Opal - brilliant response...

I've read CJ's book and Mattias' book (they arrived at exactly the same time a few months ago) and loved them both - I think they compliment each other...both and!

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Awesome comments Opal! And I didn't hear anger at all. Just the desire to understand where CJ is coming from. You've also helped me get clearer on why I'm confused about the distinction CJ and Jon are making and why it's so important to them that they choose the strategy of ridiculing Desmet. It seems to me that divide and rule becoming ever more successful, with people on the "same side" hotly contesting one another's theories about wtf is actually happening.

CJ, have you approached Desmet himself with your criticism of his theories?

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Just a few points to your thoughtful reply;

To me, it seems a difference between explaining people's behavior through the lens of pathology (an adaptation to adversity and trauma) versus personal agency and free will.

Do we give the German people in the 1930's this latitude? Meaning: Do we generally consider them to have succumbed to mass "formation"/hypnosis and therefore excusing their behavior? The answer is no. So why do we do it now? Because the people who succumbed to the programming are our family members and friends, and we have a personal relationship with many of them, rather than an anonymous "mass" of people in another country and from a different time? Thus, throwing them to the wolves is a lot easier than doing so to people we love? Objectively speaking, what is the difference between the behavior of the Covidians and the Nazi followers? Give the former a gun, or a needle, and see what happens!! We just have to look at the behavior of cops and doctors worldwide to know. Can they be excused because of "mass formation"? If so, why were there Nuremberg trials?

Yes, the governments used psychological methods to target various sub-groups in a manner that would influence them most effectively. But: We cannot be hypnotized without our consent. There is a part of us that has to agree with being taken over, so to speak. With being bamboozled and refusing to recognize any evidence to the contrary. Especially after 30 months of this charade. There are benefits to abdicating our personal responsibility. One is certainly the feeling of belonging to a group vs being the lone wolf who is excluded from the pack. It's much more demanding to have a contrarian opinion and to take a stand for what we believe in than to succumb to the "mass formation" and to mob rule.

I work as a coach and healer. The most important part of my job is to help people take back their personal responsibility, to get out of victimhood and step into their power. For many it's a difficult journey, because of the secondary benefits of victimhood (the same applies to disease). That's the basis of the Hero's Journey. Becoming mature adults, rather than remaining in a childlike dependency. So, ultimately I feel the problem lies therein. You cannot hypnotize and lead someone who is empowered by the noose. Whereas someone in victim-consciousness will want to be led. Like they will appreciate an enemy, someone "bad" to point their finger at to either justify their own fear, or the violence done to the "outcast" because of their "otherness".

I do think that stupidity and weakness are our worst enemies. Humanity is in dire need of raising their level of awareness. This has to be done individually, although the general level of consciousness will affect the individual. Of course our indoctrination and the materialistic worldview aren't helping with that. Why would our overlords want us to becomes independent, rather than being attached to our image and our "stuff", ruled by the fear of losing them? So it takes the ability to be able to be disagreeable to withstand the onslaught, which not everyone has to the same degree. Again, deep down, it's because we want to be liked and accepted (because that was a prerequisite for survival in a tribe). Individualization would mean developing enough backbone to be willing to stand on our own and not be afraid of leaving the tribe. It has been surprising to see how few are able or willing to do so.

This is obviously not a comprehensive analysis and there is a lot more that can be said (or there wouldn't be so many books written about it). I can however say that the main distinction I see in people who are healthy (physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually) vs those who are out of balance is the question of whether they take full responsibility for their lives and their outcomes and truly want to heal, get well and whole, or whether they look outside of themselves for both excuses and solutions. Personal empowerment vs victim consciousness. It's when we step into the former that the tables are turned and we become terrifying to our overlords, because in that state, we are on the side of truth and life, connected to Source, and we have more light and more creativity than they do. Thus this is where I see the solution. Not in explaining fear and excusing personal weakness, but in encouraging people on their journey to become actualized human beings. Which is obviously more challenging than ever, considering that most are now on the way to becoming transhuman... That's a whole other ball game.

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Sep 13, 2022
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Beautifully and well said. Interesting you bring up Jordan Peterson - he's the only other in person in the public eye that I see has been trying to empower people - help people take back their power (goodness knows the orchestrators of our shitty-values world hate it when individuals feel secure in their selves and powerful) - and he's been doing it for years. He seemed to be number one on the list of smear campaigns because of it. Now, I see Mattias really bringing a similar message of individual empowerment to the people and so I've been comparing him to Jordan a little. I know everyone here is concentrating on his Mass Formation description but what thrills me about him and what I think is a more important message is when he talks about the mechanistic/rationalistic view of man in the world vs the empathically resonating with the eternal principles of Life view of man in the world :) Ahhhhh...those whole sections of his interviews make me cry! And when people hear his words I know they know it's true...and those words help us to gather our power around us. Annnyway - just thought I'd pipe up! Thank you for all your thoughtful intelligent replies...!

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Beautifully said, Opal!

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From Dr. Breggin’s website -

We have already published a lengthy, in-depth analysis1 of Mattias Desmet’s book The Psychology of Totalitarianism.2 Desmet proposes that a large segment of the population suffers from self-induced mass transformations, otherwise known as mass hypnosis, and popularized as “mass psychosis” by Robert Malone, MD. Whether Desmet or Malone consciously intended it, their ideology has seriously harmful effects similar to a psyops — a psychological operation — aimed at paralyzing the health freedom movement and freedom movements worldwide.


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I can report that the Breggin's now have full support from the Belgian WEF stooges. They are absolutely thrilled.

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Not "hypnosis" in the normal sense, but neither is it simply conforming for an easy life or directly being coerced. Lots of people who I thought were intelligent and could exercise a reasonable amount of critical thinking seem to genuinely have believed the most extraordinary things over the last couple of years, and to play their part on shoring it all up with (I believe) the conviction they are doing the right thing. They also cannot hear evidence to the contrary and consider it rationally.

I believe that if you are talking to a long-standing friend whom you trust, and you are going along with something because of fear - but you really know it is bullshit - then in a quiet, face to face conversation, if that friend opens the door and says "this is BS", or even begins to express doubts, you will open up with relief that you have someone to talk to without that fear. This is exactly what will happen if we talk about airport security...

But not about Covid. So something else interesting and unusual is going on, when those freinds ask us to have Covid tests before we visit, or will not open up - even now.

My understanding of Desmet is that he is saying "if these preconditions exist, you can get people to believe more or less anything. Once they believe it, they resist having their eyes opened, because that is too psychologically painful. Many of them will resist those trying to tell the truth with anger or violence, because the 'pain' of waking up would be too much". At that level, I think he is basically right.

FWIW, I think a lot of people, deep down, know that if they accept the reality here, their whole world view of nice, largely benevolent governments and leaders, democracy etc will disintegrate. And they cannot take it, especially when all this recent stuff has added overt fear and anxiety on top.

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Well said, thank you!

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Damn, you're good

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It is also kind of obvious. Walk in to any highschool and observe how group dynamics work. Fear and the need to fit in motivate most people. Control the media and you control the people.

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I should have added, damn, so am I.

But people get all weird.

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What you describe in your example; people putting their masks back on because they will be following orders, is exactly what you describe as your definition of hypnosis: a mental state in which thoughts can be easily influenced by someone else. A large part of people is not capable of thinking clearly. I see that you haven't been living much among people who conform, but many people only know one thing: to follow a "leader". Of course, hypnosis is not literally "sleep", but a narrowing of thought. These people don't even think much about punishment. They just do what they do. I'm afraid you contradict yourself in your comment, and are spreading nonsense, which the world doesn't need. You are just following the thoughts of Breggin and Fitts who have an agenda of their own.

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Exactly. The larger percentage of the masses are victims of menticide. Their minds have literally been 'reprogrammed' by almost three years of intensely targeted, military grade, 'SAGE nudge unit orchestrated' psychological manipulation. As Mattias Desmet suggests... around 30% of us, that is... 'the percentage of society that could so easily see through the manipulation' managed to escaped it! I don't see what's so difficult to believe about that? No CJ... we didn't have some kind of machine that protected us from falling under the hypnotic spell...(or what ever it was you suggested).. we're just 'smart enough' to see right through the bullshit!

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I was offering hugs to strangers in spring 2020.... You have to have some fun....

Now, I talk about Ebola making me weak going into store, as my wife flees me... She doesn't enjoy it, but I certainly do

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Great that you did that John. Some say another spring will come in 2023. Others think more doom.

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Thanks Frederique! I try to enjoy myself... To reduce stress

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CJ, I’ve read through many of the comments, and what a shitstorm. The most interesting thing about your dispute with Desmet (and/or with mass formation theory) is that you have created exactly the kind of “horizontal conflict” among your readers that professional psychological operators implement to keep the masses of small folk fighting against each other rather than directing their ire vertically at the rulers. (The left/right political spectrum is probably the most prominent and successful example of horizontal conflict.)

For students of mass psychoses, including mass formation and the narcissism of small differences, your post and the resulting comments are instructive of how easily and quickly division can be created in a tight community to quell resistance. I imagine a political cartoon in which two totalitarian resistance fighters are standing idly in a bombed out ruin. One of them asks the other, “Are you going to the skirmish against the totalitarians today?” And the other one answers, “No way. The commander of that Belgian platoon lied about witnessing the use of hypnosis during open heart surgery.”

Personally, I don’t hold out any hope that humans will ever successfully rise against the archons. It takes at least ten times as much energy/effort/planning/money to resist the archons as it does for the archons to destroy the resistance. The failure of all resistance is baked into this reality. I thank you for providing yet another small proof. You have contributed to my gnosis.

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Everyone knows I'm "controlled opposition," Jack. I actually write these columns from the deck of Bill Gates' mega-yacht while sipping adrenochrome cocktails with Klaus and Tony.

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This is a valid and important point. I have no doubt there a flaws in Desmets theory, and no doubt he has personal flaws too. I'd say the same about my ideas of what is going on, and of me personally, and of everyone else too. Enlightened saints who can see the whole truth are pretty rare, assuming any such people have ever existed.

There are many theories on particular issues which I think are wrong or even probably counter productive, but IMO tolerance and allowing for diversity of opinion in resisting globocap is essential, and out of that diversity of thought will come the keys to destroying globocap without simply installing another totalitarian system in its place. Desmet makes this point too in many interviews, for which I applaud him.

On the hypnosis issue. I do not know the truth of this or to what level he exaggerated, misunderstood what he was seeing or knowingly lied. I do believe that hypnosis and other mind control techniques are astonishingly powerful. And my father, who was a doctor, said he had witnessed people undergoing serious surgery with only acupuncture as anaesthetic. Ok, perhaps he was hoodwinked too... But the mind and body is weirder than most western materialists will accept or allow for.

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Agree with everything stated, except "There is nothing wrong with these people's minds."!

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CJ, is the ascent to permitting themselves to be commanded around like that—is that possibly perhaps part of the mass psychosis, or would you say that it's simply cowardice? Or something else all together?... I guess I struggle to understand how so many people can fall in line and not protest...(?)

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Desmet keeps calling people not to comply; to simply say "no" (to vaccines and unscientific measures) and to continue to speak out. I would like to see the current elites overthrown, but inevitably these elites will be replaced by other elites, and the majority of people will inevitably start complying to the new elites. His message is quite ambitious because he says it's not enough to overthrow the elites; individuals have more power in themselves than they believe; the masses should wake up and learn to take responsibility in their own life (and a small step like saying "no" is huge). People who look up to the "good elites" will not be able to do so. They will keep on metaphorically "sleeping".

One thing i don't like about the mud throwers at Desmet is that they refuse to talk to him. The adagio of the freedom movement should be (in Dutch) "eendracht maakt macht", which means "who works together, stands stronger and gets more done."

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Thank you Frederique! Yesssssss!! And besides the whole mass formation theory of Desmet's I am reeeeeally loving that he is bringing a metaphysical side forward - and when people hear him talk about the mechanistic/rationalistic view of man in the world vs the empathically resonating with the true principles of Life and being a Human - they KNOW it and feel it deeeeeeply inside and it awakens something....a Strength! I think this is gold. And for that I want everyone to listen to Mattias because I think his message is empowering - and we all know that the Elite's/Globalists/Technocratic Transhumanists HATE when the people are empowered. They are trying with all their might to make us feel powerless....So, yes...!!

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I agree, he has quite a unique message to share, and although it seems challenging to get all the nuances, once you get it, you KNOW. It must be that the message resonates on another level than a pure rational one, considering the amount of people willing to listen to him, and this is hopeful. You've hit the nail: his message is empowering. Isn't it great once you realize you can say NO. It's an utterly mighty feeling! So thank you, Tracey, great to be in this realization together with you!

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Yes!! I think it's his most important, most powerful message.

and...."To create a society that is worthy of being a Human Being" that made me cry...

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Sep 13, 2022
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I don't love Mattias Desmet THE MAN - I love his ideas, his empowering message. (have you listened to his interviews? Have you heard the beautiful, empowering message that always comes near the end about the mechanistic/rationalistic view of man of the world vs. the empathically resonating with the eternal principles of Life view of the world?) Soooo I don't care what he's done. But then I still love Woody Allen (the whole world told me not to, right??), Nietzsche and even OSHO. So you get the picture. I'm concerned with the philosophical ideas and content, the art...not the Man.

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I wanted to 'heart' your comment, but it didn't let me. I appreciate your comments, I find them thoughtful and wise. Thank you.

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Thank you Elleke. I am sure you are thoughtful and wise too, and i appreciate you being here. With all our differences together we will overcome.

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Good example, CJ! But I would like to add something: most people don't wear masks now, but still there are people who do it, even when they are in cars or alone in the park. And yes, many just wear masks because they are obedient, but I don't know how many of them really believe in it. I guess it is a lot. A lot really think now they can leave the masks because the "Inzidenzen" are low, but as soon as the media tell them, the "Inzidenzen" rise up they believe it is better to wear masks. They are afraid (of the virus, not so much of punishment) and they believe in the narrative. It is not a trance-like state and I also think they are not hypnotized. But it IS some kind of brainwashing and manipulating, it is irrational and it has to do with psychology. But how can we call it? I would call it mass-psychosis but it is intentionally enforced on the people.

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Sep 12, 2022
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I think you need to see why "oil and water don't mix". Hopkins have described exactly why hypnosis is fundamentally diffefent from obedience. The hypnotic state is irrational, whilst the second is rational, explainable and understandable. Intellectual discipline sorely needed here!

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Sep 11, 2022
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I think you’ve hit the spot here Opal. I heard Desmet talk about this theory early on. I didn’t see this interview but his language has changed a little over time and isn’t doing himself any favours.

This theory explains perfectly some of the behaviour shifts we’ve seen. Which I find hard to ascribe to pure pragmatism.

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Maybe part of why his language is changing because he is bothering to get his message out in English. Sure there may be other pressures exerted that has caused him to muddy the waters of his own theory (which I have seen happen to multiple academics lately), but I don’t understand why this can’t be a topic of discussion. And now that I’ve been asked not to belabor the point I feel like doing just that. Is his English acceptable? Sure. But is he as confident as other ESL speakers? No. He’s not. There are tons of other professors from this corner of the world who could be mistaken for native speakers. It’s not an excuse. It’s a point of consideration.

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Ohoi. Propagnda does not hypnotise people, but scares them with threats and the risk of possible death. The shift to compliance is entirely rational. When they realise that the risk became greater because they (or their friends) obeyed, websaw a new shift: the "mass" going for boosters shrank remarkably. Don't you see?

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Opal - I agree! I'm like: Both And! CJ Hopkin's book and Mattias' book arrived at the exact same time for me - I read CJs first (noted he didn't like the Mass Formation theory, that's OK - we all don't have to agree on every single detail), enjoyed every little bit of his book and then read Mattias' which I also really loved! I think both their theories are spot on and don't contradict each other! No where does Mattias say that the 'elite', as he's calling them, are not purposefully manipulating the people in the worst way. He knows they've got plans "The Technocratic Transhumanist Agenda" and that the elite are the culprits. I don't see what the big deal is.

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Why o why don't any of you two realise what a fundamental difference there is between hypnosis and obedience? I refer to my other responses and to Hopkins' very clear explanations of this watershed of a difference. And Desmet who openly blame conspiracy theorists for "mass psychosis", where does that fit in your picture?

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It really sounds as though you have never seen a Mattias interview or read his book. He does not blame conspiracy theorists for 'mass psychosis'! Ha! He doesn't even use the word 'mass psychosis' - it's Mass Formation. :)

Are you saying that you don't think that TV is being used as a tool to brainwash, manipulate and hypnotize the people? I mean...it's like Shock & Awe all day long - repetitive bulllllshit - bright colours - intense colours - repetitive repetitive repetitive words being drummed into the weak-minded masses skulls....it's obvious a brainwashing tool, right? So that the brainwashed will be dutiful and obedient. Where's the rocket science here? What's being disputed?

What made me realize that, indeed, people reeeeeally are under a spell of sorts is when you say something that goes against the narrative that was been drummed into their heads they all have the same knee-jerk reaction - just as though a hypnotist actually told them how to respond! Right? You go against the MSM and they say, "Are you a Trump Supporter?" Hahahaha - even though I'm Canadian....? Hilarious. Ridiculous. Absurd! Mattias doesn't even go that far - but, yeah, their minds are totally captured....they have been programmed to respond to dissident voices in a perfectly predictable manner....it's unconscious, of course, they don't even know they are doing it! And then they obey.

What's the argument??

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Ha ha. Yes I read the book and I find especially chapter 8 quite preposterous. Call it mass formation if you like. I wouldn't. There is a crucial differemce between being in a mass psychosis (which is used to explain totalitarianism) and making individual choices, not least to save your job. But of course, most of us will defend oir choices tooth and nail. Desmet's psychological study ought to be about the mind og the predators and what makes them tick!

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Exactly what his next book is about. He must have read your mind.

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Obedience is rational and explainable and caused by clever politicians giving orders and threatening with various punishments. Hypnosis is an irrational state, induced by a psychotherapist. Most people would be able to tell you why they follow orders.

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May I ask a favor? If you're contemplating sending me an email expressing your extreme displeasure with my latest essay, or explaining what I do not understand about Professor Desmet's theories to me at considerable length, could you please post your thoughts here in the comments instead of sending me that email? I'm getting swamped with emails and will be unable to even skim most of them.

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The madness of crowds. I agree and I disagree with you with you, CJ. Most people are conformists. And, you are correct, in matters of survival, people do ugly things. But this case is a little different. The masses are generally not deeply engaged in philosophy or politics or foundations of western civilization. They are not so much cowards, but rather, ignorant about history and the patterns underlying the madness that you, me and others so clearly see. I think where Desmet comes in is as follows: With the emergence of overwhelming evidence of the malfeasance of our medical institutions, the theft of individual liberty, the censorship of dissent, the failure of the vaccines to stop the virus, the unprecedented explosion of all cause mortality, the deaths of healthy athletes and millennials from Cause Unknown--in the face of all of this, a very large number of people--seem completely oblivious to these facts. They don’t seem to have reflected on much of it--though I suspect they will--so to call them cowards relies on the masses being aware of their choice to either obey, or resist.

Let’s face it, to confront the reality that 21st Century monsters, led by the USA Intelligence agencies are unleashing bioweapons on the world and our leaders are coercing and killing us and our children with toxic genetic poisons--well, that’s a tough pill to swallow. I think there is a mass of people unable to deal with this, and hence the psychosis that permits mass atrocities of the kinds we’ve seen throughout history, as well as today.

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Yes, most people I know have done little, if any, reflection on any of the idiotic covid edicts of the past few years. They are all pretending as if nothing happened. And before I had ever heard of mass formation, I did get the odd and extremely disconcerting sense whenever I questioned the madness (the injections in particular) that I was talking to people under some kind of spell. They would look at me blankly, as if I were a ghost. It was spooky. So I tend to think there is some kind of weird psychological aspect to this nightmare, as well as everything C J says is the cause of our current predicament.

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"Under some kind of spell". That's a good way to put it.

Another interesting observation I made was that sometimes some people would get angry when I told them the whole thing was a lie. No Wuhan-virus was ever proved to exist. In fact, all death statistics prove that no dangerous Wuhan-virus ever existed.

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That’s really a pill that should’ve been taught, because it’s not new. We are not dealing with a mass atrocity, most folks are still very comfortable in the U.S at least. We have not hit any ‘survival level’ yet, not by a long shot. We might yet be surprised by the ‘cowards’ who, when faced with actual discomfort, are able to achieve as yet unforeseen levels of madness. Let us pray.

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Ed Dowd is reporting that there were 68,000 excess deaths of millennials in the 3rd and 4th quarter of 2021, working age people, generally healthy. This corresponds to the May 2021 Biden directive that all corporations with over 100 employees be required to get the jab. The data was derived from two independent sources: the insurance industry and CDC data. In addition, Dowd reported the Bureau of Labor Statistics monthly survey reveals that slow mild or serious disability in the household by one or more ppl is up sharply. In 3 months we lost 68,000 25-44 year olds, and there were much more when combining other age groups. So, in less than half a year, we lost more people than in the 10 year Vietnam War. This is indeed an atrocity the magnitude of which we are only just beginning to understand.

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Well, once again to reference Marshall McLuhan; he claimed that we cannot find our way out of society's dilemmas by focusing on either the present or the past because solutions cannot be found in our old paradigms, especially when they have been corrupted; we must see any viable future with a renewed vision and hope for a common human destiny and McLuhan pleaded that there be continuous dialogue and avoidance of violence; sadly, it appears that violence is still in the ascendant over dialogue.

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The "vaxxx" is the mass-medium whose message/content is “poison”

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Sep 12, 2022
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Thank you for these very helpful additions to my maps. Our victimizers employ the best amoral minds they can enroll in their efforts to stay several moves ahead of the people they seek to rule and parasitize. Almost all of my heroes have eventually been revealed to have been pied pipers or controlled opposition. The list you just supplied helped me move several steps forward in my comprehension. I welcome more such!

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Tony, who do you think they are?

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Sep 12, 2022
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Thank you, Tony.

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Yes well said “the madness of crowds” is a great book. Just look at the example of witch burrning: mass formation

Here is a quote from house of the seven gables:

By nathanial hawthorne


“ Old Matthew Maule, in a word, was executed for the crime of witchcraft. . He was one of the martyrs to that terrible delusion, which should teach us, among its other morals, that the influential classes, and those who take upon themselves to be leaders of the people, are fully liable to all the passionate error that has ever characterized the maddest mob. Clergymen, judges, statesmen,—the wisest, calmest, holiest persons of their day stood in the inner circle round about the gallows, loudest to applaud the work of blood, latest to confess themselves miserably deceived. If any one part of their proceedings can be said to deserve less blame than another, it was the singular indiscrimination with which they persecuted, not merely the poor and aged, as in former judicial massacres, but people of all ranks; their own equals, brethren, and wives.”

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Perfect. You know the Guillotine inventor was celebrated as a beacon of mercy, because to decapitate by axe became suddenly cruel and inefficient, somehow. All Hail Progress.

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well if the energy problems in Europe persist we could be looking at another reign of terror. Also soon enough the US dollar will lose its reserve currency status and americans and the west will drown in a sea of inflation. Some other power will establish a metal money standard like a gold ruble or gold backed Yuan. A great deal of the behavior of Western govs over the past 2 years could be explained by the idea that many people in positions of power know that the West is up to its eyeballs in debt and the economies are going to collapse and the lockdowns are just a way to get us used to what is about to happen when then energy grid fails and there is no food in the markets. It will be like Weimar germany style hyperinflation in some places. People are not prepared for how bad it could get.

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I interpret these actions as quite deliberate controlled demolition of the modern world.

These are not nice people.

If en route to their ultimate objective, billions were to starve, I think they’d be unmoved or actively pleased.

There is a neomalthusian theme running right through all this fraud.

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maybe Dr Y, but they must know that if they really create mass death, there will violence unrest, there will be disruptions of supply and prduction. If there really is one single group pulling strings ( my bet would be on the CCP but I still cannot accept that anyone is that smart) why would they want to risk the mass unrest their actions would cause. The explanations are prob much more mundane and banal. this is what Ludwig Mises wrote about in his book Bureaucracy . As power is centralized in fewer hands and the society abandons sound gold backed money, there is an envitable corruption. Truth is thrown right out the window and lies and politics take over. Noone has to be directing it altought there will be those who actively manipulate the situation for their gain.

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At least guillotine "ate the children" of the revolution


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Very accurately and insightfully stated!

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Im not displeased. I love your writing and im grateful for your work. I didnt attack you personally. I work in healthcare. Im unvaxxed . I live in northern NJ and ive been on the frontlines of this insanity; at one of the epicenters here in NYC. Half the population was in a state of shock. You couldnt have a conversation with them. Once i was physically assaulted in a bank lobby for not wearing a mask. I was escorted pyhscially out of a supermarket. I was banned from airlines , had my gym memebership cancelled.

One of my doctor colleagues , when i was trying to explain that masks have no effect got agitated and yelled at me “but people are dying”

A mass formation is a real thing. Hanah arendt wrote about it. It doesnt affect everyone. But a large percentage of the population succumb to it. Its a human psychological evolved tendency. Like a follow the leader instinct in a time of crises.

But a huge portion of the population does not succumb. Again like in Vaclav havel’s “power of the powerless”. There are so many people who go along to stay out of trouble because resisting would mean they would risk total ostracization

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I haven’t read the book but I have listened to Desmet. From what I’ve heard it would seem to me that the global players behind this situation are making use of this phenomenon to get people on board. I know intelligent and otherwise rational people who absolutely refuse to have any discussion about the reality of the shots not being safe nor effective, others who refuse to acknowledge that cloth and surgical masks cannot stop viral particles and still others who are so vehemently convinced human cause global climate change is real, they will not discuss anything. I feel Desmet’s description fits this perfectly. I will read his book however.

I’d also like to add that we should not get too caught up in these arguments that divide the opposition: viruses are real/they don’t cause illness and don’t exist

And now Mass formation/orchestrated global totalitarian take over. We need to keep focused on the real problems and keep talking truth.

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But couldn't the term "propaganda-induced psychosis", "fear-induced psychosis", or even "mass psychosis" have sufficed?

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well said, same approach to me, Desmet is another clown in the PR of selling new normal....

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I believe, sadly, he has managed to infiltrate the Freedom movement and even captured Robert Malone, who promotes his theory. And it IS only a theory! No data to interpret so hard to verify.

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To me it was an opinion, not a theory...You could agree with most of it, though most of it could not be proved...The "freedom movement" wanted an explanation of why so many were submitting...Desmet's was the only one available, and easily agreed to....The right person with the right opinion at the right time ?

Sadly most of us are still none the wiser, still trying to fit the mass persuasion techniques employed into what we think we know about propaganda and how propaganda works...My main take so far is "Fear Works"...But then, the existence of A State (The State) over/above a society admits of a society riddled in fears...

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O o, there is a vast number of available independent people and non-profit groups online, if you look, contributing to explain what happened and why!

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I don’t think Malone needed to be captured. How many intelligence friends do you have?

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Sep 12, 2022
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You're damn right.

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I am not sure he "captured" Malone. I suspect Malone is in on the scam. Maybe I'm wrong. But I don't think so.

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Malone has extensive involvement with the vaccine industry and has also worked with the government. Doesn't mean he's a fraud, but could be a limited hangout which might not be entirely intentional.

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Malone has openly admitted working for the CIA and military on bio-weapons programs his entire career and yet has never, to my knowledge, said anything significant about the origins of the virus. I'm a working stiff and yet I've found the time to dig deeply into that. The various likely theories are integral to the entire issue, partly because they all involve the same people behind the jabs and the plandemic itself.

And what about his body language during his interview on the Darkhorse podcast? The one with Steve Kirsch. Go back and watch that with a skeptical eye and what do you see? I see a guy who's absolutely thrilled to have been included in the "big, secret plan."

This isn't a chemistry experiment. We've a million "unknowable unknowns" for every one, hard, unignorable data point. We have to map out what's going on in an environment of enormous uncertainty while the stakes are as high as they get.

And Malone was the most obvious of all these snakes. I'm certain enough that almost all these people pretending to be on our side are in fact just distractions that I'd risk my life on it. Trust your gut but don't run off in delusions like conspiracy theorists though.

I'm sorry if I sound like I'm telling you what to do. I suffered a super massive betrayal in my past and am really just coaching myself through this similar situation. When the betrayal was finally uncovered I had a moment of clarity where in the blink of an eye I saw 1000 times in the past where this person had lied and I realized I had known all along but stayed in denial because of family (he was my brother). Ultimately I had betrayed myself. That's what lies do. There's no such thing as a small lie. Now I notice every lie and realize I'm completely surrounded by pathological liars. And it really shows up in disagreements that could otherwise be solved with facts. Notice what people do when you disagree and try to pin them on a fact. You get evasion. The more you know or the better your argument the more pathetic the evasion. Then it's obvious they don't care about truth or what reality actually is.

Most regular people that support the narrative have no personal integrity. Most that are against also have no personal integrity but are undisciplined in they're reasoning. Now they think they're geniuses because they were right about the pandemic and have given themselves license to become even more unhinged. I work with a bunch of them. A year ago it was like they were the only people not in a daze. Today you can't even mention that viruses are real or Trump or DeSantis cannot be trusted. Evidence is beneath them.

See bailiwicknews at substack to find out what they are trying to distract us from. Apr. 28, 2022 article.

Everything has been inverted. Q and Devolution was all about "the military is the only way" but at the time they were saying that they actually were passing all the laws to strip us of every right. Now that we're in an emergency pandemic the military is actually in control of everything. We actually have fewer rights than a lab rat because they can't, legally, be pointlessly tortured. And it's worldwide. Putin and Xi are also part of it. Ukraine is for moving the plan forward.

I'm not certain of any of this but I'd bet that if we see any relief it will eventually prove to be part of the same thing.

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I believe Malone is absolutely on our side. Not every ally sees everything perfectly. The Dark Horse interview marked Malone's first coming out appearance and at that time the Red Pill was still taking effect. He was hesitant to throw under the bus all of the people he had worked with for decades. He was still coming to terms with the possibility that all he thought he was working towards for decades was wrong. Many of us are still coming to grips with the idea that our government is utterly corrupt. As a military brat, it's exceptionally hard for me. That doesn't mean I'm compromised. The idea of "controlled opposition" is to me ridiculous, and particularly for those at a high level. Malone's actions over the last two years have cost him greatly, both financially and professionally. Who would choose to fake their positions at the cost of losing so much when he could easily be rolling in dough and praise? Malone may be mistaken in some things but on the whole he is an enormous asset.

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Well, Malone is a huge influencer who I have followed for a long while. He is a close friend of Desmet, who recently visited him at their home. So "captured" or not, they seem to be in the same boat.

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I’m with you.

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Sep 12, 2022
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And here's another short and sharp comment from Jon Rappoport. If you think that mass formation gets you off the hook, you should read this (and like me, subscribe both to Hopkins and to Rappoport for their huge insight and courage).


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Another convincing Malone comment is made by psychiatrist Peter Breggin here:


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Sep 12, 2022
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Use of bioweapons is a longstanding tradition of the U.S. government (e.g., wool blanket delivery method for smallpox). The bioweapons They like best, such as blankets and "boosters," are, unsurprisingly, the ones They can inflict while getting to play-act the rôle of Benefactor engaging not in genocide but in the implementation of "public health measures" ...

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Sep 13, 2022Edited
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I think that's a bit paranoid. It seems to me a lot of people get paranoid and spot the "controlled opposition" around every corner. Did you read his book? Media presence, well, ok, it might have gotten a bit out of hand for an academic. But he's young with a good job at a univeristy. Considering the the risks. In Western-Europe people get cancelled for less when they speak their minds. He may just set-up for backup-career as "public speaker" or something. Who knows.

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Maybe but I look at everything like a school play “operation next big thing” and it takes a lot of characters in place to make it believable. I give no one the benefit of the doubt if that’s paranoid I’m ok with that. Housatonic live on YouTube does a deep dive into his history which is very telling. If it walks like a duck n talks like a duck you know the rest.

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I also found the "dark-whizzard" scene a bit weird, but still, Malone has been a bit of a mystery to me and I've been wondering if he's trying to ride two horses at the same time. At one point, a year ago or so, I heard him say in an interview that he didn't want to be too hard on the establishment but to be moderate and, as I remember, somehow in a negotiating position. I found that a bit soft and cuddly for my taste, on the background of all the fraud convictions and billions of dollar fines that Pfizer and other pharma companies have had against them. And all the lies, the liability shielding and fake "safe and effective" claims. However, since Breggin launched a broadside against him, I have noticed Malone became much tougher in his approach towards censorship and persecutions. Good news, I thought!

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Agreed. In the end we can only speculate upon the motivations. What I'd really appreciate if all those public speakers, especially from the science world, would state their current potential conflict of interests at the start of each interview. Well I can dream, can I? ;)

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Yes there is.... maybe you should've gone to spec-savers... 🙄

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He seemed genuine in some of his interviews and I thought they were interesting and I haven't read his book, but people who are more astute than I was were critiquing it saying it's an effort to take the spotlight off the criminals who are running this scam and placing blame on the followers.

I do believe in individual responsibility but people felt they had little choice with the economic shutdowns and the Covid cops.

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Sep 12, 2022
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A good book that shows this is "Dissolving Illusions" by Suzanne Humphries MD who goes through the history of vaccines showing that they don't stop disease and can be very harmful. Also, there is no control group comparing vaccinated with unvaccinated, a big red flag. I didn't learn about this till the scamdemic and started doing research on other vaccines. But I think that the Covid jab has been much worse if you look at VARES data.

It has to do with researching the topic, not raw intelligence. Many smart people are very ignorant.

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There is probably a psychological aspect to this phenomenon, and it is leveraged by - for example - the UK government's Nudge Unit*** and other government run behavioral science programs. And Madison Avenue but I digress.

In another words, we'd previously call that propaganda, and my guess is that propaganda has been part of the human condition since then dawn of man as "rulers" use deception to control the commoners. It is just that propaganda ala Bernays has been pathologicalized in the 20th century and has been honed scalpel-sharp to carve out the psyche of the average man and place it in the dark, dank closet of human conformity.....which is a trait of the human condition, not a psychosis.

So I agree with you. Desmet got his 15 minutes of fame.

***" The Nudge Unit was established in the Cabinet Office in 2010 by David Cameron’s government to apply behavioural science to public policy. Now owned partly by the Cabinet Office, by Nesta and by employees, it has operations across the world. Its chief executive is Dr David Halpern, former director of research at the Institute for Government, who is also the government’s What Works national adviser."

Source: https://www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk/explainers/nudge-unit

My goodness. Another "public-private partnership" (Fascism) the goal of which is to control the utermenchen and the unwashed masses? Who would have though? ;)

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The whole advertisement and marketing industry is based on influencing human behavior.

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Edward Bernays, the founder of modern day propaganda, came to America around 1920. His focus was precisely on commercial propaganda -- the advertisement and marketing industry. One of his early acts of propaganda was to rename what he did from propaganda to public relations. Only later did he apply these principals to government (following the example of Joseph Goebbels).

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incidentally, more 'nudge' coming down the pipe.... to address the ' hesitancy'

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yes... even the ten commandments are propaganda; esp the first three.

The most discouraging thing is that the leadership of the US, the traditions of the US were hopefully ones that honored individual liberty. A leader was placed in a position of high office to protect the property and freedom of the people, each person as an individual . that is their mission and purpose. IF they do that they would have the eternal gratitude of the people and be welcomed back into society with love and support. But this political class in this country now are a group of no nothing falures, they have no skills and they are living like parasites off the productive work of the rest of us. They know that if they were just regular people , they would be at the lowest rungs of soceity and they much prefer their perks and privileges so they will do anything to hold on to their status.

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i didnt know who was that fucking Desmet, but I'd remember the photo, and remember what The Guardian was and what is know, with the money of the foundation for population control.

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Obviously people who HAVE done more research, are trying to share it and wake you the 'f' up. 😉

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Most people, depending on the situation, will go in whatever direction the winds are blowing in and will make sure they are on or viewed to be on the winning side - no matter how evil the winning side might be e.g. Bolshevik Russia, Nazi Germany etc.

In the American Revolution: Maybe 10-20% of the colonists were hardcore "rebels," another 10-20% were hardcore Tories, and the rest were passive-neutral (unless one particular army held or were marching through their area) OR were going to be on the winning side in the end... After the war, something like 10% of the 13 colonies' population, including much of the titled-landed Aristocracy (e.g. Penn family etc), left for Canada, the Caribbean or the UK...

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Thanks. Wish I could hug you.

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Why not both? The two theories are not exclusive. On the contrary, they complement each other well.

One describes how/why our 'masters' are doing what they are doing. The other nicely describes why the masses are happily falling for it and obeying.

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This is what I came to say.

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Me too

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i actually said it in a reply up above. wish i would have read through the comments, yet again. sigh...

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Concur. There are patently malign pushers of an agenda. But the agenda’s widespread adoption is largely an emergent property of our society and its institutions. This is what Desmet addresses. And it’s important to recognise this aspect because emergent properties are robust. You can’t fix them with a few hangings. (I favour sentient crucifixions, but, details aside ....)

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Well that "emergent property" has as its cause or a good part of it, the globalist agenda which has been in the works for decades; those "malign pushers" have been very active in creating societies and institutions which are conducive to their own "criminal" goals and without regard to anything that could be called the "common good"; in any case, "a few hangings" would be a good start......

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I hope this won't be deemed off topic. Our daughter is now 48. Forty years ago, the liars in her public school tricked us into allowing her to be put in a "gifted" class. From fourth through eighth grade. When she was a Senior I finally found out how she and her fellow students had been brainwashed those five years. Using special books (from Montclair State U. by Lippman and a Syllabus full of names like Benjamin Bloom, Hilda Taba, and the like and using manipulative techniques/Hegel's Dialectic, Diaprax (read Dean Gotcher), and lots more the point was to indoctrinate these "future leaders" with the very garbage we are watching corrupt our world today. This was planned long, long ago. They have used the schools. We paid to have our children brainwashed. Few parents admit it.

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An insightful point!

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When he says this is all organic and not planned everything else he says is suspect or fluff to get out the message. “No conspiracy here move along, don’t get upset or cause problems.” He meets my definition of controlled opposition. When I see someone goes from obscurity to viral videos suggested to me i am immediately suspect.

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Except he doesn't say this. Watch the interview with Tucker that CJ linked to. Desmet mentions elites and how they don't believe in the covid narrative but have built the narrative to push their ideology of transhumanism onto the people.

However, he points out that even if we get rid of these people new ones will step in because our society continues to live in a materialistic, mechanistic world where people will believe that they can improve the world by just creating a very orderly society.

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He has said that those who construct an overall plan by the elites to dominate the planet are suffering from a kind of mental illness.

So, yes, nasty people pushing things along here & there, he’s OK with.

But what I’m saying, he has stated is wildly exaggerated and a kind of mass formation in itself.

I’ve not had the opportunity to put to him the evidence for my position, so it may be that he is one of very many who dismiss the very possibility of a supranational plot on the trivial grounds that it’s too complicated to be planned.

It’s entirely possible. It’s been rehearsed over & over again and they’ve even had a dry run in the 2009 “swine flu pandemic”, which I now see as a dress rehearsal for deployment of mass use of PCR.

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Also in this regard, the 2016 "Zika" scam in S.America, huge fear mongering campaign, Govt. advisories against travel for pregnant women, Govts. telling people to not get pregnant (else your child might look like"Zippy") Huge increase in abortions, (depop by other means) "informed" by the use of fraudulent PCR. (Also there was a release of GM mosquitos, hmmm...Florida anyone?)

And then the "Ebola" psy-op of 2014 (PCR again in use) "over & over again" -indeed!

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Part of the problem is that we, i.e., people, tend to think in either/or terms, e.g., either there is a conspiracy of individuals (who all know each other personally) planning everything, or their isn't. But there is no King's Court in today's world. There are conspiracies (i.e., plans, projects, etc., both transparent and secretive) within, overlapping with, and intersecting other conspiracies ... aligning where there are shared interests, conflicting where there are conflicting interests, and sometimes both at the same time. I don't think it is useful to try to identify (or pretend to have identified, or allow oneself to be pressured into pretending to have identified) any kind of "master conspiracy" that controls all others. I don't think power works that way anymore, if it ever really did, and it's a trap used to delegitimize those who identify and publicize the actual conspiracies (i.e., plans, projects, etc.) that of course exist, and the individuals involved in them.

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Part of the problem is that we, i.e., people, tend to think in either/or terms, e.g., either there is a conspiracy of individuals (who all know each other personally) planning everything, or their isn't. But there is no King's Court in today's world. There are conspiracies (i.e., plans, projects, etc., both transparent and secretive) within, overlapping, and intersecting other conspiracies, aligning where there are shared interests, conflicting where there are conflicting interests, and sometimes both at the same time. I don't think it is useful to try to identify (or pretend to have identified, or allow oneself to be pressured into pretending to have identified) any kind of "master conspiracy" that controls all others. I don't think power works that way anymore, if it ever really did, and it's a trap used to delegitimize those who identify and publicize the actual conspiracies (i.e., plans, projects, etc.) that of course exist, and the individuals involved in them.

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This is exactly what I thought just recently. There is not ONE conspiracy but many. Some seem to be on the same line, other seem to contradict each other. What we see is the endgame of global capitalism, driven by the greed of very rich and powerful people who are consciously doing it. I have worked as a journalist and I saw how many of my colleagues seemed to lose their mind, their critical thinking and followed the mainstream. They were manipulated before they manipulated others. And so sometimes I really thought they were hypnotized, but not in a literal sense. These people are well educated and intelligent. We can see many psychological things going on there, just to explain not to excuse. Everyone was and still is responsible for what he/she says and does. The C-crisis is like an avalanche but someone threw the snowball and there are many who still throw snowballs....

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When you work in any institution, whether a university or a company, you know people in power MAKE plans. This is evident. Of course Desmet, working at a university, knows this. This micro level is exactly similar to the macro level. Nobody is disputing this.

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The covid narrative is part and parcel of the globalist ideology and agenda and their goals are the same in that it is all about power and control, including population control; it is no coincidence that many of the same "players" are involved, whether in government or so-called medical science; Desmet's description of a society ruled by the mechanistic and materialistic would be more accurately applied to those very elites who believe in transhumanism where society would be under their control because the rest of us don't know what's good for us; remember: "you will own nothing and be happy"! "new ones" will only step in if we let them which means we must promote individual responsibility and critical thinking which enables us to distinguish between the good players and the evil ones.

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In one of his earliest interviews, he talks about technology being an important trump card that will be wielded ruthlessly against us and likely prolong the pain until enough people wake up. This tidily also ensures that people will “let” new ones step in.

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Marshall McLuhan maintained back in at least the 60"s that technology could be used for evil effect; but he also said that there doesn't have to be any inevitability as long as there is a willingness to contemplate what is happening; unfortunately that awareness or consciousness appears severely lacking in much of the populace as evidenced by the lack of almost any critical thinking in response to the "pandemic"; if people let new ones step in it will be because ignorance, cowardice and fear will still be rampant and there is a lack of leaders who have sufficient courage to stand for what is right..

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I think this. The perpetrators cleverly laid in first the guilt of global warming.

Pretending to care for people & the planet I believe has been used to stop some politicians who wouldn’t otherwise have gone along with the covid fraud.

“This is about saving the planet. We’ve tried democratic means for decades & this is the Last Chance Saloon. Once a permanent change onto a sustainable path has been accomplished, democracy will he returned. Don’t screw this up”.

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Sep 14, 2022
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Excellent point! Very insightfully stated!

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That's not what I heard him say. What I heard him say is that he does believe there are perpetrators involved. I think he believes it was planned but he thinks that our society was particularly ready to accept it. This didn't go over well back in the 70s, perhaps because people were more united, less disconnected from each other, and more literate. In other words, our society was more stable and, therefore, more resistant.

Look up the "swine flu, david sencer, CDC" and read about how an attempt was made to declare the swine flu a pandemic and to urge people to take a toxic vaccine then.

The mistake back then was in not punishing Sencer. He got off with a slap on the wrist, went on to run the health dept in NY.

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I didn’t hear (audiobook) him say it was all organic. What struck me was his point that we, and society, are organic, and rationality carried too far ignores this; consequently, Enlightenment thinking contains the seeds of its own destruction. That’s a powerful point, regardless which side he’s actually batting for.

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But he has been explaining his theory for a very long time! Originally exclusively in Flemish, which is hard to understand even for me as a Dutch speaker. I don’t know where you are, but he has been on the wappie radar in Dutch speaking circles since 2020. He started doing English interviews to get his message out there, which was really gratifying for me to be able to share, even though his English is so bad. I got the feeling that was a major reason for his slip up with Alex Jones.

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Pandemic started in early 2020. But regardless, Klaus Schwab dropped his book "Covid-19: The Great Reset" In April, 2020. But if you look at his career, those thoughts in his book didn't originate right after the "virus" appeared. He and his Davos crew have been practicing for world domination since the 1960s. It just wasn't as public-facing until after 2008 financial crisis.

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I've watched so many of Mattias' interviews - the Del Bigtree was awesome as was the Tucker Carlson one. Then I heard about his Alex Jones one - it made me worried! I hadn't watched Alex Jones in YEARS because, well....Alex Jones!? Right? Ugh. He's too much. So I thought I need to see what this interview was like and it was seriously AWFUL. Awful. Have you seen it? I couldn't get through it - it was like being in a War Room - so bombastic, all the violent colours, all the shock and awe....Alex' voice. In the other interviews Mattias had faced his interviewers and had talked to THEM...it was very human and natural...in this one Alex faces his camera with all of the bling and shock behind him and talks to the camera and has Mattias do the same...so Mattias isn't talking TO Alex he's talking to some camera. He's Mattias so he's being calm and measured and saying what he's been saying...and every now and then Alex BARKS at him - and english is MY first language but I can barely understand his barks...it was VERY unsettling and made me super anxious, the whole thing! I can only imagine how Mattias felt! No wonder he said what he said - the whole set was like an attack. Awful. I wish he never did that interview (because look, even CJ is using the visual of it to disparage him :( ) - but I liked what he said about why he did that interview...I appreciate he has his principles and was just going to do interviews with anyone and everyone and not judge them. But, I don't think he should have done that interview! Del is interviewing Alex on Thursday...THAT should be interesting. I wonder if I'll be able to stand it. Hmmm...

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I liked Del's interview with Alex. Hadn't seen Alex's interview with Desmet, so I don't know what he said.

I just don't see why what Desmet says is controversial. I don't necessarily agree with everything he says but I think he raises some good points about problems in our society that made us susceptible to this tyranny. It doesn't mean that he has all the answers but his interviews are thought-provoking.

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That's exactly the way I feel, too - on every point you make, same here!

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Thank you so much for this reply! Full disclosure, I didn't watch the three interviews you mentioned, though I will watch Tucker and Del later this week when I can on your recommendation. American media is very grating when you are used to calmer and more long form output in Europe. I'm hoping we resist the ever present temptation to follow the American example. Things move so fast that if I feel I understand a concept such as Desmet's theory I don't need to watch everything he puts out. What I really enjoy though is when people like Catherine and CJ get together to synthesize their knowledge and ideas. Anyhow, I noticed a difference between the early interviews I watched and the first ones he gave to English speaking platforms and I missed a lot of confidence and clarity. Perhaps he has polished this in the intervening period which is helpful. But regardless, I am not ready to dismiss someone based on one clearly stupid mistake. I haven't done so with any politicians, I haven't done so with Alex Berenson and I wouldn't do so with CJ despite some occasional gruffness. It's all part of his charm and we need all kinds in this crazy world!

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I agree!! Viva being Human! :)

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I agree. We need different opinions and perspectives. However, I wish people like CJ could disagree with others without attacking them.

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Me, too.

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No, not at all, in my world at least! These theories are like oil and water. They don't mix however much you shake.

When I first saw the title of the book, "The Psychology of Totalitarianism", and bought it, I expected to learn more about the mind of totalitarian people like the global capitalists and what makes them tick. But - these people seem to be excused for being victims (!) of "mechanistic thinking". How far from what the global capitalists really represent!!

So, when OUR minds are analysed in the book (as if all the people who for instance accepted the jabs have one mind, or the same "mass" mind, and were all "hypnotised')

this appeared, naturally, in and by his book title, to be what Desmet regards as "totalitarianism", or the reason for it. And reading the book didn't change my opinion. I find nothing there resembling a psychology of the mind of totalitarian agents, but rather a theory of "mechanistic" ideologies that rule the world, by a coincidental group of people, also hypnotised! There is no particular 'elite' we can point at, who are responsible for nefarious 'plans'. We only made that up, anxious as we are, and whoops, out of our mental disorder comes - - totalitarian atrocities! Shame on us!

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Honestly, how else do you explain all the other instances of totalitarian madness from the Spanish Inquisition to the Cultural Revolution? The leaders, which I don’t think he is letting off the hook at all, needed willing foot soldiers. I feel this is an explanation for how a percentage keep falling into this trap set by master manipulators. Who may or may not realize how wrong they are in their zealotry. Most utopians have good intentions. I’m sorry it doesn’t make sense to you in that way, I found it a useful explanation.

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I explain it with the word SIN. People are born sinners. They are sinners because they sin. They do evil things and think evil thoughts. Psychiatry and Psychology is bunk.

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I have to smile: we are trying to figure out why humans (like us) don’t seem to think like us. It clearly is not rocket science but I’m blessed if I can figure it out.

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Sep 11, 2022
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"college educated, ... man" an "expert" in his field, likely.

We are suffering at the hands of "experts" in their field who know next to nothing about anything else.

Expertism: when self-identifying experts refuse to question anyone credentialed outside their field because they would be offended if anyone outside their field questioned them.

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Sorry about man bothering you. I start hacking

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I must say, I'm puzzled by your take. Desmet's mass formation thesis is rooted in Arendt's analysis of totalitarianism and work by many on crowd psychology and behaviour that goes back to the nineteenth century. It's not really a new thesis or a controversial one; he's just given it a new name. It's not devoid of the political at all; it just seeks to illuminate the social conditions that allow power to get the kind of grip we see in totalitarian societies. I'm familiar with both this body of work and real-world authoritarianism - including what we've been experiencing the past couple of years - and what he describes is consistent with what I observe.

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Thats right he really is just summarizing hannah arendt

Not everyone is “hypnotized” but enough people are so as to make the rest of us miserable

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Okay. Enough people have been scared out of their wits and, in the UK, even urged on TV by the late Queen, to go and get jabbed and not be so egotistic. Haven't you heard!!? That is what power can do to people. Without hyponosis.

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Sorry Alex, I cannot see how Desmet illuminates social conditions! He rather over-psychologises the issues. And by putting his thumb heavily on our mind, he hits the moon whilst aiming at the sun. Of course, as a psychotherapist, he is tuned to clients on the sofa, opening up their minds and looking into themselves. Maybe even being hypnotised to do so. However, I find psychoanalysis outdated and deserving a place in the bottom drawer when it comes to explaining a polutical phenomenon like the glocal capitalist tyranny!

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We are not talking about individual psychology here, but social psychology which has a much broader scope to do with emotions and beliefs across a society and includes culture, economic and political factors. Important too to understand that the reference to hypnosis is not literal; it's rather a way of naming the very peculiar but observable phenomenon of whole societies abandoning their values and behaviours in favour of being told what to do - Arendt talks about the 'reversal of values'. Nothing to do with an individual having a specific condition - that's something completely different.

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I donunderstand your point. But nevertheless, as far as I remember, social psychology does not treat the world's population as one big mass, irrespective of cultures and traditions, but makes distinctions between groups with different values. That's where I think Desmet is crucially failing.

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But there is a real phenomenon where people go mad in groups. Its mob psychology. Its a real phenomenon.

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Go read Arendt

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As if I haven't! But why should I go on to critisize her in this blog on Desmet? And anyway, she cannot be held responsible for Desmet's gobbledigook!

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And I'm rather baffled by your take. CJ is very much to the point in stating that Desmet treats totalitarianism as a disorder by which the victims are being held responsible for their own condition. That sounds lik utter nonsense to me. Also, which I find quite seriuos, Desmet is failing to discriminate between "free-floating anxiety" (undefinable) and the distinct and completely rational fear of death created by deliberate governmental psy-ops. The CIA Operation Mockingbird mind control programme does not seem to be over, but highly operational today! The mainstream media hijacked and under the "spell" of the global capitalists, whompay them lavishly to comply.

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As I understood Desmet, the free-floating anxiety is a precursor and the fear of death added by the covid psyop (though he may not be going as far to call it out as such) just creates the mass adopting the common enemy/problem they become fixated on and thus the groupthink and expression of scapegoating is easily led by leaders who are either doing it on purpose like would be totalitarianism or possibly are wrapped up in the mass themselves. This resonates with my experience of folks' inability to take in new / other legit data. I don't think most of them are conscious of being bullied or cowards or strategizing for survival under an oppressive and deeply corrupt powers-that-be... I haven't read Desmets book but was planning on it. Good interviews I thought... it doesn't seem mutually exclusive with the notion of corrupt PTB pursuing totalitarian takeover at all IMO...

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I agree. It doesn't need to be "either/or". It can be "both/and". Evil doers and mass formation.

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CJ just took over the desinformation by Breggin and Fitts.

Desmet doesn't treat "totalitarianism as a disorder by which the victims are being held responsible for their own condition."

CJ is spreading the nonsense.

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No one who’s watched this unfold could believe that Breggin and / or Austin Fitts work for the other side.

I don’t think Desmet is, either.

I like him & was pleased to be interviewed alongside him once.

What has rocked me is his denial of a fully detailed conspiracy to take over the world.

I’ve read him saying that such beliefs are manifestations of mental illness.

Put yourself in the shoes of an awakening neutral.

Who’s stance would you prefer to get true, Mattias’s or Mike’s?

In adopting the position that while there are some black hats & they’ve no doubt prepared to influence us, but the fantastical conspiracies such as peddled by Yeadon are just nuts, he makes his explanation much more inviting than mine.

I don’t care who wakes up a few more people, only that upon waking, they’re not told “don’t worry, its bad, but it’s just not that bad”.

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Watch the interview with Del Bigtree, and you will get the important nuances in Desmet's theory that are important to turn this history around. He is not denying anything, and knows well who is spreading the propaganda and doing the mind-control.

Of course Breggin and Fitts are not on the other side; they just have their own interpretations, and greatly simplify this theory.

Nobody's stand of the "awakening neutral" is more important than the other, but throwing with mud and gaslighting each other isn't going to help. Perhaps that's the real problem in the Western world: overemphasizing concepts, pitiful discussions about semantics. There is a real world out there which is also worth to put our energy in.

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I fear we are getting to the point of the "resistance" where people are jockeying to be the leaders and it's bumming me out.

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Well said, I agree 100%

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this was exactly what I was thinking Mike... whether by design or not, his "gateway theory" is giving them an "out" in the language of the ever-growing-in- popularity psychology. That they were "done to" they can come over without blame...

what happens next is important.

But maybe they can't get here from there. What happens AFTER coming ' over is a learning curve. But one has to 1st accept that propaganda COULD have worked on one, the acceptance of which his body of work could achieve without blame.

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Desmet keeps calling people not to comply; to simply say "no" (to vaccines and unscientific measures) and to continue to speak out. I would like to see the current elites overthrown, but inevitably these elites will be replaced by other elites, and the majority of people will inevitably start complying to the new elites. His message is quite ambitious because he says it's not enough to overthrow the elites; individuals have more power in themselves than they believe; the masses should wake up and learn to take responsibility in their own life (and a small step like saying "no" is huge). People who look up to the "good elites" will not be able to do so. They will keep on metaphorically "sleeping".

One thing i don't like about the mud throwers at Desmet is that they refuse to talk to him. The adagio of the freedom movement should be (in Dutch) "eendracht maakt macht", which means "who works together, stands stronger and gets more done."

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I don't see "victim blaming" in any of the interviews I have listened to with Desmet.

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I find Desmets discussion with Del Bigtree very explanatory of what Desmet tries to tell us. Desmet was interested in mass formaton before corona and started to write his book. He holds a mirror before us that is not easy to look in all the time. https://thehighwire.com/videos/inside-the-mind-of-the-masses/

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CIA Operation Mockingbird... Refers to last 30 months only? What?

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You probably don't realize it, but a lot of your work overlaps with his. It is clear that you don't understand the nuances of mass formation. I recommend his interviews with James Corbett and Bret Weinstein for a better understanding.



Better yet, reach out to Desmet to have an actual conversation.

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Yes - a conversation between you and he would be great.

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Yes I would agree with this. Even the interview with Tucker Carlson is a good one to recommend if CJ were to watch it in its entirety. Desmet notes that propaganda is a necessary aspect of a totalitarian regime. The people in power will focus the people's attention on an object of anxiety to the exclusion of all else. They are then presented with a solution ie. lockdowns and later vaccines that will eradicate that object of anxiety. This is akin to a hypnotist focusing one's attention on a specific object.

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"Desmet notes that propaganda is a necessary aspect of a totalitarian regime. "

Well, this is hardly news.

However, focusing attention on an object of anxiety is not the only method.

Also, how do they do this? Via a controlled media and controlled administrativie bodies at the level of the local state/city/town/nonprofit/library. This is only possible when the rollout is planned. Desmet is simply too vague on the reality of how this all operates: Namely SOMEONE is doing this. There is nothing spontaneous about it. .

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Agreed with everything you said and I personallywouldn't argue that this was spontaneous at all. After all, the images out of China were fake so there was an effort to instill fear into the population from the start and that's not spontaneous.. To my knowledge, Desmet didn't say it was spontaneous or at least not on the clip CJ linked to where he was interviewed by Tucker Carlson.He suggests that the people who are in charge have used propaganda to focus the attention of the people on an object of anxiety - the coronavirus. They then offer solutions to deal with the object of anxiety such as lockdowns, masks and eventually vaccines.

He states that they have an ideology but that their ideology is not the narrative but rather the belief that they have the solutions to fix some of the world's problems. I don't think Desmet would disagree with you that there is a group in control doing this. His point is that even if there is this group and we get rid of them, the problem will only occur again because our current system is what allowed these people to rise to their positions in the first place.

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Definitely agree with this suggestion. And I feel everyone needs to remember the fact that this man is going way out of his comfort zone in a language he is clearly not always comfortable with to get his message out there. How many of us have been interviewed by fucking Tucker Carlson? In another language? The assumption that language is no longer a barrier irks me. I married a Dutch speaker twenty years ago. We have miscommunications daily despite the fact that we are now fluent in each other’s language. Give the guy a break.

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I agree about the language barrier.

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They are both involved with OVALmedia so maybe a conversation is a possibility.

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there are personality types that just dont go with the flow, dont conform and dont give a fuck what others think and there are not enough of us because we got wiped out before.

this time it wont be us that gets it because we didnt get the poison

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Yeah, that was my theory, too...once a nonconformist, always a nonconformist. But then...you see these people who were all 'punk' and 'alternative' in their teens and twenties and now they are masked, getting shot up with experimental injections and obeying every order! Ugh. Just proves they weren't REAL NonConformists, though, right!?? They were conforming to that other group! Ha!

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When it's fashionable to be a non-conformist, when the group of them is large enough to create a movement, they become the new conformists, no?

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Yep, totally. I never belong to a group. In high school I had a boyfriend and a best friend and that was it. I really have never been able to stomach groups....don't like the feeling inside them...

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There are also those who are early- adopters, and those of us who just like to wait-and-see.

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So you were a 'wait and see'? You didn't get an intuitive hit right away that there was something rotten in Denmark?

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As someone who witnessed and also chronicled how things played out in NY since 2020, I can say with certainty there was an effort to hypnotize the masses via MSM , local politics government etc. On the other hand, I do not think perpetrators have a right to claim victimhood for any of it.

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I don't think Desmet says this either but he does state that even if society rounds up the perpetrators but does not deal with the underlying cause that led to mass formation in the first place, then new elites will step up to fill in the void and mass formation will occur again.

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There he is wrong.

If the top 300 or so people who have long planned this global coup were arrested, tried, convicted & mostly executed, I’m pretty darn certain the survivors not would try it again any time soon.

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This global coup is part of what ails our society in general. All the plans, thinktanks, government institutions, the judiciary, medical schools, education, the whole fibre of society has been woven into the belief that technocracy is God and can save us. "The top 300" is but the pinnacle of what is happening in our society. WE have to change as well. https://thehighwire.com/videos/inside-the-mind-of-the-masses/

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“The 300” or whoever are the architects & controling minds of this long planned coup / “final solution” need to bc removed from society, following due process.

Unless that happens (or substantially so), thoughts of reconstructing societies on more equitable foundations is just hot air.

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Mike, you are one of my favorites because before COVID you had no idea what a “conspiracy theory” was except as some kind of deranged falderal—and then you realized that you were in one, a very real one. As someone who has been in them for many decades let me point out that the natural inclination of almost everyone who discovers them for the first time—as you have—is to try to preserve the normalcy of the background world against which these crimes would stand out as monstrous and be punished accordingly. But these are the crimes that make the laws tremble. That normalcy is an illusion. They are done by the people and institutions that largely control the course of the investigations, the news coverage, and any criminal proceedings that may emanate. If an investigative body were convened at all, their institutional purpose would be to exonerate and to condone, not to apply the Mussolini cure by means of the correct legal forum. So it was with the Joint Committee on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack, the Warren Commission, and the 9/11 Commission. We can pray to and wish for a god of justice to appear but he is not there—it’s just us chickens on the ground doing the best that we can against the very few chinks in their onslaught.

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My normal life has permanently gone. It’s a tragedy but there it is. That’s the special gift you get as a reward for having lifted the lid.

I doubt I have long anyway, because these diabolical crooks are this time playing for keeps.

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I expect this may be due to the same principles mentioned above - that they can not see the crime because if they did, it would shake up their world. We can all agree on the 2008 fraud but covid can't be akin to it. How could so many intelligent people with domain knowledge blindly go along? This seeds a doubt that one must be interpreting the information incorrectly, especially as their cohorts don't interpret the information in the same manner as they did so they can't possibly be the only one who is right. This coupled with the shame one might incur for even asking a question about the information that doesn't fit the narrative - don't tell me you believe in the conspiracy theories or where's your tin foil hat - have made people blindly go along to the point that they really do believe it was all properly done and maybe there was a mistake here or there but overall the narrative is correct. It helps one carry on with their normal lives.

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I agree with you but I think Desmet's point is that even if the architects are arrested, new ones will crop up because the institutions we have do not function as they should. They actually function to promote such architects who think of themselves as akin to watchmakers, able to direct society to a better place. They believe they see the big picture and can solve the problems of the world and run the world far better than most governments which are corrupt.

The institutions in their current roles watch out for their bottom dollar so the leaders did not question any of the narrative and actually created environments of silence. There is no democracy in these institutions. The power is from the top down and everyone has to fall in line or be ostracized or even lose their job or license. That supposed Upton Sinclair saying here seems very apt:

It Is Difficult to Get a Man to Understand Something When His Salary Depends Upon His Not Understanding It

Most in the field will have to overcome this possibly huge blindspot. Then add in the huge factor that people think they must be missing something if their colleagues believe in the narrative and are very intelligent - obviously, the virus must be super dangerous or my smart colleagues would not be so petrified. The doubts are further reinforced by the anti-vaccine, anti-mask, anti-lockdown messaging which paint anyone who questions the narrative as a uncouth lout with an IQ of a cave dweller. These types of attacks will work especially well with the person whose ego is associated with their IQ. People who work with their hands may defer to experts because they often don't consider themselves as knowledgeable in medical matter but insults such as knuckle-dragger etc fall on deafened ears because elites have been using such derogatory terms for those not in the upper echelon for years.

A unique phenomenon here in the US is the lack of willingness of the left to step up for freedom. Up until 2020, the left had been conditioned to believe that Trump and his supporters were an existential threat. The media portrayed the people who stood against the measures as far right or Trumpsters. As a consequence, the K-12 schools in blue states were closed more than in any nation in the world because if you're for open schools you're a Trump supporter, racist etc all because Trump said schools should open. I don't think anywhere else in the world was covid so politicized but it's again this fear of association with knuckle-draggers that keep people in line. I expect mass formation is based merely on these things - how can I be the one that's right and everyone else wrong and the shame of being on the side of Trumpsters/far right etc. Along with people complying if told to do so by a man in a white lab coat or an expert.

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All? Plenty that don't buy into this at all. A bullshit post.

There is them and those that resist and reject all of it.

I piss on your bullshit post

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Yes and I think there is definitely truth in that. If we replace Fauci does this fix the NIAID? Collins retired and certainly we don't see any real changes in the NIH. Wallensky replaced Redfield. They are talking about restructuring the CDC but it's to get more involved earlier as they think the problem was not communicating effectively with the public and having some mixed messages. No one really expects these changes to actually fix the underlying issues at the CDC.

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Agreed that this may stop them for a time but his point was that our society allows for this type of governance to emerge. He points to WWII and USSR and admittedly while it may not be current history, it was not that long ago

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Dr. Yeadon, do you mean "survivors would Not...


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Indeed, yes. Fixed. Thank you 🙏

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In other words, if the law that applies to us common mortals applied to them!

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Most? People want to be led, they need saviors, comfort and safety. I think society would fall for any narrative or narrator who will meet those needs… whoever it takes to fill that void.

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Isn't he planting the seed?

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Very explanatory: Desmets discussion with Del Bigtree https://thehighwire.com/videos/inside-the-mind-of-the-masses/

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That's bottom line... Perpetrators don't get off because of this bullshit theory.

If people want to believe this bullshit, go ahead, but a Nuremberg code violation deserves the rope.

Things weren't nice in Nazi Germany and we hung guilty (not enuf) ... And people had 75 years of warning.

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I don't think Mattias has ever said that just because 30% of the masses are under the grip of a mass formation (and another 65% are just conformists going along with it all because they are weak idiots (my words) and don't want to make waves or step out of line) that the Elite (his words) aren't to be blamed (or convicted) for what they are clearly doing. He sees what they are doing. But, seriously, when do these Globalist assholes ever really get the rope? They send out some minions in front of them to take the fall but they lie in the shadows. Sigh. It's terrible. But what Mattias says about each of us continuing to speak out is good - that gives us POWER - much needed power - we disturb the mass formation even though we don't have to convince them...and who knows...maybe we disturb it enough to help totalitarianism to self-destruct? I mean, what else can we do?

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Desmet states that the

perpetrators are so deeply entrenched in MF and fanatically given to their ideology, they are willing to deliberately and consciously lie, deceive, and commit crimes, even atrocities, for the purpose of imposing their ideology onto society. In their minds, the end justifies the means. He also states that because they do these things knowingly, their MF is not an excuse.

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👍🏻 That’s exactly what I understood him to say. He states that the totalitarian leaders are so fanatically given to their ideology, they are willing to consciously and deliberately use deception and commit crimes, and even atrocities to impose their ideology onto the masses. Because of that conscious decision, their state of MF is not an excuse.

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We need org chart. We can't even agree in who it is

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totalitarianism self-destruct? ..look in china in Iran...it still seems to be alive and kicking

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Absolutely, our politicians were using NLP in the bi monthly press conferences here. I swear one time after I watched one I got off the couch and said to my family, phew I think I needed to watch that. Fucking scary. Never watched one again.

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I turned my television off (which at the time was mostly limited to local traffic and weather) March 2020 & never looked back. The ‘pandemic’ fear narrative was relentless.

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May or June 2020 for me.

Every day I was furious about being lied to & terrified because I understood the implications of what was happening, long before I apprehended the full shape of it.

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I am not ashamed to admit it took me much longer to get a better picture of what the heck was happening even though I had questions from the start. I hope this gives me a certain amount of empathy for other people who are experiencing a "faith crisis" so to speak because otherwise it was just a waste of time buying-in for so long. At least that's what I tell myself. In any case I am thankful for everyone who had done relevant work years in advance to help me understand what is going on. That includes CJ, Matthias and you Mike.

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I was and am very grateful for you speaking out and teaching us. You were one of the few sane voices. Thank you.

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I stopped watching television 25 years ago, but was much slower with mainstream media (newspapers etc). Now it makes me sick to hear or read nonsense.

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For most of my life I avoided most mainstream media, TV, even movies. Occasionally I would watch sports. It was in 2020 where I hit my limit. Even now in my travels I may hear the local news, and when it comes to the narrative of the past 2.5 years my response is very visceral. It infuriates me how much this network of people have lied to our faces and continue to do so.

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my pet peeve is the ubiquity of screens in EVERY PUBLIC PLACE. The dentist, the doctors office, freaking restaurants! I cannot handel it. When faced with a choice, I leave. However, maybe I should start lodging a complaint. TAKE THEM DOWN!

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First rule: Stop watching the TV! That is (or was *) their main method of control. In Nazi Germany it was the radio. This is something everybody could have done to automatically disconnect from the relentless assault on their psyche. Enough people have said and written about this too, so I don't think ignorance is an excuse here. People voluntarily exposed themselves to the hypnosis. I think it's because, besides wanting to be part of the group (the "mass"), most are addicted to fear. The underlying cause being that fear and any negative emotion is the food, loosh, that feeds our overlords (the entities who possess the creatures we think are in charge). The batteries in "The Matrix" represent this hidden reality. So these entities cause as much havoc as possible - it's their smorgasbord.

* While turning off the TV (and getting off social media) was comparatively easy, from now on, it may be out of our hands with 5G etc. being able to directly influence our brains...

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This is such a scary thought to me. I would rather die than be a digital slave. The new booster advertising is particularly gross. But it makes it easier to point out to other people!

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Me too. Which is why we, those who are willing to see what's coming, have to up our game and create enough momentum to turn this ship into another direction, that of life and sanity!

One way is by getting out of the fear state and firstly becoming more balanced, then upgrading to gratitude and joy.

In parallel, we can withdraw our energy from the faltering systems as well as from the "New Normal", the NWO, or whatever one wants to call the Agenda they want to impose on us.

Instead, we can invest it into novel, humane, local and high vibrational solutions. So many of them exist already! It's up to us to embrace and implement them.

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you write such inspirational things! reflecting this lovely energy right back at you goddess of wisdom!

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I see only a nuance of a difference between CJ’s and MD’s perspective on globocops. CJ puts the globocops in the driver’s seat, and MD says that whoever is driving really just needs to switch on the autopilot after the conditions for mass formation are set. Presto! The masses become their own globocops. I think both are happening at the same time, both are right. Alas. Mega soup.

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It's my understanding that Desmet also puts the elite in the driver's seat, and because he is interested in elucidating the mechanism which the elite are exploiting, he is doing the work that he does. He does not in any way exonerate Them for Their evildoing. He is concerned that an inadequate understanding of the bigger picture (basically meaning, human psychology) would result in doom which a more full understanding could serve to help avert.

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I hope I've got this right, but I think one point of common ground between CJ and Desmet is that they both see the "leadership" as interchangeable units. Getting rid of one baddie like Fauci won't cure the problem. Even if you got rid of all the top baddies, they'd just be replaced by others who would step into their roles.

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It's so true!

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Yes. The question is why so many go along with something their common sense might tell them is stupid, like wearing masks outdoors. The mask relieves the anxiety that has been intensified by the media fear campaign. Focuses it and provides an answer. How dare you question it, and how dare you endanger me with your disbelief. I think desmet is trying to answer why the mass obeys and enforces what they ought to know is repression. His answer is that obedience provides them with psychological relief, but only if everyone goes along. Doubters can’t be permitted because they bring, well, doubt into the equation.

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WHAT!? Are you suggesting that ordinary people are guilty of the same crimes as what CJ describes as the GlogoCap??

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No, just guilty of being human aka susceptible

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Okay. We are all humans and like to feel in power. At least of our own lives. But not all humans go on genocidal killing campaigns like the GloboCap do.

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No, but many humans showed that they were more than wiling to blindly follow GloboCap. It takes two to tango….

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Okay. If you decide not to check the details before you sign, that is also a choice. You can put blinkers on, or leave them on if someone else puts them on your face for you. Both is a personal choice and there's no way you cam blame other people. Anything else would mean renouncing the free will we have as humans, along with responsibility for ourselves. As long as we're not infants....

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100%. Either way, their blinkers have been on for the last two and a half years. Unfortunately, they renounced their free will and responsibility for themselves a long time ago….

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If ordinary people want to move up in the Globo-Cap world, they will have to be willing to commit GloboCap-style crimes. The fact that we can see so many of those people in action actually says yes, some of them will be, at some point, if not now.

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Most ordinary people do not want that, and so they are not the guilty ones of totalitarian crimes. They just want to protects themselves and their children. Those Young Global Leaders and other WEF members I am sure have other motives, like money and power.

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Protect their children by jabbing them with experimental shit from criminal companies? I see lots of parents guilty of crimes, even just negligence. Sorry if this seems obtuse, but I absolutely hold collaborators accountable. They don’t get a pass from me, even if they have my sympathy.

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Surely, I also blame parents for that. Even if they decided it out of fear, panic, "scientific" persuation, social pressure, which was massive, or shame, or whatever they thought they or their kids would lose if left unjabbed. I think it is a far (psychoanalytic) cry, to suggest that the parents were hypnotised or in a psychosis. Anyway, they were a minority amongst parents, so not part of a "mass " in this respect. How many does it take to be a 'mass' by the way?

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I think we may be having problems with the terms psychosis and hypnosis, as others on this thread have pointed out he originally termed it simply mass formation. That being said, I’m sure NLP was used in various press conferences etc. And we all know people who bought into as if it was a religion. I suppose mass would be some percentage of a population?

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Please ~ if not for the sake of remaining in the truth, then for the sake of your own reputation ~ do not publish another word about M. Desmet before listening attentively to the entirety of this recent interview: https://thehighwire.com/videos/inside-the-mind-of-the-masses/

Do we not have *enough* misrepresentation to contend with, without adding to it ourselves?

PLEASE ... we need you too much to be able to afford having you detour into bullshit like this.

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Yes, CJ should not question Professor Desmet. Nobody dare should. He is the established expert in Mass psychology as the masses have shown. We must remain as one mass movement, without mass misrepresentation of mass formation so we can reach mass acceptance for mass book sales.

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lolol ~ snark certainly sells.

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I wonder: There are two people expressing their opinion, based on what they studied and their personal experience. Does one have to be right and the other wrong?

How about using their thoughts to expand our own, and come to our own conclusions, based on our own knowledge, intuition, experience?

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Nice to see you prefer to be deluded. I bet the WEF stooges like the "good citizen".

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Come on. How about a nice conversation between the two instead?

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That'd be great. And it wouldn't have to be instead. Watching an interview on video, which can be done anytime, unilaterally, is an extremely easy way to get information. If one is interested in becoming more informed.

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That would be great but Mr Hopkins would have to cram Arendt and Desmet for months to make sense.

Psychology may not be a science but subjective, knee-jerk responses are just plain divisive.

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When someone lies publicly, it obviously pisses CJ off. It makes me doubt someone’s intentions. I like Desmet as he has presented himself publicly. I even agree with some of his views. The Bigtree interview was very “let’s all just get along” and like I’ve said, not ready to forget yet the many unkindnesses me and my family were subjected to by these Branch Covidian freaks for over two years. Their vacant eyes in the face of real science was the final clue. They just don’t WANT to know. And I don’t forgive that intellectual incuriosity very easily, especially if coupled with downright, red-eyed snake meanness. There is division. And sometimes, that’s a good thing.

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The Bigtree interview was not at all "let's all just get along". Quite the opposite.

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I would summarize it thus:

CJ is a Warrior.

Desmet is an academic.

The Warrior is bound to ruffle feathers, at the least, while the academic's bread and butter ultimately depend on pleasing enough, or the right people. It's therefore not in his/her interest to offend by being clear-cut and divisive, but to navigate the grey zone, to appease and blur the boundaries between what the Warrior would consider right and wrong.

I agree with you that sometimes, in our 3D reality, division between right and wrong, good and evil, is a good thing.

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Sep 13, 2022
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I don't know him beyond his interviews, so I don't have the answer to that. He seems to have demonstrated that he is capable of lying and doesn't refrain from it when it serves his purpose. Does that make him a "bald-faced liar"? You be the judge.

Generally speaking: I don't condemn gate-keepers because even if they only lift the curtain on a certain part of the picture while obscuring the rest, they still potentially penetrate the thick skulls of the asleep and make them take notice of information they are not ready to hear from a proper truth teller (who they conveniently disregard because they can label him/her as a "conspiracy theorist"). Of course it's a double-edged sword if some of the truth comes accompanied with lies. The asleep usually lack the gift of discernment. I am attempting to not make the same mistake myself. No easy task in these days of satanic confusion and obfuscation.

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Thank you - you and a couple of others actually makes sense on this substack

Am I an expert in Mass Formation or a Trojan Horse?


Malone: Is Mattias Desmet an expert in Mass Formation or a Trojan Horse?


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When I was 13 years old way back in 1963 a large portion of the American people began believing in the existence of a "magic bullet" - no need for "Mass Formation Hypnosis Disorder" to explain it. They were told "what" to believe and they dutifully "believed it" or at least didn't dare publicly voice their skepticism. Emboldened when faced with the deafening silence of our collective cowardice our fascist deep state took the opportunity to murder Malcolm, Martin and Bobby over the five years following JFK's murder. Fast forward to this exact date 20 years ago and a large portion of the American people began to believe (or claim to believe) (or refuse to question) that steel and concrete buildings can pulverize into dust and molten metal in mid-air. Again, no "Mass Formation Hypnosis Disorder" needed to explain this bizarre phenomenon that defies the laws of physics. Americans were simply told "what to believe" and we courageously put aside all of our curiosity and critical thinking skills and dutifully believed it. IMHO in many ways the "covid operation" is relatively speaking almost small potatoes compared to publicly assassinating a sitting president on TV in front of the eyes of the entire world and using controlled demolition to carry out the world's largest false flag operation to date - well, until the whole "covid thing." Your piece will piss a lot of people off C.J. - but it needed to be said. Covid isn't the first time we've been collectively gaslighted by our fascist global oligarchy and I'm pretty damned sure it won't be the last. Diverting attention away from the perpetrators of this latest "operation" only obscures rather than clarifies what it is that we must collectively face head on if we hope to resist.

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Indeed! I think your examples illustrate what Joost Meerlo (another Dutch author) has called "The Rape of the Mind" in his great book with the same title. Remember CIA and their mind control programme and Operation Mockingbird in the 1950s, hijacking the media to "rape" public opinion?

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JFK, 9/11, Covid- all seem to me to fit the bill of trauma-based mind kontrol.

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Yes it looked exactly like a controlled demolition. It is not that in itself but the implications of accepting it that is impossible for many. It’s frankly impossible to believe our dear leaders would blatantly allow the murder of so many of their own for ... well, I’m guessing there were a few reasons. And yes it goes all the way back to JFK. But really even if you don’t believe the cover story, what are you going to do about it?

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Extremely well articulated!

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I have one more favor to ask ... if you happen to be involved in the flood of phishing-attack emails I'm suddenly getting, could you maybe stop doing that? I'm not going to bite.

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CJ, I suspect that component of deliberately trying to unsettle you comes mostly compliments of the spooks allied to the perpetrators.

You’ve really needled them.

They occasionally do similar things to me. It’s so odd, having previously been a delicate petal where it came to personal attacks, to notice it’s like water off a duck’s back!

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I have come to view these waves of phishing-attacks as the beeping of proximity sensors ... like the ones some of the new automobiles have.

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Desmet definitely has some clouds hovering over him. I remember reading the part about surgery under hypnosis in his book, and should have investigated it further. And, if it is really true that he did not report a patient whom he knew to be a serial murderer on the basis that he thought he'd cured him, that's simply outrageous and unforgivable. However, I think you are taking some shortcuts here in your own arguments and limiting us to another either / or Hegelian Dialectic trap.

The Mass Formation Psychosis is not new as a known phenomenon. Dr. Desmet expanded on the concept in helpful and timely ways, and particularly as it relates to psychology. However, it has manifested itself many times throughout history, including in our own time before Covid, and has been written about extensively. Consider Dutch tulips in the 16th century or contemporary North Korean society. Although not expressly named as such, Arendt had much to say about this phenomenon. To his credit, Dr. Desmet acknowledged her throughout his book. He also leaned heavily on Joost Merloo (who also influenced Arendt) but did not sufficiently acknowledge this in my view.

Then, there is the matter of what many of us see with our own eyes. Have you not experienced as part of the 'new normal' this bizarre existence where 'everything is fine, life is normal, and we can talk about anything, except reality'? Have you not seen people freeze and zone out right before your eyes when you try to talk about anything that goes against the narratives and then suddenly snap back and change the subject as if you said nothing? When I've encountered this, it has certainly felt like I was witnessing something deeply psychological. Others who have had similar encounters have said the same to me. Of course, this is anecdotal and I'm no psychologist, but unless I'm mistaken, neither of us is. I simply suggest you are being bit overly dismissive of the Mass Formation Psychosis theory because of issues specific to Desmet.

The existence of a MFP and a deliberate agenda on the part of powerful people who knew and know exactly what they are doing are perfectly compatible possibilities in my view. I know when I first read Arendt's 'The Origins of Totalitarianism', I certainly felt I was following in the footsteps of our Covid-era oppressors insomuch as it seemed very clear to me that they too had studied her work a long time ago.

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When I still lived in CA and was not allowed to eat indoors in certain cities or go to large events without showing my fake vax card (note to FBI, I never did that), I would ask friends “if the vax doesn’t prevent transmission, why can’t I eat indoors?” They would never answer or argue the point. They just acted like I hadn’t said anything. Like they literally could not hear the question. Maybe that was just their way of being polite. But it sure seemed like something had happened to them that made them psychologically unable to process the question.

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Yes to both these comments! I have taken to telling anyone and everyone, asked or unasked, why we didn’t go visit family in the states this summer (non citizen, non jabbed husband) and many many people do not want to talk about it.

Also have started talking more about childhood vaccines. Girlfriend today told me she missed the appointment for her daughter’s HPV vaccine. I said: oh that’s not a big deal to miss it, we are not giving it to our girls. Immediate change of subject. Where is the curiosity? I’m clearly not such an idiot that you can’t stand talking to me, or alternatively if you do think that, why wouldn’t you try and tell me that? So so odd. It is a motherfucking cult. Pardon my French, but it fits in very nicely with the good professors theory imho.

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Yes. They are not hypnotised, but they do seem obsessed. Perhaps we are all, at root, motivated by some fear or other. Some of the killer virus and, the more ‘sensible’ ones, of tyranny.

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Fear was the main driver for the masses to act (comply) the way they did . under the ‘guidance’ of public health ‘experts’ & government

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Don't forget the critical role of the media.

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Quite right, and, if anything, the role of the media, whether consciously or unconsciously has been a key factor in creating the crisis we all find ourselves in; Marshall McLuhan sounded the alarm and foretold how the internet and any electronic media would have the power to change society in ways never before imaginable; he also understood that we would be immersed in and succumb to the EFFECTS of new technologies while being oblivious to the actual CAUSES; this condition or conditioning makes us vulnerable as we search to restore or find our identities in the midst of a constant barrage of propaganda, lies and deception; those now controlling the media, control the narrative and exert nothing less than tyrannical powers, those same powers when fully understood as to their origins and evil motives will create the "backlash" we are seeing more and more each day; Desmet's mass formation may be seen in the context of reaction or results in that part of the population (the majority) still mesmerized by the fake messages designed to provide false comfort in insecure times.

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Ted Kasinsky

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Looking back, just in my own extended family, I very much underestimated how afraid some of them were, and how it caused them to act out (by pushing the vaxx in disgusting and emotionally manipulative ways).

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The problem is that most people talking about mass formation haven't heard anything beyond the basic interviews and articles and haven't dug deep into that part of the discussion. Ironically most people I interact with who bring it up simply think mass formation psychosis *is* the process in which the leaders manipulating people into going along with madness.

This is because before now, most people were entirely unfamiliar with how much the state and corporations are actively working to control and manipulate them. So "mass formation" is effectively a convenient shorthand for all kinds of things they could notice but not quite explain.

Unfortunately that means these people end up carrying water for yet another totalitarian concept. I am highly skeptical of any attempts to depict the masses as an irrational out of control mob that simply needs to be brought to heel by rational guidance. This represents to be the root of the desire of the few to rule the many.

If more institutions had more bottom-up structure many grave errors could be avoided.

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Agree, "I am highly skeptical of any attempts to depict the masses as an irrational out of control mob that simply needs to be brought to heel by rational guidance. This represents to be the root of the desire of the few to rule the many."

I think CJ Hopkins is correct to point out that people, in every time and place, in small groups and in large groups, will go along to get along to survive. As Gato might say, it's the low-energy pathway to survival.

No fair letting people blame hypnosis for their choosing the low-energy pathway. Free will is scary but true.

And then, various well-meaning opponents of the New Normal are sure that if we could just give people enough good knowledge, the people will make good choices. Which depicts the masses as needing to be brought to heel by rational guidance.

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The assumption that human beings are rational creatures is part of the current version of the problem. It leads to this idea that "I'm rational and therefore I know how you should live your life." Pre-Enlightenment, it was "I'm royalty/a warlord/a feudal noble/the church and therefore I will tell you how you to live your life."

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I don’t want people to adopt any particular way of being.

I would however want them not to comply passively with the powerful forcing of human society into digital prison, which is definitely coming.

I don’t even care if the globalists objective, once total digital conttol is obtained, is to kill most of us, or not.

Completely irrelevant for me, for I will not live in a world of totalitarian control.

At this point, I want only to alert people to the fact of the fraud within a fraud: global warning & COVID, same influencers behind the scenes, same methods of psychological forcing.

The world isn’t coming to pieces, we’re not a cancer on the face of the planet & there’s no need to reduce the population.

On the contrary, left to their own devices, what we see is a story of human flourishing.

Diabolical forces & individuals need to be recognised, called out, arrested, charged, tried and if found guilty, treated appropriately. I believe the death sentence for most is appropriate, following due process.

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I appreciate your strongly held opinion. Thanks for having such conviction, dedication and moral fortitude.

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There are solutions for all the problems we created, elegant ones too. (Maybe with the exception of the polar shift that seems to be imminent.) Of course it's not in the interest of the overlords to implement them, or even to give us access to them, because we then would become uncontrollable. They could not keep humanity in a constant state of fear anymore if we realized how creative and powerful and ultimately beautiful we are when we live up to our true potential.

It would seem that this is exactly what "they" are afraid of: A large enough portion of humanity waking up to who we are! Therefore the need to eliminate large portion of the population and connect the rest to the Internet of Everything as quickly as possible, thereby imprisoning them in a global totalitarian techno-fascist gulag.

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Sep 13, 2022Edited
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I am not talking about the climate change narrative, which I agree is a hoax. There is no life without CO2. However, weather engineering certainly has changed the climate. Some say there is no "normal" weather left on the planet. It's all manufactured and modified through various technologies.

What I am referring to is an imminent polar shift. It seems that the north pole needs to shift about 35 more miles (it has been moving in the same direction for many decades now) before the poles flip (a regular occurrence on our planet which happens every 230,000 years or so, and we are supposedly overdue) . At the current speed of 5 miles per month, and accelerating, that would leave us less than 7 months before the actual end of life on earth. When the poles flip, the crust of the earth shifts massively. The ensuing earth quakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes etc. destroy everything and the planet is basically reshaped.

So, if/when that happens, we won't need to worry about anything else...

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Unless I’m misunderstanding Desmet, I think he would agree with you.

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I'm Catholic. I'd much rather have lived in Catholic France or Spain in 1200 than 2022 .

And it's DisEnlightenment

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The low energy path in complying to wear a mask when there is a mask mandate fits but it's actually higher energy to wear a mask when there is no such mandate and yet you still see people wear them.

You can even see this phenomena vary by state with more blue states having more masked people and even within a state where the blue cities have more masked people than the rural centers and often by significant amounts. Even in the same city you can see more mask wearing in high end supermarkets ie. Whole Foods than the regular supermarkets.

The same is true for double masking, taking boosters or even vaccines where it's not required etc.

This is where the it's only a go along to get along argument falls to pieces.

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So true.

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Most people have no clue how to survive. They get injected with whatever and explicitly say they don't want to know what's in the siringe. What CJ describes as GloboCap, has made people easy to manipulate. Consumerism creates addicted minds. Strange how not many are talking here about capitalism/communism, and how these systems narrow people's thinking.

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Maybe you never got pushback from so called rational intellectuals who become completely irrational? "Voltaire's Bastards" is an interesting book by John Ralston Saul.

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Do you accept that the masses are currently (and have been for some time) guided by elitists of that particular group/society?

Whether they should or should not be is not relevant.

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It seems to me that you are both right. For sure, there was a plan to cause the current insanity - and it succeeded only due to years of preparation, to prime everyone to be most receptive to the fearmongering and hypnosis from the media and government.

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