February 8 - So, I just woke up and discovered that some spammer/hacker/bot got into my Substack, and Charles Eisenstein's overnight, impersonating us and spamming various posts with hundreds of phishing-type replies. It looks like Charles or someone reported it and Substack cleaned it up. In any event, please stay on your toes, and never respond to anything sketchy-looking like that. I have been getting an inordinate amount of malware/phishing/hacker attacks since I published my columns on Desmet and Musk. I imagine there will be more to come.

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So you're saying you don't have a personal stock of artisan Viagra to sell me? Dammit.

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...well! on the topic of sketchy not only is there the inconvenience CJ associated with ur pinned comment below/above but an image displayed at consentfactory.org purporting to represent u is rather of Irish journalist John Waters!.... virtually unreal isn't it!?...🤔😱😨😏...apologies if comment is duplicated...this is edited....

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Thanks for the heads-up on this.

Keep up the great work.

PV vids: they staged a rally w/MI state reps & various citizens in front of the Pfizer bldg yesterday. Vid & text on their Twit acct. Part of the "clean up on aisle 7" ?

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Scathingly incisive as ever, CJ. That Lee Fang example was excruciating.

I knew the nauseating “mistakes were made” psy-op was well on its way, hence my attempt to deflect it with “Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem).

I am on the warpath against Alex after he doubled down on gaslighting the vaxx-injured (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/i/91947777/alex-berenson-proves-himself-a-man-of-principalnot-principle). I have issued a Robinhood challenge to anyone who still inexplicably supports him to stop doing so and transfer their subscriptions to Dr. Pierre Kory, whom Alex maligned after Pierre came to the defense of his vaxx-injured patient, Angelia.

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That interaction was incredible and so unnecessary. Berenson, and others, feel the need to endlessly opine on Long Covid (it doesn't exist) and Ivermectin (it doesn't work), but I've never seen anyone on our side of the divide go after the vaxx injured until now. What, so they're all faking it, Alex? Really? He also shilled for Paxlovid. It was bizarre. Yes, take Paxlovid. Your kidneys will fail, and you might have a relapse...but you'll be over that bad cold in no time. He's an asshole, but that interaction was strange.

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Ivermectin works. But its efficacy is irrelevant. Why did all the 3 letter agencies, the media, and science suddenly attack the safety profile? Before 2019 no one had ever called Ivermectin "unsafe" before.

There is only one logical reason why. Corruption and collusion.

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'Ivermectin works'. Really? Given that Covid is a fictitious illness, in the sense that it's a renaming of cold and flu symptoms, why on earth are people claiming that we have been denied a 'cure'? Tested against taking Ivermectin, doing nothing except maybe a couple of days bed rest for those who got the flu quite badly, the results are in, and why wouldn't letting your body naturally heal rather than drugging it be a better option? Until we are grown up enough to recognise the full scale of the Psyop, which includes the understanding that the entire drug industry is a model we should seriously question, we leave ourselves open to falling, at least in some part, for the next one.

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You may want to look at the information 👇



https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/here-is-what-really-is-in-the-vaccines/ Spanish biostatistician Dr Ricardo Delgado from the La Quinta Columna research group reports on what he and his team have found in the vaxxines over the past year. Each statem…

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

----- Forwarded Message -----

From: "paulwilkerson22@yahoo.com" <paulwilkerson22@yahoo.com>

To: "Trisha English" <tenglish205@gmail.com>, "Nancy Wilkerson" <nancy.a.wilkerson@gmail.com>

Sent: Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 11:48 AM

Subject: Affidavit of Repudiation, for Paul


We are all Victims of Human Trafficking

We are all Victims of Human Trafficking

[mirrored] All Credit to: "OurGreatAwakening" Original video: http://bitly.ws/zyCc Rumble-Channel: http://bitly.ws/zyCw Trump's executive order(s) 13903, 13923, 13773 https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/executive-order-13903-combating-human-…



December 17, 2020 - Link: https://altcensored.com/w Sacha Stone interviews Bibi Bacchus, sentenced to 8 years in prison for a crime that never took place. Wondering what just happened, she studied law every day in those 8 years in prison. The 1s…

The Straw Man - The Great Re-Opening

The Straw Man - The Great Re-Opening

The Straw Man is a legal fiction created when our parents sign our birth certificate. Have you looked into this mysterious document?

Dr Ardis, clots ,DOD

7 minutes


Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

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They attacked Ivermectin because it was an effective treatment for coronavirus; the existence of an effective treatment means an EUA cannot be issued. That would mean no mRNA vaccine, no paxlovid, no remdesivar. Which would mean no money for the pharmaceutical giants and the psy/op could not have happened. Same with denial of natural immunity.

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Jan 30, 2023
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and if the WHO/UN institute their Health Treaty prepare to be living in a constant state of emergency and vaccination requirements for non-existent illnesses

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Matthew 24:7-7 (KJV) For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

All these are the beginning of sorrows.

Jesus already told us what’s on the horizon.

A wise man places his trust in The Lord, not in man. The very middle chapter and verse of the Bible seems to indicate just that...

Psalms 118:8 (KJV) [It is] better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.


Jeremiah 17:5 (NLT) This is what the LORD says: “Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans, who rely on human strength and turn their hearts away from the LORD.

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I've heard it repeated numerous times that an EUA could not be issued if there was a treatment but not sure it's true since monoclonal antibodies, remdesivir, mulnovapir and Paxlovid are all treatments. It could be that all of these were also EUA while an FDA approved drug would be treated differently? Or do you mean that people would forgo a vaccine if they thought there was a working treatment? I used to think so but many think Paxlovid is such a treatment. Frankly, I don't understand people who hold Paxlovid up as a treatment (Berenson seems to and he's not alone) and yet are still lining up for boosters. If there's a treatment, why bother with a vaccine?

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People will still get the shot if they have convinced themselves it will keep them from getting sick or at least being less sick. I have relatives who won't be around us for this very reason, no matter the evidence to the contrary.

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I agree. I certainly have varying degrees of still terrified goldfish in my friend and family group , which includes medical people.

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It's THEIR expensive , boutique product which generates returns for shareholders . Ivermectin cost pennies per dose and is off patent.

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monoclonal antibodies, remdesivir, mulnovapir and Paxlovid are also under EUA. If there is a treatment that is effective, cheap and readily available, you cannot get an EUA, so none of those treatments they charged a fortune for would have gotten an EUA either.

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Yes my understanding is that an EUA could not be given if an effective treatment were approved. However, it seems that they could just give EUA's to treatments like IVM/HCQ. They won't because it will cut into the profits of the other EUA treatments. While they know these drugs are safe, they could say an EUA is needed as efficacy has not been shown. In fact, I think HCQ was initially considered for an EUA. Not sure it's even possible for the FDA to approve a drug in such a short span of time.

I think the biggest issue beyond taking profit away from the other EUA treatments, would be that vaccine uptake would be lessened if there were treatments available in pill form. While people still don't seem to register that Paxlovid could serve this purpose, at the time many might not have risked taking an experimental vaccine if a drug that's been on the market for decades (and so would at least be considered safe) was available early on.

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Technically, at least from the plain language that I've seen, it is actually against the law to grant a EUA if any therapy/therapeutic treatment exists.

One thing that never got much traction in dissenting circles is that herbal remedies do exist that treat covid, flu, or any garden variety cold very well. There are different formulas for the different stages: the "flu" phase, the pneumonia phase, and the recovery phase.

Many (most?) include Isatis root which has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties but is best when combined with other herbs. Herbal medicine has been long denied by big pharma and that should be no surprise to anyone. They can dismiss the entire thing out of hand but have to have bullshit stories about Ivermectin get circulated because that's from their own school.

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If a treatment exists - however I don't think HCQ or IVM would have qualified as a full blown treatment at least in 2020. I think there was talk of HCQ being given an EUA early on but that went south. Even Paxlovid which is considered a treatment has only been issued an EUA rather than full approval for treating covid. Even without safety concerns, I imagine FDA approval takes some time to validate efficacy. I don't know but my guess is that if people thought they could just pop some pills to treat covid even if the pills were only under EUA, they wouldn't line up for an experimental vaccine.

Also I agree with you about herbal remedies but yes pharma would deny those completely unlike HCQ/IVM since those are on WHO's list of essential medicines.

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Dr. Zelenko started his early treatment protocol in March 2020, I believe, and many other doctors followed suit, with Fareed and Tyson having a 100% success rate with 7,000 patients (https://smile.amazon.com/Overcoming-COVID-Darkness-Successfully-Patients-ebook/dp/B09RPSXMQD/). There were hundreds of peer-reviewed papers on both IVM and hydroxochloroquine for a range of conditions, with many new studies being conducted specifically for COVID with demonstrable success. I documented some of them in this October 2021 piece:

• “Letter to a Scientifically-Minded Friend” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-scientifically-minded)

Before COVID, proposing a combination of repurposed drugs and vitamins for treatment would have not only been normal but applauded by those who cared about people’s health. That is one of the reasons it was so obvious this had nothing to do with public health and everything to do with power, profit, and democide:

• “A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-mostly-peaceful-depopulation)

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Once a treatment is found, the EUA, by law, will have to be revoked and the EUA will NEVER be revoked because Pfizer and co. can't have the ingredients of the jabs or the adverse reactions ever revealed to the public.

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Actually my understanding is that the EUA will be revoked when the emergency state is lifted which is expected now on May 11. Meryl Nass has written about this (link to article below):

"The “Emergency” designation gives the federal and state executive branches dictatorial powers. It is also absolutely necessary if EUAs are to be used. The day the Emergency ends, all EUAs end—they get revoked."

Pfizer and Moderna will begin to sell their approved vaccines for $100 a dose. They won't be liable as the vaccines have been put on the children's schedule:


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And yet rather quickly, Remdesivir emerged as an EUA therapeutic.



When Eric Freaking Topol is concerned, you may just have a freaking problem.

"Science has learned that both FDA's decision and the EU deal came about under unusual circumstances that gave the company important advantages. FDA never consulted a group of outside experts that it has at the ready to weigh in on complicated antiviral drug issues. That group, the Antimicrobial Drugs Advisory Committee (AMDAC), mixes infectious disease clinicians with biostatisticians, pharmacists, and a consumer representative to review all available data on experimental treatments and make recommendations to FDA about drug approvals—yet it has not convened once during the pandemic.

The European Union, meanwhile, decided to settle on the remdesivir pricing exactly 1 week before the disappointing Solidarity trial results came out. It was unaware of those results, although Gilead, having donated remdesivir to the trial, was informed of the data on 23 September and knew the trial was a bust.

"This is a very, very bad look for the FDA, and the dealings between Gilead and EU make it another layer of badness," says Eric Topol, a cardiologist at the Scripps Research Translational Institute who objected to remdesivir's FDA approval."


Oh yeah. Remind me who was contracting with DTRA with his old college bro David Hone to set up the alternative drug "supercomputer". Which somehow managed to arrive at...Remdesivir?

And is now in the picture in this post "hanging out" Pfizer and Jordon Walker.


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When was Remdesivir added to the hospital protocol?

Is it still on the protocol?

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Scratch that answer below, will revise. Looks like May 1, 2020:

This approval does not include the entire population that had been authorized to use Veklury under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) originally issued on May 1, 2020. In order to ensure continued access to the pediatric population previously covered under the EUA, the FDA revised the EUA for Veklury to authorize the drug’s use for treatment of suspected or laboratory confirmed COVID-19 in hospitalized pediatric patients weighing 3.5 kg to less than 40 kg or hospitalized pediatric patients less than 12 years of age weighing at least 3.5 kg. Clinical trials assessing the safety and efficacy of Veklury in this pediatric patient population are ongoing.

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Looks like May 1, 2020.


"This approval does not include the entire population that had been authorized to use Veklury under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) originally issued on May 1, 2020. In order to ensure continued access to the pediatric population previously covered under the EUA, the FDA revised the EUA for Veklury to authorize the drug’s use for treatment of suspected or laboratory confirmed COVID-19 in hospitalized pediatric patients weighing 3.5 kg to less than 40 kg or hospitalized pediatric patients less than 12 years of age weighing at least 3.5 kg. Clinical trials assessing the safety and efficacy of Veklury in this pediatric patient population are ongoing."



In the United States, remdesivir is indicated for use in adults and adolescents (aged twelve years and older with body weight at least 40 kilograms (88 lb)) for the treatment of COVID‑19 requiring hospitalization.[24] In January 2022, the FDA expanded the indication for remdesivir to include its use in non-hospitalized adults and adolescents with positive results of direct SARS-CoV-2 viral testing, and who are not hospitalized and have mild-to-moderate COVID‑19, and are at high risk for progression to severe COVID‑19, including hospitalization or death.[25][26] In April 2022, the approval was expanded to include children 28 days of age and older weighing at least 3 kilograms (6.6 lb) with positive results of direct SARS-CoV-2 viral testing.[27]

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See my full post in this thread. It's not really strange at all. This is who Berenson really is. He a full card member of the Pfizer club. He's an far left extremist who is very good at pretending he's for the people when he is just another member of Carlin's 'big club" that we ain't in.

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Berenson was one of the first people to come out against the lockdowns, masks, and "vaccines". He's a jerk, for sure. But I think he really believes that Ivermectin doesn't work and Paxlovid does. He has been very vocal about his skepticism of Long Covid (as have many others in substackland). The attack on the vaxx injured is new and bizarre. For most of the people with neurological post-vaxx injuries, the temporal relationship is impossible to dismiss. Humility is not his strong suit.

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What Alex and Ryan Cole to some extent seem to be saying is, Don't fuck up the truth with your bullshit.

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Jan 30, 2023
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Everyone has a price. Berenson has to be getting paid by Pfizer to shill Paxlovid which by the way is a repurposed HIV drug that is highly toxic.

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Done awhile ago. Alex is full of himself, and throws a tantrum when he doesn't get his way. (Sorry for the basic and "infantile" explanation. It's just how I see it.)

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Yeah... not just alex... there seem to be quite a few very self-satisfied big egos out there telling us what's goin' on, like the ones who name institutions after themselves :/

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I dropped my paid subscription to Alex and increased my donation to Del Bigtree🤗

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Your nom de plume? The band? Their best song is one nobody knows...Inside Looking Out

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Try out Jessica Rose.

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Curious....I think much of what CJ states and applies to the rogue journalists who claim awake status and independence but are still cognizant on some level of lines not to cross is spot on.

In fact, it kind of applies to part of what I have been trying to come to terms with in the MFM. The work they are doing is important, but their blinders and loyalties are a problem when it comes to revealing the bigger agenda and raising awareness.

Not trying to be critical just trying to understand. As a parent and patient, I did not need COVID to awaken me to the egregious and manipulative flaws within our healthcare system and regulatory agency....why could they not see before? And now that they do see, why are they reluctant to hold their peers accountable and also be willing to be called a conspiracy theorist of magnificent proportions by showing that the beast we are fighting is larger than healthcare and its tentacles are strangling other equally important sectors?

How could any of them have been vaccinated if they were the true professionals they claim to be?

Can they admit that historically they have been part of the problem?

I do not ask these questions to gaslight--although some in the MFM would take offense immediately. But why should I trust them any more than a stranger. Their expertise? I knew on my own the vaccine and COVID narrative did not add up. For me, the focus needs to include the CBDC, blockchain, digital ID and social impact markets. If not, then nothing changes. If not, hard to hope that the MFM or the independent journalists can lead us to a satisfying resolution.

Of course, it’s not their responsibility more than it is yours or mine. But that is kind of the point....I don’t have an image or connections to maintain....and it’s just not in my nature to be nice for political purposes. Go along to get along. If I have concerns or questions...I’ll ask. When those questions are dismissed as invalid or trying to undermine....a red flag goes up. Not a fatal flaw necessarily, but gets my attention at that moment and remains part of the picture going forward. After all, asking one to trust you when you have yet to earn the trust is part of the problem that has led to the current difficulties.

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Thank God for you MAA.

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Good idea...I just did it

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You may want to look at the information 👇



https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/here-is-what-really-is-in-the-vaccines/ Spanish biostatistician Dr Ricardo Delgado from the La Quinta Columna research group reports on what he and his team have found in the vaxxines over the past year. Each statem…

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

----- Forwarded Message -----

From: "paulwilkerson22@yahoo.com" <paulwilkerson22@yahoo.com>

To: "Trisha English" <tenglish205@gmail.com>, "Nancy Wilkerson" <nancy.a.wilkerson@gmail.com>

Sent: Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 11:48 AM

Subject: Affidavit of Repudiation, for Paul


We are all Victims of Human Trafficking

We are all Victims of Human Trafficking

[mirrored] All Credit to: "OurGreatAwakening" Original video: http://bitly.ws/zyCc Rumble-Channel: http://bitly.ws/zyCw Trump's executive order(s) 13903, 13923, 13773 https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/executive-order-13903-combating-human-…



December 17, 2020 - Link: https://altcensored.com/w Sacha Stone interviews Bibi Bacchus, sentenced to 8 years in prison for a crime that never took place. Wondering what just happened, she studied law every day in those 8 years in prison. The 1s…

The Straw Man - The Great Re-Opening

The Straw Man - The Great Re-Opening

The Straw Man is a legal fiction created when our parents sign our birth certificate. Have you looked into this mysterious document?

Dr Ardis, clots ,DOD

7 minutes


God Given Rights

Always question "Jurisdiction" !

Paul Wilkerson

Jan 10


Call me crazy but I believe "conspiracy to deprive American Republic CITIZENS of God given Rights" resulting in death is in FACT criminal activity in violation of multiple global laws. Clearly our own government has stolen our money ( DOD ) to develop “countermeasures” intending to murder all the victims that were deceived , coerced, bribed, threatened and literally tortured from birth until death.

Please watch my drone video. 2 minutes, Link 👇.


Land of the Free

Home of the

B iological

R ights

A bove

V accine

E nslavement


My other case filed Nov 1-22 in Wyoming for elderly abuse on my mom and all mom's is being refused by the "clerk" of the 7th district in Wyoming.

Please help ,Paul Wilkerson Writes Paul’s Newsletter

It might help if you yes YOU call/email.

Wyoming office of the attorney general



Asking what they intend to do About Elderly handicapped vaccinated woman abuse ? ?

Another way YOU CAN HELP

PLEASE send an email to the original Judge and ask him why he is ignoring crime's against humanity? Why is he working as a public servant “judge” in Illinois, knowingly working together with the Attorney General of Illinois to protect the interests of the Crown of England”? Please read “Guilty Government “ on my Substack then email the “Honorable Judge Joe Billy McDade @


Or to the Magistrate Judge Jonathan E. Hawley @


Here is proof ILLINOIS protection is for the “Crown of England”


All lives matter and I don't believe it's to much to ask you to help save your own life. One Email to all three email addresses . I am blocked now but you are not blocked.

We are MORE POWER then they Under Stand.



“the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the princes of the earth; for with thy sorcery were all the nations deceived.”

Please 🙏

What the Data shows.


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Done. Alex is not on our side!

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Lee Fang and The Intercept had their consent manufactured going in. The Joker, a Yalie, very may well be in the Agency.

If the ultra-violence breaks out, Fang and Intercept types will do the same thing that Tim Robbins did, just later in the game.

Glenn and Matt left Pierre for just this type of shit and still buckled.

Everybody buckled.

FWIW, this is also why it is probably a good idea to keep a little space from all those who emerged early on.

Lest, they be revealed to be front loaded Ops.

But you know me. I see Phantoms everywhere.







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Good to know. I’d never heard of Lee Fang until the Twitter Files and didn’t have time to wade through those, so what CJ reported is about the extent of my exposure to him.

I’m done wasting energy trying to figure out the Joker. No amount of narcissism/megalomania can explain his atrocious behavior, so I suspect bribery, blackmail, collusion, or some other form of compromise but don’t like to toss around accusations like that without evidence. Or maybe it’s just the old gnawing desire to chum up to his old NYT colleagues and bond over their smug and vicious bullying of vaxx victims.

Whatever the case, it is an epic head-scratcher that he would torpedo what meager credibility he had remaining for no apparent benefits, at least in regards to his present audience.

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I've heard of him because Akela Lacy, another Woke Intercept writer, hung him out to dry on BLM for interviewing a black man who had poignant thoughts of sadness about the violence in his community. It was a shit show and Lee took a lot of shit. And IIRC had to make a bullshit apology for not being sensitive.

Glenn Greenwald was vocal in his support for Lee which was righteous and one of the reasons that Glenn broke my fucking heart with this deal.

Glenn was very close to going to open war with Akela, but he still worked at The Intercept at the time.

The larger point is that CJ is 100% on the money with how this gets done. They are hired to toe certain lines. Glenn left.

But for reasons that I do not understand and CJ attributes to staying in the club, which may be so...Glenn played ball with the Covid Operation.

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I don't think we can dismiss the effects of fear in Greenwald and Taibbi's response to the covid psyop. Many intelligent and skeptical people lost their minds. It worked.

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Obviously yes. It worked. Which means it will work again and again. And again, and again. Turns out it's just not that hard to scare people into fascism.



The point is that Glenn knows that FEAR of threat is what Snowden was exposing.

So you change the threat to germs and oh...now it's different? Apparently!

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I will never understand.

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Glenn G has been a LHO player at least since the 9-11 psyop where he supported the absurd "official narrative"

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Berenson was a huge wake-up for me too. Followed him on Twit / SS b/c he was presenting good info, well-written, etc. Then, he went off the rails & started w/the ad hominems & mocking attacks. This sudden about-face seems to be happening more & more frequently these days. Noticeable esp among MDs. ? Which is very troubling, considering that our med system is already falling-apart & people have lost trust in it & in Drs.

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TOTALLY UNRELATED (sorry... but, how do one change the subscription?) I canceled Berenson since his Ivermectin rant, but it won't take effect until the end of the term -too long. Thank you

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Yeah, when you pay for a year, you get a year, not a pro-rated refund. You can cancel a subscription, but it seems to keep you subscribed for your term. I've missed some emails in the past where I get notified I'll soon be renewed, and suddenly I have a new charge. It's really incumbent upon people to turn off automatic renewals.

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Thank you.

That was my experience; but since the 'transfer' was mentioned, I thought I'd ask (after pocking the Substack site. Thanks again.

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I believe you can contact support (https://support.substack.com/hc/en-us/requests/new) to ask them to cancel your subscription immediately and issue a pro-rated refund :-)

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Here's from the 'horse's mouth':

(Substack Help Desk) "For clarity, when you purchase a subscription, it is purchased from the writer directly. Therefore, it unfortunately isn't possible to transfer a subscription between different publications.

If you'd like to request a refund for the remaining time on your subscription to Unreported Truths, you can reach out to the writer by replying to any of their newsletters via email or sending a message to alexberenson@substack.com. "

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Hmm, did you tell them Alex has not been responsive to the numerous requests he has received along these lines? I wonder what recourse people have when a writer refuses to honor these requests.

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I didn't have that information before right now, so, no I did not metion it.

Thank you for sharing that interesting piece.

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Much obliged.

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Great suggestion, MAA!

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"...mistakes were made..."

Std language in the cover-up phase.

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MK Ultra was an old limited hangout. A few boxes were supposedly gotten hold of in the basement of the Pentagon or somewhere, whereas the majority of the boxes (pre-graphical user interface) were supposedly taken away. Many books were written about the few boxes.

Thank you for going for Berenson. It makes me see absolute red that he's going after Dr. Kory again, and after a vaccine injured person. I think he's a demoralizer, a sort of Gladio type destablilizer, who chicken feeds (I'm a hero/I'm an evil asshole), which sews confusion and despair and depression, while purporting shining truthful motivations. They want us without hope, which as much as some substackers think hope is delusional and makes us vulnerable, it is statistically associated with resilience by Anne Masden, one of the world's leading researchers on resilience. And they want us confused, subject to what Bret Weinstein felicitously calls "the tyranny of infinite scenarios," depersonalized, derealized and zombified, without community, or humor, or even the trustworthy fabric of the English language to fall back on. It is actually paradigmatically pretty easy to my mind. Whatever it is, or THEY is (as Tess Lawrie calls it), it is after every level of being, spiritual, sexual, emotional, intellectual; our human interrelatedness, every discipline in academia, and every institution in every nation, and national sovereignty. I say that makes the opposite possible, though that no doubt sounds naive or airy fairy, but, in any case, thank you for taking him on. May Geryon arrive and fly him away to one of the circles for the fraudulent in Dante's Inferno, hopefully where wraiths are chowing down on his basal ganglia.

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Excellent points, Cynthia, and that is why I consider myself an Apocaloptimist (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/i/76075050/jeff-childers) and why I’ve written about being a practitioner of both the Stockdale Paradox and Confront the Brutal Facts (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-my-karass).

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Once a NYT journalist always an NYT journalist. Alex has been controlled opp from the get-go and some of us saw through his facade a long time ago. Thank you for taking him to task because IMHO people like him are far more dangerous and insidious than the low IQ CNN talking heads who wear their allegiance to the propaganda machine directly on their foreheads.

I believe what we all witnessed when Alex callously made fun of a vax injured woman was the true Alex accidentally emerging, the one who pulls the levers behind the persona of an anti-vax machine, the same one that is supposedly in support of exposing the grand PSYOP when in fact it is the grand PSYOP.

Sometimes the demon accidentally escapes its host and reveals its true self.

Sadly, Berenson is not the only one. I have to put Tucker Carlson in this camp as much I hate to. Carlson does some great reporting and his writing is genius and certainly entertaining, but he never gets to the meat of a story whether it's Wuhan, vax injuries, election fraud, etc... As CJ mentions, Tucker never steps over the line. In fact, very few journalists do. James O'Keefe is one who does.

Tucker Carlson (and all of Fox News) is nothing but a shiny object designed to distract you from the real truth. If Carlson actually reported the "meat" of a story he would be taken off the air.

On a separate note, if you are using a VPN, Substack no longer allows you to login until you disable it.

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Your Berenson links to a different article. I have heard others talking about this, but am unaware of his post. Can someone link that please?

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Thank you

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Thank you for cutting through so clearly. If I believed in mandates, I'd mandate this essay as required reading. I still have a dream (and it may well be just that) that the egregiousness of the last 3 years is so massive that the blowback will be inversely, as massive. We shall see.

Also you are still funny.

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Agree. I want to see a true Operation Warp Speed on getting justice for us, getting freedom and humanity back, and putting ALL of those at fault (and we know who ALL of them are) where they belong.

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God Given Rights

Always question "Jurisdiction" !

Paul Wilkerson

Jan 10


Call me crazy but I believe "conspiracy to deprive American Republic CITIZENS of God given Rights" resulting in death is in FACT criminal activity in violation of multiple global laws. Clearly our own government has stolen our money ( DOD ) to develop “countermeasures” intending to murder all the victims that were deceived , coerced, bribed, threatened and literally tortured from birth until death.

Please watch my drone video. 2 minutes, Link 👇.


Land of the Free

Home of the

B iological

R ights

A bove

V accine

E nslavement


My other case filed Nov 1-22 in Wyoming for elderly abuse on my mom and all mom's is being refused by the "clerk" of the 7th district in Wyoming.

Please help ,Paul Wilkerson Writes Paul’s Newsletter

It might help if you yes YOU call/email.

Wyoming office of the attorney general



Asking what they intend to do About Elderly handicapped vaccinated woman abuse ? ?

Another way YOU CAN HELP

PLEASE send an email to the original Judge and ask him why he is ignoring crime's against humanity? Why is he working as a public servant “judge” in Illinois, knowingly working together with the Attorney General of Illinois to protect the interests of the Crown of England”? Please read “Guilty Government “ on my Substack then email the “Honorable Judge Joe Billy McDade @


Or to the Magistrate Judge Jonathan E. Hawley @


Here is proof ILLINOIS protection is for the “Crown of England”


All lives matter and I don't believe it's to much to ask you to help save your own life. One Email to all three email addresses . I am blocked now but you are not blocked.

We are MORE POWER then they Under Stand.



“the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the princes of the earth; for with thy sorcery were all the nations deceived.”

Please 🙏

What the Data shows.


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oh man, that is a depressing ending............

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I know ... I'm sorry. I seriously considered blowing smoke up everyone's ass, but I couldn't quite bring myself to do it.

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Thank you for saying the words that have been hard to accept.. harder admitting we must bear witness to ongoing atrocities.. definitely puts storm clouds in a sunny day spirit. <3

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That said, nobody can foretell the future; what will happen and what won't.

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Good! There has been way too much smoke blown up everyone’s asses for way too long. Exactly how we got to this sorry evil place and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for exposing how the underworld operates. I have - almost - zero luck doing so myself.

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I share your frustration, mom. But I had some limited success this weekend with a Swedish friend who was a total disbeliever until I sent him Sasha Latypova's on declining fertility in that country. So much damage has been done by TPTB that it can't be hidden from anyone willing to lift an eyelid.

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Thank goodness!

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I don't believe this is how it will go.

I think many are waking up to the fact that they are and always have been free.


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I wish that were true. I moved from an oppressive blue state last year. And I just heard that at a music jam of 15 multiply-jabbed people, 12 are sick, quite sick with the Rona. One of those who stayed well is an unvaccinated woman of 70. And the sick ones were all bragging about their “latest booster” and how many jabs they had had as compared to “others who are sicker who did not have as many jabs as I’ve had.” I see most of these old hippies just as stupid and asleep as ever. It feels good to be living in the South again.

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I think what we wish for and think can also be self-fulfilling prophecies. We are so interconnected and interdependent on each other.

Stay in the light, nurture, love and forgive who knows what will happen x

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so true... and so hard to be positive sometimes

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My musician /old hippy / artist friends are definitely chugging the koolade in N Florida along with many others. They were feeling quite superior and swarming Facebook threads to stomp out dissent. Still are , because enormous egos don't allow them to be wrong , so ...

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Yes, they still manage the sanctimony, don’t they? It’s a spectacle to watch.

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Thanks to LSD, another govt. psyop.

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You won't forget any more than I will. Kindly keep on keeping on, Sir.

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True - but jump one paragraph up. (First, I think "their" should appear in quotation marks; much can be said about how possessive forms emerged e.g. how "wear a mask" migrated to "wear your mask" - same with the vax "my shots".) If there is a shred of hope, I think the very low level of booster "acceptance" is it - is that just USA adults? - not much more than 10% - ... two shots and out is very common. No sign that will change.

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I must be deep in because I didn't find the end at all moribund.

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We disagree with the ending.

We are done with just identifying problems when we are more than capable of solving them. We just need to decide to. Like this:


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Good post, but don't get too comfortable with Chomsky. He still won't cross the 9/11 line.

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Any good will felt towards Chomsky should be rescinded for his hateful comments towards those rejecting the mRNA poison.

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And for his deranged comments about opposing masks (equating it to being a mass shooter).

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Chomsky is an old man who must have contemplated his mortality. I can't believe he exposed himself as such a coward, willing to throw aside basic human decency in order to shuffle around this mortal coil for a few more months.

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He's also an excellent example of his own analysis, and as blissfully unaware of it as the nominal socialists who avoid any analysis of their own roles in exploiting and mindfucking the working class.

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I'm just here for the delicious Chomsky hate.

Also to point out he's a great cautionary tale, just because you can spot bullshit, doesn't mean you're immune from it. You need to be constantly checking your premises.

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Well said! That's a great comment.

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Chomsky , like Biden and Kissinger are now senile and are being rewritten as we speak by their successors.

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I think Henry is still cogent.

I also hope he lives long enough to see his evil plan subsumed into a vat of boiling shit, so his last days on this planet are filled with the despair of having got it all exactly wrong, and having wasted one's life.

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And promoting Clinton over Trump.

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As for so many others too, he likely does not understand the difference between 1 in 1461 chance of dying vs a 1 in 1565 chance of dying. If people would have understood that difference, everyone would have gotten the saline placebo that was used by Pfizer in their 6 month update study published in the NEJM rather then getting the BNT162B2. You may guess which one, the placebo or the vaccine, gave you a higher chance of dying.

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do you mean the vax changed the chance of dying by 0.01% from 'covid' in the fraudulent study where harms were misclassified and vax deaths were hidden in the appendix?

The study was only designed to measure chances of getting symptoms of 'covid' which was with all the efforts of convicted criminal still only improved by 0.85%, so the chances of dying if IFR was about 0.0001% for most people a lot less than that.

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Regarding Chomsky, he won't even acknowledge official complicity in the JFK murder. I lost respect for him after that,compounded by his dishonest around 9/11, playing dumb.

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Correct, Chomsky knows the lines he won't cross, for exactly the same reasons.

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He revealed his fascistic tendencies when he said that the unvaccinated should remove themselves from society and as for food, that's their problem:


That proves that he isn't what he claims to be or thinks he is.

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However, for my opinion it's a funny situation we have now: Since even 'brilliant' intellectuals like Chomsky have dropped their pants when demanding forced vaccination, now we have no further intellectuals we can rely on. That means: Either we start thinking ourselves or ... choosing the abyss.

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He supported lockdowns, of course.

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Barrie Zwicker, in Towers of Deception:

But I became one of those in the Left puzzled, even mystified, as a result

of Chomsky’s insistence for more than 40 years that Lee Harvey Oswald was

the lone gunman who killed JFK. This puzzling anomaly took on new significance

after 9/11 with Chomsky’s opposition to questioning the official 9/11

story — which questioning he says is a huge mistake for the Left.

As I studied his work ever more closely under the intense illumination of

9/11, I became increasingly amazed at patterns, dealt with in this chapter,

that emerge from his body of work. Disbelief turned to shock. I feel I have

been duped. I feel embarrassment that mainly I duped myself, that I had

been in denial. With these realizations came anger from feeling betrayed by

someone I welcomed into my innermost sanctum of trust.

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Seems he became an intellectual prostitute. Flush!

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Oy Veh! What was your first clue? Look at the genetics of most of the Neocons - there's a few clues to be found there. Next look at the genetics of the major media owners and their servants. Hmmm I 'm certain I saw Mr Musk schmoozing with Murdoch at the last Super Bowl - go figure....

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And the ‘63 coup!

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Indeed so--the one that overthrew Constitutional government that November. I can't forget that time.

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How Chomsky could deny the importance of that time and those assassinations as well as 9/11 has been beyond my understanding, but maybe the answer is here in CJ’s piece.

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Chomsky explains Chomsky:

"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum -- even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there’s free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate." https://chomsky.info/commongood01/

It's just part of the psyop -- if they explain exactly what they're doing, you'll never believe that it's true.

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This is supported by the Naked Emperor’s view that we’re in the controlling the mark stage of a long con: https://open.substack.com/pub/nakedemperor/p/controlling-the-mark-after-a-con?r=z7ibl&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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Thanks for mentioning. That was a really good post.

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What amazes me is how many gullible people took an EXPERIMENTAL vaccine (they became the Guinea Pigs) that they could NOT recover damages if they were damaged by the experiment.

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Yes but I'd separate those from the vast amount who were coerced into it.. between a rock and a hard place.. Those I can only feel sorry for, as much as a deep sorrow and a revenge seeking anger

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Yes, coercion was and remains pervasive and rampant, yet it does not make the decision; each individual does. Not so easy to live from the truth and our own wellbeing, but also not impossible. Coercion has no power if we deny it. I can say the same about ignorance. Speaking from vast experience.

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Neither of those points entered into my decision not to take the jab. I don't think people understood it was experimental. The gumint said it was safe and effective, and that's all they needed to know.

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Tremendous. As the PSYOP winds down, though, I am getting angrier. Which after these three years of anger is saying something. Since the writer who means most to me is Samuel Beckett, humor is never off the table, however, thankfully. After all, "nothing is funnier than unhappiness."

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Would that more people understood this stuff the way you do; we might not be in the mess we're in. I say "might not" because, at this point, given what we've seen over the past 3 years, it's a bit difficult to have faith in the common man. I don't mean to suggest they wouldn't understand what has happened to them (though it would take a long time and effort to school them up on it), it's merely that, just like they responded to other PSYOPs in the past, their conditioning will allow (force?) them to go along with the new PSYOP and forget about the last one, just as you predict. I suspect that only some world-changing catastrophic event that directly and adversely affects people's lives could have the potential to wake them from their conditioned slumber. Maybe.

Thanks, as always, for putting things into perspective. No one does that better than you.

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You are not entirely off base in this piece, CJ, however the pessimism is tough to swallow. I disagree on your last point: "… and people will get used to their “vaccinations,” like they got used to taking off their shoes at the airport." Taking off the shoes at the airport is thoroughly stupid and submissive, however it does not compromise your health as do the highly dubious injections. People do have a line when it comes to physical abuse. Where that line is, only time will tell.

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I hope you're right and I'm wrong, more than you probably believe, but people allowing "security officials" at the airport to grope their (and their children's) genitals makes me wonder about that line you claim they have regarding physical abuse.

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I do agree CJ. My precious firstborn was severely cognitively impaired ( we lost him at 20 years in 2018). We used to travel with him in a pram then later wheelchair and 3 younger children and multiple nappy bags. Those airport officials never failed to torment us by swabbing his pram for drugs, forcing us to remove him from the pram, third degree about his bottles of milk and other prepared foods ( Aus is the worst). No compassion, no empathy. Only abuse of power and hazing until the whole family is in tears. Sadly, a good few of our species love to wield power over others

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I guess we could split hairs. I still think irreversible injections (and their damage) rank more abusive than random groping, as bizarre as that is. Gratefully, when at TSA I have not had my genitals nor my breasts groped up to this point in time, nor my (now grown) children's. That does not mean it doesn't happen nor that it is despicable -- it just means it is not comparable. My $0.02.

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That's one reason that has put me off traveling years before the scamdemic. Shouting, profiling (my colored husband would regularly get pulled aside) and groping TSA Nazis. Having a sealed package with delicious Greek olives thrown away because with the 50 ml of olive oil they were kept in I could have blown up the plane! Not to mention the home-made marmalade from a friend which didn't pass the security test either, nor the organic forest honey from my Swiss aunt. And a lipstick! Just to mention a few of the insane airport security incidents, including the security personnel removing all my jewelry from my carry on bag (we were moving to another city and I was carrying all my gold and silver jewelry with me) and laying it out piece by piece in the open for everyone in the cue to see! Made me feel real safe! But it was metal, you know, and metal triggers an automatic salivary response from airport security morons.

Then I noticed that I had started to regularly fall sick after plane trips, so badly that I would be out of commission for a week and cough my lungs out for a few more. I don't know if it's something they spray in the planes or the EMFs in that toxic environment. I can't tell for sure, but something has been awry for a while.

And now, with planes full of jabbed folks merrily shedding their nanotech and god knows what other crap, it seems like the worst place one could possibly be stuck in. My nomadic existence is behind me. I have become sedentary, even hermitic. Though, considering the craziness out there, I am not even sure I am missing much. Except for family and friends in other parts of the world. But that's another story.

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You just described me. I used to travel extensively all over the world. Now, I wouldn't dream of getting on a plane and mainly stay at home.

Before Covid the TSA agents were horrible! I've been felt up more than once with an agent shoving her hands up my skirt in front of 100 people. Total humiliation. I once had an agent try to arrest me in France for trying to smuggle a bottle of wine onto a plane except it wasn't wine. It was a bottle of red salt. When I showed the agent it was salt, he refused to believe me even when I put the salt in his hand.

I imagine they are much worse now.

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I hear you sister💜

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The one thing that I think will prevent the masses from giving into yearly shots is the fact that millions who have taken the shots either experienced a severe reaction or know someone who did. I honestly believe there is a very large subset of people terrified of taking another jab. Look at the numbers for the bivalent boosters in the U.S. which is something like 14%. It's around 5% uptake for children under 5. Nobody wants to take these jabs anymore except a small minority.

That being said if there's another PSYOP that instills a bigger fear of the virus than fear of the shots themselves (such as a super duper deadly variant or a different more deadly virus) all of this could reverse course and people will fall for the con all over again and line up.

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Dr. Bill has already warned-us-in-so-many-words that the next one will be a bioweapon (a scary evil Russian one, perhaps?), and it will undoubtedly be "marketed" as 1000 times more deadly than covid. I was just remarking to someone this evening that all these people who have only gotten the first DODshot or two will be first in line to get the WARP SPEED 2.0 injection (9 weeks instead of 9 months delivery time!). Don't most of them, after all, still believe The Great Reset is nothing but a far right, anti-semitic conspiracy theory?

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The shoes at the airport was conditioning, 100%. Start with the Jet Set, get them conditioned, and then move on down the ranks.

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Totally true. Well, I guess we have our work cut out for us at this point in time. Non-compliance, loving defiance, self-reliance, and good music and company make for a counter-balance to all the insanity.

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Boze, I wish you lived in Fort Collins! I'd love to have you in my community.

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I think that already a lot of people have reached this line. You can see that in the very low numbers of people who are taking the fourth and fifth dose.

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In the year 2020, a PSYOP was staged,

By the code name of COVID-19.

And a narrative spread ’round the earth like a plague;

’Twas like nothing the world’s ever seen.


It was said that a virus emerged from the wild;

Countless millions were soon to be dead.

’Twas a peril to every man, woman and child—

An apocalypse lay dead ahead.


From the U of NC, FDA, CDC,

And the CCP’s WIV,

To the WEF, CIA, DoD,

And the WHO, there was glee.


Doctored death-counts and case-counts fomented despair,

Stoking fear of the novel disease,

So a state of emergency could be declared,

And imposed with the greatest of ease.


Then the Global Elites put their plan into play;

Constitutional rights were annulled.

Oligarchical despots bore down on their prey,

As humanity was to be culled.


In defiance of science, the masses were masked;

They resembled expressionless sheep.

Then they “socially distanced”—whatever was asked—

For their critical minds were asleep.


By executive fiat, the lockdowns occurred;

The economy crashed to the ground.

It was just for two weeks, just to “flatten the curve.”

A year later, things still were locked down.


Teachers’ unions demanded the closure of schools,

And the children were hobbled for life.

’Twas a lesson in just what it costs to be cruel—

But the innocent kids paid the price.


Social media fact-checkers promptly appeared;

They suppressed any troublesome facts.

Even world-renowned doctors were censored and smeared

As conspiracy-theorist quacks.


The American Mengele first made his bones

With the murderous drug AZT.

For an encore, he truly came into his own:

A remdesivir-drenched killing spree.


By official decree, vital treatments were banned;

In the medical sense, this was odd.

Human sacrifice now was the law of the land,

To appease the Covidian god.


Vaccination salvation was preached from on high;

True believers fell right into line.

Then the mandates compelled millions more to comply;

It went smoothly, as if by design.


At Event 201, it had all been rehearsed;

Every aspect was planned in advance.

The “unvaxxed” would be demonized, banished and cursed;

All the rest would be kept in a trance.


A conniving philanthropath bankrolled the scheme;

His foundation would grease all the wheels.

To depopulate Earth was his undying dream;

With “vaccines,” he would make the dream real.


Pharmaceutical firms had the vials prepared,

And the needles were ready to go.

Any adverse effects would be “mild and rare”—

All the experts agreed this was so.


“They are safe and effective,” the media said,

With their voices insistent and shrill,

And they hammered this line into everyone’s head,

’Till the masses lined up for the kill.


PEG, nano-lipids and mRNA

Were injected some two billion times,

And the dutiful media shilled night and day

To enable this nightmarish crime.


A precipitous surfeit of illness occurred,

But the cause of it couldn’t be seen.

Though the doctors were baffled, of this they were sure:

It was certainly not the vaccines.


For the victims with heart disease, cancer and stroke,

And the legions who “suddenly died,”

No condolence was offered, no pity evoked—

With their very existence denied.


So, with state propagandists producing the news,

The Great PSYOP continues apace.

If the Globalists finally tighten the screws,

Say a prayer for the lost human race.


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When their backs are finally against the wall is when cowards become most dangerous. We are in the depths of the engineered psychopathology right now. If things don't feel strange we're not paying attention. Funny how those who participated in the manipulation eagerly - like mainstream media - engage in the most deception. They deliberately and with great malice went along. They also missed one of the greatest stories of the past several thousand years. Alice In Wonderland isn't a fiction after all.

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I don’t get it, can somebody tell me what I’m missing? In either of his examples, the Twitter files, or the Project Veritas video, information is being exposed. Not all the info but some of it. What’s wrong with that?

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When one of these Twitter celeb journos starts talking about the DoD's role, I will pay attention. Until then, these are shiny but ultimately insignificant objects.

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"I don’t get it, can somebody tell me what I’m missing? In either of his examples, the Twitter files, or the Project Veritas video, information is being exposed. Not all the info but some of it. What’s wrong with that?"

There was an old saying on Capitol Hill and wise to keep it in mind with every widely shared story or claims of capability. "An ounce of facade is worth a pound of substance."

Let's start w Lee Fang - Intercept owned by billionaire Pierre Omyidar & owner of Snowden files former co-founder Glenn Greenwald left when it censored his Hunter laptop story. It's no bastion of truth it's another billionaire rag. Asked & answered in the post.

"Imagine, you’re Lee Fang, a journalist at The Intercept, and you are given access to the Twitter database to research censorship of the facts Twitter censored in order to prop up the official Covid narrative and ensure that as many people as possible were injected with experimental “vaccines” that they did not need but were coerced into taking, and which have killed and injured millions of people, and, instead of researching and reporting that story, what you decide to report on is the censorship of users demanding access to these same “vaccines.”"

Pitching more jabs for the poor is hardly adversarial journalism it's presstitute spin. Now to the Project Veritas that stank more than week old fish as orchestrated drama.. only the NYPD uniform cop at the end felt organic & authentic.. they don't gaf about footage of a scuffle w nobody itching to press charges..

That aside Veritas & Malone & Tucker & entire corp news promote the fantasy that a deadly. novel GoF virus circled the globe creating excess deaths. In fact all cause mortality numbers show deaths were all tied to policies of no early treatment, lockdowns & Enron accounting w $$$ incentives for reporting cases and deaths... now mRNA transfection effect has death & casualty figures that dwarf armed conflicts.

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EXACTLY!!!! I'm sorry but I don't trust Malone at all. Steve Kirsch... I don't know. He throws around his money too much. JJ Couey and Denis Rancourt I think are correct... no Big Viral Pandemic only all cause mortality increased for the poor and disabled etc. But keep the big scary idea of GAIN OF FUNCTION alive to terrorize us over and over again

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Jan 30, 2023
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Jan 30, 2023
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Also, or said differently, about how noise is used to mask/drown out/distract away from signal.

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“I went out clubbing and had too much to drink. I made a mistake and won’t hang out with that gang again.”

…”Oh, forgot to tell you. On the way home I crashed my car and killed three people.”

Are you satisfied hearing just yhe first part?

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Feb 8, 2023
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I got something to share with your mother. What’s her number?

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I think it's the, "Not all of it . . ." part that's wrong with that, hence the "limited" part of the hangout.

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Jan 30, 2023
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Yep science literature littered with lies, some truths folded in to appeal to your senses.

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"the Sino-Judeo-Commie-Satanist-Occupation-Global-Government..." You forgot the Jesuits. That actually is not a bad compilation of the figures behind the curtain manipulating the dials. Or am I not supposed to notice that.

There IS a worldwide cabal controlling this. Now that Omicron has derailed the Covid Express and its promised"forever vaccination", to the chagrin of Bill Gates, don't you find it curious that "Climate Change" has been pushed out on stage to take its place?

A lack of integrity at all levels of society is why the disaster continues. Anything for a paycheck, too many have concluded.

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Spot on. One of the persistent outcomes of psy ops and limited hangouts is fatigue. People get sick of hearing, reading, listening. The strategy is obviously to obfuscate and deceive, but also to outlast. Direct confrontation isn’t needed, just the annoying persistent drip-drip of propaganda and spin, slow bleed admission of partial ‘reveals’ until the public submits due to acceptance, acquiescence, and surrender due to lack of resources and energy.

Notably, this is also how many methods of torture work.

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I’m not so sure that the V damaged sheeple are going to let this one get swept under the rug.

The death of a million Iraquís was not affecting Americans personally, whereas this whole deadly cv bullshit is up close and personal for millions of westerners and they ain’t about to let this go so easily.

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What sound do sheeple make? VAAAAAAAAAAAAAX

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They'll do what they're directed to do. If they had any critical thinking skills they wouldn't be in the position they currently are. For that same reason, they'll never learn.

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