I'm sorry brother. Your statement is extraordinary and it will long outlast this criminal regime. I will be contributing to your defense fund. Stay strong. We have your back. What a remarkable confirmation of everything you have been writing about.

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I sometimes wonder what I would say in a court of law where I'm on trial for what CJ is. I come up with some ideas, some better than others. Most are filled with a lot of anger and unpleasantries directed at "authorities." But knowing that as satisfying as it would be to say those things I wouldn't gain any sympathizers; most would think me a foul and unpleasant person and say I deserved it.

But CJ's words are what I hope would come out of my mouth. Both as expressed in this trial, and in his first one. They are unyielding and powerful, without the off-putting hostile ring my mind's idea of my words would be. I copied and saved his closing remarks from the first trial as I will copy and save his closing remarks from this trial. And hope and pray that if/when I'm ever in the stocks as he's been that I have the wisdom to read them verbatim, without my contemptuous and foul righteous anger becoming a part of them that hurts me and the cause I stand for and I commit my life to. Thank you, CJ!

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Well said. And you are right that for all of us fighting back we must resist our own 'contemptuous and foul righteous anger' becoming part of our words. It's what I struggle with every day too.

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I also will contribute to your defence fund, for personal reasons but also because we urgently need to know what "The Bundesverfassungsgericht" , the constitutional court, will do with this. That will really tell us where Germany is heading.

If they agree with this, we are truly heading towards very dark times again. Not only Germany - this will be a victory for GloboCap International and will significantly deepen the totalitarian footprint on the world.

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PS: Thank you for doing this. Fantastic statement. You can be very proud.

It seems history got hold of you and has chosen you to spearhead this. No matter the outcome, you will always be remembered as man of character, integrity and pride and as a rare and important example to future generations on "how to not sell your soul to the devil."

It might be painful in the short run, but this pain is superficial and temporary, because your conscience is clean. The alternative, making a Faustian pact with the devil, would lead to misery for the rest of your life. Betrayal hurts. Self-betrayal hurts more.

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Well said. I'll be contributing to, just let me know where.

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Looks like they finally proved that you were right the entire time.

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The process is the punishment. Praying for you.

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Abusive cops have had a saying about this for a long, long time, "you may beat the rap, but you won't beat the ride."

That attitude is what the black community has long suffered under. And whites, anyone who's had the temerity to say "I know my rights and this is wrong" to a cop who's abused their power. If anything the lawfare against Trump is supposed to teach us beyond the corruption of our government towards political opponents it's that we give FAR too much deference to police who think it's ok to be dicks. Like the cops who roughed up the Miami Dolphin player outside the stadium he was about to play in. "Gonna teach him a lesson." People make mistakes. Cops are there to protect and serve the public from those who would harm others. Some attitude directed back at a cop doesn't harm anyone but the ego of a cop who takes it personal. And believes they are there to "teach a lesson" to anyone who asserts their rights.

This is why the black community has moved so much towards Trump. They believe/hope that him seeing what they go through on a daily basis will make him more sympathetic to their plight. This doesn't mean kiss up to criminals or handle them with kid gloves, putting LEO at risk. But it means there's a lot of bad cops out there who get rough too frequently, throw around their power and "teach lessons" by making even innocent arrestees who piss them off "beat the rap" knowing they won't be able to beat the ride.

Dirty governments and their muscle do the same.

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This is heart breaking. I fear the Richard D. Hall case will go the same way in the UK.

From p. 15 of my book, Wall Street, the Nazis, and the Crimes of the Deep State:

The Malicious Practices Act, passed on March 31, 1933, criminalized telling jokes, or making negative remarks, about the Nazi regime (Epstein, 2015, p. 67). In our own time, prominent dissidents in Germany have been arrested and/or charged on spurious grounds, including Michael Ballweg (Beppler-Spahl, 2023), C.J. Hopkins (Hopkins, 2023a, 2023b), and Reiner Fuellmich (Harrity, 2023). The Nuremberg Public Prosecutor’s Office even has a case open against Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav for speaking out against the “Covid-19 vaccination” campaign outside the Nuremberg Palace of Justice (site of the Nuremberg Trials) in August 2022 (Alschner, 2023).

You'll be in my prayers, C.J.

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Jesus, they are going against Vera Sharav?

They are shameless but I guess we already knew that. Still, I never stop being shocked.

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Your speech is so powerful and so beautiful and so strong with the fine substance of what a man can be, ever diminishing these days. I am a woman in my 70's whom you have deeply affected with your willingness to live in Truth regardless of the outcome, because doing or being anything less would take you off the right path. You will impact the lives of many thousands of people with your words and actions. I, for one, am stunned by your undaunted clarity and fierceness. You've given us all a profound example of unbending character and integrity, the only true way to live as I see it, and I salute you.

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Lisa, I also am older. Your comment to CJ is one I would hope to write if I was as articulate as you. Thank you, and I hope CJ knows there are many of us who have the greatest respect for him.

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Thank you for your kindness! It's funny how sometimes the words just come, and I'm pretty sure you could write them yourself in your own way. I bet CJ knows. He's taking a stand for all of us, after all, a major act of courage. My best to you...

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Arggh! I just asked Glenn Greenwald (through a subscription; I'm not some special friend of his) to cover this. This verdict is as insane as any of the doublethink in Orwell's "1984". By all means get drunk, then post your next legal defense fund so we can contribute. Hang in there!

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The more they press you, the more they expose themselves. I pray to God you defeat them.

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In a sort of strange way, he has defeated these evil bastards by showing defiance against tyranny - may we all follow his brave example. Never forget we outnumber them and they undoubtably know this and are terrified of the great awakening that's happening.

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We can only hope and pray. Remember Hong Kong. Once a totalitarian regime gains enough power it can be nearly impossible to stop.

I've always wondered if Hitler knew how insane he was, or if he was entirely sane and simply enjoyed what he was doing. We can't afford to be hopeful. We must fight with everything we've got. If Germany was full of people like CJ Hopkins, that kangaroo court would be out on its ass by now.

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Far more useful to do target practice. That is what it will take now - shooting. Numbers will prevail in that too and in a far more meaningful way.

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Well your statement is epic. They may have labeled you 'guilty,' but they labeled themselves 'stupid evil worthless hypocrites.'

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and guilty of the worst offenses. CJ in my prayers every day.

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13 hrs ago·edited 12 hrs ago

Perfect statement CJ. I'd like to think it got a standing ovation from the gallery, but I imagine they were all under threat of terrorism charges for any show of support.

Great admiration and gratitude for your strength and bravery. Everyone in Germany needs to know, you are taking a beating for them.

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Bravo CJ Hopkins! I haven't had a drink in years, but I just might have one tonight in your honor. Continue fighting the good fight, after all, is there any other fight really worth having? Godspeed.

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Very sad result. Your speech is excellent. I admire your courage. Thank you for fighting.

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They proved you were fully correct, no matter how they frame it, it’s apparent to anyone with more than 1 cell in their brain!

Things are bad now, imagine if/when the entities behind the agenda are in total control, it’s about to get darker, bring it on!! I will never bend the knee to them, even if the consequence is the ultimate sacrifice (not hyperbole, I’ve read the Great Reset, I know the plan)!!

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Never bend the knee!

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Dads Scottish, Mums Irish, our families haven’t had the rebellious fire brainwashed or kicked out of us! TRUE freedom is the goal!!

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Good to see so many of us from all backgrounds on the same page 🤝

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Bummer! Not unexpected i n this day and age but none the less, many expletives deleted BUMMER!

I find myself reposting this Albert Camus quote quite a lot lately; “The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”

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That's a good one !

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My heart to this post is for your courage and strength. But I cannot get over the news! 😦🤬

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I'm very sorry and disheartened to hear this.

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Me too, but not surprised. The fix was in. They were gonna hammer away until they got the result they wanted.

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