Oct 5·edited Oct 5Liked by CJ Hopkins

What a mindfuck. The German government couldn't be more wrong, yet here we are. You are right to take it to the top. Maybe the more people hear about this, the more obvious its absurdity becomes. Hang in there! You are setting a precedent of fighting back that hopefully others will follow.

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That it is covered extensively by German mainstream is already a win.

It doesn't matter that most of it is misrepresent it as long a few critical articles by people of status (the judge's article) are in support. This forces the topic to a national debate.

There will be millions of intelligent mask-hating Germans who hear of this the first time in mainstream. They then will look you up and see the art work of your book cover somewhere for the first time. And millions will say: "Fuck, that's exactly how I felt about the Covid Nazi's"

You are doing just fine with all of this.

Taking it to the "Bundesverfassungsgericht" will create even more publicity and you will become a role model to follow and give millions of people courage to speak up.

Next step is that an important German influencer takes your side. No nation likes "foreigners, outsiders," showing them their own dirt.

At that stage you (CJ) may or may not step back and look after your health and well-being and let the debate rage through Germany, forcing the totalitarian to double-down (totalitarians never back-down or admit) and force them to show even more of their hidden fascism.

That's when you have to watch your ego and not get pulled into politics and become "a leader" of some new political movement that will inevitable become corrupt and captured again by the mechanism of their increasing power-drunkenness. True dissidents never join any movement and never become leaders. Their job is to always point out abuse of power from a position of no power.

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You have no idea how much I would like to "step back and let the debate rage through Germany," and go back to working on my next novel. And I will do that as soon as "an important German influencer" steps up and gets that debate raging.

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Grüß Gott! Nadie es profeta en su tierra!

When it started I said to my hubby : everybody now gets to try out their own inner

...fil in the blanks with some totalitarian regime or the one which reigned 12 years in the whole thousand or more years of the history of the Germanic peoples. The template and the fingerprints of the same type of draconian ways of being were all over the place for those with eyes to see and ears to hear, I was denounced twice in a supermarket for not being a good little muzzle wearing minion of the state, not a funny experience considering that I was living in their country but coming from abroad as well. It is a creepy feeling that climbs up your spine and gives you flash backs of stories you've read and heard of and were told to remember in order for those ways to never take hold again...and that you had to take a stand from the beginning for it to not flounder and spread, my hats off to you for having a backbone, I guess most can only see clearly from the outside in. I clearly remember their arrogance and being right with all the might and violence of the state backing their plight, their fear of the invisible was clear, that is the only thought which gets a bit of my empathy going for the issue at hand, I wish you a peaceful day, Grüß Gott.

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After reading CJ’s accounting of Michael Shellenberger’s “censorship movement” it’s clear that CJ is not easily led astray.

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I never expected anything less from you, CJ, but I’m proud of and grateful to you for taking this to the Bundesverfassungsgericht. I know the legal hamster wheel takes a lot of out people, as is evidenced by the tragic suicide of Zimbabwe’s heroic Dr. Jackie Stone, who was hauled into court 27 times for the crimes of saving lives and championing medical ethics.

I encourage everyone to take six minutes to watch and share this sobering excerpt from Dr. Stone’s final interview:


We must continue to fight for her and everyone else who can no longer do so.


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Tha tis a tragedy, and a great loss.

I don’t know the timeline from the date of the interview to the date Dr Stone allegedly took her own life, or what happened to her in between, but I am finding it difficult to square such an obviously powerful and positive presence who says in the interview “…I don’t know where I’ll be in 5 years time…” to someone that would pull the plug.

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The interview was filmed in July, so it was less than three months before she took her life on October 3. I suspected she may have been suicided like so many doctors who pose a threat to BigPharma profits have been, but someone who knows her confirmed to me privately that it was suicide when I asked about that possibility.

If you listen to the interview, she sounds like she’s at her wit’s end and is feeling despondent about the forces we are up against. She had lost her ability to practice medicine and was exhausted by the perpetual legal attacks. I think she lost her hope and didn’t see a clear way out of the Kafkaesque nightmare she was living and the totalitarian dystopia engulfing the world.

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I agree that Dr. Stone was not a weak person who would "give up and take her own life" rather than continue on in her COURAGEOUS BATTLE AGAINST EVIL. I believe she was TAKEN OUT by those who knew she would never ever give them a moment's peace in their evil deeds. We all know who they are and what they are capable of, any day, any time.

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I don't believe Dr. Stone took her own life. Quite easy to stage a suicide. This is beyond awful.

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Such a powerful interview , such a sad, sad world we live in with many oblivious to what is happening outside their bubbled silos.

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hear hear! this is LAWFARE against all who tell it like it iz! - I just posted this meeself--an' may Dr. Jackie RIP--brave warrior like CJ here too!


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Thank you for that link - very telling interview.

To me, this is a woman who looked the beast in the eye and refused the temptation to sugar coat it. And I agree, the totalitarian train has long left the station and can't be stopped with social or political solutions anymore. They are to powerful now and it has to play out. On a practical level, we can't destroy it but it will destroy itself.

From there we have two ways out: Leaving this earth because we don't want to witness and suffer through what is coming. (And, btw, not every suicide (if it was suicide) is a tragic affair - it can be a conscious beautiful and intelligent choice, not a desperate act.).

To me, she radiated a knowing acceptance of what is, and an inner peace and she didn't come across to me as desperate.

Depending on how she died, her spiritual preparations and so forth, it could have been a conscious spiritually liberating act. The physical death of the body, when done consciously with deep spiritual understanding, can lead to enlightenment.

The other way out is a truly spiritual path that will lead to an ego death. Ego death is also a form of suicide but the physical body becomes irrelevant. It is the dis-attachment from from both, the illusionary belief that we are this separated mental persona we created or this physical body. It is the realization that we are neither of that but that we are simple, ordinary, pure awareness and love in action.

This is not a matter of belief as many religions tell us. It is a matter of personal experience. Believing is not knowing, it is the opposite. After a profound awakening experience we simple "know" our true nature. While we might slip back into everyday functioning as an ego-body-mind, this can't be unseen and everything changes after that.

Spiritual "Believing" only has a place in the same sense as a true and honest scientist temporarily beliefs an experiment from another scientist and then repeats it himself to proof or disproof it. We temporarily have to belief the mystics of all ages and cultures that ego-death is a real thing and can be achieved by ordinary people (mystics are the most ordinary people in the world, btw) This temporary belief gives the motivation to follow their instructions to proof or disproof their experiment within ourselves. This needs earnestness and intelligence, born from realizing our suffering and the suffering of the world.

If we persevere and grace is with us, we will have this awakening spirtual experience that show us our true nature without the flicker of a doubt.

Only then we "know". Only then will we reach the unassailable freedom from everything that keeps us in bondage. Only then will we reach lasting peace and joy that is truly independent of whatever happens around us.

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Thank You for referencing Dr Stone. I had not heard of her but now I know her as a hero. Rest In Power Jackie Stone ✊🏿🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

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Substack has removed my ability to 'like' comments, so thanks MAA. Best from Oregon

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I have been following the appalling illegal treatment of Reiner Fuellmich, lawyer and barrister, kidnapped in Mexico and air lifted to Germany. has been kept in solitary confinement for over one year now. with no charge brought - the three trivial ones were all dismissed. He was unable to visit his dying mother to say goodbye. His situation is worse than yours, so I well understand the horror that is modern Germany. Mr Fuellmich has brought class actions against the Dutch Bank and Volkswagon, successfully. He was engaged in heading a high level panel of people gathering evidence of the crime of the Covid fake Pandemic. I guess you know of him - his situation certainly brings confirmation of all you say of the New Normal Germany. I thank God I dont live there or have anyone I love do so.

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I know Reiner & back him 100%.

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I didn't know that for Fuelmich ! It's shocking

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Class action was against the "Deutsche Bank" not the Dutch Bank

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Oct 5·edited 19 hrs ago

Be sure to take care of yourself so you don't get worn down.

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It's amazing how vicious people can turn when someone - but especially an outsider - holds up a mirror to show who they really are. It wouldn't bother them half as much if they didn't know deep inside that it is true. Best wishes with your fight.

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Reading this almost gives me whiplash. It's like being hit by the most obvious, in-your-face totalitarianism/fascism. To have to accept that this is our reality, or at least part of it, boggles the mind.

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I recognised this was almost certainly where we were in mid 2020. Unfortunately it hasn’t got easier to bear. Worse is moving around crowds of New Normal people who are aware of very little, other than things aren’t like they used to be.

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11 hrs ago·edited 11 hrs ago

Welcome to my world! Most don't even want to realize that things aren't like they used to be, but pretend we did go back to "normal". It's alienating. "Normal" discussions have become impossible, because we would soon reach the point of divergence, where the split in world-views becomes too obvious to pretend we can continue to bridge the gap rhetorically.

I realized right when it began in 2020 that all we needed to do was say "no" and stand our ground. But I failed to get that point across. Except for a few cases, they took the jab. And practically everyone wore the petri dish on their face. If clients of mine took it off and put it on the table in front of me, I would tell them to keep it in their own pocket or bag, since they wouldn't leave their underwear on my table either...

Because I instinctively knew that the jabs would include some shedding technology - I learned early on that shedding technology existed for over a decade to inoculate a whole herd of animals by injecting a few animals only - I stopped seeing clients in person during the lockdowns and my husband and I have retreated into the mountains since, living like hermits. We have been healthy all this while. The only time we got sick (with two weeks of fever and never-ending coughs that sound like pertussis), was after spending a couple of hours in a closed room with a few jabbed people, in a polluted city. - Because I have been having the same symptoms every time I fly, I have been avoiding airplanes, and travelling in general. It started with the first edition of SARS, over two decades ago. My conclusions is that it's either the extreme EMFs on a plane - and the introduction of the next generation of cell phone technology - or something they spray in planes, or the chemtrails through which planes fly. It's not just the dry air and dehydration, as it didn't happen to me before 2002. Do you have any insights regarding airplanes in particular?

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Double standards are the Hallmark of a crooked system.

We got plenty of that bullshit in the USA judicial system too.

They pull bullshit like standing and other stupid technicalities that were added by crooked judges in the past.

Why is there no punishment for judges that rule in a clearly crooked manner? Oh right, by design.

That's why justice is slow when it comes to rights of people, but quick when it comes to absolving corruption.

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The answer is that the Separation of Powers has collapsed entirely.

Executive, legislative, judicial, police, corporate powers including media are unified.

They’re in a position where they can kill anyone they choose to & nothing at all will happen. They’re probably intoxicated because this has previously only happened within the confines of a single state.

Today, I think it’s everywhere.

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Yes and I think there was a generation of people that were well off that allowed for this to happen for decades because it was ok to do it to minorities or other disliked groups.

Now it's used on all of us and finally some are noticing that it's rigged.

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The notion that judges are less corruptible than the rest of us is balderdash.

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I am badly mRNA injured. My life expectancy isn’t know well yet pending testing, but it is significantly shortened. I will strive to live to see Nuremberg 2.0

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Your courage is hard to read. God bless you. Know that the uninjured will fight to the death for justice for you and all of us.

Not to do so concedes the world to the totalitarian lunatics. I’d rather die fighting & probably will.

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Richard Kudma, Thank You for your heartwrenching message. Stay Safe, and Keep your FAITH in GOD as strong as ever, He Will Be the Comfort You Need to Get Through This Horrific Experience. He is your Heavenly Father. Talk to Him, He is Listening to you. Hand over all of your fears and struggles each day to Him, and ASK for help as you are unable to do more. I will PRAY for your total healing, and will believe that it is coming to you. I can promise you that God's COMFORT is like no other.I have lived through several Horrific experiences, and God's comfort by my believing HE IS THERE FOR ME, is what carried me through those situations to now being near 80 years, and knowing I can face anything and will survive any thing that comes my direction. I KNOW that GOD is watching over me. I am THANKFUL and STRONG. Please do not ever give up, start talking with God, and within a time, perhaps a very short time, you will be aware of HIS PRESENCE in your life. Keep thoughts of GOD in your mind every day. You will be BLESSED. Love, Grandma

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You put a smile on my face today with the way you signed of : Love, Grandma. The power of kindness is totally overlooked within the big scheme of things.

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Look into MMS drops and coffee enemas to detox and heal your body. Don't give up and surrender to the "Covid-Injured" label and become a victim. Our bodies ability to heal is amazing. It is up to you if you want to live or not. While Nuremberg 2.0 would feel very satisfying (if done properly, which I doubt it will - the big fish always get away) it won't safe you from dying early. Good luck.

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Germany still has a Nazi Monkey on its shoulder it can't shake off, which I think is true of the TransAtlantican realm in general. I'm thinking of the Canadian Parliament cheering an actual Nazi War Criminal, completely out-of-touch with the historical irony of their applause. "Hate Speech" is a Trojan Horse for the suppression of political speech that goes against the State's narrative grain.

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All of my 60+ years of life, I always kinda wondered if all German were Nazis. Call it prejudice or whatever, but for the Germans to have allowed that kind of government (regardless of their deep post-WW1-reparation resentments) somewhat illustrates what German culture (but probably all humans) is capable of. I even wondered whether my dad, who attended college in Germany and enjoyed German conversation the rest of his life, had a secret past.

Fast-forward to 2024 where all my mild suspicions about Germans have now been confirmed. Indeed there is a little Nazi in every German, because they are not only putting up with CJ's persecution/prosecution, they have ALREADY put up with the fascist COVID restrictions.

Americans are not blameless in their own toleration of the same, but I always felt that if the US government had pushed a little bit harder, they would've had a full-scale overthrow on their hands. Not so the Germans, apparently...?

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There is a large and growing minority of Germans who have been fighting this fight since Day One. And, unfortunately, there's a little Nazi in all of us. The trick is to recognize him and keep him away from sharp objects and heavy machinery.

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21 hrs agoLiked by CJ Hopkins

And judges' chambers....

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I am rooting for you CJ, but like you, in the American Court System my family and I faced that same cold, cruel, unrelenting, unrepentant conduct. It is a spiritual battle from my point of view, like the recent movie "Nefarious" it doesn't matter how many bodies are produced from the spirit of error, but how we conduct ourselves in this battle. I hope you can find the peace and resolve you are searching for, no matter what your geographic location.

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I understand your reasoning but implore you to notice that it’s EXACTLY the same, everywhere in The West.

They have become one state. The separation of powers has collapsed in every country.

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It's the easy claim by the victorious allies that all Germans are Nazis. Here in Canada, people cover up their racism by being nice. Still, you don't see millions protesting Trudeau's support for Israel's genocide. Lack of charm or niceness does not make me a Nazi. What they do to Hopkins is the horrid disdain for actual learning from German history. Nein, nein...

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To Geof B;

What racist drivel. WTF do you think bankrolled Hitler? Zionist-run Britain, and Zionist-run USA. That's who! The "ruler of the waves," and the "land of the free...home of the brave."

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Sorry, but this is a stupid unhelpful comment. Loving totalitarian power systems and control and violence against minorities has nothing to do with a specific race or nationality. This is a grave mistake because while you point and watch Germany, Nazi types pop up in your own neighbourhood and you won't even notice them until they smash your head in. And they could be old and white, or young and black, or female and gay - stereotyping always leads to losing touch on reality. Reconsider please.

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Not all Americans are Nazis, either, but the ones we have are wonderfully adept at herding cowards. Few indeed are those who stand by their convictions as CJ has done.

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In North America, there’s a LOT of Nazi in all “liberals” and “progressives.” It is who they are.

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I am prejudiced toward my father, who was a German immigrant to Canada. He was proud of his heritage and believed that Germans are smarter and more accomplished than other ethnicities. There is a cultural divide between Germans and Canadians, and between Europeans and North Americans. That being said, no group is immune to monstrous behaviour.

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Removed22 hrs ago·edited 21 hrs ago
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I wouldn’t be surprised if the grandchildren of the Paperclip Nazis were centrally involved in the evolution of the global regime descending upon us. But they were really going home. Their tutors and financiers were the Americans and the British, with their “special relationship”.

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Here in the U.S., we are exactly one First Amendment away from becoming the New Normal Germany. Unlike the German constitution, ours has been around since 1789 and it is still revered -- which is precisely why we are starting to see articles attacking it appearing in the mainstream media.

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One of the most stocking and discouraging quotes I've ever heard:

"My biggest concern," said Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson on Monday, "is that your view has the First Amendment hamstringing the government in significant ways."

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Agreed. But there's hope: California's new misinformation law just got struck down.

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19 hrs ago·edited 19 hrs ago

In addition, former Sec of State and 2004 Democratic Party presidential nominee John Kerry had this to say at a WEF forum, just this past week:

"[I]n terms of building consensus around any issue[,] It's really hard to govern today. ... The referees we used to have to determine what is a fact and what isn't a fact have kind of been eviscerated, to a certain degree. And people go and self select where they go for their news, for their information. ... [O]ur First Amendment stands as a major block to be able to just, you know, hammer [disinformation] out of existence.

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19 hrs ago·edited 18 hrs ago

Kerry doesn't seem to understand that in a democracy, "building consensus" starts from the ground up as a discovery process (as in journalism, properly executed), not from the top down as an assertion process (as in dictatorships everywhere).

And if there remains a disconnect between the the beliefs about positive facts and normative opinions of elected/appointed officials vs the public, it is the job of the officials to resolve those differences by either taking the time/resources to convince a (true) majority the public the officials are right ... or, swallowing their pride and submitting to the majority will.

But since he's far too intelligent to *not* understand it, shall we identify him as what he -- and the rest of the gang -- apparently is/are, psychopaths/sociopaths?

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Of course he understands. It is a deliberate attack to gain more power.

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And he, and all of his ilk of the Totalitarian supposed "Left", practice another behavior which is both divide-and-conquer and stealth provocation: Shunning. Rather than engage consistently with critics to *actually* dispel what they claim are errors of evidence and logic -- and post the results, along with continued Socratic engagement, in a permanent public place -- they critique only from afar and to the choir, supposedly refusing to "demean" themselves. But in the Internet age the old 3-card monte tricks are blowing up in their faces, like Wile E. Coyote, Super-Genius.

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They know they'll have to keep stepping up the pillow-smothering quiet culling of the rebels. In doing so, the stealth hybrid war further reveals itself to the larger and larger majorities. They can't get applied AI out there fast enough!

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USA snagged the Zionazi/ Ziofascist role from Germany in 1945, immediately after lying about "winning" WW2 (the Russian army defeated Hitler), and importing the high-ranking Nazis to the USA, where Zionazism/ Ziofascism has ruled ever since, under the farcical euphemisms "Republican" and "Democrat" parties.

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Thank you for the fight.

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We’ve seen this movie before.

Be strong.

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We are all going to be where the author now is, if an insufficient number of us stand up and refuse to comply with their tyranny.

Nothing has changed since 1933-1945. There are Good British, Good French and Good Germans everywhere. Be Bad.

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Yes and no, Mike. I think your analysis of the current situation is often spot on. And yes, maybe, a revolution buys us some more enlightened time again (after a lot of violence and bloodshed and suffering) but, ultimately, we are only moving the deckchairs on a ship called "power-greed paradigm". This ship is built by all of us, not only the elites. After the revolution, as history tells us, the new guard will turn into the new tyrants governed and informed by the same dysfunctional "power-greed" paradigm built on a profound spiritual misconception that we are separated egoic body-minds that need to survive - the dog-eat-dog mentality that governs nature. In that paradigm, you are either the top dog or the underdog but the eating never stops. I think we can do better than that.

That's we still talk about a Laotse, a Socrates, a Buddha, a Jesus while those names that had absolute power while these mystics lives, are almost completely forgotten.

Nietzsche said:

“Man is a rope stretched between the animal and the Superman--a rope over an abyss.

A dangerous crossing, a dangerous wayfaring, a dangerous looking-back, a dangerous trembling and halting."

Superman is a very bad translation of "Uber-Mensch". The Nazi's also misrepresented and weaponized "Uber-Mensch" to wind up some kind of stupid specialness of the Arian race.

My translation of "Uber-Mensch" is simply "Mystic". We are all mystics in disguise. To bring it out we need genuine spiritual awakening experiences, not bullshit religious propaganda. Individual ego-death will lead to collective ego-death which will lead to the new upcoming paradigm of "unattached pure awareness and love".

It is either that or mass genocide on an unimaginable scale.

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I'm with you all the way. You fight for all free peoples everywhere.

Perhaps, this is what you were born for.

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So sorry about that, and i sent money. But: unser bundesverfassungsgericht will fuck you up again. And your conclusion about what "history tells us" about winning in the end is just a childish hope - "they" always won, just have a look around the world. For me this seems to be the human stain...give people power and they will celebrate and enjoy it until you bleed. Over here in the 80s we said "Macht korrumpiert" because we watched the lefties and the greens and i do not remember a single instance when it was wrong. And because it depends on power they never fail, and you run out of steam. Remember Peter Gabriel: dont give up, you still have friends.

But it's all over now, baby blue.

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Will CJ receive justice?

Depends on how judges are appointed, if they are accountable, and whether they are corrupt individuals.

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