One of the first things totalitarians do when they set about transforming a democratic society into whatever type of strictly-regulated, utterly soul-deadening totalitarian dystopia they are trying to transform it into is radically overhaul and remake its culture.
Unfortunately, I need to explain this again. If you post anti-Semitic or other types of bigoted garbage in my replies, and I see it, I will ban you. I won't argue with you, or otherwise interact with you. I'll just ban you and delete your garbage. That will take me about 3 seconds. Then I'll forget you ever existed.
You are guilty of two unforgivable sins in Totalitaria (to borrow Joost Meerloo’s term): making people think and making people laugh. Both activities pose fatal threats to tyranny.
Below are several pertinent passages from Meerloo’s “Rape of the Mind”:
• “Puzzlement and doubt, which inevitably arise in the training process, are the beginnings of mental freedom.… Puzzlement and doubt are, however, already crimes in the totalitarian state. The mind that is open for questions is open for dissent. In the totalitarian regime the doubting, inquisitive, and imaginative mind has to be suppressed. The totalitarian slave is only allowed to memorize, to salivate when the bell rings.”
• “Totalitaria is constantly on the alert for social sinners, the critics of the system, and accusation of dissent is equivalent to conviction in the public eye. Insinuation, calumny, and denunciation are staples of the totalitarian strategy. The entire nation is dedicated to the proposition that every man is a potential enemy of the regime.”
• “In the end, human rebellion and dissent cannot be suppressed; they await only one breath of freedom in order to awake once more.”
• “Love and laughter break through all rigid conditioning. The rigid automaton cannot exist without spontaneous self-expression.”
And now you know why you are New Normal Germany’s worst nightmare. And the more they try to hurt you, the harder it boomerangs back at them.
Everyone should revisit .. or read, if you haven't already, Meerloo's excellent ... and breathtakingly relevant "Rape of the Mind." Tragic that we need it so many decades later.
Fascists exist to the right and left of most in society. Humorless autocrats with narcissistic personalities and little love for the average man. Keep fighting for truth, justice and the Human way.
Sir I absolutely loved “zone23”. Did you ever see the series “altered carbon”. In that society they banished death.
I’m a born American citizen and a medical professional and I’ve had a very good relatively well off peaceful life. But I also grew up in a very observant, religious Jewish home and I was raised with the mentality that the entire society, everything around you is just a veneer of civilization and turn on you at any moment.
Even though we have affluence and relative peace, and a huge amount of freedom of speech and expression, the modern way we live has a dehumanizing effect on us.
Will become complacent, obedient, soft, cogs in a giant machine
How to balance these things? How can we reconcile our need for safety and comfort with our passionate feelings and wanderlust. Well isnt that what art is all about. Isnt that what opera is , shakespeare.
Of all the ppl ive followed since this horrific fake pandemic erupted , ive been particularly inspired by your work on consent factory
You really distill and crystalize crystallize the issues.
Thank you in return for you kind comments and astute observations regarding the nature of the societies most of us live in. Many people still don't get how fragile the "stability and security" we are accustomed to always is, and how quickly it can be stripped away.
I also just have to say how grateful i am to you for your work and articles bc I have two teenaged sons and your material has really helped me protect their minds from all the nonsense out there.
None of us ever got any of those covid shots, i was kicked off the staff of a major northern NJ hospital. I was banned from 3 airlines for refusing to wear a mask. I was assaulted in a bank lobby and escorted out of several reataurants and supermarkets by security and police for not wearing my little medical looking obedience, face diaper.
No one is going to save us! There is no cavalry coming those of us who grew up in the 70s and 80s or before… We are the calvary.
I’ve had a very good life. I grew up with Jewish concentration, camp survivors around me in World War II in Korean war veterans. I’ll be damned if I’m not going to fight to allow my children to inherit their birthright: liberty!
Its amazing that still in this day and age that still the same old tired ridiculous tropes , misrepresentations, fallacies, smears, slanders, drivel, and apologia and out-right hatred that come from people calling themselves christians. its always the same old idiotic nonsense. "people actually did witness Jesus preaching and his life and existence are proven." Such nonsense.
What we have here is a perfect example of essential fanaticism; a person with insane fantasies of purity.
There is no evidence for any these claims. The metaphysical claims of your "religion" are false. And like every other shrieking lunatic anti semite for 1000 years you are using your fanatism to blame others ... scapegoat JEWS for your psychological problems.
.... So tiresome... to encounter this over and over again.
"protocols"... are you referring to the "protocols of the elders of zion"... ahhh hello? Baaa haaaaa, its been well established that these were a deep fake.
Lets assume that God exists for a second , just a second, and then lets assume that he sent his only son to suffer and die for humanity in a sparsely populated desert in the middle East filled with illiterate stone age tribespeople. And the whole effort was such a failure that even to this day. 5 billion out of 6 billion human beings on the earth dont accept Jesus. Are those 5 billion people all wrong? You would really have to be insane to believe this!
And of course every brain damaged zealot loves to reference THEIR preferred and authoritative version of "the book". A book full of contradictions.
A book that is quite clearly NOT the work of one (god) entity but has multiple authors — none of whom published anything until many years after the alleged crucifixion and cannot agree on anything of importance. Matthew and Luke cannot concur on the Virgin Birth or the genealogy of Jesus. They flatly contradict each other on the "Flight into Egypt," Matthew saying that Joseph was "warned in a dream" to make an immediate escape and Luke saying that all three stayed in Bethlehem until Mary's "purification according to the laws of Moses," which would make it forty days, and then went back to Nazareth via Jerusalem. (Incidentally, if the dash to Egypt to conceal a child from Herod's infanticide campaign has any truth to it, then Hollywood and many, many Christian inconographers have been deceiving us. It would have been very difficult to take a blond, blue-eyed baby to the Nile delta without attracting rather than avoiding attention.)
The Gospel according to Luke states that the miraculous birth occurred in a year when the Emperor Caesar Augustus ordered a census for the purposes of taxation, and that this happened at a time when Herod reigned in Judaea and Quirinius was governor of Syria. That is the closest to a triangulation of historical dating that any writer even attempts. But Herod died four years "BC" and during his rulership the governor of Syria was not Quirinius. There is no mention of any Augustan census by any Roman historian, but the Jewish chronicler Josephus mentions one that did occur — without the onerous requirement for people to return to their places of birth, and six years after the birth of Jesus is supposed to have taken place.
But of course I am free speech absolutist so I still think that rabid irrational Jew hating psychopaths like "dawn" here can still entertain us with their mouth diarrhea and persist and rationalize their mental illness with their fanatic take on the one "true" religion.
Best to ignore this sort of comment. The one unfortunate thing about Substack is that it is safe harbor for zealotry (as it should be; freedom of speech being what it is, to include the speech of those we do not agree with). Man-i, I appreciate your posts.
good advice. I dont mind engaging people about this stuff. individuals are rarely as bad or extreme as their ideologies. And I am certainly sympathetic to this view , as there is a strain of "fundamental " Judiasim ... the Hasidic community which is as fanatic as any other.
Thats why I love CJ hopkins material. Fanatisim , zealotry belies a limited mind, unable to cope with nuance or subtlety. Secular zealotry like the current degenerate regime we have in the US can be just as toxic and stifling as any "religion"
At least, if one was living in Maos CHina, or present day North Korea, one could DIE to escape the bleak, blighted life and torture. But in Christianity, with kindly Jesus meek and mild, DEATH is just the beginning.... death is where the FUN begins!
Only a religious zealot could posit a universe in which the "dear leader" who craves praise and demands obedience ( like in North korea) could punish you for ETERNITY , AFTER death for ALL time. (like a celetial cosmic North Korea) That takes a special twisted sadistic psychology... only a Christian could imagine...
The issue with you is the heart. It's darkened. What hope do you have in this life? God sent his Son into the world to save you and me, by shedding his pure blood to redeem us. I know whom I have believed. I've trusted the gospel and studied the Book. You have no hope apart from Him. And you will never see your error in the Scriptures apart from knowing the Spirit in them.
Sir, many of us who think of ourselves as libertarians have watched economic issues with great interest, particularly the situation involving the US dollar. The US dollar is a Fiat currency, and happens to be reserve currency in the world right now, but that is going to end soon. No fiat currency has ever survived .
When the US dollar loses its reserve currency status, every asset denominated in US dollars, and in fact, all of the assets derived from or priced in US dollars in other countries will lose value
I used to think that these “gold bugs” were a little bit crazy or off the reservation, but now, in my 56 year, I think these people are absolutely right. Remember Ron Paul, the Texas congressman who ran for president?
In 1999 we had a “dot com”bubble
In 2008 a housing bubble
What we are in now is the mother of all bubbles: a dollar bubble
When the US dollar collapses, there’s gonna be chaos and probably war
We’re clearly living in late stage Empire. And just like the Romans, and the british , they became more draconian and authoritarian and despotic, as time went on
They inflated their currencies until eveything collapsed
Honestly, I don’t think that people are prepared for how bad it’s going to get here
Anyone who is reading this should own some gold, have a couple of guns and plenty of ammunition, at least a month worth of food and water and fuel
Because sooner than you know it, all of a sudden it’s gonna be like Weimar Germany in 1923!
We dont all live in places where we are allowed to own guns unfortunately.Food and fuel are essential. And precious metals rather than fiat. Most important is to be aware and take measures.
agree. I dont think at this point I would agree to live in place where I couldnt at least have one decent pistol and at the very minimum a short barreled tactical style shotgun for home defense ...
Can’t access the site. It timed out. So would i, but too late to move really. My dad was a police officer and had a lovely small mother of pearl inlaid gun. Would just fit a woman’s hand. That was returned upon his death. When you think about it, you know they don't mean well when they disarm you and themselves keep the guns to control you. At One time we lived in canada, when you could have firearms. Mind you, wouldn't want ti go back there now!
No offense, but, if your comment remains the "top" comment in these replies, I'm probably going to abandon the rest of my artistic career and go and hole up in a Unabomber cabin in the woods.
Many famous modern artists make that retreat. But seriously art plays a serious role in civilization. I remember in college visiting the Museum of Modern in NYC, trying to dive deep into the works until picking up girls became a more interesting sidebar.
People having all kinds of interpretations. What was the artist trying to say?
Later I came to realize that artists were manufactured by the oligarchs to launder money and dumb down the masses. Recently there was an exhibit of art of "Woman and Non binary people" in NYC covered by the media. Nazis would blush.
ALL art can be a vehicle for money laundering (because who decides how much any of it should cost?), 'modern' art just gets singled out because they got greedy and lazy
Hitler was a progressive. Progressives don't want to believe that. It's ironic, but not a surprise, that the modern day German progressives want to show vehement opposition to the Nazi regime of the 1930-40s., by way of demonstrating that they are not like him. But they are the same totalitarians that he was. That's the ironic part.
Correct me if I'm mistaken but didn't Hitler initiate Volkswagen (people's car) and the Autobahn? Providing jobs for millions of Germans made destitute by the punitive Treaty of Versailles and the profound failure of the economic system of capitalism in the Great Depression?
Who's the real "evil" here? Western capitalism (with its wars of economic expansion) or Germany and her desperate people elevating a two-bit demagogue to the position of "mine fuhrer? "
The Volkswagen and the Autobahn were both examples of fascism: state rule by combine of government and business. The same force is at work in the worldwide COVID narrative. The joining of force between government and "healthcare" industry suffers from the same fatal weakness (portrayed as power). Governmental power is at odds with the aims of business power. The aims of government are always to do with restriction whereas the aims of business always have to do with enablement; in both cases, having to do in the ideal way. The only fit business of government is to control evil while for business it is to produce good.
When governmental power seeks to produce good (or goods) it always produces evil. When business seeks to restrict evil, it always restricts good (and goods.) Mankind has two opposing natures, one good and one evil, not just in total, but individually. Restriction and production require different enterprises, operating independently.
This is the most succinct and clear explanation I've seen of the demarcation point between the two entities' natures. Thank you. (I will be stealing this.)
Sure. And Hitler was also a decent artist, besides. Does that in any way excuse massive genocide of millions of Jews, as well as gays and Gypsies?
A few other points: Capitalism does not equate with war. There have been capitalists who promote war, as well as those who have campaigned against it. Conversely, communists have most certainly promoted war.
The 'two bit demagogue' might have had a nice life and died a hero, if he hadn't been a vicious killer, psychopath, and the man who attacked and invaded most of Europe. Now, THAT is warmongering, don't you think?
You could have been more obvious. The photo of Lauterbach should have included at least two swastika armbands, a Pfizer lapel, and a ridiculous mustache.
Brilliant. You should wear a cape. All superheroes should wear capes then we can spot you in a crowd and if our freedom is being stamped on, we will know who to turn to. I think a dark blue cape would suit you...
Can we transcend the shop-worn "superhero" trope? Individualizing and atomizing society is a lot of what the current problem is. Instead of the adolescent "superhero" stereotype what we need today is Solidarity. A united working-class rising up against the gross financial and economic inequality in Western society.
Do you know the fine folks at the Mises institute . Ever hear of Murray Rothbard? Hans Herman Hoppe?
It would be interesting to hear a debate between you and anarcho capitalist. In your worldview, unfettered capitalism could be worse than any despotic regime.
Remember the debate between Orwell and Huxley? Huxley thought that pleasure and petty distractions would be much more effective at controlling people than pain and torture. I think Huxley won that argument. Do you agree?
After all, I’m typing this response on my all-in-one viewer , while simultaneously shopping and replying to multiple feeds from whoever I happen to be talking to at the moment .
Thank you for all of your work. Of All the people I followed since the beginning of this fake pandemic you are unique. You really crystallize and distill the issues that we face as human beings.
How to reconcile our need for comfort and security versus our passionate side and wanderlust?
Isn’t that what art is all about? All the great operas, Shakespeare, etc
As a born American citizen, it’s heartbreaking to see this culture in particular the federal government and the various state governments in the United states degenerate into these authoritarian corrupt banana organizations
It seems like every public institution is a miserable corrupt failure
Hopefully there are still enough of us out here who care about genuine human freedom.
As Hitler 2.0 likes to brag, the penetrated cabinet is only just the beginning. I'm a WEXIT fan, no more Trudeau's or Ottawa or Quebec EVER. There's a win, we can keep our corruption local!
"The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction (i.e., the reality of experience) and the distinction between true and false (i.e., the standards of thought) no longer exist.”
What about the distinction between art and 'entartete' art? Or is the only essential purpose of art to express the unfettered free play of 'anything-goes' as against the always exaggerated orderliness of any kind of social, moral, religious, metaphysical, scientific (or pseudo-scientific) constraint? Well presumably there is degenerate art. (The Nazis weren't wrong about that.) But what to do about it?
It is seldom in these trying times that we can enjoy and even smile when we read about what is being done to us, but we certainly get to do that with your writing. Thanks.
I know that you were being facetious in the last sentence, but I will offer an answer anyway. You'd be enjoying your life without the threat of state violence being visited upon you. At least not as directly anyway.
This absolute lunatic obsession with the Nazis is going be Germany's undoing. It's pretty much unstoppable at this point. It's going to blow up, one way or another.
The rise of the Nazis is as much the fault (if not more so) of the collective, capitalist West as the fault of the German people. Capitalism leads to imperialism leads to colonialism leads to fighting over colonies for cheap, exploitable resources and markets to dump surplus production leads to world wars as the imperial powers fight over exploitable resources and land so...blame it on the Nazis! Hell, we need to find a scapegoat for this completely f*cked up system of Western capitalism!
Unfortunately, I need to explain this again. If you post anti-Semitic or other types of bigoted garbage in my replies, and I see it, I will ban you. I won't argue with you, or otherwise interact with you. I'll just ban you and delete your garbage. That will take me about 3 seconds. Then I'll forget you ever existed.
You are guilty of two unforgivable sins in Totalitaria (to borrow Joost Meerloo’s term): making people think and making people laugh. Both activities pose fatal threats to tyranny.
Below are several pertinent passages from Meerloo’s “Rape of the Mind”:
• “Puzzlement and doubt, which inevitably arise in the training process, are the beginnings of mental freedom.… Puzzlement and doubt are, however, already crimes in the totalitarian state. The mind that is open for questions is open for dissent. In the totalitarian regime the doubting, inquisitive, and imaginative mind has to be suppressed. The totalitarian slave is only allowed to memorize, to salivate when the bell rings.”
• “Totalitaria is constantly on the alert for social sinners, the critics of the system, and accusation of dissent is equivalent to conviction in the public eye. Insinuation, calumny, and denunciation are staples of the totalitarian strategy. The entire nation is dedicated to the proposition that every man is a potential enemy of the regime.”
• “In the end, human rebellion and dissent cannot be suppressed; they await only one breath of freedom in order to awake once more.”
• “Love and laughter break through all rigid conditioning. The rigid automaton cannot exist without spontaneous self-expression.”
And now you know why you are New Normal Germany’s worst nightmare. And the more they try to hurt you, the harder it boomerangs back at them.
Everyone should revisit .. or read, if you haven't already, Meerloo's excellent ... and breathtakingly relevant "Rape of the Mind." Tragic that we need it so many decades later.
💯 agree, Theresa! It is in my top 10 list of mind-liberating books, hence its frequent appearance in my 12-step recovery program for menticide:
I have it and I have highlights on almost every page.
A most excellent read! Thanks for bringing it up...
Actually a third and important reason they hate CJ is his systems analysis of GloboCap and the pathologisation of dissent. None clearer in my view!
Love your work Margaret
Fascists exist to the right and left of most in society. Humorless autocrats with narcissistic personalities and little love for the average man. Keep fighting for truth, justice and the Human way.
Sir I absolutely loved “zone23”. Did you ever see the series “altered carbon”. In that society they banished death.
I’m a born American citizen and a medical professional and I’ve had a very good relatively well off peaceful life. But I also grew up in a very observant, religious Jewish home and I was raised with the mentality that the entire society, everything around you is just a veneer of civilization and turn on you at any moment.
Even though we have affluence and relative peace, and a huge amount of freedom of speech and expression, the modern way we live has a dehumanizing effect on us.
Will become complacent, obedient, soft, cogs in a giant machine
How to balance these things? How can we reconcile our need for safety and comfort with our passionate feelings and wanderlust. Well isnt that what art is all about. Isnt that what opera is , shakespeare.
Of all the ppl ive followed since this horrific fake pandemic erupted , ive been particularly inspired by your work on consent factory
You really distill and crystalize crystallize the issues.
Thank you
Thank you in return for you kind comments and astute observations regarding the nature of the societies most of us live in. Many people still don't get how fragile the "stability and security" we are accustomed to always is, and how quickly it can be stripped away.
I also just have to say how grateful i am to you for your work and articles bc I have two teenaged sons and your material has really helped me protect their minds from all the nonsense out there.
None of us ever got any of those covid shots, i was kicked off the staff of a major northern NJ hospital. I was banned from 3 airlines for refusing to wear a mask. I was assaulted in a bank lobby and escorted out of several reataurants and supermarkets by security and police for not wearing my little medical looking obedience, face diaper.
No one is going to save us! There is no cavalry coming those of us who grew up in the 70s and 80s or before… We are the calvary.
I’ve had a very good life. I grew up with Jewish concentration, camp survivors around me in World War II in Korean war veterans. I’ll be damned if I’m not going to fight to allow my children to inherit their birthright: liberty!
You don't know your history...
Its amazing that still in this day and age that still the same old tired ridiculous tropes , misrepresentations, fallacies, smears, slanders, drivel, and apologia and out-right hatred that come from people calling themselves christians. its always the same old idiotic nonsense. "people actually did witness Jesus preaching and his life and existence are proven." Such nonsense.
What we have here is a perfect example of essential fanaticism; a person with insane fantasies of purity.
There is no evidence for any these claims. The metaphysical claims of your "religion" are false. And like every other shrieking lunatic anti semite for 1000 years you are using your fanatism to blame others ... scapegoat JEWS for your psychological problems.
.... So tiresome... to encounter this over and over again.
"protocols"... are you referring to the "protocols of the elders of zion"... ahhh hello? Baaa haaaaa, its been well established that these were a deep fake.
Lets assume that God exists for a second , just a second, and then lets assume that he sent his only son to suffer and die for humanity in a sparsely populated desert in the middle East filled with illiterate stone age tribespeople. And the whole effort was such a failure that even to this day. 5 billion out of 6 billion human beings on the earth dont accept Jesus. Are those 5 billion people all wrong? You would really have to be insane to believe this!
And of course every brain damaged zealot loves to reference THEIR preferred and authoritative version of "the book". A book full of contradictions.
A book that is quite clearly NOT the work of one (god) entity but has multiple authors — none of whom published anything until many years after the alleged crucifixion and cannot agree on anything of importance. Matthew and Luke cannot concur on the Virgin Birth or the genealogy of Jesus. They flatly contradict each other on the "Flight into Egypt," Matthew saying that Joseph was "warned in a dream" to make an immediate escape and Luke saying that all three stayed in Bethlehem until Mary's "purification according to the laws of Moses," which would make it forty days, and then went back to Nazareth via Jerusalem. (Incidentally, if the dash to Egypt to conceal a child from Herod's infanticide campaign has any truth to it, then Hollywood and many, many Christian inconographers have been deceiving us. It would have been very difficult to take a blond, blue-eyed baby to the Nile delta without attracting rather than avoiding attention.)
The Gospel according to Luke states that the miraculous birth occurred in a year when the Emperor Caesar Augustus ordered a census for the purposes of taxation, and that this happened at a time when Herod reigned in Judaea and Quirinius was governor of Syria. That is the closest to a triangulation of historical dating that any writer even attempts. But Herod died four years "BC" and during his rulership the governor of Syria was not Quirinius. There is no mention of any Augustan census by any Roman historian, but the Jewish chronicler Josephus mentions one that did occur — without the onerous requirement for people to return to their places of birth, and six years after the birth of Jesus is supposed to have taken place.
But of course I am free speech absolutist so I still think that rabid irrational Jew hating psychopaths like "dawn" here can still entertain us with their mouth diarrhea and persist and rationalize their mental illness with their fanatic take on the one "true" religion.
Best to ignore this sort of comment. The one unfortunate thing about Substack is that it is safe harbor for zealotry (as it should be; freedom of speech being what it is, to include the speech of those we do not agree with). Man-i, I appreciate your posts.
good advice. I dont mind engaging people about this stuff. individuals are rarely as bad or extreme as their ideologies. And I am certainly sympathetic to this view , as there is a strain of "fundamental " Judiasim ... the Hasidic community which is as fanatic as any other.
Thats why I love CJ hopkins material. Fanatisim , zealotry belies a limited mind, unable to cope with nuance or subtlety. Secular zealotry like the current degenerate regime we have in the US can be just as toxic and stifling as any "religion"
At least, if one was living in Maos CHina, or present day North Korea, one could DIE to escape the bleak, blighted life and torture. But in Christianity, with kindly Jesus meek and mild, DEATH is just the beginning.... death is where the FUN begins!
Only a religious zealot could posit a universe in which the "dear leader" who craves praise and demands obedience ( like in North korea) could punish you for ETERNITY , AFTER death for ALL time. (like a celetial cosmic North Korea) That takes a special twisted sadistic psychology... only a Christian could imagine...
The issue with you is the heart. It's darkened. What hope do you have in this life? God sent his Son into the world to save you and me, by shedding his pure blood to redeem us. I know whom I have believed. I've trusted the gospel and studied the Book. You have no hope apart from Him. And you will never see your error in the Scriptures apart from knowing the Spirit in them.
Pure white noise
Sir, many of us who think of ourselves as libertarians have watched economic issues with great interest, particularly the situation involving the US dollar. The US dollar is a Fiat currency, and happens to be reserve currency in the world right now, but that is going to end soon. No fiat currency has ever survived .
When the US dollar loses its reserve currency status, every asset denominated in US dollars, and in fact, all of the assets derived from or priced in US dollars in other countries will lose value
I used to think that these “gold bugs” were a little bit crazy or off the reservation, but now, in my 56 year, I think these people are absolutely right. Remember Ron Paul, the Texas congressman who ran for president?
In 1999 we had a “dot com”bubble
In 2008 a housing bubble
What we are in now is the mother of all bubbles: a dollar bubble
When the US dollar collapses, there’s gonna be chaos and probably war
We’re clearly living in late stage Empire. And just like the Romans, and the british , they became more draconian and authoritarian and despotic, as time went on
They inflated their currencies until eveything collapsed
Honestly, I don’t think that people are prepared for how bad it’s going to get here
Anyone who is reading this should own some gold, have a couple of guns and plenty of ammunition, at least a month worth of food and water and fuel
Because sooner than you know it, all of a sudden it’s gonna be like Weimar Germany in 1923!
We dont all live in places where we are allowed to own guns unfortunately.Food and fuel are essential. And precious metals rather than fiat. Most important is to be aware and take measures.
agree. I dont think at this point I would agree to live in place where I couldnt at least have one decent pistol and at the very minimum a short barreled tactical style shotgun for home defense ...
like a mossberg 500 tactical shotgun
Can’t access the site. It timed out. So would i, but too late to move really. My dad was a police officer and had a lovely small mother of pearl inlaid gun. Would just fit a woman’s hand. That was returned upon his death. When you think about it, you know they don't mean well when they disarm you and themselves keep the guns to control you. At One time we lived in canada, when you could have firearms. Mind you, wouldn't want ti go back there now!
Modern Art is a way of money laundering.
No offense, but, if your comment remains the "top" comment in these replies, I'm probably going to abandon the rest of my artistic career and go and hole up in a Unabomber cabin in the woods.
Many famous modern artists make that retreat. But seriously art plays a serious role in civilization. I remember in college visiting the Museum of Modern in NYC, trying to dive deep into the works until picking up girls became a more interesting sidebar.
People having all kinds of interpretations. What was the artist trying to say?
Later I came to realize that artists were manufactured by the oligarchs to launder money and dumb down the masses. Recently there was an exhibit of art of "Woman and Non binary people" in NYC covered by the media. Nazis would blush.
Certainly, Hunter Biden's was.
ALL art can be a vehicle for money laundering (because who decides how much any of it should cost?), 'modern' art just gets singled out because they got greedy and lazy
Hitler was a progressive. Progressives don't want to believe that. It's ironic, but not a surprise, that the modern day German progressives want to show vehement opposition to the Nazi regime of the 1930-40s., by way of demonstrating that they are not like him. But they are the same totalitarians that he was. That's the ironic part.
Correct me if I'm mistaken but didn't Hitler initiate Volkswagen (people's car) and the Autobahn? Providing jobs for millions of Germans made destitute by the punitive Treaty of Versailles and the profound failure of the economic system of capitalism in the Great Depression?
Who's the real "evil" here? Western capitalism (with its wars of economic expansion) or Germany and her desperate people elevating a two-bit demagogue to the position of "mine fuhrer? "
The Volkswagen and the Autobahn were both examples of fascism: state rule by combine of government and business. The same force is at work in the worldwide COVID narrative. The joining of force between government and "healthcare" industry suffers from the same fatal weakness (portrayed as power). Governmental power is at odds with the aims of business power. The aims of government are always to do with restriction whereas the aims of business always have to do with enablement; in both cases, having to do in the ideal way. The only fit business of government is to control evil while for business it is to produce good.
When governmental power seeks to produce good (or goods) it always produces evil. When business seeks to restrict evil, it always restricts good (and goods.) Mankind has two opposing natures, one good and one evil, not just in total, but individually. Restriction and production require different enterprises, operating independently.
This is the most succinct and clear explanation I've seen of the demarcation point between the two entities' natures. Thank you. (I will be stealing this.)
No need for theft. You're welcome to it.
Business produces good? this is what business aims for? what a load of hogwash.
Business worships at the alter of greed these days especially. NOT all businesses,,,,,
Sure. And Hitler was also a decent artist, besides. Does that in any way excuse massive genocide of millions of Jews, as well as gays and Gypsies?
A few other points: Capitalism does not equate with war. There have been capitalists who promote war, as well as those who have campaigned against it. Conversely, communists have most certainly promoted war.
The 'two bit demagogue' might have had a nice life and died a hero, if he hadn't been a vicious killer, psychopath, and the man who attacked and invaded most of Europe. Now, THAT is warmongering, don't you think?
Links without context get deleted.
Yeah but also, you know... the holocaust. Jobs good! Wars of profit bad! Therefore Hitler all good? Maybe not
You could have been more obvious. The photo of Lauterbach should have included at least two swastika armbands, a Pfizer lapel, and a ridiculous mustache.
The poor Germans. They are having such a hard time understanding their past. Obviously.
Brilliant. You should wear a cape. All superheroes should wear capes then we can spot you in a crowd and if our freedom is being stamped on, we will know who to turn to. I think a dark blue cape would suit you...
Can we transcend the shop-worn "superhero" trope? Individualizing and atomizing society is a lot of what the current problem is. Instead of the adolescent "superhero" stereotype what we need today is Solidarity. A united working-class rising up against the gross financial and economic inequality in Western society.
Just keep meditating and asking “the one who is many” for peace abd guidance ;)
Do you know the fine folks at the Mises institute . Ever hear of Murray Rothbard? Hans Herman Hoppe?
It would be interesting to hear a debate between you and anarcho capitalist. In your worldview, unfettered capitalism could be worse than any despotic regime.
Remember the debate between Orwell and Huxley? Huxley thought that pleasure and petty distractions would be much more effective at controlling people than pain and torture. I think Huxley won that argument. Do you agree?
After all, I’m typing this response on my all-in-one viewer , while simultaneously shopping and replying to multiple feeds from whoever I happen to be talking to at the moment .
Thank you for all of your work. Of All the people I followed since the beginning of this fake pandemic you are unique. You really crystallize and distill the issues that we face as human beings.
How to reconcile our need for comfort and security versus our passionate side and wanderlust?
Isn’t that what art is all about? All the great operas, Shakespeare, etc
As a born American citizen, it’s heartbreaking to see this culture in particular the federal government and the various state governments in the United states degenerate into these authoritarian corrupt banana organizations
It seems like every public institution is a miserable corrupt failure
Hopefully there are still enough of us out here who care about genuine human freedom.
Thanks for reading
This should be funny. We live in very unfunny times.
Trudeau/Singh have formed a massive hate club following; we just need a national vote to see how many millions are keen to show their support
By voting for Poilievre??
As Hitler 2.0 likes to brag, the penetrated cabinet is only just the beginning. I'm a WEXIT fan, no more Trudeau's or Ottawa or Quebec EVER. There's a win, we can keep our corruption local!
"The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction (i.e., the reality of experience) and the distinction between true and false (i.e., the standards of thought) no longer exist.”
― Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism
What about the distinction between art and 'entartete' art? Or is the only essential purpose of art to express the unfettered free play of 'anything-goes' as against the always exaggerated orderliness of any kind of social, moral, religious, metaphysical, scientific (or pseudo-scientific) constraint? Well presumably there is degenerate art. (The Nazis weren't wrong about that.) But what to do about it?
It is seldom in these trying times that we can enjoy and even smile when we read about what is being done to us, but we certainly get to do that with your writing. Thanks.
As a German citizen: Keep it up, the current crop of cretins deserve nothing but utter contempt and ridicule. Thank you for not giving in.
I know that you were being facetious in the last sentence, but I will offer an answer anyway. You'd be enjoying your life without the threat of state violence being visited upon you. At least not as directly anyway.
This absolute lunatic obsession with the Nazis is going be Germany's undoing. It's pretty much unstoppable at this point. It's going to blow up, one way or another.
The rise of the Nazis is as much the fault (if not more so) of the collective, capitalist West as the fault of the German people. Capitalism leads to imperialism leads to colonialism leads to fighting over colonies for cheap, exploitable resources and markets to dump surplus production leads to world wars as the imperial powers fight over exploitable resources and land so...blame it on the Nazis! Hell, we need to find a scapegoat for this completely f*cked up system of Western capitalism!