N.B. To all the furious people, both pro-Israeli and pro-Hamas, sending me irate emails, please stop with the emails and just put your outraged comments in these replies. I delete your emails more or less unread. I do, however, look at these replies.
I'm Israeli and in my own personal experience CJ unfortunately got this particular post very wrong (i largely agree with almost all his other posts). Or more precisely, the fundamental assumption at the basis of his post (that october 7 was a hamas initiated operation and that it caught the israeli ruling class by surprise) is a faulty assumption becasue the october7 operation was very very clearly and obviously an inside job, fully coordinated with those in positions of power in israel (in the military and politics). Many people in israel know this. The numerous unbelievable anomalies on this day are just through the roof, and the official story of what happened (pushed by the billionaire-owned propaganda media that lies to us constantly) makes no sense whatsoever. Anyone with the slightest experience in the israeli military knows that their story makes no sense at all. See below.
Another faulty assumption in his post is that the israeli ruling class view hamas as the enemy, while IN FACT it is their brainchild, which they initiated and have been funding for decades now, and do everything possible to keep it in power). Many people in Israel know this as well. There is full coordination and cooperation between the israeli billionaire ruling class and the ultra-wealthy hamas leaders (who live in luxury outside of Gaza). They need each other and are coordinated (each one of these ruling classes uses the other as a "monstrous boogeyman enemy" with which to scare, control and keep in line 'its own' people).
See my reply to CJ below (five comments down from here) for all the details on what I mentioned here
Honestly, I'm in awe of you "Israelis." Not only did you guys orchestrate the October 7 attacks, and the September 11 attacks, and all the "terrorism" in the 1970s, and the JFK assassination, and presumably the RFK assassination, and so on, but you did it all while controlling the US government, and the banks, and the media, and the entertainment industry, which is really quite an amazing feat. Mazel tov!
I hear you CJ and i do understand that it perhaps sounds inconceivable to an ordinary person (who isn't a psychopath) that the israeli ruling class would do such things, but please do look at the evidence and resources I provided in my direct comment to you below (not this one, but five comments down), especially see the links (at the end of the comment) to the mossad whistleblowers who tell you as clearly and directly as possible what they've been doing. I think my comment might make more sense once you see the evidence (mossad is the execution arm of the israeli billionaire ruling class)
And if I may add, i think that even more important than just the actions themselves, is to understand the "logic" of what guides the actions of the israeli ruling class. This is detailed in this truly excellent research essay that i implore any non-israeli to read attentively, in order to understand what is ACTUALLY happening in this country and what fuels this conflict (and yes, it is intimately tied to your assertion of israel serving as a base for the empire in the middle east) https://www.pdrboston.org/israel-s-government-attacks-jews-to
PS. And it is not "us israelis" who are doing all of this, as you insinuated. 99% of ordinary israelis have no involvement in any of this (just like 99% of americans have no involvement in the crimes committed by their intelligence agencies and ruling class), it is a relatively small group of ultra-wealthy ruling class israelis and their execution arm (mossad). And this same ruling class actually views us ordinary israelis with complete contempt and doesn't give a sh*t about our well-being. If you'll read the paper in the link above you'll see that clearly
PPS. The quotation marks around "israeli" seems to indicate that you perhaps doubt that i'm israeli. But unfortunately, i am. If there is some way that you'd like me to prove it to you, then let me know (I studied at university abroad, that's why my English is quite good). I'm not sure if there is a private message function here on substack, but if you'll provide me with some way to contact you then i can send you a photo of my israeli ID next to my face, if you'd like.
PPPS. I never said that israelis control the US government etc, that was your addition (possibly in order to try to make my comment sound exaggerated and unreasonable). I wouldn't be qualified to make statements on that subject because I don't really know. I only wrote about what i am intimately familiar with..
Here's an hour long film that provides quite a bit of what I call "science-based footage" that indicates Oct 7 was another 911, this time run by Israel instead of the head of the Pentagon that drove "bin Laden's" jets by remote control, using the same playbook as Israel. I think I remember you perhaps hinting Oct7=911 months ago. This film shows me you were very right!
CJ , I'm Israeli and I'm telling you with 100% certainty that October7 was an inside job. Fully planned and coordinated with those in positions of power in Israel (in the military and politics), with the israeli billionaire ruling class who run israel, and who don't give a sh*t about ordinary israelis and view us with complete contempt, despite their fake "patriotic" rhetoric, and who have very very close ties to the US-UK-Euro ruling class, or "the empire" as you call it (the idiot baboons in the israeli government are nothing more than their sales representitives, reading out the scripts handed to them, and Mossad - which has conducted and conducts NUMEROUS false flag "terrorist" operations across the globe - is their implementation arm)
Many people in Israel know this. The numerous profoundly striking anomalies were glaringly obvious to many people in Israel even on the day itself, and much more so in the days after when we started looking more into the official story of what the billionaires and their propaganda media tell us of what happened, and seeing clearly that it makes no sense whatsoever. In English, you can see some of the most obvious anomalies here (though there are many others). The video is far from perfect and i personally dislike the style of the narrator, and don't fully agree with some of his interpretations of the facts, but try to ignore that and focus only on the factual evidence https://rumble.com/v4l4oqw-october-7-was-an-inside-job-documentary-2024.html
It was very very clearly an inside job, clearly coordinated with those in positions of power in Israel (in the military and politics)
Many people in Israel also know that hamas is the brainchild of the israeli ruling class, they initiated it, funded it and worked diligently to keep it in power. Some resoures that are available in English where you can learn about that are here https://swprs.org/why-israel-created-hamas/
And especially don't miss this profoundly insightful essay on the exact machinations of the Israeli ruling class, which I can confirm is 100% accurate, from my own personal experience in Israel https://www.pdrboston.org/israel-s-government-attacks-jews-to there are also very good links leading out from this essay to learn more. I recommend this research essay to all non-Israelis who want to understand what is ACTUALLY happening in this country and what fuels this conflict. I very highly recommend reading it attentively, it is spot on..
So this comment is just becasue I wanted to strongly suggest to you CJ that your basic assumptions in this post (that this was a hamas intiated operation that caught the israeli ruling class by surprise, and that they view hamas as the enemy, while in fact it is their brainchild which they've been funding for decades) is very very obviously and clearly a faulty assumption.
agreed! total inside "chob"--evil "schtoonks" runnin' the show -- I don't wanna see Israel razed, I'm dee-skusted with the haters--BUT those in charge are not the everyday ordinary "chews" who are not rich or globalists or anything but humans (includin' some I'm related to) who ended up there as there wuz nowhere else to go--an' stayed because there was nowhere else to go--an' had no clue about their shadowy gubbamint any more than most of us Americans/AmeriCONS knew whut went on "in our name"-- that said--the Hankey "inside job" film provides excellent evidence with some major flaws (clearly the filmmaker's bias affects his "cant")... on an'nuther site I shared my "follerin' quibbles" with the video, repeated here for "posterior-itty" but the main message is spot on--
my quibbles
Quibbles w/ the above share:
1. use of "genocide" as a term--tho' I have nuttin' but ire + disgust fer the bloody massacre BBGun has inflicted on his own people AND all those livin' in Gaza, I yet don't believe "genocide" is accurate-- His callous disregard fer human life while "takin' " territory is to be denounced an' stopped. What he did ta both his "own" people, AND in Gaza-- Yet it ain't genocide imho; if every single person left Gaza (Rafah too), there would be no pursuit of these people wherever they lived, even if they just moved ta, say, nearby Egypt. (Holocaust wuz genocide as Hitler wanted ta root we "chews" out EVERYWHERE... sadly that movement still lives, thrives, an' fer those that say it wuz a hoax an' "no chews died while filming this movie"--that's 'nuther story fer 'nuther time) --my only point is that murder (bloody) still ain't genocide which is far more specific... like I said, a quibble but a significant one
2. Pallywood--some of the images (not all) are bunk-- many apocryphal tales circulated (clearly on BOTH sides)--old pix from Syrian wars reused...etc. To always "believe" all images, casualty quotes, viddeyos, "stories" from Hamas is just as dishonest as it would be to believe Israel. BOTH SIDES LIE but this filmmaker clearly thinks just one side lies. So be it. It's a mite dishonest. SURE Israel has it's own PR dept. an' releases its own staged photos/ photo "ops" (ironic that term...) but I think the filmmaker here needs ta be little less trustin' of media... (ME-DIA!) to wit...
3. He claims "all" the hostages were treated "beautifully" an' "like Queens"--my air sickness bag is ready... New footage released (I don't think it was dok-tured at all--they didn't need to)--does not appear to be what I'd call "royal" treatment. Really, like Queens fergawdsakes? Whether or not "team Hamas" was encouraged to be brutal or whether their own "scenty-mints" cooked-up from long time indoctrination goosed their brutality sans prompting--to say notta hair was harmed on the heads of the hostages nor was this intended--is full bullshart. Also, that they were only gentle an' lovely is not consistent with their own dang go-pro murder-happy viddeyos. So I call the filmmaker out on this point as it's 100% wrong.
ADDING (gratuitously) many who fully deny the Holocaust (not speaking about exact numbers here--but the entire shoah in general) cherry-pick out a few interviews from the lucky few chews who got selected for being in the "showroom" division of the camps--i.e. those that got fed, gave concerts, plays & performances, etc. This was NOT the majority... it was a tiny minority! (This from the "Shoah" film outtakes...perhaps unwisely left out...). Similarly with Mister Hankey (ah, South Park...) the filmmaker-- these few ladies ya see released are trusted with THE "official story." C'mon--we know that fer "show" stuff exists (ta manipulate the media) an' there'z always folks that get treated differently from the rest, like the sample apartment with no vermin or drips or leaks.
So this filmmaker either is too pro-hamas ta "see" that even if these former hostage were tellin' the truth as the "special cases"--that duz not mean the others were treated like "Queens." The old one looked emaciated. Other women gave testimony an' say they were raped, starved, hit, an' worse--I believe them too! (I know I know--always believe the women UNLESS they are jewish...oy) One had ta have new arm surgery as she had a break not set, left to mis-set. That's queenly treatment?
Also, we know that if you've just been lucky 'nuff ta have yer own life spared from rotten terrorists (even if Israel funded 'em I would still say Hamas are not nice guys ta have tea with...), it's likely you got told ta "hush up" about any abuses 'er they'd find ya where ya lived an' slit yer throats. (I know, graphic, but these are "head hunters"--Charlie Hebdo guys, etc ) I'm frankly not near-sure even these ladies were well-treated tho'-- that ol' lady in the film looks near-starved--I'm near sure they said whatever (like Patty Hearst!) they had to say ta save their own skins... an' mebbe that of their children... Perhaps later they recanted? We'll never know, the MSM moves on...fast! but forced statements are a ploy of BOTH SIDES
4. tho he clarifies that the ordinary "chews" are not to be held full-out guilty fer these crimes against humanity (thankfully!)--he blames "The Rothschilds" ONLY an' claims that this one fambly runs the USA, Israel, the UK an' so much more... Oy. Do don't blame "the chews" instead blame THEE JEW.
Mister Hankey doesn't seem ta know Rothchilds are not in charge--they're the bagmen an' bankers of the Vatty-kin, Black Nobility / 13 Famblies, an' the Committee of 300 (most of which ain't MOTs)... Not that they ain't powerful--they sure as heck are--but they a way down on the totem pole of status--and their visiblity is by design (as is that of Mister Soros/Tsuris who is also the front man, evil tho' he iz). So I don't think that a "blame the Rothschilds for EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME ONLY" take is helpful as it targets one fambly alone as an easy scapegoat... If every one of those rotten-red-shields was ta kick the bucket today--ALL the evil 'round us would still go on, bizness as usual.
5. Mister Hankey tags the kibbutzim as "hated commies"-- (yes, he's a lefty with a chip on his shoulder) BUT c'mon now--Israel has been a capitalist country since the 1970s if not earlier--life on a kibbutz is only communal in a type of living style that doesn't bother anyone--some vestige of the former socialist "ideas" that did come from the USSR perhaps, but nobody would pull out a little red book there...
Methinks it wuz ruther a matter of folks in one spot (aka a good target). Easy ta corner! Ditto fer the festival people--from all I gather it was not (as portrayed) some pagan-satanic-sex-n-drugs love fest ta be stamped out by the now-holier-than-thou BB... (some "truthers" like Mike Adams have said they were all profligate satanists and deserved all they got--oy) but I think ANY large gatherin'--concert, stadium--like so many OPS 'round the world--is how ya make a target--be it in Las Vegas or Russia or....Israel. Tho' sure, BB likely wouldn't have had Orthodox as his target--methinks the orchestrated event-of-choice, which had been a longtime tradition, was a matter of practicality--not singlin' out "commies."
My guess too--this fest wuz a mix of secular an' reformed young folks--many free-spirited, good hearted youths gathered for joy (simcha!--as per the holiday) an' not some nest of iniquity... imho the operative words were a) many an' b) convenience... The rest is Mister Hankey's biased mistaken take on why "them"
6. Also, he claims that only 28 people were possibly killed "by accident" by Hamas--all the others killed by Israel's "friendly fire" an' (term not used by implied) Hannibal directive... CJ addresses this here too--NO it wasn't "only" the IDF killin' their own...
He genuinely claims no Hamas members killed innocent jews nor was that their intent --that only the Israelis did this to themselves, sacrificing their own. Well yes, they sacrifice their own (horribly--the jabs, the green passes) but to say that these Hamas boys were just wandering around treating those they encountered like Queens is absurd.
He denies all that go-pro footage of Hamasians cheerin' on each murderd girl/infidel? C'mon. I cain't say if 1200 or 1500 or 942 whattaver is the number but I DO think that they (team Israel-Hamas together) let those boys "go fer broke"-- I think it was more 'n 50 young men from Hamas total as I've seen photos with that number alone--but given what 3-4 MKUltra'd programmed serial killers can do here in the US in a concert hall--heck 50 armed Hamassians kin do a lotta real life damage. I've heard very credible stories (eg. Norman Fenton's nice) that what the whistleblowers sawr of the dead / mutilated was REAL-- deny them if ya like, as Hankey does.
But how kin Hankey reconcile all the many "quiet" nooz stories of just how women are treated by not just Hamas but many of these Muslim men of the "noble faith" (per Gad Saad's terminology...)? (And yes I know many Muslims do NOT behave this way... but I DO know enuf of Islam ta say that Hankey is full'a baloney) That he's sayin' that Hamas wouldn't hurt a hair on these women's heads is ABSURD (we see Swedish women, English women, French women as livin' or dead testimony to the contrary--raped, brutalized, "white slaved"--not makin' this up)
BUT ALL THAT SAID--some of the evidence is incontrovertible to see Deepstate Israel's fingerprints on 10/7-- The viddeo, still highly wreck-o-mended in spite of all this "baggage" BEYOND an' Inside Job (i.e. my above quibbles)
With that said, I'm'a sendin' blessin's to all these Israelis who spoke out-- an' to other whistleblowers fer tellin' the truth--I hope BBGun doesn't touch a hair on their heads (like I trust the gubbamint there not ta destroy whistleblowers? like I trust OURS?)
Last pernt--Mr Hankey again doesn't see this--BB is just a puppet--a larger target is his masters.
PS Israel FUNDED Hamas but did not create it folks... When HAMAS was just rotten but not YET a terrorist ORG, Israel (dumb dumb dumb) figgered they'd put a wrench in the gears of the "more" menacin' (to them at the time) PLO which was at odds with Hamas, then a "fledgling" group with a (fakeroo) M.O. of having elections and representing the (1948-"created") "Palestinian People" (this to separate the jews, muslims, & christians from roman-dubbed "palestine" which was not a nation let alone an arab one)... Anywhoo--NO Israel di not create Hamas--they FUNDED it with planeloads of CASH thinkin' it was a good idea. It bit them in the...ASP!
So Ron Paul has always had it right--they "funded" Hamas--did not create the group. Hamas thanks to Israel's shovin' planeloads of money at them BECAME a terrorist org.--thanks to Israel's dumb plan that caused lots of bloodshed. Meanwhile the PLO became slightly less (slightly) of a terrorist org. while Hamas grew. That was not the "plan" but globalist dunkopfs screw up with their mighty hubris and suitcases of US$. FWIW
Thank you for this. I hear you and understand the perspective from which you are looking at this, however, if i may say so, in my understanding and experience in israel, the initiation, funding and strong support of the israeli billionaire ruling class to keep hamas in power did NOT at all "bite them in the ass", but exactly to the contrary, it works for them EXACTLY as planned, it is by far the most successful investment for the israeli ruling class that gives them amazing returns on their money. It is very very successful in providing them with exactly the goals they wished for when making those investments to initiate, fund and keep hamas in power.
In a moment I will say more about this (what they hoped to achieve when creating, funding and supporting hamas, and how perfectly it works for them exactly as planned), but before that, just a small side comment- to believe that it "bit them in the ass" is to fall for the deceptive narrative of these mass-murderering manipulators as if they and ordinary israelis are one and the same and as if they care in the slightest if ordinary israelis are killed, which they ABSOLUTELY DON'T, as the entire history of zionist billionaires attack on jews shows, which I will elaborate on below. And in fact, not only do they not care in the slightest if ordinary israelis are killed, but much worse than that, they (and their intelligence agency) very often actively & delibaretely work to hurt (including kill) ordinary israelis and jews, and to deliberately make ordinary israelis feel as unsafe, unsecure and afraid as possible, in order to ensure their rule and advance their narrow class goals of hierarchical domination. More about this below. To say that the killing of israelis was a mistake ("bit them in the ass") and that it goes against their aims, is to be very ignorant of how the israeli billionaire ruling class actually functions (see for example the links i gave in my comment above from the mossad whistleblowers, about their NUMEROUS false flag operations (under the guise of ""islamic terrorism") where they literally hurt and kill israelis and jews as well as americans and europeans, in order to advance the narrow class interests of israeli billionaires (how it advances their class interests i will detail below). This is just one way of how zionist billionaires attack jews and deliberately put israelis and jews in harms' way. More ways are below.
(And by the way, their complete contempt for the lives of ordinary israelis is a thousand times more so in this specific case, when they especially arranged for their paid merceneries to kill specifically leftists, whom they hate with a vengence and who stand for the exact opposite of everything that these God-ignorant fascists stand for (in the kibbutzim and festival, which they specifically arranged to be at this very odd location at this particular time. I won't go right now into all the evidence for that because isn't the main point right now. And in the kibbutzim - full of their hated leftists - that they intentionally & strategically placed decades earlier as human shields to cynically encircle in a tight wrap (that's literally what these group of kibutzim are called in israel - "the Gaza wrap") to encircle the prison refugee camps in Gaza where they entrapped the local people of the land, who fled their mass-slaughter, dispossesion, rape and land-theft campaign in 1948 that led to the establishment of israel. No space to go into this vast subject here, but hear some more about this from this israeli historian https://youtu.be/MuzWDWBn55g?si=InjF6DYVkEIUFTce and many other excellent videos with him and other israeli historians like avi shlaim, baruch kimmerling and many others who uncovered & documented exactly the horrific crimes that were committed in 1948 and afterwards and the lies that the fascist israeli ruling class have been telling the world about this.
There is tons and tons that i can elaborate on with regard to this cynical use by the israeli billionaire ruling class of ordinary israelis as human shields in these kind of specifically created settlements (called 'khoma u-migdal" in hebrew) that were built especially to entrap and encircle the fleeing local people to make sure they'll never be able to leave those supposedly temporary refugee camps and return to their land which was taken by the newly established israeli billionaire's state (literally using the bodies of ordinary israelis as a shield to make sure that palestinians will not be able to return to their family's home. Done both in order to ensure that the theft of the land is permanent AND in order to make sure that there is constant animosity between ordinary palestinians and ordinary israelis and that we view our interests as being at odds with each other (view each other as an enemy who threatens our safety & security). This skillful pitting of ordinary israelis and palestinians against each other - which is done in numerous varied ways - is exactly the fertile ground of sectarian/tribalist/nationalist/religious division & hatred upon which the ruling class thrive) .
Now, to go back to the main point and the beginning of this comment, about what the israeli billionaire ruling class hoped to achieve by creating, funding and supporting hamas (and unfortunately they were and are very successful in achieving that, that is precisely why we are in the sectarian hate-filled mess we're in, which for them is not a mess at all, but the nourishment on which they thrive). There is very little space left here so i will share a couple of very very important essays thst explain this in great detail and skill. I highly recommend reading them attentively.
First, on why in general every ruling class must create boogeyman enemies, please see this profound and fully-referenced essay, which is IMHO a must-read for every human on the planet https://www.pdrboston.org/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies
And now more specifically on how this principle is applied in the case of the zionist ruling class and hamas, please make sure you read carefully and in full this profoundly insightful research essay on the exact machinations of the Israeli ruling class, which I can confirm is 100% accurate, from my own personal experience in Israel https://www.pdrboston.org/israel-s-government-attacks-jews-to (there are also very informative links leading out from this essay that I highly recommend to pursue in order to learn more). I recommend this research essay to all non-Israelis who want to understand what is ACTUALLY happening in this country and what fuels this conflict.
And lastly, I would also very highly recommend this essay https://www.pdrboston.org/israeli-leaders-hamas-need-each-oth to understand in detail how the boogeyman principle (in the first link) is applied very skillfully by the israeli and hamas leadership, for their mutual benefit (and for the devastation of the rest of us).
Okay, plenty more that can be said, but space here is finished so this will have to suffice for now. Thank you for the attention :-)
thanks fer all the links! all food food for thought. OH I KNOW that the shadow "gubbamint" of Israel sacrifices it's own--all ordinary jews, most not havin' a clue or if they do, they may not recognize the DEPTH of the deception. Thanks for those links--I'll check'em out.
What I wuz sayin' 'bout gettin' bitten in the rear was to argue that in their attempt to fully control the narrative, they may have underestimated the power of Iran-backed-Hamas (Israel--fwiw--is no longer backin' them). This is not to say there was not a handshake deal 'tween Hamas & Israel to make 10/7 work as a horrific win-win for both sides. On the contrary! But (an' I'm willin' ta be proved wrong), my take was that they funded Hamas thinkin' that Hamas, in subvertin' the PLO, would become somethin' Israel could control at will ruther than a wild rodeo where Israel can only sometimes control the story--b/c Hamas still wants Israel gone so ya gotta be careful when yer sleepin' with the enemy (thinkin' they're well paid enuf not ta take you out) Like I said, I do not think 10/7 was off script but I believe that if Hamas was more in line to following Israel's every wish then Gaza would not have been destroyed once Israel left it in 2005 b/c I think Israel ideally would like to return to 1948 borders which included both W. Bank & Gaza. I think Hamas become too much of a liability (lie-ability!) fer 'em but sure, I'll read more...
Sadly, I don't think Israel has been the jewish state it's supposed ta be--and America (now AmeriKa) ain't the democratic republic it's supposed ta be either. BOTH countries have convinced decent citizens that their nation has their best interests at heart, both lied, both are intentionally self-destructing. It's a mutual demo-derby. Billionnaires on both sides, impoverished Israelis as well as the totally devastated people livin' in Gaza--all expendable (I'm sad ta say)
So ta be clear, I never said the killin' of Israeli's was unintended--if ya re-read what I wrote--it wuz fully intended an' rotten as heck. I do think Israel isn't fully in the driver's seat of Hamas--YES they do deals an' did one on 10/7 but I think they are vyin' fer the same wheel ta use ta plow over whoever an' whatever ta rebuild their 15 min. city /Greater Israel --and ALL the people are just (hate ta say it) cannon fodder. So yup, I think it was a rotten plan but I don't think they totally control their proclaimed enemy even if they do bizness all the time. Globalist endeavor, ALL humans expendables...
I understand. Two things to say in response. The second one doesn't fit into the space here, so please be sure to see part2 below
This first part is just to correct a couple of things -
Your two senstences "thinkin' they're well paid enuf not ta take you out" and "becasue Gaza would not have been destroyed if.." seem to indicate that perhaps you didn't really grasp what I tried to explain in my previous reply. The israeli billionaire ruling class WANTS hamas to attack and terrorize ordinary israelis AND the hamas leadership WANTS zionists to attack and terrorize ordinary palestinians. That's EXACTLY what hamas is being paid for (it's NOT that if they're paid then maybe they'll keep quiet and won't attack. NO NO NO. Exactly to the contrary!! They're paid in order to attack and be the scary monstrous boogeyman to terrorize ordinary israelis into obediance and submission to the zionist ruling class.
Hamas plays the role of the scary monstrous palestinian terrorist perfectly; it is EXACTLY what the zionist billionaire ruling class needs in order to scare ordinary Israelis into obediance, to not bring up the very severe grievances against the billionaire ruling class which screws us all (detailed in the links above), but to "patriotically unite" around our great leader and rally around the flag in a tribalistic/nationalist frenzy to "fight the evil monster enemy of the nation". And thus it is exactly what the right-wing billionaire ruling class needs in order stay in power and continue to transfer society's wealth upwards from the people to the ultra-rich.
That's the reason that the Zionist billionaire ruling class wanted to weaken the secular PLO and strengthen religious fundamentalist Hamas, because the right-wing billionaire ruling class intensely FEAR the possibility of Israeli have-nots (ordinary Israeli citizens) viewing Palestinians as human beings, as non-threatening human beings who want to live in safety & security just like us and to not be oppressed by the thieving heartless billionaire ruling class, just like us.
The ultra-wealthy hierarchical and anti-egalitarian ruling class intensely fear reconcilliation, equality and cooperation of ordinary palestinians and israelis, fear the possibility that the entire land between the Jordan river and the meditarranean sea be a secular democracy, a state of ALL its people (not a supremacist state where the invading immigrants/colonizers who were given at birth the label 'Jew' dominate and abuse the local people of the land) but a secular democratic state in which Jews Muslims Christians other religions and the non-relgious would have EQUAL RIGHTS UNDER THE LAW and live without war in mutual respect, dignity, safety, mutual aid, equality, prosperity and freedom
THIS is exactly the reason why the israeli billionaire ruling class began funding Hamas—to ensure that ordinary Israelis would (wrongly) perceive ordinary Palestinians as wanting to kill all Jews and therefore as their enemy, To ensure that ordinary Israelis & Palestinians would fear each other and so will never unite to create a thriving human-centered egalitarian and democratic joint entity where we're equal under the law and where we can live together in mutual respect, dignity, security, freedom, peace, equality and prosperity (by throwing off our warmongering manipulative hierarchical cruel right-wing billionaire ruling class that intentionally divides us and pits us tribalistically against each other, and screws us all by moving society's wealth into the hands of the anti-egalitarian fear-driven love-less ultra-wealthy few..
The billionaire ruling class (in israel, in the muslim world and all across the globe) thrives on a mentality of tribalistic fear of the other, of nationalist/religious division, hatred, conflict, violence and trauma. The more they can generate such a traumatic, violent and nationalist/religious hate-filled reality, the more they can keep ordinary people divided and fearful of each other, and clinging onto them (the ultra-wealthy ruling class in each society) to be our so-called "protectors of the nation" from "those evil people" over there, that scary boogeyman over there who supposedly "just wants to kill us all"
And that is also why the supremacist zionist ruling class do everything in their power to inflict as much cruelty and inhumanity and traumatize the local people of Palestine as much as possible, because they know that the more they can cruelly traumatize the Palestinians, the higher the likelihood that the local people will feel deep anger and resentment and hatred towards the abusive terrorist zionist state and its citizens, and will lash out in retaliation to the constant abuse dispossesion violence theft dehumanization and cruelty directed at them, retaliation which is then cynically used by the zionist ruling class to further depict palestinians as "antisemite monsters" who hate jews for no reason (and the zionist ruling class can get away with such cynical manipulation because the billionaire-owned media never shows the context of what palestinians are actually reacting to, but only show the reaction itself without any context, which makes it seem violent and hateful for no reason)
The nonstop cruelty, inhumanity, dispossesion, murder and abuse that the right-wing zionist supremacists inflict on local palestinians, and the palestinian inevitable reaction, in turn make reconcilliation impossible, which is precisely what the billionaire ruling class wants (reconcilliation and peace between ordinary people is the arch-enemy and the greatest fear of the right-wing israeli billionaire ruling class).
And also, the palestinian anger & resentment at the constant abuse discrimination inhumanity dispossesion & violence directed at them, make palestinians appear very threatening and scary to ordinary Israelis (which, again, ensures that no cooperation would be possible, but rather that hateful trauma-driven nationalism will always reign, ensures that ordinary people will keep being bamboozeled into believing that our enemies are the ordinary people of 'the other side' and thus keep voting for the representitives of the right-wing billionaire ruling class to be our rulers (because these nationalist deceivers pretend to be "the patriotic protectors of the nation" against those 'scary evil monsters over there'; even though IN REALITY the ultra-wealthy ruling class and their vile sectarian tribalistic right-wing representitives do THE EXACT OPPOSITE of providing security, but they are in fact the ones ensuring that the nation is in a constant state of animosity, hateful conflict & war (against the boogeyman "scary monster enemy") AND ensure that people' wealth keeps flowing upwards to the ultra-rich, while the rest struggle just to keep the head above the water.
Space finished. Please be sure to see the second part of the reply in tne comment below, in a few minutes
I agree that you nailed it--at least insofar as it was presented to us on the surface. But there was a deeper instigation of the situation from outside Hamas and outside the Middle East.
There were U.N. operatives embedded in the Hamas attack force. They were there to ensure that this attack came off as brutally as possible. They were there to promote and ensure the Globalist Deep State/Military-Industrial Complex's need for another money-making war overseas that they and their cronies in government could use for laundering money since it's been clear for months that Ukraine is on its last legs politically, militarily, and in every other possible way.
They know that their cash cow is headed for the butcher, so... they needed another one. The Palestinians all too willingly became their sacrificial goat and the Israeli government was absolutely DELIGHTED to provide the executioners--and made it ILLEGAL for anyone living in Israel to criticize the deliberate dereliction of duty that led to violent success of the original attack.
ISRAELIS have lost their right to free speech, to stand up and protest about all of this. They are now living under open tyranny.
EVERYTHING about this situation is abhorrent and offensive. EVERYTHING. There is nothing good about it. May God stop the evil doers in their tracks and protect those at their mercy.
Interesting take! I’ve not seen reports on embedded UN operatives, and I’m down the rabbit hole often. Do you have any links for further reading about this?
It has been a while since I saw the links, but they were shared around on Gab. Maybe go look there? Or use Seekr.com to see if you can find them via search.
Sounds plausible. If I may add yet another layer.... To a very cynical person, such as myself, the outcome of any situation, however horrible and contrary to reason, seems the likely objective. So, why do you suppose the Globalists want all sympathy for Zionism to be lost? And in the US, why did they pick the Palestinian cause for the woke kids to focus on when it's just going to make Biden a bigger loser?
Good points about Zionism and woke kids. Just remember that divide&conquer is the goal. TPTB manage to distort all (manufactured) causes, sometimes in mind-bending fashion. In the early 70's I saw republican kids converting en mass to democrats, via academic brainwashing, something seemingly anti-establishment... but that was only part of the plan; the dems now are the more hawkish ones. Etc ad infinitum
Those are very good questions. I think the answer should be a barrage of rotten fruit and veggies aimed at the instigators of all of this. We need to bring back the public stocks...
honestly, this is the best, most accurate take on this conflict I’ve seen on Substack or really anywhere. sadly, what C.J. is saying is hardly radical. as he points out, this is the nature of insurgencies or asymmetric warfare since forever. it’s not rocket science.
America just went through all of this after 9/11. Bin Laden and his buddies attacked America with the hopes of drawing them into a broader conflict and they mostly succeeded. unfortunately millions of arabs and Muslims were killed as was Bin Laden, but hey, they might have just threw the stone that broke America’s clay feet.
so America spent trillions to replace the Taliban with the Taliban and Bin Laden and his buddies all got slaughtered.
911 was run by Bush/Cheney and the Pentagon head, who drove the jets by remote control using his advanced degree in that subject. Want proof, look at the real pilots trying to gain control of the jets with a manouvre they were taught of raising the jet up and down! Proof that no terrorists drove ANY of those jets. The tower was supposed to land on the building across the street that the 3 subhumans above had 30 guys lace with explosives that did not work. They were supposed to blow-up the bulidling to hide the fact they were doing this to steal $80B gold hidden in the building across the street. All 30 guys that laced the building mysteriously dissapeared weeks after the 3 subhumans above caused 911.
remember the 70’s not just for all the good stuff like Jimmy Saville and Gary Glitter but also for when the BBC got me all apoplectic with rage and hate for the IRA and the PLO……..I was had over, I was so easy to manipulate, I could hate at the drop of a car bomb and I was only 7….. then I smelt the bullshit
These people hating on you for pointing out the bleeding obvious today are still where I was 52 years ago.
One aspect of this that seems to get swept under the carpet is the ridiculous notion that Israel was "surprised" by Hamas terrorists in hang gliders that were able to sneak past the Iron Dome and all of the Israeli defenses. I too am not a fan of murder, but what about the conversation around whether Israel was complicit in this? It is all complicated, and I try to avoid conversations about Israel and Hamas since people just get upset, but Israel is either fully capable of defending itself, or has a massive achilles heel. Which is it?
Thats a good point. Its very suspicious. I made this point below. Conservative elements in Israel chomp at the bit for an "event" like this to justify eradicating the Palestinians and taking all the land. Some element in the IDF maybe knew about this plan or weakness in the defenses and let it happen ... sacrified a few dozen of their own citizens in order to justify finally driving all the Palestinians away. This kind of 4d chess has been played for thousands of years
That’s the real reason it’s Israel’s 9-11 -Israel being an expert in 9-11’s ( on other peoples soil, till now). It had to happen, eventually. I’ve read that the Oct 7 invaders were surprised that it was so easy and there was no resistance. Having expected to be killed within minutes they realized it was their time to instead die in an even greater glory, having taken a few “heads” along for the ride (not babies either as Empire would STILL have you believe). Taking hostages ? They could never have planned for that. But credit to them for thinking on the fly- very resourceful people. Very motivated
Yes. Am I alone in having heard that Israel created Hamas?! It's totally the ancient playbook. Like Obama (aka his handlers) assembled & armed ISIS etc, ad infinitum. False Flags 101: get ruffians under your control (like those who owe you $$ & can't pay) to attack yr own people whilst carrying the neighbor's Flag, thus justifying lucrative-and-destablilizing war.
Cast your mind back a few years, if you will, to a time when everyone was terrified of a new virus, and closed borders and factories and shops and so on, and there were shortages of some fairly basic and easy to manufacture goods. The "just in time" system was very, very efficient - but very fragile.
Modern Western society tends to be like that. It's very efficient, very specialised - and very fragile. And an intelligent enemy will find that weak point and give it a vicious kick.
Living as we do in the modern West, this is terrifying to think of. And so whenever this fragility is demonstrated, we'd rather deny it and pretend it was a conspiracy by the guys in charge of the system.
Israel is not a strategic asset of the USA. Israel is a reeking albatross carcass around the neck of the USA, and has been for most of its existence. The USA's strategic interests in western Asia are in direct opposition to Israel's interests. The USA's diplomatic standing with the 3/4 of the planet not located in Europe and North America has long been hamstrung by Israel's existence, and is currently being delivered a coup de grace.
If the USA's strategic interests aligned with Israel's, Israel would not need The Lobby to buy and coerce US government actors into betraying the USA's interests in favor of Israel's interest, current context a bile-retch of a case in point. No, it isn't anti-Semitic to state observable fact, however well-financed the denials may be.
With the 1948 Nakba, Zionism poisoned the whole idea of a Jewish state at its birth. Zionism is now writing for Israel the most horrifically ironic epitaph in the history of kakistocracy. This cannot be undone, nor can US complicity in these many god-awful crimes, crimes that dwarf in horror even the works of the asinine Hamas and its murderous teenagers with small arms and hang gliders.
Colonialism bad. Slaughtering the indigenous tribes to take their land bad. Herding the remainder into reservations and treating them like shit for generations bad. No, there isn't a hard part, that's your programmed denial kicking in.
Do most people even know that Hamas was created by Israel? All wars are funded by the same people that print the money and rule the world. Most MSM news tells big lies. If everyone could know the truth, the enemy would cease to exist! Until then, a big part of the world will go on being divisive. Manipulation and brainwashing at its finest! Wake up folks! Do you actually believe people are that hateful? Do you notice that 99% of all MSM news is bad news? They never tell us how good people really are towards one another. I believe most people are good and kind. Love one another. Be kind and respectful towards your neighbors. Peace.
The Covid era cured me of MSM - TV, radio, newspapers, magazines - the endless deceit and negativity focus I am free from as far as possible. Some might say "what took you so long?"
You’re here and it doesn’t matter when! Stopped watching FOX when Martha McCallum announced that Joe Biden won around 11:00 at night. No way did they know. Liars every single “propaganda” show! They are just shows!
Yes in the last two centuries being able to print money is central to waging war. So who is printing the money to arm Hamas? What are their long terms goals? Might those goals have little to do with the Palestinian people? The Palestinians may be canon fodder for this printer.
Yes, Palestinians are cannon fodder. China and Russia are working to topple the US, the "cherry on top" so to speak ('cuz I can't spell piece de resistence correctly!) will be replacing the dollar with their currency. So, in the end, I think the "money printer" is China. Fomenting chaos in the mid-east, while having planted the seeds of the US self-destructing through the installation of Biden, while manufacturing dissent within the US population via social media they are almost there. I'm not sure when the final bomb will drop - maybe late October or right after the next POTUS takes office...
Well, I have not found anything to possibly disagree with you until today. I have seen quite a few films and interviews of people who were at the so-called Hamas October 7, massacre of Israel people. These days of so many liars, especially in that part of the world, I cannot be sure, but numerous people at that massacre claimed they saw their Israel neighbors murdering their Israel friends. I can tell when most people are lying, but in my opinion they were not lying. They even used the real murderers names and said where they lived near them, which makes it even more ridiculous that they were simply lying. On the other hand, I have seen nothing that even hinted that the Israel gov told any truth about anything since 7 October. Israel has always been liars the 71 years of my life, now they are genocidal. Using my Ph.D. and Univ courses I taught in Ethology, which you seem to know the nuts and bolts about (the science of Animal Behavior where the animal does not know they are being watched by a professional), tells me that we have most likely been fooled to believe anything the Israel gov claimed happened on that day. It is unfortunate that I have no actual scientific proof like I usually have had my whole professional life, but my intuition and behavioral experience given the above, tells me we may have all been fooled to believe anything the Israel genocidal maniacs say about that day.
God give me strength! The Israelis are purported to be murdering their neighbours? I have heard some things in my time but this takes the biscuit. Get away.
This is in many ways wonderful, but what does it mean to be a "pussy?" I'm a woman, does that mean I'm weak? I got tired of that patriarchal shit 20 years ago and have been shoveling it out of my life ever since. And it's cost me, it's cost me. Don't call me a pussy, CJ. I'm a strong woman and a subscriber. Don't denigrate my cunt.
No worries. Thanks for responding. It's a harsh world out here. None of us are not fucked up by it but some of us are still getting out there fucking shit up. That's what matters. All the love.
For what it's worth, I still call people dicks, meaning stupid, also, not to denigrate dicks, but out of habit, and because it has a nice ring to it. As I mentioned in the piece, I am a creature of the 1970s, for better and worse.
but you see what you did? you "lovingly" tried to neuter CJ and his words. i'd never DARE. let him be wrong let him be right, but trust him to figure it out and bring back what he finds. when you "editorialize" in the midst of battle you undercut his powers what we love and most need about him especially now.
what i'm saying is go ahead and hurt and be uncomfortable and TAKE IT. take whatever CJ deigns to give because he's higher than a pandering tap dancing shill.
he must be unedited uncensored and protected... as in given a wide berth so he can go into the madness and his wife can tie a rope and pull him in when he goes too far... and when he comes back babbling and throwing feces, in thar is gold! and so maybe he hurts or gets it wrong but that's the DEAL, you see? it's part of all his magic. he's in the midst of play.
when you do the girl "oh! you're hurting my eyes!" thing, as a man, he'll RUSH to soothe you. it's his generation. and i wince because that's the deal: CJ's gonna hurt and you WANT it to at times.
otherwise he's being a PUSSY. and thus we become pussies, too. and we don't wanna be that.
so i'm being didactic because i'm hip to our devouring mother shtick that's killing the world and this "side" does it all the time, too. unti we get the "genitals" right, we're just talking smack.
truth is it all comes down to the motherfuckin' genitals. ain't that a bitch?
it's crazy. all this high faluten talk is NOTHING. NADA. never was.
who did the riff on we're all dicks and cunts? was it "team america"??? classic. those crazy puppets... love the unedited scat sex scenes in the love making montage. someone please give Miep the link.
the genitals never go out of style, Miep.
i'm out. i'm in writing mode. going through hell i feel a book coming on.
Many thanks, Erika, but please don't worry, I'm not going to stop calling people "pussies," or otherwise clean up my foul-mouth act, anytime soon. I don't mind women taking me to task for that, though, or otherwise pointing out my biases. One of my favorite bookstores in pre-1989 San Francisco had a Men's Literature section, which I thought was brilliant, and funny.
yes. those of us who're tasked with bringing life back. we're the ugliest that's why we're micro famous among only other freaks. you start wearing our seasons' colors years later.
i know who and what i am. the moment i feel alive again in my head between my legs after all i've been through, i will emanate that back out to you. sometimes it's ugly hella ugly like pussy fags cunts and dicks.
but it FEELS good because it's oh so wrong right now.
i like you.
you FIGHT.
keep going.
(smile and love because bitch is all love and i hated it too.. i hated pussy too but i came around like two three years ago because i hate it it WORKS. ya dig? you don't have to be comfortable. words should hurt again. and be ecstatic. they're intertwined and they change, dontcha know. just like liberal conservative switched.)
You deserve one another. Truly. The imbecile calls her organ a "cunt"!?! And that's not insulting? Does this *feminist* knows what that word means? Do you? LOL
If you really don't know, it is a term applied to males, who are cowards (at least if you grew up in the '70's). You might consider that these "sexist" and "degrading" epithets functioned as guardrails to affirm gender roles. Look where we are now with the trans "movement", women may soon no longer exist.
The notion that Hamas surprised Israeli forces on Oct. 7 seems hard to believe.
Doesn't Israel monitor activity in the area Hamas broke out of?
The standard narrative of Oct. 7 seems as implausible as the notion some time ago that a Trump-connected official managed to avoid detection in visiting Assange when he was in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, which also must have been under heavy surveillance.
People believe what they want to believe and ignore everything else.
My understanding is that Gaza is, or was, an outdoor prison under constant surveillance by Israel.
For that reason I am skeptical of the official story that says the Hamas fighters caught the Israelis by surprise.
At the same time my understanding is that the Israeli response was chaotic, which tends to support the "surprise" scenario.
That doesn't change the fact that the Hamas attack came at a very useful time for Netanyahu, who faced serious legal jeopardy over corruption allegations.
In my non-expert view the Hamas attack, surprise or no, is akin to a slave revolt or prison uprising, given the awful conditions Palestinians have faced for decades.
I appreciate your self described “non-expert” status. Lots of people on these threads purport to be in the know about a lot, when in reality no one is. So I entertain multiple explanations and options, including the most far out of all, which crossed my mind in early October: that Hamas agents and its leadership might be following different plans, and it is possible that Israel defense forces and Mossad did a 9-11 and got some young Gazans to believe it was a good idea to bust a fence and go on a rampage, making it all a effectively false flag. Cause like you note, no explanation is entirely satisfactory. Regarding that video I posted ,(someone else posted it here), I just watched the first 5 minutes but I assume the rest makes a case for what I wrote above , but hey, I’m just a schmuck from Canada. WTF do I know?
When I was a reporter I asked the question, "Who benefits?" in trying to understand a situation.
In this case, Israel and Netanyahu benefit enormously.
Hamas also does because Israel is becoming a pariah nation. But if the Israelis cared about world opinion they wouldn't be killing all the Palestinians they can find.
Israel doesn’t have to care about world opinion when they essentially own most of our elected leaders especially Republicans. See how Thomas Massie the lone R who voted against all of Speaker Johnson’s pro-Israel struggle session bills, based on his (Massie) well explained consistent libertarian principles.
AIPAC dropped over $400K to defeat him in the GOP primary here. Massie prevailed (thank god but still). Most US politicians are glorified whores and don’t stand on principles unless it aligns with big donors/fund raising. In the USA, there is not a bigger or more vindictive special interest group than AIPAC et al.
*I hesitate to use the derogatory term ‘whores’ because prostitution may be tragic and wrong for different reasons but it’s honest and innocuous work compared to what..goes down in DC.
Yes, and If Israel is seem to be a creation and subsidiary (perhaps gone rogue because it thinks it can AFFORD to) of the Anglo American empire, they are adjunct beneficiaries to the actual power brokers, who going back to another comment I made, possessed by a demonic force. But like all those so possessed, it can’t end well for the host.
But I worry that the Russians and Chinese are still naive about the mortal threat they face from the US-dominated west, which has every intention, I fear, of conquering them.
If you're even aware of false flag behavior (and don't deny that it could ever, ever happen) then you're not only not a schmuck, you know the fuck plenty - compared to real schmucks anyway.
you can't be neutral on a moving train...when a genocide is taking place... 4% of the world's population are psychopathic so many chose places of power to increase their power. The biggest terrorist groups today are those of the psychopathic nature, they wear suits, smell like cheap cologne, but they are not human they live mostly (my new phrase) in the United States of Israel. I believe the ancients called it Samsara, reincarnation, cycles of life, karma, the universal law of cause and effect...in other words Life!
I agree. The consequences have been horrible but people aren’t willing to live like cringing slaves, hated by their “masters” who control every aspect of their lives, and never rebel. I can’t imagine what the outcome will be since there’s so much hatred on both sides.
The US might want to keep Israel going for all the reasons CJ said but may not have the ability to do it. We’re up to our eyeballs in debt and not exactly loved in the Middle East. Russia and China aren’t blessed with Biden and his neocons so they can bide their time and see what happens.
Too many humans in the West are trying to split the baby, trying to argue both sides, trying to avoid the consequences that come with doing things that Power doesn't like.
I don't ask them to love me. I do note that the Christians of Iraq survived and often thrived over centuries of living with Islam. They survived the Mongols, Tamerlane, Murad, Baibars and more.
They did not survive the American invasion and are pretty much gone, now.
Same can be said of christians in West Bank and Gaza. They lived peacefully and respectfully of each other for millenia. Israelis now bombing the few christians in Gaza, destroyed for example the oldest church.
Nevertheless, I would still be interested in some investigative journalism exploring the persistent reports that the Israeli leadership chose to support the nascent Hamas years ago. Those who choose to target civilians in deliberate atrocities to provoke excessive reponses can be useful to those who would like to make excessive responses.
Or have we entirely forgotten how useful 'Al Qaeda' was made to be? They similarly got a start through support from those who later claimed to be their enemy. Conducting your own false flag terrorists attacks like the attack on USS Liberty is fraught with much more peril than fostering terrorist organizations to do it for you.
None of this makes terrorism any less abhorrent, but I don't think we should ignore how useful terrorism is to those who wish to conduct counterterrorism in order to advance a variety of agendas that are nearly as bad as the terrorism itself. The pandemic era security state system itself is just a flavor variety of the post-9/11 counterterror state.
On the Trish Wood Is Critical podcast, I got a great tip about Darryl Cooper’s podcast on the whole story of the Israel/Palestinian saga, in deep detail. It’s called Martyr Made and there are currently 7 episodes in his “Fear and Loathing in the New Jerusalem”- It’s a big time commitment as each episode is several hours long. But it’s worth it. And I felt it was pretty unbiased reporting. Darryl Cooper is one smart man. Start listening, if you feel you don’t know enough about the whole decades long lead up to what’s happening now. Personally, I feel the situation is likely hopeless. But it’s good to know the details, so that we won’t react consistently with such ignorance constantly on display.
Waaaay too much money to be extorted by many vested interests - if only those annoying Palestinians were removed, one way or the other. It isn't Hamas that needs the world's sympathy - it's Israel, after decades of horrific abuse inflicted on Gaza and West Bank.
Who had the most to gain from this?
This may offer a clue : A new Dubai, right on the coast of Gaza.
CJ: please help me understand. I’m never sure when you’re being sarcastic. are you denying IDF invoked Hannibal and murdered some number of Israelis on Oct 7 or are you just saying that even if they did, so did Hamas?
Of course the IDF killed some Israelis on October 7. They have admitted as much. So what? How many fucking times do people need to ask this question portentously, as if it means anything?
I think the above proves Israel caused every Israel death. Especially speed up to the end of this film to see the black marks on the road and roadside that Israel blew-up all of the cars shown throughout the film, then staged their fake cover-up that is shown at the end of the film, as hastily parked cars Israel planted to coverup their 911 with the black marks still there from the earlier parst of the film! The proverbial smoking gun!
I've been following this B.S. since the '60s, when our catholic school offered daily prayers for Israel during the 6 day war. I cannot think of a single time the Arabs didn't "start it." I can also not think of a single time they took any of a million opportunities to take advantage of their unique position in the world to become a peaceful, prosperous nation. These retards think they're going to eliminate Israel, not realizing the horrendous consequences to them of threatening the Jewish state with annihilation. They're basically too fucking stupid to realize what they're doing.
Gaza today should be one of the world's top tourist destinations. Its people should have the highest standard of living in the region outside of Israel, maybe even including Israel. Instead they follow an insane path of death and desperation.
Yeah, the kids and old folks and women and all, absolutely terrible, but entirely self-inflicted.
All you need to know about the Palestinian cause is who's advocating for it here: ignorant, illiterate, innumerate babies, with no notion of history, in costume -- the tablecloth scarf. The stupidest generation, that biggest sewer of pre-packaged, received drivel in history.
Way to wheeze out the geriatric platter of counter-factual poo poo, Pee Paw. With asinine bigotry on the side, hooray.
Israel isn't fighting Hamas. Hamas is in the tunnels. The IDF can't go in the tunnels; they might get hurt. Besides, Israel is using the time well, making Gaza uninhabitable while starving and murdering the safely unarmed civilians imprisoned there. Getting this wrong will prove to have been the largest and most glaring moral failure of your life, brother, and I have a feeling that's saying a lot.
How can it be a top tourist destination with a blockade on the Mediterranean, checkpoints controlled by Israel, and the control of all commodities (electricity, gasoline, food) rationed out by Israel? I’ve heard people state this fantasy before. It doesn’t match the facts.
One young Hebrew fence sitter bragged that on one day of The Great March Of Return he shot out the knees of over 40 young people: maiming them for life.
Whenever I stop hating these vulgar, vicious fiends I start up again.
Note the boat in the pictures. Witnesses on the beach said the shots were fired from the boat which was an Israeli blockade ship but Israel, after an investigation that drug on for two years, said it was a drone strike. I don’t know which is true.
It's very easy. Behave like a fucking human being for a while. Stop bombing Israel daily. Show you can be trusted with the accommodations and treatment we afford other countries. Stop talking like a fucking lunatic in terms of the post-WWII reality that gave birth to Israel. Stop associating with the most unsavory characters on earth. Sit down and talk with, not at, your adversaries. Stop financing the campus shit. Do that for a few months and watch what happens.
The blockade, the checkpoints, etc. are reactions to things and events. This dispute did not begin on October 8th. It began on October 7th, and years, and decades, before.
And we could add : stop “mowing the grass” (a charming euphemism for bombing Gaza and killing hundreds), stop killing defenseless civilians and never prosecuting the murderers, stop illegal settlements in the West Bank and driving out the legitimate owners and remove the illegal blockade.
How could Gaza have become a major tourist destination. They don't even have an airport. They are under militay occuaption. Israel has the brute force to break international law and the complicity of US state terrorists. Palestinians have international law on their side. Israel has revealed its true genocidal nature. Most people are horrified by israeli barbarism and cruelty.
The question is what would you have done after decades and decades of brutality against you? Nat Turner decided to fight back. So did Hamas. Blaming them for the response is beyond myopic.
N.B. To all the furious people, both pro-Israeli and pro-Hamas, sending me irate emails, please stop with the emails and just put your outraged comments in these replies. I delete your emails more or less unread. I do, however, look at these replies.
Personally I think you mostly nailed it.
I'm Israeli and in my own personal experience CJ unfortunately got this particular post very wrong (i largely agree with almost all his other posts). Or more precisely, the fundamental assumption at the basis of his post (that october 7 was a hamas initiated operation and that it caught the israeli ruling class by surprise) is a faulty assumption becasue the october7 operation was very very clearly and obviously an inside job, fully coordinated with those in positions of power in israel (in the military and politics). Many people in israel know this. The numerous unbelievable anomalies on this day are just through the roof, and the official story of what happened (pushed by the billionaire-owned propaganda media that lies to us constantly) makes no sense whatsoever. Anyone with the slightest experience in the israeli military knows that their story makes no sense at all. See below.
Another faulty assumption in his post is that the israeli ruling class view hamas as the enemy, while IN FACT it is their brainchild, which they initiated and have been funding for decades now, and do everything possible to keep it in power). Many people in Israel know this as well. There is full coordination and cooperation between the israeli billionaire ruling class and the ultra-wealthy hamas leaders (who live in luxury outside of Gaza). They need each other and are coordinated (each one of these ruling classes uses the other as a "monstrous boogeyman enemy" with which to scare, control and keep in line 'its own' people).
See my reply to CJ below (five comments down from here) for all the details on what I mentioned here
Honestly, I'm in awe of you "Israelis." Not only did you guys orchestrate the October 7 attacks, and the September 11 attacks, and all the "terrorism" in the 1970s, and the JFK assassination, and presumably the RFK assassination, and so on, but you did it all while controlling the US government, and the banks, and the media, and the entertainment industry, which is really quite an amazing feat. Mazel tov!
I hear you CJ and i do understand that it perhaps sounds inconceivable to an ordinary person (who isn't a psychopath) that the israeli ruling class would do such things, but please do look at the evidence and resources I provided in my direct comment to you below (not this one, but five comments down), especially see the links (at the end of the comment) to the mossad whistleblowers who tell you as clearly and directly as possible what they've been doing. I think my comment might make more sense once you see the evidence (mossad is the execution arm of the israeli billionaire ruling class)
And if I may add, i think that even more important than just the actions themselves, is to understand the "logic" of what guides the actions of the israeli ruling class. This is detailed in this truly excellent research essay that i implore any non-israeli to read attentively, in order to understand what is ACTUALLY happening in this country and what fuels this conflict (and yes, it is intimately tied to your assertion of israel serving as a base for the empire in the middle east) https://www.pdrboston.org/israel-s-government-attacks-jews-to
PS. And it is not "us israelis" who are doing all of this, as you insinuated. 99% of ordinary israelis have no involvement in any of this (just like 99% of americans have no involvement in the crimes committed by their intelligence agencies and ruling class), it is a relatively small group of ultra-wealthy ruling class israelis and their execution arm (mossad). And this same ruling class actually views us ordinary israelis with complete contempt and doesn't give a sh*t about our well-being. If you'll read the paper in the link above you'll see that clearly
PPS. The quotation marks around "israeli" seems to indicate that you perhaps doubt that i'm israeli. But unfortunately, i am. If there is some way that you'd like me to prove it to you, then let me know (I studied at university abroad, that's why my English is quite good). I'm not sure if there is a private message function here on substack, but if you'll provide me with some way to contact you then i can send you a photo of my israeli ID next to my face, if you'd like.
PPPS. I never said that israelis control the US government etc, that was your addition (possibly in order to try to make my comment sound exaggerated and unreasonable). I wouldn't be qualified to make statements on that subject because I don't really know. I only wrote about what i am intimately familiar with..
Hi CJ,
Here's an hour long film that provides quite a bit of what I call "science-based footage" that indicates Oct 7 was another 911, this time run by Israel instead of the head of the Pentagon that drove "bin Laden's" jets by remote control, using the same playbook as Israel. I think I remember you perhaps hinting Oct7=911 months ago. This film shows me you were very right!
Agree, nailed.
CJ , I'm Israeli and I'm telling you with 100% certainty that October7 was an inside job. Fully planned and coordinated with those in positions of power in Israel (in the military and politics), with the israeli billionaire ruling class who run israel, and who don't give a sh*t about ordinary israelis and view us with complete contempt, despite their fake "patriotic" rhetoric, and who have very very close ties to the US-UK-Euro ruling class, or "the empire" as you call it (the idiot baboons in the israeli government are nothing more than their sales representitives, reading out the scripts handed to them, and Mossad - which has conducted and conducts NUMEROUS false flag "terrorist" operations across the globe - is their implementation arm)
Many people in Israel know this. The numerous profoundly striking anomalies were glaringly obvious to many people in Israel even on the day itself, and much more so in the days after when we started looking more into the official story of what the billionaires and their propaganda media tell us of what happened, and seeing clearly that it makes no sense whatsoever. In English, you can see some of the most obvious anomalies here (though there are many others). The video is far from perfect and i personally dislike the style of the narrator, and don't fully agree with some of his interpretations of the facts, but try to ignore that and focus only on the factual evidence https://rumble.com/v4l4oqw-october-7-was-an-inside-job-documentary-2024.html
It was very very clearly an inside job, clearly coordinated with those in positions of power in Israel (in the military and politics)
Many people in Israel also know that hamas is the brainchild of the israeli ruling class, they initiated it, funded it and worked diligently to keep it in power. Some resoures that are available in English where you can learn about that are here https://swprs.org/why-israel-created-hamas/
As for why would the israeli ruling class do these things, you can find the reasoning in English here https://www.pdrboston.org/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies and here https://www.pdrboston.org/israeli-leaders-hamas-need-each-oth
And especially don't miss this profoundly insightful essay on the exact machinations of the Israeli ruling class, which I can confirm is 100% accurate, from my own personal experience in Israel https://www.pdrboston.org/israel-s-government-attacks-jews-to there are also very good links leading out from this essay to learn more. I recommend this research essay to all non-Israelis who want to understand what is ACTUALLY happening in this country and what fuels this conflict. I very highly recommend reading it attentively, it is spot on..
So this comment is just becasue I wanted to strongly suggest to you CJ that your basic assumptions in this post (that this was a hamas intiated operation that caught the israeli ruling class by surprise, and that they view hamas as the enemy, while in fact it is their brainchild which they've been funding for decades) is very very obviously and clearly a faulty assumption.
PS. By the way, to learn more about how the mossad (which is the implementation arm of the israeli billionaire ruling class) conducts numerous false flag operations across the globe, under the guise of "islamic terrorism" (including 9/11, by the way) you can hear it directly from the horse's mouth, directly from two mossad whistleblowers here https://swprs.org/ari-ben-menashe-on-israeli-black-operations/ and here https://swprs.org/mossad-whistleblower-victor-ostrovsky-1994/
When I have some more free time I might come back later and add some more evidence and resources to illustrate what I mentioned above
Agreed, and thank you for posting the sources.
agreed! total inside "chob"--evil "schtoonks" runnin' the show -- I don't wanna see Israel razed, I'm dee-skusted with the haters--BUT those in charge are not the everyday ordinary "chews" who are not rich or globalists or anything but humans (includin' some I'm related to) who ended up there as there wuz nowhere else to go--an' stayed because there was nowhere else to go--an' had no clue about their shadowy gubbamint any more than most of us Americans/AmeriCONS knew whut went on "in our name"-- that said--the Hankey "inside job" film provides excellent evidence with some major flaws (clearly the filmmaker's bias affects his "cant")... on an'nuther site I shared my "follerin' quibbles" with the video, repeated here for "posterior-itty" but the main message is spot on--
my quibbles
Quibbles w/ the above share:
1. use of "genocide" as a term--tho' I have nuttin' but ire + disgust fer the bloody massacre BBGun has inflicted on his own people AND all those livin' in Gaza, I yet don't believe "genocide" is accurate-- His callous disregard fer human life while "takin' " territory is to be denounced an' stopped. What he did ta both his "own" people, AND in Gaza-- Yet it ain't genocide imho; if every single person left Gaza (Rafah too), there would be no pursuit of these people wherever they lived, even if they just moved ta, say, nearby Egypt. (Holocaust wuz genocide as Hitler wanted ta root we "chews" out EVERYWHERE... sadly that movement still lives, thrives, an' fer those that say it wuz a hoax an' "no chews died while filming this movie"--that's 'nuther story fer 'nuther time) --my only point is that murder (bloody) still ain't genocide which is far more specific... like I said, a quibble but a significant one
2. Pallywood--some of the images (not all) are bunk-- many apocryphal tales circulated (clearly on BOTH sides)--old pix from Syrian wars reused...etc. To always "believe" all images, casualty quotes, viddeyos, "stories" from Hamas is just as dishonest as it would be to believe Israel. BOTH SIDES LIE but this filmmaker clearly thinks just one side lies. So be it. It's a mite dishonest. SURE Israel has it's own PR dept. an' releases its own staged photos/ photo "ops" (ironic that term...) but I think the filmmaker here needs ta be little less trustin' of media... (ME-DIA!) to wit...
3. He claims "all" the hostages were treated "beautifully" an' "like Queens"--my air sickness bag is ready... New footage released (I don't think it was dok-tured at all--they didn't need to)--does not appear to be what I'd call "royal" treatment. Really, like Queens fergawdsakes? Whether or not "team Hamas" was encouraged to be brutal or whether their own "scenty-mints" cooked-up from long time indoctrination goosed their brutality sans prompting--to say notta hair was harmed on the heads of the hostages nor was this intended--is full bullshart. Also, that they were only gentle an' lovely is not consistent with their own dang go-pro murder-happy viddeyos. So I call the filmmaker out on this point as it's 100% wrong.
ADDING (gratuitously) many who fully deny the Holocaust (not speaking about exact numbers here--but the entire shoah in general) cherry-pick out a few interviews from the lucky few chews who got selected for being in the "showroom" division of the camps--i.e. those that got fed, gave concerts, plays & performances, etc. This was NOT the majority... it was a tiny minority! (This from the "Shoah" film outtakes...perhaps unwisely left out...). Similarly with Mister Hankey (ah, South Park...) the filmmaker-- these few ladies ya see released are trusted with THE "official story." C'mon--we know that fer "show" stuff exists (ta manipulate the media) an' there'z always folks that get treated differently from the rest, like the sample apartment with no vermin or drips or leaks.
So this filmmaker either is too pro-hamas ta "see" that even if these former hostage were tellin' the truth as the "special cases"--that duz not mean the others were treated like "Queens." The old one looked emaciated. Other women gave testimony an' say they were raped, starved, hit, an' worse--I believe them too! (I know I know--always believe the women UNLESS they are jewish...oy) One had ta have new arm surgery as she had a break not set, left to mis-set. That's queenly treatment?
Also, we know that if you've just been lucky 'nuff ta have yer own life spared from rotten terrorists (even if Israel funded 'em I would still say Hamas are not nice guys ta have tea with...), it's likely you got told ta "hush up" about any abuses 'er they'd find ya where ya lived an' slit yer throats. (I know, graphic, but these are "head hunters"--Charlie Hebdo guys, etc ) I'm frankly not near-sure even these ladies were well-treated tho'-- that ol' lady in the film looks near-starved--I'm near sure they said whatever (like Patty Hearst!) they had to say ta save their own skins... an' mebbe that of their children... Perhaps later they recanted? We'll never know, the MSM moves on...fast! but forced statements are a ploy of BOTH SIDES
4. tho he clarifies that the ordinary "chews" are not to be held full-out guilty fer these crimes against humanity (thankfully!)--he blames "The Rothschilds" ONLY an' claims that this one fambly runs the USA, Israel, the UK an' so much more... Oy. Do don't blame "the chews" instead blame THEE JEW.
Mister Hankey doesn't seem ta know Rothchilds are not in charge--they're the bagmen an' bankers of the Vatty-kin, Black Nobility / 13 Famblies, an' the Committee of 300 (most of which ain't MOTs)... Not that they ain't powerful--they sure as heck are--but they a way down on the totem pole of status--and their visiblity is by design (as is that of Mister Soros/Tsuris who is also the front man, evil tho' he iz). So I don't think that a "blame the Rothschilds for EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME ONLY" take is helpful as it targets one fambly alone as an easy scapegoat... If every one of those rotten-red-shields was ta kick the bucket today--ALL the evil 'round us would still go on, bizness as usual.
5. Mister Hankey tags the kibbutzim as "hated commies"-- (yes, he's a lefty with a chip on his shoulder) BUT c'mon now--Israel has been a capitalist country since the 1970s if not earlier--life on a kibbutz is only communal in a type of living style that doesn't bother anyone--some vestige of the former socialist "ideas" that did come from the USSR perhaps, but nobody would pull out a little red book there...
Methinks it wuz ruther a matter of folks in one spot (aka a good target). Easy ta corner! Ditto fer the festival people--from all I gather it was not (as portrayed) some pagan-satanic-sex-n-drugs love fest ta be stamped out by the now-holier-than-thou BB... (some "truthers" like Mike Adams have said they were all profligate satanists and deserved all they got--oy) but I think ANY large gatherin'--concert, stadium--like so many OPS 'round the world--is how ya make a target--be it in Las Vegas or Russia or....Israel. Tho' sure, BB likely wouldn't have had Orthodox as his target--methinks the orchestrated event-of-choice, which had been a longtime tradition, was a matter of practicality--not singlin' out "commies."
My guess too--this fest wuz a mix of secular an' reformed young folks--many free-spirited, good hearted youths gathered for joy (simcha!--as per the holiday) an' not some nest of iniquity... imho the operative words were a) many an' b) convenience... The rest is Mister Hankey's biased mistaken take on why "them"
6. Also, he claims that only 28 people were possibly killed "by accident" by Hamas--all the others killed by Israel's "friendly fire" an' (term not used by implied) Hannibal directive... CJ addresses this here too--NO it wasn't "only" the IDF killin' their own...
He genuinely claims no Hamas members killed innocent jews nor was that their intent --that only the Israelis did this to themselves, sacrificing their own. Well yes, they sacrifice their own (horribly--the jabs, the green passes) but to say that these Hamas boys were just wandering around treating those they encountered like Queens is absurd.
He denies all that go-pro footage of Hamasians cheerin' on each murderd girl/infidel? C'mon. I cain't say if 1200 or 1500 or 942 whattaver is the number but I DO think that they (team Israel-Hamas together) let those boys "go fer broke"-- I think it was more 'n 50 young men from Hamas total as I've seen photos with that number alone--but given what 3-4 MKUltra'd programmed serial killers can do here in the US in a concert hall--heck 50 armed Hamassians kin do a lotta real life damage. I've heard very credible stories (eg. Norman Fenton's nice) that what the whistleblowers sawr of the dead / mutilated was REAL-- deny them if ya like, as Hankey does.
But how kin Hankey reconcile all the many "quiet" nooz stories of just how women are treated by not just Hamas but many of these Muslim men of the "noble faith" (per Gad Saad's terminology...)? (And yes I know many Muslims do NOT behave this way... but I DO know enuf of Islam ta say that Hankey is full'a baloney) That he's sayin' that Hamas wouldn't hurt a hair on these women's heads is ABSURD (we see Swedish women, English women, French women as livin' or dead testimony to the contrary--raped, brutalized, "white slaved"--not makin' this up)
BUT ALL THAT SAID--some of the evidence is incontrovertible to see Deepstate Israel's fingerprints on 10/7-- The viddeo, still highly wreck-o-mended in spite of all this "baggage" BEYOND an' Inside Job (i.e. my above quibbles)
With that said, I'm'a sendin' blessin's to all these Israelis who spoke out-- an' to other whistleblowers fer tellin' the truth--I hope BBGun doesn't touch a hair on their heads (like I trust the gubbamint there not ta destroy whistleblowers? like I trust OURS?)
Last pernt--Mr Hankey again doesn't see this--BB is just a puppet--a larger target is his masters.
PS Israel FUNDED Hamas but did not create it folks... When HAMAS was just rotten but not YET a terrorist ORG, Israel (dumb dumb dumb) figgered they'd put a wrench in the gears of the "more" menacin' (to them at the time) PLO which was at odds with Hamas, then a "fledgling" group with a (fakeroo) M.O. of having elections and representing the (1948-"created") "Palestinian People" (this to separate the jews, muslims, & christians from roman-dubbed "palestine" which was not a nation let alone an arab one)... Anywhoo--NO Israel di not create Hamas--they FUNDED it with planeloads of CASH thinkin' it was a good idea. It bit them in the...ASP!
So Ron Paul has always had it right--they "funded" Hamas--did not create the group. Hamas thanks to Israel's shovin' planeloads of money at them BECAME a terrorist org.--thanks to Israel's dumb plan that caused lots of bloodshed. Meanwhile the PLO became slightly less (slightly) of a terrorist org. while Hamas grew. That was not the "plan" but globalist dunkopfs screw up with their mighty hubris and suitcases of US$. FWIW
Thank you for this. I hear you and understand the perspective from which you are looking at this, however, if i may say so, in my understanding and experience in israel, the initiation, funding and strong support of the israeli billionaire ruling class to keep hamas in power did NOT at all "bite them in the ass", but exactly to the contrary, it works for them EXACTLY as planned, it is by far the most successful investment for the israeli ruling class that gives them amazing returns on their money. It is very very successful in providing them with exactly the goals they wished for when making those investments to initiate, fund and keep hamas in power.
In a moment I will say more about this (what they hoped to achieve when creating, funding and supporting hamas, and how perfectly it works for them exactly as planned), but before that, just a small side comment- to believe that it "bit them in the ass" is to fall for the deceptive narrative of these mass-murderering manipulators as if they and ordinary israelis are one and the same and as if they care in the slightest if ordinary israelis are killed, which they ABSOLUTELY DON'T, as the entire history of zionist billionaires attack on jews shows, which I will elaborate on below. And in fact, not only do they not care in the slightest if ordinary israelis are killed, but much worse than that, they (and their intelligence agency) very often actively & delibaretely work to hurt (including kill) ordinary israelis and jews, and to deliberately make ordinary israelis feel as unsafe, unsecure and afraid as possible, in order to ensure their rule and advance their narrow class goals of hierarchical domination. More about this below. To say that the killing of israelis was a mistake ("bit them in the ass") and that it goes against their aims, is to be very ignorant of how the israeli billionaire ruling class actually functions (see for example the links i gave in my comment above from the mossad whistleblowers, about their NUMEROUS false flag operations (under the guise of ""islamic terrorism") where they literally hurt and kill israelis and jews as well as americans and europeans, in order to advance the narrow class interests of israeli billionaires (how it advances their class interests i will detail below). This is just one way of how zionist billionaires attack jews and deliberately put israelis and jews in harms' way. More ways are below.
(And by the way, their complete contempt for the lives of ordinary israelis is a thousand times more so in this specific case, when they especially arranged for their paid merceneries to kill specifically leftists, whom they hate with a vengence and who stand for the exact opposite of everything that these God-ignorant fascists stand for (in the kibbutzim and festival, which they specifically arranged to be at this very odd location at this particular time. I won't go right now into all the evidence for that because isn't the main point right now. And in the kibbutzim - full of their hated leftists - that they intentionally & strategically placed decades earlier as human shields to cynically encircle in a tight wrap (that's literally what these group of kibutzim are called in israel - "the Gaza wrap") to encircle the prison refugee camps in Gaza where they entrapped the local people of the land, who fled their mass-slaughter, dispossesion, rape and land-theft campaign in 1948 that led to the establishment of israel. No space to go into this vast subject here, but hear some more about this from this israeli historian https://youtu.be/MuzWDWBn55g?si=InjF6DYVkEIUFTce and many other excellent videos with him and other israeli historians like avi shlaim, baruch kimmerling and many others who uncovered & documented exactly the horrific crimes that were committed in 1948 and afterwards and the lies that the fascist israeli ruling class have been telling the world about this.
There is tons and tons that i can elaborate on with regard to this cynical use by the israeli billionaire ruling class of ordinary israelis as human shields in these kind of specifically created settlements (called 'khoma u-migdal" in hebrew) that were built especially to entrap and encircle the fleeing local people to make sure they'll never be able to leave those supposedly temporary refugee camps and return to their land which was taken by the newly established israeli billionaire's state (literally using the bodies of ordinary israelis as a shield to make sure that palestinians will not be able to return to their family's home. Done both in order to ensure that the theft of the land is permanent AND in order to make sure that there is constant animosity between ordinary palestinians and ordinary israelis and that we view our interests as being at odds with each other (view each other as an enemy who threatens our safety & security). This skillful pitting of ordinary israelis and palestinians against each other - which is done in numerous varied ways - is exactly the fertile ground of sectarian/tribalist/nationalist/religious division & hatred upon which the ruling class thrive) .
Now, to go back to the main point and the beginning of this comment, about what the israeli billionaire ruling class hoped to achieve by creating, funding and supporting hamas (and unfortunately they were and are very successful in achieving that, that is precisely why we are in the sectarian hate-filled mess we're in, which for them is not a mess at all, but the nourishment on which they thrive). There is very little space left here so i will share a couple of very very important essays thst explain this in great detail and skill. I highly recommend reading them attentively.
First, on why in general every ruling class must create boogeyman enemies, please see this profound and fully-referenced essay, which is IMHO a must-read for every human on the planet https://www.pdrboston.org/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies
And now more specifically on how this principle is applied in the case of the zionist ruling class and hamas, please make sure you read carefully and in full this profoundly insightful research essay on the exact machinations of the Israeli ruling class, which I can confirm is 100% accurate, from my own personal experience in Israel https://www.pdrboston.org/israel-s-government-attacks-jews-to (there are also very informative links leading out from this essay that I highly recommend to pursue in order to learn more). I recommend this research essay to all non-Israelis who want to understand what is ACTUALLY happening in this country and what fuels this conflict.
And lastly, I would also very highly recommend this essay https://www.pdrboston.org/israeli-leaders-hamas-need-each-oth to understand in detail how the boogeyman principle (in the first link) is applied very skillfully by the israeli and hamas leadership, for their mutual benefit (and for the devastation of the rest of us).
Okay, plenty more that can be said, but space here is finished so this will have to suffice for now. Thank you for the attention :-)
Thank you SO much for the clarity and detail. Fantastic info and links!!
thanks fer all the links! all food food for thought. OH I KNOW that the shadow "gubbamint" of Israel sacrifices it's own--all ordinary jews, most not havin' a clue or if they do, they may not recognize the DEPTH of the deception. Thanks for those links--I'll check'em out.
What I wuz sayin' 'bout gettin' bitten in the rear was to argue that in their attempt to fully control the narrative, they may have underestimated the power of Iran-backed-Hamas (Israel--fwiw--is no longer backin' them). This is not to say there was not a handshake deal 'tween Hamas & Israel to make 10/7 work as a horrific win-win for both sides. On the contrary! But (an' I'm willin' ta be proved wrong), my take was that they funded Hamas thinkin' that Hamas, in subvertin' the PLO, would become somethin' Israel could control at will ruther than a wild rodeo where Israel can only sometimes control the story--b/c Hamas still wants Israel gone so ya gotta be careful when yer sleepin' with the enemy (thinkin' they're well paid enuf not ta take you out) Like I said, I do not think 10/7 was off script but I believe that if Hamas was more in line to following Israel's every wish then Gaza would not have been destroyed once Israel left it in 2005 b/c I think Israel ideally would like to return to 1948 borders which included both W. Bank & Gaza. I think Hamas become too much of a liability (lie-ability!) fer 'em but sure, I'll read more...
Sadly, I don't think Israel has been the jewish state it's supposed ta be--and America (now AmeriKa) ain't the democratic republic it's supposed ta be either. BOTH countries have convinced decent citizens that their nation has their best interests at heart, both lied, both are intentionally self-destructing. It's a mutual demo-derby. Billionnaires on both sides, impoverished Israelis as well as the totally devastated people livin' in Gaza--all expendable (I'm sad ta say)
So ta be clear, I never said the killin' of Israeli's was unintended--if ya re-read what I wrote--it wuz fully intended an' rotten as heck. I do think Israel isn't fully in the driver's seat of Hamas--YES they do deals an' did one on 10/7 but I think they are vyin' fer the same wheel ta use ta plow over whoever an' whatever ta rebuild their 15 min. city /Greater Israel --and ALL the people are just (hate ta say it) cannon fodder. So yup, I think it was a rotten plan but I don't think they totally control their proclaimed enemy even if they do bizness all the time. Globalist endeavor, ALL humans expendables...
thx again for the links!
I understand. Two things to say in response. The second one doesn't fit into the space here, so please be sure to see part2 below
This first part is just to correct a couple of things -
Your two senstences "thinkin' they're well paid enuf not ta take you out" and "becasue Gaza would not have been destroyed if.." seem to indicate that perhaps you didn't really grasp what I tried to explain in my previous reply. The israeli billionaire ruling class WANTS hamas to attack and terrorize ordinary israelis AND the hamas leadership WANTS zionists to attack and terrorize ordinary palestinians. That's EXACTLY what hamas is being paid for (it's NOT that if they're paid then maybe they'll keep quiet and won't attack. NO NO NO. Exactly to the contrary!! They're paid in order to attack and be the scary monstrous boogeyman to terrorize ordinary israelis into obediance and submission to the zionist ruling class.
Hamas plays the role of the scary monstrous palestinian terrorist perfectly; it is EXACTLY what the zionist billionaire ruling class needs in order to scare ordinary Israelis into obediance, to not bring up the very severe grievances against the billionaire ruling class which screws us all (detailed in the links above), but to "patriotically unite" around our great leader and rally around the flag in a tribalistic/nationalist frenzy to "fight the evil monster enemy of the nation". And thus it is exactly what the right-wing billionaire ruling class needs in order stay in power and continue to transfer society's wealth upwards from the people to the ultra-rich.
That's the reason that the Zionist billionaire ruling class wanted to weaken the secular PLO and strengthen religious fundamentalist Hamas, because the right-wing billionaire ruling class intensely FEAR the possibility of Israeli have-nots (ordinary Israeli citizens) viewing Palestinians as human beings, as non-threatening human beings who want to live in safety & security just like us and to not be oppressed by the thieving heartless billionaire ruling class, just like us.
The ultra-wealthy hierarchical and anti-egalitarian ruling class intensely fear reconcilliation, equality and cooperation of ordinary palestinians and israelis, fear the possibility that the entire land between the Jordan river and the meditarranean sea be a secular democracy, a state of ALL its people (not a supremacist state where the invading immigrants/colonizers who were given at birth the label 'Jew' dominate and abuse the local people of the land) but a secular democratic state in which Jews Muslims Christians other religions and the non-relgious would have EQUAL RIGHTS UNDER THE LAW and live without war in mutual respect, dignity, safety, mutual aid, equality, prosperity and freedom
THIS is exactly the reason why the israeli billionaire ruling class began funding Hamas—to ensure that ordinary Israelis would (wrongly) perceive ordinary Palestinians as wanting to kill all Jews and therefore as their enemy, To ensure that ordinary Israelis & Palestinians would fear each other and so will never unite to create a thriving human-centered egalitarian and democratic joint entity where we're equal under the law and where we can live together in mutual respect, dignity, security, freedom, peace, equality and prosperity (by throwing off our warmongering manipulative hierarchical cruel right-wing billionaire ruling class that intentionally divides us and pits us tribalistically against each other, and screws us all by moving society's wealth into the hands of the anti-egalitarian fear-driven love-less ultra-wealthy few..
The billionaire ruling class (in israel, in the muslim world and all across the globe) thrives on a mentality of tribalistic fear of the other, of nationalist/religious division, hatred, conflict, violence and trauma. The more they can generate such a traumatic, violent and nationalist/religious hate-filled reality, the more they can keep ordinary people divided and fearful of each other, and clinging onto them (the ultra-wealthy ruling class in each society) to be our so-called "protectors of the nation" from "those evil people" over there, that scary boogeyman over there who supposedly "just wants to kill us all"
And that is also why the supremacist zionist ruling class do everything in their power to inflict as much cruelty and inhumanity and traumatize the local people of Palestine as much as possible, because they know that the more they can cruelly traumatize the Palestinians, the higher the likelihood that the local people will feel deep anger and resentment and hatred towards the abusive terrorist zionist state and its citizens, and will lash out in retaliation to the constant abuse dispossesion violence theft dehumanization and cruelty directed at them, retaliation which is then cynically used by the zionist ruling class to further depict palestinians as "antisemite monsters" who hate jews for no reason (and the zionist ruling class can get away with such cynical manipulation because the billionaire-owned media never shows the context of what palestinians are actually reacting to, but only show the reaction itself without any context, which makes it seem violent and hateful for no reason)
The nonstop cruelty, inhumanity, dispossesion, murder and abuse that the right-wing zionist supremacists inflict on local palestinians, and the palestinian inevitable reaction, in turn make reconcilliation impossible, which is precisely what the billionaire ruling class wants (reconcilliation and peace between ordinary people is the arch-enemy and the greatest fear of the right-wing israeli billionaire ruling class).
And also, the palestinian anger & resentment at the constant abuse discrimination inhumanity dispossesion & violence directed at them, make palestinians appear very threatening and scary to ordinary Israelis (which, again, ensures that no cooperation would be possible, but rather that hateful trauma-driven nationalism will always reign, ensures that ordinary people will keep being bamboozeled into believing that our enemies are the ordinary people of 'the other side' and thus keep voting for the representitives of the right-wing billionaire ruling class to be our rulers (because these nationalist deceivers pretend to be "the patriotic protectors of the nation" against those 'scary evil monsters over there'; even though IN REALITY the ultra-wealthy ruling class and their vile sectarian tribalistic right-wing representitives do THE EXACT OPPOSITE of providing security, but they are in fact the ones ensuring that the nation is in a constant state of animosity, hateful conflict & war (against the boogeyman "scary monster enemy") AND ensure that people' wealth keeps flowing upwards to the ultra-rich, while the rest struggle just to keep the head above the water.
Space finished. Please be sure to see the second part of the reply in tne comment below, in a few minutes
Thank you. Seems like that's the link I already posted in my comment.
I agree that you nailed it--at least insofar as it was presented to us on the surface. But there was a deeper instigation of the situation from outside Hamas and outside the Middle East.
There were U.N. operatives embedded in the Hamas attack force. They were there to ensure that this attack came off as brutally as possible. They were there to promote and ensure the Globalist Deep State/Military-Industrial Complex's need for another money-making war overseas that they and their cronies in government could use for laundering money since it's been clear for months that Ukraine is on its last legs politically, militarily, and in every other possible way.
They know that their cash cow is headed for the butcher, so... they needed another one. The Palestinians all too willingly became their sacrificial goat and the Israeli government was absolutely DELIGHTED to provide the executioners--and made it ILLEGAL for anyone living in Israel to criticize the deliberate dereliction of duty that led to violent success of the original attack.
ISRAELIS have lost their right to free speech, to stand up and protest about all of this. They are now living under open tyranny.
EVERYTHING about this situation is abhorrent and offensive. EVERYTHING. There is nothing good about it. May God stop the evil doers in their tracks and protect those at their mercy.
Interesting take! I’ve not seen reports on embedded UN operatives, and I’m down the rabbit hole often. Do you have any links for further reading about this?
It has been a while since I saw the links, but they were shared around on Gab. Maybe go look there? Or use Seekr.com to see if you can find them via search.
Sounds plausible. If I may add yet another layer.... To a very cynical person, such as myself, the outcome of any situation, however horrible and contrary to reason, seems the likely objective. So, why do you suppose the Globalists want all sympathy for Zionism to be lost? And in the US, why did they pick the Palestinian cause for the woke kids to focus on when it's just going to make Biden a bigger loser?
Good points about Zionism and woke kids. Just remember that divide&conquer is the goal. TPTB manage to distort all (manufactured) causes, sometimes in mind-bending fashion. In the early 70's I saw republican kids converting en mass to democrats, via academic brainwashing, something seemingly anti-establishment... but that was only part of the plan; the dems now are the more hawkish ones. Etc ad infinitum
Those are very good questions. I think the answer should be a barrage of rotten fruit and veggies aimed at the instigators of all of this. We need to bring back the public stocks...
Thanks for sharing that link, Rick. I also saw others.
honestly, this is the best, most accurate take on this conflict I’ve seen on Substack or really anywhere. sadly, what C.J. is saying is hardly radical. as he points out, this is the nature of insurgencies or asymmetric warfare since forever. it’s not rocket science.
America just went through all of this after 9/11. Bin Laden and his buddies attacked America with the hopes of drawing them into a broader conflict and they mostly succeeded. unfortunately millions of arabs and Muslims were killed as was Bin Laden, but hey, they might have just threw the stone that broke America’s clay feet.
so America spent trillions to replace the Taliban with the Taliban and Bin Laden and his buddies all got slaughtered.
who is the victor here? certainly not humanity...
911 was run by Bush/Cheney and the Pentagon head, who drove the jets by remote control using his advanced degree in that subject. Want proof, look at the real pilots trying to gain control of the jets with a manouvre they were taught of raising the jet up and down! Proof that no terrorists drove ANY of those jets. The tower was supposed to land on the building across the street that the 3 subhumans above had 30 guys lace with explosives that did not work. They were supposed to blow-up the bulidling to hide the fact they were doing this to steal $80B gold hidden in the building across the street. All 30 guys that laced the building mysteriously dissapeared weeks after the 3 subhumans above caused 911.
remember the 70’s not just for all the good stuff like Jimmy Saville and Gary Glitter but also for when the BBC got me all apoplectic with rage and hate for the IRA and the PLO……..I was had over, I was so easy to manipulate, I could hate at the drop of a car bomb and I was only 7….. then I smelt the bullshit
These people hating on you for pointing out the bleeding obvious today are still where I was 52 years ago.
Keep on keeping on CJ
Big love X
One aspect of this that seems to get swept under the carpet is the ridiculous notion that Israel was "surprised" by Hamas terrorists in hang gliders that were able to sneak past the Iron Dome and all of the Israeli defenses. I too am not a fan of murder, but what about the conversation around whether Israel was complicit in this? It is all complicated, and I try to avoid conversations about Israel and Hamas since people just get upset, but Israel is either fully capable of defending itself, or has a massive achilles heel. Which is it?
Thats a good point. Its very suspicious. I made this point below. Conservative elements in Israel chomp at the bit for an "event" like this to justify eradicating the Palestinians and taking all the land. Some element in the IDF maybe knew about this plan or weakness in the defenses and let it happen ... sacrified a few dozen of their own citizens in order to justify finally driving all the Palestinians away. This kind of 4d chess has been played for thousands of years
That’s the real reason it’s Israel’s 9-11 -Israel being an expert in 9-11’s ( on other peoples soil, till now). It had to happen, eventually. I’ve read that the Oct 7 invaders were surprised that it was so easy and there was no resistance. Having expected to be killed within minutes they realized it was their time to instead die in an even greater glory, having taken a few “heads” along for the ride (not babies either as Empire would STILL have you believe). Taking hostages ? They could never have planned for that. But credit to them for thinking on the fly- very resourceful people. Very motivated
Yes. Am I alone in having heard that Israel created Hamas?! It's totally the ancient playbook. Like Obama (aka his handlers) assembled & armed ISIS etc, ad infinitum. False Flags 101: get ruffians under your control (like those who owe you $$ & can't pay) to attack yr own people whilst carrying the neighbor's Flag, thus justifying lucrative-and-destablilizing war.
There was a video circulating with Netanyahu attesting to this himself. (Assuming it's not a deep fake.)
USS Liberty. Isreal is not so angelic and is backed by traitors in the US government,
Cast your mind back a few years, if you will, to a time when everyone was terrified of a new virus, and closed borders and factories and shops and so on, and there were shortages of some fairly basic and easy to manufacture goods. The "just in time" system was very, very efficient - but very fragile.
Modern Western society tends to be like that. It's very efficient, very specialised - and very fragile. And an intelligent enemy will find that weak point and give it a vicious kick.
Living as we do in the modern West, this is terrifying to think of. And so whenever this fragility is demonstrated, we'd rather deny it and pretend it was a conspiracy by the guys in charge of the system.
The question is the answer.
Israel is not a strategic asset of the USA. Israel is a reeking albatross carcass around the neck of the USA, and has been for most of its existence. The USA's strategic interests in western Asia are in direct opposition to Israel's interests. The USA's diplomatic standing with the 3/4 of the planet not located in Europe and North America has long been hamstrung by Israel's existence, and is currently being delivered a coup de grace.
If the USA's strategic interests aligned with Israel's, Israel would not need The Lobby to buy and coerce US government actors into betraying the USA's interests in favor of Israel's interest, current context a bile-retch of a case in point. No, it isn't anti-Semitic to state observable fact, however well-financed the denials may be.
With the 1948 Nakba, Zionism poisoned the whole idea of a Jewish state at its birth. Zionism is now writing for Israel the most horrifically ironic epitaph in the history of kakistocracy. This cannot be undone, nor can US complicity in these many god-awful crimes, crimes that dwarf in horror even the works of the asinine Hamas and its murderous teenagers with small arms and hang gliders.
Colonialism bad. Slaughtering the indigenous tribes to take their land bad. Herding the remainder into reservations and treating them like shit for generations bad. No, there isn't a hard part, that's your programmed denial kicking in.
Well said.
You know the US has to prove they hate Nazis because that is exactly what they are, even worse than Hitler!
Do most people even know that Hamas was created by Israel? All wars are funded by the same people that print the money and rule the world. Most MSM news tells big lies. If everyone could know the truth, the enemy would cease to exist! Until then, a big part of the world will go on being divisive. Manipulation and brainwashing at its finest! Wake up folks! Do you actually believe people are that hateful? Do you notice that 99% of all MSM news is bad news? They never tell us how good people really are towards one another. I believe most people are good and kind. Love one another. Be kind and respectful towards your neighbors. Peace.
The Covid era cured me of MSM - TV, radio, newspapers, magazines - the endless deceit and negativity focus I am free from as far as possible. Some might say "what took you so long?"
You’re here and it doesn’t matter when! Stopped watching FOX when Martha McCallum announced that Joe Biden won around 11:00 at night. No way did they know. Liars every single “propaganda” show! They are just shows!
Yes in the last two centuries being able to print money is central to waging war. So who is printing the money to arm Hamas? What are their long terms goals? Might those goals have little to do with the Palestinian people? The Palestinians may be canon fodder for this printer.
Yes, Palestinians are cannon fodder. China and Russia are working to topple the US, the "cherry on top" so to speak ('cuz I can't spell piece de resistence correctly!) will be replacing the dollar with their currency. So, in the end, I think the "money printer" is China. Fomenting chaos in the mid-east, while having planted the seeds of the US self-destructing through the installation of Biden, while manufacturing dissent within the US population via social media they are almost there. I'm not sure when the final bomb will drop - maybe late October or right after the next POTUS takes office...
Well, I have not found anything to possibly disagree with you until today. I have seen quite a few films and interviews of people who were at the so-called Hamas October 7, massacre of Israel people. These days of so many liars, especially in that part of the world, I cannot be sure, but numerous people at that massacre claimed they saw their Israel neighbors murdering their Israel friends. I can tell when most people are lying, but in my opinion they were not lying. They even used the real murderers names and said where they lived near them, which makes it even more ridiculous that they were simply lying. On the other hand, I have seen nothing that even hinted that the Israel gov told any truth about anything since 7 October. Israel has always been liars the 71 years of my life, now they are genocidal. Using my Ph.D. and Univ courses I taught in Ethology, which you seem to know the nuts and bolts about (the science of Animal Behavior where the animal does not know they are being watched by a professional), tells me that we have most likely been fooled to believe anything the Israel gov claimed happened on that day. It is unfortunate that I have no actual scientific proof like I usually have had my whole professional life, but my intuition and behavioral experience given the above, tells me we may have all been fooled to believe anything the Israel genocidal maniacs say about that day.
well that's out there...
quite a few? How many? What organization was producing them? Are you sure the interviewees were Israeli?
If Israel were that "all powerful", they wouldn't be in the position they are right now...
God give me strength! The Israelis are purported to be murdering their neighbours? I have heard some things in my time but this takes the biscuit. Get away.
Their Israeli friends and neighbours to be exact. What are they zombies?
Here is your biscuit! Do not be afraid to consider, examine, and think about each point on this film. It will change your life.
Here is an hour of proof of the above, with more explantions below!
This is in many ways wonderful, but what does it mean to be a "pussy?" I'm a woman, does that mean I'm weak? I got tired of that patriarchal shit 20 years ago and have been shoveling it out of my life ever since. And it's cost me, it's cost me. Don't call me a pussy, CJ. I'm a strong woman and a subscriber. Don't denigrate my cunt.
Guilty ... point taken.
No worries. Thanks for responding. It's a harsh world out here. None of us are not fucked up by it but some of us are still getting out there fucking shit up. That's what matters. All the love.
For what it's worth, I still call people dicks, meaning stupid, also, not to denigrate dicks, but out of habit, and because it has a nice ring to it. As I mentioned in the piece, I am a creature of the 1970s, for better and worse.
Dicks, cunts, pussies. All this shit about reducing people to their genitals. It's a habit. It's tiresome.
I like you. You're not brainwashed. You're a light in dark place. Hold on to that, CJ.
if only we were our genitals. we don't even rise up to that level anymore now that we're creepy and humorless and uptight.
come up with something better funnier APT.
go ahead... i dare ya.
I don't know. I try to help abandoned pets find new homes. Then I drink and listen to top end punk rock. This is my life.
Yeah, I call them monkey pus; de-evolved subhumans!
Yeah, I call them monkey pus; de-evolved subhumans!
Interesting that “prick” (but not “cunt”) seems to have gone out of style.
Even though I'm 71, I still listen to today's 70's music every day; its now called black metal!
but you see what you did? you "lovingly" tried to neuter CJ and his words. i'd never DARE. let him be wrong let him be right, but trust him to figure it out and bring back what he finds. when you "editorialize" in the midst of battle you undercut his powers what we love and most need about him especially now.
what i'm saying is go ahead and hurt and be uncomfortable and TAKE IT. take whatever CJ deigns to give because he's higher than a pandering tap dancing shill.
he must be unedited uncensored and protected... as in given a wide berth so he can go into the madness and his wife can tie a rope and pull him in when he goes too far... and when he comes back babbling and throwing feces, in thar is gold! and so maybe he hurts or gets it wrong but that's the DEAL, you see? it's part of all his magic. he's in the midst of play.
when you do the girl "oh! you're hurting my eyes!" thing, as a man, he'll RUSH to soothe you. it's his generation. and i wince because that's the deal: CJ's gonna hurt and you WANT it to at times.
otherwise he's being a PUSSY. and thus we become pussies, too. and we don't wanna be that.
so i'm being didactic because i'm hip to our devouring mother shtick that's killing the world and this "side" does it all the time, too. unti we get the "genitals" right, we're just talking smack.
truth is it all comes down to the motherfuckin' genitals. ain't that a bitch?
it's crazy. all this high faluten talk is NOTHING. NADA. never was.
who did the riff on we're all dicks and cunts? was it "team america"??? classic. those crazy puppets... love the unedited scat sex scenes in the love making montage. someone please give Miep the link.
the genitals never go out of style, Miep.
i'm out. i'm in writing mode. going through hell i feel a book coming on.
(see? it all works)
Many thanks, Erika, but please don't worry, I'm not going to stop calling people "pussies," or otherwise clean up my foul-mouth act, anytime soon. I don't mind women taking me to task for that, though, or otherwise pointing out my biases. One of my favorite bookstores in pre-1989 San Francisco had a Men's Literature section, which I thought was brilliant, and funny.
Okay, good.
i'm all woman and i use pussy more and more every day.
it's back in style. like the other words on the low i won't say here.
CUNT is way back in style, too.
faggot on the low as well, gay or not. it's a state of mind.
all pre-aughts.
Is it really?
yes. those of us who're tasked with bringing life back. we're the ugliest that's why we're micro famous among only other freaks. you start wearing our seasons' colors years later.
i know who and what i am. the moment i feel alive again in my head between my legs after all i've been through, i will emanate that back out to you. sometimes it's ugly hella ugly like pussy fags cunts and dicks.
but it FEELS good because it's oh so wrong right now.
i like you.
you FIGHT.
keep going.
(smile and love because bitch is all love and i hated it too.. i hated pussy too but i came around like two three years ago because i hate it it WORKS. ya dig? you don't have to be comfortable. words should hurt again. and be ecstatic. they're intertwined and they change, dontcha know. just like liberal conservative switched.)
You deserve one another. Truly. The imbecile calls her organ a "cunt"!?! And that's not insulting? Does this *feminist* knows what that word means? Do you? LOL
RE: but what does it mean to be a "pussy?"
If you really don't know, it is a term applied to males, who are cowards (at least if you grew up in the '70's). You might consider that these "sexist" and "degrading" epithets functioned as guardrails to affirm gender roles. Look where we are now with the trans "movement", women may soon no longer exist.
Could be, but then when used as part of the female anatomy?
😂 don’t call my cunt a pussy !
I have had this cunt for 66 years and I am not weak.
Yes… sounds like it’s no pussy !
And don’t use that word. Unnecessary.
One is not like the other. But you have made your point.
Thank you. BTW it’s only intolerable in males.
Which one?
And at present both are necessary.
The notion that Hamas surprised Israeli forces on Oct. 7 seems hard to believe.
Doesn't Israel monitor activity in the area Hamas broke out of?
The standard narrative of Oct. 7 seems as implausible as the notion some time ago that a Trump-connected official managed to avoid detection in visiting Assange when he was in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, which also must have been under heavy surveillance.
People believe what they want to believe and ignore everything else.
Apparently they do. Check this out. The “defensive”arsenal is mind boggling
My understanding is that Gaza is, or was, an outdoor prison under constant surveillance by Israel.
For that reason I am skeptical of the official story that says the Hamas fighters caught the Israelis by surprise.
At the same time my understanding is that the Israeli response was chaotic, which tends to support the "surprise" scenario.
That doesn't change the fact that the Hamas attack came at a very useful time for Netanyahu, who faced serious legal jeopardy over corruption allegations.
In my non-expert view the Hamas attack, surprise or no, is akin to a slave revolt or prison uprising, given the awful conditions Palestinians have faced for decades.
I appreciate your self described “non-expert” status. Lots of people on these threads purport to be in the know about a lot, when in reality no one is. So I entertain multiple explanations and options, including the most far out of all, which crossed my mind in early October: that Hamas agents and its leadership might be following different plans, and it is possible that Israel defense forces and Mossad did a 9-11 and got some young Gazans to believe it was a good idea to bust a fence and go on a rampage, making it all a effectively false flag. Cause like you note, no explanation is entirely satisfactory. Regarding that video I posted ,(someone else posted it here), I just watched the first 5 minutes but I assume the rest makes a case for what I wrote above , but hey, I’m just a schmuck from Canada. WTF do I know?
When I was a reporter I asked the question, "Who benefits?" in trying to understand a situation.
In this case, Israel and Netanyahu benefit enormously.
Hamas also does because Israel is becoming a pariah nation. But if the Israelis cared about world opinion they wouldn't be killing all the Palestinians they can find.
Israel doesn’t have to care about world opinion when they essentially own most of our elected leaders especially Republicans. See how Thomas Massie the lone R who voted against all of Speaker Johnson’s pro-Israel struggle session bills, based on his (Massie) well explained consistent libertarian principles.
AIPAC dropped over $400K to defeat him in the GOP primary here. Massie prevailed (thank god but still). Most US politicians are glorified whores and don’t stand on principles unless it aligns with big donors/fund raising. In the USA, there is not a bigger or more vindictive special interest group than AIPAC et al.
*I hesitate to use the derogatory term ‘whores’ because prostitution may be tragic and wrong for different reasons but it’s honest and innocuous work compared to what..goes down in DC.
Yes, and If Israel is seem to be a creation and subsidiary (perhaps gone rogue because it thinks it can AFFORD to) of the Anglo American empire, they are adjunct beneficiaries to the actual power brokers, who going back to another comment I made, possessed by a demonic force. But like all those so possessed, it can’t end well for the host.
But I worry that the Russians and Chinese are still naive about the mortal threat they face from the US-dominated west, which has every intention, I fear, of conquering them.
Detectives find murderers by who benefitted most by the murder; so you are right.
If you're even aware of false flag behavior (and don't deny that it could ever, ever happen) then you're not only not a schmuck, you know the fuck plenty - compared to real schmucks anyway.
Compare it with this one from 29 Ma 2024.
you can't be neutral on a moving train...when a genocide is taking place... 4% of the world's population are psychopathic so many chose places of power to increase their power. The biggest terrorist groups today are those of the psychopathic nature, they wear suits, smell like cheap cologne, but they are not human they live mostly (my new phrase) in the United States of Israel. I believe the ancients called it Samsara, reincarnation, cycles of life, karma, the universal law of cause and effect...in other words Life!
I see Hamas like the leaders of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, Cochise, the ANC, or Nat Turner.
Sure they're fucked, but that's why they did what they did, not because they're unreasonable.
I agree. The consequences have been horrible but people aren’t willing to live like cringing slaves, hated by their “masters” who control every aspect of their lives, and never rebel. I can’t imagine what the outcome will be since there’s so much hatred on both sides.
The US might want to keep Israel going for all the reasons CJ said but may not have the ability to do it. We’re up to our eyeballs in debt and not exactly loved in the Middle East. Russia and China aren’t blessed with Biden and his neocons so they can bide their time and see what happens.
*These* people aren't.
Too many humans in the West are trying to split the baby, trying to argue both sides, trying to avoid the consequences that come with doing things that Power doesn't like.
These Muslims do not love you. They seek to convert you or stab you in the back.
Another internet expert on Islam heard from.
I don't ask them to love me. I do note that the Christians of Iraq survived and often thrived over centuries of living with Islam. They survived the Mongols, Tamerlane, Murad, Baibars and more.
They did not survive the American invasion and are pretty much gone, now.
Same can be said of christians in West Bank and Gaza. They lived peacefully and respectfully of each other for millenia. Israelis now bombing the few christians in Gaza, destroyed for example the oldest church.
Lebanon and Syria as well.
Love your work...but, isn't "hamas" a construct of the Israeli government 🤔?
The Israeli government created Hamas according to Prime Minister Olmert in the Jerusalem Post.
"Netanyahu established Hamas, gave it life , freed Sheikh Yassin and gave him the opportunity to blossom"
More on that fact here:
Nevertheless, I would still be interested in some investigative journalism exploring the persistent reports that the Israeli leadership chose to support the nascent Hamas years ago. Those who choose to target civilians in deliberate atrocities to provoke excessive reponses can be useful to those who would like to make excessive responses.
Or have we entirely forgotten how useful 'Al Qaeda' was made to be? They similarly got a start through support from those who later claimed to be their enemy. Conducting your own false flag terrorists attacks like the attack on USS Liberty is fraught with much more peril than fostering terrorist organizations to do it for you.
None of this makes terrorism any less abhorrent, but I don't think we should ignore how useful terrorism is to those who wish to conduct counterterrorism in order to advance a variety of agendas that are nearly as bad as the terrorism itself. The pandemic era security state system itself is just a flavor variety of the post-9/11 counterterror state.
Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld caused 911-no terrorists(see above).
On the Trish Wood Is Critical podcast, I got a great tip about Darryl Cooper’s podcast on the whole story of the Israel/Palestinian saga, in deep detail. It’s called Martyr Made and there are currently 7 episodes in his “Fear and Loathing in the New Jerusalem”- It’s a big time commitment as each episode is several hours long. But it’s worth it. And I felt it was pretty unbiased reporting. Darryl Cooper is one smart man. Start listening, if you feel you don’t know enough about the whole decades long lead up to what’s happening now. Personally, I feel the situation is likely hopeless. But it’s good to know the details, so that we won’t react consistently with such ignorance constantly on display.
There's also an episode he released in November called War All The Time that covers the period from '48-'82. It's makes for a fantastic epilogue.
Oh yes, that’s right. I loved that one too, Clay.
If a situation is indeed “HOPELESS” would there be any point to commenting. ?
I felt there was.
'Hamas' did not act alone on Oct 7th.
Waaaay too much money to be extorted by many vested interests - if only those annoying Palestinians were removed, one way or the other. It isn't Hamas that needs the world's sympathy - it's Israel, after decades of horrific abuse inflicted on Gaza and West Bank.
Who had the most to gain from this?
This may offer a clue : A new Dubai, right on the coast of Gaza.
“Gaza 2035”
This is intentional genocide.
CJ: please help me understand. I’m never sure when you’re being sarcastic. are you denying IDF invoked Hannibal and murdered some number of Israelis on Oct 7 or are you just saying that even if they did, so did Hamas?
Of course the IDF killed some Israelis on October 7. They have admitted as much. So what? How many fucking times do people need to ask this question portentously, as if it means anything?
Not being a spelling zionazi, but for future reference, it's "portentously" (no "i").
Fixed, thank you! I hate leaving my typos lying around.
CJ - I’ve always been a big fan for many years until now.
Why don’t you directly “counterpoint” Alan Hodge ? I suspect because you cannot.
Checkmate my friend.
You will still drivel on about bullshit for sure - but never the same.
("fans" are fickle and over-rated. the ones to die for are few and far between)
Israel killed them all; this film proves it!
I think the above proves Israel caused every Israel death. Especially speed up to the end of this film to see the black marks on the road and roadside that Israel blew-up all of the cars shown throughout the film, then staged their fake cover-up that is shown at the end of the film, as hastily parked cars Israel planted to coverup their 911 with the black marks still there from the earlier parst of the film! The proverbial smoking gun!
I've been following this B.S. since the '60s, when our catholic school offered daily prayers for Israel during the 6 day war. I cannot think of a single time the Arabs didn't "start it." I can also not think of a single time they took any of a million opportunities to take advantage of their unique position in the world to become a peaceful, prosperous nation. These retards think they're going to eliminate Israel, not realizing the horrendous consequences to them of threatening the Jewish state with annihilation. They're basically too fucking stupid to realize what they're doing.
Gaza today should be one of the world's top tourist destinations. Its people should have the highest standard of living in the region outside of Israel, maybe even including Israel. Instead they follow an insane path of death and desperation.
Yeah, the kids and old folks and women and all, absolutely terrible, but entirely self-inflicted.
All you need to know about the Palestinian cause is who's advocating for it here: ignorant, illiterate, innumerate babies, with no notion of history, in costume -- the tablecloth scarf. The stupidest generation, that biggest sewer of pre-packaged, received drivel in history.
Way to wheeze out the geriatric platter of counter-factual poo poo, Pee Paw. With asinine bigotry on the side, hooray.
Israel isn't fighting Hamas. Hamas is in the tunnels. The IDF can't go in the tunnels; they might get hurt. Besides, Israel is using the time well, making Gaza uninhabitable while starving and murdering the safely unarmed civilians imprisoned there. Getting this wrong will prove to have been the largest and most glaring moral failure of your life, brother, and I have a feeling that's saying a lot.
Typical forum/discussion group asshole. No fucking idea who I am, but you know I'm a failure.
I ran out of sympathy for the Palestinian cause 30 years ago. Nothing they've done in that time has changed my mind.
Enjoy your new table cloth scarf.
<Moral> failure: You are certainly failing this gigantically easy moral question, old feller, out loud in public. Do your kids know where you are?
How dare you?
Sign up for nearest Soylent facility near you ASAP !
Your taint will spoil the biscuit batch before long.
Alan your kids are looking for you.
Long may they fail
I was going to comment on Shit-Platter but he already described himself impeccably.
I think CJ may have been too sarcastic but the film I posted above today should make him realize he was right months ago by equating 7 Oct with 911!
How can it be a top tourist destination with a blockade on the Mediterranean, checkpoints controlled by Israel, and the control of all commodities (electricity, gasoline, food) rationed out by Israel? I’ve heard people state this fantasy before. It doesn’t match the facts.
Israel shoots Gazan kids for playing on the beach, ffs.
One young Hebrew fence sitter bragged that on one day of The Great March Of Return he shot out the knees of over 40 young people: maiming them for life.
Whenever I stop hating these vulgar, vicious fiends I start up again.
Note the boat in the pictures. Witnesses on the beach said the shots were fired from the boat which was an Israeli blockade ship but Israel, after an investigation that drug on for two years, said it was a drone strike. I don’t know which is true.
There is no truth it is allpropaganda
Er, what?
It's very easy. Behave like a fucking human being for a while. Stop bombing Israel daily. Show you can be trusted with the accommodations and treatment we afford other countries. Stop talking like a fucking lunatic in terms of the post-WWII reality that gave birth to Israel. Stop associating with the most unsavory characters on earth. Sit down and talk with, not at, your adversaries. Stop financing the campus shit. Do that for a few months and watch what happens.
The blockade, the checkpoints, etc. are reactions to things and events. This dispute did not begin on October 8th. It began on October 7th, and years, and decades, before.
And we could add : stop “mowing the grass” (a charming euphemism for bombing Gaza and killing hundreds), stop killing defenseless civilians and never prosecuting the murderers, stop illegal settlements in the West Bank and driving out the legitimate owners and remove the illegal blockade.
listen to yourself. you are judging and lumping together a region of over 2 million. You arent worth anyones time. Im sorry Im wasting mine now
WOW - J-douche
How did you end up on this website ? Was it a link from Satanlovesfuckingchildren.gov
How could Gaza have become a major tourist destination. They don't even have an airport. They are under militay occuaption. Israel has the brute force to break international law and the complicity of US state terrorists. Palestinians have international law on their side. Israel has revealed its true genocidal nature. Most people are horrified by israeli barbarism and cruelty.
The question is what would you have done after decades and decades of brutality against you? Nat Turner decided to fight back. So did Hamas. Blaming them for the response is beyond myopic.
CJ has become a Substack PUSSY … don’t take a real stand, play both sides.
He’ll keep babbling on as long as the tribute comes in.
no dice. he's got some serious testicles.
don't get it twisted:
a bunch of us would fuck him in a second.
You have just made my argument for me.
Thank you !!
CJ - lots of one second fucks if you’re interested.
Ain’t nobody forcing you to stick around and keep reading, bub.