I must say, it is somewhat disheartening, the number of people who, upon reading my open letter, are responding with advice like, "just stop using Twitter," as if the intent of my open letter were merely to publicize a personal problem I was having. If you actually read the column/letter, you will see that my personal problem has already been solved. The point is, global corporations, governments, Intelligence agencies, NGOs, etc. (i.e., The Censorship Industrial Complex) are in the process of "visibility filtering" everything everyone sees on the Internet, which is kind of alarming. If you are ready to relocate to a Kaczynski Cabin in the woods and hide out, as long as you can, well, bless you. Whatever blows your skirt up. I'm a writer and a political satirist/commentator, so it's my job to engage with society, and the media, and pay attention to how "reality" is being constructed by those in power, and to write about it, so the Unabomber-cabin option doesn't make much sense for me. What does make sense for me, in this particular case, is what I am doing, namely, trying to get a further on-the-record response (or non-response) from the executive in charge of censorship, visibility filtering, and slimy COINTELPRO-type ops at Twitter, Inc. If that's not sufficiently entertaining for anyone, there is plenty of exciting identity-politics and race-war stuff circulating on the Internet at the moment ... which the above-mentioned global corporations, governments, Intelligence agencies, NGOs, etc., would be pleased to have you engage with, instead.

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Excellent and important point...some flight and others fight. Thanks CJ for fighting the good fight. (Off Twitter because my experience points to Elon being very possibly controlled opposition. "You be the guy that tells them you are the free speech savior...they all come back and then we'll use the stuff they post against them later to get them into the 'cattle cars'. You know just like Trump was the savior and then pided-pipered his base into getting the vax."

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I understand ... I have no problem with folks dumping Twitter, or never having joined in the first place. I was much happier when I had no social media accounts at all, i.e., up until 2016. But it's kind of impossible to do this job without them.

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Twitter banned one of two of the same posts that copied from Ukraine Russian Embassy. They did not ban the post from where copied and pasted it Ukraine Russian Embassy only removed the 2nd post asking questions about the post of Ukraine Russian Embassy. Thus two posts remained with one banned with the violence reason though asking questions about post remained not banned source actually non violent post on my part if humans read it. Why Russian Embassy post untouched not banned merely seeing copy to ask question of non violence, banned?

Fake profiles increasing hindering growing more than the last two years no longer feel like talking to cgi fake profiles pretending to be real people. Lost bulk of former online confidence no longer find it reliable except in basic functions ie ok for renewing library books and basic business transactions where to in corner 24/7 in corner pretending often to be real person is program. This applies for nearly anything social much compromised in and before covid. This would include pop ups of beautiful people nearby who want to meet all computer programmers BS. I remember beautiful people never met saying wow gorgeous wants to friend on Facebook wondering as never met before Facebook announced allowed enormous fake profiles into the system clicked that’s how cgi not real computer generated. This cgi Al been set loose in Plandemic along with diagnostics for covid millions ordered before deliberate attack per numerous experts for PPP no pay loans including thousands of attorneys & casinos no pay loans. Such a deal. Reports much offshore for tax purpose really big deal.

As given up on meeting in rural USA (wish could move to moon instead more & more or remote happy islands fire dancing in covid little to no dancing for years ongoing deliberately by those in charge of horrors ) urban areas few locals online for even coffee including those interesting 100 years old as simple made to hard to know in ever growing hinderances. Happy grew up without staring at tiny screen clicking all day feel bad seeing in lockdowns instead of teens and coeds dancing at dwindling dance places bars closures in covid~11 in lockdowns forced online classes along with dating thier iPads cgi pictures pretend know Ms iPad & Mr iPad watch getting together instead in movies after 6 second ads in lockdowns, imagine billions of clicks if recalling coed daze nature calls as only pretend cgi dating Ms & Mr iPad adult movie together option to add some fantasy flare in lockdowns instead by design while nightclubs and bars went out of business in droves, thus online cgi relationship with iPad as person of significance grows pretend real more permanent partner remains. Imagine many saving up hush money to cheat on going steady with iPad in bulk of endless clicking hindering cgi fake profiles growing meetups bs, bs baloney for us sobs grows and grows into more and more areas. Wonder where am I lost here in the Tahoe mountains too in Covid if any people to see in lockdown isolations 6ft computer check out grocery store talking to clerk less of option in Tahoe and many others people liked talking too those in grocery for many maybe only contact often for many if partner died too as growing in new normal lingering ongoing everywhere did not seem like many if any real people to connect with masks distancing continues with many ongoing other then this iPad deep forced CGI CIA relationship replacing people grows click in the corner on beautiful blonde never see anywhere in town saying wants to meet asap cgi bs? Yeah often nearly always bs!

Thus at the very least with offline, now considered a luxury, a demand an end to computer profiles pretending to be real people must give notice to humans including on Twitter millions of fake cgi profiles texting as devious Al & programmers ( except those who were paid for this horror )

Example go to email spam see swarms of fake profiles from all over the world wanting to met asap often see same fake profile lives in every major city on the planet at same time. This is no joke been out sourced to companies by governments against every basic liberty dwindling growing in Plandemic biowars like never before seen including deadly corruption too many experts note though ignored if against question, The Official BS Versions.

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Having read the complete, on point letter, your intention came through loud and clear. Well done. People suggesting to “just get off twitter” after reading it worry me. I hope you update us on any answers you received and to confirm that the removal of any defamatory labels that were left. Thank you for addressing the big picture.

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You want to advertise your stuff, pay for it.

Btw, I did a search for cj hopkins on Google, and the results were very nice, with pictures of your books. All the info anyone would want at their fingertips.

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A search for 'cj hopkins jackass' has Revenge of the Putin-Nazis as the first result. If that doesn't attract new readers, what will?

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This is the chapter of the Twitter Files I’ve been waiting for 🍿

Thank you for fighting on behalf of all of us who have been subjected to “visibility filtering” by the Ministry of Truth. My articles, too, have been tarnished by that OffGuardian warning.

I am currently reading Michelle Stiles’s “One Idea To Rule Them All: Reverse Engineering American Propaganda,” and I highly recommend everyone bump this to the top of their reading queue.

The following quote is particularly apropos for your situation, CJ:

“Individuals do not need to be ‘protected’ from ideas. Protection from ideas is a way to disable and cripple free people. The First Amendment to the Constitution ensures that nothing can stand in the way of free speech and a robust marketplace of ideas, whether they be good, bad, or ugly. Of course, therein lies the problem. Labeling and censoring ideas as ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ ‘harmful,’ or ‘offensive’ ultimately leads to control of ideas in general and cannot be done without suppressing everyone’s right to free speech. It’s either all or none.”

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This looks interesting. Thanks. I really like how-to books. This one looks like a mind and soul saver

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I have been amazed by how much I’ve learned, despite having extensively studied Bernays, Le Bon, social engineering, and so many of the other authors and subjects she’s covering.

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What do you think of Kristin Ruby's analysis of machine learning and Natural Word Processing, and the off-loading of the creation of these algos(?) to third parties. Sound accurate? Or does it seem like its creating cover for Twitter and weirdly pre-loading the public with the idea that "government" (as if it would ever want to) won't be able to find out what was actually done that may have violated the First Amendment, and the architects of the NLP terms out of which "99% of content take-downs begins with machine learning"? https://rubymediagroup.com/twitter-artificial-intelligence/

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Looks like an intriguing article! I don’t have time to investigate now but will save it for later reading (I have hundreds of thousands of links saved so have to prioritize ones related to works in progress).

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i got banned for a week for wrong speak when i suggested a group of violent thugs should be tarred and feathered. they claim i was promoting violence and i had to remove the tweet and wait 7 days before i could post again. but the images of these monsters beating on a woman was fine to post.

twatter needs to take a look at what the fk its doing

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They know exactly what they're doing, I suspect. They're "trusting the plan." A real one.

It's Who/Whom all the way down.

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They need to stop what they're doing and rediscover some sense of morality. Haha!

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That is asking a lot of people whose actions are indistinguishable from those of sociopaths.

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I created a Twitter account (for business reasons) back in the early Twitter days but I never posted anything. All I ever did was read posts. Two months ago I got a notice that my account had been suspended for "violating our rules against platform manipulation and spam."

Maybe I'm being paranoid, but could this be Twitter researching my posts on other sites to determine I am a dangerous individual and preemptively censoring me? If so, this suggests a cooperation amongst platforms that has not been explored by the Twitter files.

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Your idea taken further: it is not Twitter that examines your posts on other sites to determine that you are a dangerous individual and preemptively censors you, but the central AI that has backdoor access to all major social media platforms and dictates who and what they must censor. The operational force of the elites is no longer just the CIA, but also the CAI.

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Totalitarianism in all its ways and all its wills always signifies the wet-dreams of money-heavy sociopaths. The vise is being cranked up. In their estimation all must be silent and totally obedient. This form of disease is satanic at root. It is a total denial of human freedom and individual rights.

Synthetic reality, including such gems of human dis ingenuity exemplified by the A.I. craze they are pushing stems from the spiritual void of enforced unreality. On his blog Mark Moss used a plangent term I'd previously not encountered: "Digital Panopticon". This is a technological development of the "Prison Planet" meme, long in the eye of the discerning public.

Serfdom for the existentially obedient and docile; slavery for the minor rebels. Death, by one form or another for those who trouble the serenity of the trillionaire elite Bank$ter Oligarchs who run this whole dystopian show from behind their many walls and curtains.

The primary conflict is of a spiritually dimensional nature. What is the meaning of life? Is it mere mortal existence in a "material world" of slowly imposed ease and comfort...or are we truly spirits living in a rapidly dissolving material dimension?

The will to human survival...AS HUMANS...is being called into question. Control over communications between and among individuals is the current battleground which C.J. Hopkins has courageously entered. His stance is a challenge to not only all his readers and subscribers, but for all who value human freedom and individual integrity.

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I've been beating this drum for over 2 decades> we need to answer the perennial question, “Who are we and what are we doing here?” (esp. with AI/transhumanist breathing down our necks)…not by philosopher’s stories or religious holy story books because all these stories in their details are contradictory and divisive. We must in 2023, answer the question... and with the improvements in Resuscitation science we can.

People who have died and been brought back to life grows in the hundreds of thousands with each passing year. While these are called 'near-death' experiences, they are in fact death experiences, which is why they had to be resuscitated. So what do the dead tell us about the other side? Is there one? The answer is YES, reported by over a third. While there are millions over time and cultures reporting this vertical(out of body) experience, these reports are patterned. Like falling in love or smoking weed, patterned experiences DO inform what actually happens. Still these patterned reports are considered antidotal and we need facts. However, those now controlling science have yet to allow the experiment* to be run. (Since covid/vax we now understand co-opted science.) This is key…as the powers that be will not allow us to know our true nature as they rule by fear, esp fear of death. However, we do have the medical procedure that could be used to test these antidotal stories to provide the world with the hard fact re: consciousness nature. This is so basic of a need it’s shocking we got this far as a species. Imagine going to work for a lifetime and never knowing exactly why you are there and what is the product or the mission you are working on?

My deep dive studies (this was my synthesis for my master's in Critical & Creative Thinking) have lead me to what could be the BIG LIE> which is ‘we are wet computers’..no soul…dead is dead. The Materialist paradigm. Rather, evidence I discovered has me putting my money on ‘Pure consciousness here in this dualistic dimension for soul growth'. Each with the Divine spark of GoOD with free will to choose in our everyday drama between good and evil. If good science confirmed this and we KNEW this to be the fact of our existence we would finally get the ‘big picture’ . This knowledge would deter people from corruption, (just as the knowledge of 'smoking causes cancer' deterred the culture from smoking) as corrupt and evil acts have zero gain for consciousness, our true nature. (The patterned reports: the lower the level a consciousness at death the lower the vibrational reality on the other side. You are not 'punished' but rather put yourself among those with the same level of consciousness.)

Until and unless we understand that DEATH is an acronym : Departing Earth Arriving True Home (the patterned term used by what is called hyper-reality) we will never experience the great awakening.

As I'm hyper-tuned into the topic I hear countless pod casts that ultimately come around to the 'Who are we' spiritual question and then both the guest and the host shrug it off with this "Well we can't know what consciousness is or how it emerges." THIS false assumption is the problem. Again, there is a medical procedure that can be used to run the experiment. (If only I had the 'in' to get on Joe Rogan I would throw out my thesis of how this can happen. : )

(*The AWARE study was run like a 6th grade science project and done IMO to shut done the idea of science answering the question all together.)

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Good point!

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I never thought about that. I don’t do fb or instagram.

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My Twitter is currently suspended. One thing I really don't get is why they haven't cited any specific tweet or rule as grounds for suspension, just boilerplate: "After careful review, we determined your account broke the Twitter Rules." It's infuriating and seems ripe for abuse.

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Very Kafka-esque...

Mr K, in The Trial, couldnt find out what rule he broke, either...

At school i often copped the teacher's emotional arbitrariness...

Those with The Power love being arbitrary, and the

Arbitrary Application of the Rules, to keep us obedient and on our toes...

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Keep appealing

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Same, I don’t even post. preemptive strike? How perceptive of them.

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Excellent retort to Twitter. Thank you for following through, rather than walking away from corporate corruption and censorship.

It is truly disappointing that Twitter is pedaling a new approach to censorship and yet, we still find cases where they are unfairly censoring important voices. Your suspicion that they may be a limited hangout is just.

Disappointment in people/platforms/institutions we dare to trust is rampant lately.

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Open Letter to Big Brother.

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I think you should sue Twitter. I will donate to your legal fund.

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Where is Nat Hentoff when we need him most?

—Hentoff argues throughout Free Speech for Me--But Not for Thee that freedom of expression is "indivisible" and that one person's loss of freedom threatens the freedom of others. When free speech is not extended to white racists, it will eventually not be extended to black racists, and then to others who offend the tender sensibilities of the thin-skinned. If radical feminists (holding hands with Edwin Meese) can suppress the dissemination of Playboy and Penthouse, then somebody else can suppress the dissemination of Our Bodies--Our Selves and the lesbian erotic magazine Bad Attitude. If feminists can shut down Andrew Dice Clay because he "tends to promote hate against women," then Iron Johns can stop Andrea Dworkin because she is hostile to men...


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I think that it would be great if she ( and Musk ) saw your opening paragraphs/introduction to the letter aswell! :) Deeply admire your eloquence, persistence and guts.

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Twitter is rife with pron and they slap a warning on you?

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I hope you get some real answers.

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So glad to know about the Off Guardian! Just read an article about KC’s coronation. Great points! I shall continue to visit the site because I want Truth, Freedom, & Transparency.

How disappointing & frustrating that the “Twitter Files” has been shut down. Was Elon just teasing the world? RFK, Jr has been making a lot of promising promises if he gets elected (Hmm, not much being said about 2A & illegal migration!). But do we really believe he or any other candidate can dismantle the shadow government?

I think it’s time for an exit of the conservative states. Yes, we need a Texit (Texas) & a Florexit (Florida). These states need to secede & hopefully others will follow. Let’s not pretend. We have lost our “more perfect Union”. The US is being run by illegitimate & rogue forces. What person any than a domestic subversive enemy would have agreed to Resident Biden’s plan to “flood the border”?

I believe our country is doomed in the 2024 election because most people are not directly seeing the effects of the massive influx of illegals. While many ppl are still working from home & having their groceries & food delivered to them, I’m working as a gig driver & getting a first-hand view of the insidious take-over of America 🇺🇸. Last week I went to a restaurant to pick up an order & a man walked in with a nice large phone (looked new) & walked up to me asking in Spanish if I understood his language. I conversed with him a bit. Found out that he was from Peru, illegally crossed the border, & had no family here.

Consider the implications: the man had a nice phone, a car to get around which means he was most likely issued a driver’s license. Thus, come 2024 he will likely be eligible to vote! (And who do you think he’ll pick?) Next day I met another man picking up food at a burger joint. He couldn’t speak English either & was also doing a gig pick-up. Again, he had a nice, large new looking phone. Have seen other new gig drivers appear in various areas & I believe they are all illegals. These men are surely be advised to become gig drivers because it’s the fastest way to earn some money 💵. So, these illegals are not only taking jobs away from Americans but our government is providing them cars, drivers licenses, car insurance, living quarters, food stamps possibly, etc. all with OUR TAX DOLLARS! I DIDN’T VOTE FOR THIS NOR DO I THINK ANY OTHER SANE AMERICAN! Can’t tell you how worrying this is.

Whereas the Civil War was intended to stop slavery, the U.S. is moving into a new slavery under the WHO which represents the 2nd major step into the NWO (Covid-19 & the “counter measure” bio-weapon shots being the 1st step). It’s time for the states to break away from the Federal Government. Time to stop sucking the tit of this monster which has made us weak & dependent. And we should do it ASAP in light of the pending WHO Treaty. Each state must work immediately to head off the major food shortages & famine which are expected to affect all countries in the very near future (2 yrs or less?). If the Governors don’t take a stand now to protect their citizens, the states will devolve into anarchy - what the military has termed the “Zombie Apocalypse”. GOD HELP US IF WE DELAY & DON’T HEED THE WARNING SIGNS!

Anyway, I hope the matter of ur account is resolved CJ but I’m not holding my breath. Elon is slowly showing his true colors. Can we really expect the man to be a defender of Freedom when we consider his StarLink & Neuralink projects?

Again, I not only advocate for an exodus from the Federal Govt but also an exodus from Twitter. No more tit-sucking be it the FG or the bird. #flipthebird #shootthebird

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I would add there's also a strong strain of Neo-Puritanism in this censorship business; well, maybe that goes without saying, but labeling overtly political content with an "adult content warning" makes the point that "dissent=deviance." Critics of the System, you know, we all have "dirty minds."

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Leave Twitter and YouTube, or only post short "Here's my new piece about ..." appetizers, and link to the real, free, uncensored version on Substack, Substack Notes, Mastodon, Odysee, Rumble, Rokfin, etc.

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Why do you care so much to participate in an exploitative data colony? So thankful for Substack, and there are other freedom-loving platforms out there, like the Unite platform. Let's all stop feeding the data beasts!

Yes - it is good to call them on their BS. But I think the real solution is to leave those exploitative services and take your precious data with you.

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You're probably right. I think I'll just quit this silly author/playwright/political-satirist gig and go build myself a Kaczynski cabin in the woods. That'll teach those data-colony bastards a lesson!

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No! Although that does sound kinda nice to me - sans certain hobbies. Seriously check out Unite - it is pretty cool. Has a lot of features. Sorry to be such a cheerleader. It does cost money.

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Network effects, that's why. Writers go to where there is an audience. Readers go to where there is something to read.

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