This column is generating a fair amount of anger from Trump and Musk fans, which I expected. So, I'll make a deal with you folks. If the new Trump/Musk administration constitutes and empowers an open-ended fact-finding commission to investigate and publicly expose the facts behind the rollout of the New Normal (i.e., the "Covid pandemic") in 2020-2022 throughout the Western world -- i.e., not just focused on "red/blue" politics in the USA, not just another club to beat the Democrats over the head with, though they deserve it -- if the new Trump/Musk administration does that, I will put on a MAGA hat, take a selfie, post it, and otherwise eat crow on the Internet. Fair enough?
Easy deal to make, CJ. The new Trump/Musk administration will never do it. They’ll memory hole the New Normal totalitarianism in favor of their populist technocratic totalitarianism. This administration won’t challenge the aristocratic system of totalitarians. Ever.
Three resource that expose at-depth the Musk deception, who he really is, what did he actually do in life, the fake narrative built around him, and where he and his ruling class billionaire buddies are taking us :
And regarding the trump deception, and his new ultra-zionist WarHawk administration of the most extreme WAR MONGERING NEOCON swamp creatures in DC (even worse than his first administration, if that's even possible), please look at the investigative video report below to see with your own eyes trump's new War Hawk NeoCon cabinet of fundamentalist evangelical-zionist warmongers and ultra-rich NeoCon scum (with all of trump's picks to lead the global empire sharing a profoundly belligerent militaristic fascist Godless ideology of domination, greed, tribalist supremacy, dehumanization, Genocide/extermination and power over). The most pro-billionaire pro-war pro-M.I.C ultra-zionist pro-war anti-workers anti-humanity cabinet of billionaire representitives in american history and here
If one doesn’t understand the logic that guides the ruling class (and has been guiding them for centuries), as shown in detail in these essays with numerous examples, then one would have no idea what is going on and will be easy prey for their propaganda and savior psyops (like the obama psyop or the trump psyop or the musk psyop)
Once again the american people have fallen for a FALSE MESSIAH and the carefully crafted propaganda narrative that presented him as "anti-elite rebel, man of the people who came to fight the deep state for the little guy' .
Once again he and his zionist NeoCon billionaires are laughing at all the gullible fools who fell for the Qanon/MAGA deception yet again.. Once again his cabinet is the POLAR OPPOSITE of the so-called "anti-war peace president" fake narrative that was sold to his gullible hypnotized worshippers.
And the Qanon slogan that he is "non-intervetionist" is also complete baloney. See the video above that goes over his policies in the 1st term and what is clearly set to be a much more interventionist and war mongering 2nd term, led by his cabinet of extreme NeoCon Zionist WarHawks and fundamentalist evangelicals, with an almoat certain attack on iran coming soon and likely also on china (ie. a nuclear world war and the end of life on earth, which is great if you're a zionist evangelical hoping for the armagedon war to bring in the rupture)
Same pro-billionaire pro-empire right-wing NeoConservative Zionist shit with slighly different names. Only thing that changed is that the face at the front desk is different but the corporation stays the same Harris NeoCons claim they need to maintain their global trilliona-dollar militarized empire in order to "protect human rights and democracy" while trump's NeoCon evangelical-zionists claim they need to maintain their global trillions-dollar militarized empire of mass-murder, plunder, bullying, intimidation, bombing, abuse and domination because "god" and "this is what jesus wants" and "to save western civilization" and "the chosen people will bring the end times and the return of jesus". That's the only difference between these anti-life pro-empire NeoCon Zionist abusers that fill up both administrations.
And here on the trumpism or anti-trumpism echo-chambers (reality filters) we've been funnelled into by the ruling class and its information/perception management technologies. half the population into this bubble and the other half into the other bubble and the two bubbles pitted against each other, to make sure the 99% are constantly divided and never united against the ruling class that shake the jar.
What's important IMHO is to understsnd the logic that guides the ruling class (and has been guiding them for centuries), regadless of which faction of the ruling class happens to be in the white house at any particular moment (here's a muat-read description of the two factions of the american ruling class the two factions of the elite, the two faces of capitalism - corporate or oligarchic - that are fighting among themselves in this sham billiomaores' "election" on which faction will be the top dog who will dominate humanity and the planet's resources).
This logic that guides the ruling class is shown in detail in the following two essays with numerous examples. IMHO these are must-read essays for every human on the planet who wishes to understand how we are being played
I'm very familiar with Caitlin and Whitney Webb, et al.
But neither you or them are offering any sort of solution. It's just a wash, rinse, repeat, the glass is half empty and it's getting lower and here's why Ad infinitum mindset.
As I said to CJ; 3 yards in a cloud of dust beats a 5 yard tackle for loss.
The bright side is there's a slow gradual awakening in progress that goes far beyond Trump versus Harris and Red versus Blue, which needs to be taken advantage of.
If all you're going to do is constantly tell everyone why the situation is usual, all that breeds is more desperation.
Neither I nor the resources i shared (from the speed of your reply it is clear you didn't read them, and I shared much more than only Caitlin Johnstone) neither i nor these resources said the situation is desperate, but exactly to the contrary. To point out with numerous examples (which you didn't read) how we are being deceived by the ruling class, is NOT desperation but is the most essential first step to understanding what is going on and to stop falling for their deceptions (deceptions which insure that we will never free ourselves from the domination of the few over the many). Clearly the vast majority of americans still believe in the deceptions and that one or the other of the ruling class' factions is on the side of the people. There ia no hope for TRUE meaningful change as long as people still believe that (and it is obvious that most americans do, especially those who call themselves "red pilled". They might be the most hypnotized of all, since they are being constantly told in their echo-chambers how "awake" they are, when they are completely clueless on how the global militatized empire actually functions and how they've been funnelled into cheering for the greatest murderous evil on this planet while believong they are "fighting the elite"). So waking up from this deep hypnotism is the absolitely most essential first step.
As for what can actually be done (once we have woken up to how we are being deceived) about being caught in an all-encompassing anti-human abusive hierarchical system of domination, eternal war, subjugation, abuse and control of the few ultra-rich over tue many, a system that gives us only the option of choosing between one or the other of its two puppets, and having practically zero influence on the empire itself and its control over our lives - here's a suggestion, IMHO a very wise, practical and human-centered suggestion, that was already applied very successfully before (in half of Spain, when millions of people removed the ultra-wealthy hierarchical capitalist abusers from power and established a very productive and flourishing egalitarian self-rule without a government or ultra-rich rapists) with many links leading out from it for further, more detailed, exploration, if there's an interest
At this point in time Pedro Sanchez is very close to becoming "the inevitable dictator".
The Framers of our Constitution created a Constitutional Republic based on limited government and free market capitalism. What we now have is a corporatist state that survives off of crony capitalism joined by and enabled by the State. Corporatism is the foundation of Fascism.
So, I've got no interest in following another path that eventually leads to the same thing.
Egalitarianism is a pipe dream that never works because all men are not born equal.
4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
2 Thessalonians 2:10-13
And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. ...
As the old saying goes; "You're either part of the problem, or you're part of the solution".
If all someone does is constantly point out the problem(s) without ever suggesting any solutions, then they're part of the problem.
It's like "Pointing out" that there's water coming through the ceiling and then "discovering" that it's due to a hole in the roof. That "doesn't automatically mean you have to solve it". But if you don't start figuring out how to repair the hole in the roof, the problem is going to get much worse.
So, if you don't understand that, then you're the odd one, Mary.
Agree, while Whitney came out with her witty connecting the dots, there is just "how bad it is over there" and "it's all bad" "they" etc. NO SOLUTIONS, NO ACTIONS TO TAKE ..... the same thing that leads me to believe some people are being funded just to upset the public against all representatives. Kinda like CCP-funded groups in the USA just happen to be playing both sides of the "protests" on one side, pro Hamas and "free Palestine" and the other Israel has the right to defend etc. See the book Blood Money by Peter Schweizer, the receipts are there, and much of the "noise" we see is foreign interest funding., to create division and unrest within America.
To be clear. I don't think Whitney or CJ are trying to sow division, and it's very important to have people like them to shine a light on bad actors masquerading as good actors.
But it's also important to shine a light on the truly good actors who are actively trying to effect change for the better with viable solutions like Ron Paul.
I think I'm stating the obvious here, but CJ is NOT saying "the situation" is hopeless but is laying out the parameters of the BIG con & analysing the tricky, ever-adapting nature of GloboCap's "plan for total bio-tech global domination". He's showing, yet again, how the globalists' Empire can duck & weave & change directions to confuse/divert all those "awakening" souls who want to throw off their chains but then settle for following the system's approved & promoted "heroes & saviors".
All of recorded history is a yo-yo of control, manipulation, slavery & freedoms won... & then lost & fought for once again... over & over. Lies & laws are formulated & forced on populations by rulers, govts & churches to control us - our lives, families, labor, souls - thru wars, economic disasters & religious gods - & steal our wealth/resources.
Always a good lesson to be reminded of - together we have to save ourselves, never trust fully in any "hero" - because people get swept up again & again by identifying w/the carefully developed political binary of "good & bad" political parties/politicians & then emotions over-rule any critical thinking/judgement or actual facts. Unless the entire GloboCap enterprise is truthfully examined/shared, no solutions will ever arise. I truly appreciate CJ's admission that he's flummoxed & his refusal to formulate any kind of "pat solution" to our global nightmare.
If YOU have solutions to the GC's authoritarian bio-tech grid, pls share. My only solution is to resist tyranny by refusing to comply & continuing to fight back, which is what CJ & many others are doing. Accusations that CJ isn't providing hope to anyone is not true as his entire life & career has been exposing the cracks in a rotten, broken "political" system. If that's not being a hopeful example then I don't know what is, do you?
To be clear. I agree 100% with CJ that the war on populism is the primary motivation behind the actions that were employed by the elite ruling class after Trump was elected in 2016 and Brexit.
In reality, GloboCap is corporatism (fascism). So, there's nothing new about their strategic goals that's unique to our current time period. And shining a light on what they're really up to is very important. FDR's New Deal was fascism.
But this is a spiritual battle that began in the late 1800's during the industrial revolution and continues to this day with the information revolution. The recent rollout of the AI con job (AI is just intuitive software, garbage in, garbage out, still applies) is the culmination.
So, refusing to comply is a given. But you need to define exactly what "fight back" really means?
Is the glass half empty and draining fast, or half full and slowly filling up, CJ?
Bobby Jr. has already exposed a lot of "facts behind the rollout of the New Normal (i.e., the "Covid pandemic")". So, as far as I'm concerned Trump picking him as head of the HHS is a glass half full event.
Whether he gets the votes needed to be approved is another matter. But if he doesn't then the ones who vote against his approval get exposed. Likewise for Tulsi Gabbard as Director of National Intelligence. That one will definitely serve to smoke all the Rats out of their holes.
I'll always take 3 yards in a cloud of dust over a tackle for a 5 yard loss.
"After being bugged online over her picture being on the WEF website as a Young Global Leader, after telling people over and over on Twitter and Instagram that she had never gone to Davos and had nothing to do with the WEF, Tulsi asked the WEF to remove the picture of her from their promotional materials which she never consented to in the first place."
Even if she had gone, who doesn't have skeletons in their closet (if they are HONEST about it); for example, after 9/11 (while still in shock due to psyops overload), I wrote a letter (to my undying shame) DEFENDING GEORGE W. BUSH. Ok, I made a mistake; it doesn't make me a bad person, and, ever since Abu Graib woke me up, I'm very careful about "getting it right".
I think it's important to stress that all cults of personality are to be resisted.
I also think it's incorrect that '...was part of some strictly-USA-operated “Censorship Industrial Complex,” which was absolutely not a global operation'. The network of NGOs and associated parts of the network had global reach.
All that said, I figured with a Trump presidency, we have a better chance than we did with the rapidly degenerating Democrats. I'm not holding my breath, but I am hoping.
I also feel that the whole global situation is part of an emergent complex system with no one entity in control.
The best we can hope for is that more people start to realize it's a BIG show, and that most of what people have been taught (historically) was just a story.
It's going to suck for many people, but it must be understood.
I understand how people want to live in the fantasy world, but what greater adventure is there than breaking through to the real world!
It's like the guy from The Matrix who sells everyone out. He's content to stay in the fake world.
There are FAR TOO MANY people like that guy. They're positioned well enough within the system (or empire) that it works out for them.
However, we're quickly approaching the point where things aren't going to work out well enough, for enough people -- to actually drive them into action.
Perhaps for the first time in decades, people will be able to look at what's happened (because it's happened within a relatively short period of time) and realize that they're being played from all sides.
As many people have said. We have more power than we think. If we didn't, they wouldn't have to keep "the show" going!
Doesn't matter what they do or don't do: until we have OUR OWN MONEY (which will require us having OUR OWN POLITICAL PARTY (CSR - Consensus, Sortition, Rescission); if you aren't the government, then you are government property. See 2010 plan on the archives of the Library of Congress:
They might do that and other temporary diversions. Your perspectives are still spot on looking at the entire picture. Btw, consider that if all their talking points, such as those, do come true. The Fed is still private. Perhaps they will make the country digital as a solution. And then in one move, that is handed over to the puppeteers.
While some of what you write is most likely true, it is really grating that it keeps coming across as you being the sage, the one who can see through this, and you need to let us , the blind folks know in a very talk-down manner. Your psyops also always assume that these folks have everything under total control, that there's not the possibility of chance, chaos, human fallibility, in-party fighting, and, after all, the existence of possibly a higher power that might interfere.
They are being fulfilled no question. The system is the first beast of Revelation 13 supported by the second beast which is the new religion of pharma and trans humanism. Have to disagree on the USA though as Babylon is not one country, but the entire globocapitalist empire. Ch 18 v3 is clear that it is “all the nations” who have become rich through drinking her wine.
John in Revelation uses the concept of OT Babylon to describe the final Babylon, which is the entire corrupt global economic system. It is not any single specific nation. From time to time, one nation may have more of Babylon within it, than another. The USA maybe today; City of London; New York; Beijing - the point is that at various times, they can all resemble ancient Babylon. So it can vary. Mystery Babylon refers to all false or apostate churches. When John was writing, it was Rome - hence the reference to the seven hills in Ch. 17. That has changed - as John says, there will be other nations (rulers) that arise later.
Best video? How about studying the King James Bible, rightly divided? Mystery Babylon is "that great whore that sitteth on waters, which are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues." Its clearly the Vatican and its Roman Catholic deception, prostituting itself over the whole earth: "And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth." See all of Revelation 17 for context.
Is it possible that the King James translation of the Bible has achieved its sacrosanct position and status because it is the first version that many people ever were exposed to? Like, as children. You know, Dawn, 'first impressions are lasting impressions'. It's just the way that works.
True. And I've been looking not for any first edition (we) are exposed to -- I'm looking for the first edition, period. Like, what was scribbled down c.30 AD, and how do we know? Seems to me that if you don't have that, everything else is suspect, no matter how good it sounds/feels.
It is quite obvious in the modern era just how badly reality can be distorted by dedicated characters, even those with good intentions. And about the first century, we certainly don't seem to have much in the way of demonstrably *original* documents and other proofs, the best is tiny scraps decades after the fact.
The Authorized Version was the cream of the crop of the Protestant English Reformation translations of the Bible contra the Roman Catholic versions based on Jerome's Latin translation of the 4th century, as in the Douay-Rheims (NT 1582- OT 1610). At the Council of Trent in 1545-63 Jerome's Latin Vulgate somehow superseded the original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts and became the inspired authority.
I always love the folks who don't want to watch or read something suggested, stating (quite haughtily) things like, oh, I don't know:
"How about studying the King James Bible, rightly divided?"
Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. (John 5:39)
As if all they ever did was read the KJB alone and never, ever read any commentaries or watched any videos or listened to any sermons or read any dictionaries or any concordances in their entire Christian life.
All they've ever done is sit with their KJB day after day, year after year, never touching, never listening, never reading anything else related to the word of God, only their King James Bible.
But even more priceless, is then to leave a link to read COMMENTARY at their own website!
P.S. Rome is not even a seaport, one of the 99+ Biblical parameters that define the end-times Babylon.
America, and ONLY America, fulfills all of the required Biblical parameters.
You do not understand that there is a PHYSICAL Babylon and there is a SPIRITUAL Babylon. Good Bereans, who prove out the information in the links provided with Bible in hand (and the Holy Spirit to guide), will discover all kinds of interesting truth.
He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him. (Prov 18:13)
I didn't know that. I don't vote, so I don't follow Trump's rallies.
But my guess would be that he is attempting to send some kind of "retribution is coming message" to his fans, to get/keep them stirred up.
I am surprised I never heard about this before. Would have thought the "opposition party" would be crying about it continually, or the Trump crowd touting it.
Thanks for the info. Will be watching to see how things turn out with all of this.
End-times Bible prophecy in play for sure.
And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch. (Mark 13:37)
I guess you haven't read the Apostle Paul's work, Romans through Philemon, giving us the "revelation of the mystery," in a sound, inerrant King James Bible. We are yet living under the grace of God offered freely to all men for salvation, without the law. God is longsuffering until "...the fulness of the Gentiles be come in." Then this age will close, and prophecy will resume with Israel going through its 70th week (7 yrs) of great tribulation, and those who rejected the Lord Jesus Christ will see God's wrath unfolding in all its terror.
Babylon (the whore) = all organized religion (i.e. depart from me I never knew you).
Beast = man as an individual and collectively the world's governing systems.
CJH is confused by what appears to be an 'organic evolution of a system', when it is actually the playing out of the purposes of the sovereign God, as has been the case since the beginning of time.
Because he called something like he saw it, and correctly, but he wasn't smart about where he called it, and couldn't be bothered to leave Germany where his life is before doing so, and could not have known beforehand the degree to which the swastika image he used and posted would get blown up by the German gov't in order to know TO leave. None of us would have either.
Someone doesn't have to be smart or wise about every single thing they do or in every single subject to be legitimately called 'smart.' Mr. Hopkins is super smart, and a thoughtful, sincere man. So he seems to me, anyway. Fine writer, too. Zone 23 is really good.
What IS missing from his writing is along the lines of what A. Montana commented on, a lack of suggestions for remedy, and so his writing is morphing now into hard black-pilling.
I hope he's wrong about the black inevitability, but even if he is, he's still smart.
Imo what is missing from this piece is the humility not to come across as the all knowing condescending sage like the commenter I responded to mentioned, wisdom rather than smart is a better word that I should have used. I believe so many of us value our opinions much too highly anyway
Maybe so, but he might be feeling a bit impatient at the moment, and I suspect diplomacy isn't his forte, anyway. Thinking and writing are.
I don't sense ego in his writing, either, that he thinks highly of himself, his own opinions, just that he doesn't suffer fools gladly, and that he's under extreme pressure.
I think you misunderstood the tone of the piece and took the all-knowing doom-and-gloom oracle voice to be condescending when I took it to be almost like a parody of such. I took his tone as, hey, I'm looking around the panopticon and this is what I think is going on and how it will evolve, based on past patterns. It is not arrogant or holier-than-thou, imo, but cynical and Orwellian, and it was appropriate.
The condescending sage who depicts human history as the journey pointing to his experience in a German court room that he dominates the discourse with his conventional and simplistic assessment of WWII history.
The solution to the totalitarian global government is spiritual but not in the passive "God or Jesus will "RETURN" and sort it one way or another and "we" Christians will come out on top" way.
They are interpreting deeply metaphorical ancient but badly translated spiritual scripts" wildly, randomly and in a way that suits their wishful lazy thinking. Those scripts are absolutely true, but, when looked at and read from an egoic dualist viewpoint (as all religious people do), are turned into gibberish mind-driven jokes.
This threat amusingly demonstrates this once again, as the infighting between the religious people is perpetual. They can never agree to anything because they read all these through their divisive minds.
No, a spiritual solution is an individual spiritual active investigation of our false ego structure that is at the core and the driver of this power-greed paradigm. That's all there is to do and all that can be done.
None of us can or will save the world. But each of us can save themselves from being part in the power-greed system. This systems life depends on enough people participating in it. The solution is very simple. Sort yourself out and forget about the rest, and the rest will sort itself out too.
Love your comment as I do not view the Bible as literal or even as prophecies for the time we are living in. Did anyone ever consider that the stories in the bible can be interpreted via astro-mythology. No one is a messiah is coming to save us. And I say that from a perspective of someone who absolutely believes in a higher power. God works through each of us.
How do we know? Where's the rest of them? What was chosen, what discarded, and for what purposes? Only tiny fragments, written decades after Jesus died, remain extant.
It is the task of the spiritual seeker to seperate the rubbish from the gold nuggets in the Bible. This is possible if we look and study many other mystics that experienced and talked about the “one" God. Where they agree, you know it is absolute truth. If some description stand alone and are devisive,, it is very likely rubbish introduced by non-mystics for a number of reasons. “The only way to God is through Jesus “ (Christianity) is one of those rubbish statements introduced by power-hungry and ignorant people to stop people reading other scripts in order to detect rubbish, like this statement. No true mystic would ever say such a thing. To the contrary, they all teach that eventually all spiritual teachers, including themselves, have to be dropped in order for our ultimate inner teacher, the sadguru, to lead us on the final stretch. For example, this Buddha quote: “If you meet the Buddha on your way, kill him”. Copycatting a mystic is a guaranteed recipe for spiritual failure. And all cults and religions do it.
The vast majority of believers in gods — and even the chief transcendent God over all of the little, anthropomorphic gods — are addicted to the false hope called “divine intervention”. These god believers want their chosen spiritual entity to change the world, whether it’s making an evil world into a good world or making a good world into a better one. These (stupid?) god believers don’t concern themselves with changing themselves.
Every reasonable sounding (to me) suggestion for a remedy is in the nature of personally waking up and learning to see through their smoke and mirrors game. THAT I have some say and control over. And I can communicate from that awakened state to others in hopes of creation a consciousness contagion.
I think discussion of remedy is the natural progression from having ID'd the problem, but I can't blame Mr. Hopkins for not doing so. He's facing major adversity from what he calls GloboCap, and for a long time now. Probably feeling pretty beleaguered at this point.
His assessments are enough of a contribution. Others can suggest and provide remedy.
Absolutely A Montana nails it. These people who put it out there that this is all controlled have not really thought things through IMO.
Let’s try a thought experiment and assume “everything is a psyop and strictly controlled by the elite” crowd is correct. 100% correct! What does that mean for us sheeple?
I’ll tell you what it means. Writing and talking about this shit is pointless. It’s about the same as getting your ass out of bed in the morning; POINTLESS. If these elite pricks are Really this good newsflash folks…..WE ARE ALREADY FUCKED!!
Which then I have to ask wth are you even doing writing such blogs. Why do you even care about commenting? Let me guess you just want to tell people about what fools they are for believing there’s a way out or a solution to this problem.
And see, this makes you folks the biggest fools of all!!
Talk for yourself please. I don't feel talked down to at all. I, independently, by simply observing what has happened and using a combination of common sense, the study of human nature (I am trained as a psychotherapist) and a practical and spiritual understanding of the nature of the false ego, come to a similar conclusion. What CJ calls GloboCap, I call power-greed paradigm. I find it very helpful to read different deep descriptions of what is going on in the world.
Kind of agree with your view. You know that expression “when you only have a hammer in your tool kit, every problem looks like a nail”?
Thing is, the ‘problem’ is so multi layered and super complex therefore the ‘hammer’ needs to become a more and more sophisticated tool.
Hence well written and let’s face it, entertaining pieces like CJs here. In this ecosystem everyone has to make a living no? (with the tools available to them 😉)
Dr. Yeadon, they have been saying that about you for years. You were one of the first people to wake me up back in 2020, so I've stayed faithful to my opinion of you. I hope all the doom-sayers are wrong. Blessings!
Well, yes, we all play parts depending on our role in our personal, professional relationships, etc..... there is a difference between that playing of a part and the deception that some of these people in higher circles who are purposefully deceiving us do.... not the same, unfortunately... you and me being actors in our lives is NOT the same as these paid actors used by the controllers to harm and lie to us.... this is all laid out in the Day Tapes, if you are interested..... been in the works for decades.....
"A set of audio tapes titled ‘The New Order of Barbarians’ established the existence, scope and direction of a conspiracy which was revealed by an insider, Dr. Richard Day, in 1969.
Dr. Day spoke at The Pittsburgh Paediatric Society in March 1969. Dr. Lawrence Dunegan attended that meeting and in 1988 blew the whistle about the plans that were in place in 1969 to form a new system of government, altering all of society to implement this new system. All of society has been redirected according to these plans.
Yes, I’ve listened to all of these recordings. Obviously we have to be aware it’s recollections 20 years after the event and we don’t know why it was done. It might all be misdirection. Or not.
The worrisome part is not selling of a product but of an idea that spreads like a "virus".... a product doesn't brainwash the consumer.... it will either work or not and then the consumer decides if they want to keep purchasing said product.... with brainwashing, the product is our consciousness which is a more malevolent thing to sell to someone.... and then the cult becomes a hard habit to break because humans are tribal and we want to be part of something.... hence the "freedom movement"... we were shunned from out friends, coworkers, family, society and then came the "heroes" promised to save us.... it's brilliant and evil at the same time..... that's the problem we are in right now.....
Just like so many meddlers/charlatans that call themselves Freedom Fighters... they are everywhere.... with agenda in hand deceiving the public for their interests.... the cult is a hard habit to break.... at least with Trump and Musk people can see they are not trustworthy but with the medical freedom movement lots of us were/are being duped, as we speak.... that is the real crime....
You may think I'm a fool when it comes to doubts about Reiner Fuellmich, but at least we agree here.
This whole Trump thing and Kamala/Biden being stupid asses is a WWE like production to make us think that the nation is
It's not just the journalism by screen shots bullshit that got my attention with Musk. It's that Twitter was worth $100s of billions at the time and Musk bought it for a bit below $50billion?
WTF? Obviously, the company is really worth 50, not 500+ billion or whatever the market says.
That brings us to the illusion of economics and how the stock market is just a casino table and if a country makes most of their money in casino markets, it's a pyramid scheme.
But don't fret.... People who actually work will not suffer the collapse of the bullshit market because that only hurts the bullshit jobs.
I've seen that before only because for some unknown reason woodhouse76 blocked me, so I can't even like her posts about questioning the NYC pandemic numbers.
Norman Fenton also blocked me, I can't even add him as a subscription.
I remember why he did it. Some of us called him out for his excusing Israel's actions in Gaza. Jessica is Christian and also believes in that narrative.
It's kind of a shock because Jessica and Norman were spot on about COVID.... But when it comes to a clear genocide, they're blocking people who hurt their feelings.
When i, finally, did install a software upgrade, i was againable to ❤️ posts. Could perhaps be that. Other people reported upgrading software workd for them too.
No, she doesn't like to be challenged..... JJ Couey called her out and then she said she was getting off Twitter... her behaviour changed right after this info was divulged..... he has done many streams about her but here is a snippet....
The system is man made and man controlled so I disagree with the notion that "the global-capitalist empire is not a cabal of powerful individuals." The scripts for these ongoing psychological operations are being written by people within the system who are being told to maintain the system.
Unfortunately for all of us, the individuals controlling the system are not humans, but humans pretending to be humans. Psychopaths.
You know the way to stop it, CJ, and it's what you have been doing all along. Mass Resistance, mass non-compliance, and building systems that work outside of this beast system.
“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”
As such, there is always the chance of infiltration and a takedown from within. While I agree with CJs assessment I disagree that we are blind to it. The fight never ends as long as there are criminal psychopathic predators among us
How about we agree that if there are people running at the top..they are psycopaths..and there are more than 20 percent now in the population of 50 percentat least Cluster B personalities. How about thinking just maybe..they've out bred us and they will continue until our part 9f the species is wiped out?
Telling stories is how we create reality. What kind of reality is this creating? "And I don’t see any way to stop it or fix it." That may be the reality you want to create, CJ, but it's not mine.
He's stuck in this very 1990s "resistance to global capitalism" worldview. Like all religions, it allows him to interpret everything and give it meaning. And since it's inherently pessimistic and laced with "historical inevitability" and similar marxist tropes, he can reliably and consistently reach his doomy conclusions. That's why this blog gets so boring.
I was just hoping you might refrain from slandering the freedom fighters who practically put their lives on the line fighting for what you will greatly benefit from, should they be successful, should you fail to sabotage them, all while waiting to read your alternative/better thoughts on the subject at hand.
If you honestly think that CJ is a “freedom fighter” and not just a stale, whiny, leftish expat doomblogger with a ponytail, then let’s just agree to disagree and leave it at that.
Fully agree...yup, I too see whar CJ is comin' from an' he's not so much "WRONG" as a bit too sour (understandably given his own trials/tribulations) But imo we hew-mens BUILD our own reality just as "zey" (da baddies") wanna build it for us (by demolishin' it natch!).
The "America" we had was a STORY (indeed a GREAT one--heck they called it The American Dream) and it's also a STOREY (like of a buildin') but we all told it together (once) even tho' we had no idear that there was a swamp under the floorboards! even tho' some of the top storeys were gonna topple while the bottom rot festered. My ancestors here LIVED the American Dream an' I started out thatta way so even if my reality was flawed it was yet real--even if manufactured!
Yet it WORKED an' we didn't imagine it! We LIVED it (surely you too CJ--you couldn't a dunnit in on some non-globo-cap mountain in I dunno borneo?!) An' ditto fer the rest of the whirled that told their own STORIES an' lived purdy well on a stable STOREY fer years.
I know (f)Elon Musk-OX is a con job... but I'll say that whatever failin's DJT has--an' however a good or not so good job of ACTIN' he's doin'--we (us--we the pee-pull) kin grab some bricks, mix up some mortar an' try (indeed) ta M.A.G.A.... it will NOT be perfect! DJT has been handed literally a HUD home worth $1 but I'd ruther put the spanner in his hands than PrincessCackleberry's...
Your right it’s just his opinion, some of it could well be right, but no body knows what the people are capable of, things have been overturned many of time in history.
I'd argue that it is boring because destruction is always boring, those who create beauty on the other hand are rarely boring, so here's to creating beauty, I wish you a peaceful day, Grüß Gott!
You are missing the bigger picture- it’s a spiritual battle. God has allowed Satan a limited time hangout, ruler over all sinners, and persecuter of saints. We are all born sinners, born in Satan’s temporary kingdom, under his sway until we surrender to God and through Jesus (who took our justly deserved punishment)are adopted into the family of God. God is at work in people and He does answer prayer, but he will eventually allow Satan his one world government ruled by his antichrist. We are free moral agents till then. We are able to choose whom we will serve, who we will align with. If we serve ourselves, we are still in Satan’s control- for that is what he is all about. If we serve God, we can indeed make a difference and help to save the souls of many. But this whole present-day system is just a limited time hangout, it won’t last just like these bodies of ours won’t last. So “choose you this day whom you will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!”
One thing I don't understand is how God can be the creator of Satan, including his apparent free will, yet not be responsible for Satan's evil. Is there part of Satan that is not under God's control? If Satan *is* under God's control, why does he let Satan do evil? If Satan *is not* under God's control, how can that be, as God controls everything?
If one cannot transfer supposed knowledge to (any) skeptic and, *thereby*, convince him/her, that's not knowledge at all. That's people fooling themselves that something identifiable was transmitted because of how it "feels". Perfectly fine for expanding community with like-minded individuals, but totally useless for actually convincing, aka spreading what is, in fact, a *logic-based story* like "the Good News". Perhaps that's why spreading such "Good News" to mature societies is like scaling a cliff. Might as well use crystals, or conform to the target groups, just the way Christianity merged with pagan beliefs in Europe in order to spread it by arm-twisting.
And another thing I don't understand is why demonstration of the existence of God -- ostensibly the most important entity in the universe -- would be left to a bunch of rag-tags to evangelize us for thousands of years, yet still have convinced less than half of us (or one-seventh, if you rely only on Jesus). Why wouldn't he just open the heavens and shout "I'm here!" to the 8 billion of us? Sure as hell would convince me!
Instead we infer from the tea leaves of things like nature's beauty and all manner of metaphors and other cryptic things. And then after death, we are tortured by this infinitely-merciful God for all eternity for coming to the wrong conclusion. Go figure.
Me, I think it's obviously all genetic evolution supporting mental health during our growing consciousness, over many thousands of years. But now five centuries after the Enlightenment, devolved to greater or lesser quantities per person. Show me I'm wrong -- please!! The quantity of religious out there, now popping out again all over the place, especially among analytically intelligent ones who nevertheless seem unable to explain anything intelligible has me utterly baffled. And if I thus "don't get it", how the hell can I be guilty?!
Why this concerns me so much: Because we seem to be rushing headlong into Armageddon, which, even if "predicted" by scripture -- as time can be an illusion, after all -- says NOTHING knowable about the nature of superhuman beings. They can just as easily be superhuman, but sub-infinite, aliens, who are brazen and epic liars to us. For all I know, that's what the UFOs are about. They're back to infect more people...
Another thing I don't understand is how one comes to *know* (as opposed to merely believe) what God is and what God wants. Do you not believe, as I do, that "Man" (i.e. "all humans", for the woke and/or contemporary atheists out there) is unavoidably, and eternally, limited and imperfect? If so, how can he *know* *anything* -- *including* God?
In other words, isn't it *all* belief? Doesn't seem to matter whether it comes from a mysteriously-sourced scripture, the infinitely-varied ideas of modern godmongers, or your own experiences that are indistinguishable from hallucination. I mean, it used to be called "faith", right? But now, the evangelists come with trumpets blaring "TRUTH!", and usually in all-caps. Go figure.
Surprised by the comments here all over the place. For my part, I think this is as accurate an assessment of where we are as any I've ever read. It rings true. I am reminded of the first time I heard of Chris Hedges, when I started reading War is a Force that give us Meaning. It's not just true, it's deeply resonant, superbly articulated and comes from a lived experience.
For those who are confused, angry or missing the point of what Mr Hopkins says, he is quite clear that there is no conspiracy or cabal of evil elites required for any of this to happen. He is also clear that it is not necessary that elites are even aware of how the role they play furthers the evolution of this giant machine.
One way to summarize is to rephrase the famous quote from Thoreau: We created a system to dehumanize and instrumentalize all of nature, and thereafter the system has been dehumanizing and instrumentalizing us.
Ah, thank you! That rephrased Thoreau quote helps. I was having trouble with how it's a self-perpetuating system, even though I don't believe it could all be orchestrated by a small cabal. Thank you for sharing.
Good chance it's an IC op to pollute his commentary, and is not organic, as they have little reason to congregate here. (The sprinkling around of Flat Earthers with curiously sophisticated explanations is another example of community sabotage.)
We have a ruling class. They are all capitalists. They are not always unified. However, they are unified in their desire to control and exploit and otherwise do things that are harmful (or worse) to us - the vast majority people in the world.
They also have goals, agendas that increase their control and wealth that they want to accomplish. A primary control mechanism of the population is the illusion of democracy. For that illusion to be maintained it must appear to have some legitimacy in the eyes of most people. However, ruling class agendas – which of course serve ruling class interests - have a tendency of putting a strain on the credulity that people have in that illusion of democracy, that is, it’s legitimacy.
Let’s go back to the election of 2000 (US). Most people believe (in many ways, rightly) that it was stolen. However, if we see elections as a mechanism of control, then the fact that Democrats didn’t protest the obvious irregularities and outright frauds, then we can see that Bush administration was installed to prosecute a ruling class agenda. (That agenda was spelled out by the neocons, who are not the ruling class but rather cohorts that want to captain the ship owned by the ruling class.) The neocons, however, were deeply unpopular in the population (worldwide actually). This unpopularity began to challenge the legitimacy of the illusion of democracy so crucial for ruling class control. Obama’s role was to return legitimacy to “democracy.” Recall that Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize when he was only a presidential candidate, that is, when he had no actual power to do anything that might end the wars for which the neocons became so unpopular. (Incidentally, there was a sizeable peace movement in the US, from 2003 onward that completely evaporated in 2007, just based on the hopium that Obama represented a meaningful change for the better.) This was about creating an image, or narrative of restoring democratic values. Obama, in office did none of those things; he continued the neocon agenda by less obvious means (like vastly escalating drone warfare).
In my view, that is what happened in the election last week. The agenda the Democrats were installed to advance, its blatent corruption, was putting a dangerous strain on that illusion of democracy, challenging the legitimacy of the control mechanism (“democracy”). Trump is no more a threat to the ruling class than Harris would be. The 1400 point gain in the stock market the day after Trump’s victory is a clear demonstration of that.
This process I outline above happens about every 8 to 12 years (at least in the last 40 years or so). So going back then, we get 8 years of Reaganism followed by 4 years of HW Bush who had a hard on to defeat the “Vietnam Syndrome” doing a lot damage to Panama and almost destroying Iraq all with trumped up justifications.
Americans (who paid attention) were horrified and the system was “returned to normalcy” with Bill Clinton (Iraq, whose infrastructure was destroyed by Bush’s Desert Storm was prevented from rebuilding (e.g. water purification plants) quietly by Clinton’s brutal sanctions killing an estimated 500k Iraqi children, then in his second term destroyed the last genuine socialist country in Europe – Yugoslavia with his RTP (Responsibility to Protect) ideology, while most Americans were focused on the Monica Lewinsky scandal (i.e. that's what it was for).
Because, "we are many, they are few." Up to now and throughout history, the PTB have not had the capacity to control us by force. So they have had to use softer means: religion, belief in the illusion of democracy, ideology, propaganda, fear of some enemy (communism), or invented pathogen to control the population. This is why digital ID's and CBDC's are so dangerous: they can turn off access to our own money, ability to travel, work, connect with friends/family or just live normally. As we get closer to the mass implementation of those forms of digital control, you can see - as with the Covid scam - they are more openly showing their totalitarian hand.
Sometimes just knowing what is happening is empowering even though we are powerless to influence or completely understand all the implications of the New Normal system as it evolves before our eyes.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas with us while you continue to suffer unrelenting persecution.
That is the biggest challenge it seems, making people aware of the issues, helping them see throught the psyops and false-flags. At this stage of the fight, I believe that "educating" the masses is the first and most daunting task ahead of us.
As long as the majority refuses, or is unable to understand that they are being culled, that they are being imprisoned, and more importantly, if they cannot understand the tactics and workings of psyops and false-flags, how are we to fight The Beast?
A very small minority is simply not enough.
CJ is doing a fantastic job of "awakening" the many, and that is prescisely why he is being targeted. Were he ineffective, the globalists would be targeting someone else who they considered more of a threat to them, wouldn't they?
CJ Hopkins seems intentionally ambiguous about who we should be scared of. His essay points to the global-capitalist system as the ultimate source of fear, but he obscures this central idea with layers of narrative, sarcasm, and misdirection. The system itself, according to Hopkins, is an evolving, amorphous entity, transcending individuals or governments. He frames figures like Elon Musk and Donald Trump as pawns—witting or unwitting—of this system, ensuring that the real antagonist remains intangible and systemic rather than identifiable or actionable.
This vagueness aligns with his broader message: the futility of reducing the problem to personalities or political parties when the real power lies within an invisible, self-perpetuating structure. However, the lack of concrete detail about the system’s mechanisms, goals, or key actors may frustrate readers looking for actionable insights or a clearer call to arms. Instead, Hopkins leaves the audience with an abstract sense of dread about an unstoppable, evolving force, shifting the fear from identifiable enemies to the system’s inescapable totalitarian trajectory.
My only criticism is that this is a bit of an insult towards the honest arduous work that Taibbi et al did with the Twitter files. I agree that the ultimate effect may be more of a panacea than a real blow against the opponents of free speech. Still, I don't think the pool of people who were both willing and capable was large enough to consider the ones who took up the challenge as "hand-selected," and I don't think they pulled many if any punches.
He didn’t insult Taibbi, he was describing what took place. Taibbi himself has a very similar take on much of it and also admits he’d been late to covid… a perfect position to be in when being unleashed to investigate what was going on by people who might not want the full story to come out. Don’t you recall that Taibbi, being Taibbi, started to pick up on the breadth and scope of what was going on and was immediately locked out of the Twitter Files? Taibbi helped kick off the Twitter Files, he is not the Twitter Files. There is a difference in that.
Yeah, I don't know - I agree that there is a System, a Managerial Bureaucracy that just exists and grows. The Circumlocation Office made global. However, how about people just turn off their tablets and phones and go back to living as they choose? Nobody needs to buy stuff from Amazon or Temu or any other online shop. Nobody needs to pay for potatoes with a smart phone or take an injection because they have a cold. The System grows because we participate in The Modern World. We could stop. Or is that not an option?
I agree that this is a good start, but tuning out and ignoring our overlords is not an option, I'm afraid, they have started to make their move to exterminate the vast majority of us, and we are going to have to figure out a way to fight back, to wrest control of our governments, institutions and militaries out of their hands and back into ours.
Ignoring them and/or trying to live in parallel systems won't be possible, they will not just let us be, no more than the colonizers of old leave alone the indigenous populations they encountered/discovered.
Mass resistance is the only way. I disagree with the plan of not buying from certain places- i mean logically that makes sense, but in practice, we are rapidly being impoverished and the majority of people will buy from the cheapest seller because that is all they can afford. That being said, I appreciate CJ's perspective but it ignores the power of the masses.
Just because we haven't seen mass resistance in the West in our lifetimes does not mean it's impossible. I believe Americans WILL resist en masse in my lifetime.
Not sure I'll see much resistance to the beast systems from most of my relatives and acquaintances. Most of them are still drinking the cool-aid. And most of them still seem to believe that they can reverse or prevent diseases taking medicines and vaccines loaded with toxic ingredients that are equivalent to rat poisons and snake venom. Time will tell. But I won't be expecting any type of support from folks who are in love with modern day slavery in various forms. No doubt here that these are the types of people who will be first in line to receive the brain chips.
This column is generating a fair amount of anger from Trump and Musk fans, which I expected. So, I'll make a deal with you folks. If the new Trump/Musk administration constitutes and empowers an open-ended fact-finding commission to investigate and publicly expose the facts behind the rollout of the New Normal (i.e., the "Covid pandemic") in 2020-2022 throughout the Western world -- i.e., not just focused on "red/blue" politics in the USA, not just another club to beat the Democrats over the head with, though they deserve it -- if the new Trump/Musk administration does that, I will put on a MAGA hat, take a selfie, post it, and otherwise eat crow on the Internet. Fair enough?
Easy deal to make, CJ. The new Trump/Musk administration will never do it. They’ll memory hole the New Normal totalitarianism in favor of their populist technocratic totalitarianism. This administration won’t challenge the aristocratic system of totalitarians. Ever.
Three resource that expose at-depth the Musk deception, who he really is, what did he actually do in life, the fake narrative built around him, and where he and his ruling class billionaire buddies are taking us :
And here on how Musk works together with israeli "intelligence" agencies to transfer your data to israel for surveillance (as well as censorship and "visability filtering" if you write the wrong tweet) by the empire's supremacist zionist colony in west asia.
More on Musk selling you to zionist surveillance here
On Musk's promotion and amplifying of Israeli AI-superbot farms on X:
And regarding the trump deception, and his new ultra-zionist WarHawk administration of the most extreme WAR MONGERING NEOCON swamp creatures in DC (even worse than his first administration, if that's even possible), please look at the investigative video report below to see with your own eyes trump's new War Hawk NeoCon cabinet of fundamentalist evangelical-zionist warmongers and ultra-rich NeoCon scum (with all of trump's picks to lead the global empire sharing a profoundly belligerent militaristic fascist Godless ideology of domination, greed, tribalist supremacy, dehumanization, Genocide/extermination and power over). The most pro-billionaire pro-war pro-M.I.C ultra-zionist pro-war anti-workers anti-humanity cabinet of billionaire representitives in american history and here
And then please see this profoundly important essay with full citations for the exact reason he appointed these vile NeoCon Zionist WarMongers
And here
If one doesn’t understand the logic that guides the ruling class (and has been guiding them for centuries), as shown in detail in these essays with numerous examples, then one would have no idea what is going on and will be easy prey for their propaganda and savior psyops (like the obama psyop or the trump psyop or the musk psyop)
Once again the american people have fallen for a FALSE MESSIAH and the carefully crafted propaganda narrative that presented him as "anti-elite rebel, man of the people who came to fight the deep state for the little guy' .
Once again he and his zionist NeoCon billionaires are laughing at all the gullible fools who fell for the Qanon/MAGA deception yet again.. Once again his cabinet is the POLAR OPPOSITE of the so-called "anti-war peace president" fake narrative that was sold to his gullible hypnotized worshippers.
And the Qanon slogan that he is "non-intervetionist" is also complete baloney. See the video above that goes over his policies in the 1st term and what is clearly set to be a much more interventionist and war mongering 2nd term, led by his cabinet of extreme NeoCon Zionist WarHawks and fundamentalist evangelicals, with an almoat certain attack on iran coming soon and likely also on china (ie. a nuclear world war and the end of life on earth, which is great if you're a zionist evangelical hoping for the armagedon war to bring in the rupture)
And had Harris won?
Same pro-billionaire pro-empire right-wing NeoConservative Zionist shit with slighly different names. Only thing that changed is that the face at the front desk is different but the corporation stays the same Harris NeoCons claim they need to maintain their global trilliona-dollar militarized empire in order to "protect human rights and democracy" while trump's NeoCon evangelical-zionists claim they need to maintain their global trillions-dollar militarized empire of mass-murder, plunder, bullying, intimidation, bombing, abuse and domination because "god" and "this is what jesus wants" and "to save western civilization" and "the chosen people will bring the end times and the return of jesus". That's the only difference between these anti-life pro-empire NeoCon Zionist abusers that fill up both administrations.
See full details on this here
and here
And here on the trumpism or anti-trumpism echo-chambers (reality filters) we've been funnelled into by the ruling class and its information/perception management technologies. half the population into this bubble and the other half into the other bubble and the two bubbles pitted against each other, to make sure the 99% are constantly divided and never united against the ruling class that shake the jar.
What's important IMHO is to understsnd the logic that guides the ruling class (and has been guiding them for centuries), regadless of which faction of the ruling class happens to be in the white house at any particular moment (here's a muat-read description of the two factions of the american ruling class the two factions of the elite, the two faces of capitalism - corporate or oligarchic - that are fighting among themselves in this sham billiomaores' "election" on which faction will be the top dog who will dominate humanity and the planet's resources).
This logic that guides the ruling class is shown in detail in the following two essays with numerous examples. IMHO these are must-read essays for every human on the planet who wishes to understand how we are being played
And here
I'm very familiar with Caitlin and Whitney Webb, et al.
But neither you or them are offering any sort of solution. It's just a wash, rinse, repeat, the glass is half empty and it's getting lower and here's why Ad infinitum mindset.
As I said to CJ; 3 yards in a cloud of dust beats a 5 yard tackle for loss.
The bright side is there's a slow gradual awakening in progress that goes far beyond Trump versus Harris and Red versus Blue, which needs to be taken advantage of.
If all you're going to do is constantly tell everyone why the situation is usual, all that breeds is more desperation.
Neither I nor the resources i shared (from the speed of your reply it is clear you didn't read them, and I shared much more than only Caitlin Johnstone) neither i nor these resources said the situation is desperate, but exactly to the contrary. To point out with numerous examples (which you didn't read) how we are being deceived by the ruling class, is NOT desperation but is the most essential first step to understanding what is going on and to stop falling for their deceptions (deceptions which insure that we will never free ourselves from the domination of the few over the many). Clearly the vast majority of americans still believe in the deceptions and that one or the other of the ruling class' factions is on the side of the people. There ia no hope for TRUE meaningful change as long as people still believe that (and it is obvious that most americans do, especially those who call themselves "red pilled". They might be the most hypnotized of all, since they are being constantly told in their echo-chambers how "awake" they are, when they are completely clueless on how the global militatized empire actually functions and how they've been funnelled into cheering for the greatest murderous evil on this planet while believong they are "fighting the elite"). So waking up from this deep hypnotism is the absolitely most essential first step.
As for what can actually be done (once we have woken up to how we are being deceived) about being caught in an all-encompassing anti-human abusive hierarchical system of domination, eternal war, subjugation, abuse and control of the few ultra-rich over tue many, a system that gives us only the option of choosing between one or the other of its two puppets, and having practically zero influence on the empire itself and its control over our lives - here's a suggestion, IMHO a very wise, practical and human-centered suggestion, that was already applied very successfully before (in half of Spain, when millions of people removed the ultra-wealthy hierarchical capitalist abusers from power and established a very productive and flourishing egalitarian self-rule without a government or ultra-rich rapists) with many links leading out from it for further, more detailed, exploration, if there's an interest
And detailed answers to FAQ is here
And see here how this was already applied very successfully before
Here's a more detailed account of how it was applied
As well as here
So, you and Spritzler want to be egalitarian Fabian Socialist Crusaders and emulate the Spanish Revolution here in the US.
"The line between fascism and Fabian socialism is very thin. Fabian socialism is the dream. Fascism is Fabian socialism plus the inevitable dictator."
- John T. Flynn (1949). “The Road Ahead”
At this point in time Pedro Sanchez is very close to becoming "the inevitable dictator".
The Framers of our Constitution created a Constitutional Republic based on limited government and free market capitalism. What we now have is a corporatist state that survives off of crony capitalism joined by and enabled by the State. Corporatism is the foundation of Fascism.
So, I've got no interest in following another path that eventually leads to the same thing.
Egalitarianism is a pipe dream that never works because all men are not born equal.
Matthew 24:4
King James Version
4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
2 Thessalonians 2:10-13
And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. ...
Well, who said there is a solution?
Pointing out/discovering a problem doesn't automatically mean you have to solve it. That's simple thinking and actually really odd.
As the old saying goes; "You're either part of the problem, or you're part of the solution".
If all someone does is constantly point out the problem(s) without ever suggesting any solutions, then they're part of the problem.
It's like "Pointing out" that there's water coming through the ceiling and then "discovering" that it's due to a hole in the roof. That "doesn't automatically mean you have to solve it". But if you don't start figuring out how to repair the hole in the roof, the problem is going to get much worse.
So, if you don't understand that, then you're the odd one, Mary.
Agree, while Whitney came out with her witty connecting the dots, there is just "how bad it is over there" and "it's all bad" "they" etc. NO SOLUTIONS, NO ACTIONS TO TAKE ..... the same thing that leads me to believe some people are being funded just to upset the public against all representatives. Kinda like CCP-funded groups in the USA just happen to be playing both sides of the "protests" on one side, pro Hamas and "free Palestine" and the other Israel has the right to defend etc. See the book Blood Money by Peter Schweizer, the receipts are there, and much of the "noise" we see is foreign interest funding., to create division and unrest within America.
To be clear. I don't think Whitney or CJ are trying to sow division, and it's very important to have people like them to shine a light on bad actors masquerading as good actors.
But it's also important to shine a light on the truly good actors who are actively trying to effect change for the better with viable solutions like Ron Paul.
I think I'm stating the obvious here, but CJ is NOT saying "the situation" is hopeless but is laying out the parameters of the BIG con & analysing the tricky, ever-adapting nature of GloboCap's "plan for total bio-tech global domination". He's showing, yet again, how the globalists' Empire can duck & weave & change directions to confuse/divert all those "awakening" souls who want to throw off their chains but then settle for following the system's approved & promoted "heroes & saviors".
All of recorded history is a yo-yo of control, manipulation, slavery & freedoms won... & then lost & fought for once again... over & over. Lies & laws are formulated & forced on populations by rulers, govts & churches to control us - our lives, families, labor, souls - thru wars, economic disasters & religious gods - & steal our wealth/resources.
Always a good lesson to be reminded of - together we have to save ourselves, never trust fully in any "hero" - because people get swept up again & again by identifying w/the carefully developed political binary of "good & bad" political parties/politicians & then emotions over-rule any critical thinking/judgement or actual facts. Unless the entire GloboCap enterprise is truthfully examined/shared, no solutions will ever arise. I truly appreciate CJ's admission that he's flummoxed & his refusal to formulate any kind of "pat solution" to our global nightmare.
If YOU have solutions to the GC's authoritarian bio-tech grid, pls share. My only solution is to resist tyranny by refusing to comply & continuing to fight back, which is what CJ & many others are doing. Accusations that CJ isn't providing hope to anyone is not true as his entire life & career has been exposing the cracks in a rotten, broken "political" system. If that's not being a hopeful example then I don't know what is, do you?
To be clear. I agree 100% with CJ that the war on populism is the primary motivation behind the actions that were employed by the elite ruling class after Trump was elected in 2016 and Brexit.
In reality, GloboCap is corporatism (fascism). So, there's nothing new about their strategic goals that's unique to our current time period. And shining a light on what they're really up to is very important. FDR's New Deal was fascism.
But this is a spiritual battle that began in the late 1800's during the industrial revolution and continues to this day with the information revolution. The recent rollout of the AI con job (AI is just intuitive software, garbage in, garbage out, still applies) is the culmination.
So, refusing to comply is a given. But you need to define exactly what "fight back" really means?
B—I-N-G-O. Brilliantly stated. They’re playing 3–D chess against opponents who congratulate themselves on understanding checkers.
Thank you for the links and your comments...will certainly check them all out.
Is the glass half empty and draining fast, or half full and slowly filling up, CJ?
Bobby Jr. has already exposed a lot of "facts behind the rollout of the New Normal (i.e., the "Covid pandemic")". So, as far as I'm concerned Trump picking him as head of the HHS is a glass half full event.
Whether he gets the votes needed to be approved is another matter. But if he doesn't then the ones who vote against his approval get exposed. Likewise for Tulsi Gabbard as Director of National Intelligence. That one will definitely serve to smoke all the Rats out of their holes.
I'll always take 3 yards in a cloud of dust over a tackle for a 5 yard loss.
She's answered to that. They picked her. She didn't pick them.
"After being bugged online over her picture being on the WEF website as a Young Global Leader, after telling people over and over on Twitter and Instagram that she had never gone to Davos and had nothing to do with the WEF, Tulsi asked the WEF to remove the picture of her from their promotional materials which she never consented to in the first place."
Even if she had gone, who doesn't have skeletons in their closet (if they are HONEST about it); for example, after 9/11 (while still in shock due to psyops overload), I wrote a letter (to my undying shame) DEFENDING GEORGE W. BUSH. Ok, I made a mistake; it doesn't make me a bad person, and, ever since Abu Graib woke me up, I'm very careful about "getting it right".
I don't think you'll ever need to wear that MAGA hat. It's all covered CJ.
- Is Donald Trump compromised by Israel’s Mossad? And was his Assassination Attempt Staged after all?
- Trump controlled by KGB/Mossad
I think it's important to stress that all cults of personality are to be resisted.
I also think it's incorrect that '...was part of some strictly-USA-operated “Censorship Industrial Complex,” which was absolutely not a global operation'. The network of NGOs and associated parts of the network had global reach.
All that said, I figured with a Trump presidency, we have a better chance than we did with the rapidly degenerating Democrats. I'm not holding my breath, but I am hoping.
I also feel that the whole global situation is part of an emergent complex system with no one entity in control.
Deal! But, you're right on this score...I doubt that will ever happen. Trump is still too proud of his big beautiful vaccine.
It's funny CJ. All these people arguing against you claim to be chosen by god. That too is part of the global manufactured system you are describing.
Have you noticed that EVERY single of Trump's rallies ended with this classic song?:
any thoughts?🤔
Nobody should be angry. Things are what they are.
The best we can hope for is that more people start to realize it's a BIG show, and that most of what people have been taught (historically) was just a story.
It's going to suck for many people, but it must be understood.
I understand how people want to live in the fantasy world, but what greater adventure is there than breaking through to the real world!
It's like the guy from The Matrix who sells everyone out. He's content to stay in the fake world.
There are FAR TOO MANY people like that guy. They're positioned well enough within the system (or empire) that it works out for them.
However, we're quickly approaching the point where things aren't going to work out well enough, for enough people -- to actually drive them into action.
Perhaps for the first time in decades, people will be able to look at what's happened (because it's happened within a relatively short period of time) and realize that they're being played from all sides.
As many people have said. We have more power than we think. If we didn't, they wouldn't have to keep "the show" going!
Doesn't matter what they do or don't do: until we have OUR OWN MONEY (which will require us having OUR OWN POLITICAL PARTY (CSR - Consensus, Sortition, Rescission); if you aren't the government, then you are government property. See 2010 plan on the archives of the Library of Congress:
Call or text 586-422-5526; ask for AJ.
They might do that and other temporary diversions. Your perspectives are still spot on looking at the entire picture. Btw, consider that if all their talking points, such as those, do come true. The Fed is still private. Perhaps they will make the country digital as a solution. And then in one move, that is handed over to the puppeteers.
Typo in the above, I think. ‘Covid plandemic’
I assume you are in favor of elimination of the “DEEP STATE”
Can't do that, CJ.
How about a free Neuralink instead?
While some of what you write is most likely true, it is really grating that it keeps coming across as you being the sage, the one who can see through this, and you need to let us , the blind folks know in a very talk-down manner. Your psyops also always assume that these folks have everything under total control, that there's not the possibility of chance, chaos, human fallibility, in-party fighting, and, after all, the existence of possibly a higher power that might interfere.
"the existence of possibly a higher power that might interfere"
A "higher power" is indeed interfering already, but not in the way that you might like.
This is all God's JUDGMENT on an evil, wicked world, for rejecting the way of his son (which includes the vast majority of Christians).
America is the end-times nation of "Babylon the great" (Rev 18:2) and her end is not good.
The Scriptures are being fulfilled 100% before our very eyes.
They are being fulfilled no question. The system is the first beast of Revelation 13 supported by the second beast which is the new religion of pharma and trans humanism. Have to disagree on the USA though as Babylon is not one country, but the entire globocapitalist empire. Ch 18 v3 is clear that it is “all the nations” who have become rich through drinking her wine.
The "her" in Rev 18:3 is referring to America/"Babylon the great" in the preceding verse.
There is a PHYSICAL nation called "Babylon the great" (Rev 18:2). This is America.
New York City is "that great city Babylon". (Rev 18:10, 21)
And there is a SPIRITUAL Babylon called "MYSTERY." (Rev 17:5)
Best video on the topic (all from the Scriptures):
Companion PDF: "Is America Babylon?":
John in Revelation uses the concept of OT Babylon to describe the final Babylon, which is the entire corrupt global economic system. It is not any single specific nation. From time to time, one nation may have more of Babylon within it, than another. The USA maybe today; City of London; New York; Beijing - the point is that at various times, they can all resemble ancient Babylon. So it can vary. Mystery Babylon refers to all false or apostate churches. When John was writing, it was Rome - hence the reference to the seven hills in Ch. 17. That has changed - as John says, there will be other nations (rulers) that arise later.
Best video? How about studying the King James Bible, rightly divided? Mystery Babylon is "that great whore that sitteth on waters, which are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues." Its clearly the Vatican and its Roman Catholic deception, prostituting itself over the whole earth: "And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth." See all of Revelation 17 for context.
Is it possible that the King James translation of the Bible has achieved its sacrosanct position and status because it is the first version that many people ever were exposed to? Like, as children. You know, Dawn, 'first impressions are lasting impressions'. It's just the way that works.
True. And I've been looking not for any first edition (we) are exposed to -- I'm looking for the first edition, period. Like, what was scribbled down c.30 AD, and how do we know? Seems to me that if you don't have that, everything else is suspect, no matter how good it sounds/feels.
It is quite obvious in the modern era just how badly reality can be distorted by dedicated characters, even those with good intentions. And about the first century, we certainly don't seem to have much in the way of demonstrably *original* documents and other proofs, the best is tiny scraps decades after the fact.
There's one thing that bother me about the KJB. Can you explain to me how it's authoritative, yet its source was produced by the Catholics?
Please explain.
The Authorized Version was the cream of the crop of the Protestant English Reformation translations of the Bible contra the Roman Catholic versions based on Jerome's Latin translation of the 4th century, as in the Douay-Rheims (NT 1582- OT 1610). At the Council of Trent in 1545-63 Jerome's Latin Vulgate somehow superseded the original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts and became the inspired authority.
I always love the folks who don't want to watch or read something suggested, stating (quite haughtily) things like, oh, I don't know:
"How about studying the King James Bible, rightly divided?"
Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. (John 5:39)
As if all they ever did was read the KJB alone and never, ever read any commentaries or watched any videos or listened to any sermons or read any dictionaries or any concordances in their entire Christian life.
All they've ever done is sit with their KJB day after day, year after year, never touching, never listening, never reading anything else related to the word of God, only their King James Bible.
But even more priceless, is then to leave a link to read COMMENTARY at their own website!
P.S. Rome is not even a seaport, one of the 99+ Biblical parameters that define the end-times Babylon.
America, and ONLY America, fulfills all of the required Biblical parameters.
You do not understand that there is a PHYSICAL Babylon and there is a SPIRITUAL Babylon. Good Bereans, who prove out the information in the links provided with Bible in hand (and the Holy Spirit to guide), will discover all kinds of interesting truth.
He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him. (Prov 18:13)
Have you noticed that EVERY single of Trump's rallies ended with this classic song?:
any thoughts?🤔
I didn't know that. I don't vote, so I don't follow Trump's rallies.
But my guess would be that he is attempting to send some kind of "retribution is coming message" to his fans, to get/keep them stirred up.
I am surprised I never heard about this before. Would have thought the "opposition party" would be crying about it continually, or the Trump crowd touting it.
Thanks for the info. Will be watching to see how things turn out with all of this.
End-times Bible prophecy in play for sure.
And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch. (Mark 13:37)
Just 2 things: 1) ... & 2) Welcome to the Matrix! We/you have been living under COG for the past 4 years+. WWG1WGA! blessings!
I guess you haven't read the Apostle Paul's work, Romans through Philemon, giving us the "revelation of the mystery," in a sound, inerrant King James Bible. We are yet living under the grace of God offered freely to all men for salvation, without the law. God is longsuffering until "...the fulness of the Gentiles be come in." Then this age will close, and prophecy will resume with Israel going through its 70th week (7 yrs) of great tribulation, and those who rejected the Lord Jesus Christ will see God's wrath unfolding in all its terror.
Babylon (the whore) = all organized religion (i.e. depart from me I never knew you).
Beast = man as an individual and collectively the world's governing systems.
CJH is confused by what appears to be an 'organic evolution of a system', when it is actually the playing out of the purposes of the sovereign God, as has been the case since the beginning of time.
If he’s so smart why is he in such a jam
Because he called something like he saw it, and correctly, but he wasn't smart about where he called it, and couldn't be bothered to leave Germany where his life is before doing so, and could not have known beforehand the degree to which the swastika image he used and posted would get blown up by the German gov't in order to know TO leave. None of us would have either.
Someone doesn't have to be smart or wise about every single thing they do or in every single subject to be legitimately called 'smart.' Mr. Hopkins is super smart, and a thoughtful, sincere man. So he seems to me, anyway. Fine writer, too. Zone 23 is really good.
What IS missing from his writing is along the lines of what A. Montana commented on, a lack of suggestions for remedy, and so his writing is morphing now into hard black-pilling.
I hope he's wrong about the black inevitability, but even if he is, he's still smart.
Imo what is missing from this piece is the humility not to come across as the all knowing condescending sage like the commenter I responded to mentioned, wisdom rather than smart is a better word that I should have used. I believe so many of us value our opinions much too highly anyway
Maybe so, but he might be feeling a bit impatient at the moment, and I suspect diplomacy isn't his forte, anyway. Thinking and writing are.
I don't sense ego in his writing, either, that he thinks highly of himself, his own opinions, just that he doesn't suffer fools gladly, and that he's under extreme pressure.
I think you misunderstood the tone of the piece and took the all-knowing doom-and-gloom oracle voice to be condescending when I took it to be almost like a parody of such. I took his tone as, hey, I'm looking around the panopticon and this is what I think is going on and how it will evolve, based on past patterns. It is not arrogant or holier-than-thou, imo, but cynical and Orwellian, and it was appropriate.
It’s certainly possible but my original comment was responding to someone who took it the same way so im not alone
The condescending sage who depicts human history as the journey pointing to his experience in a German court room that he dominates the discourse with his conventional and simplistic assessment of WWII history.
The solution to the totalitarian global government is spiritual but not in the passive "God or Jesus will "RETURN" and sort it one way or another and "we" Christians will come out on top" way.
They are interpreting deeply metaphorical ancient but badly translated spiritual scripts" wildly, randomly and in a way that suits their wishful lazy thinking. Those scripts are absolutely true, but, when looked at and read from an egoic dualist viewpoint (as all religious people do), are turned into gibberish mind-driven jokes.
This threat amusingly demonstrates this once again, as the infighting between the religious people is perpetual. They can never agree to anything because they read all these through their divisive minds.
No, a spiritual solution is an individual spiritual active investigation of our false ego structure that is at the core and the driver of this power-greed paradigm. That's all there is to do and all that can be done.
None of us can or will save the world. But each of us can save themselves from being part in the power-greed system. This systems life depends on enough people participating in it. The solution is very simple. Sort yourself out and forget about the rest, and the rest will sort itself out too.
Love your comment as I do not view the Bible as literal or even as prophecies for the time we are living in. Did anyone ever consider that the stories in the bible can be interpreted via astro-mythology. No one is a messiah is coming to save us. And I say that from a perspective of someone who absolutely believes in a higher power. God works through each of us.
"Those scripts are absolutely true"
How do we know? Where's the rest of them? What was chosen, what discarded, and for what purposes? Only tiny fragments, written decades after Jesus died, remain extant.
It is the task of the spiritual seeker to seperate the rubbish from the gold nuggets in the Bible. This is possible if we look and study many other mystics that experienced and talked about the “one" God. Where they agree, you know it is absolute truth. If some description stand alone and are devisive,, it is very likely rubbish introduced by non-mystics for a number of reasons. “The only way to God is through Jesus “ (Christianity) is one of those rubbish statements introduced by power-hungry and ignorant people to stop people reading other scripts in order to detect rubbish, like this statement. No true mystic would ever say such a thing. To the contrary, they all teach that eventually all spiritual teachers, including themselves, have to be dropped in order for our ultimate inner teacher, the sadguru, to lead us on the final stretch. For example, this Buddha quote: “If you meet the Buddha on your way, kill him”. Copycatting a mystic is a guaranteed recipe for spiritual failure. And all cults and religions do it.
The vast majority of believers in gods — and even the chief transcendent God over all of the little, anthropomorphic gods — are addicted to the false hope called “divine intervention”. These god believers want their chosen spiritual entity to change the world, whether it’s making an evil world into a good world or making a good world into a better one. These (stupid?) god believers don’t concern themselves with changing themselves.
Every reasonable sounding (to me) suggestion for a remedy is in the nature of personally waking up and learning to see through their smoke and mirrors game. THAT I have some say and control over. And I can communicate from that awakened state to others in hopes of creation a consciousness contagion.
I think discussion of remedy is the natural progression from having ID'd the problem, but I can't blame Mr. Hopkins for not doing so. He's facing major adversity from what he calls GloboCap, and for a long time now. Probably feeling pretty beleaguered at this point.
His assessments are enough of a contribution. Others can suggest and provide remedy.
Lol. Thanks for that.
Well said! friggin' A, A!
‘Everything is a psyop’, except CJ…
Absolutely A Montana nails it. These people who put it out there that this is all controlled have not really thought things through IMO.
Let’s try a thought experiment and assume “everything is a psyop and strictly controlled by the elite” crowd is correct. 100% correct! What does that mean for us sheeple?
I’ll tell you what it means. Writing and talking about this shit is pointless. It’s about the same as getting your ass out of bed in the morning; POINTLESS. If these elite pricks are Really this good newsflash folks…..WE ARE ALREADY FUCKED!!
Which then I have to ask wth are you even doing writing such blogs. Why do you even care about commenting? Let me guess you just want to tell people about what fools they are for believing there’s a way out or a solution to this problem.
And see, this makes you folks the biggest fools of all!!
Talk for yourself please. I don't feel talked down to at all. I, independently, by simply observing what has happened and using a combination of common sense, the study of human nature (I am trained as a psychotherapist) and a practical and spiritual understanding of the nature of the false ego, come to a similar conclusion. What CJ calls GloboCap, I call power-greed paradigm. I find it very helpful to read different deep descriptions of what is going on in the world.
i think he made clear though that it isn't " these folks" that are in control. did you miss that?
Kind of agree with your view. You know that expression “when you only have a hammer in your tool kit, every problem looks like a nail”?
Thing is, the ‘problem’ is so multi layered and super complex therefore the ‘hammer’ needs to become a more and more sophisticated tool.
Hence well written and let’s face it, entertaining pieces like CJs here. In this ecosystem everyone has to make a living no? (with the tools available to them 😉)
Frankly sounds like a petulant jealous child.
Trump is an actor just like Musk is and as is every public figure.
Dr. Yeadon, they have been saying that about you for years. You were one of the first people to wake me up back in 2020, so I've stayed faithful to my opinion of you. I hope all the doom-sayers are wrong. Blessings!
Maybe you are too. Maybe we all are.
Well, yes, we all play parts depending on our role in our personal, professional relationships, etc..... there is a difference between that playing of a part and the deception that some of these people in higher circles who are purposefully deceiving us do.... not the same, unfortunately... you and me being actors in our lives is NOT the same as these paid actors used by the controllers to harm and lie to us.... this is all laid out in the Day Tapes, if you are interested..... been in the works for decades.....
"A set of audio tapes titled ‘The New Order of Barbarians’ established the existence, scope and direction of a conspiracy which was revealed by an insider, Dr. Richard Day, in 1969.
Dr. Day spoke at The Pittsburgh Paediatric Society in March 1969. Dr. Lawrence Dunegan attended that meeting and in 1988 blew the whistle about the plans that were in place in 1969 to form a new system of government, altering all of society to implement this new system. All of society has been redirected according to these plans.
“Everything is in place and nobody can stop us now … Some of you will think I’m talking about Communism. Well, what I’m talking about is much bigger than Communism!” Dr. Day said. "
Yes, I’ve listened to all of these recordings. Obviously we have to be aware it’s recollections 20 years after the event and we don’t know why it was done. It might all be misdirection. Or not.
Well, a lot of what was said in those Day Tapes are coming to pass..... that's the scary part.....
I suppose there’s something in that. Are we not actors on our own brief stage?
One difference is I’m not selling anything. I go where the evidence takes me, even if it’s upsetting. I know the feeling.
In your opinion is there any hope for us to stop any of this, realistically? Every thing I read is negative and finding it depressing.
The worrisome part is not selling of a product but of an idea that spreads like a "virus".... a product doesn't brainwash the consumer.... it will either work or not and then the consumer decides if they want to keep purchasing said product.... with brainwashing, the product is our consciousness which is a more malevolent thing to sell to someone.... and then the cult becomes a hard habit to break because humans are tribal and we want to be part of something.... hence the "freedom movement"... we were shunned from out friends, coworkers, family, society and then came the "heroes" promised to save us.... it's brilliant and evil at the same time..... that's the problem we are in right now.....
Just like so many meddlers/charlatans that call themselves Freedom Fighters... they are everywhere.... with agenda in hand deceiving the public for their interests.... the cult is a hard habit to break.... at least with Trump and Musk people can see they are not trustworthy but with the medical freedom movement lots of us were/are being duped, as we speak.... that is the real crime....
The Committee of 300.
Dr. John Coleman.
Nixon and JFK were not actors.
Goes back to the War of 1812.
You may think I'm a fool when it comes to doubts about Reiner Fuellmich, but at least we agree here.
This whole Trump thing and Kamala/Biden being stupid asses is a WWE like production to make us think that the nation is
It's not just the journalism by screen shots bullshit that got my attention with Musk. It's that Twitter was worth $100s of billions at the time and Musk bought it for a bit below $50billion?
WTF? Obviously, the company is really worth 50, not 500+ billion or whatever the market says.
That brings us to the illusion of economics and how the stock market is just a casino table and if a country makes most of their money in casino markets, it's a pyramid scheme.
But don't fret.... People who actually work will not suffer the collapse of the bullshit market because that only hurts the bullshit jobs.
My wife has always been concerned about Reiner and the most recent narratives have pushed her firmly to the negative.
I feel sorry for his situation assuming it’s real. But he’s no longer the figure of regular influence that he was, genuine or otherwise.
I tie no particular hope to anyone. In the end this turns on whether sufficient people will resist the next push.
I'm glad to see you here Rob (c137)! :) I just discovered CJ Hopkins today.
Odd, I don't have you blocked.
I've seen that before only because for some unknown reason woodhouse76 blocked me, so I can't even like her posts about questioning the NYC pandemic numbers.
Yes... she blocks a lot of people, I noticed....
Ah ok so I figured it out.
Norman Fenton also blocked me, I can't even add him as a subscription.
I remember why he did it. Some of us called him out for his excusing Israel's actions in Gaza. Jessica is Christian and also believes in that narrative.
It's kind of a shock because Jessica and Norman were spot on about COVID.... But when it comes to a clear genocide, they're blocking people who hurt their feelings.
Ah, you too?
I've not had any arguments with her. Comments were supportive with extra info.
Who knows, maybe she just messed up and clicked the wrong button one day?
When i, finally, did install a software upgrade, i was againable to ❤️ posts. Could perhaps be that. Other people reported upgrading software workd for them too.
No, she doesn't like to be challenged..... JJ Couey called her out and then she said she was getting off Twitter... her behaviour changed right after this info was divulged..... he has done many streams about her but here is a snippet....
The only thing that matters is local. The "globalisation" is all illusion.
However... have you noticed that EVERY single of Trump's rallies ended with this classic song?:
any thoughts?🤔
The system is man made and man controlled so I disagree with the notion that "the global-capitalist empire is not a cabal of powerful individuals." The scripts for these ongoing psychological operations are being written by people within the system who are being told to maintain the system.
Unfortunately for all of us, the individuals controlling the system are not humans, but humans pretending to be humans. Psychopaths.
You know the way to stop it, CJ, and it's what you have been doing all along. Mass Resistance, mass non-compliance, and building systems that work outside of this beast system.
"I disagree with the notion that "the global-capitalist empire is not a cabal of powerful individuals"
It's actually a very small cabal consisting of the "4 Horsemen" who I refer to as "The Trillionaire Club".
They call billionaires like Musk and Bezos "Poor people with boats", and their wealth is so vast that most people can't begin to comprehend it.
"Security Expert Reveals the Secret Rulers of Our World"
“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”
― Woodrow Wilson, New Freedom
Alan Watt was talking about this 25 years ago.
Yes he was we read it, we watched it on TV, we talked about……..but we did
do anything, except fall fall into the same “money -making trap” we grew up worshiping.
As such, there is always the chance of infiltration and a takedown from within. While I agree with CJs assessment I disagree that we are blind to it. The fight never ends as long as there are criminal psychopathic predators among us
How about we agree that if there are people running at the top..they are psycopaths..and there are more than 20 percent now in the population of 50 percentat least Cluster B personalities. How about thinking just maybe..they've out bred us and they will continue until our part 9f the species is wiped out?
Telling stories is how we create reality. What kind of reality is this creating? "And I don’t see any way to stop it or fix it." That may be the reality you want to create, CJ, but it's not mine.
He's stuck in this very 1990s "resistance to global capitalism" worldview. Like all religions, it allows him to interpret everything and give it meaning. And since it's inherently pessimistic and laced with "historical inevitability" and similar marxist tropes, he can reliably and consistently reach his doomy conclusions. That's why this blog gets so boring.
Pray do show us your not-so-boring blog, Soy Boy, do share your wisdom with the audience, we're all ears.
Many thanks.
Easy there, codger. I just come here for the spicy comment section!
That'll be curmudgeon to you sonny ;-)
I was just hoping you might refrain from slandering the freedom fighters who practically put their lives on the line fighting for what you will greatly benefit from, should they be successful, should you fail to sabotage them, all while waiting to read your alternative/better thoughts on the subject at hand.
Not much to ask for really.
If you honestly think that CJ is a “freedom fighter” and not just a stale, whiny, leftish expat doomblogger with a ponytail, then let’s just agree to disagree and leave it at that.
Agreeing to disagree is always a good option.
See, we've come to an agreement after all :-)
Fully agree...yup, I too see whar CJ is comin' from an' he's not so much "WRONG" as a bit too sour (understandably given his own trials/tribulations) But imo we hew-mens BUILD our own reality just as "zey" (da baddies") wanna build it for us (by demolishin' it natch!).
The "America" we had was a STORY (indeed a GREAT one--heck they called it The American Dream) and it's also a STOREY (like of a buildin') but we all told it together (once) even tho' we had no idear that there was a swamp under the floorboards! even tho' some of the top storeys were gonna topple while the bottom rot festered. My ancestors here LIVED the American Dream an' I started out thatta way so even if my reality was flawed it was yet real--even if manufactured!
Yet it WORKED an' we didn't imagine it! We LIVED it (surely you too CJ--you couldn't a dunnit in on some non-globo-cap mountain in I dunno borneo?!) An' ditto fer the rest of the whirled that told their own STORIES an' lived purdy well on a stable STOREY fer years.
I know (f)Elon Musk-OX is a con job... but I'll say that whatever failin's DJT has--an' however a good or not so good job of ACTIN' he's doin'--we (us--we the pee-pull) kin grab some bricks, mix up some mortar an' try (indeed) ta M.A.G.A.... it will NOT be perfect! DJT has been handed literally a HUD home worth $1 but I'd ruther put the spanner in his hands than PrincessCackleberry's...
I’ve read this 4 times and still have no clue what any of this means!
Your right it’s just his opinion, some of it could well be right, but no body knows what the people are capable of, things have been overturned many of time in history.
So much truth there Mary. The stories we tell ourselves… make them good stories.
I'd argue that it is boring because destruction is always boring, those who create beauty on the other hand are rarely boring, so here's to creating beauty, I wish you a peaceful day, Grüß Gott!
You are missing the bigger picture- it’s a spiritual battle. God has allowed Satan a limited time hangout, ruler over all sinners, and persecuter of saints. We are all born sinners, born in Satan’s temporary kingdom, under his sway until we surrender to God and through Jesus (who took our justly deserved punishment)are adopted into the family of God. God is at work in people and He does answer prayer, but he will eventually allow Satan his one world government ruled by his antichrist. We are free moral agents till then. We are able to choose whom we will serve, who we will align with. If we serve ourselves, we are still in Satan’s control- for that is what he is all about. If we serve God, we can indeed make a difference and help to save the souls of many. But this whole present-day system is just a limited time hangout, it won’t last just like these bodies of ours won’t last. So “choose you this day whom you will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!”
Your perspective is ...... CORRECT! 🤓
You can be in Christ, by God's grace through faith, and live.
Or, you can choose to remain in Adam, sinful flesh, and die.
Glad you chose life in Christ!
Love you, Mary. 🙏😢🙏
One thing I don't understand is how God can be the creator of Satan, including his apparent free will, yet not be responsible for Satan's evil. Is there part of Satan that is not under God's control? If Satan *is* under God's control, why does he let Satan do evil? If Satan *is not* under God's control, how can that be, as God controls everything?
If one cannot transfer supposed knowledge to (any) skeptic and, *thereby*, convince him/her, that's not knowledge at all. That's people fooling themselves that something identifiable was transmitted because of how it "feels". Perfectly fine for expanding community with like-minded individuals, but totally useless for actually convincing, aka spreading what is, in fact, a *logic-based story* like "the Good News". Perhaps that's why spreading such "Good News" to mature societies is like scaling a cliff. Might as well use crystals, or conform to the target groups, just the way Christianity merged with pagan beliefs in Europe in order to spread it by arm-twisting.
And another thing I don't understand is why demonstration of the existence of God -- ostensibly the most important entity in the universe -- would be left to a bunch of rag-tags to evangelize us for thousands of years, yet still have convinced less than half of us (or one-seventh, if you rely only on Jesus). Why wouldn't he just open the heavens and shout "I'm here!" to the 8 billion of us? Sure as hell would convince me!
Instead we infer from the tea leaves of things like nature's beauty and all manner of metaphors and other cryptic things. And then after death, we are tortured by this infinitely-merciful God for all eternity for coming to the wrong conclusion. Go figure.
Me, I think it's obviously all genetic evolution supporting mental health during our growing consciousness, over many thousands of years. But now five centuries after the Enlightenment, devolved to greater or lesser quantities per person. Show me I'm wrong -- please!! The quantity of religious out there, now popping out again all over the place, especially among analytically intelligent ones who nevertheless seem unable to explain anything intelligible has me utterly baffled. And if I thus "don't get it", how the hell can I be guilty?!
Why this concerns me so much: Because we seem to be rushing headlong into Armageddon, which, even if "predicted" by scripture -- as time can be an illusion, after all -- says NOTHING knowable about the nature of superhuman beings. They can just as easily be superhuman, but sub-infinite, aliens, who are brazen and epic liars to us. For all I know, that's what the UFOs are about. They're back to infect more people...
Another thing I don't understand is how one comes to *know* (as opposed to merely believe) what God is and what God wants. Do you not believe, as I do, that "Man" (i.e. "all humans", for the woke and/or contemporary atheists out there) is unavoidably, and eternally, limited and imperfect? If so, how can he *know* *anything* -- *including* God?
In other words, isn't it *all* belief? Doesn't seem to matter whether it comes from a mysteriously-sourced scripture, the infinitely-varied ideas of modern godmongers, or your own experiences that are indistinguishable from hallucination. I mean, it used to be called "faith", right? But now, the evangelists come with trumpets blaring "TRUTH!", and usually in all-caps. Go figure.
Surprised by the comments here all over the place. For my part, I think this is as accurate an assessment of where we are as any I've ever read. It rings true. I am reminded of the first time I heard of Chris Hedges, when I started reading War is a Force that give us Meaning. It's not just true, it's deeply resonant, superbly articulated and comes from a lived experience.
For those who are confused, angry or missing the point of what Mr Hopkins says, he is quite clear that there is no conspiracy or cabal of evil elites required for any of this to happen. He is also clear that it is not necessary that elites are even aware of how the role they play furthers the evolution of this giant machine.
One way to summarize is to rephrase the famous quote from Thoreau: We created a system to dehumanize and instrumentalize all of nature, and thereafter the system has been dehumanizing and instrumentalizing us.
Ah, thank you! That rephrased Thoreau quote helps. I was having trouble with how it's a self-perpetuating system, even though I don't believe it could all be orchestrated by a small cabal. Thank you for sharing.
Holy Shit, CJ.. You write something as spot on as I’ve seen from you in some time and you get a legion of bible thumping Trumpets for your troubles..
LMAO!! SO true!
Good chance it's an IC op to pollute his commentary, and is not organic, as they have little reason to congregate here. (The sprinkling around of Flat Earthers with curiously sophisticated explanations is another example of community sabotage.)
We have a ruling class. They are all capitalists. They are not always unified. However, they are unified in their desire to control and exploit and otherwise do things that are harmful (or worse) to us - the vast majority people in the world.
They also have goals, agendas that increase their control and wealth that they want to accomplish. A primary control mechanism of the population is the illusion of democracy. For that illusion to be maintained it must appear to have some legitimacy in the eyes of most people. However, ruling class agendas – which of course serve ruling class interests - have a tendency of putting a strain on the credulity that people have in that illusion of democracy, that is, it’s legitimacy.
Let’s go back to the election of 2000 (US). Most people believe (in many ways, rightly) that it was stolen. However, if we see elections as a mechanism of control, then the fact that Democrats didn’t protest the obvious irregularities and outright frauds, then we can see that Bush administration was installed to prosecute a ruling class agenda. (That agenda was spelled out by the neocons, who are not the ruling class but rather cohorts that want to captain the ship owned by the ruling class.) The neocons, however, were deeply unpopular in the population (worldwide actually). This unpopularity began to challenge the legitimacy of the illusion of democracy so crucial for ruling class control. Obama’s role was to return legitimacy to “democracy.” Recall that Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize when he was only a presidential candidate, that is, when he had no actual power to do anything that might end the wars for which the neocons became so unpopular. (Incidentally, there was a sizeable peace movement in the US, from 2003 onward that completely evaporated in 2007, just based on the hopium that Obama represented a meaningful change for the better.) This was about creating an image, or narrative of restoring democratic values. Obama, in office did none of those things; he continued the neocon agenda by less obvious means (like vastly escalating drone warfare).
In my view, that is what happened in the election last week. The agenda the Democrats were installed to advance, its blatent corruption, was putting a dangerous strain on that illusion of democracy, challenging the legitimacy of the control mechanism (“democracy”). Trump is no more a threat to the ruling class than Harris would be. The 1400 point gain in the stock market the day after Trump’s victory is a clear demonstration of that.
This process I outline above happens about every 8 to 12 years (at least in the last 40 years or so). So going back then, we get 8 years of Reaganism followed by 4 years of HW Bush who had a hard on to defeat the “Vietnam Syndrome” doing a lot damage to Panama and almost destroying Iraq all with trumped up justifications.
Americans (who paid attention) were horrified and the system was “returned to normalcy” with Bill Clinton (Iraq, whose infrastructure was destroyed by Bush’s Desert Storm was prevented from rebuilding (e.g. water purification plants) quietly by Clinton’s brutal sanctions killing an estimated 500k Iraqi children, then in his second term destroyed the last genuine socialist country in Europe – Yugoslavia with his RTP (Responsibility to Protect) ideology, while most Americans were focused on the Monica Lewinsky scandal (i.e. that's what it was for).
Then W is installed, rinse, repeat…
Because, "we are many, they are few." Up to now and throughout history, the PTB have not had the capacity to control us by force. So they have had to use softer means: religion, belief in the illusion of democracy, ideology, propaganda, fear of some enemy (communism), or invented pathogen to control the population. This is why digital ID's and CBDC's are so dangerous: they can turn off access to our own money, ability to travel, work, connect with friends/family or just live normally. As we get closer to the mass implementation of those forms of digital control, you can see - as with the Covid scam - they are more openly showing their totalitarian hand.
The words in quotation above come from the last lines of a poem by Percy Bhysse Shelley from 1819:
"Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number,
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you –
Ye are many – they are few.’
There's a long and rich history of people fighting ruling class control. I must presume you have no interest. Lumpen.
Sometimes just knowing what is happening is empowering even though we are powerless to influence or completely understand all the implications of the New Normal system as it evolves before our eyes.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas with us while you continue to suffer unrelenting persecution.
That is the biggest challenge it seems, making people aware of the issues, helping them see throught the psyops and false-flags. At this stage of the fight, I believe that "educating" the masses is the first and most daunting task ahead of us.
As long as the majority refuses, or is unable to understand that they are being culled, that they are being imprisoned, and more importantly, if they cannot understand the tactics and workings of psyops and false-flags, how are we to fight The Beast?
A very small minority is simply not enough.
CJ is doing a fantastic job of "awakening" the many, and that is prescisely why he is being targeted. Were he ineffective, the globalists would be targeting someone else who they considered more of a threat to them, wouldn't they?
The masses don't want to know. They're happy with their bread and circuses.
CJ Hopkins seems intentionally ambiguous about who we should be scared of. His essay points to the global-capitalist system as the ultimate source of fear, but he obscures this central idea with layers of narrative, sarcasm, and misdirection. The system itself, according to Hopkins, is an evolving, amorphous entity, transcending individuals or governments. He frames figures like Elon Musk and Donald Trump as pawns—witting or unwitting—of this system, ensuring that the real antagonist remains intangible and systemic rather than identifiable or actionable.
This vagueness aligns with his broader message: the futility of reducing the problem to personalities or political parties when the real power lies within an invisible, self-perpetuating structure. However, the lack of concrete detail about the system’s mechanisms, goals, or key actors may frustrate readers looking for actionable insights or a clearer call to arms. Instead, Hopkins leaves the audience with an abstract sense of dread about an unstoppable, evolving force, shifting the fear from identifiable enemies to the system’s inescapable totalitarian trajectory.
Dang, admirable clearly stated prescience well said Turfseer.
Still, I enjoyed reading it.
My only criticism is that this is a bit of an insult towards the honest arduous work that Taibbi et al did with the Twitter files. I agree that the ultimate effect may be more of a panacea than a real blow against the opponents of free speech. Still, I don't think the pool of people who were both willing and capable was large enough to consider the ones who took up the challenge as "hand-selected," and I don't think they pulled many if any punches.
He didn’t insult Taibbi, he was describing what took place. Taibbi himself has a very similar take on much of it and also admits he’d been late to covid… a perfect position to be in when being unleashed to investigate what was going on by people who might not want the full story to come out. Don’t you recall that Taibbi, being Taibbi, started to pick up on the breadth and scope of what was going on and was immediately locked out of the Twitter Files? Taibbi helped kick off the Twitter Files, he is not the Twitter Files. There is a difference in that.
I just live my life as best I can, with eyes wide open and try to be kind. Whatever happens is going to happen.
Germane to your astute article:
Elon Musk Officially Takes Over Twitter in the Latest "Genius" Con
PSYOP-MUSK Activated to Attack PSYOP-19 After Most of the Damage Has Already Been Done
Yeah, I don't know - I agree that there is a System, a Managerial Bureaucracy that just exists and grows. The Circumlocation Office made global. However, how about people just turn off their tablets and phones and go back to living as they choose? Nobody needs to buy stuff from Amazon or Temu or any other online shop. Nobody needs to pay for potatoes with a smart phone or take an injection because they have a cold. The System grows because we participate in The Modern World. We could stop. Or is that not an option?
I agree that this is a good start, but tuning out and ignoring our overlords is not an option, I'm afraid, they have started to make their move to exterminate the vast majority of us, and we are going to have to figure out a way to fight back, to wrest control of our governments, institutions and militaries out of their hands and back into ours.
Ignoring them and/or trying to live in parallel systems won't be possible, they will not just let us be, no more than the colonizers of old leave alone the indigenous populations they encountered/discovered.
Wish it were not so...
Mass resistance is the only way. I disagree with the plan of not buying from certain places- i mean logically that makes sense, but in practice, we are rapidly being impoverished and the majority of people will buy from the cheapest seller because that is all they can afford. That being said, I appreciate CJ's perspective but it ignores the power of the masses.
Just because we haven't seen mass resistance in the West in our lifetimes does not mean it's impossible. I believe Americans WILL resist en masse in my lifetime.
Not sure I'll see much resistance to the beast systems from most of my relatives and acquaintances. Most of them are still drinking the cool-aid. And most of them still seem to believe that they can reverse or prevent diseases taking medicines and vaccines loaded with toxic ingredients that are equivalent to rat poisons and snake venom. Time will tell. But I won't be expecting any type of support from folks who are in love with modern day slavery in various forms. No doubt here that these are the types of people who will be first in line to receive the brain chips.