A reminder: the Nazis may have lost the battle but they did not lose the war...they were disbursed across the global Nazis empire...with the help of the American Nazis...Now many are being settled in Ukraine...Know Your Nazis (KYN).

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Many posters on this site full well realize that Germany has been since 5-8-45, an occupied nation without any agency over their own affairs. The U$$A and the Mangy Old Lion, essentially owned by a certain private bank in City of London, a politically independent entity located within metropolitan London; have long refused to sign a PEACE TREATY with their currently controlled regime in Berlin.

Thus, the ridiculous lawfare attack on C.J. Germany resembles a whipped puppy, fearfully obedient to the dictates of their masters. Hopkins is targeted as an object lesson to smother all independent voices, journalists and ultimately each and every citizen of the collectivized, centralized West.

OTH: The Swiss are quasi-independent. It is a genuine republic, made up of an equalization of powers amongst its various cantons. However, Switzerland also happens to be the financial repository for huge numbers of the financial elite from right across the planet. It also hosts the International Bank of Settlements, the megabanking center for international financial transactions. To be best of my knowledge that institution is itself an operation owned by the aforementioned private bank in City of London.

Bribery and blackmail are the primary tools/weapons utilized by the PTB upon generally underpaid journalists. As evidenced by CIA control over a mass of journos right across the entire world; the probability of Swiss media institutions being under financier control becomes quite high. The Swiss-German speaking sorts are generally caught between an innate honesty, quite common in that culture and a mind-control impositional network which insists that all public information mediums remain "on message".

C.J., as an independent-minded genuine journalist of the old school, stands out as a threat to the mind-control nexus. Thus, he has been targeted by nefarious "Lawfare" tactics and strategies. Hopkins hardly needs my advice, as he has long demonstrated his chops. So the most I can offer, as a recovering journalist in my own right, is for him to keep on keeping on, as well as wishing for him the best possible good fortune in his struggle against tyranny.

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Oct 3, 2023Liked by CJ Hopkins

Glad to see someone in the German press come out swinging on your side CJ. At last.

That photo - you could easily audition for one of those surly sci fi spaceship/station captains!

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Brilliant. You have raised holy hell and we are deeply indebted to you for it.

Thank you Christopher (aka CJ). We will never forget

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"The whole thing feels like real-life satire."

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Boris had plenty of experience with the New Normal regime in Germany and finally drew the conclusion and moved to Montenegro. Perhaps this is the fate of many dissidents, whether it was during the rise of the Third Reich or the New Normal Reich today.

Should you also choose this path, as mentioned in the last paragraph of Boris' article, I wish you a safe journey.

Anyway, I think it's good that he publicized your case on his site, which now has a remarkable reach. The more people see and understand what's going on here, the more likely the whole sh*t will come to an end at some point. Hopefully.

Greetings from New Normal Bavaria!

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Insanity. Will AfD help push back against techno fascism?

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Oct 3, 2023·edited Oct 3, 2023

It's as if a ruling class of zebras criminalized the mention of stripes and then persecuted a donkey for pointing out their stripe-ishness.

Give 'em hell, CJ. Nazis need to be called out wherever they appear.

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Oct 3, 2023·edited Oct 3, 2023

I just sent Hessen Gegen Hetze a complaint against Sabine Sparwasser, the German ambassador who applauded the former SS soldier in the Canadian parliament last week. Hope they get right on her possible violation of section 140 of the criminal code (approving of a crime in a public meeting) and forward it to the proper authorities.

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"In my opinion, comparisons with National Socialism are poisonous in our social debate. What is particularly poisonous is that one political camp — Red-Green [i.e., the SPD and the Green Party in Germany] — uses them as a matter of course. Hardly anyone is outraged when Red-Green politicians and journalists defame those who disagree with them as “Nazis”. However, if someone criticizes the Red-Green coalition by even remotely drawing parallels to National Socialism, mass hysteria ensues. And, in the worst case, criminal proceedings." -- from the article above by Boris Reitschuster


For anyone who is even remotely observant, what is described in this article has become the modus operandi of a growing number of political parties and government organizations across the West who now use obscure, ill-defined, and highly interpretive law to slander, malign, and at worse, prosecute, (persecute) and imprison anyone who is considered the enemy of the narrative that they espouse.

It is the hallmark of a nascent, budding totalitarianism that has not been seen in the West since the 1930 and 1940s with perhaps the exception of Stalin's Soviet Union.

If things continue on this path, soon those of us who write will be scribbling historical addendums to the previous writings of the Weiße Rose and other dissident groups, written on scraps of paper, and hidden under some loose tile in the bathroom.

I suggest reading "Terror and Dissent" by Simon Miller to get a historical perspective of what our parent's generations dealt with especially in Germany, as well to the eerie similarities to the current Western government power structures which are actively attempting to suppress freedom of speech, personal liberties, and all forms of dissent - here, now - in October of 2023.

"Those who fail to study history............," well, you know, right?

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You’re an inspiration to so many, CJ! Thanks for all you’ve done so far! They couldn’t tolerate that you knew where the line was, dared to cross it, and did so effectively. Kudos to you, and I respect your decision to leave. Later, when we’ve defeated these new totalitarians, you can return like Bertold Brecht, and create your own Berliner Ensemble!

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Oct 3, 2023·edited Oct 3, 2023

This history of WWI is most instructive, in part because it was a war which did not need to happen, and also the extent to which the Entente was willing to go to keep the war going, basically robbing its own citizens to keep the war financed, running roughshod over all of the freedoms, rights, liberties and principles for which it said it was fighting to protect, and affecting a heartrendingly touching sympathy for Poor Little Belgium and also pretending to care about Muh Sacred Right Of Self-Determination while invading Greece to force a change of government and running global colonial empires themselves.

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Is it possible that driving CJ out of Germany was part of the plan all along? If so, it worked.

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calling out a government behaving like nazis will lead to them behaving like nazis

what a country!

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Is it antisemitic to call a Jewish person a fascist if they happen to disagree with the "official" security state narrative? 🤔

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The German Volk have been long traumatized. There was the starvation blockade imposed by Perfidious Albion immediately AFTER WWI in order to get the new government in Weimar to accede to the onerous terms of the Versailles treaty.

In Round Two, the psychotic drunk, Winston Churchill, under the tutelage of Herr Lindemann, an agent for that private bank in City of London, began night-time bombing of the civilian population in German cities in order to induce Hitler to respond in kind. Unable to deal with German countermeasures against their bombers in daytime raids, the RAF resorted to night bombing of heavily populated German cities, with the worst examples being the hammering of Hamburg and the devastation of Dresden, where civilian death-tolls were massive.

Immediately after WWII Eisenhower deliberately penned up hundreds of thousands of surrendered Wehrmacht prisoners in the Ruhr pocket where they were given no shelters, no food, no water, no medical supplies. Death tolls were immense.

Historically, the German trauma was essentially set in stone after the Thirty Years War, in which approximately half the population perished in that war of religion between the Lutherans and the Catholics.

A long history of suffering and bloodshed has had a devastating subconscious effect upon the group psyche of the German Volk. The ruling elite in Great Britain are primarily to blame and the City of London bank$ter dominated American regime with its Deep State keep doing their dirty deeds as well, such as the CIA devastation of the vital pipeline. Little wonder that a craven and cowardly set of pro$tilticians run Germany today.

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