A reminder: the Nazis may have lost the battle but they did not lose the war...they were disbursed across the global Nazis empire...with the help of the American Nazis...Now many are being settled in Ukraine...Know Your Nazis (KYN).

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OPERATION PAPERCLIP infested the USA with them after WW2 which helps explain why America is so fascist to this day.

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Oct 12, 2023
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Similar to stuff I already take and I never get sick. I also use elderberry extract and lots mushroom tinctures and NAC.

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Many posters on this site full well realize that Germany has been since 5-8-45, an occupied nation without any agency over their own affairs. The U$$A and the Mangy Old Lion, essentially owned by a certain private bank in City of London, a politically independent entity located within metropolitan London; have long refused to sign a PEACE TREATY with their currently controlled regime in Berlin.

Thus, the ridiculous lawfare attack on C.J. Germany resembles a whipped puppy, fearfully obedient to the dictates of their masters. Hopkins is targeted as an object lesson to smother all independent voices, journalists and ultimately each and every citizen of the collectivized, centralized West.

OTH: The Swiss are quasi-independent. It is a genuine republic, made up of an equalization of powers amongst its various cantons. However, Switzerland also happens to be the financial repository for huge numbers of the financial elite from right across the planet. It also hosts the International Bank of Settlements, the megabanking center for international financial transactions. To be best of my knowledge that institution is itself an operation owned by the aforementioned private bank in City of London.

Bribery and blackmail are the primary tools/weapons utilized by the PTB upon generally underpaid journalists. As evidenced by CIA control over a mass of journos right across the entire world; the probability of Swiss media institutions being under financier control becomes quite high. The Swiss-German speaking sorts are generally caught between an innate honesty, quite common in that culture and a mind-control impositional network which insists that all public information mediums remain "on message".

C.J., as an independent-minded genuine journalist of the old school, stands out as a threat to the mind-control nexus. Thus, he has been targeted by nefarious "Lawfare" tactics and strategies. Hopkins hardly needs my advice, as he has long demonstrated his chops. So the most I can offer, as a recovering journalist in my own right, is for him to keep on keeping on, as well as wishing for him the best possible good fortune in his struggle against tyranny.

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Yes, if only the german folk new their own history...

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The International Bank of Settlements was in conflict with the Rothschilds in the early 1930s. Likely that the 2nd backed Hitler in their war with each other. I'm not sure what this means for current ownership.

The Swiss also have no control over the BIS. Like the Vatican in Rome, GAVI also in Switzerland or indeed the City of London.

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Glad to see someone in the German press come out swinging on your side CJ. At last.

That photo - you could easily audition for one of those surly sci fi spaceship/station captains!

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I was thinking peg leg, pipe, and ye old cap'n's cap, but sure, star ships.

Actually, I think that look means his lower bound expectation of someone's stupidity has been trammeled once again.

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Ye olde (as in old times, not CJ's age) Pirate would definitely work too. Who doesn't like the romantic notion of pirates and words like Landlubbers, barnacles and all of that.

What about that keelhauling though. God that must have been an excruciating form of torture.....

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Brilliant. You have raised holy hell and we are deeply indebted to you for it.

Thank you Christopher (aka CJ). We will never forget

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"The whole thing feels like real-life satire."

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Yeah - right out of Zone 23.

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Boris had plenty of experience with the New Normal regime in Germany and finally drew the conclusion and moved to Montenegro. Perhaps this is the fate of many dissidents, whether it was during the rise of the Third Reich or the New Normal Reich today.

Should you also choose this path, as mentioned in the last paragraph of Boris' article, I wish you a safe journey.

Anyway, I think it's good that he publicized your case on his site, which now has a remarkable reach. The more people see and understand what's going on here, the more likely the whole sh*t will come to an end at some point. Hopefully.

Greetings from New Normal Bavaria!

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Boris and I disagree on some key issues but I'm grateful for his coverage and I respect the man. He speaks his mind honestly, fearlessly, and acts based on his principles (not personalities), and you always know where he stands. That is all-too-rare a quality these days.

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I can't help but feel it's a shame you are leaving. It's too reminiscent of the historical exile of dissident thinkers from Germany.

Question: Boris described your claims of parallels as "ironic". I think it's perfectly legit to draw the parallels you have frequently made in your pandemic writings. (And obviously making a comparison by highlighting parallels does not amount to claiming equivalence.)

Why does highlighting parallels have to be labelled ironic?

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I won't be leaving for a while. I'm not rich, so I can't just pick up my life and move to another country instantly. Also, I need to see the court case through to the end. And don't be too hard on Boris. I believe he and other journalists are trying to be careful about how they characterize my actions and intentions publicly, in case the German authorities try to use their characterizations against me.

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I thought this was an insightful quote:

"This tactic is unfortunately now part of the standard repertoire of the political-media complex and the judiciary."

This can be applied pretty much across all G-7 "democracies" cum "nascent totalitarian regimes" as lawfare becomes the weapon of choice to dispose of political enemies and dissident voices.

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I read Victor Klemperer's diary of the Nazi years. He documents the increasingly intrusive rules the Nazis applied to Jews. Such as banning them from public transport, certain areas, and occupations. I think CJ made a legitimate comparison when pointing out where the Covid restrictions were heading.

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Insanity. Will AfD help push back against techno fascism?

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Of course not. Ever read the party's program? That should remove doubts about what will happen when they have the say.

There is however a possiblity that has been receiving more support recently based on the unelectability of all parties in Germany. Sahra Wagenknecht - the ousted leadership member of the party "Die Linke" - is contemplating about founding a new party. If that were to be the case, especially the AfD would lose a significant number of voters, as these are deemed protest voters. The party "The Linke" can close shop - which they are about to do anyways due to their preposterous opportunism. The SPD will go down in history as the greatest losers of all German times. They might not even get the required 5% to enter Reichstag. The Green turned Brown warmongers will either be out of business, or completely irrelevant. Both SPD and 'Green' have betrayed Germany and destroyed it intentionally.

Unless a new party becomes electable, things will further deteriorate in Germany, where not enough pensioners have to dive into dumpsters to feed themselves. Billions for Ukraine and nothing for the Germans is a ticket to the gallows.

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"The Green turned Brown warmongers will either be out of business, or completely irrelevant."

I have said countless times that green is the new brown. They are fucking fascists all of them. If green energy is fully implemented it means the starvation of 7.5 billion people. It's THAT simple.

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For someone that was hopeful that Bastian and Kelly would forever spirit the green party, I am truly painfully disappointed. What a disgusting pile of brown crap this 'party' has turned into.

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It is exactly the same here in New Zealand. It is not obvious from the money trail why it is but it most definitely is.

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The German legacy parties will ban the AfD on any pretext before they allow Germany to become anything other than an American puppet.

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It would actually be very difficult for them to do it. The german constitution has quite a high threshold that needs to be applied before a party can be outlawed. Not that it would stop the left extremists from trying. But they'll probably go the funding way.

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Educate me, please. That is an honest request, BTW.

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Here is an extract from an article from the Junge Freiheit:

"The common and sometimes flippant remark among lawyers contains more than a grain of truth: "A look at the law sheet makes it easier to find the law". In the case of the media discussion about an AfD ban, Article 21 of the Basic Law is relevant: "Parties which, according to their aims or according to the behaviour of their supporters, aim to impair or eliminate the free democratic basic order or to endanger the existence of the Federal Republic of Germany are unconstitutional." Whether a party is unconstitutional and should be banned is decided exclusively by the Federal Constitutional Court. Only the Federal Government, the Bundestag and the Bundesrat can file the application


The rulings of the Constitutional Court, especially the last unanimous ruling in 2017, provide more evidence for a possible ban, especially since the court has modified its case law. The hurdles for a party ban have become higher. The ruling states that it is not sufficient for a party to be banned if it merely pursues anti-constitutional goals. Rather, there must be "concrete indications of weight" that the party can be successful. The court speaks of "potentiality". As the "sharpest and, moreover, double-edged weapon of the democratic constitutional state", a ban must be interpreted restrictively. The eight judges rely on the concept of "going out for it" contained in Article 21. According to previous case law, it was not necessary for a party to be banned to be able to realise its anti-constitutional intentions in the foreseeable future.

Another hurdle for an AfD ban is the European Convention on Human Rights, which Germany has ratified. The European Court of Human Rights also requires a concrete danger emanating from a party. An abstract threat is not sufficient. Does the German government want to spend years fighting with the AfD in European courts in view of the strengthening of conservative and right-wing currents in Europe? That is hardly likely. Rather, the AfD must fear being excluded from state party funding. In 2017, court president Andreas Voßkuhle suggested that state funding could be withdrawn from a party that is anti-constitutional but not banned. The Basic Law was amended accordingly."

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Thanks. Does anyone seriously think that the Constitutional Court will not get the message, much less the European Court of Human Rights?

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Fringe minority Canadians have appreciated Christine Anderson’s support.

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It's as if a ruling class of zebras criminalized the mention of stripes and then persecuted a donkey for pointing out their stripe-ishness.

Give 'em hell, CJ. Nazis need to be called out wherever they appear.

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I just sent Hessen Gegen Hetze a complaint against Sabine Sparwasser, the German ambassador who applauded the former SS soldier in the Canadian parliament last week. Hope they get right on her possible violation of section 140 of the criminal code (approving of a crime in a public meeting) and forward it to the proper authorities.

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Don't you know that the laws only apply to peons and not to Important People?

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"In my opinion, comparisons with National Socialism are poisonous in our social debate. What is particularly poisonous is that one political camp — Red-Green [i.e., the SPD and the Green Party in Germany] — uses them as a matter of course. Hardly anyone is outraged when Red-Green politicians and journalists defame those who disagree with them as “Nazis”. However, if someone criticizes the Red-Green coalition by even remotely drawing parallels to National Socialism, mass hysteria ensues. And, in the worst case, criminal proceedings." -- from the article above by Boris Reitschuster


For anyone who is even remotely observant, what is described in this article has become the modus operandi of a growing number of political parties and government organizations across the West who now use obscure, ill-defined, and highly interpretive law to slander, malign, and at worse, prosecute, (persecute) and imprison anyone who is considered the enemy of the narrative that they espouse.

It is the hallmark of a nascent, budding totalitarianism that has not been seen in the West since the 1930 and 1940s with perhaps the exception of Stalin's Soviet Union.

If things continue on this path, soon those of us who write will be scribbling historical addendums to the previous writings of the Weiße Rose and other dissident groups, written on scraps of paper, and hidden under some loose tile in the bathroom.

I suggest reading "Terror and Dissent" by Simon Miller to get a historical perspective of what our parent's generations dealt with especially in Germany, as well to the eerie similarities to the current Western government power structures which are actively attempting to suppress freedom of speech, personal liberties, and all forms of dissent - here, now - in October of 2023.

"Those who fail to study history............," well, you know, right?

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You’re an inspiration to so many, CJ! Thanks for all you’ve done so far! They couldn’t tolerate that you knew where the line was, dared to cross it, and did so effectively. Kudos to you, and I respect your decision to leave. Later, when we’ve defeated these new totalitarians, you can return like Bertold Brecht, and create your own Berliner Ensemble!

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I hope all Germans who have been following CJ Hopkins will do their best to pick up the torch from him.

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This history of WWI is most instructive, in part because it was a war which did not need to happen, and also the extent to which the Entente was willing to go to keep the war going, basically robbing its own citizens to keep the war financed, running roughshod over all of the freedoms, rights, liberties and principles for which it said it was fighting to protect, and affecting a heartrendingly touching sympathy for Poor Little Belgium and also pretending to care about Muh Sacred Right Of Self-Determination while invading Greece to force a change of government and running global colonial empires themselves.

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Is it possible that driving CJ out of Germany was part of the plan all along? If so, it worked.

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That's always a big possibility. CJ has to do what he thinks best for himself and his family.

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Absolutely. Once he's gone, he won't be a thorn ni the side of the government.

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calling out a government behaving like nazis will lead to them behaving like nazis

what a country!

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Is it antisemitic to call a Jewish person a fascist if they happen to disagree with the "official" security state narrative? 🤔

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The German Volk have been long traumatized. There was the starvation blockade imposed by Perfidious Albion immediately AFTER WWI in order to get the new government in Weimar to accede to the onerous terms of the Versailles treaty.

In Round Two, the psychotic drunk, Winston Churchill, under the tutelage of Herr Lindemann, an agent for that private bank in City of London, began night-time bombing of the civilian population in German cities in order to induce Hitler to respond in kind. Unable to deal with German countermeasures against their bombers in daytime raids, the RAF resorted to night bombing of heavily populated German cities, with the worst examples being the hammering of Hamburg and the devastation of Dresden, where civilian death-tolls were massive.

Immediately after WWII Eisenhower deliberately penned up hundreds of thousands of surrendered Wehrmacht prisoners in the Ruhr pocket where they were given no shelters, no food, no water, no medical supplies. Death tolls were immense.

Historically, the German trauma was essentially set in stone after the Thirty Years War, in which approximately half the population perished in that war of religion between the Lutherans and the Catholics.

A long history of suffering and bloodshed has had a devastating subconscious effect upon the group psyche of the German Volk. The ruling elite in Great Britain are primarily to blame and the City of London bank$ter dominated American regime with its Deep State keep doing their dirty deeds as well, such as the CIA devastation of the vital pipeline. Little wonder that a craven and cowardly set of pro$tilticians run Germany today.

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In this short historical summary a few details are missing: Kristallnacht, murder of Rinus van der Lubbe, anti-Jew legislation, V-1 & V-2, hunger in the occupied parts of Europe, some six Million Jewish people murdered, together with homosexuals, etc.

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Are you a fan of Mark Rutte? Your insertions appear to be a bit one-sided. Effectually, Churchill and FDR instigated WWII. That reality hardly excuses the many depredations committed by the Third Reich. It has long been said that the first casualty in any war is truth. Objectivity and balance is a rare commodity in this day and age. As an American still enjoying ever more rare First Amendment rights; I question the "Six Million " figure. According to both Polish and International Red Cross evaluations, that number can be called to question. European lands are even less free than Americans. The puppet regime in Berlin, as a single example, has imprisoned elderly individuals for "denying" the official 6 million claim. To my way of thinking, such actions are most reminiscent of the Third Reich.

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I added a few items to your story, to make it complete. As you were one-sided, I added the other side. That's all. The number of Jews (and others like homosexuals) killed is not in question. Whatever you can say about the Third Reich, it was apt at bookkeeping.

I do not agree that Churchill and FDR instigated WW2. That war was destined to happen thanks to the Versailles Treaty. Revenge is a bad advisor and the amounts that were extracted from Germany as penalties for the Great War were disastrous. The US forced the Europeans to pay the war debts, and they turned to Germany. (Austria, whose Kaiser had played such a big part in causing WW1 was left alone in this regard.)

Like you I am worried about legislation in some European countries that limit freedom of expression. It is needed, now even more than ever. That said, I was born after WW2 and will never call someone a NaZi (unless they belong to a neoNaZi group) and I will never compare a current situation to NaZi Germany. It should not be forbidden, but people should have the common sense and decency to not make that comparison.

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Agreed on the role of the victor's Versailles treaty. Perhaps you are unaware of the fact that the British maintained their hunger blockade against Germany AFTER the end of the war. Their purpose was to force the new Weimar regime to accede to their horrendous terms.

Both world wars were covertly instigated by powerful financial interests. Reason being that not only are wars the strength of the state, but they also happen to be and continue to this day, what with the U$$A's WarDefense Industry being the only viable and most profitable industry left in the land which once could proudly call itself America.

Partly due to pressure from Roosevelt, but more on his own, Churchill was in cahoots with Lord Halifax to persuade the Poles to refuse the German request to build a railroad and autobahn corridor through the Polish Corridor, in order that they might be able to have land transport connexion with the heavily German "Free City" of Danzig. The Poles were given "guarantees" from Britain and France that they would "have their backs" should there develop trouble with Germany.

The period between the onset of the war on 9-2-39 and the Ardennes offensive in May of '40 was broadly known as the "Sitzkrieg"...a telling commentary on the fact that while virtually the entirety of the Wehrmacht was deeply involved with Poland...the French and Brits essentially squatted on their butts while the Poles were overrun by the Germans and thencely by the Russians.

Churchill embodied the very concept of "Perfidious Albion", as he used RAF bombers to commit night attacks on German cities in order to provoke the Germans into responding in kind. The "Blitz" on London was massively covered by Henry Luce's "Life" magazine on behalf of his financial backer, John D. Rottenfeller. Having possession of each and every issue of that publication from its inception in 1936 to its demise in 1972; I came to the realization that the constant war propaganda in that magazine was closely calculated to fan the flames of the conflict even before it began.

Hitler was NOT the sole progenitor of WWII. Nazism is nothing more than a highly extreme example of Mussolini's definition of fascism as an amalgam of corporate and state centralized power. One example of that proclivity is current in the Netherlands, where farmers are forced off the land due to that regime's deep engagement in the concocted anthropogenic climate situation. Even one of the most "democratic" of lands suffers from media mismanagement and centralized power.

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The Netherlands is the #2 food exporter in the world. Currently this country is wondering at what price. What it means to the land they live on, to the air they breathe. Also, many Dutch want to horrible pig-farming gone, and less cruelty towards other farm animals.

If the US had not sent shipments of food to Europe after WW1, more people would have been perished. After the atrocities committed by the Germans, the winning side thought "our populations first". There was also a fear of revolutions in W-Europe - hungry people are more willing to overturn governments than people with full bellies. In hindsight, keeping food from Germany, a bad decision.

Europe was rife with anti-semitism, for a long time already. The Churches, especially the Catholic Church, have a shameful past in this regard.

Germany could have surrendered at any time, ending WW2. Instead it enlisted teenagers and young boys to continue to fight, committed more atrocities especially towards Jewish people, stopped transportation in/to Holland leading to the Winter of Hunger.

When it comes to bombing, the NaZi German Luftwaffe bombed Rotterdam, Netherlands, in May 1940. In 1937 Guernica (Basque) was bombed by Luftwaffe's Condor Legion (and the Fascist Italian Aviazione Legionaria).

It is forbidden in Germany to deny the Holocaust. The least this country could do in this regard. Furthermore, if you are an immigrant who arrived in a country, you go out of your way to not offend, not break a law. Even if you do not agree or think it trivial. I wish C.J. Hopkins had seen things that way - but he is an American.

Thank you for an interesting debate ! I am going to read up on the points mentioned by you.

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