OK, I’ve got some good news and some bad news for you, and some links to some of my recent disinformation, but let’s do the news first.
The good news is, April 2 was officially “Freedom Day” in New Normal Germany, which means the social-segregation system banning “the Unvaccinated” from New Normal society has been suspended until further notice. Also, as of “Freedom Day,” we’re only forced to wear visible symbols of conformity to official ideology on our faces (i.e., medical-looking masks) on public transportion, and trains, and planes, and in hospitals, and doctor’s offices, and various other places, but we’re allowed to enter grocery stores and purchase food and other essential items without them, as long we don’t mind being surrounded by hordes of resentful mask-wearing fanatics who can barely contain their hatred of us.
Oh, and also, right now, as you read this newsletter, the fanatics in the New Normal German parliament are revising the Infection Protection Act to enable them to order the forced “vaccination” of the entire 60+ German population. They wanted to forcibly “vaccinate” everyone, but they couldn’t get a majority to approve that, so they tried for forced “vaccination” of just adults (i.e., everyone over the age of 17), but that didn’t fly either, so now they have settled on forcibly “vaccinating” the over-59s.
The shrieking bull-goose loony in the photo above is Professor Karl Lauterbach, who is the actual Minister of Health of Germany, despite the fact that he is raving lunatic who blatantly lies to the German masses, over and over, on national television, and is totally obsessed with forcibly “vaccinating” anyone and everyone he can get his hands on, perhaps in part because Germany has spent billions on “vaccines” which are now about to start expiring. Seriously, if you don’t live in Germany, you have no idea how insane this man is, and, even if you do live in Germany, you might not appreciate how insane he is, because the majority of the German masses are just as insane as he is at this point, and are goose-stepping around with their “vaccination” passes demanding that the Covid restrictions be continued indefinitely.
But whatever … at least we’re all “free” again.
OK … so, that was the good news. The bad news is I am now a pornographer, at least according to the Twitter Corporation, which is applying ridiculous (and defamatory) “age-restricted adult content” warnings to my tweets in order to maliciously damage my reputation and income as an author.
I assume that is the Twitter Corporation’s motive, as I asked them, publicly, to provide me with evidence of anything I have ever tweeted that even remotely resembles “adult content,” or otherwise explain their actions but, of course, I have received no response. Not that I deserve a response. I mean, Twitter is a private corporation, so they are free to defame and libel anyone they want, right?
Anyway, if you are one of my old friends or colleagues who has gone New Normal but, for whatever reason, has not yet unsubscribed from this newsletter … well, you can add “pornographer” to the list of other ridiculous epithets I have been branded with since I started writing my Consent Factory essays (i.e., “Trump supporter,” “Assad apologist,” “red-brown infiltrator,” “Covid denier,” “conspiracy theorist,” “anti-vaxxer,” “far-right extremist,” “Putin sympathizer,” and so on), and sleep soundly knowing that Twitter, and Facebook, and other corporations, and the governmental entities they coordinate with are looking out for your best interests by employing slimy defamatory tactics to discourage people from reading any content that contradicts the Official Narrative of the Moment and vindictively punish those who create it.
For the rest of you … well, here’s some “age-restricted, Covid-denying, extremist, adult content” that I’ve been disinforming the public and perverting the minds of underaged persons with recently:
Interview with Trish Wood, “On the Fringe,” TNT Radio
Interview with Hrvoje Morić, Geopolitics & Empire
Interview with Julie and JP Collins, “Pull Quote,” Book of Ours
Springtime for GloboCap, my latest column, Substack, or Consent Factory
And, finally, Consent Factory Essays, Vol. III (2020-2021) will be published soon, or fairly soon. I’ll start the usual relentless promotional campaign once we get a little closer to the release date.
OK, that’s it for this newsletter. I want to let you get back to the totally objective, fact-checked news on the war in the Ukraine that Putin launched for no reason whatsoever, other than sheer gratuitous Evil, and which has absolutely nothing to do with NATO, or global capitalism, or Ukrainian neo-Nazis, or the last eight to ten years of history, and the latest on the apocalyptic plague, and the totally safe and effective “vaccines,” and whatever.
Many thanks as always to those of you supporting my work with a paid subscription here on Substack … I couldn’t be disseminating all this pornographic disinformation without you!
All best from New Normal Berlin,
Apologies by the way for the odd timing of the email release of this newsletter. I tried to post it much earlier in the day, but Substack had a weird bug, which they fixed, and advised me how to get the email out. So far, the Substack staff have been excellent in terms of communication and response to problems. I don't mean to sound like an ad, but that, and their commitment to free speech makes me feel pretty good about my decision to publish on their platform.
UPDATE FROM NEW NORMAL GERMANY - April 7, 2022 (13:20). It is a long road that has no turning. The attempt to authorize the forced "vaccination" of the 60+ population has failed in the German Bundestag. The mood in the "Covid bunker" is said to be growing increasingly ugly.